There are many zones and areas of high strangeness across the United States where bizarre and mysterious events occur that often go under-reported by the news media. Places steeped in Native American lore and legend, places where hikers and others vanish without a trace, places where people have had shocking encounters with strange entities and monstrous creatures, as well as ghosts, shadow people, otherworldly figures, bigfoot sasquatch, UFOs, and portal wormholes. 

The Bennington Triangle is one of these places. Encompassing the Green mountain National Forest in Vermont, this area has a long history of high strangeness and vanishings. In this episode of Tales of the Strange and unexplained, I will deep dive into several of these mysterious cases. 



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They Went Missing in this Area of High Strangeness" Transcript: "(00:19) there are many zones and areas of high strangeness across the united states but it seems like certain states just have a little bit more strangeness than others and today we'll be covering the bennington triangle in vermont talking about strange disappearances cryptids ufo sightings and many other things I want to get straight into it we're not gonna dilly dally here today because The phrase the Bennington Triangle was coined by New England author Joseph Crito back in 1992, who shared the areas or the characteristics with the (01:00) Bridgewater Triangle in Massachusetts and the Bermuda Triangle. And he said, you know what, this area right here in Vermont is is having all of these strange things taking place. Let's call it the Bennington Triangle, which is just right next to Bennington, Vermont. So we got to thank this guy right here for bringing fame to that area. (01:24) And what's really interesting about Vermont, actually, before we move forward, is that it is one of the least populated states in the United States. And Vermont is 78% forest with about 4.5 million acres of forest. And it also has 808 lakes and ponds and more than 7,000 miles of rivers and streams. Another fun fact about Vermont is that billboards are illegal. (01:55) Now you know. But the next thing we're going to get into is here we have the the Bennington triangle, but kind of getting into the aspect of cryptids, but very specifically the Bennington monster. It's going to be very relevant for the rest of the show, especially when talking about those that have vanished as being a mere possibility. (02:18) Because this Bennington monster, also known as the Bennington triangle creature, which to me, I think is an absolute mouthful, is a Bigfoot type entity that lurks in the southwestern areas of Vermont. And. This cryptid in this area seems to have terrorized people since about the 1800s, if not a little bit later. (02:48) But according to the local folklore that have been passed down from the natives to the white settlers, The Bennington Monster is supposedly this huge, large, humanoid creature that roams the very dense forests and rugged mountains of the area. Because as I had mentioned a little bit earlier, Vermont is 78% forest. (03:11) That is a good amount of land. for anything to hide. Wouldn't you agree? So descriptions of this creature do vary, but it is often depicted as being between six to nine feet tall with a very muscular build, shaggy hair, and glowing red eyes. We have heard this description too many times to count if I were to be absolutely honest with you but it seems like no state and no country is safe when it comes to these kinds of cryptids they all share very similar characteristics and some suggest that the creature maybe might be possibly be (03:54) a type of bigfoot bigfoot or sasquatch while others propose it could be an entirely unknown species not connected to those creatures. So this entity, this thing, has been seen once again since the 1800s, but the more famous incidents took place in the 20th century. One of them that happened back in 1967 when a local resident by the name of Ray Dufresne hopefully I said that right, claimed to have seen a very large hairy creature lurking in the woods near Glastonbury Mountain. (04:37) And Ray described the creature as being over seven feet tall with a strong musky odor and glowing red eyes. When we deal with the smell characteristic, the smell aspect, it's very consistent across Bigfoot sightings, maybe due to their significant amount of hair and their lack of bathing. But also it might be able for them to mask their smell in the forest. (05:06) But for you and I, we think, ooh, skunk ape, my gosh, you got to go take a shower, go jump in water. one of those 7,000 miles of rivers and lakes because you need a bath. Well, there have been some other sightings, one of them that took place back in 1989 when a group of hikers reported seeing a large bipedal creature in the forest near Somerset Reservoir. (05:33) And the hikers described the creature as being covered in dark hair and having a distinctive – and I'm putting that in all caps here – horrible, putrid smell. And they reported hearing strange kind of gutting noises coming from the forest around them. When we look at the encounters and the experiences that people have had with Bigfoot in the forest in the middle of nowhere, I find this a very interesting detail, where people sometimes are minding their own business, and they hear a sound but they don't know where it's (06:15) coming