This show Covers:
- Howie Mandel's ufo sighting and Video
- LaserSETI installed by Grammy-winning audio engineer Richard Factor in Sedona, AZ
- Golden Globe-winning director Peter Farrelly UFO Sighting
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00:00 - Intro
01:21 - Famous Personality Films UFO Sighting
12:32 - Little Risk, High Reward, UFO Findings
20:06 - Award Winning Director Finally Shares UFO Sighting
35:54 - Outro and Credits
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Show Transcript
When hundreds of students across several continents report UFOs hovering over their schools, something unprecedented is happening. Between nineteen sixty six and nineteen ninety four, multiple mass sightings at schools left authorities scrambling for explanations. These weren't just random reports. These were detailed encounters witnessed by entire classes, documented by teachers and investigated by Harvard researchers. Most UFO cases fall apart under scrutiny, but these school incidents, they've withheld decades of investigations. Welcome to this episode of Mysteries with a History, where you'll be taken on a wild ride into the unknown, the strange, and the mysterious. Like you, I have questions, and like you, I want answers. And with each episode together, we will peel away the layers to look for the truth. Jimmy, happy Thursday, as it is every Thursday. How you doing? Man, that's just too fast. That's just too fast. You're too good. You see what I was doing? I was sitting here organized. Hello, everybody. How you doing? Christina, what's going on? Great subject this week. I love talking about this stuff. And the sightings with school children around the world have been amazing over the years. I've got some stuff that goes back pretty far today that is going to surprise everybody. But before we get to that, I've got to ask the question. What the heck? Right? Right? This one actually has a pretty good story behind it. And I'm like blushing, but I was given such a beautiful opportunity yesterday, actually. And I was invited to speak to a fifth grade class about UFOs. And I got to interact with these kids, answer their questions on the topic. I was able to interact with an amazing school teacher as well who incorporates UFOs and aliens into his curriculum. And I was so impressed by the questions that these kids were asking. Some of them, I'm like, wait, I actually never thought about that. And in my eyes these kids are going to be the future space explorers and you can't just dive into the deep end with no knowledge on ufo history because if we really do begin to interact with an alien civilization on a diplomatic level we need to know about what has taken place here on planet earth so it was an absolute honor to be able to speak with them and I thought that this episode would be perfect to really look at schools and children and teachers sharing publicly their ufo sightings and how over the decades overall their stories don't change Man, that must have been so much fun. And I'll probably never get invited to do something. I would just scare the crap out of those kids. You're going to get abducted, thrown on a medical table. You're going to be examined and probed. And it's going to be the most frightening thing that's ever happened to you in your life. If you think that it's all fun. And yeah, yeah. The kids will be sitting there. What? You know, and but that just I can only imagine how cool that was. And that would inspire a show like today. You mentioned I want to jump into this feat first, if I may, because you mentioned since nineteen sixty six. OK. All right. That's good. That's solid. Solid. but no, it wasn't the first. Check this out. Okay, we know about Roswell, we know about Kenneth Arnold, that was in the United States. All right, if we go back in history, the first documented elementary school sighting was, you ready for the done, done, done? All right, let's hear it. Seriously at Greencock elementary school in Scotland. Now a nine-year-old girl named Linda was walking home from school for her lunch break with a friend in Greencock, Scotland. They both heard a strange buzzing noise and looked up to see multiple flying saucers in the air. The UFOs were flying so low that they could see occupants inside, but they couldn't make out their physical features. Instead of feeling scared, by the way, they treated it like I guess any other kid would. You know, like seeing a low-flying airplane or a hot air balloon. You know what you do? You jump up and down and wave. You smile. You're excited. And they did all of that. And the girls said, get ready for another dun-dun-dun. You ready? The girls said the aliens waved back. Yeah, yeah, yeah. She said that the UFOs continued to follow them on their walk home as if they were being observed. Then they said they just flew up and disappeared. Now, that was nineteen forty eight, you know, and I've got to say it when it comes to children and this subject, it's one of the most intriguing parts of this because it's not that children have an imagination or make things up. All right. I also think that they're not bothered by the media as much or influenced by other things. They're younger because they can't read. Okay, because they're younger. Yeah, because that too. That's a really good point, right? And so what is it that is going on? And we should listen to the children. And we've got a lot of kids here today. And I think this is just an amazing subject to cover. I'm with you on that one. And Townie, thank you so much for the super chat. And Mike, thank you as well, because I love your podcast. We've never been alone. Thank you guys so much. If you're enjoying the show, hit that like button right down below and subscribe if you haven't already, because now we're going to really dive super deep into these cases, some