UFOs, Portals, Shadow People, other Dimensions, and non Human Entities are the focus of this interview with Mike Ricksecker, a U.S. Air Force veteran with a background in Intelligence and a degree in computer simulation programming.

With a 30 year background in researching and writing about UFOs and the paranormal, Mike is the author of the award-winning Travels Through Time, Amazon best-sellers A Walk In The Shadows and Alaska's Mysterious Triangle, as well as several historic paranormal books. He has appeared on multiple television shows and programs, including History Channel's Ancient Aliens and The UnXplained, Travel Channel's The Alaska Triangle, Animal Planet's The Haunted, multiple series on Gaia TV, and more.

Mike is the producer and director of the docu-series, The Shadow Dimension, available on several streaming platforms, and produces additional full-length content on ancient wisdom, lost civilizations, UFOs, and the supernatural on his extensive YouTube channel.


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Show Transcript

another piece of thrown to the mix there with the shadows out of the periphery and that's because our eyes are made up of rods and cones and the the rods from the sides they're more grouped around the sides of cones and more towards the front the rods Were Meant to take in more light so we actually take in more light from the periphery we actually see a touch into the infrared over there as well and so that's why you know we might see something out of the corner of our eye we turn and look and it seems like it's gone it's probably not gone though with us today is author researcher and filmmaker Mike Ricker Mike it's been a long time since you were last on the show how have you been uh been pretty busy doing really well and thanks so much for having me back Christina I always enjoy talking with you we have some great conversations it is always a pleasure to speak with you you open my mind to so many bizarre and interesting possibilities when it comes to this world and I said you know what he's been insanely busy I know he has some stuff that he wants to talk about I want to hear it let's bring him on and so here we are today doing exactly that following through on our actions and our words don't you think that's a good thing to follow through is always important it is so I'm not going to fluff around here as you've been here on the show a few times so we're gonna actually go into the deep end because I want to start off with this first question have any of your theories on Shadow People portals or time travel have they changed or shifted in the the past two years due to further research on those topics yeah know what's interesting is there has been some research that has come out here lately it's on on the quantum level in the lab but where they are actually able to at a about a 25% success rate go back and change a previous decision so that's really significant and they're looking at it in like and I don't necessarily agree with taking tactic uh but the examples they're using are well you know if uh a gambler you know threw some money down and they bet on the wrong horse the wrong team or what have you they could go back and change that decision and basically try again with a 25% success rate I I don't know if that's our best use of that type of Technology it's almost kind of a scary effect when you think of like Back to the Future and Biff tannan and what he did with the uh with the sports book but uh but yeah they have been making some progress there on the scientific level so then let me ask you this because obviously you're not agreeing with using it for gambling and I'm with you I'm with you on that one so if you had access to that technology how would you use it yeah I wouldn't go back really and and change the past I know a lot of people will look at you know there are so many atrocities that happen and yes our human history is littered with that even our Natural History is when you look at you know the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs Mount fuus certain uh Pompei you know those are horrible things that happened but we would not be here today without those things uh as unfortunate as many of them are I would go back really to watch and observe and really study the past we have so many debates as to what really happened and you know how technology was used you how far back does technology in Civilization go so I would use it as an observation tool that's actually a really interesting point not only do humans have an interest with the past that's why we have archaeology but there's also this Theory as of more recently that UFOs extraterrestrials that's a quotation marks might actually be Time Travelers they could either be evolved humans from the future that ALS also want to see what they classify as the past and that being our present do you think that theory has any credibility to it there's certainly credibil credibility to it uh where I would kind of uh draw the line is there are some of my colleagues that have started to say well all ETS and extraterrestrials are just us from the future and I have to kind want to try to pull the reins in a little bit well let's not go with all um some certainly but but you look at the history of our planet right now it's about 4 and a half billion years old we have about about another five billion before the the sun becomes a red giant and destroys the planet so we're kind of uniquely positioned right in the middle of our planet's history but our species Homo sapiens sapiens the earliest fossils we have for ourselves are about 35,000 years old we're we're we're not we're fairly young we're not that old at all uh you think about the dinosaurs you know they went extinct 64 million years ago well that's just over 1% of the entire history of the planet ago so it's in the grand scheme of the planet it's not that long even though it's very very long to us so you know millions of years from now Humanity might not even be here we may have destroyed ourselves we may have had to go colonize somewhere else we don't know what will happen but uh there's a good chance that humans won't be here but perhaps some other intelligent life form has evolved developed civilization and maybe they developed time travel technology and went back in time and that's what we're seeing or even again millions of years from now could be extraterrestrials colonizing on Earth deciding it's a habital planet for them maybe humans aren't around again uh and they in the course of developing their civilization here on Earth develop that time travel technology so still could be extraterrestrials but from the distant future so there's a lot of possibilities at play here and those things are so exciting to imagine to Muse about because like you said the possibilities are endless and especially when we couple it with our current evolution of AI at some point in time we're going to