In this livestream episode of Mysteries with a History, we cover the ongoing global increase of UFOs being seen and reported by commercial airline pilots, marking a deviation from a long time taboo where pilots feared coming forward, and we will look at recent examples of UFO / UAP sightings by pilots and from the last few years.

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you I'll have to say that in the last two years, mainly pilots have been more open about sharing their UFO sightings, which is very exciting, but can also be a little bit alarming. Are there protocols? Do they report their sightings? Who do they report them to? And even on an international scale, how does that work? And how can we get more pilots to share their experiences? That is what this episode is going to be all about. But before we get started, I do really want to emphasize subscribe and hit the notification bell because tomorrow I'll be covering drones, drones seen all over the world, the drone hearings, the updates on that. What's going on? Are they ours? Are they theirs? You don't want to miss it, so hit the notification bell. And lastly, bookmark the website to stay up to date on all the latest UFO news. It's completely ad-free, and it is a great resource to stay up to date. Hello and welcome to this episode of Mysteries with a History, where you'll be taken on a wild ride into the unknown, the strange, and the mysterious. Like you, I have questions, and like you, I want answers. And with each episode together, we will peel away the layers to look for the truth. Let me bring in my co-host, Jimmy Church of Faded Black Radio. Yo, yo, yo. Yo, yo, yo. Big day. Happy Thursday. Thursday is a busy day for me. It's always busy for you. But, you know, I do three broadcasts on Thursday, the news, you, and then Fade to Black. So it's just like nonstop. And I love it. It allows me to learn stuff, but also share and hang out with the community. So yo, yo, yo, everybody. Ho, ho, ho. It's Christmas. It's Christmas. Do you have snow where you are? A little bit. Yeah, yeah. It's, you know, I had Petros Koutoupis on the show last time. He's in Chicago. And no snow. Freezing, but no snow. But here we go. It's the holiday season. And right now we have the gift that keeps on giving, Christina. UFOs, UAPs. You mentioned drones. I saw in the comments. I'm so happy we're not talking about drones today on the show. So we'll save that for tomorrow. But it is crazy out there right now. And also, we got to mention the December third UFO invasion and how that got its way into the media. and everything else, and right at the same time that all of that was kicking off, you've got pilots seeing stuff, you've got the drone activity, and the UFO community, like I've said many times, Christina, it's like this ebb and flow, ebb and flow, and as soon as you think oh man, there's been no UFOs today, right? There's no news. Boom, right? It's like, it's crazy. And right now, it's pretty exciting. And then we have everything else that is going on with legislation and and the coverage and UFO hearings. And, and that has been continuing to as well. We just had a hearing on the drones, which was, uh, also very interesting. And we have a different federal agencies, the FAA, the FBI, probably the NRO and, and, uh, and other intelligence agencies all involved in this. It is crazy. we're living in exciting times for sure it feels like a lot of things are unwinding here always near the end of the year and especially with this latest report of a pilot from oregon seeing these very strange lights objects in the sky and it was all caught by the control tower I'm going to share my screen here. This one's just merely a visual aid, but I do have the image as well that I'll share just a little bit. But last Saturday on December seventh, pilots from Eugene, Oregon, reported unusual aerial activity to air traffic control with the FAA confirming to Newsweek that unidentified lights were observed in the Seattle Air Route Traffic Control Center airspace. And the incident involved multiple witnesses. including a United Airlines pilot over the Willamette National Forest who reported seeing three to four targets at varying altitude and a medical evacuation pilot who also saw something that he described as red and this circular kind of object moving at extreme speeds between the coast and their position. And then in at a forty four minute record exchange, pilots described the objects performing erratic maneuvers, including corkscrew patterns and rapid movements toward and away from the coast. with one pilot noting the object would travel approximately twenty miles out to sea before returning. And then air traffic control acknowledged these reports and authorized pilots to maneuver as needed to avoid the unidentified objects. Now, while the FAA has stated that such UAP sightings are documented and were corroborated by radar data, which was hopefully which will be shared to the Aero office in the near future. But when you listen to this air traffic control communication, which I will place that link in the description box below, actually, this episode is going to be very link heavy. in the description box because there is so much to cover and I want many of you to look at it on your own as well along with us covering it here more in a summary but some quotes that were mentioned that definitely caught my attention is one of the pilots had stated it's not satellites okay I mean emphasis on that because they're changing direction And there was another one, one of the official responses, and it says here, It is so rare to hear the term UFO when pilots and air traffic control are speaking to one another. So for them to catch it here is truly remarkable. But it also continues, one of the pilots stating, It keeps zipping out towards the ocean and then coming back in. And I don't know, twenty miles or closer to us. And it zips back out into the ocean. I'm so excited, Jimmy, that we are seeing pilots in the last I'm going to say the last several weeks. of them coming forward and sharing these moments and also allowing these communications between pilots and air traffic control that it's not classified. Anyone's able to get access to it. That's exciting because in the past, as soon as anything was mentioned about UFOs, it was instantly classified. So what do you think about this from this latest