In this epsidoe I explore mysteries of UFOs and their connection to paranormal entities in 'Alien Shadows: The Truth About UFOs and Paranormal Entities.' Join me for an exclusive interview with renowned Paranormal Podcaster Jim Harold, the leading voice in paranormal podcasting, as he shares his insights into alien life, doppelgangers, supernatural phenomena, and the unknown.

This show covers: 
  • Shadow People
  • Doppelgangers
  • UFOs 
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Jim welcome back to Shifting the Paradigm how has it been so far for 2025 (00:46) for you so far off to a good start but as we were talking you know sometimes as the year goes along it's like it starts off good and then a little bit of a train wreck and at the end of the year it's like where did I go off the rails but uh so are so good and so good to be with you and thank you for the invite a great way to start off the year oh my gosh I'm so happy to have you I've been having some burning questions and I'm like the only person to speak to on this is Jim Harold so we're gonna get (01:15) straight into it no fancy intros because we've had you on a handful of times people know who you are you're no stranger over here so my first question is have you ever observed shifts in the types of paranormal stories shared over the years perhaps maybe due to like cultural or technological changes well with the gy Herald's campfire which is my uh spooky story podcast and and for me when I talk about the Paranormal and the supernatural I'm kind of a big tent guy in other words I you know I'm interested in ghosts I'm (01:50) interested in cryptic creatures I'm interested obviously in UFOs uh love this the neon sign by the way um but you know it does EB and Flow you know there there's a couple of things that have uh crept up more lately I noticed a lot of doppelganger stories are you are you uh extremely familiar with the doppelganger phenomenon I'm not super familiar but I know of it and it's pretty it's pretty fascinating I haven't met mine yet have you met yours uh no no I haven't but I will say this it's like (02:26) one of those things like I was kind of generally aware of it before I started camp camire back in 2009 that particular show uh but uh I never realized it was such a thing and people will have these spooky stories this one woman um she her husband was in the military uh it was a time of morning you know 6 7:00 whatever he was usually out for his jog but this morning he was still in bed and she could feel him like his body against hers and they're married couple and and and uh she turned around she said he (03:02) shouldn't be here she turned around and it was like her husband but it was just slightly different and he she realized it was some kind of impostor like some kind of entity or something and she started to say the Lord's Prayer and this thing said don't say that uh that's terrifying that's terrifying and and also like audio mimickry like um somebody will hear somebody come into the house like they're gone for whatever reason and they'll hear somebody come out and you know how certain people they step a (03:34) certain way you don't even have to hear their voice but the way their footfalls on the floor and those kind of things you know that is that person and then maybe they'll call out hello and then they'll go see and nobody's there and then the person will come home 20 minutes later they'll say were you were here no I wasn't I mean what is that what is that is that a time slip one of my favorite ones goes back to the early days of the show where um this young woman lived with her mom she was in high school and the bus would (04:09) like drop her off right around the front of the house and or was actually a trailer a mobile home so she drop this bus uh drops her off or at least her mom thinks that because she walks in the door and this girl walks up to her mom and starts cursing her up a blow streak goes down the hall slams her bedroom door and her mom's like what is that all about why we weren't even having words what what's going on and then the real girl does get dropped off she comes into the front door and says hey Mom how's it (04:45) going she said what do you mean how it go you just cursed me up a Blue Streak and went in your room and they went to the room and nobody was there so I mean what is that is that like tapping into an alternate universe is that uh you know what is that and oh one more which is the be maybe the best one and the freakiest one this happened um to a healthcare worker at a major hospital system in a major city in the United States and she was I think a respiratory therapist so the one day uh there was a test that required the patient who was (05:23) you know bedridden to have to go to another part of the hospital so her and a transport person the people that wield the hospital beds around and stuff and the patient went to this big freight elevator to take him down to wherever he need to go for this test and the woman she's in scrubs and everything you know doing her respiratory therapist job she looks across the way and there's another passenger elevator and she sees a group of people getting onto the elevator and uh she noticed somebody really familiar a woman in scrubs or a (05:56) woman who's walking in she wasn't in Scrubs but she's walking into the thing the woman turns around and looks at her