In Episode 102 of Strangest News of the Week I am joined by the host of the Vetted YouTube Channel, Patrick Scott Armstrong, and we will be looking at the latest information regarding oxygen on Mars, UFO sightings across the world, developments in Artificial Intelligence, and much more.

This is your Weekly Source for Strange and Weird News Reports, including UFOs and the Paranormal. 

What rarely gets covered in the mainstream media, or buried behind the headlines; we will be talking about topics such as Unusual Discoveries, Fringe Science, the Latest Discoveries about the Universe, the Paranormal, UFOs aka UAP, Bizarre Creatures, Disturbing Disappearances, Mysterious Crimes, and Creepy Occurrences. 

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Show Transcript

Here are all the strange articles of the week that you might have missed in the news. We'll be covering a mass UFO sighting in the United States, potential oxygen on Mars, AI haunting the dead and more. Before we get into the news, actually a word of caution. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Earth will receive six CMEs or coronal mass ejections ejections. (00:40) So if you can stay out of direct sunlight, it is highly advised. And it's actually getting so intense that parts of Britain that have never seen, never seen an Aurora Borealis are seeing them in the sky. Also, satellite and radio communications are highly expected to be affected. Now, with the weather out of the way. (01:02) I'm excited to bring in my special guest and co-host for the day, Patrick Armstrong from the Vetted Podcast. Patrick, how are you doing? I'm awesome. How are you doing, Christina? I am just as awesome. At least I like to think so. You are. You are. Yes. Thank you for having me. I'm super excited. I was wondering if my mic, my camera was going to work with all these, you know, flares popping around. (01:29) I don't know what's going on. I'm glad you brought it to our attention. It's valid. And some people are already having glitches across the world with their televisions, with their regular, any kind of electronics. People are encountering these things today and tomorrow. And I do want to say, Vito, thank you so much for that. (01:47) And so, Patrick, I want to start off with putting eyes on you. Who are you? And I know I'm really putting you on the spot for strangest news of the week, but what's your podcast about? And tell us about the latest news that you covered on the Vetted podcast. Yes, Vetted podcast. We cover, you know. Right now, the UFO and alien topic, right? The community of what's going on. (02:18) And I do daily videos every day, 12 p.m. Central Standard Time. Pretty, pretty easy. And then interviews occasionally. And most recently, something that I covered that I found interesting was this news about David Grush and Arrow, their connection. Yeah. There's a picture of Lou Elizondo. He tweeted out that he had heard some time ago. (02:41) that senior elements, I want to be specific with some of those words, senior elements within Arrow were trying to prosecute Dave, as he put it, David Grush, for going public. which is, there's a lot like unsaid there as well. Said, there's a lot there said, right? But then unsaid like, well, okay, for, oh my God, this is crazy. (03:05) Just because of the relationship Dave has had with trying to get a meeting, right? With Sean Kirkpatrick and not just Sean Kirkpatrick, but people within Arrow. And this adds a whole nother element, right? Of why didn't Grush go in and give his testimony? Right. And I think I don't know, for me, this was like just scary in a lot of ways, because it's like that story isn't all wrapped up in a bow like people thought. (03:34) Well, when you heard it, what did you think? Was that surprising to you to hear this about Arrow? Let me tell you this. I didn't know about it until I watched your show this afternoon. I was like, what? I feel so out of the loop with these things as I'm attempting to avoid social media. And so when I saw this, I was like, oh, my gosh. (03:54) And it took me aback, as I had mentioned to you backstage. It's not really shocking, like, oh my gosh, this is crazy. But it's shocking enough to just kind of raise an eyebrow. And I think people have had this idea over the last few weeks with information with Grush and Arrow, where Arrow had made statements that we attempted to communicate with Grush and he bailed several times. (04:20) This, that, and the other. Yeah, it made Grush look really, really bad in so many ways because he's saying one thing, but the evidence, and those are in quotation marks, are saying another. And when we're dealing with situations like this, it is easy to make up information. And people have brought in examples that have to do with Bob Lazar. (04:44) People say, oh, this is happening to David Grudge, happened to Bob Lazar, probably happened with Luella Zondo. And who knows who else it has happened to. And I think it's, catching some people by surprise, but I think for a lot of people that have just kind of been in the field doing the research, I think a lot of them can only just