sighting? Yeah, it's, it's, it's, it's all very, very interesting. And you're right about that. That point needs to be emphasized here that we are listening to UFO being mentioned in, in radio chatter. And if you go back to, you have to ask why suddenly, why is, is this okay? And Christine did put up a poll earlier, uh, go and participate in that Chris Christine. Christina, did I say Christine? I did not. How many years have we been doing this? I did not. Moving on, moving on, moving on. Did I say that? I did not. Did I? Okay. Christina put up a poll earlier. Please go participate in the poll. And I did. And overwhelmingly, at the end of the show, we'll give you the updates on that poll. But overwhelmingly... one has been picked. One choice, I should say, of the four, which is the one that I picked too as well. I'm kind of... I guess I'm a conformist. But that... This, this mentioning of UFOs by air traffic control and, and pilots, by the way, we're going to show a video a little bit later of a pilot in the cockpit. I have no idea how many times he says UFO when, when he was looking out the window, but it's pretty amazing. And we'll get to that in just a second. But it reminds me of Close Encounters of the Third Kind, right? This is Indianapolis Air Traffic Control, right? Do you want to report a UFO? No. No, I do not. Right? And that's what it's coming down to. Now, this was last Saturday. And the unidentified light, one of the pilots was flying near Eugene, Oregon. And you listen to the tapes, and you listen to the audio recording, which has now surfaced. It is out there. That communication between not one, but two pilots in air traffic control with the controller, as Christina mentioned, telling them to maneuver as necessary, left or right, to avoid the UFO out there. And it's unbelievable to listen to. The pilots reported seeing, like Christina said, red circular lights and objects moving erratically towards the ocean and returning at various altitudes, with one saying the objects moved in a corkscrew pattern. And another statement, at extreme speeds. Now, one of the pilots said, quote, looking straight west to Eugene, we are seeing three or four targets. They're at altitudes, all kinds of altitudes, up and down, and it is pretty crazy, end quote. Christina? Christina? We're in a brave new world. This is a new day when this kind of communication happens and goes public. We are living indefinitely in a new age and where there isn't this fear of these pilots losing their jobs. One of the best examples was the JAL pilot from Japan that was traveling across to Alaska and he mentioned his UFO sighting and then he instantly got his wings removed and had an office job. It was horrible. Today, there isn't that level of fear and stigma like there was a few decades ago, let alone a few years ago. It was very exciting to see last year Ryan Graves and David Fravor speak in front of Congress about their encounters, being pilots, working for the military. It seems like it gave other pilots confidence to do so. And this one that just took place last week, the air traffic control communication is definitely worthy of a listen. That link will be in the description box below for you to listen to on your own time. Here is one of the images that was taken by the pilot on what he saw that day using this red circular blobby object. And it doesn't matter what year we're in. We still get the worst photos you could ever imagine of a UFO, which is so disappointing. But it is what it is. At least we have two pieces of public information. We have the air traffic control communication and we have an image. That's a good start. Right. So it's for sure. For sure it is. I mean, this is I don't think it could be emphasized enough, Christina, that this is actually happening and it has never been like this before. A couple of years ago, just two years ago. I'm waiting for a plane and the flight gets canceled. There was problems with what they call the equipment. They pull the plane out, they bring in another plane. And while this, this took about two hours to go down. So I'm standing there and everybody knows how I am. I've got a big mouth and I like to, uh, uh, talk to people. The new flight crew comes up. It's four pilots. Right. Okay. Like two pie two, but there was four all with their pilot stuff on and they come up and they're standing next to me. And what do I do? I did what I should have done. I turned to them and I go, Hey, what's going on? Nothing. Okay. Change of equipment. Yep. Change of equipment. You guys are new flight. Yeah, we are. I said, Oh, okay. Hey, listen, I got a question. Have you guys ever seen a UFO before? Right now, I think a lot of people have. Oh, Jimmy, let me just I got to say, this is very important. This is not an image that was taken. It's a rendition of what the pilot saw. I just want to correct on what I said. This is merely the image that we're seeing here is a rendition. You know what? That is good journalism, Christina. That is good journalism. Thank you for that. No, seriously, that's that's good journalism right there. as it should be. So anyway, back to this, I just want to make this really quick. So out of these four pilots, one was a little older gray hair. He had more stuff on. And when I asked him if they had any of them had seen a UFO, they all look at each other, right? They all look at each other and then look at like the captain, the old guy. And he goes, no I said wow and it was really weird he shut the other guy I I it felt like they wanted to say something that's the way it felt to me and they all looked at him he said no and that was the end of the conversation Today, it's not that kind of party, is it? I think I would have got a different answer out of them if that opportunity presented itself once again. Now, we've got a lot to cover today. Yeah, yeah. No, I'm serious. I'm serious. You might not be able to get these guys to shut up, right? Well, there was this time. Well, yeah, but there was that other time. But we've got a lot to cover today. You do. Let's go to this, because this next one is pretty interesting, too, as well. And it's a flight attendant, not a pilot, but the flight attendant did go to the pilot. I want to emphasize that. And this was January This is thirty six year old Denisa Tanasi. There she is right there. She was working on a whiz air flight from Luton, England to Sismani in Poland, where she