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Hello and we lcome to this (00:53) episode of Shifting the Paradigm with me today is Tex from Tex front porch I am looking forward to talk about Bigfoot dog man and other things in your expertise how are you TCH if I was any better it wouldn't be legal so first starting off with what what first Drew you to investigate the Bigfoot phenomenon and and how long have you been investigating talking about it conducting research and all of that fun stuff well you know when okay it all really all kind of [Music] I wa s around this stuff from from time I (01:34) was a little kid because my family is from Texar can Texas so that's you know the boggy creek monster and everything I was aware of that stuff before it even hit the screen I was aware of the stories and stuff um because all that stuff's based on true events and whole movie so I was aware of that stuff but it was it was something that you know um I tell a little story about me and my little cousins we're out in the backyard we're hunting the boggy cre ek monster you know we're we're at night we're out (02:08) in the back backyard with our little toy guns and we're hunting the bogy creek monster right my older cousin which was 18 at the time and we're we're knee of a short frog we we're probably you know seven eight years old he CL he goes out front door climbs up on the roof comes across the roof into the back on the back jumps down in the middle of us wearing a gorilla mask kids like scattered like a cub of quail I mean you know it was it wa s except for my dumb butt I don't know why I I'm I (02:51) froze and I'm standing there and I'm pulling the trigger on this toy gun pointing at while I'm screaming my head off but that was you know so I I was I knew of this stuff at an early age and my my mother and my dad being raised up out there my mother one of my mother's best friends was a victim of the Phantom killer from T from Tana you know the Phantom kill um the town that dreaded Sundown what's the Phantom killer tell us about that ok ay well well you need to look that up because he was a serial (03:33) killer out of Texana and anyway one of my mom's best friends that she went they they were you know teenagers and he she was one of his victims but um anyway so I grew up they were very open-minded okay about stuff you know because they grew up with the stories and all this kind of stuff but it didn't really I I it's not like I was hunting Bigfoot at 12 years old again nothing like that but at 16 and we lived out in the country down in down here in North Central Texas outside of Fort Worth out under and at 16 I was coming home from (04:20) hunting and I I had a dog B counter I mean he ran across the road in front of me I was on foot and jumped across our fence 30 feet in front of me so that experience and I and I held on to that and um Readers Digest version of it I I I walked the rest of the way home I wasn't going to follow him into the field but I walked the long way home and when I got home it took my mom and my s ister about an hour to calm me down enough where I could tell them when had happened and they didn't tell me I was crazy they didn't tell me I was making (04:58) stuff up they they did try to justif about well maybe you saw this and your imagination and your fear did this and over the years I stuck to my guns and finally you know I mean it was like well you saw what you saw we don't know what you know so I had a very good support group I was one of the few lucky ones that have these encounters a nd have a good core support group that didn't tell me I was crazy they didn't tell me I was lying so I'm kind of buried that like so many people do because you you (05:36) know it it's it's turn it seemed to be turning a corner now where you can kind of come out with these encounters um and not be completely ridiculed but it's still out there um but you know back back not too long ago you didn't dare mention that stuff to anybody if you had any kind of an encounter UFO ghost didn't matter you we re nuts right um so I buried that and I didn't really talk about it until about 2016 and I was at work and I had some downtime and I was thumbing through YouTube and I started seeing people (06:27) these shows and stuff about dog man I'm like what is dog H man because when I run into this Critter it that term didn't even exist then you know this was back you know in the Stone Age and stuff so we I got to talking to this to this young woman that had a show dog man Diaries and she doesn't do it an ymore but I think it's still out there Daniel stman fantastic lady and I told her my shared my story with her and that's where it started I can't she had me come on her Channel tell my story (07:06) and um I ended up doing some Voice work for her and stuff some narration and I'd never done it before and it just kind of here we are I started really getting into the really really active what they call boots on the ground I call it butts in the brush research um about a year or so after that and me t this just a phenomenal group of people that that you know that I that I work you I work with it's not work for me you know um my team I guess you could call it we call ourselves the idol of the misfit toys (07:59) that's that's how res that's how you know we describe ourselves and we're just one big dysfunctional family is what we are like most families yeah I've never seen a functional family in my life no no no know there's no such name as there's no such thing as a normal functional family it don't exist no no only in television and even then yeah yeah there's no Rockefeller family out there it's just you know but yeah that that's that's how I got into it and and I'm glad I did because it gives me (08:37) the opportunity really to do what I love doing most and and I know you hear a lot of people these days I hate people you know you I don't like them you know I love people I really do because they're not boring you meet all kind all kinds of people you know and it yeah I mean you know my mom had a had one of her favorite hobbies was to go people watching it's what she called it and I'm like and of course we didn't have Walmart then you know so she goes to you know she just called it people watching this (09:25) but she she would go to the store and everything and she goes well you know shop and just something I got to do I go I just enjoy people watching I said all right M and then them I didn't know I didn't know what she was talking