Let’s imagine a scenario, one where someone is in front of you who is an insider, a 'deep-throat' character, someone who knows it all regarding UFOs and Aliens and Contact, and they are offering to answer all your questions...

Taking it for granted that some UFOs are extraterrestrial vehicles, and contact has been made, what would those questions be..?

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Show Transcript

Let's imagine a scenario where there's someone in front of you that's like this deep throat character, someone who knows it all in regards to UFOs and aliens and contact. And they're standing right in front of you and they throw their hands up and they say, ask me anything. I have all the questions. (00:31) What would you ask? What would you ask them? That is what we're going to be talking about today, Jimmy and I. Because today, even though it's Wednesday, today is going to be Mysteries with a History because I have work obligations tomorrow. So we are just making it happen, making it work. And I'm really excited. (00:50) I have a bunch of questions already written on here. And for those catching this live online, What's going to be really exciting about this particular show is I want to hear your answers as well, your guesses, your opinions, and your questions as well, because we don't have all the answers. But if we were given that opportunity to speak to someone that said they knew everything, What would be the one question you would ask them? Let me bring in my co-host, Jimmy Church of Fade to Black Radio. (01:20) Jimmy, happy Wednesday. How are you? Charlie Brown. Charlie Brown. So Christina says, hello, everybody. Christina. So I pop up on the screen. She goes, you look like Charlie Brown. I'm like, oh, what? It's a Harley shirt. No, it's Charlie Brown. Charlie Brown. So now my coolness has just left the room. (01:46) That's not exactly what I said. What I said was, have you ever seen Charlie Brown? Because your shirt reminds me of that. Yeah, you clean that up pretty well. How is everybody doing today? Now, Christina, I like your opening. What would you ask? And I would bet. Let me see. I don't have any. I was going to pull out some change. (02:12) Do you have a change jar these days? No, but I have a highlighter. Okay, you have a highlighter. I would bet a dime to a dollar that everybody, everybody would ask at least one of these questions that we have today. I'm pretty safe in... And in that, um, you put together a really good list. Um, I like your, if you, you know, if you had somebody in front of you that had all the answers, you know, what would you ask? And now I'll start with this. (02:54) Nobody has the answers, right? If somebody has the answers, we don't know their names. Okay. Now, somebody does, but they're not in public. It's nobody that you know. It's not a name that you will ever know. And that has always been my position on this. And I know that sounds dramatic because there are people out there. (03:25) I know everything. No, you don't. Don't you simply do not. And that is part of the journey, isn't it? Right. Continuing to push forward and collect information and then, and get closer to what, what the ideas may be and what the answers are. So yeah, let's, let's go through these. I mean, what do you, when I say something like that and that it's dramatic, do you agree with, I do. (04:01) I do. Because it's so multifaceted and it's going to get to so many other phenomena that it's difficult to have all the answers, especially when we don't have contact to our understanding with all of these potential visitors. Are they all different races? Do they all have different agendas? And We don't know anyone that is in contact with all of them, but actually we're going to get into some of these questions because they are definitely worth things to consider. (04:36) And for AJ Raffles, first of all, thank you. And I know people are already throwing in their questions. We're going to start off with this one. He's asking, are they carbon, hydrogen, or oxygen based? What did they evolve from? What species are in their ecosystem? Who else have they encountered and where and what are their opinions? Do they have art or culture? This guy right here is throwing all the questions in just one go. (05:03) And I... How do you pick that apart? And he left out Silicon. He left out Silicon. That's a good one. And now I have, okay, I don't even know how to, we've got a whole list of questions and then that gets thrown into the mix. And that's exactly where this is. People want these answers, right? Now, the reason why carbon, okay, silicon's brought up a lot, okay? And there's a reason for that, right? But it's the adaptability of other molecules and atoms to attach each other to that particle and then (05:53) expand out upon that and create life. Carbon just happens to be one of the most flexible molecules. things there are. It can attach and create so many different things. Silicon is something similar to that, but its adaptability as you get more complex closes down. So a silicon-based life form, even though it's been thrown out there for the same reasons that carbon is a base of things. (06:33) But silicon isn't as flexible. And then so when you jump out beyond that, I would say that carbon, because of its abundance in the universe, number one. But number two, and I've seen presentations and read some books on this from physicists. um, discussing this and chemists and biologists, and there are the carbon carbon is the most flexible. (07:06) It adapts and you can create so much from it. So I would say if we encounter, uh, another life form, like face to face, it's going to be carbon based, um, oxygen and water because of, again, Christina, we need to move on, but what do we have to compare to? Well, we've got one, right? That's it, right? That's what we have to compare to. (07:38) So what works for us here? Carbon, water, oxygen. Right. Those are the three basic things. And without any of those, we don't live. Right. We die. So that's I would say that that you need water. You need water that's not frozen. You need carbon and, of course, oxygen and hydrogen and oxygen. obviously make up water, and that's a component that can break down to other stuff as well. (08:15) So there you go. That's my short answer to that multifaceted, really good start to the show. I think so, too. And those elements are really the building blocks to our understanding of life. At least the way that we are able to conceptualize life is using those elements that we've been able to research with our telescopes, through astronomers, and so much more is based off of our knowledge. (08:42) periodic table. But a question that's probably on a lot of people's minds, especially when David Grush gave his testimony to Congress last year, and that is, is the US government in possession of extraterrestrial craft? And I think for people that have been researching this topic for a few days, months, decades, a lot of them would say a solidified yes. (09:15) Yes, definitely. And then you have those that might kind of hesitate. But from our understanding, Jimmy, all the research that we've done independently and together as well, countries across the globe. You can pick any country out from a hat if you were to pick out any kind of label. And the majority of them have had a UFO office for a handful of decades. (09:42) So let's throw in other countries into this mix. Does China, Russia, countries in South America, Mexico have possession of extraterrestrial craft? Do you think it's a possibility? Or do you think these ET, maybe even interdimensionals, collected the debris as soon as it crashed? Okay. Now, excellent, excellent, excellent question and a great start to the show. (10:12) My short answer is of course the U S government is in possession of extraterrestrial craft. Yes. Other countries while Russia and China, I would say yes. When you break out of those three, The United States goes to those other countries and collects the craft. How do they do that? Okay. There are many reports. Now, when you go and do a deep dive into this subject, you will find that today relationships are different. (10:53) But back in the day, Iran and the United States were allies. Okay. Iraq. Afghanistan, Syria, Turkey, these countries, all of them, all of them, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, all had craft sitting in the desert, calling the United States saying, come and get this thing. Okay. Now in a couple of cases, The craft had been sitting there for a long, long time. (11:36) Didn't just land. Okay. Dusty, broken down, sitting, just sitting hundreds