kind of nod their heads and say, yeah, kind of saw that one comment. (05:07) But what about you? I mean, what's, what's your standpoint on this? Um, I think you did a great job of, of, um, probably covering a lot of people's feelings about it. Um, to be honest with you, um, Yeah, there was this whole sort of subplot, if you want to say, about David Grush and Sean Kirkpatrick in this meeting. (05:27) But that's only if you're really deep into this topic did you even know about that, you know, if we're being real. So, you know, but more importantly, it's just his testimony, right, to Arrow, the office set up by the Pentagon that's supposed to study this. It's not being trusted. It's just like another... (05:48) another level, right? Because you hear about Congress, members of Congress, at least the Intel community, not really trusting Aero. People speaking publicly and saying they don't really trust Aero. I think that just adds another element of not necessarily, again, black or white, it's one way or the other, but at least, okay, there's more here to look into, right? Like, without David Grush saying anything right without him, I guess he's just letting the email speak for itself. (06:18) Lou putting this out. Is it really about him going public though? It was it about some, some other law that he broke, um, senior elements of arrow. I don't know what that means. Some time ago was Sean Kirkpatrick involved, right? Like how long ago? Um, but if that is true and I kind of do believe Lou to be true there with that, um, I totally get why Dave wouldn't want to go to Arrow. (06:43) And I don't know, it's just another cloudy element around Arrow, I guess. Well, Arrow hasn't really been getting a good reputation with Kirkpatrick being the face of it. And especially with the reports that we've received from Arrow, the first one only being a few pages where it was just a word salad. (07:03) And then the second one where it was a good chunk of looking at dozens of pages, but it was all about all these previous UFO projects and offices that found nothing to do with UFOs. Then why constantly fund it since the 1950s all the way until 2022? And so when we're looking at this, when we're looking at how Kirkpatrick had presented himself on camera with the interviews, when he did the funding hearing with Gillibrand and all of these different things, People are very wary of Arrow and even reporting any of their information to them. (07:42) Now that there is a new temporary chief by the name of Timothy Phillips, I feel confident that's the name. Yeah, that is it. You're right. You're right. Thank you. Thank you. So maybe it might go a little bit smoother. Will there be a new office? We'll just have a new name because we had the UAPTF. (08:01) We had the AOI MSG. We had Arrow all doing the exact same thing. Different people, different name, but same topic. And so with Grush and with Arrow and with Lou Elizondo, it just seems like a hot pot, like we're making some kind of hot pot dish here with all these different ingredients. to attempt and understand what is going on here. (08:20) But it doesn't seem like everything, as you had mentioned, Patrick, is black and white. There's so many layers. There's so much happening behind the scenes that this could all be maybe a distraction from something else. Oh, yeah. 100%. Yeah, absolutely. Without a doubt. And that's the problem. and the solution, all at the same time. (08:42) It's like, okay, yes, and now what? It's like, now what do we do? Is Arrow gonna comment on this? Is Dave Grush gonna comment? Is Lou Elizondo gonna further comment on this? What do we do with the information, I guess? i don't know arrow's got a lot of work to do to and rightfully so to to make up uh like you said for their reputation and and honestly they need to realize whether or not it's valid or not like whether or not it's justified they need to do something about right like at that point you go (09:12) it doesn't matter if it's justified or not we got to do something about it uh if that makes sense right and they are politically funded in a lot of ways so I mean that just matters you know in a lot of ways to get that funding to keep going um they have to remember they're a public facing office not just sort of hidden behind in in my opinion uh right so that changes things um they should have they should be worried about their reputation um because a lot of it is based on that You know, when we'll dictate what they do (09:47) further based on what they can get from their reputation and rightfully so. And that's what we're dealing with the government and these government offices and projects. They do have to save face, but that's not stopping people having sightings, having encounters. And just recently in early May, there was this UFO that was seen across California, Arizona, Utah and Nevada. (10:15) And it took place May 2nd at around 9 p.m. local time. And I know this picture looks like a blob or like, I don't know, the moon, maybe even Venus. But I know people are going to say that and I hear you. It is. But... There have been multiple images and videos posted online