and it's her she's looking at herself but wait it gets it gets more freaky so this happens the doors closed the woman you know you still got to do your job right you can't say to your boss I saw myself I I I think I'm done for the day no she still had a job to do so anyway she's getting ready to come home she's tired she had this weird experience in the morning she's standing (06:25) outside the passenger elevator across from where this this uh freight elevator was and she's getting on with this group of people and she turns around and she sees the freight elevator and she sees three people uh in the freight elevator the transport guy that she worked with earlier day in the day the the patient she worked with earlier in the day and herself earlier in the day she saw herself both ways now how do you explain that Christina and and what I say with some campfire stories there's kind of two (07:03) possibilities one the person experienced something that the best word we have for it is Paranormal or Supernatural at this time maybe it'll be explained by the science of the future or something or she's making it up and I don't think she was making it up so so I I kind of took a side road there on your original question but the whole concept being that there is an EB and flow and right now we're seeing a lot of doppelganger stories more UFO stories too I think it's because in the news and I've been (07:32) trying to encourage people say hey we definitely do ghost stories it's a big part of what we do it's a huge part we do maybe the biggest part of what we do hauntings those kind of things but I also like to hear UFO stories and I'm starting to notice more of a trickle more of a trickle and more stories from Canada too odly you did a Show recently about double gangers but then it was coupled with this really interesting story about how this girl was sleeping with her boyfriend in bed and his face turned into like a demonic face yeah (08:05) yeah I okay this is I'm bringing this up not only because it's a crazy story but I actually had a loved one tell me a similar story that happened to her last year and I thought this did not this is not a real thing this doesn't exist and then I came across that podcast that you did and I'm like oh my gosh Jim tell me this story because it sounds crazy yeah yeah basically what happened is exactly you pretty much you know if you really reduce the stories down they can usually be explained in a sentence or two (08:38) there's some that are more elaborate but essentially to the best of my recollection because we recorded this sometime last year but this woman was with her boyfriend they were in bed and he looked at her and I think he may have been floating above her but I'm not sure about that but that part of it but definitely his face turned into that of a demon and I believe it's a relationship she eventually got out of uh but the thing is is that um I'm a big believer in the idea of Good and Evil I mean some people you know my new age (09:11) friends and people like that's a there's no such thing as evil there's just lower vibrations those kind of things and I think that the Paranormal is an extension of our everyday lives and if you look at our everyday lives you know that there are a lot of really good people out there there's some great people that do great things our First Responders uh people who sacrifice for others people who volunteer there's some beautiful people and then you got kind of people like me in the middle you know (09:38) I'm not great but I I'm a decent guy trying to do my best follow the law you know and then you got the evil people and there are evil people and I think the Paranormal is just like that you got a lot of good energy and we talk about in the shows visitations from loved ones who have passed you know kind of assuring signs that's a big part of what we do and kind of like stuff that's in the middle it's like it's not either good or bad it's just kind of in the middle and then you got the stone called (10:06) like 12T demons and and kind of things that people see and I think that's all a part of it and I think that sometimes and you know I I'm a little guilty of it too when we lean into only the evil uh in terms of like promotion and titling and those kind of things we kind of leave that that that good part out or we make can think people think it's all about the bad but it's about good I will say good bad happy sad it's all of it and I think evil though evil is real as much as people want to deny it you know (10:42) what is that saying the biggest trick the ever the devil ever pulled was convincing people he didn't exist and I kind of believe that uh I mean I think evil is real we only have to look at the the headlines and and things like serial killers and and people that do awful awful things I think you know of course there's things like mental illness and those things I don't want to downplay those but I think there's also pure evil just my opinion I I can get what you mean there there is you have to have this balance it's like (11:13) yin and yang you have to have good you have to have evil it's not necessarily always a vibrational thing which that's a factor too but you can't have one without the other like happiness and sadness it sounds so cliche but it's valid it it's are cliches for a reason because they're true not saying they're all true uh but I think