Episode 100 of Strangest News of the Week will be a special anniversary edition and be joined by guest and author John Russell.

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This is your Weekly Source for Strange and Weird News Reports, including UFOs and the Paranormal. 

What rarely gets covered in the mainstream media, or buried behind the headlines; we will be talking about topics such as Unusual Discoveries, Fringe Science, the Latest Discoveries about the Universe, the Paranormal, UFOs aka UAP, Bizarre Creatures, Disturbing Disappearances, Mysterious Crimes, and Creepy Occurrences. 

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Show Transcript

Here is all the strange news from the last week. Today we'll be covering how Japan responded to UFOs, a new flamethrower robot dog for sale, the latest findings on Mars, and so much more as this is the 100 episode anniversary for strangest news of the week. And if you're catching this live, you have a couple of chances to win free merch. (00:40) For this anniversary, I'm accompanied by my co-host, Mr. John Russell. John, how are you? I'm great, Christina. Thank you so much for having me. Congratulations on the 100th episode. This is exciting. Oh, my gosh. Thank you so much. I will be honest with you. I did not expect to come this far with strangest news of the week. (01:01) But for those listening to this or even watching this, I have over 700 videos on this channel covering all of the strangest topics that there are over the last four years. And so with that being said, people listening and watching, you have a lot to catch up on. but I'm really glad that you're able to catch this live show with my friend john russell here because not only do we have cool stuff to cover but I'm really excited to actually give merch out for the first time to the public people on patreon have been (01:34) getting it but now it gives you the opportunity to do the same and I'm going to put a word in the live chat for people to type in because we'll be putting in that giveaway in just a moment and the word is hashtag 100 exactly as you see it in the live chat and on screen right here this gives you the chance to be in the giveaway program that is given to us by stream yard John, before we even get into the articles, we always have new viewers and listeners and people are like, who is John? Who is this guy on screen? (02:14) You've been on the show a lot. Yeah. Tell us a little bit about who you are. I'm a professional psychic, internationally known professional psychic. I've read for clients in over 40 countries. I still have a worldwide clientele. I've been a professional psychic for over 50 years now. And I'm a paranormal investigator, a UFO experiencer. (02:37) I'm a published author with three books in print and more on the way. And so that's me in a nutshell. You know what? That was like so nicely put short and sweet, but very much to the point. Now that people know, let's get into our first article here, because this one is actually really interesting in so many ways, because we'll be covering how Japan responded to UFOs. (03:02) And Marty, thank you so much for that. Thank you. And AJ Raffles as well. And Satya, I appreciate all of you. so looking at this this was released by yahoo not too long ago right and just to give a summary here the japanese defense chief reveals that there is nothing to ufos it's nothing extraterrestrial And this is shocking information for two reasons. (03:29) One, Japan has been studying UFOs for the last several years. They have shown a public interest in UFOs. But ever since the latest Arrow report that said all these countries agree with the United States that... All these UFOs that are being seen are not extraterrestrial. And then soon after, Japan says, yep, United States is right. (03:53) Australia did the exact same thing a few weeks ago when a FOIA request that was requested by Grant Slavik. And I know I said his last name wrong, but I'm going from memory here. we are seeing that more and more countries are following suit saying, well, if the USA, so that there aren't aliens and there aren't aliens, that is not real research. (04:16) Don't you think John? It's not, it's not real research at all. And it really amazes me to see this almost 180 degree turn by everybody. Now. I mean, we had the first little report that came out in the U S that acknowledged that UFOs were real. And then they acknowledged that as far as they knew, they weren't any foreign intelligence. (04:39) They weren't ours. And so that left them the only possible conclusion that they were extraterrestrial. And then in the second report, they begin to backpedal a little bit and they put a little clause in there. If you notice in the second report, it said that a lot of what they had had seen. And I just, I had a stroke when I read this. (05:01) because they went back to swamp gas days. They had a little thing in there, and I swear to God, in the second report, it was some of these were misidentified blooms. So we went back to the Roswell and the Witherbloom thing. We went back to blooms in the second report, and then it kind of crept onward from there, that instead of acknowledging the extraterrestrial probability of these craft, it continued to descend into, no, we don't think there's anything extraterrestrial ever. (05:36) We think all of these are either misidentifications or top secret craft of our own or some other governments or whatever. So it really amazes me to see this almost 180 degree turn and the slide into this obfuscation and this denial and everything. It's like, where is this coming from? You know, we've, we've had this problem with our own government of, You know, hiding this information and trying to press for disclosure and get the truth. (06:03) Now it seems to be becoming a worldwide cabal that, you know, they're determined to hide this