just merge with it as we're seeing with neuralink but hopefully doesn't get as bad as the Borg from Star Trek that's GNA be a hot mess but you know what if we don't destroy ourselves AI might do that for us but looking looking at that possibility what really interesting with AI in these last really in these last few months they have taken exponential strides in understanding patterns more quickly than humans by about 100 to 600% faster they found one of the Scrolls to attempt and find Plato's tomb back near right below vvus right right and so when we're looking at these things it would be interesting to see if AI will Aid the development of time travel and from your research you've looked into time travel it's one of your favorite topics and mine as well but you look at it from a different perspective in the sense of Consciousness and you actually did a show on it about a month ago dealing with black holes time travel and Consciousness and let me tell you in instant brownie points right there because all those topics mixed together Chef kiss it's amazing but for those for those that didn't watch that or or know your research on that can you run us through some interesting findings or theories that you came across yeah that that opens up a whole can of worms uh you know it does I I'm all for yeah I mean I'm all for the development of of AI um to a point we need to be responsible with it yeah we don't want to recreate The Matrix or Terminator or anything crazy like that um there needs to be some sort of responsibility but we can use it as a tool to help us with so many things on this planet we've been using AI for decades I think people kind of tend to forget that you know even our just our basic household appliance have a small degree of artificial intelligence in there um but when it comes to Consciousness and where the angle that I took this at was um so Nicola Tesla he actually had back in the late 1800s he had ideas and Concepts about artificial intelligence we don't ever think about that but he actually built what you could really call uh almost the world's first drone uh he called it a telet tomaton it was a little tiny submarine and his ideas was he built this for the Spanish American war his idea of warfare was let's get the humans out of it and just have machines fight each other and so his idea was to have this little submarine that he actually did develop and he demonstrated uh that could go out into the waters make a decision on its particular targets and choose when exactly to launch a torpedo that's artificial intelligence and this is the 1890s that he's developed this he took it a step further and said you know what I could build I could build a teletom of myself that would look like me act like me think like me make decisions just like me so he's talking about essentially building a robot of himself with artificial intelligence again in the 1890s now he was laughed out of the room uh because of these ideas and Concepts that he had but in today's day and age we're like oh yeah you know we've been doing this for a while now and then of course we have our science fiction that yeah shows us all these different ideas of where we might take that technology but um but I've always found that really fascinating with him because I believe that he was tapping into uh what I call Eternal knowledge uh Carl Young called it the collective unconscious you have the idea of the akashic records but essentially it's that Eternal knowledge of the universe that's out there so when we look at different concepts of time and the idea that all time is concurrent past present future that we're really talking about our existence here in the fourth dimension and those that are in Fifth Sixth sth eth and Beyond would be able to access time as an object like we do any three-dimensional object um I believe that he was able to Via his Consciousness tap into that Eternal knowledge that's out there he could already see he could already Envision these concepts of artificial intelligence uh he had concepts of like the cell phone and things like this and which made him too far ahead of his time but he was bringing those Concepts back with him into that day and age when you think about it like that either referring it to as the akashic records or this kind of untapped level of Consciousness it it gets a little tricky to talk about it it's a little bit of taboo just because there is this woo factor to it not everyone's going to agree with me and that's okay but for a good chunk of people they're like I don't really want to go there I want the science I want the mathematics but there are certain people in this world that are just able to tap into to this information that again is just way ahead of their time like Tesla like child prodigies like 10-year-olds that can that can beat the Masters in chess right yeah it's insane it kind of is but you know it's it's a part of our world um when we talk about I I love so Dr Hans holer who's um he did he he's kind of one of those forefathers of ghost hunting paranormal investigations and that sort of thing but he had a great quote that said there is no Supernatural world everything that exists is natural so basically when we have things like child prodigies when we have uh things that we would consider woo it's it's just things that they exist in our universe they just don't happen as often uh so we kind of chalk it up to all this you know Supernatural sort of thing but um so let's try to take the out of it a little bit and I know a lot of people Tred to look at our world um as a simulated un Universe in a computer and I I do believe we are living in some sort of sim simulation not necessarily a computer even though I have a degree in simulation programming um I believe it's something more organic or biological in nature but we can use concepts of computing and trying to describe it so if we do that and we look at uh all of time the whole universe being here as a whole so in this sense like a computer program or a even like a computer game like your um I don't know your your disc for your your PlayStation or the cartridge for the Nintendo or whatever all the information is there right the entire game the entire program is there when you access it you're running through it basically more in a linear F fashion like you know with us we're going through time in a very very linear fashion that's because there's a rule set in place that keeps the flow going so like when we talk the river of time well you know time is the water but the water isn't making itself flow it's the banks holding the water in place that's keeping the flow going if you to remove the banks then all the water would fall out and just be like a giant stagnant Pond or lake or what have you and it would be all accessible so the banks in that analogy are really that rule set that's keeping things in order and flowing in a linear fashion but all of that information is