of them that you've heard of and probably a handful that you haven't. One thing that I wanted to mention, Jimmy, talking about children and their imagination, And also, they're not as influenced to the media. They don't have preconceived notions, the ways that adults do. And while, yes, they like to play imaginary games, yes, they like to invent things to make their world better, which I think adults should do as well, and we forgot how to do that. When a kid is telling you a story, it's always worth listening to, either out of entertainment or there's probably something really to it. I'll give you a quick story of what happened to me. A while ago, I was interacting with this cute little girl, and she told me, yeah, right next to me is my little sister. But there was nobody there. And I'm like, this can go one of two ways, how to react. Either... I'll say like, what little sister? You're an only child. Or actually talk to that imaginary sister. Because what if it's a ghost? What if this little kid could actually see a ghost next to her? And if I just talk to her little sister, she could have kicked me in the shins. Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop. Did you talk to her? The imaginary friend? Yeah, I did. Okay. I couldn't see her. I was like, I'm not going to assume anything. We've got a brand new show, folks. We've got a brand new show. This thing just took a left-hand turn. So what did you guys talk about, Christina? She was just telling me about her little sister and I'm like, oh, that's cool. She's like, oh, she really likes X, Y, Z. And I turned to this empty space and I'm like, oh, you really like X, Y, Z. And then the, the, the, the solid child, the one that's in physical form was like, was like, yeah, my sister said this. And I'm like, ah, that is so cool. So I, what's your takeaway from that? Yeah. What's your takeaway? My takeaway is I am on the boat with kids wanting to express themselves in that way, but also to take them seriously. I think a lot of the times adults, parents don't always take their kids on a serious level. And many times we don't give them enough credit. They're actually so much smarter than we expect them to be. That's why some of the best kid movies always put the parents in like the light of being stupid. And they're like, how could you not see this? And the kids are always saving the world, right? Well, that can be slightly exaggerated. We need to give kids more credit. And with cases like these, these UFO sightings where there were dozens, if not hundreds of witnesses, their stories remained the same. They were consistent. Their drawings were consistent. And so I think at the end of the day, the biggest takeaway that I want people to leave with by the end of this show is even though kids can be wild at times, they can be imaginative. Trust what they say, because you might be in for a surprise. Oh, yeah, for sure. For sure. And just like the case in nineteen forty two. And we're going to get started here, folks. Or nineteen forty eight. I want to we're going to go in chronological order. We're going to go in order. OK, let's do that. Yeah, let's do that, because I just told you about the case in nineteen forty eight. in uh in scotland that involved two school girls all right nine years old and this next case that we're going to talk about at elder park primary uh school in in scotland also involves a little school girl as the witness and and one would think And I'm, I'm gonna go there that it's little boys with the crazy flying saucer stories, right? Well, like I just said, we've got, uh, the first reported case from involving two school girls as the primary witnesses. And we have it here at Elder Park. It was the summer of nineteen fifty two. Joan Torrance, OK, and numerous other students at Elder Park Elementary School in Glasgow, Scotland, reported seeing a metallic saucer hovering thirty feet above the school. Joan was walking home with her friends from Elder Park Primary. It was about four p.m. in the early summer. She turned around to look back at the school, and then she saw a sombrero-shaped silver saucer hanging above the building. She said that it was so large that it blocked out the sunlight, Christina. And here's a rendition of that on screen. Yeah. Yeah. It's a, it's a great rendition. Um, then the school janitor and a teacher came out to see what was everybody looking at and they looked up and started staring at the UFO. They were blown away. Joan goes home, tells her mom, what, what did you just talk about? Right. Tells her mom, her mom's like, right. And, and blows it off until her mom picks up the newspaper and the newspaper has on the front page, the headline about the town reporting the UFO, not Joan, the town and, uh, and described it as a flying saucer. Now, going back to your point as a parent. Do you dismiss this stuff? Now, the next day, Joan's mom had her mind blown and that her daughter was telling her the truth. What did they see there? Don't know. But we've got Joan, who for years continued to talk about this case in nineteen fifty two. And I think it's extraordinary. It is. And I really hope there was an apology after that of like, sweetheart, I'm so sorry. I know, right? When there's no trust in the children from the parent, they're going to have trust issues in the future. Parents are the foundation for everything for children. So it's always worth listening to what they have to say, show respect, and also show that you trust them. And in this case, she was like, oh, I don't believe you. And then reads the newspaper and she's like, ooh, darn, I was in the wrong there. Hey, Joe, would you like cake for dinner tonight? You know, as an apology, maybe some Oreos, we can do some of that. Now in this story, There was also a janitor that saw it as well, which Jimmy had mentioned. And the