thing worldwide now. So I don't know where that's coming from, unless all our efforts of disclosure have touched a nerve and maybe gotten a little too close to home. But it seems, and I'm going to use the cliche saying, but you can't put the toothpaste back in the tube. (06:27) Arrow was trying to lay yet another foundation with its latest report that we just got, what, a few weeks ago, about a month ago now, stating there's nothing to see here after so many countries have shown interest. In South America, there have been UFO offices for several decades. Japan has also had their offices. (06:47) China, Russia, and the list goes on and on. But it seems like the U.S. is acting like a big brother and saying, okay, there's nothing to UFOs. We all agree on this, right? And the country is saying, ouch. Why not? What do I have to lose? You lose your dignity when you do something like that, when you know that there's so much to back it up. (07:10) For instance, Japan has had its fair share of UFO sightings. It's an odd hotspot. And there's even been UFO groups. Again, there has been government research on UFOs as well when it comes to Japan. And then for them to say, nope, nothing to see here. And this is coming from Japan's defense minister, General Nakatani. (07:38) I think I said that one right. Close enough. I'm trying. I'm trying. But when you have that, it's bizarre. And it also contradicts because according to Reuters back in 2007, according to Japan's top government spokesman who was a chief cabinet secretary by the name of Machimura, he said that UFOs do exist. (08:04) Yeah. And he said that in 2007, someone with such a high credibility in government, and then here we are in 2024, and they're like, no, just kidding, guys. That was a fun laugh, wasn't it? It was good, huh? It was good. We're going to backstep there, yeah. It just amazes me, and I think that, you know, in light of, to see this 180-degree turn, in light of the, if you do even the most casual research You'll go online and you'll find articles. (08:35) You'll find interviews on YouTube and on other places. And you will see more and more of the fighter pilots that have come out and gone in depth in their interviews about what they've seen and what they've experienced and how it couldn't be anything earthly. And you'll find more and more people coming out from, there's a few congressmen And, uh, you know, there's people in the scientific community and there are other people in the military community that have come out and these interviews are easy to find (09:08) and they talk in depth and very credible ways. These are credible people with verifiable, verifiable backgrounds. And they talk in depth about what they've experienced and the fact that there's no possible way for it to be earthly, that it has to be extraterrestrial. So I don't understand where all this 180 degree is coming so far. (09:27) And I'm with you. I don't understand why these countries are saying, okay, well, we'll side with the U.S., even though they have their own research. And there's tons of credible UFO research out there from other countries and has been for years and years and years. And it's been available to researchers. (09:45) Other people from the U.S. have gone there and researched it. And I mean, it's just like you said, the toothpaste is out of the tube. You can't put it back. You know, the cat's out of the bag. This is out there. We know it's real. We know these things have to be extraterrestrial. And even if you put in the argument that, well, some of these things are maybe top secret classified things for our government or other governments. (10:07) Okay, fine. That doesn't explain these craft going back hundreds or thousands of years when we didn't have that technology and it didn't exist. And it doesn't explain the fact of people being abducted. It doesn't explain the fact of encounters with alien beings that are well documented by credible people, by reliable people. (10:26) So, you know, I'm confounded as to where this is coming from. And with all of this interest, and I want to almost say the word hype here when it comes to the UFO phenomenon, people being more confident to talk about it, for these countries to follow suit, it is shocking because it seems like there's a battle. (10:46) You have those that are pushing for disclosure within the governments, plural, and those that are pushing against it. Now, which one is going to win at the end of the day? Right. I think that's a question that are on a lot of people's minds is which one is going to win because the majority of people right now in 2024 do not believe the government. (11:10) There has been this lack of trust over the last several years, maybe in the last several decades that people say, you know, I'm not, I'm not buying it. And so is this push, for instance, like by design, the possibilities are endless here. And we could ponder on this all day, but we have other articles to cover. (11:33) Thank you for that. But do you have any ending thoughts before we move on? Well, you know, I think that we have to persist and And putting pressure on our government for disclosure, I don't think we can back down. I think we have to keep trying to tear the lid off of this story. I think we have to keep pressuring our people in Congress and doing whatever we can to continue to press for disclosure. (11:59) We can't let this thing go back in the box now. No, no, we cannot. And for those catching this live, please make sure to put in hashtag 100 as we see from John right here, because we'll be doing our first drawing within the next few minutes, actually. So in the live chat, put exactly as you see how John has written it. (12:21) It says hashtag 100. and again we will do that drawing in just a few minutes getting into our next one uh this one this one's interesting and it has to do with mars and actually this is