Episode 104 of Strangest News of the Week will look at the latest information regarding Steven Spielberg's new UFO movie updates, recent UFO sightings in South America, a bizarre head transplant procedure, a haunted doll, and much more.

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Show Transcript

Here are the strange articles of the week that you might have missed in the news. We'll be covering UFO sightings in South America, updates on Steven Spielberg's new UFO movie, a haunted doll in the UK, and so much more. I want to say thank you for those that are able to catch this on a Monday instead of a Friday. (00:34) The work schedule is getting really wacky, but that's not stopping us from doing any shows, right? So let's share the screen here to get into our first article talking about South America. And what's really interesting is that kind of in the last month, there have been significant UFO sightings across that continent. (00:56) We're looking at countries such as Argentina, Chile, Brazil, and a few others. So. There's been this very mysterious looking cylindrical object that has been recorded in the night skies in those countries that I have just mentioned. And we're seeing one of those images on screen right here if you're watching this on YouTube. (01:18) If you're listening to this, that YouTube link is in the description box below. But one particularly striking example was captured on April 29th by UFO researcher Ronnie Vernet. You might have heard of him. So he's been famous for some time being a Brazilian UFO researcher, but people know him more recently when he spoke at the Mexican UFO conference last year. (01:50) him, along with Ryan Graves, Robert Salas, and a few others. And so to have someone like himself to talk about these things, and he's actually been the one collecting a lot of these videos and photos of these cylindrical UFOs across South America, it's very interesting to say the least. And so this apparent cylindrical object glided into frame at about 5.01 a.m. (02:17) April 29th heading northeast for about 80 seconds before moving out of sight. And then on May 6th, a witness in Argentina filming with their phone captured a similar looking white object slowly moving through the sky above their house. And then on the same day at 7.14 in Villadenmar, Chile. So first we went from Argentina and then right into Chile. (02:45) A third witness videoed another incident, though this time the cylindrical object was blue. So here what we're seeing is just this consistency in shape across South America. And then on May 8th, residents of a Brazilian town near the border of Uruguay. It's not Uruguay. That's like such a lame way to say it and also improper. (03:10) It's Uruguay. right? And they film one that appeared to change color from white to blue to yellow. And when people were looking at this, when this was all happening rather rapidly, actually, people were saying, you know, it must be one of Elon Musk's starlight satellites. And you know what, this is a understandable thing, mainly because there were launches in Florida on May 6th and May 8th. (03:39) However, is this going to be the new description or the new plausible answer for swamp gas, right? Or, or, um, drones, these kinds of things, or weather balloons. And I know I said Starlight, I'm going to say Starlink. Thank you for those that caught it and corrected me. I appreciate you. So while we're looking at this, we have to consider all the possibilities and we do have to note that those sightings took place during the same times as the launches. (04:12) But now it doesn't necessarily explain for April 29th and a few others that have been seen after that following the same shape and following. So that line of colors between white, blue and yellow. And Thomas, thank you so much for that. If you're enjoying the show so far, hit that like button right down below because we still have so many articles to cover. (04:31) Before we continue, actually, I want to just stay on this point just for a moment, because would this be considered a UFO flap where you have a UFO sighting that takes place more than once? Therefore, it is known as a flap. Is that kind of what we're looking at here? Are we looking at the same potentially the same craft? Let's say it is extraterrestrial in origin. (04:56) that is traveling across, maybe going on a little tourist trip. I mean, who doesn't want to tour South America? They've got amazing food. I'm also biased. But aside from that, could that be a possibility? Or can all of these explanations be or all of these sightings be explained away as being a satellite, as being a weather balloon? The thing is that we always need to remain skeptical and ask these kinds of questions. (05:21) We can't simply just take an answer and say, oh, that's the right answer. We don't always know that to be the truth. getting into our next one here I'm actually really excited about this because you and I we covered the first update of steven spielberg's new movie back in april and we were actually given no information it was just spielberg is making a new ufo movie what's it about when is it gonna air no idea but be excited and buy tickets early like that's that's kind of So that's kind of how it went. (05:56) And you know what? I was still eating that up. I'm like, I am ready to see what he has in store after he created E.T. or Close Encounters, right? Just two of his more significant UFO movies. He has set the stage for all of these