Episode 107 of Strangest News of the Week will look at the latest information regarding a sighting of a unique barbell shaped UFO by an official of the Department of Defense, a new NASA space telescope designed exclusively to find a new Earth and other life in the Universe, a computer chip that uses actual brain tissue, and much more.

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Show Transcript

Here are all of the strange news articles that you might have missed in the news this week. We'll be covering the latest barbell UFO sighting by a DOD official, a famous American football player relaying his UFO sighting, the results of the newest Neuralink chip, creating a supercomputer with human brain tissue, and more. (00:36) It's kind of crazy this week. I'm going to share my screen and get into one of the more popular cases that has been making its rounds very specifically on Twitter. But other platforms have been covering this and it has to do with this barbell UFO. And this remarkable encounter, there were three witnesses, including a U.S. (00:57) Department of Defense contractor, and they reported seeing a giant glowing UFO in southwestern Ontario, Canada, back on August 28, 2013. That was a little over 10 years ago, and yet this information is just now coming forward. And the witness claimed to have captured electronic evidence of the barbell UFO. That was the best way he could describe it, which was half the length, catch this, of a football field, even in Canada. (01:31) They like to use that measurement as well. And had a glowing, eerie kind of indigo blue around this object. And McCraft allegedly flew silently over over an old logging road near their hunting campsite and here we're seeing an image because the person that did the most extensive research and investigations on this was ufo researcher robert powell and we're going to get more into that in just a moment but this is actually one of his images that he did give to the daily mail that came from mufon and so The Daily Mail ended up (02:09) speaking to Robert Powell on this to get an understanding of what was going on. So right now, we do not have the name of this DOD contractor. It is still under wraps. It's still classified. And... It's obviously disappointing to know that, but we've seen it time and time again. Will at some point this person come forward with their name to share their story? And this is where this topic gets really difficult. (02:37) Doing the research gets really difficult here is because who do you believe? Do you believe them? Are they actually a DOD? contractor are they just kind of following a certain narrative to confuse the public right these are all questions that all of us ask including mr powell as well so much so that he did do a heavy investigation on this person and everything according to him seemed to check off which is really great to hear because we have to use our discernment to know Is this misinformation? Is this disinformation? (03:12) Or is this the real deal? And why come out now, right? This took place in 2013. We're in 2024, baby. And we're just getting this. Why? Is it because it's kind of trending now and it's easier to talk about? Is it because this person got the nudge to come forward, right? There are a lot of possibilities on this. (03:32) And yet... It is very exciting to be able to have these kinds of conversations today where these officials and contractors are able to, in a roundabout way, come out and share their experiences, which does add for a lot of people a layer of credibility for others to come forward and feel inspired and courageous to also share their encounters as well. (03:58) And some are suggesting that this is part of a soft disclosure process. process in progress. So you can either be an optimistic or a pessimistic here, but I think that the timing is interesting. So Powell personally visited the contractor's lab and worked with him on analyzing this UFO video that this man took. (04:22) And the witness described the UFO as having an indigo plasma covering most of the craft, which has bone shaped or barbell shaped and extended about 170 feet long, 60 feet wide and about 20 feet tall. That's pretty extensive. And also, this defense contractor witness attempted to film the UFO with two devices, with a Motorola cell phone and a Sony HD camera as well. (04:52) But both devices behaved as if they were caught in a boot sequence, failing to stay on while the craft was nearby. How many times have we heard this? It's like the saying, if I had a dime for every time I heard X, I'd be a millionaire. Me too, when it comes to this, those that have attempted to use their phone or a digital camera, right, to attempt and film a UFO that they're seeing, nine out of 10, it's either crap or the footage, it's glitching, your battery dies. (05:29) All of your attempts usually fail. and for this person back in 2013 he was no exception to this and so this is what I'm saying pack a film camera okay in your pocket they're those disposable ones they're super cheap because back in the day 20 30 40 years ago the images that we got of ufos using a film camera you were able to discern the shape today all we get is blobs white blobs blue blobs orbs and it's like wow so cool not really I mean it must have been super cool to be there and witness it yourself but (06:10) then showing the digital evidence It's not enticing like it used to be. So $10, all right? Put a little film disposable camera in your pocket, in your purse, in your bag, in your car. Thank me later. And so here, this guy once again was using a Motorola cell phone and a Sony HD camera, but it failed miserably. (06:32) But either way, there was analysis done on this by this contractor and by Robert Powell as well to see if it was the real deal. And based off of their investigations, it seemed that there was really something to this that could not be explained. And there is a bunch more information on this. I will place all the links of the articles that we cover in the description box below. (06:55) But we're going to move on over to some people's favorite topic right next to UFOs, of course. And that is American football. And so in the recent episode of