In this UFO case study, 40 Victims of UFO Attack Speak Out and Government Failed In Their Response. In an unprecedented series of attacks, some fatal, an amazing and disturbing case unfolds regarding encounters with UFOs and beings that appeared to have hostile intentions.

This show covers: 
  • A Brazilian doctor's shocking discovery in 1977 that changed UFO research forever
  • Over 40 medically documented cases of UFO attacks • Strange burns that defied medical explanation 
  • Operation Saucer: The military investigation that documented 3,000+ witnesses 
  • Declassified files revealing photographs, sketches, and witness testimony 
  • The mysterious passing of Captain Hollanda after revealing alien contact 
  • Why these attacks are still happening today in Brazil's remote regions
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00:00 - Intro
00:53 - The Night The Lights Came Hunting
01:38 - Medical Files They Never Wanted You To See
05:12 - Operation Saucer
06:17 - The Captain’s Experience and Final Confession
08:24 - Government Cover-Up: The Missing Evidence
12:10 - Silenced?
12:58 - It's Still Happening: Modern Cases Exposed
14:00 - The Truth Finally Declassified
16:36 - Outro and Credits

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Show Transcript

In 1977, a Brazilian doctor walked into her clinic and found something that would change her life forever - a patient with burns that shouldn't exist. But what happened next was even more disturbing... the military showed up, and they weren't there to help. Before I tell you what the military found, you need to understand - this isn't just another UFO story. This is Colares, Brazil - the only case where a government officially documented UFO attacks on civilians, with records, military photographs, and a twist that would change everything we thought we knew about UFO encounters.

Imagine living in a peaceful fishing village in northern Brazil. The year is 1977. Life is simple, until one night, strange lights appear in the sky. But these weren't just lights - they were hunting people. What I'm about to share with you comes from official military documents, witness testimonies, medical records, and a doctor who went from skeptic to believer overnight.

Night after night, between 7-8 PM, the terror would begin. The pattern was always the same - mysterious lights of different colors: red, yellow, and blue, would appear in the sky. But these weren't distant lights - they hunted the villagers, penetrating through walls, roofs, windows, and doors as if they weren't even there. The victims couldn't run. They couldn't scream. They could only watch, paralyzed, as the beams found them.

What these lights did to human flesh defied medical explanation. Dr. Wellaide Cecim Carvalho, the town's physician, documented case after case with identical injuries. The victims described it like being touched by a lit cigarette butt, but these weren't ordinary burns. They began with an intense reddening of the skin, followed by something that shouldn't be possible - the burns would peel immediately. Any medical professional knows burns take 72 hours to peel, but these... these were different.

The pattern of injuries was precise and methodical. Lesions appeared either on the face or chest, often accompanied by perfect triangular puncture marks. As the attacks continued, the injuries became more severe. Hair would fall out around the affected areas, and the skin would turn black. But here's what baffled Dr. Carvalho most - despite the severity of these wounds, patients reported no pain, only a slight warmth where the beam had touched them.

The villagers called these lights 'Chupa-Chupa' - the suckers - because victims consistently reported a horrifying sensation: they could feel their blood being drawn from their bodies. This wasn't mass hysteria. This wasn't something that could be explained away. As Dr. Carvalho examined patient after patient - more than 40 in total - she knew she was dealing with something beyond her medical training. The injuries resembled radiation burns, but radiation burns don't develop in hours. Radiation burns don't peel immediately. And radiation burns certainly don't appear in perfect triangular patterns.

Now, maybe you are thinking this sounds like mass hysteria. That's exactly what Dr. Carvalho thought... until September 1977, when everything changed. Two patients were rushed into her clinic. 

According to renowned ufologist Jacques Vallée, at least two people died as a direct result of encounters with these lights. 

The victims showed identical symptoms: their bodies became rigid, almost like rigor mortis had set in while they were still alive. Their jaws locked.Their eyes fixed in place. But here's where it gets even more disturbing...