other directors, all these other producers to attempt and make something as moving, as incredible as those films that he created. (06:24) So, of course, everyone has super high hopes on what's going on. And he's bringing in the serious questions. Who doesn't like a good movie? Seriously. I mean, movies are slowly dying out with like shorter content videos. However, I think the theaters will sell out with Spielberg's new movie. Mark says, love Close Encounters. (06:47) You know what? If you are a UFO enthusiast, UFO researcher, or just like the overall topic, Close Encounters has to, at the very least, be in your top 10 favorite movies. It has to be. Or I have some questions for you. And if it's not, let me know what you didn't like about the movie because it's so good. (07:07) Such a classic. Oh, Zenza says Spielberg is supposedly the largest private collector of recovered alien implants that people have had removed. That's a new piece of information, if true, that I didn't know about. That is actually... pretty cool and david he caught a live one you sure did hello how are you let's see sasha thank you for being a member for the last 30 months I appreciate you christina g is the source for paranormal extraterrestrial news thank you and brian thank you so much for that as well I do (07:45) appreciate it so looking at this you're here for the news what does spielberg have in store for us We have one solid piece of information, okay? And that is his movie, his film, Whenever... we're gonna get the title of it it will be released august 15th 2026 so like that's the concrete information that we have right now without giving without them giving us a title of the movie or without even having a real consensus on what the movie's gonna be about I find that kind of That's a pretty big teaser. (08:25) That's probably the best word to use at this moment is I'm left in the dark and we're going to go from there. So right now there are people speculating on what the film will be about from the hints that Spielberg has given in interviews. And there's a few possibilities on what it might be covering, which to be fair, he has not created another UFO movie in decades. (08:48) And the last several years, let's say the last five years have been wild. wild when it comes to the push for ufo disclosure and I'm using that lightly d in lowercase not in uppercase here but people are getting more interested in the topic now what's really interesting about spielberg is that when he created his movie close encounters that film had inspired thousands, maybe even millions of people to talk about their encounters or to solidify their experiences. (09:22) And so we the public are expecting another groundbreaking film like that previous one. So we We are aware it's going to come out in 2026, which in reality is very close when it comes to creating a film, writing the script for it, editing it, promoting it, marketing it. That's pretty fast. Now, here are some ideas on what it might be about. (09:45) It could be looking at Tom DeLonge's Secret Machines fiction book about the UFO topic that was released last year. That's a possibility. It could also look at the future humans hypothesis, or it could even look at Dr. Diana Pasulka's American Cosmic book, which deals with the story of the NASA scientist, Dr. Timothy Taylor. (10:11) And could provide or kind of serve as a type of source material. And when we look at any of those books or any of those ideas, they would all make great films, especially if Spielberg has his fingers in it. Ooh. chef kiss beautiful amazing and delicious because chefs make great food that's why they're called chefs right so I'm pretty excited for that and for those watching this listen to this let me know in the comments let me know in the live chat your all-time favorite movie by spielberg because he's had (10:44) I don't know so many under his belt jaws is a classic as xavier says it's so good Mark says close encounters of the blink 182 kind. That would be a pretty funny title. And I I'd watch it. I would. Let's see. Oscar says extremely close encounters of the third kind. Oh, okay. Plain on with this old title. (11:12) That would be pretty interesting. Interesting. Jim says, I also enjoyed Spielberg's production of Super 8. Nice. That's good. Jaws says, Rick. Alpha says, that's a tough question. I know. I know. We're dealing with Spielberg. He always has little secrets and hidden gems that he's ready to just show the world as soon as the film comes out. (11:35) Oh, Jurassic Park. Yes, Tyler. Oh, and fun little fact about that. Thank you for bringing that up. Tyler is that in helping him create this new movie that has no title. He's going to have writers from Jurassic Park to help with his new UFO movies. So I'm just I'm just throwing that out there. That is very exciting. (11:58) Raiders says Brian. Oh, good one. Yes. Okay, getting into our next one. Here's another picture of Spielberg. But this next one has to do with Annabelle, that Raggedy Ann doll. Number one, before we even get into this story. Do you see what this doll looks like? I know these are old school and they were like bestsellers during its time. (12:22) But when you have a triangular nose and soulless eyes like that, what were kids thinking at that time? When I was saying, oh yeah, well, I really want a Raggedy Ann doll. Look how flipping cute that is. It's all about marketing. All right. And it's all about what your friends have. That's what you want. (12:40) Like