Season 5 Insights Skinwalker Ranch Panel Interview 2024: In an exclusive panel interview, I am joined by Skinwalker Ranch Owner Brandon Fugal and his dedicated team, Principal Investigator Erik Bard, Thomas Winterton, Bryant Arnold, and Kaleb Bench, for a deep dive into the ongoing research of the mysteries of Skinwalker Ranch, and insights into Season 5 of the widely acclaimed History Channel TV show, 'The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch'.


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my current understanding of the physics is that the kinds of things that would have to be present at the ranch to generate those effects would also have uh catastrophic effects on on the ranch if not the entire Earth whatever we're dealing with has the ability to mask its identity to engage using stealth and again manipulate the environment in really disturbing ways I I've had experiences myself where I know I was in interacting with something that I would classify more as some kind of technological construct or or something of that nature but then I've also had experiences on the other side where I definitely think it was more your Crossing Lines of something spiritual with us today is the owner of Skinwalker Ranch and the majority of his team thank you guys for taking the time to be here I really appreciate it it's good to be with you Christina thank you so much and thank you for your support and efforts to to address these topics there are very few people that are willing to address Frontier topics head on like you have demonstrated over the course of the last few years and we we've considered you an ex an extended member of the team if you will uh as you've you've helped us disseminate kind of a lot of the discoveries and uh material that we've been amassing over the course of our investigation that started back in 2016 thank you that is really nice um to to build on that since our first Skinwalker Ranch interview Roundtable back in April of 2023 a lot has happened on the ranch since and Eric I'm going to start off with you because last year it was mentioned by Dr Travis Taylor that time is at the center of this mystery and since our initial conversation have you found any new information data or evidence that promotes that theory ah this flirts with SP spoilers um I'm sure the rest of you guys know exactly what events I'm thinking of well you know I think everybody here knows that I tend towards the more auster interpretation of things you know and work my way towards the more interesting or exotic ones um certainly we continue to see things happening that affect um the instrumented reportage of time the passage of time we see things happening with often with time stamps we see things uh discontinuities in the data we see changes in the apparent rate at which uh transfer is taking place whether it's uh uh you know something as common as playing music you know we've had devices I don't know how specifically I can get into this but we've had devices that are you know playing something whose timing we might pick up on with our ears and having it Go all over the map uh these kinds of things have been uh you know those familiar with the program especially insiders will uh recognize that we've had a lot of these issues especially in the homestead 2 area you know we see a lot of that going on uh with assets specifically inside of that that uh that structure the main house uh but we've also seen these things play out at the triangle where we have devices that um see I don't want again I don't I don't want to put any spoiler material out there but we've had devices um get out of sync by how much time ah you'll have to wait to see that I'm sorry if that's evasive but but but but yes we see and again uh going back to my sort of um dis claer at the beginning of this what we are seeing would have to be generally categorized as interferences with devices that measure time and as you know hand inand with that there are devices you know famously the GPS and gnss devices that keep up with location and we've seen some abrupt significant displacements in the reported positions of Those sensors and you know time is is a big part of that so Travis is spoton when he's talking about time uh that is definit itely uh on the short list of suspects uh interesting topics short list of suspects can you go into more detail on that yeah sure so I mean you know if you know you mentioned U spatial or SpaceTime effects um my current understanding of the physics is that the kinds of things that would have to be present at the ranch to generate those effects would also have uh catastrophic effects on on the ranch if not the entire Earth so there's something going on there's something going going on uh that is uh interfering with our ability to consistently measure time and and so when I speak of suspects I'm talking about the things that might be responsible for those interferences you know and the full range of things you know it could be anything from technological look there is jamming technology out there we don't know if there are Bad actors involved or there could in fact be some of the more interesting and even exotic physics that you hear us refer to you know we try to treat all of those subjects I don't know if get equal air time you know through all the venues but we really try to keep all of those simultaneously in mind thank you for explaining that and Mr Brandon fugle how is the research conducted at Skinwalker Ranch contributed to our understanding of the relationship between Consciousness and physical reality in your opinion well that's a good question because I do believe these topics in the the front science realm that we are delving into out here at the ranch demonstrates that there is a a mechanism a foot that involves Consciousness in fact whatever we are interacting with whatever entities forces we are interacting with at Skinwalker Ranch seem to be able to size up the individuals that enter the property uh we've heard many refer to it as The Hitchhiker effect where you know certain phenom phena will follow people home uh after they leave the ranch uh but even on the property people have uh participants even those uh members of our team that have gone public uh with some of these episodes will attest to the fact that that the environment appears to react to intent and volition those who have brought an adversarial attitude to the ranch or or motive uh seem to encounter uh negative effects and phenomena and when you you discuss the topic of SpaceTime and the fact that we're dealing with with entities or some type of intelligence that has the ability to manipulate closed computer systems very sophisticated technology platforms as well I believe sometimes the perception of those involved it uh it speaks to something much more complex at work um so I I I I will also say and I'll let Eric Bard chime in as principal investigator one of the topics that uh Eric has has uh tackled involves remote viewing and I think you're going to see the release of some material some information information and data uh relative to remote viewing efforts uh relative to uh the ranch and really some of the the external topics when it comes to oh go ahead Eric please you know I I think we have um above the noise you know I think we have the stat statistics to support that there is something going on as Brandon has pointed out um that is at least noteworthy when it comes to uh what we're thinking about uh where the focus of our uh attention is what we might be um even sort of excited about or apprehensive about and the events that then play out you