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In the West, a movie which provided good context for the theory of reincarnation was Cloud Atlas, yet what most don't know is that two of the world's oldest and largest religious groups and wisdom schools have the concept of reincarnation at their very cores. The Sanatana Dharma of Hinduism and the Buddha Dharma of Buddhism both teach that all individuals are on a journey of learning through experience via a rebirth cycle that is meant to culminate in a final incarnation where 'Enlightenment' is achieved, freeing one from the 'Wheel of Rebirth', also known as the Samsara cycle.

According to the same wisdom schools, it is possible to reincarnate not just on our world, but many worlds across the physical Universe, itself also being referred to as the 'Realm of Samsara', or the realm of transmigration and karmic cycle.

And then there are the many stories of young children remembering details of other lives, sometimes those details being confirmed after investigation, of lives across other continents in different times.

In this fascinating episode, Cristina Gomez and Jimmy Church will take a look into ancient teachings, and modern cases that indicate that the afterlife maybe quite different from what is conventionally taught in the West.

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