spotted a strange view outside of the window. Unsure of what she was seeing, she did the right thing. She grabbed her cell phone and shot a video. The video was crazy in the footage for strangely shaped pink orbs can be seen blinking against the dark sky. They're turning on and off now their garb. And this is what I really like about this case. That pink jacket is part of their flight uniform. Flight uniforms are pink. So she thought maybe they were seeing a reflection of what she was wearing in the window, except she, It was moving and it was also turning on and off. So she, after she saw it kind of forgot about it, went and looked at the video again and said, man, I need to go talk to the pilot. She goes into the cockpit. She shows it to them. And she said, look, I caught it on video. I saw it outside and then it turned off and it went away. And I wasn't sure about what was going on, but it wasn't the reflection that was going on here. And then I realized that I wasn't actually seeing it outside all the time, but it's always on in the video. And then the pilots said to her, we didn't see anything. Right now. So was it the ability of the sensors on the camera to pick up something else in a different spectrum versus what was being seen with the eye? The pilots knew that where she described the window that she was looking out of, the pilots would have seen it. And they did not. This is something that not only has gone public, but this is just recent. This was January tenth of this year. Right. And it's very exciting that she went ahead, she recorded this. She also considered, okay, is it me? And when she found out that it wasn't, she spoke to the pilots, right? She definitely had this critical mindset, really following the steps of trying to debunk it. And that's the way that it should be when we have a UFO sighting. It's like, okay, what can it be? And when you start checking off that list, you're like, hey, it's not a helicopter. It's not a satellite, so on and so forth. Then you start getting into the more like, okay, what is it? Is it a UFO? But I cannot emphasize enough, and I feel like I'm saying that a lot today, but they're all very important. She went and she spoke to the pilots. What's remarkable is that the pilots didn't see anything. And there have been stories. of people in groups that have had a UFO sighting, but only half of them saw the UFO, even though they were all looking in the same direction of the sky. Some people have all seen a UFO, but saw it in different colors and different shapes, even though they were standing right next to each other the moment that it happened. could that have taken place in this incident? I don't know. It's also a possibility that these pilots just weren't at the right angle to see this craft, or they have their own protocol of not acknowledging these UFOs. We don't know, but I like the fact that this amazing flight attendant took the picture, made it public, and then there was an article written about it. I do want to say thank you so much, Stephen, for the ten dollar super sticker. And Randy, thank you so much for the five dollar super sticker. And Dan, thank you so much for the five dollars as well. It says I have a pilot. contact in the U.S. who was flying commercial here in twenty sixteen, who, along with five other aircraft, witnessed a large gray vertical. Rectangle, rectangle, rectangle, you know, like, you know, that instance where you see the name and then but like the shape isn't matching the name in your brain. I was doing this right. Fair enough. Dan, I know Dan he's from Australia. I'm going to share a little, little, little side, not a little fun fact about Dan. I'm sitting in a bar, sitting in a bar with a group of people. As a matter of fact, Stanton Friedman was with me and he's sitting to my right. And this guy at the bar gets up and walks over and he goes, Hey man, it's me, Dan from Australia. I was like, dude, what Dan Jim? Yeah. And we sat and, and had dinner and drinks all night, but he flew out from Australia to, uh, to do a hangout. So yeah, Dan's a great guy. And I just thought I'd share. So as you guys are looking at Dan's post in there, that's who Dan is. Dan is, is a really, really, really cool. And that was a very special moment. Um, yeah, there's Dan right there, Dan. Dan's been a part of the community for a very long time, and I've known him for probably ten years or more. So now this next case. Oh, I wanted to mention this. This is the other curious part about the pink thing. Or about some people not being able to see something when other people are all right. Our range, our light spectrum, our visible light that our eyes can see is limited, but it's not the same in everybody. Okay. It's not, some people can see a little bit more of the light spectrum than other others can see less of it. Right. They only see them black and white for instance. But, um, so when you think about this, where sightings are different for some people where they don't see anything at all and other people do, or you hear somebody say, I can see your aura. Well, all of this glow. Okay. It's in a different light spectrum than most people can see. But some people can see that aura. And are those people susceptible to seeing objects in the sky where others don't see anything at all? It's a biological human trait. So all of that should be noted. It doesn't make somebody a liar because two people are standing there and one person sees something and another people that they're making it up. No. Some people can see more than others. Some people see less than the average person. So that needs to be pointed out and always think about that. And when we're talking about something here in pink, right? And the pilots are going, we didn't see anything at all. And she did. There may be a reason for that, Christina. It's, it's all very cool stuff. And we have a lot more to cover. Joshua, thank you so much for the super sticker. For those that don't know, Joshua does amazing work in the field. I've had him on the show. I've interviewed him. I highly recommend that you watch it and listen to it because he covers a lot of things. Like one of my favorite things are portals and vortexes to be fair, but he does really, really great work. So Josh, thank you. Thank you. That's so nice. Um, where do you actually, I'm going to pick the next place that we're going, um, for this. And we're going to