know it's there's the subjective side and there's the objective side um everyone you're speaking with today has had the experience even Brandon you recognize this from just last night everyone on our team has had the experience also of of having exactly the same impression or the exact same phrase however quirky the word you know the expression may be you know we'll think the exact same thing and you know an example from just early this morning or last night you know uh I believe I sent a message to Brandon I believe it was about a little after 6 PM um I was in the middle of uh writing a response to a good question from a few of our in insiders um also uh working on a technical project I interrupted that abruptly for no particular reason and uh started to compose another message to Brandon at that moment of course you sent me uh your question or your Overture and yeah it might have been close to four in the morning and so you know I immediately asked Brandon well when did you decide that you were going to send that message you know hours have passed and it was just this moment that it occurred to me to re-engage and I think every one of us here can speak to that you know you know Bryant I'm reminded of something I don't know if you've shared about this I'm reminded of something that you experienced uh when you uh went out to go find a a a missing rocket I don't know if you're comfortable talking about that but you know again I guess the point being that there's it's it's multi it's multi ceral it's not just uh the ranch reacting if you will to what we're perhaps thinking but it but it may in fact be bidirectional uh and it may be something that's going on between members of our team right and I and I can piggyback that I think each of us have had an experience where like we'll say things Eric will be we'll have a topic of conversation I can only speak to myself but I've seen all of us I've seen all of us doing that do this is where we'll be talking and I'll use a phrase out of my butt that I I don't know what it means but it comes to mind and I'll say it and Eric looks at me he's like why in the world did you say that because I literally was thinking the exact same thing phrasing it identically like that why did you ask it in that way or why did you say it in that way and I be like I don't know so I'm gaining like I'm gaining this incredible knowledge and vocabulary that like literally pops out of nowhere we're having these types of conversations and I see everybody else smiling because I think each and every one of us has had that experience where we will have the same thought at The Identical time and say it and Eric's like what the crap that was my thought why did you end up speaking it the way that it came out and and we've seen that happen you know going back to what you mentioned you know there was this time we had had this crazy night of launching a whole bunch of big Rockets it might have been the day after we had the cat atrophic failure of the great big one and we wanted to get the instruments and the equipment back out of this rocket and it was one of those days we'd been up all night and I could not get out of my head that I had to go look for that thing it was like one of the rare mornings that we had off that we weren't filming and I was just like I fought it and fought it and I thought no you're not going to go find it and literally it was like it was driving me forward to go find this rocket and we had looked all over everything and literally I jumped in one of the vehicles and started driving and just without question I was told like it came to my head why don't you just look up right here on the hillside where I had scoured the night before and sure enough literally I got out and just started walking and walked right to the thing I don't know why it wasn't that I had some inkling as to where it was going to be or anything like that but it was almost as if I was it it was like I got that itch where the last thing I wanted to do was go hike around on the Mesa and find a stupid rocket that's Travis's domain he loves to do that stuff me I didn't want to but it was like I couldn't not and I literally walked right to it after having spent hours and hours the night before trying to find thing so there are definitely times where stuff comes into your brain that you don't know why it's there and I can't help but think that there is an intelligence there that sometimes connects our cognitive and you know again as a team we end up almost being of the same mind for whatever reason so then in in regards to the Consciousness aspect can I ask all of your opinions if based on your experiences research and conclusions that you are tending to lean towards the theory that you're dealing with either a non-human sensient or a group of non-human intelligences what can you share about this aspect and I'm going to start off with Thomas um the the quick easy answer is I don't know U one thing I will say is I've witnessed enough experienced enough on the ranch to say that I I feel a high level of confidence that whatever it is there is an intelligence behind it I've seen too many um anomalies and strange events take place that were they appear to be very specific and targeted towards the person that they were happening and the thing is we can be standing there on a ranch in a group and we can have one or two or three individuals out of a group of us that have an experience and uh you know we don't know why that is we've been looking for you know do we share the same blood type do we have we we look obviously for any identifying factors that could link that together but but we've had a lot of various things happen where um just very Target very specific even down to instruments you know flashing someone's personal bank card number that they use on like their you know their number that they use for everything so it's it's witnessing lots of those things that make me think there's got to be an intelligence behind it watching the telescopes and and seeing only the stars that were interested in observing being removed off of this heartb bured drive um things like that that just you can't I I come away and I say I I can't come to any other conclusion then there is some type of intelligence now what that is I I don't know yeah to be honest I don't know that I wouldn't even guess yeah Christina what Thomas witon is referencing is we we brought out some dignitaries uh in the past one was a very prominent venture capitalist sits on a number of boards uh and is heavily involved with a lot of very high-profile business Endeavors in Utah uh and he accompanied the president of Utah Valley University UVU which is President AST tuminez uh in in addition to us finding out that president tuminez who speaks Russian fluently could actually Converse on the spot with Eric Bard in Russian uh fluently which was great to witness we also saw this individual while hiking up to the Mesa to see the Masonic symbol that many have said you know symbolizes As Above So Below upon reaching that symbol his trifield meter started just peing completely peaking acting erratically and then it locked in on a sequence of numbers that uh he he described as being very uncanny uh it was actually the the phone number of his child childhood home that he uses uh for certain passwords and has since uh since he was young and he he he was in a State of Shock at why it would lock in on that numerical sequence which by the way is not not really it's it's not a sequence that would be uh naturally or or conventionally shown on that trifield meter uh something was manipulating the device