This show covers:
- Unspoken about details of famous UFO sightings
- Official response given
- Investigation gaps
00:00 - Intro
01:17 - They said it was Dummies
10:09 - Protect the President
16:27 - Fight or Flight
21:29 - Nobody Could Help Him
28:05 - This was not a Joke
34:29 - Does THIS Base have the Secrets?
39:21 - Outro and Credits
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Show Transcript
In 1969 Project Blue Book shut down but the cases just kept on stacking up today we'll be digging into five military UFO incidents that I believe the new task force created by Anna Paulina Luna should investigate of course I can assume here that their top priority is going to be the [ __ ] the go fast the Tic Tac and probably the sightings in and around Catalina Island off the coast of California but pushing those aside these cases that we're covering here today are ones that should be a ddressed and these (00:45) aren't just silly campfire Tales these stories are backed up by radar data by nuclear facility breaches and Military Witnesses who paid a severe price for speaking up so let's break down the paper trck and see what the government missed or choose to ignore let's get straight into it we're going to go in chronological order starting off with not only the oldest case but also the most famous one but I won't bore you with all the same information that's always regurgitate d but instead provide information that is (01:22) lesser known along with providing the official explanation given and the gaps in that same inform information so in July of 1947 Rancher M Brazzle discovered unusual debris on his New Mexico Ranch following an intense thunderstorm the Roswell Army Airfield because this was actually before the Air Force was created back in September of 1947 they initially recovered a flying disc that's how the newspaper took off and they're like oh we got a flying saucer but then they very quickly redacted that statement actually the (02:01) very next day and Brazil's testimony it changed dramatically over time from describing very strange lightweight materials unlike anything he had seen before to later downplaying it as tin foil and rubber strips suggesting this possible coercion and there's this idea that he was contacted by the US military to downplay his story and that he would get paid for for it right after this incident took place he got himself a new truck but these key Witnesses also include the mortician Glenn Dennis who received very unusual requests about (02:42) child-size coffins and body preservation methods from the raaf officials and Dennis later reported encountering a distressed nurse who described treating crash victims with nonhuman characteristics then then you have Miriam Bush an raaf Hospital executive secretary who reportedly observed these recovered bodies and it became one of several witnesses who experienced signifi cant personal decline these are things that are not usually mentioned when people address Roswell so hang tight for this because Bush later (03:25) developed alcoholism she reported that she was being surveilled wherever she went she was being followed and watched and then she was later found dead in 1989 under very suspicious circumstances officially ruled out by taking her own life but people think otherwise similarly major Jesse Marcel and witness T Proctor struggled with alcoholism as well f ollowing the incident so it didn't happen before July of 1947 it wasn't until right after alcoholism became their crutch and the cas's initial hours involved multiple (04:07) military units and this generated widespread media coverage before the official narrative changed and here is how it changed so first they were like oh my gosh a flying saucer to wait no actually it's a weather balloon which was classified as project Mogul however we didn't know about that that until years later because it was described as a classified program using high altitude surveillance balloons to detect Soviet nuclear tasks but when this proved insufficient to explain the witness accounts of bodies the Air Force because (04:50) it quickly switched from the Army Airfield to the air force that again was created in September of 1947 they then introduced oh you know what it wasn't project [ __ ] guys keeping you on your toes here it was actually project High Dive citing anthropomorphic test dummies dropped fro m high altitudes okay so where are we looking what's going on but this created a pretty significant timeline problem as the dummy tests occurred years after the incident Lieutenant Colonel Richard French later complicated The Narrative (05:32) by claiming that two crashes occurred not one that took place in Roswell but two with the first craft allegedly downed by an experimental electromagnetic pulse weapon from the White Sands then you had nuclear physicist Stanton Freeman who brought the case back to the public because this was very quickly buried in 1947 people were like all hyped about it and then the story died like completely until Stanton Freeman was like wait this case is interesting how come no More's looking into it he goes to Roswell and (06:13) then in 1978 it resurfaces and now it is known as the most famous case of all time because Stanton Freeman was like there's some weird stuff going on in Roswell New Mexico let me do a further investigation on this and he's finding ou t this paperwork he's speaking to Witnesses and he's like oh my gosh something really crazy took place there in July of 1947 but now here are the investigation gaps and with this kind of paper trail I think it gives the new task force enough information for them to begin to do (06:53) their own investigation hopefully get files Declassified and make them public so that we know the public knows what really happened in Roswell there are so many theories there are so many conspiracy theories as wel l as to what took place but none of us actually know so here are some investigation gaps in 1995 the GAO the government accountability office report revealed systematic documentation problems that prevent full verification of any explanation prompted by Congress Congressman Steven Schiff and then crucial raaf administrative records from (07:36) 45 to 49 were according to Schiff destroyed without proper Authority or documentation of who ordered it including all outgoing messages from July of 1947 precisely with the initial flying disc press release and redaction occurred there were also no shipping manifests that exist documenting debris transfer to the uh right field or in Fort Worth where major Marcel delivered these materials allegedly as they say and the Air Force's 