today, lol dolls. Those are also creepy. And I don't know how they're selling so well. It's nothing to do with how they look. It's all about the marketing. But looking at this, Lee and Lindsay Steer, a husband and wife team of paranormal investigators from Rotherham, South Yorkshire, claim that their Annabelle Raggedy Ann doll is, dun, dun, dun, possessed. (13:08) Because this is already, this next sentence is like a ginormous red flag. It's an absolute no-no. Because the couple who runs the museum of haunted objects from their home. Do you see the issue in that sentence? Pick it out. Just pick out any word from that sentence that is wrong. You never, ever want to have a haunted museum and you live in that home? No, thank you. (13:41) But anyways, they ended up catching this doll on their CCTV, flipping over their Ouija board table and then moving out of its display cabinet. Number one, Ouija boards. You know how I feel about them. Personally, me, it's like playing with fire. I'm going to very kindly pass on those, but that's just me. (14:08) But then when you're touching it and you're flipping a whole table for this little fluffy doll that's made out of cotton, uh-uh. No, thank you. And they also believe, this is where it gets really wild, that the doll is responsible for nearly causing them to be in a car crash and for mysterious illnesses that have affected Lindsay and one of their close friends. (14:34) And that she's also felt something grabbing her neck tightly and has seen things flying across the room with no logical explanation. Burn it. Burn the Raggedy Ann doll. You don't need it in your museum. Te lo prometo. You do not need it. It's fine. If you're going to be in a car crash and have crazy illnesses and maybe get I don't know what hurt, burn it. (15:01) Don't keep it. But you know what? It's a cool flex of like, hey, check me out. I got a super cool haunted doll. You want to see it? I mean, yes, it is definitely a flex. But you know what? To each their own here. Now, on Halloween night back in 2022 at guess what time? It was the witching hour at 3 a.m. Annabelle supposedly stepped out of the display cabinet legs first. (15:30) And Lindsay said, quote, she shouldn't have fallen legs first because her head is heavier than her legs. And it continues that the couple has noticed an increase in paranormal activity in the museum since the incident, with Lindsay being grabbed by the neck and objects flying across the room. And they plan, this is the worst part, they plan to keep Annabelle in the museum for now, but will never. (15:58) will in all caps consider seeking help from a demonologist if things start getting violent you don't need a demonologist no you don't need one you just need a fire pit some matches okay and that's it and you're good you should be a lot better maybe you might still get a few hauntings because you're living in a haunted museum which is stupid But aside from that, fire, in this case, is your friend. (16:27) And it's pretty freaky stuff. But looking at this, when we're looking at paranormal objects or objects that have attachments to them, allowing them to be haunted or possessed, it's actually a really, really interesting phenomenon. And taking a step back, looking at this with a more scientific mindset or a researcher mindset, right? What people are considering here, specifically paranormal investigators, is that all objects and people, right, have this energy charge in the sense of frequencies, right? (17:02) Vibes, as we say today. And How you're feeling, for instance, or emotions can affect certain objects. Have you ever had in an instance in your life where you touched an object that wasn't yours, maybe a friend or a family member, and it just felt maybe a little tingly, maybe a temperature change, maybe you felt a little happier, a little angrier, maybe when you shouldn't have to begin with? These are possibilities, aside from the placebo effect, these are possibilities that those objects could be charged with the owner's emotions. (17:38) And this is where it gets kind of difficult when people now in the last few years are really into thrifting where they go out and they buy people's stuff, right? Maybe those that have deceased like in estate sales or when they're just kind of getting rid of stuff. You know, for those that might be considered sensitives or like mediums, it's kind of a no-go. (18:03) Now, this isn't always the case. Not everyone's going to notice these differences. But when we're looking at haunted objects now, it's possible. according to research so far by these paranormal investigators, that certain entities are able to possess these objects that already have this level of energy placed upon them, either by a child or by an adult. (18:28) And I just think, to be all serious, it's pretty crazy stuff when we actually consider this. And the possibilities how an inanimate object can have certain levels of energy possession, maybe even sentience, depending on how you look at this, right? I talk about this kind of all day or at least more listen to this all day to get a better understanding of it. (19:01) But I think for many people, it's still in the category of taboo. It's still a bit odd. And yet it's kind of cool to just consider it. Now, here is one of the images in the museum. And here is. This is Lee's steer and this is where the doll, this is like their museum. And there's already a lot of issues. (19:23) Number one, you have red walls. Like that's not