to display that presumably is a message to him that that that it was aware of him aware of his most sensitive data his most sensitive information and it left him shocked I mean we still see each other and and reflect on that day that same day we had uh other visitors who experienced everything from electromagnetic anomalies to another individual whose iPhone was completely drained and never worked properly it was a brand new phone that they had to have replaced within days following their visit to the ranch so interesting thing uh to see the the ranch interact with someone on the level of Consciousness and that's probably one of the the more recent and bizarre uh occurrences that that we've documented I think it does s it does sound that way it does and and I know hopefully I'm not stealing anyone else's Thunder but there's been so many different times where we've prepared and thought and discussed of of some sort of an experiment or some sort of an activity that we're going to do and it seems like the more that we think about it and the more that we prep for it it almost feels like our efforts are more thwarted some of the off the cuff you know things that have just happened on a whim where you know hey let's try this real quick has actually resulted in more results or more findings you know example is you know the blob thing that was just an off thee CU cuff let's go launch a rocket tonight and then all that sort of thing happened whereas you know when we prepare and we discuss and we talk about these things gosh so many times I mean and I know the guys can speak to this I saw Eric nodding his head it's seems as though whatever intelligence there is which makes me lean to answer your question I think that there is an intelligence there just because it seems like it's way too many times a coincidence when it's happened multiple multiple multiple times to where we're actually thinking of what we want to do and then something thwarts those efforts in a way whether it's an equipment malfunction or a battery dying or something of that nature it just seems that there has has to be some sort of an intelligence there and again whether it's something Supernatural or non-sentient you know whatever that long word that we like to use is um what is the term what do you want to rehearse the term Eric that we all inherited from Colonel John Alexander I believe to describe portal phenomenon yeah you know so we have this construct that's been put into uh print pretty interesting string of words it's a sentient precognitive non-human intelligence and if we unpack that you know I think we all know what sentient means precognitive uh implies something about forn knowledge or something anticipating events before they happen at least as we perceive them on a timeline non-human I think speaks for itself um and so you know just for completeness and I know we've all talked about this and I've heard these these guys speak very eloquently to this point um it isn't clear what the directionality of the effect is you know like what's the source and you know um you know what I'm thinking of I guess we've all seen those experiments involving uh mirrors being put up in the wild and observing uh the responses of of wildlife to the mirrors um and some species evidently recognize that yeah that's that's an image of me uh Others May uh challenge whatever the image is and alert to it and want to fight with it you know I've seen I've seen one I've seen my dog do that um you know where it's just a reflection and I think the question is you know are we kind of put in a similar situation where it isn't clear whether we're dealing with another quote unquote someone or whether in fact what we're seeing are reflections of our own cognitive process these are some really interesting questions to search out I don't know that I feel equipped to uh bring resolution to those but I sure am uh interested in collecting the data to build the case those kinds of questions really do bring in an aspect of humility and you know you you can really summarize that like you know that kind of hat print term I think is being almost Godlike a type three kind of civilization would appear to be Godlike I think Mastery over time and physics and ways that we just can hardly guess and so maybe that could also be a factor to this now Caleb I want to throw a question over to you because Thomas had mentioned are we all the same blood type me not included in in the group of we but do you have an answer to that are you guys all the same blood type uh not to my knowledge I think we are all across the morgage board really on our blood types like I I I want to I know I'm an O positive you know and I'm all right with saying that um but I know there's some A's and there's some B's and some that might be close but from what I understand we're all different and while I still have you right here in your capacity of ranch security have you been alerted to anything unexpected intruding on the ranch even to the point of chasing away off the property that you believe was nonhuman um I know we've had I don't think I've ever had the experience like we're chasing something off property that we we don't know what it is or anything like that um but I can tell you that you know fellow law enforcement and other individuals in the in the area have told me about their encounters if you will and thing and experiences that they've had in in other areas of the Basin from you know from the mountains to areas very close to the ranch maybe just very near off property um with where they're encountering things you again across the board uh kind of coming back back to like the intelligence thing um I've had experiences myself where I know I was in interacting with something that I would classify more as some kind of technological construct or or something of that nature but then I've also had experiences on the other side where I definitely think it was more you're crossing the lines of something spiritual and then I've also had experiences again where other individuals are telling me that they've experienced from Craft to interacting with something like a shade figure or or something is along those lines that they've described um and it's all over the place out here but for whatever reason yes the this the ranch is it seems like the focal point or um we've had the discussion that a lot of people have mentioned like a Gateway or some kind of portal or something is you know the word portal always comes up that maybe the ranch for whatever reason is you know this place that is the center for where these beings or whatever they are are coming from well we're definitely having close encounter type of events and interactions I mean k Caleb can attest to that and I didn't mean to interject but I think it'd be important you may want to rehearse Caleb the event uh that played out where you and Dr Taylor observed and actually confront HED uh something that appeared there near really your your little campsite at the the the area that you were visiting uh they're just uh to the yeah to the east of uh of the ranch house in Homestead one yeah um yeah everybody on the team remembers this that night um we were out barbecuing essentially one night after we got done filming and just kind of relaxing and I remember at one point you know we started kind of hitting on some pretty serious subjects and and really kind of bringing up some questions that we all had as a team at that point because I I I think at that point in the investigation we were still ourselves really questioning if there was really anything you know crazy going on out there