school didn't really have an official response. They didn't really know how to address this. And this story came and left. It came up in fifty two and then it got buried rather quickly, like a lot of the cases that we'll be covering today, which is going to be a reoccurring theme here. And if we get into our next one, because we're going to speed through these in a timely manner, of course, this next one is the Westall High School mass sighting in Australia of nineteen sixty six. This is one of the most famous Australian UFO sightings where during recess at around eleven a.m., Over two hundred people, students and teachers, reported witnessing a UFO in the sky like the drawing that we're seeing here on screen. And the sighting began when students were engaged in outdoor activities, doing their recess kind of stuff. And they noticed a silver disc flying just right overhead. And this object exhibited behaviors and they like very strange behaviors, altering between rapid movement and hovering nearly motionless. Now, this is in sixty six. So our planes can't do that. Our helicopters can't do that. And it wasn't making that much sound. Now, in this case, with all of these different witnesses, the word spread quickly throughout the entire school, bringing hundreds of witnesses to come outside to observe what was being seen. And here it says that they were seeing a kind of like silver or gray disc in the sky. It was saucer-shaped with a domed top, which we could also classify as like a hat-shaped craft. And it was approximately twice the size of a family car. And then you had a science teacher by the name of Andrew Greenwood. who is a self-described skeptic, provided a detailed account on the object's intelligent maneuvers, describing it, in this case, his description was a classic cigar-shaped craft that appeared to be under intelligent control. Jimmy, you've mentioned before over the years that depending on the angle that you're looking at a UFO, you're going to see different shapes. So while it was described by the kids as a hat shape, a saucer with a kind of a dome top, The science teacher, from the angle that he was at, he saw it as cigar-shaped. And what's really interesting about this particular case is how the school handled it because it was notably restrictive. You had the headmaster who instructed the students and staff to not speak to the media I don't know how you can have that kind of authority as a headmaster, as a principal. In today's world, principals have absolutely no respect. I don't know how it took place in sixty six, but he was like, guys, you are not going to talk to the media. You aren't even going to talk to your parents about this. This whatever you saw never happened. But it didn't get out like that. For sure. And this case is one of my top, top UFO cases in history. And I've done a lot of research into it. So let me bullet point a few things. If you go and watch, Christina just mentioned that science teacher. Excuse me. If you go and watch James Fox's film, The Phenomenon, in that film, he features Westall. And that science teacher took a picture. Now, they confiscated his camera, but he got the picture. And in that film, James Fox's film, that picture was shown for the first time. And it's pretty incredible. So there's that. And there is a documentary called Westall, the image that is up on the screen right now This is one of the images from that film. They've got a bunch that are really great. That film is so compelling. It's one of the best UFO documentaries you will ever see. And I highly recommend it. A lot of stuff is revealed in that film. And just to touch upon some bullet points, that flying saucer, after it took off from the school, went to the center of town and landed in the town square on the street multiple witnesses saw this it sat there on the street in the middle of the town square right you got the court building the clock tower the whole right and then it took off and flew away we also have the military involved with this case Not only do we have all of the students and the witnesses, but how they traveled off of... They were outside recess when this happened. So you did have two hundred students outside. What happens when something like this goes down? Well, they break off into groups. They're running in different directions. They saw all kinds of things. The disc... would alternate uh between moving quickly that uh some of the witnesses said it almost teleported it would go poof poof from one spot to another and then it would stop and hover almost completely still now the students then some of them they broke off into groups they go inside the school and they're yelling and screaming get outside there's a flying saucer And they did. The school emptied along with teachers and the principal and everything else. The UFO eventually descended in the woods over this little hill. And the kids went up on this ridge. A group of them were looking through the fence. And the military arrived. And they saw Jeeps. They saw military personnel. Don't know if they were Australian or the United States because the U.S. Air Force had a facility there in Australia at the time. And one of the next things about this case for me is that they went to the local news. They came in and interviewed people. The newspaper was there, too, as well. But the local news came and interviewed witnesses. Years later, they go back to that TV station to find the footage of the interviews from nineteen sixty six. And guess what? What? It was gone. And here's the crazy thing. In the video that I have seen of the employees of the TV station going through the library of tapes and going, everything is there. Except for Westall in nineteen sixty six. Everything is there. It's dated. It's it's it's in chronological order. Everything but Westall. It is one of the most