in those areas. Again, that's California, Arizona, Utah, and Nevada. (10:39) During that same time frame of people seeing this weird object or very, very bright light in the sky. And it's very quickly been checked off as not being a rocket, not being an airplane, not being a drone. And the list goes on and on. So let me back up. Enigma Labs researched, looked into this and they received about 20 reports on the same observation. (11:04) And what's really great about reaching out to someone to document your sighting to have it be New Fork, have it be MUFON, Enigma Labs, whatever, because they're getting so much information, they're able to see a pattern, connect the dots, but also do a deeper dive on your average civilian of looking at plane paths, right? Rocket launches. (11:26) If a satellite was in that area during that time frame, And so this is where these kinds of groups or maybe even operations do really come in handy. Patrick, were you aware of this sighting at all? Because, you know... Some of these, what we're looking at here, some of these kind of look like classic spirals that you kind of get from rocket launches, to me at least, but other images captured do not look like those spirals. (11:59) So what do you think we might be dealing with here? Were you familiar with this sighting? You know, this is interesting. to be honest with you, now that you just said that about the spiral, the spinning, right? That is interesting on this one that you're showing right here, for sure. You know, it's just context, right? It looks odd. (12:27) What do you want me to say, right? Like, it definitely... I mean, it's very interesting. I guess really that's something I've learned about looking at pictures and videos and, and I'd be curious to get your opinion too, right? Like taking in all the context of the sighting is important, not just right. (12:44) This, this blur we're looking at, but okay. You know, what did other people say that day? What was reported? What was, what, what have they eliminated from the equation, right? Of what it could be. And then honestly, there's also nothing wrong with leaving it at, I don't know what that is, um, at all. (13:07) Uh, but they are curious. And I think, um, like the Enigma, the app, right. Isn't that what it's called? Isn't that what it's called? Enigma? Yes. You have the Enigma labs and apparently you have an app according to Jessica. Enigma app. Yes. Um, Jessica shout out all the betters watching. Thank y'all. (13:28) Um, Yeah, I think that's cool to get all that together and to draw the resources right of other people who are willing to get involved like MUFON as well and get people behind these sightings. I mean, what do you see when you when you look at this? Some of them, as I had mentioned, you know, it does look like a, I think for the other one, it has a spiral shape that we are aware rockets create. (13:55) But according to Enigma Labs, there were no rocket launches taking place May 2nd. So I'm like, okay, I guess maybe there was a secret rocket launch maybe, but it doesn't fully explain. Do model rockets do something like that? Like where that wouldn't be reported? You know what I'm saying? No, that's a valid statement. (14:15) And I think it just depends on the size. And who's operating it? Do they need to report it? But what's interesting here is that we're seeing four states that had similar sightings. Again, that's California, Arizona, Utah, and Nevada. And so I think that really stands out more so than just being one casual sighting in one part of the world. (14:35) Yeah, easily brush off as a rocket, no problem. But when we're dealing with multiple locations, seeing it at around the same time frame, That's when it, I think, begins to catch people's interest. And some of them, for all intents and purposes, look like portals or wormholes. I mean, I love the theme. (14:53) I love the theme of portals. But to be more critical, they do have the similarity to rocket launches more so than anything else. I got to ask you, Patrick, if a portal opened up right in front of you, would you walk through it? Hell no. Sorry. I'm sorry. I apologize. No, no, I would not walk through something that looked like a portal in front of me without like a test. (15:22) Has somebody tested this? Have we sent in, you know, a robot first? Yeah, the portal idea is interesting. I don't know. I haven't really gone down those rabbit holes yet, to be honest with you about portals. It's fascinating if I'm being honest. And so hearing your opinion, it sounds like you know more about that. (15:46) The fact that it may look like something like that is interesting. And what is the point? Is it a rip or somebody purposely opened a portal? Because to me, a portal seems like purposefully done, put together for a reason. Whereas maybe like a rip, it's not meant to be there. So when you say portal, is that what you mean? Something that's meant to be there or not? Or it's the same thing? It's a possibility of either or. (16:15) What our current understanding when it comes to attempting to create portals and or wormholes is that you need an extensive