there you know the the programmers when they created the program or they created the game or whatever it is they they created the whole thing to be there and they might as like the game master or the programmer they might be able to have access from outside so outside the simulation they could access it um so in in this sense with all that information already there a guy like Tesla he was basically hacking the program so he was able to like you take the old um I don't know the old Super Mario game when you could find those like uh secret worlds and things like that like okay we'll jump above the screen and go to the secret location that you don't normally get to that's essentially what Tesla was doing was he was hacking the program or finding a back door uh in into the system and getting some of that extra knowledge that's a really interesting analogy because I think almost everyone has played Mario at least once and then you hear these rumors especially as a kid about those kind of more you have to like jump up really high and get to those little Sky levels within the level that you're already in and so I think that was just a fantastic analogy but I wanna I want to bring it back down a little bit going from the skies back to the Earth here because you also have an interest and then significant research in Shadow People and paranormal entities and so this is a question that actually sent to me and it says why do some paranormal entities appear as Shadows or light from your research yeah it's a it's a great question and you know it has to do with the way that um we're talking about a the human physiology you know the way that our eyes work we only see into a very narrow band of the entire Spectrum so these particular entities are um you know they have energy they have um a way that they are visible to the light spectrum that really is a bit foreign to us and we're just getting a a glimpse of what they are so when we talk shadow people I mean they can be a number of different things for one um you they could be they could be a human Spirit now fully manifesting into our plane of existence they could be an ET they could be an extraterrestrial they could be what we would call an interdimensional being so you know they and many other things too so it's really several different species using the same energetic modality to enter into uh our Dimension here and again we're in the fourth dimension so especially some of these that are like interdimensional beings well they're coming from you know beyond five six seven8 and so forth and so when they come into here well we're we don't fully understand our body can't register that full geometry so it's coming off to us in this sort of form you know might be a wispy Shadow could could be almost you know fully formed like a um you know look like a bean um some of these that are ETS you know might be some sort of cloaking device that uh they've instituted that just doesn't fully come off us again our eyes seen in certain uh wavelengths so uh there there's a lot of different ways that we can actually look at that there's no there's really no one way to answer that question but is there any way to decipher or like how you're aware how some show up kind of dark and while some of them show up more as like balls of light right and we could even be talking about um different things here or the idea that um well I mean one solution here um or one concept is that uh humans we we each resonate at a little bit of a different frequency and testing that was done back in the 90s um they determine that the uh human human standing resonance is anywhere between 9 and 16 Hertz we're all a little bit different these beings and entities are also resonating at different frequency so it's you know how well are you able to sync up and actually be able to see and detect this so I could be standing and I've been in situations like this before I could be standing right next to somebody or with a group of people and we're all looking at the same thing and it it comes off differently like one time there five of us standing there and we had all seen this Apparition of a little girl morph out of Shadow smoke which was you know for one already bizarre but uh you know trying to coax her a little bit closer a little bit closer and she just stayed there in the middle of this hallway and kind of looked at us uh but we all saw her a little bit differently I saw her fully formed from her head down to about her knees and then she dissipated away other saw her fully formed at her feet and then as it went up dissipated away the head and I believe that had to do with the way that each of us individually resonate and then uh what her particular resonance is or was Mike you only gave us the appetizer to that story I want to hear this whole story about this little girl give us the whole meal okay okay you want the whole thing okay so this was um oh geez this was like five or six years ago now Mineral Springs Hotel Alton Illinois and I had been running some events out there uh some little conventions and having a uh a ghost hunt afterward so this was really just winding down at the end of that was only five of us left and we were in the top floor abandoned part of the hotel in a room called Pearl's room unfortunately there was a there's a confirmed suicide in that room uh Pearl who had passed away uh back in the 60s and she is still there to this day a lot of people go up there and they're able to interact with her so we were in that room couple of guys are there doing an EVP session and I started hearing something out in the hallway so I go out in the hallway to take a look and I'm looking down the hall and all of a sudden I see this smoke start to Billow up and come toward me and at first you're thinking is is the place on fire um couldn't smell anything and and but I started doing something really strange and odd too as it's coming closer and closer it started creeping up the wall on the right hand side of the hallway creep back down back up all the wild it's coming closer and closer and then one of those times it creeped up that wall on the right hand side that's when it morphed into The Apparition of the little girl all the others by that point had uh joined me and we all trying to coax her come closer come closer where she stopped was at this Doorway to another room in the hall where there had been reports over the years of the spirit of a little girl being in that room so there were what we'd call trigger object items in there like teddy bears and toys and things like that and we were actually seeing that curl right outside the door and that's where uh that's where she had stopped uh which was really really fascinating because i' had never seen her interacted with her before all the times that I was there investigating but there she was and like I said we all saw her a little bit differently two things that I want to bring up with this story number