fascinating cases. There is so much here to unpack. The other amazing thing, not only Westall, but Ariel, even like Rendlesham. The witnesses are still alive. And we can now, I think it is one, I use the word compelling so much, but you need to when it comes to UFOs. When you see the child talking and then you see them as an adult talking, talking about this experience. It is extraordinary. It goes way beyond. And we have that ability. We've done it with Ariel. We've done it with Westall. And to see how the, as an adult, how their lives were so profoundly changed. That's right. A lot of the times, it really stuck with them. They ended up getting an interest in this topic, but also a lot of them kept a very low profile, and this is a constant pattern across all of these sightings. One more thing to mention before we get into our next one that I just, I think is a crazy detail, is that the military got on the school grounds twenty to forty minutes after the sighting. That's right. That is exponentially fast uh you know what actually a little too quick if you ask me there have been well well well well okay I I did I didn't mention this um thirty minutes later some of the witnesses circled back and went to the landing site the military had surrounded it They couldn't get to it. So they were hiding in the bushes behind the fence, watching what was going on. And they said some of them are wearing uniforms. Others were wearing protective gear and were using a Geiger counter and other instruments to measure. And they also noticed, the students, that they were in an area where all of the grass had been pushed down and was discolored. And just, yeah, Westall, sixty-six. Watch the documentary. The documentary. You know what's so great about that documentary, Christina? Tell me. You get to the end and you watch it again. You do. You just start it over. There's just so much there. I have watched it dozens and dozens of times. It's so good. So West Hall, sixty six. Everybody go check that out. In that same year, oh, here's one of the witnesses when she was a child. Well, how she looks now, but she was a child who'd witnessed this. And here is the saucer rendition that was made. It's actually a playground that she helped make and get involved in. How cool is that? Our next one, during the same year, in Michigan in nine hundred and sixty-six, it's called the Hillsdale College Sighting. Hillsdale College. This is, this is, okay, we're going to get into this. But I want everybody to pay attention because Hillsdale College is one of the pivotal moments in all of ufology. And if you're a ufologist like Christina and I, this is the case. This is the case that changed the game. What happened? I want to know how you think it changed the game. I want to give this one over to you and start off with that part. How did it change everything? Two words. Swamp gas. Bam. And who created the swamp glass? Swamp glass. Swamp gas conclusion? I'm going to tell you right now because on the night of March, March, March, March, March, March, March, March, Residents of Hillsdale College's McIntyre Hall reported seeing strange lights hovering over the campus arboretum, sparking a wave of UFO sightings and that infamous swamp gas. You almost said swamp glass, didn't you? Yeah, yeah, I did. I tried. I tried to get it out. Well, you know, that would have been better. And that was the explanation for... By J. Allen Hynek. Now, several residents of McIntyre Hall, a dorm at Hillsdale College, reported seeing unusual lights hovering over the campus arboretum at around ten thirty p.m. on March twenty first, nineteen sixty six. Oh, wow. Tomorrow's the anniversary. Wow, coink-a-dink, coink-a-dink for today's show? I think not. I think not. And so they turn around, they get on the campus phone, and they call William Budd, his name is Budd, William Van Horn, the Hillsdale County Civil Defense Director. Initially, he advised them to continue to observe the object and to call again if it didn't disappear. Well, it didn't disappear. Everybody is outside. About one hundred and fifty people there observe the UFO. J. Allen Hynek shows up from Project Blue Book. He investigated the sightings and attributed them to swamp gas or methane released from marshy land. Now, here's the thing with that. And then we'll move on. I don't know of one documented sighting of a citizen about swamp gas ever in the history of everything. Right. That's it. Have you ever? No, you haven't. And you never will. But here's what came off of this case. Congressman future president Gerald Ford of Michigan called for a formal congressional investigation into the sightings. And he promised a full disclosure of UFOs and flying saucers, um, and, uh, went to Washington DC until recently that congressional hearing, uh, brought on by Gerald Ford was the last. We didn't have anything from then until last year. And that's how important Hillsdale is in ufology. And like I said, Hillsdale is important for so many different reasons, but it changed on that day in nineteen sixty six, March twenty first. Even the Michigan congressman by the name of Weston Vivian during a press conference later criticized Hynek's conclusion, stating, do you think we're that dumb to believe this explanation of swamp gas? Which Hynek then started using that all the time. It didn't work the first time. It didn't work the second time. But he kept going with it. And it's almost as bad as chasing Venus as an explanation. But in this case, there was a little bit of physical evidence because there were soil samples from the swamp in the area that was tested by Hynek and others, which showed elevated radiation and high boron content, an element used in nuclear energy, suggesting that something strange did happen. with no real explanation. And it definitely was one. You had a hundred and