going to be a two-pronged topic because one these are images from mars and looking at this these look like icky sticky spiders but they're not spiders But, you know, we could probably go to David Bowie's song talking about spiders on Mars. (12:50) Was he right? Was he an alien with alien intel? People might say yes, but here, tell us what this is, John. You know, I wish I knew. You know, we've been seeing things on Mars for so long and on the moon and, uh, You know, everybody keeps trying to cover it up or say, oh, it's a camera malfunction or it's, you know, pareidolia or it's this or it's that. (13:24) But there have been so many credible, reliable images that have come back from Mars and from the moon. And there have been credible, reliable people that have talked about, you know, some of the astronauts have talked about structures on the moon, crafts on the moon, alien craft on the moon, so on and so forth. (13:43) Our astronauts have said that. So, you know, there's got to be something there and there has to be something to these photographs. It's very odd. When I hear what we're looking at on Mars is that they're not actual spiders, but they kind of look that way. Could you imagine? You're just casually looking at images maybe from, I want to say a telescope, but we can even say any of the rovers, right? And you get this image, you're like, oh my goodness, right? ginormous spiders are on mars but in reality what (14:14) we're looking at here is that these are seasonal eruptions of carbon dioxide on mars but it creates these very odd looking images when it comes to that planet there's a lot of stories and myths and ideas for centuries people have mentioned that there are those that live on mars or used to live on mars There have been remote viewing by McMonagle, who used to work for the CIA, who said that thousands, if not millions of years ago, there was a civilization that lived there looking for another planet because theirs was becoming desolate. (14:54) And there's also very odd structures on Mars, like you had mentioned, similar to the moon. And this kind of goes in something that was found back in 2015 that was caught. And I can tell you the rover because I have it right here. Caught by the Curiosity rover. And it looks like a ginormous sand crab or maybe a face hugger. (15:19) It's pretty creepy stuff. Now, could it actually have been just a regular rock formation and that pareidolia is acting within us? It's a possibility. But when you... definitely add in all of these other stories and sightings when it comes to Mars. There seems to be something there. We just don't fully know what it is. (15:42) Well, that's it. And I think that, you know, going back to our government cover up of the UFOs, I think that there are a lot of things on other planets that are there that are real, that our government's covering up and that they have to know about. Because, again, our astronauts spoke about being on the moon and seeing alien spacecraft on the moon and seeing structures on the moon. (16:08) I remember, oh, God, when I was a teenager or in my early 20s, I read an article in Faith magazine, and this guy talked about he had a really good high-powered telescope, but it was a home model like anybody could get. And he said that anybody that had the money to get a really, really good quality home model telescope could sit out, train it on the moon and see these structures on the moon and some of them being moved around in various locations and some of them being built or dismantled and this and the other. (16:42) And this was, oh, God, a long time ago. And, you know, with it just boggles my mind to think that all of the fantastic, telescopes that we have that can peer far out into space. You know, they can see the surface of the moon clearly, but they never show us anything. You know, they show us a little section of craters or this, that, and the other. (17:06) They don't even get really too close there. And I saw an interview with a guy once where he, um, yeah, it looks like it. I saw an interview with a guy that, uh, I think he worked from NASA. And he said, this, this guy called him in where they were developing some of the photographs that had taken to the moon and Mars and other places and said, look at this. (17:31) And he said, there were structures, there were buildings, there were crafts. And he was like, oh my God, you know, I probably shouldn't be seeing this. And the guy said, just wanted you to see this, just wanted you to know what's up there. And then, of course, it was all covered up. And the assertion has been made forever and a day that NASA, you know, cleans the photographs that they doctor the photographs before they're released to the public to get rid of all the stuff that's there. (17:59) So nothing surprises me anymore. And when we see things like this, like on Mars, on the moon or whatever, I'm a believer. You know, I believe it's there. I believe that it's it's either something still active or the remnant of something. There's credible evidence like from our remote viewers that there's still some kind of activity on these planets or some type of life on these planets. (18:22) But again, we face that government blockade and getting to the truth, finding the truth. After doing so much research on Mars, not just myself, but so many people that have looked into it, there are very strange structures. And not only that, but we've come to realize now, I mean, just rather recently, that if you dig a certain level below the Mars's crust, there's a whole ocean down there. (18:51) And there's also remnants that there used to be a notion. People are able to see that in the sands and in the rock with the rock erosion and how the sand looks now as if water used to go through it. It's just a really marvelous planet. It's a very interesting one. It has captivated astronomers for centuries. (19:13) And