of years, maybe a thousand years. And the United States went out and collected those craft. This happened. And we know about the reports in Chile, in Brazil, in Argentina, in Mexico. Canada is just north of us. So, yes. The United States goes out and collects it. (12:05) Most of these countries don't have a situation in place to not only retrieve the craft, but to have a scientific team and an engineering team go in and reverse engineer and examine. I'm going back 30, 40, 50, 60 years. This crash retrieval program has been in place. Point number two. So we have the United States and we have all of the situations here that we know about, but other countries around the world, they just call and go come and pick this stuff up at Wright Patterson in Ohio. (12:49) They have the foreign technology division. Okay. Now the foreign technology division, what does that mean? That means anything but us. Okay. Foreign. So it could be a Russian satellite, right? That, that land somewhere. We go out and pick that up. That's foreign technology. That's also, ET craft and retrieval, anything from outer space that enters the atmosphere and lands. (13:22) We get the call. We go out and pick it up. It goes to Wright-Patt and to the Foreign Technology Division. This is not made up. This is not conjecture. This is not theory. This is not some conspiracy. It's none of that. The Foreign Technology Division is real, and it's at Wright-Patt, and that's where all of this stuff goes. (13:47) Well, it's the same kind of deal when people said all the reverse technology was at Area 51. But once it gained fame, we can assume that it was moved. It could be the same possibility with Wright-Patterson Air Force Base as well. It's so well known. It's in people's vocabulary. I doubt that it would still be there. (14:08) But regardless of that possibility, the important thing is... that people are noticing the flight patterns where big debris is being flown in there. Some things are coming out. Certain people have spoken out about Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, usually anonymously. And it just captivates people's interest because it is a mystery. (14:36) What are they doing? Are they truly able to reverse engineer it and have the proper things to repair it or the exotic matter in order for it to work properly? Those are the questions. No, no, no. The answer is no. In a broad stroke. And let me explain why. All right. So this is... I just grabbed something out of my desk tray. (15:05) Okay. This... is a USB drive on a USB adapter going to a USB-C on the end, plug this into a cell phone. And that's what I use it for. Okay. To take video and stuff off of it now. So this is buried in the ground a million years from now, archeologists are digging around Palmdale and they pull this out of the ground. (15:37) Do they know what it is? Do they have any idea? And then beyond that, how do you get the data off of it? How do you operate it? How do you know anything about this at all? And that's if it's an advanced version of us. What if it's not an advanced? What if we disappear and then it's, it's Neanderthal part two and they're digging around and they pull this out of the dirt, right? Do they know? Well, not without an instruction manual, a CD, a CD, somebody pulls a CD out of the ground in a thousand years. (16:21) They don't, what, what is this thing? Right. And, and, or a CD player. So, um, Let's talk about an alien craft. If you don't have the instruction manual, right? How are you going to repair it? How are you going to know anything about anything with anything? You're not, you're simply not everything that you do. (16:50) Everything is, is an idea. It's a theory. It's a hypothesis. That's all it is. And you're shooting in the dark. If you have no electronics background and somebody brings you a circuit board and says, I pulled this out of my TV. It doesn't work. Can you fix it? Christina, are you going to be able to sit down with a circuit board and repair it? No, no, no. (17:18) You wouldn't know where to start. And you are very bright. Okay. You're very intelligent, but you wouldn't know. And that's where we are with anything that comes from another civilization other than ours. What do we know about it? How is it possible? You can have engineers look at it and come up with some ideas, but how are you going to get that thing off the ground? Seriously, without a manual. (17:48) It's just impossible. Could I fly a plane today? Could, could I, could, could you, I remember those pictures of you in the helicopter, right? You remember that? You remember when he posted that? Right. Okay. Really cool pictures. If you had the keys, can you jump over to the seat pilot seat and you know what it does, right? You know, can you start that thing up and take off? I'd like to think so. (18:24) Well, Jimmy, applying your logic, because let's continue on with this. Can we apply that same logic to decoding ancient languages and coded languages where we don't really know anything until we start playing with it. Do you think that would be a possibility in order to truly understand, to be able to reverse engineer technology that isn't ours the same way how we were able to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphs and Sumerian texts? That's a great point. (19:01) And remember that until the 1800s, until the Rosetta stone, We couldn't read Egyptian hieroglyphics. And the only reason why we managed to pull that off was the Rosetta Stone was written identical text in three different languages. And thankfully, one of them was Greek. Right. And so in even with that. It took like 10 years, the brightest minds in the world, right? They're looking at the Greek texts. (19:37) They're looking finally one day, one word, one thing. Oh, oh. And then we were off to the races, but are you ready for this? 2000 years that took to happen 2000 years from Cleopatra until Napoleon. Think about that for a second. And that's on this planet, right? That is part of our culture. And, and we almost didn't get that pulled off. (20:10) So you bring in something completely foreign, completely, um, with, uh, A language, maybe, right? Depictions or letters or words on a control surface. Maybe, maybe not, but let's say it's there. You don't have a Rosetta Stone. How do you even know? on or off, right up or down. How do you know these, these things you simply don't. (20:48) So yeah, when I say no, probably no. Now, what evidence do we have of that? Let's just go with the evidence. I'm going to go with the Wilson Davis document for a second, if we can, because there is a page on there, uh, where Admiral rear Admiral Wilson. is at what we think is Lockheed skunk works. And he's sitting there with an engineer, a security guy, and an attorney, uh, for skunk works. (21:17) And they're sitting in this room and they say to, to Wilson, they go, we got a craft. You want to see it? We think it can fly. That was, that's, that's their state. We think, right. They think. I think that is so accurate. We think it can fly. It's whole. It's there. And we think it can fly, but it's just sitting there. (21:49) You can see it if you want. And I think that's a very true and accurate statement. So that's why I go with no. Alien reproduction vehicle, that's a whole other question. Another great question to ask is how many of these do we have? I just pointed out Afghanistan and Iran and Turkey and Syria. Iraq, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, these different countries where we have gone and done the crash retrievals, plus everything that is here in the United States and other countries that are around the world. (22:32) I would say, if I'm going to how many, I'm going to say probably in the hundreds. It may be very similar. You ever see the TV show Warehouse 13? You haven't seen that? It's really cool. Warehouse 13 is worth it. It's worth the price of admission. Go and check it out. I think it's five seasons, six seasons. (22:54) Really good show. But a warehouse full of artifacts, crazy stuff, right? Of anything that you can imagine. And it's endless. And I would say that that's probably pretty close to what we have when it comes to craft and different types of craft and probes and stuff that has entered our system for interstellar space, arrived here on Earth and done their thing, and we went out and picked it up. (23:27) Some of it may have been given to us, a trade, and we'll get into some of that too as well. I love that show, by the way. Warehouse 13 is, it's cool. It's cool. I feel like I'm so behind on TV shows. Like right now, I'm just catching up with the latest season of Star Trek