fifty witnesses. There was a flying saucer there at Hillsdale College. I mean, I don't, I don't, I don't dispute any of that. When you have that many witnesses, Christina, now that was nineteen sixty six. And we are going to jump into we've got a lot of stuff that we're going to cover today. Everybody, we're going to jump into the year nineteen sixty seven. But before we do that, I have a gift. gift yeah a gift because there was another crazy sighting in nineteen sixty seven right after Hillsdale right after Michigan in nineteen sixty six okay this was Whippingham primary school nineteen sixty seven two boys at the Whippingham primary school on the Isle of Wight were on the school grounds when they noticed ash and sparks falling from the sky at around eight forty five a.m. in the morning. They look up and they see a large UFO. They described it as milky white. Why? Because it was reflecting the clouds from above. Very impressive sightings. And as the day progressed, the boys looked out of the classroom window. They could still see it hovering and moving very slowly. It seemed to be out of control, losing altitude and stopping once in a while. Eventually, it just rose up into the sky and dashed away in an instant. Yeah. Nineteen sixty seven. That's a great sighting right there. And I like that description. It was a flying saucer. It was flat, but it was shiny and it was reflecting the clouds from above. So it looked like it was white. And then in nineteen sixty seven in Florida, just kind of like Miami outside of Miami, Miami suburbs. On April sixth and seventh of nineteen sixty seven, there was a UFO sighting with another set of hundreds of witnesses. But these were primarily young students and their teachers at the Crestview Elementary School. And according to a report filed with New Fork, It states that there were over two hundred children and several staff members that observed three oval shaped silver or metallic objects descending from the clouds. And witnesses described just like one super large craft compared in size to a cruise ship or even a football field. I love football field measurements. That and the sizes of Walmart. Great measurements. And it landed in a field right next to the school with two smaller craft that darted playfully around it before vanishing from view. And a fourth grade student by the name of Jonathan recalled a disc-shaped craft spinning calmly in the distance. And it... it captivated him while others kind of had it inside. They're like, okay, the show's over. But Jonathan was like, wait, no, but do you not see that one craft up in the sky? It's crazy. And this, there was another witness, a sixth grader who had also seen something and reported it. And he told his teachers about it. And some of the teachers were hesitant to address it while others were much more enthusiastic about But overall, their reactions were very frantic because they quickly instructed the students to return home immediately. But of course, kids being kids, they were like, I'm not going to go home. This is like the best show. No, you get dismissed from school. Yeah, it's a day off. It's party time. And when they interviewed the kids and they asked about the teachers and did they handle, the kids all said the same thing. The teachers didn't know what to do. They were out of control. Like I said, kids are going to tell it like it is. And that description that the main UFO was the size of a cruise ship, that's crazy to me. And to say exactly what they saw, that two other craft either came out of it or were next to it. They were much smaller and they were just flying around and then poof, straight up into the sky and disappeared. Very, very, very, very cool description of all of this. But I do like the part of the teachers running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Just go home. Just go home, have a snack, take a nap. But even though these teachers were acting frantic and we can imagine their knowledge, even in nineteen sixty seven, their knowledge on air, like basic knowledge on aircraft and how to handle the situation, they didn't know how, which is a very telling sign. And even though that took place, the Air Force said, oh, no, no, no, guys, it wasn't aliens. They were just stage flare drops. That's what they were. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And so when the teacher said, okay, everybody go home, what do boys do? they jump on their bikes and they go to the hotspot. Right. So they, they, they go straight there and there was no flying saucer in the field, but they saw where it came down. Um, but they said that the ground looked burned and that the grass was pushed down the next day. Here we go. Done, done, done. Right. You ready? I love being a ufologer. The next day, uniformed men from the government were surveying the area at the burn crash site, landing site, and local reporters from the Miami Herald interviewed the boys on the bikes. Instead of reporting the boys' testimonies, Christina, what happened? You tell me. The newspaper claimed that three helicopters had scared the teachers and students. I would be insulted. Yeah, the boys on the bikes were like, no, that's not what happened. No, seriously. That's the way it went down. This is, again, we've got hundreds of witnesses. We've got teachers and adults. That don't know what to do because they're seeing something like this for the first time. And yes, it did scare every... It scared the adults. Didn't scare the kids. Didn't scare them at all. You know, so much so that you get on your bikes and you ride straight towards it. And what was the government doing there the next day? Right? That's the crazy part. If it was just... flare drops that were scheduled which we don't even have the logs for those by the way why would they be there it wouldn't be of any significance