one referring to seeing it differently this is really interesting cuz it's the same thing that goes for a lot of UFO sightings when groups of people see it they see different colors they even see different shapes with this weird object this weird anomaly in the sky and so when we couple that with the Paranormal I think it just continues to blur the line between the UFO phenomenon and the Paranormal there's a lot of similarities between the two and maybe just maybe labels are the things that confuse us we might be dealing with very similar if not the same kinds of entities Andor anomalies the second thing that I wanted to bring up here is I haven't come across that many stories of people that have had a paranormal sighting and there was Smoke involved we see it in the movies it really adds this this flare of horror and Thriller but in real life I haven't come across that many do you have a possible reason for that um right place right time I mean I I've collected so many stories over the years and I do have some of those smoke stories I kind of categorize it under the shadow Mist phenomenon um but like uh the the The Conjuring house the house at the first Conjuring movie was based off of in in Harrisville Rhode Island um the movie is very very different than what happened there but that's a location where they reported the uh the shadow smoke um the the very first television show that I had been on the haunted which is over 12 years ago uh that entity there which turned out to be a red-eyed Shadow entity one of the manifestations one particular evening was of a just large black Misty Smoky type of a shadow like it didn't fully form up into the bean itself so I have collected several of those over the years I would say um it's not as popular as say you know the full figured shadow person or what we would call the uh or like the hat wearing entities um you know those are a little bit more commonplace but uh but you do get the smoke too you do but like you said you only collected a few out of your Decades of research just just not that many now to bring up the the concept of red eyes this is something that only a handful of entities I think really possess consistently you have the yellow eyes you have the red eyes or you don't really have any um and do you feel like do the red eyes display a certain pattern from your research are they more malevolent are they bevent is there any kind of of commonalities or differences that you've possibly seen when it comes to entities with red or yellow eyes yeah it's I think this is where we as humans try to categorize and compartmentalize things that we are experiencing so okay here's a being with red eyes we tend to uh especially in our horror film culture uh we tend to you know look at things with red eyes things that are evil in nature or you know yellow might be like yellow gets used a lot for de demonic possession films and things like that um and also people reported to me you know glowing white eyes blue eyes purple eyes you could just pick a color I've probably heard a story about it um so I think it's yeah and don't happen in all of these cases a lot of times it is just a you know dark figure no eyes no face no mouth nothing it's just black like that uh so that is a good question as to why do some of these have eyes and some don't and I think we're just dealing with the different species here uh when we talk about these different shadows there's there's not just one clear cut this is what a shadow person is and that's it we're dealing with a number of different species so I think there is a species that does have eyes and and they have different colors for those eyes but I don't think the color necessarily means that um you know because you have red or because you have blue you're good or bad or anything like that I mean we have it just take humans um you have humans that are good humans that are bad and they all have you might have a good person has brown eyes and a bad person has brown eyes doesn't you know just because they have brown eyes doesn't mean they're one or the other um is the individual person in the decisions that they make I think when you place it like that it it makes a lot of sense we we do really want to see patterns that that's what humans are all about is trying to place things in categories but when you begin to pull that rug under people's feet they they stumble a little bit and then we begin to understand that maybe just maybe we don't always need patterns to understand something but it does help it it it does help us to try to start going down that path and learning and understanding but I think it's just scratching the surface there and from your research are there any specific locations on Earth where Portal activity or dimensional anomalies seem to be more prevalent such as the Bermuda Triangle or Skinwalker Ranch like where do you think we might be able to find one it's funny those the first two places that came to mind I can read your mind m a little absolutely yes you can um yeah places like that and and the reason why uh those places have that type of activity we could go Alaska triangle Dragon sea any any of like the real ancient sites of power stonehinge the pyramids um you know it's because there is more Earth Energy at those locations and there's there's a reason for that you you have the uh Earth core which is a spinning metallic ball of iron and it is uh you there is a magnetic uh force that is emanating out from that that becomes our mag magnetic Shield which helps protect us from the solar wind you we just had those fantastic Northern Lights the auroras uh a couple of weeks ago it was amazing but that was showing that our uh magnetic Shield is working because the solar wind was bouncing off into the ionosphere and creating those colors we didn't have that magnetic protection we would have been fried uh we would have been a long time ago actually but um but as that magnetism is moving through the Earth it's interacting with different metals and minerals and depending on what it interacts with and the quantity of it it's going to create different types of electromagnetic phenomena so you know you have these different electromagnetic fields here on Earth so when we talk about the ber triangle we talk about Skinwalker Ranch that's what's going on is something is there in the ground that our magnetic core is interacting with in creating these strange magnetic fields that are creating the strange phenomena usually we hear terms or ideas of there being a rip in the veil but talking about the Earth's core and using Earth Energy I think is rather interesting do you think in that case with the Earth's core it might have what could be classified as exotic matter in order to create portals or dimensional anomalies yeah whatever might be there in the ground and and certainly places like Skinwalker um there's something significant that's there that I mean yes it's it's helping