about like it's kind of weird but ok ay but now now it definitely makes more sense and in this case for you not only do you people watch but you also Bigfoot and Dogman watch which is also just as interesting if not a little bit more so yeah and and you know and I've had I've had some (09:58) encounters over the years um when I started doing this research I ended up having um two daylight sightings and um several night time encounters you know um I've been lucky enough to take people out in the field several people's had their firs t sing or encounter with me you know and I don't I don't credit myself for that it's just you know just a few tips you pick up just doing stuff you know but if you've been if you've been doing anything with Wildlife you know hunting or whatever it's pretty much the same thing (10:39) because once you realize that these Critters are curious as they are you know and you feed into that one of the one of the things that and it's such a hard habit to break in fact I did a I did an investigation we're in the middle of a Dogman investigation and um I broke my I broke my own rule I was out I love going out I love going out solo okay because that's when you you know stuff happens and everything a lot of times but um so I'm walking out in the woods by myself down this road and we're (11:20) in the middle of 1,800 acres of private land you know and one of the things I I I try to tell people when they go out and if you want to have a if you want a good chance to have an encounter if something if y ou hear something or you see something don't react to it if you don't react to it they think they're getting away with something and they'll come in a little closer normally and it it enhances that chance if if you want them to get closer now you know a lot of people don't a lot of people don't you know I've had them mess (11:58) with my tent and stuff like that so run through Camp yeah it's pretty crazy have they ever damaged any of your equipment or have you ever collected any like physical ev idence when encountering these entities creatures um yeah uh I've never had them damage anything I've had them nose around um we've got probably the best physical evidence that's come out of the field in years we we uh were out and I was doing I was actually doing a live show up in a cemetery because we we do you know we do paranormal (12:37) investigations also there's this Cemetery out in my research area and I was up there in the middle of the cemetery by myself at night doing doing a show an d my safety team was down at the bottom now this this Cemetery sets up on a hill about a 100 yards um from where you can park your vehicles so I'm up there and it's it's unfortunately it's it's a Funk Cemetery it's been disrespected it's it's you know it's overgrown and and all this kind of stuff but um the youngest death date (13:10) there is 1924 so I'm up there and I'm in the cemetery and I'm doing a live show and my my phone dies so my T my safety team you know huls butt up there to make sur iled and come up to get me and uh we got back down nothing was missing okay but the tailgate h on his truck had been lowered the yeti the bear prooof Yeti cooler that he had in the back of his truck had been um it was locked had been unlatched and there was water and ice drift over the tailgate from from the where something had like scooped its hand in there and got you know a drink like this and dribbled ice and water (14:47) over the tailgate and on the top of his cab there were handprints jus ing can't tell you what it is but I tell you it's not human they don't want to commit and tell me you know I mean they they won't do that but they'll well it's not a human it's not a human handprint the hand configuration is not fully it's not it doesn't match any primate that we could find completely it's like it's a cross between the only thing that we could the closest thing we could come to there's there's um it's more gorilla gorilla esque and that but it's not it's not (16:59) doesn't matc ity you know I I get that all the time um a lot of people they bring up the whole migration thing and it I think it's not cuz I haven't I haven't researched up in the great white North or anything like that I want to um but what I found down here in the south is that they they they don't really follow any migration patterns they T I mean what from what we can determine I'll put it that way from what we can determine they stake out of territory much like a big cat and a big (18:59) cat will stake tigations and hoping to see (20:16) something yeah down down here in the South um the cooler months tend to be where we get you know our best results um but I'm not one to go I am clearly not built for Texas heat okay and I've been here all my life I still don't like it but um it really seems to be in the cooler months when um I think it's easier for them to move around they're more comfortable probably you know um not to mention you don't have to worry about you know the the the bug the bug iss ght well I mean I know I know you're joking and and it's the thing (22:10) about it is it depending on the area they're in they have been known to dumpster dive you know so I mean supposedly some of the best footage came off of a casino one was dumpster diving in a grease trap you know it made a brief a brief uh appearance in the in the public and then it was taken down and nobody can find it what's what's your perspective on the theory that Bigfoot has interdimensional capabilities I'm not one e that haven't seen that interview give us a summary on that well every member of that team has come down with some kind (24:16) of chronic illness and two of them have passed away grumpy grumpy was the most recent one he just recently passed away a couple months ago and grumpy was a fantastic guy man you meet him once you just fall in love with him [Music] um but the two that and and and the two that that did go through this portal are the two that's passed away so you know it's next time you h g ago the one of the latest TV shows but we need to hear about all the perspectives not everything is rainbows and unicorns there's some pretty dark stuff to this and it's just being (26:11) knowledgeable and and that's going to be our only armor that we have knowledge and Street smarts or in this case like nature smarts yeah you're right and I it's like it's like if you ran across you know stairway that there running to out in the woods you going to go up that stairwell oh yeah you know