and I just remember uh Tom and Eric were uh talking and I I remember seeing them kind of at one Point bring their heads close together and start whispering about something and later I found out that they had talked about like the energy or something had shifted but the for about 15 20 minutes I was actually thinking that we were being watched and I kept hearing this sound where it sounded like an electrical arcing uh or some kind of popping sound and I just again felt like my the her my back was standing on the back of my neck was standing up and something was coming closer something was watching us and I finally had to let the guys know hey I feel like we're being washed I feel like something's listening to us or something and I got up and I and you know initially we thought that we were going to run into like a cougar or something um some kind of wildlife on the ranch that was like stalking us or something and so I had my pistol drawn out and I had a flashlight on it and that's one reason why I drew it so I could see and and we me and Travis went walking around this old trailer that's sitting there on the property um and essentially we come into contact with this object that's about 20 to 30 feet away from us um we determined it was about five to six feet long and maybe about five to six feet tall and as my and I remember as I was coming around this uh house or this trailer that's out there um I SW my pistol one way and as I'm bringing it back the other way Travis starts yelling and announcing what he's seeing and I'm swinging my pistol back over and I remember seeing a flash of light go across it similar to like sunlight going over water and um and then another a globe of light coming across the center of it and as I saw this light coming across the surface I could see like what looked like panel of some kind and the the surface of this kind of reflecting or almost appearing almost like maybe Rippling effect of some kind similar to like what you would think of in well you you and Dr Taylor were in pursuit of whatever this anomalous entity or object was and upon you know flashing your lights and your your firearm toward toward that direction not only did it reflect back to you but uh but it quickly disappeared and you whatever we're dealing with has the ability to mask its identity to to um to engage using stealth uh and and again manipulate the environment in in really disturbing ways so I mean we're we're dealing with a diversity of Origins and agendas as manifest by the data and the observations that continue to be presented to the general public is this is this the Predator entity that you're referring to or is this a different one no that's what we were that's pretty much what we compare it to because of we think it's that cloaking effect is what we were seeing and essentially and this is where it's like I don't know if it was just happened to be that same moment but as I started thinking is this actually a threat to me and do I need to engage this with my own my own force is when it either closed in on itself and disappeared or it rotated on its Center but when it did that both Travis and I had the distinct feeling that it went North across the canal and up the Mason so we went running after it to see if we could continue engaging with it somehow and then I want to say a couple weeks after that maybe a week I want to say Tom and Travis had a potential interaction with it again but to say it was the same thing I I don't think we could really say it was but we had a lot of really interesting interactions like that within a short amount of time yeah it it appears I think if you look at the data you look at the the different types of phenomena observed in in that environment it it seems to underscore that there's a divers of agendas and Origins at play it's not I mean some of it's malevolent some of it's negative I mean we've had people end up injured or have negative experiences even ending up in the hospital and we've had others that have peaceful interactions it's feel a sense of Peace in that environment uh trying to understand and get to the bottom of it as well as documenting the reality of the phenomena is our you know is is our Focus as it should be now Thomas from your understanding when it comes to deceased cattle cattle mutilations or even missing animals have you noticed a pattern in it being seasonal or is it just completely random no I don't think I don't well thank goodness we haven't had enough livestock die to really establish any pattern um but with the few that have I don't uh I mean we had one in late October we've had one in August we've had one I I as I look over them I don't know that we can pinpoint that and say that they were uh a calendar you know there's any kind of calendar pattern to it or or even say weather necessarily um you know one happened when it was cold and other one was when it was hot so not any patterns I have been able to see U maybe maybe Eric has seen otherwise but I haven't been able to discern anything well Thomas you know if we take into account things that have been shared with us before our time you know going back at least until the 1980s while we don't necessarily see a temporal pattern there might be some spatial clustering you know some locations on the ranch where these things tend to happen I see everyone's everyone knows what I'm talking about I could probably finish the thought um you know we've had it shared with us that in particular this fence line line uh you know we have this what I refer to as the East field you know there's a fence line that runs north and south um you know right up here to the command center right the the U what we call the ranch house and towards the South and you know there there does seem to be a clustering of um cattle deaths along that fence line now you know of course I've I floated some ideas about why we might be finding them there you know praic ideas in other words um but I think there's more than that going on honestly um well when you when you have accounts that go back many many years I mean you go back decades long before Sherman the Sherman family or Bigalow back to the Meyers era of ownership uh that that come from credible firsthand witness accounts uh of the bizarre cattle mutilation activity being documented and encountered I mean we've had you know retired you Sheriff you know Deputy Sheriff Chris porit who's gone on record relative to his experience uh responding to events on the ranch and inspecting these bizarre cattle mutilation events as as well as other strange activity even UFO activity but you have Beyond law enforcement you have private individuals in fact very respected individuals in the community that have independently come forward with their own firsthand accounts where they have had Witnesses with them credible Witnesses with them that uh that go back to as well we we've had one recently that came to us with an incident from 1979 and um and a history that even goes back to the 19 30s with the old homesteaders uh we had uh the lock family and was it Christopher lock who came forward with with the the family history and record that has been passed down of strange events that go back nearly a hundred years on the property that's really interesting and I think it's really awesome that people are coming to you willing to tell their stories cuz I know for a while as soon as you had bought the property until like maybe like the first or second season people were having difficulty coming to you and relaying their encounters but it seems that recently it's becoming more prevalent now Eric I got to ask you this