that sometimes you know there's a lot of Truth in some of those things and I think that that's the case when it comes to the Continuum and again I will tell you I'll give you (11:42) a perfect example I'm being very transparent here let's say we have a show usually the campfire show has 10 stories and I could title an episode heartwarming story from a loved one how I could and that there could be a story in there it's about the heartwarming story of a love one or I could have my boyfriend's face turned into a demon which one's going to get more downloads which one's going to get more views you know the answer and I mean it's just a reality it is people are very attracted to the (12:20) negatives kind of like how true crime podcasts are blowing up across the world is because people are able to kind of live vicariously through those incidents but never do it but just kind of want to know know the reason behind it more so than like these happy rainbow unicorn swords which are also nice but they just don't always capture the same level of Interest as the darker stuff and you know the question could be is it because we had that a little bit inside of us that that like kind of rebellious negativity or is it because we just have (12:55) this no basis interest in it I mean 's a lot of different possibilities as to why that is but overall people enjoy hearing the negative stories like gossip gossip is always negative rumors most the time but people love listening to it no it's true now the thing I'll tell you about True Crime podcast you might not even know I have a true crime podcast and I know I've had a true crime podcast that started in 2011 and I made one of the biggest blunders ever because that was before sir came out uh but I put it I have a plus club (13:34) which you know it's a big reason I can do this full-time and and people are very supportive and we appreciate that but I put the True Crime show for the plus Club only I didn't make it freely available which severely limited its audience so uh and we've done a couple hundred episodes and what happens is I'll do it for a few years I'll stop and I'll come back but the show's now free to everybody and Jim Harold's crime scene but we try to take a certainly we cover some of the darker (14:04) stories serial killers Jeffrey dmer John Wayne gayy the people like that but I I usually talk with authors and we try to make it um a little more classy and the truth is I often think you know if we' say you know he twisted the knife 27 times you know I I think that maybe that show would do better but that's not the way I want to do it I want to bring attention into the cases uh also is a cautionary tale for folks you know I often thought you know if one person listen to the show and lock their door because they heard you (14:42) know the crime scene podcast it's been worth doing it all these years um but we try to do it in a way that is not uh what's the word I'm looking for Sensational Sensational uh where you know probably do a lot better if I were more sensational but it's not the way I want to do the show but some of those cases do some of those cases do fascinate me I'm in the Cleveland Dairy you can notice by the little sign by my head and there's a fascinating case here called the Torso murders um and it was in the area of (15:15) town where I grew up even way before I was born and it happened in the 30s so not even I'm that old but um uh but it was in the area of town where I grew up a lot of the the events happened and a lot of the and also in involved was Elliot Ness which people know from The Untouchables and Al Capone and all that he was in Cleveland at the time and was trying to track down the Torso murder so I love those historic cases uh examining those and talking about those um I think those are particularly fascinating but I (15:47) digress you left me hanging Jim what's what's this tors what happened well there were I don't know if it was it was several victims and what they would do this is a little gross but uh they would find uh torsos without heads without arms they would be cut off uh and um it was rumored that somebody in the medical profession did it because the cuts were very clean and it happened over a long period of time I think like a 10year period and uh you know Cleveland at that time I think was a top 10 city in the US (16:28) a lot of people thought as like Little Chicago and uh Elliot Ness became the safety director of Cleveland after he helped get Capone in Chicago he had to have a second act so he came to Cleveland became safety director and later ran from May and lost uh but essentially what would happen is these bodies would turn out there would be these taunting notes all these kind of things and they never officially found the person now there is a theory there was one particular suspect who was institutionalized and after he was (17:04) institutionalized the murder stopped and the thought was is that he was politically connected his family was politically connected so they don't want to come out and say Mr X did this but they wanted him not to do it anymore so they just put him in an institution and um that was it for the uh for the murders but um most people associate Elliot nest with Al Capone as I said but uh this was another big uh chapter in his career and I just find it fascinating because of all the historic detail and particularly