amount of energy or you can use exotic matter, which is the theory of it. And so some of them could be created. with intention, while others might be open by accident. You know, portals are still a great area. (16:39) We don't have a lot of information on them. And if we do, it's not public. But at some point in time, Patrick, you will deep dive into portals. And you're going to get sucked in. You're not going to come out of it. I'm going to get sucked in a portal. Get it? Skinwalker Ranch is a good example of portals. (16:59) And scientists witnessed them during the Bigelow era. And that has been reported. And it's also been reported with ancient cultures, Native American cultures, where they talk about portals. So it's something that has been consistent across human history, where people have just mentioned it, documented it, shared it in stories and myths. (17:21) And so there has to be something to it. It's just learning how to harness it and how to appropriately use them. Yeah. I mean, I had Ashton Forbes on and we spoke about portals, you know, and I mean, it's a way over my head. He got very scientific with how it could be feasible. Yeah. I mean, think about it. (17:43) Say say portal to any anybody. I mean, in whatever language they know, people know what that is. Right. It's a common thing, even outside of film or whatever, if they've seen in a movie. Right. Like we we know the idea of a portal. Yeah. I mean, that's definitely fascinating for sure. Like, where does it go? Exactly. (18:03) Like, what if it goes to Mars from Earth to Mars? That'd be great. And what's crazy is that according to life science, is that they might, and this is like a might in all caps, that they might have found rocks that have a concentration of manganese oxide on the ancient Martian shoreline. And the findings suggest that Mars might have harbored Earth-like conditions with higher oxygen levels during its early history. (18:39) This is really exciting for two reasons. One, people want to be on Mars now. They want to put man's foot on Mars. Cool. But the other really interesting thing about this is all of the ancient stories that have to do with Mars, the alleged ancient civilizations that used to live there. And if that is the case, could this be potential evidence that, of that being a possibility. (19:10) You know what I mean? I just, I found this so exciting. Oh, 100%. I had no idea about this. Like, you know, that's what's great about your show, Christine. Right. See, it brings to light even for people that are pretty deep into this. But as we have talked about, like, there's a lot to take in. But yeah, I never heard of this. (19:30) This is fascinating. It's in the mainstream sort of science lane. Right. So if something found there helps add some credibility right over here about some of these theories or speculation. Yeah, that's exciting for sure. I found the details about what exactly they meant and how they found it and what that could entail. (19:56) It's exactly what you think, right? Like it is kind of exciting. Like other life form could have existed oxygen rich or not oxygen rich. It's fascinating, honestly, of how the rocks were formed and what that means. And even they're excited by it, right? Even the scientists, right? Like, yeah, yeah. (20:15) So very cool. This picture is cool too. It is. And it just adds another piece of interest because from the erosion on the rocks, it demonstrates that there used to be water there. So when you have water mixed with these oxygen-rich rocks, potentially oxygen-rich, you can create a whole story in your mind of what life might have been like maybe a million years ago, two million years ago, or further out. (20:46) Because when you have those characteristics for a planet you know you we we have been taught that life can thrive in those situations so for I don't know I thought this was really exciting and um I do want to say thomas thank you so much and and paul as well I do appreciate it a lot so before what do you I know that you kind of just got into this topic heavily in the last year there's still so much to cover but When it comes to Mars, what are your thoughts or your interests in it? That's a great question. (21:26) You know, I haven't, you know, I've just heard different stories of coming from Mars. And, you know, I would be intellectually dishonest if I didn't say that when I first hear stories like that at first, it's like, OK, OK, what are we talking about here? ancient civilizations on Mars. We don't see the bases or current bases on Mars, right? Like, it's happening right now. (21:51) I'm just like, okay, what? I don't know. But then they talk about older civilizations that could have existed there and what Mars looked like before. That's exciting because... think that's totally possible I think mars was lively at one point um right and teeming with life and whatever that means I don't know but um like right they found these rocks at the edge like you said the edge like the bed of this maybe lake right or something so you start to imagine this lake and then shrubbery of some sort (22:24) right and then all this