One case particularly haunted Dr. Carvalho. A woman was rushed to the hospital with severe burns across her chest. By the evening, she was dead - officially from a heart attack. But Dr. Carvalho had examined those burns herself that very morning. Yet somehow, the death certificate made no mention of them. No autopsy was performed either. Let that sink in... In a case where a woman dies after being struck by an unidentified energy beam, with visible burns on her body... no one bothered to investigate the cause of death. Or so they say…

When Dr. Carvalho questioned this she was told to drop it. But this wasn't the only case where evidence seemed to... disappear. 

When Mayor José Favacho called Brasilia, he expected weapons, soldiers, protection to come and help his people that were living in fear every single day for months. Instead, what arrived was a team armed with cameras and telescopes, led by a captain who would later make a confession that would cost him his life. Operation Saucer, better known as operacio prato , documented over 3,000 witness accounts, captured 500 photographs, and recorded 15 hours of film. But they also captured something they never meant to document.

In 1997, twenty years after the terror in Colares, Captain Uyrangê Bolivar Hollanda Lima finally broke his silence. His interview with UFO Magazine, conducted by Brazilian ufologist Ademar José Gevaerd who sadly passed away in December 2022, revealed something that would shake the world to its core. The Captain, who had led Operation Saucer, described a personal encounter that defied explanation. One night, while lying in his bed, he was visited by a humanoid being approximately 1.5 meters tall, wearing what he described as a soft, metallic spacesuit with a mask obscuring its face.

What happened next seems almost contradictory to the violent nature of the Colares incidents. The being approached him from behind and embraced him, speaking in perfect Portuguese with a metallic, robotic voice, saying "Take it easy. We are not going to harm you." This peaceful interaction stands in stark contrast to the aggressive encounters in Colares, raising disturbing questions about the beings' true intentions. Even more intriguing, Lima claimed to have received an implant in his arm - visible to the naked eye but mysteriously undetectable by X-rays.

"The man chosen to lead Operation Prato wasn't just any military officer. Captain Uyrangê Bolivar Hollanda Lima had his own history with UFOs. As a 12-year-old boy in Belém, 1952, he witnessed something that would shape his future investigation. A massive, brilliant object hovered over his city, stopping above a scout federation during a swimming competition. The next day's newspapers confirmed what young Hollanda had seen. But when he took command of Operation Prato 25 years later, he wasn't that wide-eyed boy anymore. 'I went in as a skeptic,' he would later admit. 'I was determined to demystify this, to prove it was just collective hallucination or maybe owls reflecting moonlight.' What he found instead would haunt him for the rest of his life."

Dr. Wellaide Cecim Carvalho's story represents perhaps the most compelling testament to the reality of these events. As a medical professional, she initially approached the situation with scientific skepticism, dismissing the early reports as mass hysteria. But the evidence that began flooding into her clinic in September 1977 would transform her understanding forever. Patient after patient arrived with identical symptoms: strange burns that peeled almost instantly, unlike typical burns that take 72 hours to show such effects, puncture wounds in precise triangular patterns, and inexplicable paralysis.

The turning point in Dr. Carvalho's skepticism came when she herself encountered one of these lights. She experienced firsthand the paralysis and overwhelming heat that her patients had described. This personal experience transformed her from a skeptic into one of the most credible witnesses of the Colares incident. However, her dedication to documenting these cases came at a significant personal cost.

When the military arrived in Colares, they came not with weapons to protect the citizens, but with cameras and notebooks to document the phenomenon. Operation Saucer, led by Captain Hollanda, conducted an exhaustive investigation spanning four months. They interviewed over 3,000 witnesses, captured 500 photographs, and recorded 15 hours of film footage. Yet, despite this mountain of evidence, the official conclusion attempted to dismiss everything as mass hysteria and bat bites. But how can you get a bat bite in a perfect triangle? Your guess is as good as mine. 

The military's pressure on Dr. Carvalho became intense. They demanded she tell her patients their experiences were all in their heads. But having witnessed the phenomenon herself, she refused to perpetuate what she knew to be a lie. In an act of defiance and protection, she burned all her patient documentation, fearing the military would confiscate and suppress the evidence.