speak about an Indonesian pilot. And I have a video for this one. This is my case. This is my case. This is good. This is good stuff. Everybody brace yourself. Um, okay. Are you going to show, uh, actually, okay. There's a, can I, can I mention something? Freeze it right there. This video. Okay. This video from this pilot, his name is Rod Van Pangum Anand. Okay, that's his name, Pangum Anand. Said it better than I ever could. Yes, yes. So this video is a longer video. And it's really fun to watch. And you should just go and check it out because he does the whole thing. It shows him getting ready for the flight at his hotel. He's putting on his tie. He's packing his bag. He's going out. He gets to the airport and says hello to the flight crew. He comes in. They're doing all of the it's a complete setup. This is a seven forty seven, by the way. So you've got a navigator in the background. You've got the pilot and co-pilot in the front. He's on the left seat. And it's a checklist. It's all there. It's like a day in the life of a pilot, which is what? He was intending on posting. He's got a YouTube channel with a quarter of a million subscribers, and it's like the day in the life of a pilot. It's amazing, and it's great. What he didn't expect is that video to end the way that it did because they are out there flying, and what happens? You can see that little smudge right out of the window right there. A UFO pops up. Not one, not two, but three. Okay, roll the video. All right, let's go ahead and play it. There's no audio here. Oh, we don't have the audio of him going UFO, UFO, UFO. He says, he goes, that's a UFO. That's a UFO. That's a UFO. Check it out. It's a UFO. It's pretty amazing. this this video the link will be in the description box below it was filmed in august of twenty twenty four he his channel is all about the life of a pilot and actually just recently when I went to his channel this morning uh he interviewed a pilot who had a ufo sighting unfortunately it wasn't in english so I I wasn't able to really catch what was going on but it's I like that one pilot is speaking to another, sharing that same space, sharing that same experience and talking about these things. And now in this case for this video, if you want to watch it on your own, it's about at like the thirty minute mark or so. That's when they start talking about UFOs and recording what they're seeing in the sky. These very strange lights. And what's really cool here is that one, it was filmed on a GoPro camera, but they really cut off the ideas of it being a satellite, it being a drone, which he actually goes into more detail at the end of his video. He really tries to figure out, okay, what are all the things that it can't be? It disappears and comes back like two or three times. It does. And then at first you see one and then you see several of them. He also does his own analysis where he enhanced it. He zoomed it in. He increased the brightness. He slowed it down by fifty percent. And at the end of the video, he mentions it's still hard to decipher what it is. I don't know why. But it's not any of these conventional explanations. We're also able to see his co-pilot also witnessed this, also experienced this. And this plane was flying from Saudi Arabia to Nigeria. So on that flight path that they're taking, There have been a lot of very strange things seen in the sky there. And I feel like there's no place on Earth that's safe where it comes to having these UFO sightings. Every single country has had them. Even the tiniest of islands have seen strange things in the sky. One of those examples being Papua New Guinea. It's not like a super tiny island, but it's pretty small compared to your average country. I overall am pleased. I think that's the best word to use here. Pleased that this pilot shared his experience online, put in the extra work by trying to analyze what it might be and what it definitely is not, and opening that space, almost opening that forum on his channel to allow other people to share similar experiences with Maybe some of them being pilots, which he just had an interview with a pilot. I think it was published a day or two ago. Very new, very recent. Right. And so to talk about the stigma of pilots even saying UFO out loud, right? I mean, right? They have been self-censoring for decades on this. They just won't do it. And in this video... you can count UFOs being mentioned probably half a dozen to a dozen times. And the pilot or the co-pilots looking out the window and he says something like, so what do you think that is? That's a UFO, man. That's exactly what that is. That's a UFO. And so while they're looking at it out of the window, it disappears. It disappears and then comes back. We're talking about at altitude, Christina. And also that little smudge that you see at the bottom of the screen, that lights up and you can see it at the beginning. It's bright and it moves down through the clouds. No comments from them about it, but I certainly noticed the smudge. Now, if you back up the video and then we'll go on to the next story. We've got a lot to cover. Back up the video. See that smudge? That smudge comes from the direction of, you can see it, it's going down. It's going down. It gets bright and then it goes down and then disappears. Watch it. See it? See it? And that disappears into the clouds. That's very interesting too as well. Are they connected? There are three objects that are out to the right of this craft, the starboard side of the craft. There it is right there. Very plain. And it's not a reflection because you can see it going down. Right there, right there, right there. And then... Boop! It disappears into the clouds. I'm not too sure what is going on out there, but they definitely saw it. There it is. It's gone. Yeah, this is in a loop right here. This is in a loop, and it keeps coming back. But, yeah. Yeah, if you watch the whole video, you can see that thing get nice and bright, and it's traveling down, and you can see the tail. You can just see the tail coming off of it there. This is where the object disappears, and then when it comes back, let's see if the video continues. When it comes back, there's two. There it is. You can see it goes one, and then a second one appears just above it. Yeah, you have to look at the whole video, everybody, and you can understand exactly what I'm saying. But it's pretty interesting, pretty