Is Humanity heading towards Inhumanity or Godlike Sentience? With advancements in cybernetic technologies and artificial intelligence racing to new levels almost daily, we look at what humans may become in the next one thousand years.

Would we even recognize future humans as human beings..? Is Humanity headed towards Inhumanity by way of technology and artificial intelligence..?

Could some UFOs that are seen actually be time travellers observing us and our development much as we are fascinated by ancient civilizations..?


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as AI advances rapidly we're making discoveries that could significantly change what it means to be human leading us to question if aliens followed a similar path of technological Evolution looking ahead to the next thousand years or so with the incredible progress in cybernet Technologies and AI we might not even be able to recognize future humans as human beings and this raises a fascinating and rather unsettling question is Humanity using technology and AI in a way that could ultimately lead us to become inhuman extinct or Godlike hello and welcome to this episode of mysteries with a history where you'll be taken on a wild ride into the unknown the strange and the mysterious ious like you I have questions and like you I want answers and with each episode together we will peel away the layers to look for the truth let me bring in my co-host Jimmy Church of faded black radio Jimmy happy Thursday every time you yeah you you're you're you're getting really good at that how is everybody happy Thursday how you doing I'm doing pretty snazzy my eyeballs did not like contact today so it's going to be you got the librarian thing going on you got the you know I'm smart and you're not look okay no that that's exact librarian you know I'm fully for it you know how I say it we have the facts the facts are you're wearing glasses and you you've got the intelligent theme going on and then we have the truth behind it so so there you go um this is going to be a fun show today um but what where normally I can kind of see the EB and flow of where things are headed uh with you and and and what's going on this just came out of nowhere uh what yeah well yeah yeah yeah I mean we're all interested in the subject and especially when we're talking about the future and and what it holds and have we been there and time travel and and everything we all wonder about this subject it's a wonderful thing to to talk about but what's going on in your world that you wanted to have this conversation today because for me I research AI daily like stable diffusion chat PT and neurolink and those different things I'm looking at on a daily basis and I always cover AI when it comes to strangest news of the week now when we begin to couple it with the UFO phenomenon there is this big question on if aliens extraterrestrials inter dimensionals whatever have been using AI to benefit their travels to benefit them getting from point A to pointb because that would only seem plausible and the way that AI is evolving right in front of our eyes we could be on that same tra trajectory I want trajectory yeah it's a that's a tough word it's a tough word don't don't overestimate me Jimmy because just gonna go downhill from there but but you see what where I want to go with this and when we consider those things I think it it would make a really great and interesting conversation to have today with you the um this okay let's let's get a foundation you've got you your ideas and thoughts in front of you let me let me say this these ideas have really started to Bubble to the surface uh over the last year for sure um and they really started to take hold uh probably between five and 10 years ago with Jim peniston and when Jim penniston uh did the reveal of the code in that he had written down in his book which is binary code and he writes this down and uh he had you know seen some symbols on the craft in renle sham forest and then received a download There's Jim right there uh perfect and he received a download and so he revealed now he had some regression therapy done there was stuff that he remembered as well um so there's that part of it but he revealed that the craft and those that brought it and flew it to renle Sham Forest were not extraterrestrial in the ET sense a separate race from humans off Planet he said that they were us that they told him that they were us from the future now you combine that and it's now this concept has uh been uh uh sort of discussed but never really in depth um uh before Jim so Jim does this and it caused a very serious thought experiment uh to to just like wildfire throughout the UF F community and researchers to contemplate that because of what has been been presented in the past about time travel and time traveling to the Future and Einstein presented it very elegantly um that okay so now is it time travelers is it us in the future and if it is us what are they doing here now and could that answer so much about sightings and contact that's uh it's such an interesting idea now I don't think it answers like it is everything ET or that AI is everything ET I'm not suggesting that at all because there's just way too much stuff going on out there and a lot of these uh different uh ET races and cultures may not even know of each other right and and they're visiting this planet but the renam force thing caused the conversation to seriously get traction and I have to back up and say that is a very real possibility and AI coming into its own here right now on Earth in real time and we're watching that happen that any extraterrestrial race out there and certainly us from the future have already gone through the growing pains that we are going through right now with AI and how you would couple that with your travel with your space just today uh Christina there's a press release that came out I want to thank Renee Newman uh for this uh that 27,000 new asteroids have been discovered in the last five weeks with AI and that's an application of AI that's really really cool right and so they wrote a custom algorithm they