We explore how professional athletes - trained observers with exceptional spatial awareness - have encountered and documented unexplained objects in our skies. From Shaquille O'Neal's dramatic 1997 sighting to the Las Vegas Raiders team's recent encounter, these testimonies challenge everything we know about reality. Join Cristina Gomez as we discover the untold stories of UFO encounters that have left even the most skilled athletes in awe. From NBA legends to NFL stars, these extraordinary testimonies reveal a fascinating intersection between sports and unexplained aerial phenomena.

Featured Athletes and Their Encounters:
    • Shaquille O'Neal's UFO sighting (revealed on Jimmy Kimmel Live, 2021)
    • Baron Davis's close encounter during his Las Vegas drive
    • Muhammad Ali's multiple UFO experiences
    • Recent NFL team sightings
    • Historic stadium incidents that changed sports history

To see the VIDEO of this episode, click or copy link -  http://youtu.be/aQ2IHwOFcpo

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00:00 - Intro
00:42 - NBA Players Encounter UFOs
02:08 - NFL Players & UFOs
08:26 - Muhammad Ali's 16 Sightings
10:21 - Stadium Incident
13:29 - Outro and Credits 

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Show Transcript

imagine being at a pack Stadium the Roar of the crowd the intensity of the game when suddenly everything comes to a complete halt not because of the weather not because of technical difficulties but because something unexplainable is hovering in the sky above these encounters are becoming increasingly common in the World of Sports with athletes and entire teams reporting mysterious objects in our skies well welcome to Mysteries with a history let's start with NBA legend Shaquille O'Neal Who kept an extraordinary encounter secret for over (00:50) two decades on January 14th 2021 during an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live Shaquille finally shared his 1997 UFO experience while on a double date in Madera California returning from Hollywood he witnessed what he described as a classic Flying Saucer with spinning lights as Shaquille told Kimmel I know it was a UFO I don't care what anyone says the 5c encounter was witnessed by everyone in the car former NBA Allstar Baron Davis dropped a bombshell during a 2013 interview on the Champs podcast later reported by the New York Post and (01:32) CBS Sports Davis detailed an alleged Alien Encounter while driving from Las Vegas to Los Angeles and the incident occurred in the early morning hours and ending at around 400 a.m. in Monte B California involved what he described as a steel thing descending from the sky and his detailed account included an interaction with a being he described as half human making this one of the most intimate Close Encounters reported by a professional athlete then in late 2023 Las Vegas Raiders Defense Max Cosby and offense lineman Andre James shared their (02:16) team's extraordinary experience during an episode of busting with the boys podcast the entire Raiders team witnessed mysterious lights performing impossible Maneuvers during their flight from Miami the incident lasted approximately 20 minutes and then they were just completely shocked a trend that we're seeing here is people that have had UFO encounters years ago decades ago just started speaking out about them in 2021 and 2023 that's when the conversation just became a lot easier for people to talk about and for (02:55) these athletes to come out one by one by one to share their UFO experiences from years ago is very interesting and one thing that I've mentioned before and I I'll mention it again is that celebrities and athletes they are in many ways classified as influencers people are following them left right and Center what are they eating who are they talking to what are their interests and then just coming forward and talking about their UFO experiences is setting a foundation for their viewers and for Their audience to feel confident with (03:29) their own experience es willing to share what they encountered what they classified as a UFO sighting so for me it's very exciting to see these very high-profile people sharing their encounters then Baker Mayfield's March 2021 sighing near Austin Texas which he described on the part of my Take podcast involved a bright circular object descending to the road before Vanishing in the night sky and this encounter he also saw with his wife and another compelling athlete encounter comes from NFL quarterback Aaron roders who finally (04:06) shared his extraordinary experience during the 2023 season finale of HBO's Hard Knocks in an interview with his former college teammate Steve Levy Rogers detailed a 2005 incident that occurred while staying at Levy's New Jersey home during the NFL draft drawn outside by a distant alarm Rogers Levy and Levy's brother witnessed what Rogers described as a tremendously large object moving through the sky and compared it to a scene straight out of Independence Day what a funny comparison even in 2003 (04:44) where everyone's just shocked looking up into the sky of like what's going on and there's this level of excitement but also this level of fear and in 2005 there were UFO commercials coming out from time to time yes there were still some great C movies but there wasn't this level of seriousness on the topic so it's no surprise to me that Aaron roders didn't share his experience until 20 years later and that his memory is still pretty solid on what he experienced but it only gets more interesting because the encounter became (05:22) even more credible when fighter jets appeared shortly after seemingly in pursuit of the object I meant mentioned this in UFO news updates where a guy in New York heard a super loud helicopter and the helicopter was chasing this incredibly large bright object in the sky and then they vanished over the tree line but there is a constant one pattern that we have seen over the decades is that a lot of the times when a person sees a UFO Jets and military helicopters are trailing very close