compelling. There's the second object right there. And this pilot had no fear of sharing his experience, keeping it online, which I think sets the foundation for other pilots to do the same. And if you're enjoying the show, hit that like button right down below and subscribe if you haven't already. Jimmy, what did you want to say? There was three or four people in the cockpit at the time watching this, which is the other interesting thing because he pans around the cockpit and shows the flight crew. So it's a great video. Everybody go and check it out. Let's move on to our next story, Christina. And this is Jimmy's choice. This is Jimmy's choice. I'm going to go to the great state of Texas. Can I go to the great state of Texas? Of course. Are you going to stop at Bucky's while you're there? Stop at what? Bucky's? What's Bucky's? Is it good? It's like the most famous gas station in Texas. Really? Have you been there? No, but I hear about it all the time online. It's not that famous if you haven't been there. All right. All right. Buc-ee's. Sounds good, though. Buc-ee's sounds good. Let's go to Texas. Pilots in Texas. This was December of this month, by the way, twenty twenty four. Two pilots from two different flights now. The audio from this is about as nuts as it gets, all right? Two pilots, two different flights, as they talk to air traffic control over Dallas, Texas, Tejas, about the formation of lights above them that they watched for, give me the dun-dun-dun, Done, done, done. Oh, wait. That they watched for. I'm confused with the timing here. Let's do it again. Done, done, done. Okay, sorry. One more time. That they watched for. Done, done, done. Thirty minutes. Now, see, and this is, I'm going to continue with this. This is a very important case. They said that they were going dim, coming back, and changing formation, Christina. Now, before Mick West gets involved and says that this is Starlink on the horizon, you know, being lit up, these guys were freaking out. freaking out and when you have something that changes directions uh going dim and coming back and you have two different pilots talking to uh dallas control uh dallas air traffic control There's something going on. And again, it seems that the stigma and the fear is out. It's gone. That they are going to call air traffic control, ATC, and start reporting this. And again, there is a danger of impact. you know, and altering flights and everything that comes into play here. And before these sightings occurred, they did, but they weren't reported. That's the part that really freaks me out, right? That you have planes changing directions into the flight path of other planes to avoid something and not getting reported and taking their own action. Now it's out. It's out in the open. It is, and also something that was mentioned by these pilots is, quote, it kept jogging back and forth, left and right, for about thirty minutes. your Starlink, your satellite, your drone, your weather balloon isn't going to do anything like that. Also is the fact that, again, these air traffic control communications were not classified. They're open to the public. Anyone can get access to them. I will place that link again for you in the description box below. I told you today's episode is going to be link heavy, but it's to help you out and help me out too, right? Something else worth mentioning about these near misses is that even the Aero office looked into this. They recorded just a few of them. And there's always this fear for these pilots that they're going to hit in to one of these pilots. strange, unknown objects in the sky all the way from the nineteen forties during the Foo Fighters up until present day, that fear is still there for these pilots and they will do whatever they can to attempt and avoid those collisions. And what I think for almost every single one, it's never actually happened. That's that we know of that. That's public information. But you can't erase that fear of hitting something that you deem is so close to you, especially when you're in the sky. Planes have to be hundreds of yards away from each other to feel this level of confidence of not hitting the other plane. Miles apart. They have to be miles apart. There is, and to be clear here, there is a general rule in aviation general okay when you are at altitude on a plane you should not see another plane okay if you can see another plane you're too close I fly all year long. I fly all around the world all year long. Everybody knows once a month I'm on a plane flying to some exotic destination. You know what I do? I look out the window. Out of the hundreds and hundreds of flights that I have taken, how many times have I seen another plane while looking out the window? Count it on one hand. Okay? Normally passing, by the way. You'll see it coming in this direction. That's the rule. And that's what flight control is doing. Now, you can have another plane on your tail. You can't see that plane. It's a couple of miles in back of you, Christina. If there's a plane in front of you, you'll never see it. It's a couple of miles out in front and you can't see it out the window. Side to side, you're not supposed to see another plane, period. All right, so when you're coming into this kind of proximity with another object out there, yes, alarm bells, that's what a flight controller's job is supposed to be, is to have all of that being avoided, period. This is without exception, without exception. Now, let's go back to Starlink real quick before we move on to our next story. couple of years ago, I posted a video. I was out on my back patio and I see something off in the distance over the desert coming in and lighting up and flying behind these trees. And I watch it. I'm like, and I could see it lighting up behind the trees and it's one after another. And I thought at first it was a helicopter. There was something going on out there, but it was always in one direction. So I start videotaping and It was pretty crazy watching it come out of the dark, light up and fly behind the trees. Right. Okay. And it was low on the horizon. It was going behind the trees and I videotaped this and I post it and I post the time of this and I posted the direction. I wanted everybody to know what time and where I was filming all of this shooting this. Mick West. jumps in and says and he shoots me a couple of emails now exactly what