the Las Vegas Raiders defensive and Max, Max Cosby's podcast, my God, it's a mouthful. This teammate right here that we're seeing, his name is Andre James, and he shared a rather remarkable UFO sighting that he and others witnessed during a team flight last November. (07:29) So James, who firmly believes in the existence of UFOs, recounted how pilots invited players to the cockpit on where they initially heard a radio chatter about strange lights in the sky. And although the players didn't see anything unusual at first looking out the window, they didn't see anything other than clouds. (07:51) They began to see what looked like some strange lights in the sky about 20 minutes after being in the cockpit. And James describes seeing this large white object that changed its size and moved in this circular pattern accompanied by a second light that appeared below the first. The way that he described it in the podcast, which is really interesting, was that it was almost as if this light was not necessarily pulsating, but I think that's a pretty good example of going from big to small. (08:28) And then another object or ball of light comes out of the first big one and it's a bit smaller and it's also changing in size going from big to small. And what's interesting here is that Andre had mentioned that the sighting lasted for 20 minutes. and was witnessed by everyone on board. And he claims that he even captured footage of the UFO. (08:57) But that information or that video has not been made public. This is really, really, really cool. First, we saw it with Aaron Rodgers, another football player who came out with his UFO sighting. Was it early this year or late last year? It's kind of a blur. But rather recently, he went on his kind of like NFL show podcast show. (09:20) It was a TV show called Quarterbacks, and he shared his encounter back in the early 2000s. Now, this guy, another American football player, is sharing his sighting, which is, number one, super duper awesome that we are hearing this more often. It is becoming more mainstream. But at the same time, it has me scratching my head and probably yours as well, thinking, okay, who else that's probably famous has had a sighting and has not come forward yet? Because it seems to be, more common for those of a higher status to have UFO sightings. (09:58) There have been countless celebrities, musicians, so on and so forth that have had their UFO sightings. Now these sports players are coming forward. Politicians from around the world are coming forward as well. We covered one of them last week being a... the one mayor of Argentina who had his sighting in the early 2000s when he was in Spain talking to a Tibetan monk where he witnessed several UFOs. (10:31) That was a politician, I mean, today, right? It's becoming a more simple conversation. Who is going to be next? Is it going to be Biden? Trump? Is it going to be Putin, okay, the possibilities are endless here. And this level of mainstreamness on this topic is beneficial, I think, to every single one of us. Have you, let me ask you this, for all of my football fanatics, have you heard of this person before? Again, his name is Andre James, a part of the Las Vegas Raiders. (11:11) Hide my ignorance here. And I was not familiar. But to be fair, I struggle following stuff like this. But when it comes to UFOs, man, I'm all ears and all eyeballs. And I have my notebook with me at all times. Next to a disposable film camera. Never leave home without it. Next one. And this one I think is going to be pretty interesting for those that are interested in scientific developments, even human type developments. (11:39) talking about the Neuralink chip results. So we are aware that a few months ago, Elon Musk was able to get some human test subjects to place the Neuralink within them and see how the process went and the overall results. So let's get into that because Nolan, a 30-year-old Arizona resident, paralyzed below the neck since a 2016 swimming incident became the first person to receive Neuralink's brain computer interface, also known as BCI Implement Implant back in January of 2023. (12:22) And the implant called the N1 or the link consists of a circular electronic hub connected to 64 super fine threads with 1024 electrodes, which are threaded into the brain's motor cortex. Number one, that sounds so complex to actually be able to do in someone's brain as we know how sensitive they are and also super duper cool. (12:52) And so Nolan reported that the device has had a significant positive impact on his life, allowing him to independently control a computer cursor using hands. attempted or imagined movements of his paralyzed limbs, browse the Internet, send messages and even play video games like chess and Civilization six. And the implant was is also used. (13:23) It's like wirelessly charged via a hat with an embedded charger. So you gotta charge this bad boy. It doesn't do it naturally with all of the electricity running through your body. No, you gotta put on a special little hat that has a certain kind of plug and it's charging up. That's kind of awesome. (13:44) So after about a month, Since the surgery, Noland experienced a setback with 85% of the implant's threads retracted, causing a significant loss of being able to function properly with the Neuralink chip. And this caused him emotional distress and anxiety about losing the benefits of the technology. to be able to access full functions by adjusting the system's algorithm. (14:22) But some workarounds like hover based selection instead of clicking were necessary in this. So the company does plan to address the issue in future implants by placing the threads deeper in the brain. And despite this setback, Nolan remains optimistic about the technology's potential to help others with disabilities and is excited for future advancements in this field. (14:49) So when it comes to any first test subject, you are always going to have setbacks afterwards. There hasn't been a time that I can at least think of, of where a piece of technology similar to this, it succeeded in its first go, even though you are testing on a bunch of animals and, up until human test subjects, it's still going