a nice fashion statement. Like that's not good decor. Then you got whatever this is right on the floor. Then you got a bear and all these like haunting looking objects. You got a nice candle stick over there. Yeah. Haunted energy. Definitely. It's residual consciousness alpha. (19:50) I think that's a really good way in saying it, and I'm glad you're here. I didn't have my thesaurus with me, but you are now my thesaurus. And yes, residual consciousness is a great way to put it. Yeah, pentagram. Thank you, moon and noon. Yes, a pentagram on the floor. I'm trying to think. I could think it's like a talisman pentagram. (20:10) Yes, a little... place to trap demons and ghosts I mean yes it might look good for decor but when you live there as well yes jam you read my mind nope nope nope nope nope nope big fat nope in all caps And this goes into more detail. All the links of the articles that we cover will be placed in the description box below for you to read at your leisure. (20:36) And I also write articles for all of the shows right here. So if you want more bite-sized pieces of information, you can find it on my website at strangeparadigms.com or on Medium at Christina Gomez. And there is no H in Christina. Getting into our next one here. This one's actually crazy. And I am loving the slogan for this company. (20:58) I'm not even going to tell you what it is. You have to guess from the slogan alone. And that is breathing life into new bodies one head at a time. Okay, so what are we talking about here? We're talking about brain transplants. And the company name is called Brain Bridge, which I think is actually pretty savvy. (21:21) I think it's a pretty smart name. And the slogan, it got me chuckling just a little bit. But in this groundbreaking medical development, Brain Bridge has introduced a system designed for human head transplants. transportation or transplantation, potentially offering a lifeline to patients with terminal illnesses or severe physical disabilities. (21:46) We are, I, and this is insane. We are literally jumping from science fiction into reality. 20, 30, 40 years ago, we were seeing this in science fiction movies and people were like, that'll never happen. That's crazy. That's And we're seeing this as being a possibility that was just a little bit more refining, a little bit better technology. (22:11) We can get there in the next few years. Guys, everyone, we are living in such insane times across the board, not only with scientific developments, but also with developments of AI. And a fun little fact is that AI will be assisting doing these brain transplants. Getting more into this, the procedure involves cooling both the donor and the recipient's to minimize brain damage. (22:41) And if you're enjoying the show, hit that like button right down below. Let's get the 200 likes as we have 300 people watching this live. And what we're looking at here is that the key challenge lies in reattaching the spinal cord, which BrainBridge addresses using a biocompatible material that acts as a scuffle to encourage We're using technology to do this. (23:13) This is... This is insane. This is actually like some of the coolest information I've come across in some time. And for this to soon become a reality can go one of two ways. Either super amazing help all of those with severe illnesses and physical disabilities or or hear me out. It can be used for criminals to change their identity. (23:40) Yes. Well, people are doing with just changing their faces, right? But now they'll have brand new fingertips and fingerprints, right? They can get plastic surgery to fix up their face with brand new body. One of two ways, positive or negative, it depends which person is wielding the power over this technology. (24:02) But this will also be interesting if coupled with Neuralink because they have very similar ambitions as well in the sense of wanting it to help people that have severe physical disabilities that aren't able to use any of their limbs, right? What if what if hear me out? If brain bridge and neural link worked together in this, what would they create here? I'm just gonna leave that there just for a moment. (24:35) And Of course, as I had mentioned earlier, AI will be involved in this because without AI, this simply wouldn't be possible. But the question is, what else will AI solve? Will it solve aging? And for those that follow any kind of strange news, a few months ago, there was a professor that was living in a lake for 100 and something days. (25:00) His telomeres got longer, which helped him age in reverse, right? Because of the water pressure, so they say, right? This is crazy. Now, if we get AI involved with that information, how can it make that maybe into pill form? They make it into cream form. Forget the collagen, right? Okay, that people ingest or put on their face. (25:23) You can just put it in a little shot and there you go. You're 20 years younger by tomorrow. AI will solve those problems at a much faster rate than people could ever do with their own minds. And we're kind of seeing this with this brain transplant here. Now, Hal Bent is saying, I think you mean RoboCop instead of Robert Cop, but yes, very similar to that. (25:49) It's very interesting. And Android says, this is great news also for people with spinal cysts like me that might not fully heal on their own. When we're looking at it from the positive aspect, yes, Android, you are absolutely right. There are so many positive