from in front of them behind them on the side. And we hear this more often with Bigfoot sightings than maybe an elk or a cougar or a bear. And yes, there can still be that level of disorientation with sound. But when it comes to Bigfoot, Sasquatch, it's more consistent in these kinds of encounters. But looking at this, we still do not have any photographic evidence whatsoever. (06:45) footage as we always want. All we have right now are these particular stories of what people have related to their family, to the media as well. But one thing that is concrete is that the Bennington Monster, those sightings and stories have been passed down for generations, starting off with the natives in that area into the settlers that ended up taking that land just a few hundred years ago. (07:14) But this is kind of bringing in to our next detail, dealing with strange disappearances. And some of these you might be familiar with as they are very famous. And others you might say, you know what, Christina, I was not familiar with this one. And I love hearing that. My favorite highlight, my favorite thing of the day is hearing, I didn't know. (07:37) And I like to find something new for every single show where I say, I didn't know. Getting into our first one, actually, that I did not know about. But first, I got to preface something. Because the disappearances that took place at the Bennington Triangle were significant between the years 1945 and 1950. There were six in this triangle. (08:03) in this small area. And you know what? This is so significant because the population of Vermont back in 1950 was only a little bit under 360,000 people. That is the same population of Cincinnati, Ohio. in 2021 or 2022 and that is the entire state of vermont and and I cannot emphasize this enough 70 plus percent of vermont is forest so we're dealing with just a little sliver of a population there And so when we're dealing with six people that have strangely disappeared and strangely, I'm putting that in all bold for you, (08:49) because out of all the people that go missing, only a handful, a small percentage are classified as strange and mysterious. And here in a five year period, there were six strange disappearances. And the first one, which is actually overlooked and one that I was not familiar with until doing the research for today's show, is looking at the first case being Carl Hendricks back in November of 1943. (09:17) And. This incident is actually often overlooked in discussions about the Bennington disappearances because a body was found and there was a possible cause of death. But that cause of death is still mysterious. So let's get into that. Because Carl was hunting with his cousin Henry just over midnight. 20 miles northeast of the Glastonbury Mountain, which lies at almost the center of the Bennington Triangle. (09:52) And then the pair got separated, which is the biggest, fattest no-no of all time when you are in a forest. Well, they got separated anyway. And then Henry contacted authorities to look for Carl because he couldn't find him. He's calling them all across the forest. Carl, Carl, where are you, buddy? You know, shooting some shooting some rounds in the air for Carl to follow with the sound of the gunshots and nothing. (10:21) Carl never followed up with his cousin Henry. And so obviously there's a little bit of panic. So. Henry runs over to base camp. He goes and attempts to get into contact with the police and other authorities to look for him. And then after a few days, searchers did find Carl. Well, they found him, but not alive. (10:47) and his gun was nearby with no bullets discharged. But the autopsy, and this is what caught my attention, and it might catch yours as well, because the autopsy determined that the cause of death was squeezing. The ribs had punctured his lungs, and the townsfolk did not show any particular concern whatsoever. about the situation. (11:16) Now, why am I bringing this up is number one, Because just a moment ago, we spoke about, take a guess, the Bennington monster. For a person, another person, let's say at most they're six feet tall wearing 300 pounds or so, right? They could squeeze a person and possibly, possibly puncture some ribs or break some ribs to puncture the lungs, right? But if that had happened in the moment that Carl was with Henry and he just casually walked away, Henry might have heard some struggle, maybe some screaming, who knows what. (11:57) But for Carl to not have any bullets discharged after or during this situation, it does raise some red flags. So in this situation, right here in this moment, looking at this case, could we possibly consider that Carl was maybe squeezed a little bit too hard, shown a little bit too much love by the Bennington monster, because those entities run between six to nine feet tall. (12:26) Easily 700 pounds, muscular as can be, squeezing a person to break their ribs would be no big deal for them, right? Now, it's a possibility. We don't have the answers to that, but it's something to merely consider here. Yes, P says, oh, poor Carl squished to death. I know. And Paul says, the autopsy got my attention. (12:54) Yes, it should. And John, squeezing, not a bear hug. Yeah, I don't think a bear would be doing that because in this case, if that were to have been a plausible answer, the autopsy might have shown some scratch marks, right, from the bear claws. At least I think