Discovery and And I just feel behind. (23:48) I've not heard of this one. I will have to look into it. It's so good. It's so good. It's so good. Warehouse 13. For those that have seen the show or want to watch Warehouse 13, hit that like button right down below. And if you've ever had a question that you wanted to ask someone, what would you ask them? And hit that like button if you've always had that one question that you wanted answered. (24:10) But the thing about how many crafts have been collected, let's just say, let's just throw out a number, 1946. That's kind of when the United States was really showing an interest. Due to the error report that was released in March, they stated that Project Slosser should have been created around 1946 at the latest 1948. (24:34) But that being said, that was still before Roswell. And so then my question would be, prior to that, were craft being collected? Well, according to Grush, he said that Italy had their crash retrieval program back in 1933 in Magenta, Italy during the rule of Mussolini, right? So does that display that other countries have been collecting them for a longer period of time? And if so, Where are they? Where are they putting them? And how many are there? That's that's a question that I know. (25:05) I just feel in my gut that Robert Bigelow might have the answer to or he has some in his possession. But aside from that, it is really interesting to throw all of these countries into the mix of if there have been a consistent amount of UFO crashes of craft that are not human. How many have there been? And if they're still happening today, what are they getting wrong in their technology? Or is it our technology interfering with theirs, creating that crash? Or is it by design? You know, there are all these different questions. (25:46) Right, right, right, right. Which is what I love about the subject. Because, again, what do we have to compare things to? Well, we just have us, right? And here we have Mars. Now we have, we have now, uh, been to or flew a craft by every planet in our solar system. That's a pretty huge achievement, right? Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto, right? Venus, of course, and Mars and Mercury. (26:22) We have managed to do that. And we have landed and crash-landed on at least three. Saturn, we crash-landed Cassini, right, into Saturn, which is still a pretty crazy video to watch. And, of course, Mars and the moon. That's the public side of it. But the majority of what we had to do to get there is crash. (26:51) Because once you get into the atmosphere, we don't understand. What flies and works here doesn't necessarily, and obviously, we've had a lot of difficulty doing that. Well, if you flip that around, no matter how advanced you are, and we're pretty smart here, but another extraterrestrial advanced civilization comes here and enters our atmosphere, they have to deal with all kinds of things. (27:20) And it's not only... gravity, but it's our atmosphere. It's the barometer, the pressure. What's really going on? The barometer. What's really going on? And the flight control systems and everything else on that. Well, I think there's a very high probability that you could crash. The second thing, very high probability. (27:48) But the second thing is we have electronics and we have things and electromagnetic interference that's flying all over the place. Could that interfere? Sure. If they're not expecting it. Or maybe their flight systems operate completely different. And maybe EM interference or radar or anything like that is really, really bad news to them. (28:10) Where for us, it's different. It's the opposite. There's that part. And then there's the other part. We shoot at stuff, right? We do. And what about lightning and natural interference? There is one other thing. I'll say this and we'll move on. I want your opinion. We have reports and they're coming in all the time about these different exoplanets that rain diamonds, right? right it rains sulfuric acid it right you know it's it's could you imagine you and I right cruising and we go (28:55) out tonight and we enter and it's raining diamonds on us not hail diamonds what would that do? Right. And so that's, that's the point that I'm trying to make here is that we have our own issues that we deal with on, on planet earth. We bounced off of Mars in order to land there. We do the same thing on the moon. (29:21) We literally just bounce off of it and hope for a smooth landing. Yeah. Like, you know, so how many have successfully been flown by humans? When I say none, none, I don't, uh, I don't necessarily, I don't believe that to be entirely true. Um, I think that what I mean by that is if, if we don't know anything about the said craft, no, it's going to be no, no. (29:51) But what if we have an ET flight instructor, right? Yeah. Okay. So this is what you do, man. Okay. So put your hand here. Okay. Okay. All right. Now let's put on the brain interface. And, you know, if you have that, yeah, sure. You've got a good solid copilot. Yeah. I could see that. Yeah. And I'm okay with that. (30:18) Now finding a craft and not knowing anything about it and then expecting to, to just be able to fly it. No, no, you're going to put that on the back of a truck and tow it into a warehouse. Like the Kecksburg incident, people saw that happen verbatim to what you just said. Now, the next question would be, we talked about crashes, crash retrievals, talked about how many the world might have in their possession, but then it ties into the next question on... (30:53) Are there different extraterrestrial civilizations here on planet Earth? Well, based on people's alleged testimonies, there have been a lot of contactee experiences where people have encountered a handful of different entities, so much that we actually have names for them. And what's interesting is if we... (31:20) see the universe as vast as we can understand it, not just our galaxy, but the universe as a whole, and maybe even bubble universes, it would only be plausible that there would be a lot of civilizations, a lot of different intelligent species. But the big question is, Why would they come to Earth if there are so many? Does Earth have something special to it? Is it just a tourist site? Is it just a pit stop? Is it just other entities being curious the same way that we are to understand a different environment from our own? (31:55) And if we consider that and we have different species coming to visit, who's monitoring them? Because to our understanding, they're not consistently interacting with humans saying like, hey, guys, I have my little post out there. Don't mind me. I'm just having a little bit of fun and I'll see you at five o'clock for tea and cookies. (32:14) OK, I'll see you then. We don't have stories like that. If anything, people are usually a bit frightened when they encounter these entities 99% of the time by mistake. These beings do not want to be seen, recognized, or noticed. Now, what I would like to know is these entities that have more human characteristics. (32:39) Are they truly integrated into society and trying to understand humans the way that Jane Goodall did with chimpanzees? Is that what's going on? Or are they just having a little bit of fun playing hide and go seek? Excellent point. And now, putting the United States aside, there are some beautiful places here. (33:03) And we do have Las Vegas, too, as well. That's not stunning. If you go to... It's hot. If you go to Paracas in Peru, you go to Paracas and you head out to the Red Cliffs and you go out... I don't know, they're quarter mile high, straight down right into the Pacific ocean. And you stand there and you're the only human right there. (33:30) And you look to your left and you look to your right and you're watching the waves come crashing in and the sun is setting and the blue sky. And you just look around and you say to yourself, this is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Right. And so if you're ET, I mean, it's beautiful, Christina, it's just, it's game changing. (33:55) But if you're ET and you're cruising, right. And you're just like looking out the window and you look over at earth, earth looks a little bit different than Jupiter or Mars or Mercury or other exoplanets. It's different. It's blue. It's bright. It's got life. You can see it. And so if you're cruising by, you're going to go, Hey, that, that looks pretty cool. (34:28) Now take humans out of the equation because we've managed to mess this planet up pretty good. Right? Okay. Take humans out of the equation. Earth is, is magical. It's a beautiful blue gem, right? It's