to require a lot of trial and error. (15:18) And here, this man, Nolan, was very lucky, according to himself, to be one of the very first test subjects and to see great access to being able to function with computers within the first month. But of course, it is very disappointing to hear that a month after his surgery, 85% of that functionability kind of stopped. (15:42) If I were him, I would also be pretty depressed. OK, I think I would be in emotional distress as well, where you had no function in your limbs since 2016. And then you had this one month of like, oh, my gosh, I'm a superhero back to losing almost everything again. I can understand the level of disappointment and stress and depression like this person here. (16:07) But like, I may ask you this for those watching and listening. it in the live chat put it in the comments also on the podcast you can put your own comments in as well and that is would you want to have a neural link chip right now it's only for those that are that have very specific disabilities but at some point it's going to be more common for others to have this in their brains to be integrated Are we going to turn into cyborgs because of neural link chip? Have we already in some ways turned into cyborgs with (16:43) robotic prosthetics? Are we already heading towards that route? Or have we been there for, what, a few decades now? Would you put a neural link chip in your brain? And if so, why would you? I'm seeing a lot of no's. A lot of no's here. No way. No. Not for me. But I think that once your friends get it, your family gets it, you might consider otherwise. (17:10) Let me provide you an example of this. I used to think that those sandals, the Birkenstock sandals, were the ugliest thing on the planet. I'm like, why on earth would anyone wear this and spend $100 on it? They are atrocious looking. Then this is back in high school. I saw everyone wearing it. Right. And I'm like, dude, y'all have no taste in fashion. (17:34) Neither do I. But I'm like, these are disgusting. Right. And then some of my really close friends got them. And I'm like, OK, maybe it's not that bad. And then I got me a pair of like knockoff versions. And I thought, dude, these are actually amazing and they make my style look kind of sick. I was wrong. (17:53) I had no style then. I don't have it now. But what I'm getting at here is your environment, your friends and your family are going to influence you in one way or another. So right now you might think I'm never going to get a neurochip. Hell no. 20 years down the line, you might. You might be getting there. (18:13) And Anderson, thank you so much for that. I really appreciate you supporting the channel. Thank you. All right, getting into our next one, still kind of on the topic of brains, is a human brain computer using brain tissues. And these are the scientists that are looking into this. Can I just say he looks like an evil scientist, like something from Nightmare Before Christmas? Does he not look like that? So we know this is going to be good because Swedish scientists at the final spark, a startup focused on creating solutions with (18:46) biological neuron networks, have developed the world's first living computer made from human brain tissue. We saw this coming. We knew it was going to happen. We just didn't know when. Baby, it's happening right in front of our eyes. This machine is composed of 16 organoids or clumps of brain cells grown in a lab. (19:14) This article is just getting worse and worse as we go along. which send and receive signals through their neurons acting like circuits. And what sets this living machine apart is its ability to use over a million times less energy than current digital processors, making it a potential solution to the rising energy demands of artificial intelligence and data centers. (19:48) Look, we knew it was going to happen, but it's getting a little out of hand here. But at the same time, I want to trust someone with this face to get the job done. Now, is it going to be fully on the ball and ethical? Not with this face, but I know they're going to get something done. Now, this guy, on the other hand, he's got an infectious smile. (20:10) Like, I think they make a good team, right, to balance each other out. So these organoids, estimated to contain 10,000 living neurons each, are housed in a microfluid incubator that provides nutrients and a stable environment. And let me tell you, I have that image right here. It's just getting kind of freakier as we keep going. (20:40) And so they are trained using doses of dopamine as a reward for correctly performing tasks and information is transferred via electrodes that also record the data processed by these organoids. So even though we're dealing with cells here and brain tissues, they still got to be rewarded with dopamine. They're like, yeah, this is the best thing ever. (21:06) Our brains are like that all the time. Which dopamine, I mean, it gets those organoids so high. It does. Don't be telling that to your mom, though. But we do that with scrolling on our cell phones, with eating chocolate and ice creams and sugars, or doing other stuff, right? Well, these little cells right here, they also get those dopamine hits for their reward when they get the job done right. (21:39) I can take that. I can. So FindSpark has launched the brain computer as an online platform, enabling researchers worldwide to conduct experiments remotely on biological neurons. there via the computer and the technology has garnered significant interest from universities and investors and christina gomez with potential applications in cloud computing and understanding the human brain to to develop cares for diseases so we're seeing a plus side here or which always seems to be the narrative is we are here to benefit medicine in humans whoo (22:25) But once AI gets their hands on that bad boy, we're turning into the Terminator. All right. We're going to be living that in real time, maybe even Blade Runner. But still, for now, it's pretty cool. And the last thing to cover on this particular article is that this is the world's first biocomputing project. (22:53) organism, and they're going to be having a