however it was so the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing here every time and and here's for me it's always been my takeaway with this who loses their mind over a helicopter ah go home right? Who loses their mind over a blimp, over an airplane, over a hot air balloon, right? Ah, the world's ending, run, get home now, right? No, you lose your minds because you've seen something that you can't explain and your brain can't figure it out like a flying saucer. And that's the case. Android asks a great question here, and thank you so much for the super chat. It says, why do y'all think kids seem to attract aliens? Most abductees seem to have their abductions start as a child. Do you want to answer that one first? Well, it's a great question, and we were all kids once. Right. So I can only put my frame of mind into the way I treated things as a kid. And it doesn't matter if you're a boy or a girl or my group of friends or whatever. You're curious. Right. You want to go outside and see something. If you see something, you're going to run towards it. You want to go and check it out. Kids are that way. Adults, you know, we've learned stuff along the way. You know, no, I'm not taking any chances. You kids go and check it out and then come back and tell me what you've seen. That's the way adults handle it. And so would an extraterrestrial intelligence understand that and know that? I think children emit that. They glow with curiosity. And so, yeah, yeah, I think that's the way it goes down. I know that's how I would handle it. Today as an adult, I'm okay witnessing something in the sky. I had a guest on the other day in the show, and I'm okay with seeing stuff at a distance. I love it. It's fun. Do I want an alien gray to float through my bedroom wall and go, dude, come here? No, no. No, I don't want that. I have a secret for you. Come closer. Right, right, right. Now, if you're a kid, that's a bit different, isn't it? But as an adult, no, man. I'm not going to say what I have in my bedroom to defend myself. But that's probably what's going to go down. You know, I'm being serious. And kids aren't that way. Kids just aren't. No, kids don't have the perception filters that adults do that you gain over time through your experiences and your hardships. Kids are almost filterless, not only with their words and their thoughts, but also the things that they are seeing with the naked eye. They're not trying to put what... what they're experiencing in a box of, oh, it must be a helicopter. Oh, it must be a satellite. When they have very limited knowledge on that, they're going to tell you how it is. Kids' honesty is brutal and it's very honest. When someone says you don't look good in that outfit, you better change it. More than when an adult tells you, it's like, yeah, sure, whatever. Kids, yeah, you better be changing real quick because they're only telling you the truth. And so in my case, I think a big reason to why a lot of kids get so many experiences is because they're literally more open minded. They're easier to influence on kids. these kinds of things than adults that come in with all of these biases, all of these preconceived ideas where they don't when they enter a conversation, they don't really want to have their mind changed. They want to change your mind. Kids, on the other hand, They're like, okay, I'll take it. Let's see what you have. Let's see if it's good. Right. Adults aren't like that. So I think from my perspective, that is probably a big reason to why children are approached more so than adults. Before we get to our next case, I have another gift. All right. And so this is from nineteen seventy. Nineteen seventy. That last case we just talked about sixty seven. Aberdeen Elementary in Scotland, nineteen seventy. Another little girl. Right. Jane Freeman was playing at school in Scotland when she noticed a silver flying disc in the sky. Nothing remarkable happened, she says. And no one was there with her to see it. The UFO blew away. She had never thought about it before that day. She didn't think about space and little green men. She just didn't have an interest in it. But after that, suddenly she had this thirst for knowledge about life on other planets. Yeah. It's like her life changed. She never, ever thought about these things. A few years later, Her parents had moved the family to a new house in England. In the middle of the night, Jane heard a noise, looked out the window to see a UFO shaped like a swollen pancake. Her words. She was happy about it. She was laughing. She ran outside and was greeted by an alien who looked like a human man wearing a black suit. There you go. Another Jimmy Church nugget, a gift. I'd also be pretty happy to see a fluffy pancake. They're delicious. IHOP pancakes, fluffy and delicious. Can't go wrong with those. Do you do blueberry? No. I do blueberry pancakes. I don't like chocolate chip pancakes. No, they've got to be plain so you can just really enjoy the batter. I'm down with plain. No, I'm down with plain. Got to have real maple syrup, though. It's got to be real. I'm not even going to ask you what fake maple syrup is. Getting on to our next one. This one is a more popular one. And that's Broadhaven. I know many of you are familiar with this. So this one we won't spend as much time on. But this one took place February fourth, nineteen ninety seven in a small village. Nineteen seventy. Nineteen seventy seven. That's what I said. What did I say? Ninety seven. Ah, thank you for the correction. Yeah, it's okay. No, I appreciate it. So this one took place in Wales. And this is actually the most famous Welsh UFO case. Like when you hear about Broadhaven, you say, oh my gosh, duh, I know that. Come on. But this one's really interesting because it was around lunchtime where about fourteen to sixteen kids from the