1994 report which was the also published in the Roswell report fact or fiction in the New Mexico (08:25) desert relies on project mogul's general context but lack significant crash related paperwork from July of 1947 whe re they said actually guys it was a weather balloon it was Project Mogul but there isn't a paper trail to back that up and then project Mogul flight number four cited as the crashed balloon lacks launch confirmation in Charles Moore's logs which creates a fundamental gap between the explanation and the evidence the case also features unused ual patterns of witness intimidation media (09:05) manipulation and document destruction that suggests a coordinated effort to control information about the incident and the proximity to very sensitive nuclear weapon facilities and the development of multiple Military Intelligence agencies add layers of complexity to all of these investigation gaps because it was known many years later if not decades that Roswell and the Roswell Air Force Base had nuclear weapons which there is this very very strong connection between UFOs and nukes there's probably a lot of information in (09:47) the archives that people need a a clearance to have access to in orde r to receive this information and maybe with this new task Force they might hopefully get that clearance in order to enter those archives to retrieve that information from Roswell let's talk about the Washington DC sighting in 1952 another very famous case and one that again I'll give you just a brief summary of what happened usually providing you information that you're not as familiar with along with the official explanation and the (10:29) investigation gaps in July of 1952 the Washington DC UFO events began when air traffic controller Edward nugan detected multiple unidentified objects on radar at the Washington National Airport and the incident escalated when additional radar stations confirmed objects performing unconventional Maneuvers over restricted airspace including over the White House and the capital building the object demonstrated apparent technological abilities Beyond 1952 aircraft executing instant accelerations sharp turns and reaching up to speeds to (11:11) about 7 ,000 mph and the craft exhibited what appeared to be intelligent maneuver and systematically avoiding interceptors by Vanishing when fighter jets approached and then reappeared after these fighter drets withdrew due to low fuel the multiple radar stations track the object simultaneously eliminating single station malfunctions as an explanation cphil pilots and ground observers provided visual confirmation matching that radar data including Airline Crews reporting Bright Lights performing impossi ble Maneuvers this is (11:54) such a famous case and one that isn't talked about as much as you would think so like it's not not at the same level as Roswell but these were UFOs being seen on multiple occasions over Washington DC over the White House and the Capitol Building military jets chased them down and weren't able to reach up reach speeds to get to them and a lot of people saw this happen but here was the official explanation because the Air Force's response resulted in a major Pentagon though he was in Washington when this incident took place (13:16) he learned about the case through a newspaper and then of course it wouldn't be a UFO investigation without astronomer and debunker Dr Donald menz who supported this explanation of him being temperature inversions never in any case that his name comes up does he give an actual good explanation it's always something that doesn't make any sense and that in many respects he doesn't look at all the information to come up with a conclu critical evidence remains unaccounted for in official records the Air Force files lack precise meteorological data from the specific (14:42) Knights relying instead on General claims about summer weather patterns they're very generic explanations and then the US weather bureau disputed the inversion explanation noting that inversions typically produce prod linear patterns on radar not distinct objects and then Rupal later makes statements which were noted in his book from 1956 the report on uni ically impossible given the target's Behavior now Des despite President Truman's direct involvement requesting answers no White House memos or correspondence about the incident have been located in (16:10) the archives so they say and the cas's proximity to crucial government facilities and multiple radar confirmations suggest significant documentation should exist Beyond what's currently available this case is not one that is very well known and if you look at the information the explanation an unable to match the object's vertical acceleration then ground confirmation came from multiple sources you had air traffic controller Lloyd D Jensen and H E Johnson at Hector airport tracking the object and civilian pilot Dr AE Cannon and his passenger in a Piper Cub (17:50) witnessed it and two civil Aeronautics Authority employees provided additional ground observations Gorman reported closing into to within like 50 ft of this object noting its distinct edges and an unusual lack of glare now t ou spoke about a classified project but Gman wasn't buying it he's like no that was not a weather balloon that that was not some secret project that had to be a UFO and then here comes in astronomer (19:06) and debunker Dr Donald Menzel who later offered a conflicting explanation suggesting that Gorman was not chasing some secret project no no come on he was actually in fact chasing Jupiter though this contradicted both the balloon Theory and the multiple Witness that count because as you rememb sistencies weather balloons typically move at about 5 to 10 milph while Gorman estimated the object's speed to about 600 mph the Air Force's explanation also failed to address how a balloon could execute precise Maneuvers reported by multiple Witnesses or (20:36) maintain position despite strong wins J Allen heck initially supported the Air Force's conclusion because he was being paid by them but later recanted it in his 1970 book the UFO experience acknowledging he had hastily concurred without base that is controlled by the United States and that is the renam forest incident from December of 1980 this is a fantastic case and there is so much information there is so much of a paper trail it's truly unbelievable security officers Jim penniston and non buroughs documented specific (22:02) environmental anomalies during their encounter intense static electricity affecting the environment physical discomfort and electromagnetic interference with