I'm not saying that lightly here. And once we're able to get our foot on Mars, not just sending over cute little rovers, but really getting there, I think we might find some things that will really shift people's paradigms. Well, we, we could, if the government would allow that disclosure, but again, you know, we have so many things, uh, talked about on our moon that the government has, hasn't allowed to come out. (19:41) And, uh, Again, it just astonishes me that the astronauts can come back and say, hey, while we were there, these alien craft landed and were flying around. And there were these structures and there were these buildings and there was this and that. And the fact that our astronauts can come back and say that, and it amazes me that it's like, why doesn't the news machine, the reporters and everything, all the major news networks, When they hear that, why don't they go, what? And go and talk to these astronauts and talk to the (20:13) government and press for this information. I mean, it's just incredible that our news industry just kind of lays down and just kind of lets things slide. It's bizarre. It really is. It really is. For those catching this, put in hashtag 100. I feel really stupid. I accidentally refreshed it and I lost everything. (20:34) So please re-put. I know. I know. Please re-put in your entries for hashtag 100. And I wanted to do it right now, but we don't have enough time for you to catch up on that. So I'll give you a few minutes to do it while we get into our next one here. our next article. But actually, I want to hold the next article for a moment while we wait for these entries. (20:59) John, I know that you just released your latest book, but you have so many more in the works. But tell us about your newest one. I want to hear it. Yeah, the latest book is 20 Ways to Increase Your Psychic Abilities. This book is a game changer for people. And I'll tell you why. That's not bragging on myself. (21:19) It really is a game changer. And the reason that I wrote this book is over the years, the other side has directly taught me tools and techniques, psychic and spiritual tools and techniques that work. They get results. They change your environment. They help you to control your dreams and get information in your dreams. (21:40) They help you to find the perfect mate for yourself on and on and on. So I would give these tools and techniques to my clients and readings when appropriate. And tell them how to apply that to whatever they were going through that they needed help with or change or whatever. And they would report back to me and say, hey, John, you know, thanks for that. (22:02) It worked. I tried it and it worked. So it finally dawned on me, hey, I need to get this out to a wider audience. Let's put these in a book. And people said, well, why 20? Why not 30 or 50 or 100 or whatever? Well, 20 is manageable. And if 20 sounds like not enough, I mean, like it's... You can't exhaust the possibilities of this book with only 20 in it, trust me. (22:29) 20 is going to be more than you need for right now. And each chapter contains one technique, and I define the technique. I tell you what it is. I tell you how to learn it, how to practice it, how to get good at it, and then the real world application of it. And What I did in writing this book was to simplify it. (22:49) And the readers love it. They give me the feedback and they say, John, you've taken out all the gobbledygook. You've taken out all the jargon. You've taken out all the hard to understand stuff. You've made it simple. You've made it readable. You've made it enjoyable. Most importantly, it works. (23:02) I get feedback from readers all over the world now. They email me and so on and so forth. John, we did this. We tried it. It works. So in writing this book, I took these 20 techniques and they apply to a wide spectrum of your life and what you can do with them. There's things in there. Can you give us one of them? Just like the first chapter is how to learn psychometry and the real world application of it. (23:28) And then there's a dream interpretation. There's how to conduct an old school seance. There's how to attract the perfect mate. There's how to make your own talismans and amulets and Charms and so on and so forth. So all of these things are in there. And my first two books were about all of my true paranormal experiences that I've had over the years, what I've learned from them, what I want other people to learn, take away from that. (23:55) And then this book, everybody is like, John, this is kind of like the textbook. Man, I have to study this thing. And like, I go back to chapter over and over and over again. I get something new each time and I put it into practice. And there's so much information in here. There's so much to do. There's so much to glean, so much to learn. (24:12) But everybody loves the fact that, you know, in most books on increasing your spiritual growth or your psychic abilities, it's you have to hunt down this rare and exotic herb. And you have to wear purple and you have to do this spell at midnight on a full moon in the third month of the year and blah, blah. No, you don't. (24:33) You know, it's like people listen to me. I had my first paranormal experience at age five. I became aware of my psychic gifts at age six. I started doing paranormal investigations at age 11. I became a professional psychic at 18. I have spent my entire life. I'm 70 now. Okay. So I've been around the block a few times. (24:52) I have spent my entire life studying this, learning this, practicing this. And so I've simplified it and I've made it easy. You don't have to do any of these complex, complicated things. You don't have to buy expensive implements. You don't have to chase down hard to find ingredients. You don't have to wait for the right day in the right month and the right year, whatever you