INCREDIBLE Military and ATC UFO Sightings in Spain
In this episode of Mysteries with a History I look into incredible Military and ATC UFO Sightings in Spain and the Canary Islands with UAP UFO encount...
Friday, December 2, 2022MOST HAUNTED LOCATIONS - Mysteries with a History
( To see the video of this show, click here: ) WEBSITE with Blogs, Videos, and Podcast direct links: https://strangeparad...
( To see the video of this show, copy and paste the following link into a browser window, or if able, click the link: ) V...
Sunday, November 27, 2022STRANGE WEEKLY NEWS - 029 - UFOs, Paranormal, and the Strange
( To see the YouTube VIDEO of this show, copy & paste this link into browser, or click here: ) Visit the Official Strange...
Saturday, November 26, 2022MYSTERY of D.B. COOPER - Mysteries with a History
( To see the video of this show, click here: ) WEBSITE with Blogs, Videos, and Podcast direct links: https://strangeparad...
Thursday, November 24, 2022MONSTRUM (Storied) Guest Dr. Emily Zarka
( To see the video of this show, copy and paste the following link into a browser window, or if able, click the link: ) V...
Monday, November 21, 2022STRANGE WEEKLY NEWS - 028 - UFOs, Paranormal, and the Strange
( To see the YouTube VIDEO of this show, copy & paste this link into browser, or click here: ) Visit the Official Strange...
Saturday, November 19, 2022MYSTERIES of VERMONT - Mysteries with a History
( To see the video of this show, click here: ) WEBSITE with Blogs, Videos, and Podcast direct links: https://strangeparad...
Wednesday, November 16, 2022PARANORMAL ACTIVITY (At The White House) Guest Michelle Hamilton
( To see the video of this show, copy and paste the following link into a browser window, or if able, click the link: ) V...
Sunday, November 13, 2022STRANGE WEEKLY NEWS - 027 - UFOs, Paranormal, and the Strange
( To see the YouTube VIDEO of this show, copy & paste this link into browser, or click here: ) Visit the Official Strange...
Friday, November 11, 2022THE MISSING - Most Mysterious Cases
In 2021, there were 86,705 unsolved disappearances in the USA. For context, that's enough to fill the Wrigley Field stadium in Chicago twice over - in...
Thursday, November 10, 2022GHOSTS of DEVIL's PERCH (Season 1) DAVE SCHRADER Interview
( To see the video of this show, copy and paste the following link into a browser window, or if able, click the link: ) V...
Saturday, November 5, 2022STRANGE WEEKLY NEWS - 026 - Special UFO Report Episode
( To see the YouTube VIDEO of this show, copy & paste this link into browser, or click here: ) Visit the Official Strange...