locations I'm (17:38) familiar with and grew up in kind of a gritty industrial area of Cleveland and I think that's a good example of that that variation between good and evil like that story sounds terrible it sounds very scary and it sounds very dark what do you think of the of the stories and theories that entities Walk Among Us that may look human and could be sat next to someone on the bus but they're in fact from a different dimension with very specific intentions often not good ones maybe like Jin Shadow People maybe the Men in (18:14) Black what do you think about that not rule it out I mean logical Gym's like oh come on but think about it if we believe that Angels Walk Among Us and there have been stories we've had multiple stories on the shows of people who felt that they were rescued by By Angels uh by the way there's garbage trugs outside so we'll see if my soundproofing works here so I apologize in advance but if we believe that Angels walk amongst us uh and that they can do good which I happen to believe I've had multiple stories on (18:45) the show doesn't make sense kind of per our previous discussion that there's also those who do not wish us well those who want to cause harm and maybe um you know I've been I've actually asked FBI people about this do they believe you know I I don't want downplay I think a lot of times with some of these dark cases there is an aspect of Mental Illness but is it possible that maybe these entities or bad spirits could play upon someone who has that condition and maybe try to encourage them to do these kind of things maybe I (19:26) I I don't know but I do think yeah I do think that there's evil amongst us I mean I hope and that doesn't mean I also think see I think every like you said everything's about a balance because I think sometimes with all the TV shows and stuff that people think every time there's a leaky Foss in the house oh there's a demon you know I think that that's a problem too not everything's a demon so I don't think that it's um you know something you're going to run into every day but I think it can (19:57) happen yeah have you encountered any St stories that challenged your preconceived notions about the Paranormal you've been doing this for almost 20 years now almost constantly because I come from you know a u i was brought up in the Christian faith and I still consider myself of that Faith but there are a lot of things that you encounter whether it's doing interviews with author and expert authors and experts on shows like the the Paranormal podcast or it's campfire stories and you know reincarnation is another one uh (20:31) I've done a lot of interviews on reincarnation and that's one where doesn't neatly fit into my religious Paradigm uh but you do wonder when you hear of these young people who um have these memories I'll give you an example we had a story from England one time the name well I won't tell you the name of the story it give away the story but anyway uh this woman called in and this gosh this is in the early years of the campfire and she said uh one day she was sitting at home with her family uh and her son and they were in (21:06) The Parlor I guess they called it and had the windows open because it was a very nice spring or summer day and the little boy was like 3 or four years old and they had some kind of air show or something going on in the area so like this by plane flew by and it's like you know the planes like they had in World War I you know with the the Red Baron and all that with the Dual wings and all that stuff so um the little boy chimes in he says that sounds like the the plane that killed me and his mom's like the plane that (21:44) killed you what what do you talking about you know when uh I had another mother and my name was I think he said Henry or something like that totally different name and the plane crashed into the house and killed me and he started flinging about and she's like I don't know what to think of that uh you know and she said she didn't want to lead him on too much she didn't want to ask a lot of questions because she didn't want to taint what he was saying in anyway or influence what he was saying and and once he got older he (22:19) didn't remember any of it or anything um there was another one about a young woman who had a daughter and this one's on my YouTube channel and the gist of it is I don't remember chapter and verse but the gist of it was uh her daughter kept uh doing something that she wasn't supposed to do she was climbing up on to get something off of a shelf and she said I told you not to do that now I've told you multiple times you're going to sit here now until you learn you're not to do this and climb up (22:52) on the Shelf you'll hurt yourself and she's like well Mommy you're right you know Freda didn't listen and she died and her mom went what do you what do you mean yeah Freda she didn't listen to her mommy and she went down by the river and she drowned to death and the mom was like this like trying to figure out and her mom went to all these extents to find out if there's anybody she saw and she said she didn't watch unsupervised TV so it's nothing she saw TV it's nothing in the books she had (23:25) access to uh she asked around to school is anybody named Freda there was nobody but yet she had this memory of this girl dying my friend Freda um so I mean those kind of things