to create these these rips in the veil that um it's creating different magnetic uh or electric frequencies that are basically able to give us it might be a time slip it might be a view into another dimension might be a portal that opens up that somebody disappears through and maybe they go to another dimension maybe they go to another point in time and while they're reluctant to admit it here on Earth uh science sure you know the the science backs up we have electromagnetic grid across the Earth but they're reluctant to say they're opening portals here on Earth but NASA will say out in space we do have portals and basically where that um magnetic Shield interacts with the solar wind up there there are portals I call them X points that are opening and closing and they've actually sent up satellites to study this they have not yet really found a pattern they kind of open and close randomly and at different sizes but when they do open they allow that solar wind to come in uh a little bit more quickly and they smack a little harder against the ionosphere uh so science has admitted yes we do have portals even though they they're reluctant here uh to say yeah you know stonehinge has a portal or something like that um but but it does happen the science really does back it up could you imagine if NASA said yep there's portals here on Earth that's right at Stonehenge imagine the flock of people that would go yeah and and they would just be chaotic across the board in any way that you could think it'd be chaotic it would be in ex that exact form but to continue with that thought have you come across any stories or cases dealing with portal and missing people yeah a number of them um David PES has done a lot of work in this uh Missing 411 but uh the Alaska triangle there's so many missing person cases up there uh it's just absolutely bizarre uh the number of missing airplanes and many of these cases uh are suspected to not all of them I mean people go missing out in the woods get eaten by a bear there are kidnappings so obviously not all of them uh but many of them cuz there are so many it's just uncanny so many of them are believed to be somebody stepped through a portal out in the woods because all of a sudden you know they turned around and they were gone uh where did they go that sort of thing and people that get found say you know I don't I don't know what happened because I was on the path maybe there with a friend heard a noise out in the woods took two steps off the path to take a look couldn't find what the noise was turned around and get back on the path and the path was gone so did they step into something they step up across that Veil they step into a portal some sort of Wormhole uh it's quite possible uh some of these missing airplanes and um so with the Alaska triangle television show we covered uh several of these but one of them was a large Douglas Sky Master plane from 1950 and where this went missing it was in January but it was a nice day and it was just over the Canadian border uh in around a place called snag just completely lost contact never heard from it again massive and rescue mission largest one up to that date both uh joint uh US and Canada they were actually doing some ex military exercises together at the time so they got off the exercises and they went looking for this plane nothing and yet just a couple weeks later there was a smaller plane that actually went down in that area that same area where they had last heard from the Douglas skym they would have find that immediately not a problem a smaller one so that's really bizarre and then before and after the uh the sky Master went missing there were UFO side on both side of it just before and just after so one of the ideas is that it passed through some sort of portal into another dimension or I throw out there maybe another point in time and if it did go back to another point in time let's say it went back just use an arbitrary number 500 years ago well what would an airplane if it popped into existence 500 years ago what would an airplane look like to the indigenous people of the area at that time it would have no concept whatsoever of an airplane to them it would be some massive bird in the sky very loud very thunderous in nature so is this where we're getting some of our Thunderbird legends from so um there there's a lot of different ways that we can look at these I think that's a really cool analogy to consider if these play did go through a portal and then coupling it with the idea of Thunderbirds I can dig that but there obviously when we're dealing with time travel there's a lot of issues with it according to just like basic theories and Science in the sense of if you enter through a portal or if you have a time traveling machine and you go into any point in time are you going on a different timeline are you going on the same timeline had because because then you have the butterfly effect you can have the grandfather Paradox you have all of these issues going on it doesn't mean that there may be 100% true as their only Theory but I think there are certain things to consider so if that is the case bear with me here Mike I think this is gonna be really interesting bear with me okay because then what if you have these interdimensional beings that are sharing these stories of the Thunderbird they share it to this timeline and that's how we get these these stories is that crazy to think like that or do you think it it could be possible um I don't think it's crazy to think of I know a lot of people have uh especially with our science fiction these days a lot of people have really taken that idea of a Multiverse to heart that you know there are a lot of different timelines that are out there that are getting created I do have a little bit of a hard time with that you know the idea that just because I picked up my coffee mug now I spawned off another universe because that was a decision I made I I have a little bit of a hard time with that and then people try to put rules on it well you know it's major decisions well okay so I could I could make a decision to cross the street which isn't a major decision for me but somebody making a turn onto that street maybe they have to hit the brakes you know for me to pass and then further down the road they either get into an accident or don't get into an accient that they would have previously done so just because of stopping for me to cross the street so it turns out to be be a major decision for them so so trying to play with those rules is a little sketchy um I find this coming into play I I believe generally there's one timeline that can be changed and we do see effects of of that playing out when there are changes made when people do go back in time or uh somebody experiences a time slip that and they're able to actually interact with the past for a short period of time time uh I believe I believe we do have those Ripple effects