question and I think it's on a lot of people's minds what benefits have you noticed um after working with Omnitech the AI company and how has it been integrated into your research well that's a great question you know clearly uh folks familiar with the work that's going on here in the offseason know that there's quite a bit of uh load balancing that needs to take place uh you know uh Omnitech came to us as you know it's been more than a year ago a couple years ago I guess um and uh you know one of their strengths is uh platform development and the aggregation of data from different sensor types and different sources um with an eye towards uh modern techniques including artificial intelligence you know uh machine learning is probably the better term here um So currently on the ranch to speak more concretely to your question uh we have a set of what I call multiphysics boxes they may have another name uh basically these are uh installations of devices that are looking at things like uh received RF power over a given range you know coming into an antenna uh looking at um magnetic perturbations uh changes in the direction and strength of magnetic field also of course GPS deviations um you know a wide range of sensors that can be put into these nodes and then brought back into a central database um look a lot of that work is still U formative uh we're not quite as far down that pathway as I think we would all like um but uh I have as recently as a couple of days ago had some interactions where we've been talking about uh even some new techniques involving uh a larger number of distributed devices being brought into a central model where we can in real time visualize what's going on so I'm really glad to have um some additional Manpower um on this problem set well and and uh maybe just add a little bit to that you know what Omnitech brings with with this new um some of these new sensors and boxes that Eric's talking about you know we're trying to disperse those across the rench and so um some of those fit in you know plug and play nice with what we already had and some of them required us to kind of go back to square one and and start over and so integrating and and really bringing those in has been a massive undertaking um the amount of infrastructure that we have put into the ranch over the last 18 months has been incredible and we're we're reaching new places that we've never been able to reach before and adding instruments that haven't been but but it you know this is a this is a longterm uh partnership and and so there's been so much you know some of these places we had to start by simply trying to get the power of network there first and so it's been quite the process to bring them on board and and it that just because there's so much to do and and there it's such a massive over undertaking so yeah these are guys these are guys that while having you know all the the sort of technical press aren't allergic to rolling up their sleeves and you know going up the Mesa with us or you know climbing a tower or doing whatever it takes to uh to expand the infrastructure as Thomas was talking about and so um you know seasonally uh we we we see periods of Greater activity on those fronts and you know sometimes we just uh um strategize we you know we plan for whatever moves will follow Brandon did you want to add to that no this is this is great great detail I just touching on what Thomas was referencing I mean a lot of people do not realize that when we took over stewardship of the property when I acquired the property in 2016 and engag Thomas initially uh Within days of that acquisition to to help us assess the the ability to actually conduct an investigation the the the ranch was woefully uh uh inadequate as far as having the the infrastructure necessary to to conduct this type of investigation in fact even the the septic system didn't even work we couldn't even flush the toilet yeah we couldn't flush the toilet we didn't have adequate we didn't have fiber optic infrastructure to be able to put a a Wi-Fi network into into place there were no operating security cameras uh or surveillance of of any sophistication it was really an old cattle guard gate with the Rusted paddle you know padlock um out at the uh out at the road and and caretakers that were communicating via facts with Mr Bigalow um I you know the cameras that Eric Bard ended up dismantling with Thomas witon with the help of of dragon and Caleb uh were 1990s closed circuit television cameras of of the day and so what people are seeing unfold with respect to our investigation it represents a Quantum Leap in Frontier science uh and and really a an unec ented effort to document the reality of the phenomena at this really strange piece of property and location but it it we've come a long ways we've come we've really uh I think seen a an incredible seismic shift in the way that this property has been addressed and investigated and we're excited to continue to make those improvements and I think it's important to note too just real quick the one thing about this investigation that is so unique you don't see anywhere else in the world is is if this was anywhere else we would go we would Implement everything that Omnitech had to offer we'd get it up and running we'd test it we'd measure it adjust it and when it was running smoothly we would make this big announcement that we've brought them on board and what you see so often and and you see this so often in the science you know a lot of these papers that they release are years in the making we're announcing this stuff to the public on the front side and so just like announcing I'm going to go build a house if if I haven't even started the permitting process there going to be months and months of work that goes into that before you even could put a shovel on the ground and start to see any results and so with our efforts so much of this we've announced on the front side and bringing on a partner like Omnitech with the AI and all that is such a massive undertaking that it takes it takes some time behind the scenes to get this up and going and it's it's kind of a unique approach that we have and and I know Eric and Travis have talked about this many times you know so many other science efforts they have the ability to spend years refining and really diving in and we're kind of running by the seat of our pants and sharing sharing the discovery of the journey with the the th you know those the audience and they're seeing as we're discovering it and the result is is sometimes you're getting the unrefined very raw initial reaction and and then when we make big announcements like the Omnitech we're so excited for that but then the real work begins and we have to go to work and and sometimes it can be months or even years before some of that stuff is realized I really like the comment I really like the comments about the uh the scope and the scale of the development effort you know we we speak of the work that we're doing in conjunction with Omnitech as a uh technology and system incubation effort I think uh some of what we're putting together certainly some of what we've been brainstorming are very original uh perhaps you know one-of aind uh systems and uh you know it look I'd be lying to if if I didn't tell you or if I told you it wasn't a lot of fun um to try these things out um and so we are we are actually just to just to provide a little bit of a teaser you know we are in the process of of uh putting together what would be considered the second or third generation of those boxes I referred to earlier that will bring the data in from