incredible. So why wouldn't any extraterrestrial race, species, civilization, want to come by and check this out? Now, well, the answer is all of them. (35:01) But how many other Earths are there that are just as special as this planet? It's got it all going on and without humans to blow you up, right? Oceans and sandy beaches and, and just life and trees and lush and the right temperature and everything is going on. How many more earths are there out there? Well, based on our current understanding, we only have discovered about 5000 exoplanets so far and less than a handful are have Earth like characteristics. (35:38) And if we just apply that pretty rough math to the universe. OK, and I'm just I'm saying rough. It's actually ignorant math. But let's continue. It would just display that. This kind of type of planet does have its beautiful, unique characteristics, especially when we compare it to rocky planets, icy planets, ones too close to the sun, too far to the sun. (36:03) They've got to be in the habitable zone, but they also have to be, to our understanding, water-rich planets. For instance, Earth is a water planet. But on top of that, it's even more rare to when a planet is not tidally locked. So you have an Earth like planet. OK, just that's already rare from our ignorant ancestors. (36:25) math understanding of our universe so far then it has to rotate like earth so you're not having this horizon of where it's always perfect but you have too hot and too cold on each side which is a tidally locked planet but one that has four seasons that is even more rare than our based off of our current understanding of the exoplanets that we have found so far, which displays that the Earth is this beautiful gem that has so many different species. (36:54) It has so many different environments as well and seasons, which I think a lot of us really enjoy. And so that might be a potential answer, maybe. of why people are, not people, but entities coming to visit to explore something that might be foreign from their own planet. So let me answer your question. I'll answer it directly. (37:19) We have 5,000 cataloged, cataloged exoplanets. We've got, we add exoplanets every single day that waiting to be confirmed and cataloged and given a name or a number. Okay. So by the end of 2025, that number is going to be 100,000. But right now, let's go with your number, 5,000. Avi Loeb said to me that he believes in our own Milky Way galaxy, there are over 40 billion rocky Earth-like planets in the habitable zone. (38:03) 40 billion just in our Milky way. All right. Now, if we go with your numbers there, where we've got a handful out of the confirmed, it's more than a handful, but let's say it's the number is 10, 10 out of 5,000. And you extrapolate that number out into the Milky way. That same number, because there are over 1 trillion planets in the Milky Way. (38:34) 1 trillion. That's 1,000 billions, which is 1,000 millions, right? The number of Earth-like planets with water in the habitable zone that have their own moon that are not tidally locked is in the millions just right here. Not five, not three, not a hundred. It's millions. Now, how many of those develop life in front of us? That's a big number, Christina. (39:15) It's a big, just here in the Milky Way. Watch the beginning of the movie, Contact. Watch the beginning, just the opening two minutes of contact. You can watch the rest of the movie if you want, but watch the opening two minutes because what they do there is they pull back off of earth and they back up, back up, back up, back up out of the solar system. (39:45) They back up, back up. You see the sun it's getting smaller. They back up, back up, back up, back up, back up, back, back up, back up. And they keep going back. When you see stuff moving by, it pulls back until the Milky way shrinks into a star. And then what is going past you are just galaxies and galaxies that appear to us as stars. (40:10) Okay. That's how big it is out there. Now, how much of that just a little bit got a jump on us by a thousand years, a million years jump. Think about that. Now, what are we doing right now? We're looking at Mars. We've got robots on Mars driving around. We've got a helicopter on Mars right now. (40:37) That's pretty cool. And we're just doofus humans. We haven't done anything. not advanced, but if you have something that has got the jump on us by a thousand or 10,000 years, a hundred thousand years, they're doing the same thing that we're doing. So how much of that has visited earth? I'm telling you that number is huge. (41:07) It's a big number and it's a diverse, diverse types of civilizations, diverse that may not even know each other. But they're all doing the same thing that we're doing. They're out there looking and cataloging and observing and seeing what's out there. But there's so much more to see how many civilizations just come by here once. (41:31) Just once. Catalog, take a quick look, take a peek out the window, and then we've got another million planets that we've still got to go and check out before our mission is completed. So they're going to head out and continue on with their research. Their version of Magellan, going out and cataloging and mapping and seeing what's out there. (41:58) That's my take. So, no, it's not five. Well, it could be five right now, but just in our own backyard, which is the Milky Way, it's a number that is so big we can't wrap our head around it. I really hope that is the case, because if we were able to interact with these entities, it would just allow us to feel more humility than ever. (42:24) And we can quote Ronald Reagan when he gave his most famous speech to the UN referring to extraterrestrials, stating that if there is... and existential threats, will it unite humanity to protect us or to allow us to see that we are all very similar amongst ourselves and very different from another entity from a different planet? How would we truly interact with them if we really did have to open our doors to an unknown planet alien that does not look human okay I'm not going with the humanoid I'm going with him that looks so (43:09) bizarre to us yeah like a praying mantis right right how how would humanity react In true honesty, because we hear the argument all the time, and we also see it on a daily basis, that we cannot get along with each other. And we're all from the same species. We're all human. But we don't usually get along. (43:36) Twitter is a great example of that. But if we are able to find, and I don't want to say this, but I'm going to say it anyway. If we find a quote, common enemy, right? Will that unite us? We have heard some of the most powerful speeches by some of the most powerful people that always display an enemy where people unite to point the finger at someone else. (44:01) And There are a handful of different examples. You can make up one that you have in your own brain of memory. But this sense of unity happens a lot of the time when it's us against them mentality. And them can be whoever you want it to be. And Android says, 10 divided by 5,000 is 0.002 of 40 billion planets equals 80 million Earth planets in just the Milky Way galaxy. (44:35) Androids throwing in the math. Yeah, that's a really good point, Android. And thank you for doing the math. Much smarter than I am. Thank you for that. Yeah, okay. So, yes. It's the easiest way to do it. You make something up about another town over the hill. You make something up and you make them the enemy so we can go and invade them and take their land. (45:07) That's the fundamental fabric of how we're wired and is to tell a lie. So why not tell a lie about something that Somebody that you don't know and something that you don't understand. So would they do that with ET? Yeah. Yeah, I'm sure they would. I'm sure they would. They would automatically. (45:35) Now, is that the safe zone? Remember Stephen Hawking when he said, hey, you know, we shouldn't really be broadcasting this. you don't know what's out there and you're just letting somebody know, you know, where we are that may not have, uh, our best interest in mind, uh, and chill out with that. (46:05) Um, I, I go the opposite way. I really do. If, if there was an advanced civilization that wanted to just take this planet from us, uh, We wouldn't even know we would, it would just happen so fast. We w you know, you can't stop something like that. Um, so, and it hasn't happened. So I would say that as this just me, and I'm not trying to wax philosophical here, but. (46:38) as you age and as you mature, you know, when you're five years old, you do dumb stuff. You jump