this ecosystem and yeah why couldn't there have been advanced civilizations that existed um potentially even our ancestors right why couldn't something have hit mars and bam pam spermia right here and we're from that too I mean that's all exciting to me um that's how mars fits in the equation for me I'm sure you know much more as far as that goes I just know like you know I've seen the martian you know like that's I hate to say it that's the extent uh of my (22:59) knowledge there And then also you have John Carter, the movie, and that was just a fantastic film. I don't, have you seen it? I interviewed the lead actress of that film. Remember her, the, the queen or whatever, the princess on my other podcast, she's from Texas. So I got to talk to her about that film and like, initially that was like going to be a big deal. (23:24) Like John Carter, like this is a big deal. We're putting all in John car, you know, and she's just thinking, okay, this is it for me. I'm about to hit it big. This is going to be a big movie. And then it just complete flop. But I, I actually did it. I liked the movie surprise. Like I thought it wasn't a bad movie. (23:39) I don't know why it got so much hate. I don't know. Maybe I'm easy to, uh, uh, to please, but, um, you know, yeah. John Carter. And it had a portal, right? Wasn't there a portal in there? portal time travel to an ancient martian past I mean I think it had all the factors but you're right it didn't it didn't really catch hold like it could have and there are so many reasons to that potentially but I think it's number one I think it's super cool that you're able to interview the lead actress (24:10) that is super exciting and to also just be familiar with that film especially when talking about mars and when we're we're mentioning extraterrestrial life. And I want to hear your thoughts on this because I love, like on Strangest News of the Week, it's not Strangest News of the Week without talking about AI and AI developments. (24:33) Do you think it is possible that extraterrestrials, maybe even interdimensionals, might be using AI to the ability that we have yet to reach in order to investigate and understand our universe? Yeah. Absolutely. Why not? That makes total sense. I mean, what would be past AI? Right? If you think we get to AI, what's past AI? You know what I mean? It's there. (25:01) You know, it's like, you know, half... biological and half. Yeah. But that seems like still made up of stuff we already know. So what would be past it that we, does it make sense? Like even further, some other, we're just, I guess we wouldn't think of it honestly. But yeah, absolutely. The idea of that seems more efficient and efficiency seems right. (25:25) Like something resources, energy, No matter how advanced you get, your your reach and your power also gets advanced. Therefore, you still need energy. Right. Like so I think. Yeah, I think that's totally. I think that's totally possible. They would use AI for sure. And AI is fascinating. Just where we're at. (25:47) Imagine. Oh, my God. Just imagine where we're going to be. It's insane. Exactly. And we're able to see the evolution happen right in front of our eyes where AI is evolving every single day. And I'm not using that term lightly. However, there is a good side and a bad side to AI, just like any piece of technology, which leads us into our next article that has been actually posted across multiple news outlets where it's dealing with artificial intelligence and And how it can almost haunt you. (26:23) Use a dead person's memories and mannerisms and connect with you. This is something that has been talked about, I would say, over the last year and a half or so. But it's becoming more prevalent. People are really considering this as a more detrimental possibility because when someone mourns for a loved one, they're more susceptible to lies and to things that at the end will very... (26:51) will be detrimental to their mentality, maybe even their health as well. So here, what we're looking at are these things called grief bots, dead bots, or death bots. And it could very soon, if it's not happening already, which it kind of is, could become a reality with several firms now offering this service to be able to speak to your dead Aunt Susan, to be able to communicate maybe with Albert Einstein. (27:21) And to just feel their, quote, love, right? Share their memories where you're able to tell them how your day went. In your opinion, Patrick, do you think this has good ideas to this? Or should we avoid it like the plague? I mean... you know, society will get what it wants. You know, it's, it's demand. (27:50) There's demand for it. They'll do it. A lot of times these things are tools. It's how we use the tools, right? Anything we create can be used improperly. Like as I was going through this article that you shared with me about it, honestly, it was quite fascinating. I never heard of this. These grief bots. (28:09) It seems inevitable that it will go there. and again it's just going to be how people use it or is the person that passes away going to pass off the rights can the