went back and looked at all of the images I you know hundreds and hundreds of thousands of images that would take humans forever right to go and analyze obviously we analyzed them in the past and missed these asteroids and that's an application of that so ET or us from the future would have already gone through and embraced and like I said gone through the Growing Pains of AI and would understand how to take advantage of it now when we're dealing with humans from the future it does have issues with that there are multiple theories that say nope um time travel isn't possible how could they possibly be human and I'd like to get into that tidbit but first I want to say thank you so much Cassidy I'm glad you like it and W Decker thank thank you as well it says what if the ETS are using us as a giant biological Consciousness computer or they are influencing us to create a super AI this is actually a really interesting thing to mention and I could we could almost bring this with the theory of the simulation Theory like the Matrix kind of deal but that's in my opinion a whole show in itself which funny enough Jimmy and I we've done already but this little detail do you want to say anything to that J Yeah well yeah Decker yes and yes I mean we when when we talk about these subjects it's very easy to point at one basic principle and that is in physics and theoretical physics and quantum physics it's all about probability \[Music\] everything is going to happen everything no matter what it is everything is going to happen nothing is going to be left out so when you present two ideas like this the answer is yes and yes and why not right the idea of the Matrix and um the study of and there was another press release uh that just came out today too as well thank you R I didn't have time to cover on on the news earlier um but when uh the idea of mapping the brain and figuring out how it works to turn around and recreate that either in a biological sense or understanding how to do it with Hardware right that concept is just like the Matrix that the idea behind that because the brain is perfect right we haven't once we get when AI gets to the level of the way our brain actually works that's that's that's it that's it we're off to the races so that concept would have to have been tackled by ET and what a better incubator than planet Earth right think about that so yeah the answer is yes and yes now does it scare me sure are we aware of it that part doesn't matter it it doesn't change things it doesn't change you and I right now in this conversation nothing changes right I'm still wearing a yellow shirt you still can't wear your contacts today it doesn't it doesn't change anything right in in a simulated AI reality you're still going to change your contacts because you wouldn't know the difference there there is a a uh we're going to get to your next Point here but there's a very interesting thing that has happened lately a few different companies have taken uh non-player characters NPCs in in in game in a simulation in a game where they've got AI running on the uh non-player character okay and your character goes up to one of these and says hey you know this isn't real right this is a simulation I think go no it's not what are you talking about this is this is my world and now think about that so if somebody came up to you today and said this is ET version of of a world and we're just guests right we we are in a simul what does it change changes nothing it changes nothing I'm still gonna have trolls the change that I still have to eat I still have to sleep I say I you know what I mean what does it change changes nothing and if it's really at that level you wouldn't know the difference anyway so what does it matter so the answer is yes and yes Decker and it doesn't freak me out you bring up some interesting points but one thing that needs to be addressed is that are we soon going to get to the point where we can get AI to design the first warp drive or how to open a traversable wormhole to get us from point A to point B when exploring space like maybe what some of these extraterrestrials are doing will it be done by a human or will it be created and thought out by AI which maybe could take some kind of human robotic form which we're getting significantly into with Sophia and amama and robonauts that NASA's been making for the last few years by the way which was new to me but what I'm getting at here is the future Evolution the the the future discoveries that we make when it comes to physics quantum entanglement new inventions warp drive will it be done by man or will it be done by AI okay excellent question and thank you Mark Su thank you so much Mark uh he's happy to be here please keep up the excellent work you keep it up Mark thank you so much okay here's the deal all you have to do the human element in that is you present the task all right the reason why that is so important when it comes to AI let me give you an example it takes a lot of human brain power and energy to apply to research whether it's with drugs and cures for cancer or or any just it's it's complex takes a lot of work and here it is Brian Green who has been working on string theory his entire career right recently said recently he said I'm not going to see the results of string theory it's going to take us at least another 50 years now to get to The Theory of Everything let's analyze that for a second Christina he's talking about applying brain human brains physicist research physicist postgrad doctorates all all of that working on this with the assistance of computers of course trying to get these algorithms complete to get to the end to get to The Theory of Everything now you task AI with that and you go okay AI I I need I need String Theory done and and AGI applies overnight the brain power of tens of thousands if not millions of physicists doing all of the research all of the calculations and you wake up in the morning Theory of Everything Is on your screen and tested and retested and and done the application that would take scientists and physicists here who have to sleep they have to eat they