While UFO reports suggest frequent alien visitations to Earth, the Fermi Paradox questions why we haven't found clear evidence of extraterrestrial civilizations despite the vast number of potentially habitable planets. This episode of Mysteries with a History examines the theories behind the cosmic silence. JIMMY CHURCH on Fade to Black Channel ➔ @FADETOBLACKRadio *WATCH NEXT* ➔ https://youtu.be/11qVNRrtMrc *SUBSCRIBE TO MY OTHER CHANNELS:* Amazing Facts ➔ @Factsophical Ambient Space Music ➔ @CosmicPortals *ALL MY SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS* ➔ https://beacons.ai/CristinaGomez *MUST READ - Thought-Provoking Articles* ➔ https://strangeparadigms.com/blog UFOs and Aliens - the Cosmic Silence of the Fermi Paradox #fermiparadox #aliens #cristinagomez For business inquiries, questions, or comments please email me at Cristina@StrangeParadigms.com

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