so. But there wasn't any of that. All we are given, the only information that we are provided, is that Carl's body just showed broken ribs that had punctured his lungs. (13:24) And you got to be pretty darn strong to do something like that. Yeah. Scientist says a lot of red flags. We've got to be looking out for those. OK, because they are rather alarming. He says Carl was sasquashed. That's a good one. That's actually very funny. Now, getting into the more famous cases, the first one being of Middy Rivers back in 1945. (13:51) Here is a newspaper clipping of that because a 74-year-old experienced hunter, experienced hunter vanished while guiding a group. That's what this man was paid to do. He would guide hunters into the forest near the Bennington Triangle. He knew that place in and out like the back of his hand, but he just mysteriously vanished. (14:22) And so even though he was a rather experienced hunting guide, he disappeared back November 12th, 1945. And his disappearance in particular has puzzled investigators and locals for decades as no trace of him has ever been found despite extensive search efforts. And on the day of his disappearance, Rivers was guiding a group of four hunters in the densely wooded area near Glastonbury Mountain, and according to the hunters, Rivers was walking ahead of the group when he suddenly vanished from sight. (15:05) And initially, the hunters just merely assumed that Riverts had simply gone out of view momentarily. But as time passed and he failed to reappear, this concern grew within them for several reasons. One, they just lost their guide in the forest. Absolutely. If you don't know what you're doing, yeah, the fear will be racking up inside of you. (15:31) Also, you just lost somebody, all right? So not only were they a guide, but just they walk up in front of you and then they just disappear. And then you look around, you call for his name. Middy, Mr. Rivers, where are you? As a guide, he should have pretty sharp ears and never leave his group behind, right? Because what if they get lost, right? You got to have the buddy system. (15:56) You got to tie rope to your waist and not be attached. He knows the rules, but he just went missing. And when we deal with these strange disappearances, and, you know, what's really interesting is that actually I was on the Michigan – Rob Bigfoot podcast yesterday, and I know I said it in the wrong order, but you know what I mean. (16:20) And we spoke about strangest appearances, and he highlighted that In moments like this, it is the first person or the last person in line that disappear. So never walk in a single file line. Instead, have the buddy system hold their hand, love them or not. If you're going to disappear, you will disappear with somebody else with you. (16:44) But when you have a front and a back, one of them end up going missing. And in this case, that happened to Mr. Rivers. So the hunters searched the immediate area for him, but found no sign, nothing. Nothing was left on the ground. There were no signals. There were no rocks. There were no breadcrumbs, nothing. And so then they immediately made their way back to the campsite, hoping that he might have returned there. (17:13) However, upon arriving at the camp, they discovered that Rivers was nowhere to be found. So then the group decided to spend the night at the campsite, hoping, praying to the Lord that Rivers would return by the morning. But let's just say they were left disappointed because when they got out of their cute little sleeping bags, ready to make breakfast, he was nowhere to be seen. (17:42) Rivers was gone. He never returned. And so the hunters reported his disappearance to the authorities, and there was a rather large-scale search operation, which include local law enforcement, volunteers, and even the U.S. Army as well. And the search party combed the dense wilderness for days, but there was no trace of the 74-year-old man. (18:09) It was just as if he vanished into thin air. When we look at these bizarre disappearances, We can throw in the possibility, maybe, at least I like to, to look at the concept of portals where maybe he just walked in the wrong place at the wrong time and he entered a different dimension, maybe even into a time slip. (18:38) Now, some might consider that a preposterous idea saying, Christina, you are off your rocker. You are out of your mind. But here, at least in our world, yours and mine, anything is possible. Nothing is impossible. And we love to consider the possibility of portals. Could this have been something that he just accidentally walked through? Is it? Scientists are looking more into the concept of portals, including time travel as well. (19:09) And as we are aware that exotic matter is required, exotic energy is required in order to create these types of portals. Mathematically, it is possible. Now, how can it happen naturally? That's a different question for a different time. I do not have the answers to that. But it's just, at the very least, a possibility when it comes to Mr. Rivers. (19:36) Which leads into our next one. So Mr. Rivers had gone missing back in 1945. This one took place in 1946. And we're talking about Paula Weldon. And she was an 18-year-old college student who disappeared while hiking on the Long Trail. That's literally what the trail is called. Remember that. Write it down. (19:59) Put it on a post-it note. We're going to get back to that because that location is so significant for today's show. Again, that is called Long Trail. Write it down. On December 1st, 1946... 