multiple points across the ranch it's the closest approximation to the concept that you've heard me talk about before of a light Garden which is a distributed sensor array across the across the property and so it's very gratifying to see those you know that uh technology Evolution effort you know going going forward and I'm really looking forward to getting my hands on the next generation of that equipment it is really exciting to see everything happen in the process really feeling a part of the team and a good example of this is The Insider project which has been running for a good amount of time now so I got to ask how much is it helping you with keeping track of the various phenomenon going on there and can you share any exciting new aspects of The Insider project for those thinking of joining Caleb take it away um well we just launched kind of an upgrade if you will to the website itself which I've really been enjoying because I think it's actually going to make it easier for us to be able to interact with all the Insiders just in one place because before it was kind of spread out between a couple different platforms um I think there what's been fun is they've actually found things on the cameras live and brought that to attention to Eric and some of us on the team um and so that's been really neat that I think they have found some very interesting footage and brought it to our attention and so I think there's definitely been a value add to the investigation overall um so fun when has there ever been an effort where people can have a 247 live stream into an active site like this an active scientific investigation I mean it's it's Unique for them to do that and to be able to engage with Eric Bard and others I mean to have the principal investigator and chief scientist actually real time interacting with and messaging on the Discord on the chat with people as they are logging observations is they're logging everything from what they they believe to be potential unidentified aerial phenomena or UFO activity to to even strange events that happened in the homestead one of my favorite Insider um participation stories and experiences was when you know last year a group of insiders that were monitoring the surveillance cameras at Homestead 2 identified at you know nearly 2 am in the morning in the middle of winter when it was like 10 degrees outside uh no wind blowing or anything else occurring uh the door slamming shut out at Homestead 2 and that some entity uh appeared to have slam the door which had been sitting a jar for I don't know how long and rusted uh but to see that kind of manipulation of our environment caught on camera and that kind of strange or I guess what you call Paranormal Activity logged by by insiders by those who are collaborating with us on a crowdsource basis is it's pretty incredible I Christina you're out in the public you're you're addressing these topics on a regular basis is is there another effort like this where you can actually participate actively in a frontier science investigation not that I found and I've been looking and there there's nothing that compares to the work that you guys do The Insider project really making making people feel involved in the research and it's helping you it's thousands of eyeballs looking at things that maybe one one or two of you might miss in really obscure hours of the day as well you can't find that anywhere else you be setting the foundation for other people to do the same in the near future yeah the the level of transparency that we've demonstrated and collaboration with the public with thirdparty experts and professionals uh I I'm shocked that that that people are still questioning the validity of the investigation or the historic nature of it to be really candid I think people who ignorantly you know pontificate online or throw stones or are doing so ignorantly without actually doing their due diligence or engaging uh we we're quite proud of this effort and we're going to continue to improve on it and look forward to these expanded resources this Insider program that is easily accessed just through our web portal at www. Skinwalker ranch. com again that is at skinwalker or hyphen you know Skinwalker hyen is is an incredible resource for the public to be a part of something that is really special so I and I think that one of the really cool things here is um the amount of stories and reports coming back to us I've had multiple insiders tell me and and you know I I think it's really neat because we have just a Gambit of individuals as insiders from different scientists and other things like that just to normal everyday people who are just curious about it and want to know more but what's been really fun is many of them are experiencing things in their homes thousands of miles away that we as a team have reported and and these people are swearing up and down that they've never had anything happen before and and so that poses it does pose an interesting question is like is there something that once they're linking into the the ranch that way is is that opening them up to something I don't know but that it's been an interesting topic yeah but I actually have to get going so what cayb brought up was The Hitchhiker effect and I think that is something worth mentioning because many of you have encountered that you take something home with you but what's more bizarre is that these people that are just watching cameras on the ranch are also experiencing very similar phenomena there and do you at any point even now do you have any answers on why that could possibly be where it's being transmitted through a laptop through a computer I see Dragon shaking it Dragon what do you think what is your perspective I honestly that this one is the most puzzling to me because as much time as I've spent on the property and things like that I've never experienced any of The Hitchhiker effect phenomenon if you will I haven't had equipment malif functions on a personal level I haven't experienced things outside of the ranch things like that so I'm the wrong person to speak of it um speak to it do I dispute it no I don't like because I know each and every one of these guys and vast a number of other people that I trust and believe and I've seen you know actual evidence of that sort of thing happening um so that's that's the strange thing to me why some people and why not others um but personally like I said knock on wood I I haven't experienced anything of that nature but uh I know it's a thing I know it's real I mean gosh Dr Taylor had a chicken decapitated on his by his automatic chicken game clear clear in Alabama it's that's not funny it was actually pretty funny story when he told it but Bry Bry for for for claiming to be the wrong guy to address the question I think you said some really important things and some things that are suggestive that you know I I think we stand to learn as much about the Observer um as we do about the thing being observed uh through this question um look I don't I don't know how I don't have my arms fully around this I don't think any of us do um we do our very best um and I think we do a good job of not pre-filtering the data not you know coming receiving these reports with with undue bias um and so yeah yeah as has been mentioned uh you know there are individuals who both on and off the ranch have experienced some things that we associate with that you know vague term you know phenomenon or hitchhiker um well I I I'll tell you even though I I'm in Bryant's Camp I'm I'm the same as Dragon I haven't had anything uh follow me home personally I will say that