have bills to pay they have families to raise they have everything else that's going on in their lives including the task of the research for string theory now apply that idea to a wormhole apply that task to time travel and have ai not give you what is time travel have ai solve time travel have I AI solve how to make a wormhole how to map out a wormhole how to figure out where a wormhole is going to drop you off in the Galaxy or on the other side of the universe and how long that travel will take how to keep it from collapsing how to keep it open how to find the energy sources you have ai I do that if you have humans doing it it would take forever and may never get completed right so that is an application of AI you swing that over to to uh aliens or us from the future we've already done it right so yes that is the answer and that's the reason why AI when used correctly takes care of everything the aide of uh you know some complex crazy thing like and I mentioned the cure for cancer but it could be you can you can apply it to just anything that is extremely large in scope and and you have ai do it they those server Farms all those servers that have AGI installed on it are doing the work of thousands of people and they do it without sleep they do it without complaining and they do it really really really really fast and they can complete these complex things that would literally take thousands of years of time for humans to complete and they can do it in minutes in hours and certainly overnight while you're sleeping it's a yes to say what you said just yes is the right answer here we're looking at one of those server Farms on screen if you're watching this on YouTube and they are immense the computing power is insane and when we look at it from that point of view and there have been significant studies done there have been Papers written already when AI is being applied to scientific research and finding um not equations but dealing with like element compounds seeing patterns they're able to see it about a thousand times faster than what a human could do in a lifetime and also it's benefiting Us in the sense of just recently there was a discovery that we have finally found Pluto's tomb um in Pompei that has been lost since his death AI was able to decipher some of the ancient Scrolls after the eruption of vvus and with able to find Pluto's tomb this Pluto the philosopher by the way Plato Plato Plato not Pluto go been saying I'm so silly listen listen Pluto Pluto is a philosopher too as well though he's a pretty smart little Disney character but yeah Plato's to that's that is the perfect example of the application of AI right where we we've had uh those Scrolls in our possession for a long time and the uh complete no they had like a third of it but it's also burnt and you can't read it all of the photo analysis and trying to get human eyeballs on it we never never got that done AI just like that right just like that and that's that's the correct application of it um can it be misused absolutely for sure but the point that you just made when you have the ability to do the work of an individual that would take a lifetime for them to do and then you take that individual and you have 10,000 doctors 10,000 physicists all tasked to get something done that they will never that would literally take thousands of years AI can do it now and that's that's the part that's why AGI is so important and ET that without question has got a grasp on that and if we take it to the other side if ET is act what we perceive as ET is actually us from the future then yeah absolutely they've got it all figured out and they would have um a AI as a tool that we only dream about right now now the only question would be why would humans want to visit the past now this this is this is a double-edged sword here because some would say oh that's so silly that's so dumb go Traverse the universe but at the exact same time today we have an immense of Fascination uh with ancient Egypt ancient Greece we have archaeologists looking into all that because we want to understand how Humanity lived and worked and did everything in the past and how we have lost a lot of information today in present day we have a fascination with the past now if we go with the theory that some not all of the UFOs that are being seen or the maybe visitations that people are getting that what they're seeing look very human could potentially be humans from the future they would say why are you why are you visiting us now that's so lame and yet you cannot kill that level of curiosity to want to understand what happened to your ancestors Generations ago to see how they lived how they thought if our mentality has changed in any way and so this is something that I think is really interesting to contemplate because if any of us were given that piece of technology all of us would ask what would we do with it and maybe they are here to watch the rise of AI how is it going to impact Humanity are they going to attempt and change the timeline for instance or are they just going to leave it just to see how it all pans out in the same sense that people just want to see how the Great Pyramid of Giza was built they just want want to know so could these Advanced beings maybe us have that same train of thought when it comes to the evolution of AI well see that's that's exactly it you would uh you would capitalize on it you know what you would do it would be tourism where do you want to go okay well you know I kind of want to check out uh 2024 because man it got really whack about that right and so there's that are you sure you wanted to 2024 wouldn't you rather go visit the dinosaurs wouldn't you rather go to Antarctica when it was a a city wouldn't you rather go see the pyramids get built right it's it's tourism it's not changing the past but it's observing just like we do now today that's what we do we're tourists and we love doing that so what that that to me now where where would you go that's the Romantic side not not fall in love side but I mean it that's the Romantic side to time travel right for everybody man if I could just go