and when we talk about the something like the Mandela effect I believe that is the result of Time Travelers that haven't and I don't believe they're going back because a lot of the Mandela effect stuff that you find online is like changing and branding like fruit loops or Fruit of the Loom or um you all these different things like that Oscar Meyer and nobody's going back in time to change branding that's just too trivial but you know I believe people are going back in time and it might just be what I was talking about earlier to watch and observe and because of little things like okay your Observer is walking across the street and somebody else that's that's actually there within that time has to make a different decision based on that you start to have you know that butterfly effect uh Ripple forth and so uh we in the present we we start to feel that at some point and there are there are moments where we start to question our reality because it's like this that doesn't seem right I remember this differently and you start to find other people across the world that also remember it differently and it's it's not always these big things obvious things like The Branding there are some smaller things as well that people kind of connect on like I remember this being different and so I think that that is um the result of some of these time travel paradoxes playing themselves out for me one of the really talking things that kind of got me into the uh Mandela effect was Jane Goodall I thought she had passed away in the late 80s or in the 90s and then I found out that she was still alive and I said that's not I remembered it in school that is not what happened she had passed away decades ago and so that really that really messed me up it did I was like Am I Wrong is she wrong what's going on here yeah it's interesting um because there there was in the 1980s there was a Russian physicist um I can't pronounce his whole name but his last name was novakov and he came up with this uh self-consistency principle basically saying that while mathematically time travel is possible you couldn't actually change in anything because the the math basically wouldn't re resolve itself out properly so you had two other uh renowned physicists of the Time Kip Thorne and Joe Pinsky uh people may recognize Kip Thorne from having work with Christopher Nolan on the movie Interstellar so the two of them start having a discussion some back and forth correspondents about this and so Pinsky comes up with this idea of taking a billiard ball and shooting it through a Einstein Rosen bridge and since that's based on Einstein's theory of relativity we can actually use this in a scientific example so you shoot this billiard ball Through the Wormhole but you have the exit point of the billiard ball situated at a certain point in a direct angle to actually knock the billiard ball off course before it actually gets to the Wormhole to begin with thus how can it knock itself off course like that if it didn't enter into the Wormhole to begin with so you have a paradox and this is totally acceptable there they're on board with this okay you know we just created uh you know some sort of time travel Paradox here and I kind of when I first came across that some years back I I was laughing at it because you know when it comes to science fiction story lines we talk about the grandfather Paradox and science basically um was kind of uh shoed that off to the side saying well that's for SC you know science fiction story writers those are for time travel storylines um it's just for film and books and things like that but yet you look at the Pinsky Paradox which you know scientists are on board with the our theoretical physicist say okay that one makes sense is essentially the same thing as a grandfather Paradox but because it's a billiard ball and a wormhole it's okay but it's not okay when we're talking about a time machine and dead grandfathers the logic is not there it's not but see but to be fair people in general are not very rational they can believe one thing and not the other even though we're looking at the same thing or very similar things and that leads me into my next question where you're keev especially walking down the street and you find someone that looks exactly like you known as the doppelganger effect and so have you come across any examples where people have seen maybe even like a younger version of themselves in the same location maybe at different times maybe we're dealing a little bit with the Mandela effect we could be dealing with time travel here what what are your thoughts on this yeah I in my research uh I believe most of these not all but uh it's never all that's the thing it's never all um because there are a lot of different reasons for these things happen in our world but um I believe most of them are actually Time Slips you know doppelganger is just a German word that means double Walker and there are a lot of Legends in lore about um you know Spirits trying to mimic people or they evil twins and these sorts of things and I think that's because um you know centuries ago when people would witness these sorts of things people fear what they don't understand of course very religious uh era so it must be evil if it's not from God it must be evil that sort of thing uh was going on back at that time but when you look at some of these stories you have to start scratching your head and say I think it's something different and one of my favorite stories to tell about this is the famous poet uh German poet Gutta so in he was around late 1700s early 1800s and in one of his Works dick Tong and Vite or in English poetry and Truth uh he recounts this personal experience that he had where one day he's walking down the road toward the town of drusenheim he's having an affair with a young woman there and he's just lost in his thoughts and all of a sudden as he's walking down this road he notices this other gentleman walking in the opposite direction on the other side of the road he's wearing this gold trim gray suit catches his eye so he turns to get a better look at the guy and all of a sudden poof guy disappears he's gone and G is like whoa what the heck happened there where'd that guy go I was just looking right at him he just disappeared well he can't do anything about it the guy's gone so he notes it and continues on his way toward drusenheim well years later he's walking on that same road again in the opposite direction and he's about to come up onto that spot where that incident happened he starts to recall uh the incident and all of a sudden he realizes wait a minute I was the guy in the gold trim gray suit I'm actually wearing the thing right now I actually saw myself so to me this is it's a it's a time slip incident where he had a couple years beforehand seen himself walking the opposite direction in that suit so it wasn't really adop ganger wasn't somebody trying to mimic