my wife Kristen before she was my wife when she when she first visited the ranch on her first visit when she returned home uh to Sal Lake Valley that very evening a whole series of events occurred that were witnessed by her son I mean they were they were they were woke up in the middle of the night by a strobing orbl likee object that was right out hovering right outside the window uh on the second level of their home and you know her son raced outside the dog was barking and by the time the sun had re raced out to the deck to open the deck to peer back on the the backyard to see what what this what this object was it was just still and they described it as just a not even no crickets it was just an an eerie Stillness that had settled uh over the place and uh and I I find that interesting I I I haven't had anything like that happened to me now Thomas witon just seems to be a magnet for this stuff you know and so he's he's had I mean you Thomas you're unique in that you have actually documented you've recorded instances at your residence after leaving Skinwalker wrench and going home where your car has been manipulated your security surveillance systems at home even your garage started on fire correct yeah yeah we've had a number of uh it's it's this is a tough subject because like you know if you're stick with science you know Eric's always good to remind us that causation or correlation is not causation so um and and so many times it's not what happens it's the timing of it and I'll give you an example of something that happened last year as we were filming season 5 I think it was season five they all run kind of together but um we were in the middle of a digging exercise of course I was on the excavator running the the equipment when I got a when I got a panicked call from My Wife and she said um we're locked in and my wife has a meditation studio in town it's in a commercial building um and she's got the upstairs suite and it's at that time it it was above a coffee shop and I guess it would have been season four um but uh to get into the building we we share a a storefront door it's like one of those metal storefront doors with the glass in it that you see at almost you know any commercial building and she said that they were locked in they couldn't get out and I said well is the lock like she's all it's not locked we made Shir it's unlocked and so she had knocked on the door of the coffee shop and and the guy that owned it happened to be there and he came out and mind you as my wife and my sons my sons are big boys they're they're they're Stout um my my oldest is even taller than I am um they couldn't get this door to open and they were locked in and the door wasn't locked there was no reason for it so I I uh I told the the guys hey I got to go take care of an issue at home I race home and well I raced in into town to this meditation studio and I walk up and they're trying to push the door they can't and I I reached up and grabbed the door and just it just pulled right open um as if the door was magnetized shut and and this door is not even I mean it it's not one that catches on anything it's a free there's nothing that like you got a jam it shut or anything it just closes beautifully so whatever was there that like magnetizes door and and it happened to it happened things were happening on the ranch and specifically as I was in that excavator digging a hole and uh my wife and kids and the the guy from the coffee shop were locked in couldn't get out the door so those kind of events happen uh you know there never the same event but I have I have so many events that have happened uh offsite of the ranch that correlate with things that are going on on the ranch or interestingly enough maybe with another team member but it's it's interesting were were you near the Mesa at that time when that was going on I'd have to go back and look at the footage I don't remember exactly where we were digging at but I did you know I did keep a video diary of it and and like Brandon said I've had my I've had strange things happen my car that were documented on video my home surveillance system um we've we've had a number of incidents have happened that required us to call uh emergency Personnel to respond um serious things and and some things I just to this day I won't I I just won't talk about publicly because they're so disturbing and and that's something that we all respect and have to respect because the things that you guys go through from the things that you have mentioned before in previous interviews with me or if you wanted to keep it private you the things that you have gone through are truly insane and I'm really glad that you're able to document a lot of these things because you won't casually encounter this at a coffee shop walking down the mall you know you're not going to have these kinds of instances but when it comes to skin walker Ranch the things that have been happening there for decades it's very odd that it seems to almost pick on certain people versus others and it seems like Thomas is being bullied by the ranch yeah well Thomas like it sometimes Thomas asked for it a little bit he provoked it well I did I refused to believe it was even real so in some senses that you know I guess maybe not acknowledging its existence pissed It Off but even a hard time it we there is sometimes there is no Rhyme or Reason sometimes to what is what occurs um I mean it's it's troubling it's troubling uh when you when you have members of the team that end up dealing with serious injuries and illness associated with the activity at the ranch uh these topics and the ranch isn't it's not to be taken lightly um so we're we're we're dealing with the with some really really uh sensitive topics yeah and for people who think in these terms Christina I think you know what what we're really describing are points on a scatter plot you know we don't really know what the driving function is we don't know how much you know noise is superimposed of course it's inevitable that every plot we everything we do is going to have a component of uncertainty or noise in it you know sometimes I feel like I'm trying to infer the shape of a pretzel looking only at the salt so it's you have the best on liners Eric I swear you just been racking these up the whole show and I'm just like I gotta write these bad boys down these are so good oh I do I have a whole phone full of heroisms well once you edit the profanity out yeah it's it's no fun without profanity well then they go from four liners down to on liners yeah but you know I think I think it's very relatable probably also including the profanity part you know I think a lot of people can relate to the our level of of interest uh sometimes our heightened vigilance um Amusement confusion you know I it's a long list of of uh very subjective uh experiences and takes on them and you know it's an inevitable that we're going to perhaps overfit the data which means reading things into it that may not actually be present but I think what we're seeing happen over the years is that this scatter plot is being populated with more and more and more points and we're able to get a sense of the real shape of the landscape something that's on a lot of people's minds right now and I think have been since season one is referring to the Mesa and for this season season five are you going to reveal exactly what is buried in the Mesa are there any spoilers no no you're going to have to watch it as it unfolds um and just know that that we uh we want that we we want to bring the reality of this forward more than anyone I mean we've been