back to the past and and see my mom and dad meet for the first time if I could just go back to the past and if I could just go if I could that's the Romantic side of it and we all think about it now we think about it today in a modern sense philosophers and for thousands of years have talked about time travel and rip vanwinkle is a perfect example of this how many kings and queens fell asleep for for a hundred years and and and came back and wrote about that and it was in their dream that's part of it um uh Leonardo da Vinci discussed this at length so where where would I go what would I do with this technology I would do what ET is doing if if it or us in the future absolutely you can go to the Future quite easily going back to the past is a whole another thing so it would be a luxury uh for for people with the means and the ways uh to to go back and visit the past but that's that's what it would be I mean what would I go and do I yeah I I think that the the the pyramids and their Construction in Egypt would be very high on the list would I go would I want to see religious events or something like that the problem with that and the reason why I go ah the dates are wrong right what what if you showed up for the crucifixion and and it it never happened and you wasted your money right that type of Tourism but the the the the pyramids of Egypt are there we can see them so we know but you want to be there on the right date right what if you went back okay see here's the thing and why 2024 I think about this way too much right now history shows us the books and our educ ation system 2650 2700 BC was the construction of the the Great Pyramid cafr and kru and car about the same time too as well and so you go back you you lay down the money you lay down your credit card and you go back to 2700 BC and they're already there right what H I need to change the date now now we're in guess work time right that's that's the other what are the dates that's why we have so much visitation here the dates are are funky right what so why why wouldn't oh it's 2024 oh I that's this wasn't the year we we we got to go further back or we need to go to 2030 not 2024 absolutely you have to look at it that way um the dinosaurs would you want to see how the dinosaurs looked and roam the Earth that's why Jurassic Park was so bleeping cool right would you go and visit the dinosaurs heck yeah and so would ET right Stone AG man 100,000 years ago neander wouldn't you like to say I would and so would ET and that's that's the comment throughout history about stuff in the sky and visitors and things happening and and balls of light and ezekiel's wheel you know take your pick that's all in deep history what if it's just tourism from the future that'd be some real fancy tourism and we think cruises are cool time travel a solid 10 out of 10 and Android I want to say thank you for that it says possible future AI examples Flatwoods Monster and pasula beings that's interesting and both yeses oh what was the last one I I I was yapping oh it just says thank you thank you for that oh louisy thank you thank you yeah there was a great I can't think of the name of it uh somebody will pop it up in in the chat there was a movie came out about 10 years ago about this subject right so um set in the future but uh time travel tourism okay and they were going back um and they had it all set up so going back to the time of the dinosaurs and they had like this walkway built because you know they time it's a company tourism company they had a walkway build going through this swamp and you would go back and and walk through the swamp and and on this thing and you couldn't leave anything behind right everything that you brought with you because you don't want to have a a paradox right you don't want to alter the future and what does somebody do drops a can of Coke right something like that just something happens and then they go back after their time travel thing and they go back back and through all of history that can of Coke or whatever was dropped into the swamp they arrive in the future and the future's all messed up because they went through all these Ripples and paradoxes because of that thing and the city that they left which was green and Lush and you know beautiful and everything they they go back it's all burnt down it's like dude now we got to go back and get that can of Coke we gota we got to reset things so wouldn't that apply to ET today think about this for a second why there isn't any interference if they're coming from the future right uh they're not killing anybody it's us why would they come back and and shoot at us well some might but but they're not coming back here and altering they could be studying they could be coming back for information like the uh the now famous case of John Teeter um uh and his mission in in time travel which was to get to the software of a computer an IBM computer from the from the 70s because it altered things in the future and they needed to get this code and and and and get that fixed well that that yes but we don't see this kind of interference with time travel with with people from our future for those very reasons I think it explains a lot Christina Well I also think that the Multiverse Theory might answer that because maybe each action creates a new like offshoot universe that is a I think that's a pretty good theory to get around the grandfather Paradox which people always bring up when mentioning time travel so when we consider this Multiverse Theory and now science is saying math math is saying that there we have multiverses quantum entanglement is helping us kind of solidify that theory when we consider that I think it makes time travel more plausible now we can have this thought of well if there's a constant time travel with all these different scient beings across the Multiverse having abilities to create time travel machines that means there would be an in ident amount of multiverses and then the human brain human brain keyword would say what's the point what's the purpose and just because we humans do not understand it doesn't mean that it does not