challenge you they challenge your you you're Shifting the Paradigm right it it it shifts a paradigm because you're like you know I'm not ready to throw out my faith or or what I believe but it's like maybe there's more to it than I understand and I think you know people might say well Jim you've been doing this often long time you know do it get (24:00) boring you know is it repetitive uh are you just doing the same thing over and over should you go on and find something else to do and I say no because it's always interesting there's always something new and it's always challenging me and my kind of view of the world and I think that when I started out my view of the world was very narrow you know UFOs are aliens ghosts are dead people uh you know Bigfoot if it exists is an animal I still kind of believe that one but uh because I know some people talk about (24:31) the interdimensional Bigfoot and things like that and I don't know if I can buy into that but my point is is that the UFO question you know now I'm more open to things like cryptoterrestrials or is it interdimensional uh is it a time travel aspect I'm not 100% convinced it is aliens although I think it might be aliens uh I'm not saying it's aliens but uh my point is and and the ghost thing yeah some of them might believer or dead people and then some of them I think are you know these these time (25:04) shifts uh where people see back in time or see forward in time I don't think the explanations are as simple as I used to think growing up and with all the years that you've been looking into this hearing all the stories interviewing all the people what insights have you gained about human behavior and belief systems through these paranormal stories that you've encountered well from the of most of our listeners are and storytellers are english- speaking but we've talked to people you know us obviously Canada (25:37) Britain Australia Brazil France Germany uh you know pretty much most of the major English-speaking countries and many uh countries that are bilingual and and certainly we've had a lot of uh uh Latino callers as well uh in terms of you know Americans with a Latino background and and I guess that is to say that it seems to me all of this stuff is universal uh the the the story I hear from somebody in Washington state many times is going to sound very much like the story I hear from somebody in South Texas or in Britain or you know (26:24) in Egypt um so it surprised me how Universal these stories are um I thought there would be and I know that certain cultures have certain uh beliefs about certain kinds of spirits or entities you know the Banshee um or Lusa or whatever it might be uh but overall I was surprised about the universality of all of it it is really interesting when you look at all the stories all the folklore and you take off the labels and you just kind of follow the patterns they are there they are Universal and it's really interesting and it doesn't only go for (27:04) the Paranormal but also the UFO phenomenon as well when you're looking at all these different cases internationally a lot of them follow not all of them but a lot of them follow very similar patterns and then when you look at this you're like okay so what do these patterns mean where is it leading me I think it's one of the biggest questions that I usually ask myself when doing the research I'm like okay where where is this taking me have you encountered those thoughts as well uh and I do want to make a point about the (27:35) Paranormal UFOs but I'll put a pin in that and come back to it um I'm quite a bit closer to uh the end uh than the beginning being in my middle years so it does make you think the longer I do this and the sad thing is as we go on at time more and more guests that I have had on the show over the years they pass I mean just um just this year this last year we had uh multiple guests who passed away uh Jerry Paulie from hillbilly horror stories a great guy and a great podcaster and uh friend uh passed away (28:17) uh another great guest Jim Willis um you being in the UFO space will know the name Stanton Friedmanwho passed uh Friedman who passed away a few years ago and I was at actually at his last speaking event uh when he passed and and he was on his way home from that event and passed at the airport which was a shock to me so the more you see this over time you're like oh gosh I'm mortal too one of these days they're going to be talking about me uh and it does make you think about the themes that we explore in these (28:51) shows because they become all the more relevant the closer you get now I hope I have another 20 30 years on the planet uh maybe if I'm really like a 40 but there are no guarantees right so the more you look into this you're like these questions are becoming more important as time goes on I did want to make one one point about UFOs and the Paranormal when I started the Paranormal podcast to me it included UFOs the Paranormal included UFOs because to me the Paranormal I think now the association when you say the word (29:26) paranormal it's uh guys and women in black t-shirts going into a spooky location with a lot of gear that's what it means that's not what it meant to me to me the Paranormal meant everything you would have seen on in search of or Unsolved Mysteries or Coast to Coast a. all the Unexplained stuff it should have been all