conference, and it's set to take place in Vienna later this month, highlighting the growing interest in this groundbreaking field. Whoever lives there or wants to move there or wants to visit there by the end of June, live stream it for me. I'd love to see it because that sounds pretty sick. (23:15) I would go. It sounds very cool. All right, next one. Talk about NASA here because... There's a new telescope coming out. And I just want to say that strange news. I mean, this is it for sure. This has to be like the best strange news each week right here. So make sure to share these shows. Tell your friends because. (23:43) Talking about this kind of stuff, like brain cells and things, it's just the highlight of strange news. So like, subscribe, and share with your friends that have the same interest as you and me. Getting into our next one, talking about NASA and their new telescope, because it is developing the Habitable Worlds Observatory, also known as the HWO. (24:07) I feel like they lost the opportunity to call it the HOOP, but no. It's the HWO. And I'm like, a lost opportunity right there. But this is a large space telescope designed to directly image Earth-like planets around sun-like stars and study their atmospheres for signs of life. Between you and me, I was kind of hoping for that with the James Webb Space Telescope, the JWST. (24:37) And it's brought some beautiful images. We are now aware that the universe is twice as old as we thought it was because of the JWST. But see, I was hoping here that we were going to get some techno signatures or see planets that look very similar to Earth that might have alien life on it, but we haven't gotten any of that. (24:59) So instead, NASA's like, you know what, guys, let's make yet another telescope called the, not just kidding, called the HWO, the Habitable Worlds Observatory. People say, actually, this is not true, but I'm going to say it anyway. People say English is so English, English is so English, English is so easy. (25:19) No, no, Anyone that doesn't speak English, Habitable Worlds Observatory is so not easy to say. Also, there are so many weird rules with English. And like a few other languages. But I ain't going to throw anybody under the bus here. And learning English, because Spanish was my very first language, the words worm me. (25:46) and warm have always been a toughie, okay? And I feel like the word habitable, it takes extra brain cells to make sure I'm saying it right. So based on the current exoplanet research, it is estimated that one in every five stars may have an Earth-like planet orbiting it. So the HWO will search for chemical signatures like oxygen and methane, which could indicate the presence of life similar to that found on Earth. (26:22) And it's just now being made. With the JWST, it took, what, 10, 15 years to make? several billion dollars to create. This was going to be surprisingly a little bit cheaper. And NASA has awarded three proposals with two year fixed price contracts totaling to 17.5 million with work scheduled to begin by late summer of this year, 2024. (26:54) So we're going to June, July, August. That's when we're going to start creating this telescope, which I think is It might be alive to see it be fully finished. And the contracts will deliver a framework of technology to support the next phase of the HWO development, including ultra-stable optical systems, integrated model infrastructure by Lockheed Martin, and technologies for telescope operations. (27:24) And NASA will oversee the entire process because it is a NASA operation. And the output will enable them to plan for the development and build phase of the mission. This is cool. We're seeing a lot of developments with NASA. Now, how much of that information that they gather is made public? Well, based off merely based off of the UFO media briefing that we got last year, nothing. (27:54) None of their information is made public, even though Bill Nelson always says we're transparent and you can bet your boots. I still want that on a T-shirt so bad. But yeah, I don't think so. I think it's also kind of sketch that when the JWST launched, we didn't receive any of its feed for what, six months? Sketchy. (28:18) Is that going to happen with this new telescope? But you know what? I can be optimistic here and I can think maybe this time they'll be transparent and you can bat your boots. I'd like for that to be the case. I really do. If you're enjoying the show, hit that like button right down below because I got one more for you. (28:39) And actually, this one's only an honorable mention. It's so honorable, actually, that I'm only sharing the title with you on this one because the title tells you everything you need to know about this article. And that is a crocodile was terrorizing this Australian town. So residents cooked and ate it. (29:05) I'm just going to leave that there. Yeah, I'm just going to I'm just going to leave that one there. If you enjoyed the show, please subscribe if you haven't already and scan this QR code as it'll take you to all of my social media links or you can find it right in the description box below where you can find my website and everything else because on my website and on medium. (29:27) com, I do write articles for all of the shows that take place right here. And fun fact, I do make music called Space Ambient Music. It's actually called Cosmic Portals. You can find it when you scan this QR code or just type it into YouTube. and I have another channel called faxophical where I share fun facts with you and I will get back into it I want to say thank you to everyone watching this live thank you for the super sticker thank you for the youtube members and all of my amazing patreon and moderators you know I (29:56) cannot do the show without you that is it for today I will see you next time be safe and remember keep your eyes on the skies if you enjoy the strange and the mysterious ufos the paranormal encrypted this channel is for you so make sure to subscribe as I do three videos right here every single week and hit that notification bell so you do not miss any of the bonus content I post right here

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