In this livestream episode of Mysteries with a History, we cover a variety of unusual events and facts that have occurred on October 31st throughout history. From the UFO sightings in Rome dubbed The Flying Shields, and other UFO sightings, to unexplained events, the history and origins of Halloween, and much more. The Flying Shields of Ancient Rome and UFOs on Halloween. JIMMY CHURCH on Fade to Black Channel ➔ @FADETOBLACKRadio PATREON LINK ➔ WATCH NEXT ➔ - This US Air Force UFO Close Encounter Changed Everything SUBSCRIBE TO MY OTHER CHANNELS: Amazing Facts ➔ @Factsophical Ambient Space Music ➔ @CosmicPortals CRISTINA GOMEZ LINKS ➔ MUST READ - Thought-Provoking Articles ➔ #cristinagomez #uap #ufophenomenon #halloween For business inquiries, questions, or comments please email me at

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