the Unexplained stuff podcast because that included UFOs so for me people think oh you do a paranormal podcast that's on ghosts I probably do almost half my shows on UFOs but nobody realizes it because that (30:04) name has changed over the years to me the Paranormal includes includes um UFOs because what is it it's it's something that is not normal or not perceived as normal even though I think it is normal um it's paranormal and and we can't quite explain it and I think UFOs fit into that definition so it's not all about guys in black t-shirts who looking mean and tougher I I feel like I should like go to the gym uh get some tattoos maybe shave my head and and uh maybe that would boost the numbers of the uh of the (30:41) [Laughter] show Jim you're killing me over here that's just so funny but if you had unlimited resources to study a case where UFOs and the Paranormal phenomena over lapped what specific case or incident would you choose oh that's tough let me think about this where they overlapped I'm trying to think if you're thinking about almost like kind a weird ghostly type activity well there's of course there's Ro but I'm not fam well I I mean one is the uh it not Moth Man I mean Moth Man (31:24) kind of uh kind of fits that bill right because it's been associated with uh UFOs even though we don't know how much of that but John Keelan knows that that the Silverbridge incident in I think' 67 that would be that would be one that I could think of um Stan Gordon has done a lot of uh work with UFOs in Bigfoot in Pennsylvania the fact that they're both seen in similar places which is interesting and there do seem to be those spooky places um if you were just talking about a UFO Case by itself (32:00) without any paranormal phenomena I guess you'd have to go back to to Roswell I actually had the chance to talk obviously not with Jesse Marcel Senor but I did have a chance to talk with Jesse Marcel Jr before he passed and he talked about seeing the the material some of the material that was recovered um he talked about going down to like under the capital to like almost like a secret government chamber and those kind of things and and so much stuff seems to shoot off of Roswell and the thing is is that I love how you know (32:38) they came out with the flying disc found and then the next day oh we're just kidding I totally think there's just so much smoke there I guess it would go back to to Roswell if I were a billionaire and I could really if I could become Robert Bigelow for a day I guess I would uh that would one I'd really like to know it's as time goes on it gets tougher and tougher you know I had James Fox I think you interviewed him too for his recent uh for his recent documentary and uh he said that there were people who were present at Roswell (33:15) who were basically told you know uh shut up if you know what's good for you in so many words you know and I believe it I mean I believe it there was something to that and I'll tell you my favorite pet theory about UFOs um when I was a kid back in um we had one telephone in the house and it was actually a dial telephone it was one black dial telephones and it was like um on the wall in the kitchen it was one of those ones where like if you watch the old' 70s um like cop shows and detective shows like on Columbo they use (33:56) the receiver as a murder weapon that's that's the kind of uh tele you know kind of telephone that I grew up with like like a heavy piece of equipment and now I've got my iPhone 16 Pro Max right I can communicate with everybody in the world unless they're in like China or some censored government I can you know access the uh knowledge it's like the Library of Alexandria I can access the knowledge of the world on it all these all these great things and we went from that dial telephone now some fancy people had push (34:31) button telephones when I was a kid but we weren't fancy but anyway we went from that to this miracle that's sitting on my desk here and we can do this which used to take satellites by the way and we can do it from our Studios our home Studios there's some X Factor in that development of technology in my view and I this is not original thought I think Philip Philip J Corso speculated similar things different people have I believe that whether it was the Roswell crash or other crashes in that post-war era right after the second (35:05) world war there was technology retrieved and it was fed to civilian Laboratories and that they worked on it and seeded it to General Industry and loone behold we went from like a phone that would have been very in place in like the 40s and 50s in my house when I was growing up to this miracle on my desk and all the modern Miracles that we have and and someone made this point on the shows I can't remember who it was it wasn't me but it's a great point the people who were working on it working on these (35:41) Technologies they wouldn't have necessarily known where it came from if they're working in Bell Labs or some place like that but my feeling was is that a lot of the technological Marvels that we have technology even the last 20 years Christina has just even from when my kids were little has just exponentially grown and I don't think that's an accident I think it was seated by somebody whether it was intentional whether it was some kind of exchange or it was just they crashed and we took the