*INCLUDES Extra Q&A Feature*: A '*Classics Remastered*' Interview with writer and professor of religious studies at the University of North Carolina Wilmington, Diana Walsh Pasulka including Member-Only Q&A content from Patreon.
In this series of 'Classics Remastered', original archive recordings have been audio enhanced, and edited to remove long intros, commercial breaks, and other material, leaving ONLY the interview. Additional segments which were previously only available to Patreon Club Members have been inserted at the end of each Episode.
*ORIGINAL AIRDATE*: October 18th, 2022
*ACCESS NEW MEMBER-ONLY CONTENT* ➔ https://www.patreon.com/paradigm_shifts
*WATCH NEXT* ➔ https://youtu.be/A5h85iFNMqI ( *Luis Elizondo on UFOs and Disclosure 1 - Classics Remastered* )
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Diana Walsh Pasulka also appears on the YouTube Channels of PowerfulJRE, Danny Jones, Lex Fridman, Jesse Michels, and Theories of Everything with Curt Jaimungal. This is a video where Cristina Gomez (aka CristinaG) presents Diana Walsh Pasulka on UFOs and Aliens - Classics Remastered!
#uap #author #news #cristinagomez
Timeline Index
00:00 - Intro
00:17 - Interview
01:11:14 - Bonus Member Content
01:21:41 - Outro & Titles
For Credit or Questions, email Cristina@StrangeParadigms.com
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