him or evil twin or anything like that it was just himself at two different points in time but then we have to ask ourselves okay what was the Catalyst for this what made this happen and see and I think we have to go back to the very beginning of the story when he was talking about being lost in his thoughts it's a type of meditative State and you we we kind of do this uh all the time where you know we'll zone out while we're driving we miss our turn miss our ex oh darn I got to turn around and and go back um it's not a full meditative State because if you're full meditative State while you're driving you probably get in a car accident um but it is a type of slight meditative State we do this while doing other things like mowing the lawn or doing the dishes or whatever so he's in this slight meditative State while he was walking and I believe what he was able to do was he was able to tune into his own energy his own frequency there at another point in time along that road he was able to sink up with it for just a moment got a glimpse of it and then once he fully diverted his attention to it he it snapped him out of that meditative State and broke the synchronization and that's why he lost the glimpse of it but um yeah I think when it comes to more of like these time slip time travel incidents when it comes to these call the doppelganger effect um it has more to do with Consciousness personal energy and resonance it's the same kind of thing of when people mention their Shadow People stories they usually see it from the side of their eye but when they look at it it's no like when I look at it at full view it's no longer there this is sound like a very similar story to that right in a sense and there's there's another um there's another piece of thrown to the mix there with the shadows out of the periphery and that's because U our eyes are made up of rods and cones and the the rods uh from the sides they're more grouped around the sides of cones and more towards the front um the rods Were Meant to take in more light so we actually take in more light from the periphery we actually see a touch into the infrared over there as well and so that's why you know we might see something out of the corner of our eye we turn and look and it seems like it's gone it's probably not gone though uh but there is an interesting story that um I have and I include I include both of these stories uh within my book um and that is travels through time so travels through time that's a time travel book um so story that was related to me a few years ago um there's a a young man when he was a child he had walked into the kitchen one day and there was this tall dark hooded figure standing over by the kitchen table scared him to death boom he ran out of the room so became like the hooded shadow person story of the household for a number of years he grows up as a young man and he's at the kitchen one at the kitchen table one day making himself a sandwich he's wearing a hoodie and all of a sudden he sees coming into the kitchen doorway this really short shadow figure that stops and then boom darts right back out of the kitchen and it hits him oh my God that was me when I was a kid when I was a kid I saw myself older over here by the kitchen table so it wasn't really a shadow person all along it was just himself at two different points in time but it only came off and here's of course the question is okay why is a shadow why not like GTO where he actually saw you know him himself as a gentleman and again I think it comes down to you know frequency energy resonance vibration and I liken it to like Old School radio dial like in the car these days sure we still have the dials but you kind of click click click click through the stations well back in the day you didn't have that you kind of had to fine-tune the band as it went across you know with the dial and so you could get it perfectly tuned but if you're a little bit before a little bit after it would come in kind of staticky and I think that's what was happening in this case where he had tuned into his own energy but not fully he wasn't quite there yet and so instead of coming off as like a full Apparition of himself came off as a shadow instead Mike can I say that you are killing it with the analogies today like you're making it so easy to follow thank you well and you know I I do that on purpose because I think people relate more to story sure I could throw out a bunch of facts and fig at you that you know probably just go right over your head and be like huh what did we just talk about it's not going to make sense um I I think you people relate to stories so it's like okay let's take these ideas and Concepts we'll give some examples we'll talk about some stories it's you know kind of like when I was in um when I was in school uh you know you had you say Okay history class in school people like oh names dates Wars uh you know people that sort of thing you know they're bored to tears but I was actually very fortunate to have a couple of very very good history teachers and the way that they were able to get us to actually learn was they would get up there and just tell the story so he had a world history teacher that had actually traveled the world so uh he would talk about these different locations and the history behind it while also telling us these funny stories about what happened to he and his family while they were out there and so when it got to the test time it's like oh yeah this is when they were you know walking down the street at you know in Amsterdam and this silly thing happened or whatever you know yeah so it's it story is how people can relate adding that human element it does make it a lot easier people are able to connect with it because yes facts are great we all want them but we're not able to retain it at the same rate compared to a story and speaking of which a few weeks ago we had this incredible eclipse and you looked into some rather interesting stories referring to weird things happening during eclipses so can you share any of these bizarre cases either with the Paranormal or with UFOs that manifest during that same time yeah the video that I had shared um I'll be honest Christina some of those stories are going to escape me because the video that I shared was from the 2017 Eclipse I put together a nice video of different um uh Legends and lore from uh indigenous tribes and other cultures from across the world but um what what's interesting is cultures from across the world have tried to make sense this phenomena for Millennia they know something special is happening they know that the energy changes so there might be um there might be a coyote story uh you know with you our culture uh the indigenous tribes here in America uh you know the Chinese had had their own uh different beliefs as as well you ancient Egyptians and so forth uh they would put some sort of Legend and lore behind Okay we're seeing this