18-year-old Paula Weldon, a sophomore at the Bennington College in Vermont, decided to take a day hike on the Long Trail, which is a scenic hiking route that runs through the Green Mountains, which is one of the bigger national forests in Vermont. (20:31) Now, little does anyone know that that would be the last time that anyone would see here, see her. Now, this next piece of information is important and it's something that all of us need to practice when we go out alone or even with one other person. And that is whenever you are going out into the forest, at the park, going maybe even to the grocery store, it doesn't matter. (21:00) Always tell someone where you're going and when you think you will come back. This way, someone will always be almost in check with you that if we do not arrive, they will immediately call back. 911 in order to find you. This is great practice for campers, hikers, preppers, and everything in between. Paula did that exactly. (21:29) She told her roommate saying, hey, I'm only going to be gone for a certain period of time. I'll be back by dinner. Don't worry. Don't sweat it. You'll see me later today. And so when Miss Weldon did not arrive back to her dorm to go say hi to her roommate for dinner, alarm started going off. (21:49) She's saying, okay, my girlfriend isn't here. Where is she? I need to let the authorities know. With this particular case, Apparently she had walked by a couple on this long trail and they remembered Paula wearing a red jacket, jeans and sneakers. Now you can't miss the color red. The same thing with the color yellow and orange. (22:16) These traffic cone type colors are very important when you're hiking, especially by yourself, unless you want to be in one of those deer hunting houses where you want to wear all camo. I get that. But aside from that, Wear bright colors, okay? People will be able to find you a lot easier and a lot faster. So this couple had walked past her and didn't think anything of it. (22:43) So when the authorities are beginning to do investigations, they simply cannot find her. It was so significant. during this timeframe that even her parents had hired a private investigator to attempt and look for their child. However, back in the 1980s, her father had passed away with no answer on where his only daughter was. (23:08) And this is a very devastating story. It really is. Actually, all these disappearances are very devastating and it leaves cracks and gaps in people's hearts and in their memories when they don't have a level of closure of what happened to these people. And for her in particular, someone saw her, a couple saw her, and then there was no other evidence. (23:36) Now, there have been some ideas that Paula had ran away with her boyfriend, that maybe someone had taken advantage of her and then ended up murdering her. But the body's never been found. When we deal with these kinds of stories, the possibilities are endless. But this is one of the more famous cases when it comes to the Bennington Triangle in Vermont. (24:02) Getting into our next one that only happened just a few years after. And this took place also in December in 1949. And this person that had very strangely disappeared went by the name of James Tedford. And he was a veteran who had recently returned from World War II. And he boarded a bus in Vermont heading to Bennington. (24:30) And according to witness accounts, Tedford was seen sleeping on the bus by 14 other passengers during his journey. However, when the bus reached his destination in Bennington, Tedford was nowhere to be found. Now, the driver and passengers all testified that they had not seen Tedford leave the bus at any point during the trip. (25:01) And curiously, Tedford's luggage remained on the rack and a local bus timetable was found on his empty seat. Passengers remember him being asleep on the chair, minding his own business, living his best life in his dream realm. But when the bus reached its last destination, Tedford was not there. What's the explanation for that? How can you just disappear in thin air? How can you disappear in front of 14 other passengers and not bring your luggage with you? What if he had all of his super important snacks, maybe medication, (25:42) maybe super important clothing or jackets that are appropriate for December, which is the winter time? There's a lot of questions with this particular case, and this one's actually one of the most famous disappearances when it comes to Vermont, just because there simply is not an explanation for this particular case. (26:06) It was so significant, as we are seeing on screen, that newspaper journalists were writing about it. Plus, who doesn't love a good mystery? Who doesn't love a good strange article? It doesn't matter the time frame, the 1800s up until 2024. We all love a good mystery, but it's at the detriment of one person. (26:29) And in this case, it is James Tedford. Now, just a few months after that, Paul Jepson went missing in October of 1950. And this was just an eight-year-old boy. And according to his mother to the family's pig farm in Bennington, Vermont, is that when his mother was tending to the pigs, Paul waited in his mother's truck, but... (27:03) she when she had returned which was like less than