characteristics, ideas, and potentials to this. (26:12) Same with wheelchair-bound people or veterans. Happy Memorial Day, by the way. All of these possibilities can do good. It just depends who is wielding that power. Oh, and Android, by the way, thank you so much for being a Patreon supporter as well. I appreciate you. Getting into our next one here. This one I'm actually kind of excited about because it has to do with caterpillars. (26:39) And you're thinking, Christina, what do you like about caterpillars? They're so cute and squishy, number one. And, you know, like most children, they're like, oh my gosh, butterflies. Moths, not so much. Butterflies, yay, super pretty, right? So what we're looking at here, and this is really awesome. (26:59) Cool news, actually, is that scientists at the University of Bristol have discovered that caterpillars respond defensively to electric fields similar to those emitted by their natural predators. And so the study published in the journal PNAS says, revealed that caterpillar hairs move in response to electric fields and are most sensitive to frequencies corresponding to wing beat frequencies of other insects. (27:30) We do not give the animal kingdom enough credit on how amazing and incredible they are. Because we think, oh, bugs, lame, they don't have a brain, they don't know what they're doing, they're trying to survive, right? But when we just consider this, that their little, their tiny little hairs, their little stems that come out of them are able to feel the slightest change in frequencies that could potentially save their life and then turn them into a butterfly or into a moth. (28:02) Do you hear what I'm saying here? This is so cool news. It's almost as cool as a mushroom that grows on a frog and a picture was taken of it less than a year ago and it won some photography award for nature because we didn't even know that was a thing until incredibly recently. We've been on this earth, humanity, for what seems like a little bit too long to not have really any understanding of what is happening here on earth. (28:33) And the best example of that is that only 10 to 15% of our oceans have been scanned, explored and understood, leaving 85 to 90% of our oceans unknown, monster soup, crazy stuff. That's just one example of several when it comes to our planet Earth and not understanding really any of it. Now with these caterpillars and that information, it's new information. (28:56) It was just published in journal PNAS. I love breaking this down with you. It's so much fun because we're learning this together. Like we are figuring this out one-on-one just like this. And so the team that was studying these caterpillars, they measured the static charge carried by wasps and caterpillars and used computational models to predict the strength of the electric field with a wasp when it approaches a caterpillar on a plant. (29:29) And they used a laser to detect tiny vibrations in the caterpillar's sensory hairs to confirm their response to different frequencies of the electrical field. So this is obviously leading into the question of, well, with all of our technology that have significant frequencies now, How is it affecting our animal kingdom? How is it affecting these caterpillars? And they're still trying to figure that out, trying to decipher on better ways to engage and interact with nature, preferably without so much technology, (30:05) since they all have their own frequencies that they're constantly emitting. But I think when we consider just these mere possibilities, we might once again get back in tune with nature that we have seemed to have lost just in the last 200 years or so. And with that being said, that is my last article of the day. (30:31) Out of everything that we covered, which one was your favorite? Let me know in the live chat. Let me know in the comments as well. I always enjoy hearing what your favorite article is, as it sometimes pushes for next week's strangest news of the week to see which one did the best, which, by the way, it will be on Friday. (30:51) It's going to be a bit more early in the day compared to usual. We're not pushing it to Monday for next week. It should be, hopefully, fingers crossed, on Friday. for this friday so make sure to subscribe and hit that notification bell so you do not miss it and of course thursday is going to be mysteries with the history with jimmy church of faded black radio at 2 30 p. (31:15) m pst and I got an interview lined up for you that I'm telling you you don't want to miss covering some really interesting information about shadow people shadow entities with paranormal researcher Mike Ricksecker. That is going to be airing this week, so you can't miss it. Subscribe if you haven't already and hit that like button right down below so that we know, me and you know, that we like the same things right here, right now. (31:49) David says that his favorite one was the body transplant. That one's pretty cool. I did like that one. probably one of my favorites. But to be fair, all of them were my favorite. But that is it for today. I will see you soon. Be safe. And remember, keep your eyes on the skies. If you enjoy the strange and the mysterious UFOs, the paranormal and cryptids, this channel is for you. (32:24) So make sure to subscribe as I do three videos right here every single week and hit that notification bell so you do not miss any of the bonus content I post right here.

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