don't have to trust me. (25:14) You can do these things regardless of what your level of spirituality or psychic ability is. Now you can, Buy this book. I'm going to take you and lead you by the hand, take you step-by-step through these techniques, teach you how to do them effectively, how to learn them, how to put them into real-world practice to help yourself. (25:35) And it's just, like I said, it really is a game-changer book. I'm so proud of it. When it came out, it hit number one bestseller in several categories on Amazon. It hit the top 100 bestselling books at Barnes & Noble, There was several other bestseller things that it hit, and it just really blew up, really exploded. (25:56) And like I say, I've gotten just marvelous feedback from readers worldwide from this book. So I'm so proud of it. I encourage everybody to get it if you have any interest at all in increasing your psychic capabilities, increasing your intuition, growing your spirituality, learning how to change your environment and manipulate things to make things better. (26:15) Get this book because it will help you. I think that you definitely add some really cool stuff into there. And I'm glad that you were able to explain it to us. So I'm about to do the drawing right now. I'm going to give everyone, I don't know, 10 seconds to put in hashtag 100 to get the chance to win free merch in honor of our 100 episode for strangest news of the week. (26:41) But it is not the hundred episode on this channel. There are 700 plus episodes that you can find right here. It's a lot. I know. I think like a whole lifetime. to watch it all. And Mark, thank you so much for that. All right, let's go ahead and do that drawing. All right. How exciting. Who the winner is. This is me. (27:07) Congratulations. Hold on. Where's the applause? There it is. There's the applause. Congratulations. Please send me an email. My email is in the description box below with your YouTube URL that you won and then the address that you want me to send it to. I know some people didn't see their name. Don't worry. (27:29) It was in there. But because there are so many names, it doesn't show all of them in the giveaway. And if you didn't win this one, don't worry. There's going to be another one. in just a little bit. So make sure to hang tight. And the new word is hashtag wow100. But don't put it in just yet because I haven't allowed the program to take it. (27:49) But that's what it's going to be. And I'll tell you when I put it in. Wow100. Okay, there it is. Outstanding. I have to interject something here a second, Christina. You were talking about all the interviews you have on your channel. And folks, my God, there's a wealth of information here. You have got to dig through Christina's channel. (28:13) She has interviewed everybody on Skinwalker Ranch multiple times. She's interviewed notables in the paranormal field. She has done so many great, so many wonderful, interesting interviews. I dig through her channel and I watch these interviews and I get excited and I learn from these interviews. They're awesome. (28:33) I told Christina one time, we've never talked about this in public, but I emailed her one time and I said, you're the art bell of our generation. That she is that important in the paranormal world. She's coming up. She's young. She's bringing this into a whole new generation, a whole new era, keeping the excitement going, keeping the information going, keeping the discovery and the probing and everything going that we need to do. (29:02) so kudos to you you are the art bill of our generation and beyond and I i congratulate you Oh, you're muted, Christina. There you go. Sorry. My cheeks are getting really warm. I feel flushed, but thank you. That's very kind to hear from you who has been on the show so many times, someone that's been interviewed by so many people. (29:30) To hear that from you, it means a lot to me. It's been a journey. I can just say that. There's been a lot of Difficulty work that I do. I'll say it like this, the work that I do, you love it or you hate it. And that's okay. But it seems that there's a lot of like, people don't expect that. (29:53) what they end up getting from this. And I'm just going to leave it at that. I don't want to get too much into this, but let's get into our next article here. And again, congratulations, dinner bells, please send me that email today so that I can get that sent to you by the end of the day. Our next one is a pretty exciting one because for some scary for others, because it is a flamethrower robot dog that right now is on the market for anyone to buy. (30:22) Okay. If I won the lottery, I'm getting one. No, no, no. I got to have me one of those. Brian, thank you so much for that. So with this dog, it's from the company Throw Flame, which is an Ohio-based flamethrower manufacturer. And he has introduced this groundbreaking addition to their arsenal called the Therminator. (30:52) Therminator. that's original and it's actually pretty funny I did laugh the first time I read it but there's already so many flaws so many flaws with this for instance anyone can buy it but you know what they said you know what they said john they said this is not to be as a weapon no no it's meant for like Melt snow and take care of the forest to do controlled burns for entertainment. (31:23) The average person will not use it for those things. No, absolutely not. Every person is going to have it. wandering around their yard to scare the neighbors or shoot planes at the kids, tromping on the lawn or whatever. And somebody, it's going to be just a short matter of time before somebody shows up at the bar with this thing and gets it and puts it out of the trunk bed in the parking lot and says, Hey guys, watch this. (31:55) Great, great potential for misuse, but I still want one. I think I think the majority of people would because who