off of houses and you do stupid things. Right. And you're 10 years old. There you go. Um, so there's that. And, uh, but as we mature, we're going to move past a lot of things, uh, And I would expect an advanced civilization that has survived war, that has survived disease, that has survived cosmic events, maybe even survived another alien invasion, survived themselves, they've survived technology, that they've moved past that. (47:27) And they I just I think that's a safe place to be that you would expect us earthlings that if we manage to survive climate change. nuclear weapons disease a comet impact an asteroid impact an alien invade whatever it is right if we manage to survive ourselves and and grow up that all of these things that we deal with now are going to be a thing of the past bullets guns murder hatred um you know not liking those that aren't like you And I think that we're going to move on from that. (48:11) And we would expect, I would expect ET to be the same. Well, I feel like maybe we might be putting all of our eggs in one basket here because one species might not be able to mirror another. We all... People included, we all have different ideas, agendas, motivations, and desires. And so that's something that people do consider when we hear stories of alien abductions or contact or any kind of sightings of what are they doing here? Is it to benefit them? Is it to benefit us? And if it's to benefit us, why? For what purpose? (48:54) Are they affecting our understanding, our evolution? Was our DNA tinkered with? People talk about the Anunnaki, and they say that it was those gods during the time of Mesopotamia They created, before then, before Mesopotamia, they created humans to be slaves to mine for gold and then kind of let them be and here we are today. (49:20) Is that a possibility or is that messing with the prime directive that we hear in Star Trek, right? Are they allowed to mess with evolution, to mess with historical events, wars, nuclear wars as well? Where... Is there a line or is that line blurred to when they can affect a species and when they cannot? Okay. Okay. (49:49) Such an excellent point. And the prime directive is valid. It's a valid concept. Now, I think that it's okay. You're not violating the prime directive necessarily. If you're standing over somebody's shoulder and you go like a teacher would in a classroom, uh, and go, you know, tap you on the shoulder and go, you know, don't do it this way. (50:18) Do it, try this way instead. And they do, and they learn something that's different. That's probably how the pyramids got built. That's how, you know, engineering and making things level these ideas and basic math. Then we take that and we advance it. It's different than I was talking about this last night on the show. (50:42) Um, I keep in the studio here, a lighter. Okay. To, to light my incense. I have an incense burner, right? Okay. That's why this is here, but. If you and I go to another planet and we're looking at a nomadic tribe striking rocks together, trying to get a fire going, right? And they're struggling with it. (51:09) Christina, do you toss them a lighter and go, look, dude, dude, dude, dude, much easier with this. No, now you're messing with, that's a prime directive situation. You wouldn't do that. All right. So that's that's it's one thing for E.T. to come here and go, OK, so as you're carving this rock or if you're doing this or one plus one, you know, you take these two and this equals three and help somebody. (51:43) You teach them. You just don't toss them technology and interfere with their evolution, right? You allow them to discover on their own. So teaching something, yeah. How to weave clothes, right? How to do certain things, how to make shoelaces and tie shoes. That's one thing. But you're not going to, with the nomadic tribe from 10,000 years ago, toss them a cell phone. (52:19) It doesn't do them any good. But then the question would be, what's the purpose? Why can't they just evolve on their own? Why do they need intervention? Yeah. So all you're doing is sparking creativity, you know, just allowing them. Yeah. Yeah. That's all. You only have to show somebody something and then let them run with it. (52:45) So if you're a kid, let's go back 500 years, 400 years, 300 years, and you go and you fold up a piece of paper into a paper airplane and throw it across the room and let everybody see it for the first time. Well, okay, that's all you need to do. You don't need to. Now they've seen it and they know it can be done. (53:12) So now you're causing creativity. So, Ken, are you implying that some of these crashes are deliberate in order to help people understand the technology? Yeah, why wouldn't it be? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Why wouldn't it be? You only need to observe it. When you see something fly without wings like we have, what do we automatically go to? Oh, it's got to be any gravity. (53:41) It's got to be some kind of ring system. It's got to be some electromagnetic liquid mercury. All we're doing is sparking creativity and thinking about a way to get that done. That's all. And that's okay. It's okay. It's different than interfering like with the prime directive. No, I just don't see that. (54:04) It wouldn't do any good to show cavemen a television set. I wouldn't know what are they going to do with that? And more simply is this. Let's say All right, man. It's such a great show. Went by fast. Let's say we just came out of the pandemic. So let's say the next pandemic kills every electrical engineer on the planet. (54:44) Every double E right. Every double E they all dropped dead. And then you and I look, We know what this is. Right? Right? You and I are stuck on an island that has all of the resources to make one of these. It's got iron. It's got sand. Right? It's got petroleum. We can make plastic. It's got everything we need. (55:14) It's got silver so we can make circuits. We've got gold. We've got everything we need. All right? How long would it take you and I and the rest of civilization to build a factory again to make a cell phone? It might not ever happen. Right? I understand your analogy. Yeah. Just think about that. You and I and our kids and our grandchildren and probably 100 generations would never get to this again. (55:56) Think about that. You know, so showing a TV set or anything, you know, that kind of prime directive interference, they wouldn't know what it is. Okay. So tossing them a lighter to start a fire. Now you're advancing them, you know, thousands and thousands and thousands of years. No, you wouldn't do that. (56:22) That's that, this, this, they would get, they would understand that, uh, that, that would mess with, uh, a civilization and the revolution, as opposed to tapping on your shoulder going, you know what? Less water. in your grass that you're trying to ignite. Yeah. Don't, don't put Gatorade. Yeah. Yeah. (56:45) Exactly. Exactly. Exactly. Let's see if we can, let's squeeze in. I'm going to throw a question at you. Okay. Okay. Have humans been abducted and taken to other planets like close encounters of the third kind? Ooh. Probably. Oh, you think so? I would think so. Based off the information that we have and the stories that we've been able to collect over the decades, it would be a possibility that some of these people that have gone missing, that have never been found, they could have potentially been abducted. (57:32) Now, for what purpose? Is it for harvesting? Is it for reproduction? Is it for slavery? Is it for to be kept in a zoo like in that one episode of The Twilight Zone? The possibilities there are endless, and it's terrible to place human mentality on entities that we do not understand, but let's just do it for a moment. (57:53) When we go to the safari, to the jungle, we collect an elephant, we collect iguanas, and we put them straight into a zoo to show everyone, hey, this is an animal that lives in this part of the world that you'll never see, but you can see it right here. And it's an awful mentality to have, but humans have it. (58:16) We do it all the time. Extraterrestrials that are abducting people could have similar ideas or... There could even be instances like, for example, with Travis Walton. Years later, he thought to himself, maybe I was at the wrong place at the wrong time. I got zapped, I got taken into their craft, and I got healed by them. (58:40) Nothing like the movie, read the book, or hear from an interview that he's done. But let's say that maybe this person... Travis Walton, we'll continue with that example, got injured so badly that the entities had to take