an hour of time the boy had vanished he was just gone he just walked out of the truck and went who knows where now this particular story is extra supremely intriguing because for starters all these previous disappearances were dealing with adults this one he was only eight years old but according to his father a few days prior to his disappearance he had mentioned to his parents that the mountains were talking to him But the mountains were luring him in, saying, come on, come on, (27:49) leave your family, come with me. It's at the mountain, at least. And so this... definitely set alarms in his father's head after his son went missing. Because if you have kids or if you've heard stories like this, sometimes kids say crazy things and you brush it off so quickly and you're like, oh, sweetheart, it's just your imagination. (28:13) Maybe you had too much candy. Maybe you were watching just a funny video when you have a very vivid imagination. But sometimes they know what they're talking about. And in this case, according to Paul Jepson's father, Paul had said, yeah, the mountains are calling me. I really, really want to go. Can we go? And dad's like, no, we can't go today. (28:36) We can't go tomorrow. I'm busy. So apparently, allegedly, possibly, the eight-year-old boy went on his own accord and he was never found again. When we look at these certain strange disappearances, obviously it's heart wrenching, especially when we're dealing with children that go missing. But there have also been certain cases across the world where children and adults seem to have been given a kind of message. (29:10) where they say go over go over there go enter there it's the same thing with people that have had ufo sightings and it's like something nudges them to look up they don't want to look at the sky they don't want to look at the sun but it's like something nudges them just to look up and when they do they see a ufo I have heard that so many times it's unbelievable Is it because you're in tuned with the situation? Is it because everything is as it should be? Is it because maybe some people are pre-selected to (29:45) have certain experiences and encounters? Or is it just luck of the draw? Is it just a coincidence? Is it just we're all crazy here? The possibilities are endless. Take your pick. No answer is incorrect. Actually, you're not crazy. That is the only incorrect answer here. But aside from that, I find it very interesting to hear those stories of when someone has the urge to do something to go somewhere with no real explanation, especially from children. (30:22) Now, We're going to get into our next case dealing with Frida Lander, and she disappeared October 28th, 1950, just 16 days after Paul Jepson's disappearance. And. I would really just like to mention this yet again. We have these six or so disappearances that happened in a five-year span dealing with a very small population in Vermont. (30:55) So this is significant. So Frida Lander was 53 years old and she also vanished while hiking when she was with her cousin Herbert in the Glastonbury Wilderness, part of the Bennington Triangle. And Frida, she was a very experienced hiker, had gone off the trail to venture into the wooded areas. What issue are we seeing here? This is not a safety class, but it's feeling like one. (31:30) And that is never wander off on your own. Carry a cell phone. In this case, they didn't have phones. Carry a walkie-talkie. I don't know. So attach some string to your wrist or to your waist to place it on the other person and yourself. Hold hands even if your hand is sweaty. It's not worth it to go missing unless you go with somebody else. (31:53) And in this case, she's like, I'm so experienced. I got this. Look at her now. She disappeared, but... We'll get into that in just a little bit. Because she went off the trail. She disappeared. And she failed to return, obviously. And... Particularly with this case, she disappeared in broad daylight and she only walked away a very short distance from her cousin. (32:18) And so you would think if you've ever gone hiking with someone, even if you lose someone at the grocery store or at a store, you just walk a few feet and usually you can find your person. You can either call them saying, hey, hello. Jennifer Christopher right and they'll kind of pop up you'll see their head on the side of the aisle they're like hey buddy how's it going right you have those situations and with the forests you're you're usually following a trail you're not going to go into the dense forest (32:50) and if you are hopefully you're wearing some bright colors for the other person to find you in this case Her cousin was like, if she didn't walk that far, I'll be able to find her. He didn't. He was unable to. So in that moment, he immediately goes to base camp. He speaks to the authorities. And they end up creating a search party, which included about 400 people that were policemen, volunteers, firefighters, soldiers, and even aircraft to look for this woman. (33:21) And they did not find anything. So then they called off the search. Then, seven months later, on May 12, 1951, the body was found near Somerset Reservoir in an area that had been previously extensively searched. And due to the body's decomposition, no cause of death could be determined. And that is why this is one of the cases that remains unsolved. (33:56) Looking at these strange disappearances, we've