ages of nine to eleven were saw this craft in the field adjacent to their playground. Again, this is while they're eating. And the students described a silver cigar-shaped object with a dome top approximately forty to fifty feet long, with some accounts mentioning a flashing red light. And several children also claimed to have seen a humanoid figure in a silver suit near the object. though the figure was too distant to discern facial features. Now, what was really smart here is that those adults that heard about this case, they immediately told the children, draw what you saw. We wanna see if all of you guys can draw the same thing and that it's not your imagination. And we're seeing that image right here where a lot of them are drawing pretty similar stuff here. Here is a newspaper clipping on it. There's actually a few newspaper clippings about how this school in Broadhaven had a UFO sighting. And also, the headmaster responded by interviewing each child individually under exam-like conditions, asking them to draw what they saw and to give details on what they saw, which is, again, really smart coming from the headmaster. But the initial reaction was one of skepticism from the school, with teachers assuming it was just a prank, which is pretty sad to expect from nine-year-olds. But hey, you know... to each their own. However, the children's persistence and consistent drawing began to shift the mood for these teachers where they were first thought, guys, they'll be pranking me. It's not funny to actually these kids are telling the truth. They really did see something strange. And then more adults got involved in this to get a better understanding of what these kids saw. The media got involved and it became just the most famous Welsh case of all time. Yeah. And two points I just want to add to that. It is a huge case. But the boys said... That they described him as a man that came out of the craft, right? They said the man, they didn't say alien or anything, but they said that he was too far away, uh, to describe and that they didn't see the details of his face. And they stood by that. And I, I mentioned that only because you know what, if you're lying, you're going to add to the lie, right? If you're making it up, you're going to make it more sensational. He had antennas. He had these big bulging eyes. He had huge teeth. Whatever it is, that's what a kid's going to do. And we didn't have that in this case. But then we had another witness come forward. Independent of the school sighting, her name was Rosa Granville. She was living in Broadhaven. Soon after the craft left the school, she saw it land at her hotel. That's right. She was on the edge of a seaside cliff staying at this hotel. She said she got close enough to see a faceless humanoid man inside. And then another, she made it plural. Now, what did the boys say? They couldn't make out the details of their face. Right. And then Rosa Granville comes out and says they were faceless humanoids. Isn't that interesting? She also said that the ground where the UFO had landed was burned. And then she adds the here it is. I got to have another done, done, done. All right. She said a few days later. Two men in black suits showed up at our hotel room door. That's freaky. Yep. And started asking questions. And then they left. Yeah. Yeah. Again, it is one of the biggest cases for sure. But when you have an independent... siding of the same craft in the area independent of the initial siding that's when J. Allen Hynek says He says, I classify things differently. And the cases that I focus on are when we have more than one independent witnesses from different locations of the same sighting. And that's what he focuses on. And that's what we have here. Dun, dun, dun. Dun, dun, dun. We got a few minutes left, and we have a few more cases to cover. So, Jimmy, I'm going to let you pick. We have two more cases, and I have one honorable mention that I have to touch on. Out of the two cases that we have left, which ones do you want to address? Well, okay, let's go because we probably won't have enough time to cover Ariel. And Ariel's been covered a lot. So let's just go with the stuff that are lesser known but equally as interesting, like this one. St. Mark's Primary School in Scotland. Oh, by the way, we've said Scotland a lot. We have. Without a Scottish accent. Yeah. But isn't that interesting? Going back to the first sighting in history, right? In nineteen forty eight, nineteen fifty two. You know, it just goes on and on and on and on. Not leaving Wales out, just the United Kingdom in general. But here we go. In nineteen seventy eight, a group of schoolchildren were playing outside at St. Mark's Primary School in Glasgow, Scotland. They all witnessed a silver UFO shining in the sky. Now, they said it was hovering above the school. How many of these sightings have the UFOs directly above the school, Christina? Too many to count at this point. Almost all of them. Yes. And by the way, this image that we're seeing here, it is a rendition of what the kids saw in nineteen seventy eight. All right. Go on, Jimmy. They said one of the boys, his name was Ewan Riley, described it as being shaped like two of two fedora hats joined together. Now, again, Compared to other UFO sightings, and this is where this image that you're showing is kind of correct. You have to look at how close this is to the school children. It's a few feet above them. Not a hundred feet. That's just a few feet. Because they all described it as only four feet across, Christina. That's right. Pretty small. Yeah. So if E.T. is in there. That big? Would you say that tall? Pretty tiny. Yeah, four feet. Unless it was operated by AI, like our drones today. Could be, but don't spoil it for me. I want to see, you know, twenty little green dudes about this big. Like in the movie Men in Black? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I love that. I love that. None of the teachers witnessed this, by the way. And when the kids tried to tell them that they saw a UFO, they were brushed off. And said, you know, you guys are just making it up and you have overactive imaginations. In nineteen ninety three, many, many, many years later, Riley was interviewed by a local newspaper and he still maintains his story. He stays right on it. He says it was a UFO that they saw that day and it was real. That's the best part. And just constantly hearing these students over and over again tell the same story, stick to the overall details. But the school's response was pretty dismissive. Now, with the previous schools that we've spoken about here today, Half of them were like, be quiet, don't say anything. And the other half were saying, draw everything that you can remember. Tell me all the details. I believe in what you saw. But here, they didn't really care too much of it. And a big reason is because only kids saw this. There were no witnesses by teachers. So they couldn't really add any weight to this particular case. And that's another reason to why this case isn't spoken about as much as like Broadhaven or the aerial school, which have a lot of data to back it up. This one has significantly less data, but we know from the archives and from the witness testimony that something really did happen in in nineteen seventy eight in Scotland, which, as Jimmy had mentioned, is a constant here. There have been a lot of UFO sightings over schools in Scotland compared to other countries. While the U.S. does have a handful that we addressed today, Scotland stands out like a sore thumb as well. And, Paul, thank you so much for that super sticker test. Thanks, guys. Thank you. Thank you, everyone that's watching. Hit that like button right down below if you're enjoying the show. I have to talk about this honorable mention. We have a few minutes left. Let's go. Let me tell you. Let's go. Do I have to get ready with a done, done, done? No need. Okay. Hold on to it. And maybe if you're feeling it in your bones, maybe you can use it. A ufologer looks forward to the done, done, done. Here it is. This one took place in twenty thirteen in the northwest Heron Gay Primary School in London, where actually, I won't spoil it. There was a UFO crash that took place in twenty thirteen. Police got involved. Forensics got involved. Everyone saw it. Kids were freaking out about it. But it didn't really happen. Here's actually what happened. A really talented parent created this scene of a crashed UFO. He dressed up as the forensics guy that we're seeing on screen. He had some guy dress up as a police officer. And this was to encourage kids to talk about this. It was encouraged for... creative writing, for theater, for discussions, and things like this for this primary school. And I thought it was actually very adorable. It's very sweet having children talk about these things, getting them engaged with the visuals here. And it was also during a timeframe, twenty thirteen, where people were talking about this, but not at the same level as we are today from twenty seventeen onward. And I haven't seen another school that has taken this kind of approach to it. So that's my honorable mention. It's short and sweet. And I just thought it was just the cutest thing ever. Look at that. Just a parent made this. You had me. You had me. I did. I did. You had me. I was looking. I was like, what? What? But, okay. And then I thought you were going to tell me it was like a meteor. It was a meteorite that crashed. That would have been cool, too. Yeah, yeah. But no. It was to spark curiosity in kids. Yeah. All right. All right. All right. All right. Parent with too much time on their hands, but, um, but you had me though. You did. You had me, Christina, another great show. Um, uh, as, as we close out here, uh, we didn't mention Ariel. Ariel is so well-documented. You can go and watch, uh, many movies on it. And, uh, professor, uh, John Mack, uh, from Harvard, uh, Luckily, went out to Ariel and shot on film interviews with the students and his investigation into it and the town hall, by the way, that they did there too as well. that he spoke at. And we have that today in the historical record in, you know, in these digital transfers that are in high def, it's absolutely extraordinary. And so, although we didn't cover it today, we've covered it a lot in the past, but it needs to be mentioned the way John Mack so professionally, Spoke to the kids and the parents and to the staff at the school. It was just a great investigation. So you can go and jump into Ariel on your own. With that, Christina, I'm out of here. Another great show tonight on Fade to Black. I have Dr. Scott Kalbaba with us. He's an MD. And we're going to talk about his research into doctors that have had near-death experiences. Yeah, so I'll see everybody later. Yeah, I'll see everybody later tonight on Fade to Black. Christina, go back to Lee Tappy. And you got to say the last name for me because you say it better than I do. It's off screen. Oh, what? Oh! Mark Tassaka. I'll see you guys. What a great show, Mark. Thank you so much as well. If you enjoyed the show, hit that like button right down below. Subscribe if you haven't already. If you enjoy UFO news, updates, case studies, interviews, and more, I want to say thank you to everyone catching this show live, to all of the super chats and super stickers, all of my amazing YouTube members and Patreon members, and of course, all of my amazing moderators. You know I can't do this show without you. Before you head out, Bookmark Stay up to date as to what's going on internationally with UFO News. This is the best place to go. 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