time I said here it is so mick west does his investigation and lines up everything on the horizon and says okay well starling now I backed I was okay with that christina because that's what needs to be done. Due diligence, you know, go and look at, because I was, I'm telling you, man, I thought it was, this is war of the worlds. It was a freaky thing. I've seen Starlink above me, but to see Starlink, oh, look at, you see that? You see my son's name right there? You see that? You like that? That was on accident. So Starlink is, But to have it on the horizon like that and lighting up and going behind the trees, it was like at midnight or something. But McWest just mapped Starlink on the horizon and what time and had each one of the objects that I saw identified with a very specific Starlink satellite, one after another. Now, I accepted that. just have to back off. I was kind of like, woo. Okay. All right. But in these other cases with these pilots, Starlink is not what they are seeing. When you see something corkscrew, something change directions, that's different altogether. And somebody like, I'm going to say Mick West or any other investigator that is trying to line up flight tracker, trying to line up all of the satellite information that you can get online. It's right there. And it's not lining up with anything that's known. That's when we have to back up and go, okay, this is UAP. This is UFO. And what is it that the pilot is seeing? And we can't constantly go, It's a state actor. It's a drone. It's China. It's Russia. No. You know, when you're at altitude, again, I want to stress this. When you're at altitude, thirty thousand feet, forty thousand feet. you're in the jet stream and you're traveling at you know five six hundred miles an hour uh most aircraft travel around four hundred four hundred fifty you got a tailwind I've been in aircraft that's reached seven hundred miles an hour and you're seeing something at that altitude at that speed that's not a drone you know that's something else and that's something that Satellite tracking or the FAA should know exactly what is going on. And if they don't and the military doesn't, then you go, what is it? And those are the questions that we have to ask all the time, twenty four seven. Really, we actually don't have a lot of time left. I'm just going to touch on this. I thought there was a sighting by a pilot, several pilots actually in February of twenty twenty three. But the one thing that I want to get into is the U.S. effort and the international effort to allow pilots to give them a forum or a location for them to report their UFO sightings. And some are more legitimate than others. But I'd like to start off with the Netherlands here because this one's very recent. Because when it comes to the Netherlands, they've also had a lot of very strange UFO sightings. And for decades, literally decades, the Dutch, they weren't able to report their encounters anywhere until this year, twenty twenty four. And the question is really, what took so long? But thanks to the UAP Coalition of the Netherlands, that group, they brought UAP discussions to the European Parliament. And now pilots can file official reports that will be, so they say, independently investigated. I hope that's the case. We heard that same kind of deal with Arrow, but they haven't really been pulling through. I would like to see this UAP coalition Netherlands to do something very positive with this. And if you live in the Netherlands, that link will be down below. But when we look at, for instance, the United States, You have Aero, right? But as of recently, you can only now report your sightings and it's only open for military and government officials, both current and retired. Now, here's what's interesting is that in twenty nineteen, twenty nineteen, the U.S. Navy introduced new guidelines for its pilots to report UFO sightings, aiming to destigmatize these reports and to ensure they are recorded and studied. It wasn't really spoken about, and we can kind of decipher it didn't really pan out that well for them because in twenty fifteen, according to NARCAP, which is the National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena, they said that that FAA instructions to pilot and aviation professionals that find themselves confronted with an observation or a safety-related incident involving suspected UAP UFO are to contact a civilian UFO reporting center or a private business that might want to hear your story. Yeah, call MUFON. Yeah, New Fork. Yeah, yeah. New Fork, all these different things. And then I guess after they got the bad publicity, the Navy's like, whoa, whoa, whoa. That's not what we said. Several years later in twenty nineteen, they're like, OK, now we have a place to report it. But well, this is what the U.S. Navy said. I'm going to quote here. OK, quote. This is the United States Navy in two thousand nineteen quote. There have been a number of reports of unauthorized and or unidentified aircraft entering various military controlled ranges and designated airspace in recent years for safety and security concerns. The Navy and the United States Air Force takes these reports very seriously and investigates each and every report as part of this effort. The Navy is updating and formalizing the process by which reports of any such suspected incursions can be made to the authorities. A new message to the fleet that will detail the steps for reporting is in draft. You know what happened, Christina? Give me a done, done, done. No, done, done, done. You know what happened, Christina? What? You know what happened, Christina? The timing doesn't make sense for that. It's after you give your statement. You know what happened, Christina? Nothing. And something that we got to state is that twenty nineteen was literally right before the creation of the UAPTF. So that's right. During this time, there were no public UFO offices that were run by the Pentagon. In this case, if these people were going to report their sightings, it was going to go directly into a U.S. Navy archive. So, which brings us to two thousand and twenty four. And there was a lot and I mean, a lot of talk. There it is right there. I just pulled it up on my screen, too. There was a lot of talk about this, that this legislation for the two thousand and twenty four NDAA included. Right. And everybody was excited. Whistleblowers were going to be