doesn't love a good flamethrower? All right. Absolutely. Absolutely. And you couple that with a robot dog, man, you've got the best of both worlds. And, you know, this thing, look, it's pretty amazing. (32:16) They say it's got LIDAR mapping for elevation data. Laser sites is able to avoid obstacles. I mean, this this thing is going all burners, man. And Scorpio says here, guarding Amazon packages. There you go. Well, I tell you, that surpasses the ring doorbell. That takes things to a whole new level. If you come up to steal the package and there's the flamethrower robot dog, you're covered. (32:48) So right now, you can buy it for $9,420. Yeah. And there's also a promotional video that highlights the robot's laser targeting system and nocturnal navigation skills as well. So who needs a flashlight when you have a flamethrower robot dog? Exactly right. I mean, this is the perfect companion for a night in the woods, camping, whatever. (33:15) You know, that could have a practical application. Camping, you can scare off the bears. Have a barbecue. Have a barbecue. Keep you warm in the winter. I mean, the possibilities are endless. Keep you warm in the winter, melt the snow. Yeah, all kinds of stuff. Yeah. But do you know how expensive propane is these days? Well, yeah, there is that. (33:38) And the battery only lasts for about an hour at this point. So, you know, not a lot of longevity there. They're going to have to work on that. They will. If they really want to sell it to the public, they got some work to do. But I do not think, I really don't think in all honesty that it's going to pass in a lot of states. (33:58) Probably not. Probably not. You know, I can. Having these in the city. Yeah. Yeah. You know, I can see the drug cartels being really heavy into these. That would be something else. It really would. But this is why this is a part of strangest news of the week, because I would have never thought in my lifetime to encounter something like this for sale. (34:30) You know what? In the next three years, maybe you might be able to buy it off of Amazon and get shipping. I wouldn't doubt. I wouldn't doubt. You know, the advancements that we're making in robotics is pretty scary right now. Yes, in many ways it is. For instance, there have been developments in creating real-like skin that is able to regenerate itself, sweating robots that are able to sweat, which is really shocking as well. (35:03) Elon Musk has mentioned that AI will be able to What's the word I want to use? It will be able to overcome... That's not the word I want to use. But in the sense of the human mind, AI will get on top of that, will double it within the next year to where they will outsmart humanity. That's the word I wanted to use. (35:26) And so you're right. That's really scary. These last... in many ways it is. And now we're getting robots that are looking very human as well. And then when you couple that with AI imaging, where you can't tell a deep fake from the real deal, it is, it is getting pretty alarming in those aspects. (35:43) You know, we, we talked one time about AI on one of our, uh, our previous interviews. And, uh, I was saying at the time, um, the problems that I was encountering, um, And there were a lot of people that pushed back against that, you know, and said, oh, the the state of AI and what this guy is saying is kind of cringy. (36:07) Well, it wasn't because there were self-driving cars that the camera looked at a truck, a semi truck next to him and saw the sky reflected in it and didn't see the truck and thought the lane was clear and change lanes into the truck. And so all of these things were happening. And so what I said was very cautionary against AI. (36:30) Now, if you read anything at all, the guy who was, they quote him as being the godfather of AI. He has come out and said, hey, we're way out of control on this thing. We're moving way too fast. We didn't need to pump the brakes on this. And there are several other major scientists in robotics and science and everything else that are saying, Hey, we need to stop. (36:59) We need to take a step back. We need to watch what we're doing. So I was watching, I always watch the Boston dynamics videos on YouTube with the, you know, the Atlas robot. So they had the Atlas robot, you know, it could be backflips. They could jump, it could run, it could do all of this stuff and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. (37:17) But that was it's programming and it didn't have AI. So now I just saw the latest Boston Dynamics video and they've retired Atlas. Now, why are they retiring Atlas? Because they developed a new robot. They've spent a year developing this new robot that supersedes Atlas. And guess what they're doing with this new robot? They're giving it AI. (37:41) So I was watching a video. Elon Musk has a robot they've developed with AI and. All of these robots are self-learning. They don't rely on programming. They don't rely on software to update and to blah, blah, blah. They teach themselves and they learn and they advance themselves. So I was watching a video of the Elon Musk robot and it was incredibly, horribly frightening because one of the tasks that it was doing was it would grab blocks and put them in this tray. (38:21) And so it's grabbing the blocks, and it's putting them in the tray. And one of the blocks tips over as it puts it in the tray. And the robot stops, and it looks at the block, and it goes, oh, and it grabs the block, and it writes it. Now, that's not in its programming. That is not in its programming. (38:42) They admit this is not in its programming. So the robot looks and it recognizes, oh, whoops, this thing tipped over. It's not right. I have to write this thing. So folks, we're in for some stuff here because what I've maintained forever and a day, machine intelligence is not our intelligence. And if you have