behind it and ever since then he has been researching (06:04) the UFO phenomenon noted the significance of the nearby nuclear power plant pointed at the documented correlation between UFO sightings and nuclear facilities that is so smart and for him to mention that publicly is brilliant now I know that you know about this I know that you know about the correlation between UFOs and nukes because it's at this point it's common knowledge but if you just think about for a moment the reach that he has the followers that he has and the people that aren't familiar with the topic for (06:41) him just to bring that up hey guys there is a connection between UFOs and nukes take a look at it I have been for a few years I think it it Sparks some light bulbs in people it's it's a little Eureka moment because from what we know some of the most famous cases in involve the malstrom Air Force Base the Vandenburg Air Force Base renim Roswell and that's just to name a few but UFOs are still being seen over nuclear facilities today and I'm going to make this very important statement last year during the (07:21) department of energy Congressional hearing an aelina Luna asked the question to the doe secretary what's your protocol for uaps hovering over your nuclear facilities and the secretary said I can answer that in a Clos setting that was enough to tell me that they are seeing these constantly and they know how to handle it or just to let it go and just document it I would like to see those those logs to be public on how frequently UFOs are being seen over nuclear facilities but a girl Can Dream now we still have a lot more to (08:04) cover so hang tight saving some of the best for last on April 12th I will be holding a live online event where we will play UFO trivia games Win exclusive merch and interact with a small group of like-minded people get access to the event by becoming a patreon member that link will be in the description box below our next one is Muhammad Ali perhaps the most famous athlete to have multiple UFO encounters reported 16 different sightings during his lifetime that his most notable experience occurred while driving on the New Jersey (08:43) Turnpike in the early 1970s and in an interview with The Tonight Show in 1973 Ali described a cigar-shaped craft hovering above his car and these sightings became so regular during his pre-dawn runs in Central Park Park that Ali's trainer Angelo dundy often joked about scheduling train sessions around UFO watching isn't that strange how some people just have that one sighting just that one and it's remarkable and then others have multiple sightings in this case Ali had more than a dozen UFO sightings that he can remember at the (09:27) very least there is this idea there's this theory that some people are predestined to have UFO sightings there are also some theories that sometimes these UFOs are following Generations certain lineages or very specific people for a reason that we don't have a full grasp on we have some ideas but we don't really know why some people are chosen versus others and all also a pattern here is that in many cases people that do not care about UFOs have some of the most extraordinary sightings While others that have been researching the (10:12) topic for years decades months whatever they have never seen anything before isn't that kind of strange of course we cannot forget the most famous case of all time one of the most extraordinary Mass UFO sightings in sports Sports history occurred on October 27th 1954 during a soccer match at the stalo arami franchi in Tuscany Italy and the game came to a complete halt when over 10,000 Spectators and players including Italian national team player Ardo magnini witnessed what appeared to be multiple UFOs hovering above the stadium magnini (11:00) who played in the 1954 World Cup described seeing something that looked like a huge egg moving slowly across the sky while lifelong fan Gigi Bonnie recalled seeing objects shaped like Cuban cigars however it wasn't just a compelling sighting but there was also a mysterious substance that fell from the sky a silvery material dubbed angel hair that covered the stadium and the surrounding Foothills Professor Giovani canary from the University of Florence analyzed samples and found they contained Boron silicon calcium (11:43) magnesium a composition that notably differs from the common explanation that was given during the time that guys it was just spider silk flying several thousand feet into the air coming down and covering the stadium covering the rooftops guys it was spider silk it was spider webs nothing crazy another detail to add here is that this substance this dubbed angel hair has been seen across the world over multiple UFO sightings and in many respects this angel hair dissolves over a certain period of time a very short period of time which is (12:26) strange spider silk doesn't do that oh and the incident wasn't isolated to the stadium multiple UFO sightings were reported across Tuscany that day with Witnesses describing rays of white light emanating from PR which is north of Florence these accounts from some of sports biggest names challenge our understanding of reality these aren't just random observers these are Elite athletes with fine-tuned awareness and split second reaction times their testimonies carry particular weight because of their professional expertise (13:06) in tracking fast moving objects what do you think about these sports related UFO encounters share your thoughts in the comments below and do not forget to subscribe to stay up to date on UFO news updates case studies interviews and more that is it for today I'll see you next time be safe and remember keep your eyes on the skies [Music] [Music] if you enjoy the strange and the Mysterious UFOs the Paranormal encrypted this channel is for you so make sure to subscribe as I do three videos right here every single week and hit that (13:57) notification Bell so you do not miss any of the bonus content I post right here. 

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