them to the home planet to heal them, right? And then they just loved it there so much that they stayed and they adapted to the new culture. (59:05) The possibilities... It could go any one way. It could go multiple ways. But it seems that there might be people that have gone to other planets, maybe created their own civilizations, being a break off civilization, which then connects to this new theory that people are throwing out everywhere you go, where they're saying UFOs are humans from the future. (59:31) Could it all be led down because of people that got abducted a while ago when they created their own civilization on a different planet? Can you imagine dinner, alien world dinner? Kids are sitting there. Hey, hey, hey, mom. Yes. After dinner, can I go down to Bobby's house? Why? They got a human. That'd be right. (59:58) Right. Right. No, did they really? They've got a human. They've got one. They've got, it's in the backyard. They built a little, little, little human house for it. And, and yeah, can I go see it? I want to go pet the human. Okay. Just for a little bit, but you have to come back home. Okay. Now what is different? From that, then here on earth, can I go down to Bobby's house? Why? He's got a little pygmy pig. (1:00:32) They just got one. It's in the backyard. And I just want to go pet it and check it out. Okay, just for a little bit. You got to come back home, though, and do your homework. What is, you know, what's wrong with that? There's nothing wrong with it. Why? Why? Why? Because we got to throw humans into it. (1:00:53) that suddenly were repulsed. And that's, that's wrong. An advanced race that's just bouncing around from planet to planet, collecting specimens. It sounds, it sounds kind of sucky to be one of those humans that are abducted. Uh, but yeah, I, I, ah, Yeah, yeah. I know it sounds twisted. It is. It's the way my brain works. (1:01:23) But we have an example of one on this planet. What do we do? What do we do? We do the exact same things. And we do it for our own species as well, not just animals, which is another layer of fear. Okay. You said something earlier that I want you to expand on. you listed different ways, right? Okay. You know what you didn't mention? Tell me what, what if we're just part of a deal, right? What if we're just part of a deal? Okay. (1:02:01) Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So, you know, we'll give you, we'll give you two dozen humans, all college educated from Harvard, right? For, we need, right, two fusion reactors. Or, right, we need a teleportation machine. Or we need the plans for, you know, what if it's like that? Like Project Paperclip? Is that what we're talking about here, but in a more grand scale? What if? I mean, what if? You know, and just... (1:02:42) Wow. And not, not, not, not slave trading. You're just like money. You're like money. Okay. And, and that's it, you know? And, and so. Jimmy, we're going over time. We got it. We got it. going over time with this one so okay let's go let's stick on to that so we have that idea that you're just a brilliant mind and your money and you're being traded to a different planet in order to create something that's happening here on planet earth with humans in different countries that's already (1:03:23) taking place and we are aware of this information but what if you had these higher-ups, the government, U.S. government officials that are pretty high up there, and they signed a treaty with ET. And they're like, hey, I will give you humans and cattle in return for advanced technology. And I'm referring to the Eisenhower Treaty, right? Let's say that did happen. (1:03:45) Let's say that is true. Because we don't actually know. All we have is some hearsay stories. But let's say that is true. It would display to the world these... excessive amounts of abductions and cattle mutilations during the 70s and 80s and an advancement in technology but the question would be what would be the purpose for them to take cattle and humans and the weird thing that with some of these cattle mutilations is that their eyes are taken their tongue is taken their Some of their intestines are taken, (1:04:24) their anus is taken, and then the rest is just left there. And the crazy part is that predators and bugs will not touch it. Now, why is that? Is it to advance their own technology? Is it to understand our environment? Do they need to mutilate cows in order to do so since they are the ones eating grass, right, that has to deal with all of the different factors with our environment? Is it something that we just cannot even fathom? In your opinion, Jimmy, what do you think is going on there? Okay. (1:05:00) If you look at planet Earth from the beginning, life on planet Earth, okay, so four and a half billion years this planet has been here. Intelligence and technology and everything, it's flat. It's flat. It's flat. It's flat. It's flat. It's flat. It's flat. It's flat. No advancement in anything. (1:05:25) Okay. We had a couple of bumps in the road. We had fire and the Gutenberg press, the wheel, right? But still flat, just flat, flat, flat, flat, flat, flat, flat. Then 1947. So you have four and a half billion years of nothing. Just flat. And then the last little Adam at the end of that line of four and a half billion years, 1947, right up straight up to the stratosphere, to the moon, just flat 1947, 20 years later, 20 years. (1:06:07) We land on the moon. Wait, wait, wait. Somebody explain to me how we go from horses and wagons in 1900 to 1969, 60 years, landing on the moon. Just explain that to me. So yes. Is there the possibility of a treaty? Yes. Is there a possibility of trades? Yes. Is there a swap of technology? Yes. You look at the year 1947 and you look at all of the miracles that happened in that year. (1:06:56) It's crazy, crazy, crazy. It's just insane. Again, earth for four and a half billion years does nothing. Nothing. And then there's nothing we can't do. So I, to, it's like an Occam's razor situation. The simplest, the simplest answer is the correct one, which is, man, we just got some help. (1:07:29) Kevlar night vision, transistor, circuitry, multi-layered circuit boards, nuclear knowledge, nuclear energy, of course, rockets and gravity. And all of these things that happened from 1947 on is just mind-boggling. So, yeah, the easiest answer, the easiest thing to deduce from that Maybe we had a little help. (1:08:01) Somebody gave us a little something, something. It could be. I'm okay with that. That's the easiest answer. It's the easiest. What? Suddenly we got smart. Suddenly overnight, we just got really, really smart. But for four and a half billion years, we did nothing. It means it's flat. Yeah. Pyramids, a little bump in the road, right? The wheel, a little bump in the road, fire, a little bump in the road, right back to flatness. (1:08:31) Right? Remember the dark ages? That was 600 years, 500 years of nothing. Right? Nothing. We forgot. We went right back to zero when Rome pulled up. We went right back to zero. How quickly we were just right back to, to rolling around in the mud. That's, that's where we were. We've got everything. Couldn't write, couldn't read, couldn't do anything. (1:09:04) It is shocking and honestly a little bit alarming when we use the analogy that Graham Hancock has given us that humanity has had this period where we had this amnesia, where we lost so much of our knowledge and our advancements. Like you said, starting back practically at square one. And the thing is that what happened in that middle piece, how did we lose – what we once had to where we are today. (1:09:36) And by the way, if you're enjoying overtime, hit that like button right down below because I have another question for all of you, Jimmy, you and everyone watching and listening. And that is, are these entities, those that maybe have been here for millions of years or those that are coming from the stars coming down here, Are they planning on revealing themselves to humanity? And if so, when, how, and why now? You should almost answer that question. (1:10:12) Okay, so let's reverse this. Do you expect ET to reveal themselves? Let's go with the first part. There would have to be a reason. There would have to be a significant reason for that to take place because they have been hiding, supposedly, for a very long time. So if they were to come out to the world, to humanity, there would need to be in their mind a purpose. (1:10:42) So... I mean, I would love to. I would love to be alive to see that happen. And I'm not talking about Project Bluebeam. I'm talking about like the real deal. If the entities were