have a purpose behind it well okay the yes and the the Paradox part of this is because we try to understand this with our limited scope of of knowledge in this subject because we don't fully understand it so we're always thinking of a linear situation so Christina you go back in time you go see yourself in the second grade when you failed a test and and they held you back for two years so you go back you go can you as older Christina talk to yourself what would happen there I don't think nature would allow that to happen Okay so you could be an observer but you wouldn't be seen do you follow what I'm saying now I think this is my take I've written and spoken about this a lot to get rid of the Paradox the to prevent something like that happening I think nature the the war when I say nature I'm just saying just everything would have to prevent that from happening so when you go back automatically when you go back you are not going to where you exist you can't do that if you're going to be there in the physical you can't do that one little thing you know i' I've said it so many times that if I could go back in time what would I do I would go into my bedroom uh when I'm 14 years old and I would take a cassette tape of Randy rhods or Van Halen and I put it on my nightstand right because now I change the world I become but if that happens then I'm not able to put that cassette tape on the thing because there's no reason for me to put the cassette tape there and I would have gone on a different path and I wouldn't have done this and I wouldn't have done this and I wouldn't have been in the position in the future of myself to turn around and go back that's a huge Paradox so I just don't think that it would be possible to do something like that because it Alters everything on this timeline I think nature would prevent that from happening so you go back in time you're not inter inter interacting or doing anything in the timeline that you left you follow me not from where you left when you go back that that world you are now Hur you're in the next world R over of which physics tells us it's infinite right so you go over there and you can go and mess around but you're not going to change the other one now how do you get back right okay so what happens in the timeline this is a question for you so you and I jump in our time machine we go back we're on another timeline where are we do we just disappear and if we just disappear in that timeline doesn't that alter everything that is continuing over there right your parents freak out you're lost you've got police you know you know what I mean we've got search patrols out and it Alters the future because we left or is there another version of us right we continue but we move over to another timeline you see what I'm saying there's got to be ways to to to have this fixed because time travel is real it's real that nature cannot allow the whole universe would implode you know there's so there there's a natural order of things that makes sure that paradoxes paradoxes Paradox what's what's plural of paradox paradoxes I feel or it just or is it just par and there there has to be a way to make sure that that which is a big problem is taken care of well here's here's another thing to this because time in travel must also be time in space so it is space waste time travel because Earth is not where it was in the Galaxy or Universe a thousand years ago or even a second ago so it must travel in space and time and to my understanding Doctor Who has it all figured out with the Tardis you know at least with the Tardis of course there but when we're talking about time travel that is something that we have to consider and that is the position of where we want to go in in what time and maybe just maybe AI could fill in those questions create that perfect equation in order for you to properly time travel because there have been theories and even movies that have considered this possibility where you are traveling through time and space you have you have a time travel machine and you're like okay take me here at this time and they end up in the middle of space and they die because the planet Earth or whatever Planet they want to go to was not there in that Pinpoint location a thousand years ago 10 years ago a few minutes ago and so this where it gets even more complex but if we consider these extraterrestrials to be thousands if not millions of years older than humanity and are able to better understand Ai and how to program it properly maybe they have already found that issue that us humans have not yet you've got to land you've got to make sure that your feet land where you need them to land now of course you want to be on planet Earth you don't want to be stuck out in space But even probably just as bad is you also don't want to be dropped off in the middle of the ocean splash right that that that's the other issue is and now I'm going to stay on this for a second John teer addressed this and he addressed this like nobody else has ever talked about this before and I've repeated it and brought this up and brought this up and for some reason it just doesn't catch on with people all right but this is how John terer addressed it a gravity clock okay and the gravity clock is very similar to what you're suggesting here with AI a gravity clock measures where you are your geolocation and the amount of gravity that is pulling on you at that moment so when you go forward or backward in time you go back to that exact spot right now think about that so you have to calculate what what the the earth the earth okay here's my alien hacky sack right so the Earth is rotating and it's also rotating crooked the equator is tilted right we have procession going on and we have the 24hour cycle forget about the moon so we've got that going on at the same time this is going on we all know we're going around the sun we know this okay you have to know exactly where the Earth is going to be at that moment while our Milky Way is moving through the universe it's it's not static it's not still and our star system is not static so all of this is moving at the same time