stuff and figured it out I mean what do (36:13) what do you I I I hate to turn the tables but what do you think about that do you think there was some reverse engineering going on it's definitely a theory that was proposed by Philip Coro he said that we got Quantum fibers we got velcro from the Roswell crash is it a possibility I think it' very interesting and it would be wise to do so if that were to actually take place and an unknown object crashed and it was super Advanced the best thing we could do was to rip it apart and see how we can use it in our day-to-day lives but (36:41) something that you mentioned a little bit earlier talking about Roswell stating that the first day newspaper headlines was it's a saucer to like oh just kidding it's it's not and then a decade or so later it was like okay guys it's actually project Mogul this super secret project it seems like we're seeing that exact same narrative from 1947 to the things that are happening in New Jersey and around the world and in late 2024 into 2025 they're still being seen today and we're getting that same (37:15) narrative even though it's a super old one where the FAA the Pentagon said it's not ours don't worry about it it's not a threat to December 17 saying actually it is ours and then this narrative is constantly changing but I can imagine in a decade they'll say guys it was actually a super secret project and we didn't want to tell you we we didn't want to scare you or anything but then which story do you believe right out of all the explanations kind of dissuade people from looking into something and (37:51) thinking about it you just want to throw up as much stuff on the wall to make it as confusing as possible basically obvious gate the truth um a perfect example is the point about misidentification now I agree that I'm guessing at the height of it when everybody was looking at the sky and saying that they're seeing drones I'm sure that a large percentage of that was people misidentifying aircraft because they're typically not looking up and looking for it but that that doesn't let's say that there were I'll just (38:21) throw number out there 5,000 reports and let's say that you know 4500 of them were Miss identification well that's still least 500 you see and then I love when they said well there's been no incursions you know when the White House I think it was John Kirby came out and said there's been no incursions or anything or over restricted areas what about pitini up in New Jersey what about Wright Patterson that was actually shut down where there you can hear the air traffic recordings that was shut down (38:52) because of unknown drone activity what about that so what it is is basically they take a lot of times they'll take a kernel of Truth and they'll put that forward as the whole explanation and they'll say nothing to see here and then oh by the way now it's Christmas now it's New Year's everybody's forgotten about it then we've got other tragic stories in the news the New Orleans situation which was tragic uh of course this horrible Wildfire situation that's going on the Los Angeles and our hearts go out to (39:23) those people but people they know how the news cycle goes because the news cycle when something's hot it's hot for a few days at most and then people go on with their lives they go on to the next thing and next thing will be the inauguration so they know people will forget about it and and then a few months from now somebody like well whatever happened with those drones oh I I don't know baseball Seasons about we've seen that too many times we we've seen it with the quote Chinese spy balloons that flew over the US in (39:56) February of 201 23 we saw that and then it was it was hot and then months passed by and they're like wait that happened I actually forgot all about that and it happened with Roswell if it wasn't for Stanton Freeman who you brought up a little bit earlier people wouldn't have known about Roswell they buried it so well for decades until ston was like wait hold up something weird going on in Roswell let me dig it up and now it is the most famous case of all time but even though we're seeing the same (40:30) narrative from 1947 of giving you all these strange conclusions they have consistently succeeded with burying the stories because of this news cycle people don't want to hear the same thing over and over again they like the new stuff I like that dopamine hit right but that's why I think in in my case my job is to make sure that these stories don't die so that we're able to revise them look at them see the patterns so that we don't allow history to repeat itself a year down the line several months down the line and I (41:10) realize some things have to be kept secret and I totally understand that but the JFK thing is a perfect example we're talking about something now over 60 years ago what could they possibly release even if they said the Russians were behind it let let's say that because there is a theory out there that there was Russian involvement and maybe the reason it was covered up was because it would have started World War I even if we found out the Soviets were behind it in 1963 which is not one of the high ranking theories (41:43) but let's just say that's one of the worst theories right I don't think anybody in 2024 would say you know let's attack Russia now as retribution 60 years later uh might