machine intelligence without emotion, without compassion, without spirituality, you know, Down the road, we're going to be in some real trouble here because machines are going to replicate themselves based (39:21) upon what they perceive that they need and how they want to interact with humanity. And at some point, they may look at us as a virus or as something inferior to be wiped out or whatever. And there's numerous ways they could do that very, very easily. So I'm with the godfather of AI. We need to step way back. (39:42) We need to take a look at this. And what concerns me spiritually as a psychic, you know, we have invisible beings that can shut doors. So there are invisible beings, invisible entities that can affect our physical dimension right now. What if these invisible beings decide to take possession of or interact through or with these robots or through AI? What if they decide to start moving in that direction and manipulating that. (40:13) I mean, there's so much here that we haven't thought through. There's so much potential for danger and for hazards. And, you know, this is running out of control to make a buck. Everybody that's in this, oh, we're for the good of humanity and it's going to help hospitals and doctors and diagnosis and this and that. (40:32) They're in it for the buck. They're saying that, but they're in it for the buck. This stuff is generating billions of dollars And it's out of control. There's no brakes on it. We don't know where it's going to go. We don't know where it's going to stop. And when you've got the top tier people in AI going, oh my God, we need to pump the brakes on this thing. (40:51) We need to step back. You need to be listening to those people because those are the people that originated this and have been in it from the get-go. And they're saying now, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, hey, we got to step way back on this. We got to pump the brakes. We're in trouble here. And when you got the godfather of AI saying that, You know, we're in some trouble. (41:12) It's in many ways, it's scary, but it's not scary because of AI. It's scary because of the human mind and how they're able to weaponize anything and everything. I think that's one of the biggest fear factors is the people more so than the AI, because you are able to program it for the most part. (41:31) until it's doing the whole self-learning thing. That's a different story. But for the most part, when you program it, you have control over it. Now, when you have these self-learning abilities and they witness humans that are being hypocritical or they're not following the AI's programming of like, why are you telling me this, but you're doing that? And all of these factors to it, yes, that's when it gets really alarming and where it can be very dangerous. (41:56) But there's no turning back. There are laws that are being pushed in the UK. They are trying to file laws here in the United States. And laws are a slow process. They're very, very slow. But not only that, as you had mentioned, John, people are doing it for the money. It saves a lot. You're not paying people. (42:16) You're paying robots. Now it's accessible to everyone. Right now, today, the majority of your programs... From Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, whatever. They all have AI factors to them now. They didn't six months ago. They do now. It's becoming so ingrained in people's everyday life. Yeah. There is no turning back from it. (42:39) It's only going to get more severe. And people are going to have to learn how to deal with it, but also use it in a safe way. Yeah. Instead of allowing it to control the masses, which our phones are already doing that. We don't even need AI to control the masses. But it is in some ways getting a little spooky. (43:02) But in other ways, it really is benefiting people, people's creativity, the hospital aspect, the medicine aspect. It's helping us decipher scrolls. Like, for instance, just recently, Plato's... tomb was found due to the ancient scrolls that were found from, what was the volcano that erupted? Oh, Vesuvius. (43:30) That one. Yes, in Pompeii. There you go. And so if it wasn't for AI, we wouldn't have found that information. So it's a catch-22 here. There's bad sides to it. It just depends on the person that is operating it. We have to realize, too, that we can't depend, we think we can depend on the intelligence, so-called of AI, but we can't rely on it because, for example, look at Facebook. (43:58) Every time I get on Facebook, somebody says, my account just got restricted or I got this post taken down or whatever this and the other. People aren't doing that. AI is doing that now. And AI can't tell the difference between a joke and sarcasm and irony and a threat. Neither can people. Yeah, we can't rely on that because we're putting that out there to say, okay, well, AI is so smart and AI is so capable. (44:25) They can handle this. They can do that. No, it can't because Facebook's a good example of that. It can't tell the difference between, you know, irony, a joke or whatever, this and the other. And there's no person to contact at Facebook when the algorithm decides that you've messed up. You know, there's only the machine saying, OK, there's this word. (44:48) This word means this threat. Therefore, your account's restricted and it has no room for irony or interpretation or joking or whatever. It's like if I go on Facebook and I say, man, I just ate this chili cheese dog. It was better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. That's an old Texas thing. (45:08) But the algorithm is going to look at that. Oh, my God, violence. This guy is trying to assault somebody in the face with a stick. My account's going to be restricted. So you can't depend upon AI yet. You know, you've got to understand there still has to be that human factor. And