heard this before, where a search and rescue party looks in an area extensively. They don't find anything. They find no evidence. Days, weeks, months later, the body's there. Out of nowhere. Out of nowhere. Now, of course, there can be some instances where someone just drops the body off there. (34:19) Okay, we hear that. I understand that. But in many instances... you wouldn't want to leave the body where someone can find it, right? And when we're looking at the Somerset Reservoir, that's a more popular area. People go in and out of there. And so why would you wait seven months to drop off the body? You see what I mean? It's a bit odd. (34:43) We've heard it multiple times before. And in this case for Frida, it is no exception. Now, there's also been some very strange plane crashes in the area as well. Remember I told you to write down Long Trail in your brain on a post-it note because we're revising back to that. In October of 1944, a U.S. (35:05) Army Force B-24 Liberator bomber crashed. crashed on the Camel's Hump, killing nine of the ten crew members, and the wreckage, including the large wings, can still be seen near the Long Trail and the Alpine Trail Junction. There have been ideas looking at these specific mysterious triangles, have it be the Devil's Triangle, the Muta Triangle, the Bridgewater Triangle, and there are a few others to where electronics exist. (35:44) go haywire, planes crash, disappearances happen, UFO sightings take place, cryptid sightings take place more so than other locations. Can we place this triangle in those categories of these vortex type locations, these bizarre hotspots, these very mysterious areas? I'd like to say yes, because in 1969, a two-engine aircraft with five people on board, including two 11-year-old boys, crashed into Nancy Hanks Peak near Sugarbush Ski Area after flying too far east. (36:29) There were no survivors and some wreckage remains close to the Long Trail. And then in 1973, a plane crash on Mount Abraham just yards off of, guess it, Long Trail. And the wreckage of the Cessna aircraft is still visible and has become a popular hiking destination today. What is going on with the long trail in particular where you have three airplane crashes? To be fair with you, airplane crashes in itself are rare. (37:09) They don't happen often. Pilots are trained. They know how to handle very scary situations. But when you have three in just under 20, 30 years... Right. It's odd. All in the same congested area being the long trail right inside the Bennington Triangle. Someone give me an explanation, please. I would love to hear all of the theories. (37:38) I'm all ears. I got two ears and I'm using both of them. Share it. Bring it on over. Because there isn't an explanation for it. There isn't. To my understanding, I could be wrong. That's why I want you to fill in the gaps for me. But out of all of Vermont, out of everywhere, why are these crashes happening on the Long Trail? Hmm? Now, Ricky's saying bad weather. (38:11) Look, I hear you. I think that is a possibility. But when you have that many in the same location, it's a little bit hard to buy, just a touch. I think so, at the very least. Because even with bad weather, pilots are trained for those situations. And they can either have a safe landing, they can jump off parachutes, right? And a few other possibilities. (38:35) But when you're dealing with These three plane crashes and you chalk it all down to bad weather. I don't think we can place all of our eggs in one basket. You know what? I will give the benefit of the doubt to one of them. One of the three. I'm like, okay, sure. But all three of them, I don't know. (38:56) It's kind of suspicious. A little sus, if you ask me. Stargazer says, I agree, not normal for planes in exact same area unless they're dealing with malfunctions in their electronics. Maybe they are entering an area that has a high level of a certain mineral like iron or quartz. Who knows what? I know quartz probably won't make that difference. (39:27) thing happened. But maybe when we're looking at these possibilities, it just adds another layer to the strangeness on these topics. And I agree, we definitely need more data on these plane crashes. How did they happen? What was the weather like? I hear you on that one. I think we do need more data for those. (39:53) Next piece we're going to get into are the Native American legends in that area because it is always, I think, so important to hear what the locals have to say about certain areas. Locals that have lived there since birth or locals dealing with the natives and the indigenous people that I've shared stories for generations. (40:16) It's very important to hear their encounters and the stories passed down to them. And when we look back at Crito's 1996 book, Passing Strange, True Tales of New England, Hauntings and Horrors, the Native Americans in that area refused to set foot on the Glastonbury Mountain unless they are burying the dead. (40:45) Natives in particular do hold very certain mountains in their areas across the United States, actually across the world, holy or special, sometimes even cursed. And here they had mentioned holy. At least according to the book that I had just stated, they said, we are not stepping foot on this mountain unless we are putting people to rest. (41:11) Why? Because they say that the whole mountain was cursed land because the four