ready to show themselves, it would be for our benefit or their benefit. Okay. So that's the what. But what about the when and the why? When you say there has to be a reason, what would that reason be? And how close are we to achieving said reason? Is it simple? Is it just some little thing that we're refusing to cave in on, (1:11:30) like being nice to people? We just don't want to do it. Could it be something like that, that we just need to achieve this certain level of something for the reveal to happen? I guess that might depend on specific types of entities that are attempting to promote that, quote, enlightenment. Now, there are other entities that seem to not care about humanity and are just taking the resources that the earth has to offer, maybe even taking people as well, because for me personally, It's difficult to comprehend that these, (1:12:11) quote, space brothers that are here to cure cancer and save the environment are also abducting people, putting probes in them, and abducting cattle, and just mutilating them like it's nobody's business. I have a difficulty attempting to rationalize that. No, not at all. Not at all. You know, well, maybe not, but you know there was some kid back in grade school, first grade, kindergarten, first grade, second grade, who would like eat dirt. (1:12:43) And he's always weird. And they're still weird when they grow up. Right. Right. Right. Okay. That's, that's the way ET looks at this planet. That's exactly what they see, man. I don't know, man. I don't know. They still eat dirt. They do not. Do they really? Yeah. Okay. But, but that's, that's where we are. (1:13:07) I get it. I get it. We have cell phones. We have the internet. We have TV. We can stream movies and we've got really cool music and we've got cool cars and we've got things. Yeah, I get that. I'm wearing some really cool tennis shoes right now. I'm wearing some really cool Adidas. We've got things like this. (1:13:32) Look at my back wall. That's cool stuff. Us, right? To E.T., we're eating dirt. I mean, really think about that for a second. If you can walk outside of your house, jump in your car, and go to the other side of the universe in the blink of an eye, and then go back home, in the blink of an eye, that civilization, what do they see in us? Not the planet. (1:14:18) The planet kicks butt. I mean, the planet is awesome, right? It's beautiful. Yeah, it's beautiful. But what do they see in us? For real. I mean, for real. For real. Not the best things. For overall humanity, yes, we have some beautiful people that have really shined in humanity's history but looking at your day-to-day person across time there are these levels of aggressiveness of greed of I matter more than you narcissism right to where our society as a whole is not evolving at the rate that it could if we were (1:15:04) able to collaborate properly and see the benefit for humanity more so than the single person and we see this consistently in companies where they want to give you the least amount possible putting quality out the road and charge you a lot for it it benefits them and we just get the bare necessities that we need If we apply that company mentality to your everyday person, yes, there will be exceptions. (1:15:35) I know I'm going to read it. I'm an exception. Yes, you are. But overall, you have those three things, violence, narcissism, and greed. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But what if they accidentally stumbled upon Christina Gomez? They're not doubling across much. And it's like, they would be pretty, they were like, this is what represents Earth. (1:16:07) You know, and that would be really cool. Or they could bump into a YouTube video of some insanity. I don't want to just say anything because I don't like negativity, but just see some representation of some event of what humans are capable of and do to each other. They could see that. But I would say, by and large, seriously, for the most part, humans are just good people. (1:16:46) Cool, fun, amazing, creative, smart. We all want the same things. We're all born identical. You know, we're all born identical. You know, now some of us win the lottery. We're born into another country or another city or a different thing. And I get that part of it. But we're all born, you know, the same. (1:17:11) And we're good at heart. We're not born bad. We're raised bad. Raised bad environment affects the way that we interact and our decisions as well. You are right there. I think that we're all naturally good natured, but it's just being taught to continue listening to that moral compass that we kind of lose in our teen and adulthood. (1:17:41) Well, that's the difference. You know, I was talking about this, uh, the other day, uh, I think it was with Paul Hynek and, uh, and this is what I had said. I was Paul or somebody, but that look, we all have, uh, I might've been Emily Harrison. We all, all of us. And it's okay. We think twisted thoughts. (1:18:09) We do. We just don't do them. And that's the big factor. That's the big factor. I mean, it's okay. I was joking about this, but it's okay to, I guess, because I'm sure that we all do it, to drive down the street and see a bank and go, man, I wonder what that'd be like to rob a bank. Well, okay. (1:18:37) So you have the twisted thought, but you don't do it. There's a difference, right? There's a difference. I, uh, my, one of the, one of the challenges that I have every day, because I ride my, my bike in the morning, my Harley in the morning. And the difference between the morning and the evening in writing is frigging squirrels. (1:19:02) Squirrels in the morning run across the street in like groups of threes and I'm doing 60 miles an hour and I'm constantly scanning ahead for the doofus squirrel that decides to run out in front of my motorcycle that they can hear coming. Okay. Now I am so concerned about that, that my attention is is more focused on them than me. (1:19:34) And that's what you do. You react to the good thoughts. You act on the good thoughts. You don't act on bad thoughts. And that's the difference. So I'm down the road. Man, I will, man. I'll swerve. I'll hit the brakes. I'll do whatever it takes. And that's how you act. That's how you do the right thing. (1:19:58) You know, you have the twisted thoughts. You do. You do. You go into a store. You go down the candy aisle. You see the candy. You don't steal the candy. You just think about stealing it. That's the difference. And those thoughts aren't yours until you attach to them or until you act upon them. The thing is that the human mind is so difficult to control. (1:20:22) We're always thinking and we hear, oh, be mindful. Be in the moment. Meditate. But a lot of people struggle with that. And because we are always evaluating, always creating scenarios, creating practically different timelines. What if I did this? What if I did that? And it's difficult to keep the mind quiet. (1:20:41) But the biggest thing that's taught in practicing mindfulness is that you can't actually fully shut your brain from thoughts. But what you can do is not attach to them. So you have that thought of stealing the candy, for example. But you don't keep thinking, should I steal the Snickers? Should I steal the Kit Kat? That thought comes and goes. (1:21:04) And it's fine. Yes, we all have twisted thoughts from time to time. But as long as you don't act upon them, you're pretty good to go. You're good. You're good. And W. Decker, thank you so much for that. Now, in the short time that we have left, let me throw another question back at you. And I think it's just so important. (1:21:30) Why is it that it's just humans that managed to dominate this planet? There are lots of things that can kill us. Eat us. bacteria on a bad day, a tooth, an infected tooth can take you out. That's true. Right. Right. Okay. So it's not just lions and tigers and bears. Yeah. And rhinoceros and getting run over by a hippo is a bad day. (1:22:05) Right. Okay. I get that part, but none of them have the internet. None of them have Adidas. It's just us. Now, why in such a short period of time, why did we manage to successfully become the apex predator? How, how did that happen? Thumbs and fire and ET. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, you're right. You're absolutely right. (1:22:41) Thumbs. You got nothing's happening without these, right? Nothing's happening without that. Nothing's happening without this, without this, nothing, nothing, nothing happened. Right. And ET. Did you, do you think ET had a big part to do with us becoming the caretakers of the planet that we've managed to mess up pretty good? It seems like it from the understanding that we have from the cave paintings that we have of ancient civilizations interacting with extraterrestrials, with the Native Americans sharing their stories that (1:23:21) we came from the stars or from the ant people. And we hear civilizations across the globe where a lot of their creation stories, most of them don't take place actually here on planet Earth. And when we consider those possibilities, it seems as if ET played a role with helping humanity to the point where we are today. (1:23:49) Last night, I had Wally Wagner on the show discussing ET's UFOs and religion in the Bible. And I asked him last night, this is a religious man. He had a sighting in 2016 that just changed everything for him. But I asked him, I said, so if we take Jesus, Jesus, if we take that story literally, right, he was teleported. (1:24:25) That dude was Star Trek'd. Does that make him ET? You know, it's like, right? Because one just supports the other as you go down through this. I don't think that that is crazy. I don't. What do you make of that? Do you think that... When we talk about ET visiting this planet in the past, we have this historical moment. (1:24:59) Well, is that teleportation? Is that going up to another craft? Does that then equate to an extraterrestrial visitation? What do you think of that, Christina? I love this question, actually. And W. Decker, thank you so much for becoming a YouTube member. I really appreciate that. Looking at UFOs and religion, alien and religion, I don't know what it is, but it sparks my interest. (1:25:30) I think it is just so fascinating just to consider that. Now, considering, while we're considering things... Looking at Jesus, was he an alien? This is a pretty tough question. And we could even bring in the ideas of angels and demons also being aliens as they were not created here on Earth, but from a different realm altogether. (1:25:56) Could Jesus have been an alien? Well, start off with, okay, was he human? And if we're taking the story literally, because I know we're going to fluff a lot of feathers here, but if we take the story literally where he came from the Virgin Mary, right? That's already not possible unless science somehow is involved. (1:26:20) Science is just now getting into that where they're able to create a baby mouse with no sperm and no egg. That's happening now. Now. 2,000 plus years ago, we didn't have that tech. Little iffy. Little iffy. Right. But, Christina, I want you to finish that. But here's the thing. The cross, the resurrection, the disappearance, the returning, right? Three days, four days, five days, whatever. (1:26:57) And his disciples. It just reads... like a modern science fiction story, doesn't it? And you can go to any one of those events and take off from there. You cannot believe that and have belief in it and faith in it and then not have belief or faith in the existence of extraterrestrials and visitation because they're the same thing. (1:27:29) Right. I see where you're coming from. I really do. And they can play hand in hand. But that's where it gets difficult, where you are bringing in faith and belief that it just depends on people's perception in that moment. And we can apply that same belief. discussion with jesus to other religious figures across cultures where they're not following the exact same characteristics but some that's pretty close right that seem out of this world too much so so does that make them human does were they given the (1:28:11) power of god in order to manipulate stuff in this realm are they alien with just advanced technology and if so why are they dealing with humanity and helping them in in understanding faith and belief and religion right are are we just kind of confusing a whole bunch of things in one go with different labels This is something that I really enjoy thinking about just because it's so complex, and yet it could probably be so simple, and we just don't have our tongue fully on the sheet of paper looking that envelope to send it off to Santa Claus. (1:28:52) We just don't comprehend it fully because there is so much dogma involved. There is so many labels involved that it convolutes the entire – story and everything in between when attempting to understand these kinds of things. So was Jesus an alien? I want to leave that book open. I say he was, I say he was. (1:29:20) And on the next episode of mysteries with the history. Is Santa Claus real? We'll discuss that and much more. But see, but here's the thing. And then we do have to wrap, everybody. And thank you for the overtime. And Jessica is just amazing. Is this, does it just point to the same story? We have Jesus. (1:29:49) We have Osiris. We have Egyptian mythology. We have the origin stories of Mesopotamia. We have Buddha. We have Hindu. we have the same, it's all involving, you know, some kind of virgin birth on Christmas day. And just, you know, it's like really, really weird consistencies with all of these stories that not, uh, you can't be a skeptic and go, this is all just imagination where that maybe they're all talking about the same interactions. (1:30:31) And the same situation that, you know, and a virgin birth to me is like cloning. You know, it's a test tube baby. I hate to say it that way, but if you think about it and what happened, heaven and earth and, you know, the universe and stars and it's all the same story. So just maybe that these different cultures around the world are talking about an actual event. (1:31:00) That's it. It's like the simplest way to explain all of this away. And I'm okay. Right now that truth is being hidden from us. We have some of the facts. We got to get behind it and get to the truth. And I think that we're okay with it. I don't think that the planet's going to implode and that we're going to lose our minds. (1:31:18) I just don't, I don't, I don't see it that way. I think that we're smarter and we're getting smarter every day. And that's where I'm at. And I'm okay with it. So Christina, Christina, Perfect show. Great idea. She did last night. It was one of those things. Here it comes. Amen. You got a minute. (1:31:40) And this is Christina's idea. All of this. Awesome show. Thank you so much. I think we'll be doing it on a Wednesday. I appreciate that. It's just totally awesome. We did it two weeks in a row. Everybody, we're on next Thursday. Don't get your hopes up. Tonight, I've got Adam Nimoy on the show tonight. (1:32:00) Hi. Leonard Nimoy's son. That's right. Spock. Yeah, and he's got an amazing book out. We're going to talk about the documentary as well, For the Love of Spock, tonight on Fade to Black, Adam Nimoy. All right, so I'll see everybody tonight. Christina, another great show. Thank you, everybody. (1:32:19) Thank you. And thank you everyone that was able to catch this live on a Wednesday, as Jimmy said, or going back to Thursdays after this, it's just work has been a little, a little intense and haven't been able to just get the schedule down. And Jessica, by the way, has been one of the longest members on YouTube for 25 months. (1:32:40) Jessica, you're amazing. And it says, I think we had help from many different species from all over the universe. The ones that stay hidden here, mountains, oceans, lakes, and underground cities. It seems like those locations are great hiding spots for entities to hide, especially, and I say this all the time, but number one, the ocean's monster soup. (1:33:03) Number two, only animals. 10 to 15 percent of the oceans have been explored which makes it just a fantastic place to be where they can be left undisturbed by humanity and human technology divers submarines and so on and if they were hiding on planet earth the ocean is the best place to go on friday will be Hopefully strange news of the week. (1:33:31) Make sure to hit that notification bell so you do not miss any of the live shows that take place right here since things have been flip-flopping around a little bit. If you haven't already, hit that like button. If you enjoyed the overtime and all the conversations that we had here today and subscribe if you haven't already as we do a lot of live shows right here every single week. (1:33:53) That is it for today. I will see you next time. Be safe and remember, keep Your eyes on the skies. If you enjoy the strange and the mysterious UFOs, the paranormal and cryptids, this channel is for you. So make sure to subscribe as I do three videos right here every single week and hit that notification bell so you do not miss any of the bonus content I post right here.

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