oh yeah t you going out there and doing that by yourself anymore and I wasn't very happy about it but I knew that the concern came from a place of love you know and I wasn't going to put them in the position of something happening to me and them (28:12) having to deal with the you know that that on our conscience so I quit going solo um now every once in a while I'll wander off you know but um it's uh but then I was grapping to my wife I said well I guess I won't be going camping by myself anymore she g a who's gonna vet for you who's going to take the photographs when you go up there right you got to have someone at the very least just as witness testimony and then with that being said in your research have you come across any correlation between Bigfoot and UFOs not that I've (30:04) seen I'll put it that way um I did have a Time loss incident when we was out in the field um we Lo um me and the guy that was with me um we had we lost several hours and we were yes we were out toot researching w all right so we turn around well we missed we we missed the path that went up to back up to my truck but we didn't discover that until about a quarter mile after we' passed it and I was kind of new to this this area so I really didn't know it as well as he did but there was definitely landmarks that you had to walk right by (32:01) that marked this path and he knew the area like the back of his hand he'd been out there for a few years and we just totally missed it but we didn't we did not under a and was sprinting through the bottoms where we were and had and would turn around 360 degrees and neither one of us were inside now there is supposedly another piece of footage um and I found this out on Rob show Bigfoot Michigan Rob when I was doing a show with him and we were talking about this and two other people that knew the guy said well there's other footage of the camera being dropped and (34:16) you see him running away okay um I had this remote I had this this incident remote re uh icking up okay you know and that kind of bored me a little bit um so I I got it from two very you know two different sources at two totally different times pretty much the same information so I don't know was I I don't know like guess but but have I ever (36:32) seen you know Bigfoot being beamed up or down from flying saer no um do I think it happens absolutely but not because they're aliens I think they're being abducted just like we are and studied they're heck of a lot more interesting than slowly and they move through it like it's nothing and they move like a dancer you know um it's just it's it's F it's just mindblowing it really is you know if you ever see one that you you're you're standing there and you're looking at a (39:03) stump you know and then the stump walks off you know it's just they do they do stuff they're Master their their masters of their environment they really really are I don't think they have personally I don't think they actually turn into a stunt the the o public yeah yeah where can we find it over on um um they just changed their name it's called conversations with the curious and uh yeah they have that video on their Channel we'll have to look at it I got to see it I haven't seen it it's pretty crazy in in the south have you come across any areas that are (41:00) similar to Skinwalker Ranch where you have all this strange phenomenon taking place of like UFO encounters Cryptids the Paranormal and really just this amalgam of unique sightings in come on the the different stuff and one of the weird things that we've came across that that Trey has come across it's um they've came across it blind frog blind blind frog Ranch Skinwalker Ranch is radiation readings just odd radiation readings around um we picked up a radiation reading at um up in the cemetery again there's (43:03) so much weird stuff that happens up here that it was like in a 2 by two area above a grave but only at night I know right I mean figure that one out I don't know I show but no it's it's really remarkable just to hear across so many researchers and different parts of the world how many times they come across areas in nature that are so similar to Skinwalker Ranch and blind frog Ranch and the thing is that they're not getting attention just because they're not being publicized right unlike these TV shows but it's happening all over the world and the question is (44:51) why what what's going on in these certain areas across the planet that's that's just accum and the 66th parallel so you know it's is it coincidence I don't know in your world do you believe in coincidences I think there's a certain point to where it quits being coincidences you know I mean you can only explain you know a skeptic can only explain off somebody well that's oh that was just a coincidence oh that was a coincidence all that was a coincidence you know oh I know this happened to you six times but that's just a (46:55) coincidence come on now it's got to stop being a coinciden th this Bigfoot creature oh oh I'll telepathically speak to him pretending to be Bigfoot because and I've got great friends that I love and respect that claim to Minds speak with these creatures I'm not telling them they're not I'm just I just want them to be careful because I'm afraid that this is not Bigfoot mind speaking it's something else trying to get his foot in the door okay and once it has an invitation it's really hard to turn that off um that that's that's my (49:16) concern it to me ence I don't know possibly but the time matches up are you seeing a consistency with these health effects on on these different people that you've spoken to or are they different Health ailments different different ailments um they range from physical to you know depression and and everything else like I said it could it be all Co the coincidental possibly you know um I actually hope it is you know um and I really haven't gathered enough data to say this core you know this corelates and everythi ur paranormal World paranormal among us we like I said we (52:47) have there's so many people involved and we we co-host on each other's channels and and I mean you know it's just a big dysfunctional dysfunctional family but um we decided we're going to do our own conference and um it's going to be in Richmond Virginia it's called Uh Crossing Realms because we're not it's not just a Bigfoot Conference um we're we've got um people from the crypted world the UFO world the"
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