Unexplained Sounds from the Sky, this episode explores locations around the world where bizarre sounds have been heard emanating from the skies, both at night and day. Not a new phenomenon, there is a history to this mystery. ▶️ MYSTERIES WITH A HISTORY PLAYLIST ➔ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLneWjPNXc1RxFVOxYfFaC_u7DM3fvc8gd Sometimes described as trumpet sounds, other times sounding like the scraping of metal, many mundane explanations have been given for the sounds, such as distant storms, earth movements, and high altitude extreme winds, but the truth is that these sounds continue, and they are very disturbing. *NEW VIDEOS EVERY WEEK* 🔴 WATCH NEXT ➔ https://youtu.be/EMn_EMDDFeI CRISTINA'S SOCIALS Twitter - Eyes_OnTheSkies Instagram - StrangeParadigms JIMMY'S SOCIALS - Twitter - JChurchRadio Facebook - JimmyChurchRadio YouTube - FADETOBLACKRadio #CristinaGomez #Mysteries #SoundsInTheSkies #Trumpets #History For Credit or Questions, email Cristina@StrangeParadigms.com

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