be upset about it uh for a day or two uh most people don't care anymore unfortunately but uh what could they release that would be a national security risk 60 years later so I think a lot of times yes there are legitimate national security reasons not to release some things I get it and I agree with it but a lot of times I think it's used as we (42:19) don't want to release this so we're just going to stamp it National Security that that seems to be the thing and it's unfortunate it's just kind of like the narrative with them the UFO phenomenon what's going on it's classified by some as a national security threat and by others as space Brothers here to save the world and cure cancer but let me just mention this and I'll make this very quick is when we're looking at National Security in this case for UFOs in particular we are able to then put (42:50) Manpower equipment and Research into it because it is a threat more so than like if it was all okay why research it right and and it's unfortunate that the public isn't in the know of the data being collected on the research being done by the government aside from the arrow office but that has not been good since its Creation in 2022 even when Dr John Kosloski came in and gave his presentation to Kirsten Gillibrand his presentation was six seven minutes long and it wasn't it was and there was very he didn't provide really any data as to how (43:29) he came up with his conclusions trying to brush off the Aguadilla case for instance where he's like oh it's Parallax okay can you go into more detail like how did you get that conclusion he's like I I don't know he just that's just the answer and I'm like bro you have one job it's drones right that's the new one the new conditioning for it why are we calling them drones I mean really aren't they technically UAP because if we don't know what they are we don't know enough to identify them as (44:03) drones right if by definition we don't know what they are that would make them we can't say UFO anymore because only Cooks believe in UFOs so we've got to say UAP but we can't even say that because that's too close to UFOs so we'll call them drones I'll make this quick I was in a phone call with someone that knows what I do but like not not to good detail and she said to me it's you researched UFOs can can I say UFOs like is that okay and I'm like dude that's fine that's totally okay but the thing that (44:37) it happened twice with two separate people where they're now hesitant people that aren't familiar with the topic are now hesitant to use the word UFO or to call you a UFO researcher or Enthusiast because of the way the topic has been convoluted in the media it's not UFO it's UAP oh wait no it's actually drones and and then your average person doesn't they want to be and the new term is politically correct right and they're like can I say UFO like is that okay and I'm like dude it's fine okay I'm I'm not (45:11) I'm not here taking off points off of you it's all good but I've just re realized that very recently in the last few weeks compared to a few years ago he were like yeah UFO I know that you know that that's your title it's crazy how how mentally how far we've come from from the foundation of UFO to whatever this is now I don't even know what the title is now Jim do you no you're right you have a you you have a very good point it's just obvious gation it's you know there's uh uh there's a saying I (45:52) can't remember I wish that if you can't Dazzle him with something you baffle with BS I forget what it is uh but I think that's exactly if you can't Dazzle them with something you baffle them with BS although you don't say BS and I think that's basically what they're they're doing uh so you know I I mean I think the obvious gation will continue hope I'm wrong uh and I do not think by any means 20125 is the year of disclosure what I do think and and I've heard a lot of people Echo this is I do (46:27) think that we're getting closer you know with the James web Space Telescope and these hearings that we're having the drip drip drip I mean maybe we're getting closer to some kind of disclosure but I don't think there's going to be the President coming on television saying yep you've been right all along there's aliens there's inter interdimensional Travelers there's a few crypto terrestrials too with these uh unidentified submersible objects um yeah you've been right all along if people (46:57) waiting for that I think you're going to be waiting a long time Jim thank you so much for being on the show yet again where can people find you online to stay up to date with all of your spooky stories that you share yeah the the central point there is on the screen Jim j m h a r o l d. (47:16) com and of course you can find the Paranormal podcast Jim Harold's campfire the Paranormal report Jim Harold's crime scene you can find them all on your favorite podcast app and also I have a YouTube channel at Jim Harald and those links will be in the description box below Jim thank you so much thanks [Music] [Music] Christina if you enjoy the strange and the Mysterious UFOs the Paranormal encrypted this channel is for you so make sure to subscribe as I do three videos right here every single week and (48:04) hit that notification Bell so you do not miss any of the bonus content I post right here

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