thing but we know the energy is you know very very different here and special things are happening and so um so we can learn a lot from from those different stories from those other cultures what kind of special things happen during an eclipse well you know for one um you know we're blocked from the Sun we're blocked from the sun's energy during that moment and all of a sudden you know the the Moon is right in the way of everything so it creates um okay we're talking before earlier about how the Earth's uh mag uh magnetosphere is protecting us from the Rays of the Sun during that time well you know there's no sun during a time where there usually is the Sun so what is really fascinating to watch during that time is what goes on with the animals you know they can sense and feel things better than we and all of a sudden it gets very very quiet the animals have disappeared they know something strange is going on so when we talk about like moments where you know you have that thinning of the veil or a moment in which you could you know maybe better open up a portal or something like that these are those moments where that can happen I don't have words for that one I think that is really darn cool just just imagine the amount of portals opening during the eclipse and no one would notice because they're all staring up in the sky staring up right exactly yeah yeah that's oh now I'm G to wait for the next eclipse and start looking for portals everywhere running around bringing my tennis shoes and just go go go yeah if you can find a place where it's 100% totality which living here in the Cleveland Ohio area we had that that was truly amazing you know once in a lifetime um yeah and like I said just the way it got so quiet and just still it it was there you couldn't hear birds you know nothing it was amazing plus okay you got the um okay the eclipse going on up there if if you lowered your eyes for just a moment you had a 360 degree sunset on top of it which was wild oh my goodness now while Birds may not be chirping during an eclipse a little birdie did tell me that you're working on a new book can you tell us about that yes um I've actually shifted gears here so my next book was going to be uh specifically on Earth Energy um travels through time is the first in the connecting the Universe series that I've started so i' figured okay you know we're going to progress from inner workings of time and the universe and the cosmos and we'll get into Earth Energy and kind of build up from there but when I was just recently out in Egypt eypt Stargates of ancient Egypt who are our second one um I just became inspired to just kind of forego I'll get back to it forgo the Earth Energy book and get into my Stargates book so uh it's portals to the Stars uh Stargates Atlantis and secrets of ancient Egypt so it' be more than just Stargates but it will get into a lot of that uh you know portal technology Stargates will get into the ideas of Atlantis and what happened there as well and some of these more hidden things that are there in ancient Egypt when will it be released give me give me a ballpark ballp Park would be holidays this year um I have to really get moving on it because I had been working on the other book and now I'm just inspired to write this other one so it's like I really need to just kind of lock myself in a room somewhere and and get to it but um but it's possible I could have it out for the holidays that's going to be a great Christmas gift I'm just gonna say it I'm to put it out there it's going to be super cool cuz the concept of portals and Stargates I mean it just captures anyone's brain their mind their imagination Mike we have a few minutes left I want to do a speed round with you asking you fun questions like these have all been fun questions but fun silly questions all right you ready let's do it okay if you could have dinner with any historical figure who would it be oh uh his historical or celebrity yeah probably you know what since I've kind of been on that kick lately Oppenheimer o okay what would you ask him on your dinner date um no I I'm really fascinated as to where his his mind went in the quantum world uh you know relating to you know ideas of course time travel on how the universe is constructed you know what his ideas on that work and really any of those guys Einstein B um Neils bore any of those guys yeah okay now if you could solve any unsolved mystery which one would you choose only one only one um I don't know black doia is a good one I think that's it's kind of been almost like a pop culture thing these days so it's like let's figure her out yeah and for those that aren't familiar with that mystery can you briefly tell us about it um yeah Elizabeth Smart it was you know a pretty gruesome um murder in the LA area late 1940s um but you know having run around in the Paranormal circles for so many years there's so much I don't know Legend of lore that's come up about her lately so it's like yeah okay I don't know that was just first one that popped in my head but there are several what do you think think is the most important piece of advice for aspiring paranormal researchers um I usually tell people you to get with a seasoned group that's been doing this for many many years and just learn learn from them don't just go based off of what you see on the television shows uh you know you'll you'll pick up some bad habits from there and I've been on several of television shows but you just kind of get a real basic General overview and so much is hyped up on this on the television show so get with a season group that knows what they're doing has a good reputation and learn all right and my last question for you is do you prefer the ocean or the mountains as you are a season traveler travel in the world all the time or would you go uh the mountains I I I appreciate a nice walk on the beach in the in the warm weather but uh um just I I can't I'm not one of those that just lays out on the beach um I want to explore and so I think there's a bit more to explore in the mountains than on the beach Mike thank you so much for taking the time to be on the show today where can people find you online to stay up to dat with your work and the release of your new book yeah uh you can find me Mike racer. com uh it's my primary website you can find all my books and everything out there um I also have my uh community and membership site connected univers portal.com and um yeah you can find my event schedule at either one of those sign up from the newsletter all that wonderful stuff and those links will be in the description box below if you enjoy the strange and the Mysterious UFOs the Paranormal encrypted this channel is for you so make sure to subscribe as I do through videos right here every single week and hit that notification Bell so you do not miss any of the bonus content I post right here

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