covered. The reporting channels were going to be funded. and, and supported that UAP and UFOs were now a concern of the military. And all of this was going to be made official, right? Well, you know what happened, Christina? Nothing. Tell me. Nope, it hasn't passed. This was written in January of twenty twenty four. It was proposed by Representative Garcia and Grothman, who were both part of the UAP hearing last year and the one I think the one this year as well. So they're heavily involved in this topic of UFOs. And even though it was written and given over in January of twenty twenty four, it has not been signed into law, which is very disappointing because it's a in this case, it's a bipartisan bill named it. and it named the Safe Airspace for American Act, which was introduced by these two representatives. And this legislation would enable commercial pilots and other airline employees to report their UFO sightings to the FAA, which the FAA should already be receiving those UFO reports, but they're not. And if they are, they go into a back burner. That's where they're going. And Garcia and Grossman are aware of this. And so they said, we need to create a bill. But it hasn't been passed. And it's been sitting there for a year now. And it's very disappointing. So even though people are trying to remove the stigma, stating, oh, you're safe with us. You can share us your story. but they're not passing something so simple of just a place to report your stuff, in this case to the FAA, which is the Federal Aviation Administration. It seems a little fishy here. Okay, so the hundred and eighteenth Congress second session, right? This is what it states. to require the administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration to establish procedures and reporting requirements for incidents relating to unidentified anomalous phenomena and for other purposes. It can't be more clear. And to be honest, this was a huge step forward. It was right there. And it seems so fundamental. They should have been doing this from the very, very beginning. And now we've got to force legislation for something like this. That shouldn't just, this should have been going on for years. And then they, they shoot it down. I am, I am blown away by this. It couldn't be any more clear now. It says here, to require the administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration to establish procedures and reporting requirements for incidents related to unidentified anomalous phenomena and for other purposes, one, be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, this act may be cited as the Safe Airspace for Americas Act. Why would anybody knock this down? Why would anybody remove this? This is just so fundamental. It's so basic. It is, and let me just mention this. It's kind of, the title's very close to the Americans for Safe Aerospace created by Ryan Graves. So the one in the bill proposed by Garcia and Groffman is Safe Aerospace for Americans Act, and then Ryan Graves, who made his a year or two ago now, is called Americans for Safe Aerospace. I feel like we're getting a Chinese version. We're looking at the build, right? Like the Temu version. That's right, because when you look at the way that it is written, to develop procedures to synchronize and standardize the collection, reporting, and analysis of incidents, including adverse physiological effects or the disruption, interference, or interaction with flight instruments, potentially caused by an unidentified anomalous phenomenon reported by a civilian air crew, air traffic controllers, flight attendants, aviation maintenance personnel, aviation dispatchers, air carriers or operators, and airports to develop processes and procedures to ensure that such incidents are reported and stored in an appropriate manner that allows for the integration of analysis, of such information. And then number three, to establish procedures to provide employees of the Federal Aviation Administration the ability for timely and consistent reporting of such incidents. And then it follows up with number four, develop processes and procedures to ensure the timely investigations of such incidents including immediately archiving information or data, including pilot controller communications, as well as air traffic management systems and radar data that could be used to aid in such investigations. There it is. It's basic. It's basic. It's fundamental. And they shot it down. Jimmy, listen to this. This is very exciting news presented to us by Android. Thank you so much, by the way, for the super chat. But this is really important because the wife of the Oregon pilot just announced her husband's work approved him to do interviews. And he has nine videos but says it doesn't do them justice, referring to the, I'm guessing here, the UFO sightings that he's had. Could... Two things here. One, I'm surprised that the pilot even asked for permission. I learned this new phrase and I love it. It says, ask for forgiveness and not for permission. But in this case, the pilot was like, do I want to work an office job or do I want to be a pilot? So he asked and they were like, yeah, sure, you can give interviews. And the fact that he even wants to give interviews is so exciting. I'm excited, Jimmy. This is so cool. My producer is on it. I just sent the email. Nice. There you go. That was fast. You got some speedy fingers typing away. You know, this is such a fluid, fast-moving subject these days. You know, and I mentioned this at the top of the show. And again, everybody, thank you for being here with us. And it's our pleasure. honor and privilege to do this show but the ufo community is an ebb and flow it's up and down up and down up and down and you really got to stay on top of things you know you just snooze for a day and then suddenly right and that's where we are right now so something like this thank you android for that You know, I've got a very, very good staff here that works around me. And I'm on it. I'm on it. I'll see what I can do. Do this for the community. Community first. Hell yeah. And Chakta, thank you so much for the four dollar super chat as well. We have a few minutes left and I really want to make this international. So I'm going to move on over to the United Kingdom because they have their own podcast. kind of initiative known as the UK Pilots Reporting UAP, which is very straightforward. And this