winds met with an eternal struggle. And while, you know, most refer to this as a myth, like the four winds, what's going on here? There is some truth behind it because the wind pattern on the Glastonbury Mountain is so erratic that weather changes suddenly and plants grow at odd angles. (41:45) And so here for the natives in that area, they say, mm-mm. We are not touching this land, but also looking at the Long Trail and the Glastonbury Mountains. These planes are crashing in that area. Are they crashing because of the erratic winds? Are they crashing because of the bizarre strangeness, maybe some kind of energy strangeness there? We got to consider that as a possibility as well. (42:13) And the Bennington Triangle is situated on land once inhabited by the Abenaki Native Americans. Not the Anunnaki, but the Abenaki Native Americans. And their folklore and legends mention a stone man or the Glastonbury Giant. And this is true. Kind of different from the Bennington Monster because they say it's a spirit said to inhabit the mountains and cause misfortune. (42:50) With previous stories that we've covered and read, Folklore dealing with the natives and Bigfoot, Sasquatch, however you wish to address them, they're usually the protectors of the land. In this case, looking at the Stone Man or the Glastonbury Giant, they're bringing them misfortune. They're not protecting nobody or nothing, at least according to the native folklore. (43:18) So according to legend, the tribe cursed the land after experiencing conflict with the white settlers. And the stone man are these very strange looking, almost like Bigfoot entity, seven, eight, nine feet tall, huge and burly, but with rocky features. Isn't that insane? So we're not dealing with these more ape like creatures. (43:48) but they have very sharp sharp structures very gray looking very rocky looking uh we've probably heard it in oh gosh what is it on the tip of my tongue the movie with this rock superhero guy is it fantastic five fantastic four I think so I think that is the one we're talking about. That's what came to mind when reading up on the stone man. (44:19) And maybe just maybe they got some inspiration from that. And also looking at the Glastonbury Giant, they are two very similar, if not the same entities that are on this forbidden mountain, really pushing away settlers and natives from getting on their territory. And it's believed that these entities or these almost elemental spirits dwell and warned against venturing into their area. (44:54) There's also stories of strange lights and bizarre UFO sightings that we're going to get into next. There were a few that took place in the 1960s and all the way up until 1994. And yes, there are still stories. Some are still happening today. So looking at the 1960s in particular, there have been multiple reports of strange lights and UFOs emerging during this time frame, this decade, often described as glowing orbs or disc-shaped objects hovering silently in the sky. (45:38) And then in 1973, a family camping near Glastonbury Mountain claimed to have witnessed a large triangular object with flashing lights descending toward the ground before disappearing. And then in 1994, a group of hikers reported seeing a bright spherical object moving erratically above the treetops before also vanishing suddenly. (46:10) Now, I think this is a great time to answer the poll on YouTube if you are watching this live, where it's along the lines of, would you hike alone, unarmed, at the Green Mountain National Forest. Knowing these stories now, knowing these encounters that so many people have had in the past, would you go? Would you risk it for a biscuit? Let me know in the comments, let me know in the live chat, and please answer that poll as well. (46:48) And, of course, if you're enjoying the show, hit that like button and subscribe if you haven't already as we do several live shows right here every single week. Plus, we got one tomorrow and on Friday live. Make sure to hit that notification bell so you do not miss those live shows. All Work Low Pay says, I mean, for a biscuit? yeah biscuits are delicious with maple syrup and with eggs I'm not too fond to have biscuits with gravy that's that's not me but maple syrup yeah it's pretty good stuff which (47:26) vermont makes the most maple syrup in the united states and they met which is actually really funny is that Vermont, the state of Vermont measured the amount of maple syrup that they make is the equivalent of like 40,000 bathtub full of maple syrup. I think the measurements that we use here in the States, it's mind blowing. (47:53) Like people need to know how big a UFO is by the size of Walmarts or football fields. Now we're using bathtubs as measurements. I don't even understand the measurement of an Olympic swimming pool. People use that. They throw that at me and I'm like, I don't even know how big that is. let alone a bathtub. (48:12) In this case, 40,000 bathtubs of maple syrup. I love it. I love it so much. So Cal says, I love maple anything. Maple cookies, maple syrup in like drinks. Yeah, maple syrup on obviously pancakes and eggs. Yes, so good. Chris says, at least it's better than a football field. At least we know a football field is 100 yards. (48:43) We know that, an American football field at least. Now, dealing with Walmarts, I don't know. Is it a super Walmart? Is it a regular-sized Walmart? What