it's just, there are some things that it might be good at, but look at the, you know, as an author, yeah, what if AI controls a power grid? That's frightening as hell. (45:33) As an author, I have to be concerned about AI and publishing because Jane Friedman, who's a well-known author and a well-known teacher in the writing community, had several books put on Amazon for sale with her name on them that were generated by AI. And they were not her books. They were not her content. They were not anything. (45:57) They were just somebody generated books in the similar vein to what she writes with AI and put them on Amazon under her name. She had to go to Amazon and say, hey, this is the real Jane Friedman. These are not my books. Take these things down. So now Amazon is being flooded by books generated by AI and put up there sometimes under the names of well-known authors, so on and so forth. (46:24) So this has become a big thing in the publishing industry. The Authors Guild has launched several lawsuits against AI publishing. And more and more publishers now are saying, we don't accept anything that's written by AI. Or if you've... A lot of authors like myself have started putting disclaimers in their books saying everything is written by me. (46:48) There's no way I generated content here. So it's becoming it grows exponentially and becomes a problem in more ways than we recognize in more ways than we understand. So, again, you know, there's areas here you got to pump the brakes on that, you know, and you got to you got to pull back. Oh, boy. And while people want to so much, it's getting harder to do. (47:15) It's getting harder to do. It is. And you have to look at if somebody produces an artwork through AI, that's not their artwork. They didn't sit down with a palette and paints and a brush and paint that. They did it with AI. That's not their work. It's AI produced. Same thing if somebody produces a book with AI. (47:35) They didn't sit down and write that. You know, it takes me six to nine months to write a book. And they didn't sit down and write it. They ran it through AI, probably generated the book in a day or two, and boom, there it goes. So you have to understand the difference between real creativity, you know, reality, and what AI is generating, which is, you know, not reality. (48:01) With that being said, put in the hashtag Wow100 for the chance to win some free merch in honor of the 100th episode for Strangest News of the Week. I will give you just a few moments to do so before we click the draw button. Anyone and everyone has the chance to win. If you're a subscriber, John, you can even join if you want to. (48:27) I'm good. I'm tickled to sit here and watch this and watch people win. This is great. All right. I will give people just a few more moments. Again, that is hashtag wow100. If and only if you're watching this live, of course. And only type it in once. One entry is what you get. You can put it a thousand times, but it will only be entered once. (48:50) You know what we could do? I didn't discuss this with you, but we could do this if you're amenable to it. We could give away a signed copy of my latest book to somebody. Yes. Yes. Let's do it. Okay. I like that idea. May it be your latest book? Yeah. 20 ways to unlock your psychic abilities. Increase your psychic abilities. (49:20) Yeah. And I will, I will autograph it to the person that wins. How fun. Okay, I'm excited. All right, here we go. I know people are still putting them in. I'll give them just a few more moments. Everyone's like, ah, me. Me, I want to win. I want to win too, but I can't. Actually, myself is in there, but if I win, obviously, I won't actually. (49:43) Yeah, there you go. There you go. Going to be pressed, everybody. Here we go. Here we go. Oh, my God. And the winner is... Who? B. Jannie Sue. Congratulations. Alright. Alright. I need to write that down. All right, B. Janice, please send me an email with your address. And obviously, like a YouTube URL as well. So I know that it's you and not someone impersonating you. (50:29) And then we get that sent over to you very shortly. John, I really appreciate you doing this 100 episode anniversary with me. I appreciate you inviting me. This is great. This is great. And before you head out, where can people find you online? Johnrussell.net. And that's for my psychic work. And if they're interested in the books, they can go to Johnrussellauthor.com. (50:58) Nice. And those links are in the description box below. John, I'm going to put you backstage, okay? All right. This was such a fun show. It is always a pleasure to speak with John and cover some of the strangest news of the week this week. If you enjoyed the show, hit that like button right down below and subscribe as I do several shows a week right here every single week. (51:23) And every Friday, sometimes Saturday, is strangest news of the week. That is it for today. Make sure to scan this QR code to get to all of my social media links. My other channel called Faxophical. telling you all the most fun, strange, and amazing facts about anything and everything. Oh, and by the way, I do write articles for all of the shows done right here. (51:47) If you're a reader, those articles are for you. You can find them on Medium, find them on my website at strangeparadigms.com, scan this QR code, or click on the link right down below of all of Christina's socials. You can find it there as well. That is it for today. I will see you next time. Be safe, and remember, keep your eyes on the skies. (52:11) If you enjoy the strange and the mysterious UFOs, the paranormal and cryptids, this channel is for you. So make sure to subscribe as I do three videos right here every single week and hit that notification bell so you do not miss any of the bonus content I post right here.

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