communication equipment peniston's direct co t interview that link will be in the description box below for you because when you hear it from a witness it's different than reading it from any book from watching any documentary because he fills in the gaps on questions that people might have such as myself and with this particular case as I had mentioned in the initial incident there were data logs not only (23:18) that these guys very specifically John Burrows suffered from Health ailments and then you even had the halt memo created by Col distinct physical markers like peniston's whitened gums which is believed to be related to radiation poisoning Burrows later required a pacemaker due to Heart complications and the military's handling this is this is part is insane because this happened to John Burrows they're like you know what we're actually now going to make all of your medical records classified nobody can help you good luck no doctor will ever (24:38) get access to your records until 2015 when Senator John McCain helped Joh e case but here are the investigation gaps the primary us record consists solely of Lieutenant Colonel ht's January 13th 1981 memo to the ministry of Defense despite over 40 military Witnesses no official US AF investigation exists post Project Blue Book's 1969 termination then radar data from the 26th to the 28th of December remains unavailable from both us and UK sources though operators reported significant anomalies then former mod mod UFO investigator Nick Pope confirmed that such radar dat l Lighthouse explanation that (26:48) what halt saw according to the halt memo this light blinked at him and that what he was seeing and that his men was seeing was merely a lighthouse light shining in their area and that's all it was but this fails to address the recorded physical effects the multiple witness accounts the radiation readings or the long-term medical impacts on the military personnel specifically John Burrows this is a case that not only has a very long paper trail there has to b if the new task force will be doing the same and I think this case would be a great Foundation to do (28:07) so ah the Phoenix Lights 1997 so recent such a crazy case and a lot of public information here as I have been doing for all of the cases give you a brief description of what happened looking at the official explanation and then looking at the investigation gaps where the new task force can hopefully fill in that information on March 13th 1997 the Phoenix Lights event featured a progressi he v-shaped craft moving about 20 mph with geometric Precision the military response centered on the Maryland Air National guards operation snowboard claimed A10 aircraft dropped a (29:34) l2b SLB illumination flares however this explanation addressed only the later stationary lights not the earlier v-shaped formation this next part is well known but I'll just quickly address it that Arizona governor 5 Simington initially deflected The public's concern with the mock of a press conference dressin ble to collect documentation of 700 of them but this case was so quickly brushed off as a military operation as military flares and that's it but because this is a more recent case there are still so many witnesses that are able to be interviewed today that this might be (30:59) this might be one of the first cases that the task force might investigate because it is so recent also worth noting and one part that isn't addressed very often is that during the Phoenix Lights incident the Poo Verde N emains missing no radar logs from Phoenix Sky Harbor Luke Air Force Base or Davis monin confirm the reported A10 formation or flare deployment the faa's standard twoe tape retention policy resulted in no preserved radar data despite the events very massive scale and while Lieutenant Colonel Ed Jones confirmed flare drops in 2007 no reporting (32:29) documentation flight plans pilot debriefs or operation Snowbird schedules have ever been released now is that saying it didn't happen no but because gests documentation should exist Beyond what's currently available then we got to add this in to Kurt Russell first spoke about him seeing the Phoenix Lights on the one show that's what it's called on BBC which aired on April 27th 2017 so 20 years later where Russell revealed that he was the general aviation pilot who reported the mysterious lights to air traffic control on March 13th 1997 while flying his son (33:52) Oliver to Phoenix and he recounted seeing six lights in a uniform v-shaped o o the right Patterson Air Force Base this is a Air Force Base that is rumored to have received UFO debris to have reverse engineering programs in it and so much more I think that it would be wise for the new task for to get information if they can from this Air Force Base because there have been some very interesting testimonies coming out from people that used to work there or know about what takes place in that base which we'll be covering very shortly but um it is definitely one that (35:16) wo ged critical (35:56) nuclear related operations coordinating with the Miami Bergs Mound laboratory produced polonium 210 triggers for nuclear weapons and integrating German V2 rocket scientists through Operation Paperclip there have been multiple credible witnesses that are connected to the right pad to recover UFO material intelligence officer Jesse Marcel and Lieutenant Walter how provided sworn affidavits in unusual material from Roswell were transported to the right field which then became r umentation remains missing or classified While Blue Book files are public either sign and Grudge (37:24) records are incomplete then significant missing documents include shipping manifests for material sent to WR Pat building logs for alleged storage facilities and internal memos about UFO research Foya requests regarding the rumored Hangar 18 or building 18 receive generic denials or Mogul balloon references in my opinion these are the cases and the Air Force bases that should be investigated t same level of Revival with these other cases I really hope so I really do if you enjoyed the show hit that like button right down below (38:38) subscribe if you haven't already if you enjoy UFO news updates case studies and more before you head out in order to stay up toate with International UFO news that's taking place right here right now take a look at my website at ufon doco that link will be in the description box Bo below if you also want to support this channel if you a ek and hit that notification Bell so you do not miss any of the bonus content I post right here
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