encourages pilots to report their UAP sightings to a dedicated group of researchers. So this isn't government funded. It's very much like a MUFON, like a NICAP kind of deal, but it's focused on the UK. And there isn't explicit legal protection mentioned against the workplace repercussions, but the initiative aims to destigmatize such reports. And this group was established to provide a platform where pilots can report sightings confidently and confidentially, although it's not a government-backed legal protection. Then we're moving on over to Canada with their report. where you can fill out your UFO reports known as the Canadian Aviation Occurrence Reporting Systems by Transport Canada. And while there again, there are no specific law protecting pilots from workplace retaliation, which I'm surprised that we're seeing that again from going from the UK on over to Canada. The Canadian government does collect these reports for analysis, and the focus tends to be more on understanding potential safety hazards than protecting the reporter from negative consequences. Then if we go on over to France, they have the GPAN, which is the Study and Information Group of Aerospace Unidentified Phenomena, or which is a part of the French space agency. And GPAN encourages reporting from pilots, among others. And again, there is no legal protection here. The existence of such a body suggests a more supportive environment for reporting without the fear of ridicule or harassment. In this case, professional consequences. So in a lot of these countries, we're not seeing anything government backed, but at least we're seeing resources for people to report their UFO sightings. Canada is getting close, though. Canada is getting close. I don't know. With their Canada Sky project that we're about to get their report this year. They're trying. They're trying. They're trying. It's Canada. It's a slow-moving ship, man. And it takes a while for that thing to turn. But February twelfth, twenty twenty three, at least three different flights over Quebec reported seeing very strange lights in the sky high above the flight paths that were all of these objects were rapid and moving in an irregular way. Now, here's a quote. It looks like it's more than one and sort of circling. This is from the radio transcripts. And this was a cargo flight from Chicago to Luxembourg over Canada. And according to air traffic controllers in Canada, all of this was recorded and you can listen to it. And it's pretty incredible. At least seventeen reports like these from twenty twenty three have all been reported and maintained in a database by Transport Canada. It is the Federal Transportation Department. OK, so it is the government and they are actually saving the data. Those reports come from across the country and involve pilots and crew with WestJet, Air France, British Airways and many others. So I think Canada is taking the steps in the right direction. At least they have a repository of these cases and then go back and review it. It's exciting. And some of these study groups, these study projects are decently new in the last decade, and some of them are a bit older than that. But overall, we're living in exciting times, Jimmy. This topic is so much easier to talk about. More countries are coming out publicly showing their interests as well. People are seeing strange things in the sky all the time, all over the world. I'm excited to cover this, really. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I've been at this for a long time, Christina. You know this. And I remember when it was a rough road in this career. It was rough. It was rough. It was rough. Now... It's pretty cool, and I'm glad that we can do this together. So just thank you, everybody. Another great show, Christina. Well done. I'll just let everybody know before I get out of here tonight on Fade to Black. Speaking about crazy times, James Fox is on with us tonight. His film, the new film, highly anticipated. It's going to be another blockbuster. it is called the program and its worldwide premiere is december and exclusively I got james fox on the show tonight we're going to be talking about that what's going on today and so much more so I'll see everybody tonight on fade to black christina great show thank you so much thank you Before you head out, hit that like button right down below. If you enjoyed the show, subscribe and hit that notification bell because tomorrow we can't run away from it. Talking about these mysterious drones, how that drone hearing went that was run by Congress. how these government officials are talking about this, how they're addressing it. A lot of these representatives were very disappointed what the FBI had to state, what one of the offices in the Justice Department had to state. It wasn't a good look for them. But people are seeing these strange things all over, really all over the U.S. at this point. Is it extraterrestrial? Is Is it some kind of test run by the U.S. or by a different country? Is it an Iranian mothership, which is news to a lot of people? Could it be that? I don't know. We'll be covering it tomorrow. And make sure to bookmark the website There you can get all of your international UFO news as it is a website that aggregates all that UFO news. You can also make a little app on your phone making the homepage. It's really cool. If you know how to do it, it's amazing. If you don't know how to do it, look it up. it's worth it. And it's ad free. It's completely free to look at all the stuff. There's no ads on it. I want to make it as easy to read for you. And for me, it helps me with my research. Hopefully it helps you with yours. And I also write articles on there as well. So bookmark it and subscribe to this channel to not miss tomorrow's show. I want to say thank you to everyone watching this live, all the super chats, super stickers, YouTube members, and of course, all of my amazing Patreon and moderators, you know I could not do this show without you. That is it for today. I will see you tomorrow. Be safe. And remember, keep your eyes on the skies. if you enjoy the strange and the mysterious ufos the paranormal and cryptids this channel is for you so make sure to subscribe as I do three videos right here every single week and hit that notification bell so you do not miss any of the bonus content I post right here

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