desperate for this season of of really unveiling our most recent efforts and activity I I think it's it's it's both exciting but also frustrating to be sitting on thousands of hours of cumulative research and work that transpired this past year with our investigation so we're anxious to unveil and and present what is what is happening what has most recently occurred but we want to get to the bottom of what what is in the Mesa more than anyone we're we're just trying to do so with uh with care we don't want to damage the very thing that we are trying to study and yeah bring out and and it is important to note that we're dealing with a very dangerous unstable environment I mean there are Boulders barely hanging across the entire top of the Mesa that are the size of small vehicles with that that could easily not only crush the participants but also destroy the equipment that we're uh that we're utilizing this is this is not not as straightforward as people think I mean just bringing out a stick of dynamite and blowing it up ends up defeating the whole purpose of what we're trying to do in in verifying it uh and and bringing it out and and at the same time we have to we have to look at it as a very sensitive biopsy almost like a medical procedure I think that that's a pretty good explanation on how to carry out the experiment and can you give any teasers or spoilers as we end this round table by chance that doesn't infringe on ndas of course just know that it is and I know we say this every year but it has been a compounding effect like it is some of the most amazing uh strange scary dangerous uh encounters that we've ever had on the property I can speak personally I experienced more this year than all previous years combined both from the the experiments that we that that we performed some of the things that we found um that can't be explained as well as the anger the element of danger that came into into play on multiple on multiple occasions so like guess much without giving details I mean you can if you watch the teaser for the season that played after the first episode it kind of gives you a little bit of an ink lining but you have no idea we came across some really weird \[ \_\_ \] yeah let's just say I've lost count of how many times the suffix mageddon can be attached to a word yeah you're welcome we do yeah it was it was the most harrowing probably I think one of the most intense uh experiences we've ever captured on camera since uh since acquiring the ranch and we're ready and anxious to uh to pull the public into our confidence and to show them what has happened and transpired I promise no one will be disappointed no one will be disappointed had some high expectations I'm excited I'm excited how this is going to unfold but I just have one final thing and this is this is the last thing we'll be covering and it's for all of you if you could send a message to young people and college students about this mystery that can broadens one's knowledge and curiosity about life and existence and the universe around us what would you want to say as a message we'll start off with Thomas and we'll end with Brandon um it it would just mirror my own experience on the ranch and that is there's a lot more to this world than meets the eye and so have an open mind and uh and then you know don't be afraid to question really don't be afraid to question the questions uh don't get stuck in that box of of what's possible what's not possible because what we're witnessing out on the ranch there's a lot of those things we've been told are not possible so think big don't don't shut yourself up in a box as to what the possibilities are and just understand there's there's a lot to this world we don't understand still Brian yeah I I couldn't agree more like that's the same thing just live life with your eyes open and your mind open don't give way to the traditional way of thinking or what is put out there as traditional knowledge or thinking or explanations of things just know that like yes we have a lot of Education we have a lot of things that are being taught but there is so much more out there that we that we're yet to understand um I couldn't agree more with what Thomas said open your eyes and open your mind because there's a lot more out there than what we are led to believe or allowed to believe or what we're taught so just step outside that box just like Thomas said so eloquently Eric yeah I think what we've heard so far is just look it's obviously spoton um the best I can do is possibly rephrase what's been said look um there's no uh overestimating the value of creative engagement even with technical problem sets and So you you're talking about young people uh within that group we're talking about people who may be uh in very formative stages of their careers you know still studying and quite frankly I think it's it's it gives real purpose and and attaches uh deeper fulfillment to every technical problem that I've engaged when I've been able to do so uh creatively when I've been able to take something that exists only in The Ether of my own mind and turn it into something that is objectively real I think that's a big part of what makes my engagement out here meaningful and I love seeing that play out regardless of the environment doesn't have to be the Ranch Brandon I appreciate everything that has been said uh I think we we continue to engage topics and questions that have been asked since the beginning of time are we alone in the universe are we part of a a divinely constructed intelligence ly designed reality what is the nature of reality and Consciousness and what answers May Come forward as a result of the investigation at Skinwalker Ranch for whatever reason we have a living laboratory that has been locked down since 1996 where a diversity of phenomena seem to converge where everything from UFOs or UAP activity occurs along with everything from bizarre cattle mutilations to uh electromagnetic anomalies even time being manipulated I mean when our most sensitive Advanced GPS systems uh regardless of what platform or thirdparty experts we bring in to operate those malfunctions and and is not reliable over this property I mean I it doesn't matter whether we're using instrumented rocketry balloons you know Advanced drones fixed Wing aircraft or even my helicopter we're seeing repeated evidence and hard data documenting the reality that there there is phenomena that uh that we have yet to understand and we're interacting with intelligence that's that is uh Beyond I think what we can currently really conceive of or at least understand so appreciate the effort this is we're like a family what you see here Christina is a family it's a it's a rag tag team group of individuals from a A diversity of backgrounds and uh experiences that have been brought together under a unified purpose to get to the truth to bring forward the truth relative to what is happening at uh the world's most scientifically studied paranormal hotspot so thank you for your efforts Christina and for engaging us today and for your support the truth is out there thank you guys for being here and taking the time to speak not only to me but to the entire world covering these really amazing and mysterious top topics as I said at the beginning I really appreciate it if you enjoy the strange and the Mysterious UFOs the Paranormal encrypted this channel is for you so make sure to subscribe as I do three videos right here every single week and hit that notification Bell so you do not miss any of the bonus content I post right here

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