"One of the most haunting accounts comes from Clau-do-mira Rodrigues da Paixão, a 35-year-old resident of Colares. On October 18, 1977, at 11 PM, while sleeping in her hammock alongside her cousin and children, she experienced something terrifying. The town's electricity had been cut off at 10 PM, plunging everything into darkness. Suddenly, a strange light appeared, moving across her body like a lantern. When it struck the left side of her chest, she felt a sucking sensation. The light then moved to her right hand, creating a sensation like a needle prick. Her entire body became paralyzed - she couldn't even scream for help. The room filled with an eerie greenish light, and she felt a strange lethargy overcome her.

But some residents tried to fight back. At 7:30 PM the next evening, Antônio Acácio de Oliveira, a 53-year-old cabinetmaker, spotted a reddish-yellow light moving above the trees near his house. When the object suddenly stopped and emitted three rapid blue light beams toward the village, Antônio did something remarkable - he fired two shots at it with his gun. Usually that is a horrible idea, but antonio got lucky. Others were not so lucky, which we will get to later. 

The story takes an even darker turn three months after Captain Hollanda's revelatory interview. He mentioned 'This isn't about sensationalism or money. this is about clarifying what really happened.' after he told the secrets to UFO magazine - he passed away in his home, allegedly having taken his own life using his bathrobe belt. However, those who knew him questioned this official explanation. Friends and family insisted he had been excited about sharing his experiences and showed no signs of despair. His death added yet another layer of mystery to the Colares case, leading many to speculate about whether he had been silenced.

"Now, you might think these attacks ended in 1977...but what I'm about to tell you suggests something far more disturbing. This isn't history. This is happening right now.

According to Brazilian Ufologist Rony Vernet, who I recently interviewed, between 2013 and 2016, something chilling began happening in the state of Acre. Indigenous communities started reporting encounters that mirrored the Colares incident with frightening accuracy. The same types of craft. The same harmful beams of light. The same terror.

One case stands out. An indigenous resident, faced with one of these craft descending toward their community, did something no one in Colares had attempted - they fired a shotgun at it. The craft's response was immediate and devastating. A beam of light struck the individual, leaving them hospitalized.

But here's where it gets even stranger... Across Brazil, people aren't just reporting physical injuries. Take the case of eighteen-year-old Sylvia. After her encounter with what witnesses described as 'light beings,' she didn't just develop symptoms of mental illness and brain degeneration… she began accurately predicting future events.

There's a pattern here that we can't ignore. These beings, whatever they are, seem to target remote, isolated communities. From Colares in 1977... to Acre in 2016... If you want to dive deeper into these modern cases, I recently sat down with Rony Vernet to discuss his research. You'll find that full interview linked in the description below.

But before you go watch that interview, there's one final piece of the Colares puzzle we need to discuss...In 2005, thanks to the tireless efforts of ufologists like A.J. Gevaerd, some Operation Saucer files were finally released to the public. These documents contained witness testimonies, photographs, and sketches that confirmed what the people of Colares had been saying all along. Yet, much of the material remains classified, leaving us with more questions than answers. 

What we do know is that the operation documented over 300 cases, meticulously coded and cataloged. Each witness was assigned a number, from F01 to F45, their testimonies preserved in military records that would later leak to Brazil's UFO research community. And even Captain Lima revealed in his final interview that the phenomena moved in a deliberate pattern, 'covering the Brazilian air space and the Amazon region in strips, like we do in aerial photography,' stretching from Maranhão to Colares, Belém, Monte Alegre, Santarém, and all the way to Manaus."

What do you think happened in Colares? Was it an alien phenomenon, a secret military experiment, or something even more mysterious? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. If you found this case as fascinating as I do, don't forget to like and share this video. And make sure to hit that subscribe button and notification bell as I cover UFO news, updates, case studies and interviews right here! 

That is it for today, be safe and remember, keep your eyes on the skies.

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