are we looking at here? All right, getting into our next one. is also kind of looking at a more specific UFO sighting because this was written in the book Encounter at Buff Lodge, a UFO case by Walter Webb. (49:13) First of all, that is a very cool name. And He conducted a phone call shockingly on Halloween back in 1978 with a 16 year old by the name of Michael Lapp, recounting a bizarre experience that had allegedly taken place a decade earlier. at Buff Ledge Camp in Vermont, meaning that Michael would have been six years old. (49:40) Now, I'm a little shocked between you and me why a 16-year-old on Halloween is calling a researcher about his experiences. That does not fly today. But this took place back in 1978, so maybe the rules were different. But the call plunged this UFO investigator, Walter Webb, into a five year probe of what he described as an eerie mystery at the camp. (50:07) So according to Webb's account in his book, Michael had a 19 year old camp counselor at the time. by the name of Janet Cornell, and they were watching the sunset on the dock when they spotted a rather peculiar glowing object in the shape of a cigar. And to their astonishment, three smaller objects emerged from the larger craft. (50:35) And as the event unfolded, Michael claimed that, this is crazy actually, Michael claimed that two figures appeared through the craft dome and began communicating with him telepathically, stating, we are not here to hurt you. And this voice just echoed in Michael's six-year-old mind, as reported by the UFO researcher, Mr. Webb. (51:03) And the mysterious beings revealed that they were on a mission to Earth to obtain an unspecified form of energy. Now, Michael further described this. a beam of light emitting from the disc, which had this beam of light upon him and the 19-year-old camp counselor before they both lost consciousness. And when they regained their senses, they heard the voices of campers returning from the swim meet. (51:37) And as they watched, the UFO emitted a series of rapid flashes before fading out of sight. Webb, no stranger to such extraordinary claims, as he says, he conducted numerous investigations and worked for J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies at the time of Michael's initial call. Despite his experience, he approached the account with skepticism, as you always should. (52:09) noting that it encompassed nearly every aspect of UFO phenomenon ever reported, sharing a full decade after the alleged sighting. And the story, at least in Mr. Webb's view, seemed to be too good to be true, especially since it took him five years to go back and forth with Michael to get more information about the sighting. (52:39) Now determined to verify the account before launching a full investigation, Webb set out to locate the second witness, the camp counselor, by the name of Janet Kernel. And this marked the beginning of that five-year journey to unravel the truth behind the eerie mystery of the Buff Ledge Camp case. and to determine whether the purported UFO sighting was a genuine encounter or a carefully crafted hoax. (53:14) Right now, you can find the book online, at least on eBay. Guess for how much? Because it's out of print, this book. Don't do it. Don't do it. That's so much. But this is a very interesting story, to say the least, of these people during the summertime at summer camp to encounter a UFO. to have several other crafts come out of this main ufo for there to be a telepathic message of we're not here to hurt you and to have multiple witnesses I mean mr webb is right it's almost too good to be true (53:57) it's this beautiful layered cake with all of this different flavored frosting And it's a lot to take in because if true, it just cracks another egg on the floor here. It's very interesting. It really, really is. Now, did it happen? Did it not? Well, that's for the kids to decipher. That's for the researcher to decipher and for you to do as well. (54:25) But out of everything that we covered today, which story, which case was your favorite? Let me know in the live chat. Let me know in the comments as well. I always love hearing what you enjoyed most about the show. Before you head out, scan this QR code if you are watching. watching this on a computer or a laptop, because that will take you to all of my social media links. (54:50) And I do write articles for all of the shows that take place right here. You can find it on my website at strange or on at Christina Gomez, and there is no H in Christina. I want to say thank you to everyone that's able to catch this live, all of my amazing YouTube members, Patreon supporters, and of course, all of my amazing moderators. (55:14) If you want to continue this conversation, if you want to share your own experience, please do so on my Discord server. I know one of my amazing moderators, We'll share that link in the live chat for you. That is it for today. I will see you tomorrow at 2.30 p.m. PST for Mysteries with the History with Jimmy Church of Fade to Black Radio. (55:38) Be safe and remember, keep your eyes on the skies. If you enjoy the strange and the mysterious UFOs, the paranormal and cryptids, this channel is for you. So make sure to subscribe as I do three videos right here every single week and hit that notification bell so you do not miss any of the bonus content I post right here.

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