that's where AI comes into play because you would have to know exactly where Earth is going to be in in in relation to space and time not specifically your position on the earth for sure right very important but where is Earth where where where is it so all of this and this is what John teer addressed and it's never the the Romantic side of time travel is is is there it's there the Paradox issues were written about in the 1920s and 1930s in magazines and so these magazines these science fiction magazines and they would have these stories and time travel would come up and the debates over that's where the grandfather Paradox came from this isn't a modern thing it's been discussed for almost a hundred years in society and they got really deep into this the same issues that you and I are talking about right now were talked about in 1935 right and so uh all of that would have to be overcome the other part is this all right traveling to the FI future is easy simple we're doing it right now that's the first thing right now right now we are always moving forward in time okay but traveling to the Deep future to the far future is simple it's easy all you got to do is go fast that's it there's nothing else nothing there's no secret to it how fast can you go how long are you going to be gone when do you make your uturn and come back to earth depending on how fast you go and how long you're gone your return trip pushes you further into the future that's easy so the question is this is the big the big question in the room so we go and do that and you and I we return and we're 500 years in the future and we step off of our Starship you know we go up and we're greeted we're like okay cool listen we got to get back to 2024 you figured that out right nope you're stuck or do they say yes but it's not what you think it is and this and this and this are the problems there and then boom we have rendle shim Forest happen it could that be the play so yeah traveling to the Future Einstein has clearly presented to us that that is that is easy it's a no-brainer how fast can you go how long are you going to be gone and when are you coming back that's it it's it's really that simple those are some really brilliant points and you're right Einstein has been izing this for over a hundred years or so and a little bit earlier I mentioned Doctor Who and actually for for such a vintage show which first aired back in 1963 they got it right because the tardis stands for time and relative dimensions in space now bringing this into present day looking at future humans as of now we simply cannot address it without mentioning neuralink created by Elon Musk because for me it kind of gives me like Peter whan vibes from the aliens and the Prometheus franchise and like the the whan corporation and artificial people and spaceships to new worlds so I'm going to share my screen here merely as a visual aid getting into neurolink because it seems as if we cannot run away from this people are worried about this now they're saying no I don't want that chip in my brain but I think in the next 20 30 Years it'll be be as simple as a vaccine be like all right let's let's do it let's go for it and this for right now what Elon Musk was going for and he's been working on this for the last few years he had mentioned that this is for people that are dealing with paralysis or that don't have the limbs in order to have things move in their day-to-day life and there's already been tests done first on animals and already on humans uh we got the report what little under a month ago or so and correct me if I'm wrong but rather recently where we already had our first human test subjects and so far the operation has been going smoothly and people are able to manipulate things with their mind not like telekinesis per se but dealing with electronics and at some point we might be able to do this with a totally different separate op object maybe a robot to where when we already begin to travel across Mars instead of leaving our little oxygen habitat with everything that we need we can send our quote brain and a robot or a probe to do the exploration and excavation it needs to do without harming the human body because humans right now without all the cybernetics and being cyborgs we're very weak and it's disa pointing that we do not have an exoskeleton you get a paper cut and you start bleeding like what is the deal with that but well well disease and and and disease and you have to eat you have to sleep you have to shower you have to do all of those things uh that that are the limitations of the human body and so if we take this a step further not only with neuralink but what neuralink can be is if you're ET if you're ET no no no no let's let's change it if you are Christina Gomez and you want to go to Mars or Andromeda and the limitations with that but the option which is us right now what we would do you would have an Avatar of you that would see happening that that right that would see that could walk that could talk that could pick up that could do everything you are here living the experience but you don't have to sleep eat get sick right disease any of that uh what if you're attacked by some alien tyranosaurus rex or or what have you uh hit by an asteroid in in the spaceship flying to that planet no you are safe and sound here on Earth why wouldn't us from the future do the same exact thing where are where are all the time travelers oh man they're probably right here they're not what we think they are we don't we don't understand who us could be and what that technology would be used for in the future where if you could go back to the past you're your body is still in the future but your Android is here doing the observation and taking all of the risk that's what neuralink presents and the ability to do something like that the neuralink and the ideas the the human brain interface and the communication between that is the very tip of the iceberg and taking it to the next level would allow all of this to be possible these are great points and great musing points as well because at this moment it's still in the categories of theoretical and imaginative but if scientists do not have an imagination we wouldn't get where we are today especially looking at neurolink especially when we look at Prosthetics and now that are having more robotic qualities to them at some point and it's already happening right in front of us but at some point it'll be so common with people to have certain adaptations or augmentations with technology which leads me to one of the very first questions that I had at the very beginning of the show will Ai and these augmentations lead us to become inhuman extinct or Godlike because we can also bring in the category here when looking at technology and integrating with technology can it help us to become Immortals to live for thousands millions of years where will our Consciousness go will it be upgraded uploaded to a cloud or is just going to have all of our qualities in something that like for instance in a robot that just won't disintegrate at the same level a human might when we consider these things does it take away Humanity does it add a level to it and if you're watching the show and enjoying it hit that like button right down below we have 272 people watching this live let's get the 200 likes right here right now if and only if you're enjoying the show Jimmy if you were given the opportunity would you upload your Consciousness to a cloud or do you think that's even possible to upload a Consciousness or are we just merely uploading personality traits and memories more so than a Consciousness yeah yeah well how do we know that we aren't that's the thing and if if you have to this is this is the disturbing part I would think done so much research into this I've spent way too much time thinking about it if you upload yourself onto a hard drive what do you do with this does this does this right do you suicide yourself you can't have two of you running at the same time right two of your cont presented with the same issues the same questions the same thing is that possible and taking it a step further I mean what happens so now let's say your Consciousness your soul is uploadable okay that's a big assumption but let's say that that's possible and while this download upload transition is going on to the hard drive what happens to your mind as your soul slowly gets removed and at what point does your soul overtake right you you get to 51% on the hard drive and 49% here right and do do you start slowing what happens and that transition because this potentially could you could Two Souls exist at the same time from the same person I would say no it's too unique I I I think that it would have to be when when when those memories and everything else and all the ones the easy stuff right the data is downloaded and and your soul is able to and your Consciousness and what makes you you is going along with it it will tip and once it goes over half what what goes on what what are you thinking as this disappears and then at the same time you're on the hard drive going okay all right it's coming together it's coming together I'm feeling more like me I'm feeling more like me and then the other you is going through the same experience of being drained these are deep deep philosophical issues that need to be addressed the human brain interface and neuralink and what DARPA is working on and every other research uh Corporation in the world universities are all working on the human brain computer interface and getting that communication done there are some that have said dreams have been downloaded and uploaded right that this this has actually happened this is not future this is like in the now now so these are things that we need to tackle and address and seriously seriously think about is it are are you messing with Mother Nature if if you start copying and pasting Souls right think about that for a second that's that's a deep deep deep deep deep burning existential question I mean that's a problem that's a that's a you know you have existential and its definition that is the definition of existential right there and it's something that is going to have an effect on you and the world that you cannot see touch or feel and you don't know the outcome yeah we need to think about it now what a great way to end Today's show that was so philosophical Jimmy I think it's going to leave people pondering those questions for the rest of the day maybe you maybe even their entire lives Jimmy thank you so much for being on the show today who do you have on to fate to Black uh tonight Dr Robert Zubin is with us talking about what we're talking about now right going to Mars living on Mars and uh he has been waving this flag the planetary Society for a couple of decades and longer than that and nobody knows more about this subject than Robert Zuber I've interviewed him many times over the years he's back with us tonight Mars is on the discussion everywhere right it is it that's it so that's what we're GNA do tonight I'm Fade to Black I'll see everybody Christina amazing show thank you so much you really got me thinking thank you and Jimmy also got me thinking hopefully it got you thinking as well the great thing about this show in particular is that it was very conversational yes we had some points but a lot of it was coming from weeks years maybe even Decades of research looking into this stuff and sometimes when you're just thinking in that moment it does add another flavor to these kinds of conversations because here we're making a beautiful Curry dish if you enjoyed the show hit that like button right down below and tomorrow is going to be strangest news of the week make sure to subscribe and hit the notification Bell as I do several shows right here here every single week that is it for today I will see you tomorrow be safe and remember keep your eyes on the skies if you enjoy the strange and the Mysterious UFOs the Paranormal encrypted this channel is for you so make sure to subscribe as I do three videos right here every single week and hit that notification Bell so you do not miss any of the bonus content I post right here

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