person that they passed it to turn it off whenever they want or the person no it has to go 10 years you've got to be with me 10 years and let's be real that technology will get better and better better to where it's you may not tell the difference could we never die and is that transfer still us and then what there's these copies of us (28:41) floating around like I don't know. I find it fascinating. Well, they then meld that into some sort of robotic interface, right? Where you've got something that's not just on an app or on your phone or what will it look like? Be a picture that moves, right? I mean, there's a lot to consider there. (28:56) And then what can you change them, you know, to whatever you want to look like or to say, or I don't know. I think it's just going to be up for people to use, but yeah, I think the technology will come out regardless. it just will and then it's a service that you'll either sign up for or won't I'm sure there'll be some horror stories and they sound horrific I can't imagine they gave some of the scenarios in the article and it does it sounds uh horrific especially when it involves children right not (29:27) understanding oh mom is still talking to us what's going on I don't get it is that real is that not like maybe not offering it to people that still are figuring out those sorts of things you know what I mean like I don't know that's a tough one adults only potentially can use the technology I don't know but then you know you get into parenting and children and what are the rights uh I mean there's a lot to consider honestly from this simple article um to be honest with you that's why it's a great article christina (30:01) There is a lot to consider. And when you are communicating with the quote dead, there is no grieving period. And that's something that we all have to go through at our own time. Some take longer than others. But if you're still communicating with who knows whoever has ever passed away, you will never heal from that. (30:18) And so AI, it's just... Evolving exponentially. And first we had Replica. Create your own imaginary partner, right? Be in a relationship with them. And that skyrocketed. I mean, it had phenomenal reviews and downloads and all of that stuff. Wait, that's a real thing? Yeah, it's been a real thing for the last year or two. (30:45) Replica with a K. Okay. Oh, I never heard of that. I didn't know that. No, it's... People can have relationships with an AI? Mm-hmm. Yeah. And there's... Oh. Yes. I mean, that's inevitable too, right? Let's be real. That seems inevitable. Well, It is. It is. Not that it's right or wrong. I'm not saying it's right or wrong. (31:07) I'm just saying that seems like that's... It's inevitable. It's going to happen. I mean, at some point, we're going to have the replicants like from Blade Runner. We are heading that way, especially all the robots that are being incorporated with machine learning. And to be able to learn after a conversation and know more about you, collecting that data that you have when you're having a conversation with, like Sophia, for instance, and Amica, and the list goes on and on. (31:32) But when we're dealing with having these apps that will soon be available, and some of them are already available, we've seen this before. It's the same thing. There was an AI that came out, I want to say... I want to say like six or eight months ago where you could talk to Jesus and talk about the Bible, talk about all of these different things that did not take off very well. (31:57) Then you with chat GPT, for instance, Jesus got rejected. He got poor Jesus. Oh my God. Two crosses in one life. That's horrible. Poor Jesus, man. How did that not take off? That is horrible. That poor guy. I'm sorry. Yeah. But there's more because then you also have ChatGPT or these other AI platforms to explain something to you like Aristotle, like Albert Einstein. (32:30) And so... This can either be beneficial or detrimental to humanity. It just really depends on the person and how they want to use it. And it's really just to each their own here. But I think on the positive side, AI will help us explore the universe better than ever that we simply are not able to do without it. (32:49) Yeah. It's able to find patterns faster than we can find exoplanets that have techno signatures better than we can. And the list goes on and on. And so in that point of view, it's great in the emotional point of view. It's not rocking with you. I'm with you. Well, it's it's. You know. I've always thought about this too. (33:17) People say, oh, advanced civilization. And you immediately, your mind jumps to big buildings and electronics and flying around. Why is that advanced? You know what I mean? We're setting up our own future. Why is that what is advancement? You know what I mean? Why do we need that? What are we giving up to have it? Right. (33:41) We're in a particularly weird time in humanity. We just are. We're lucky to be alive right now. We're at the greatest humanity has ever had it. And on top of that, we're seeing I like the word used earlier evolution in many ways, not just with AI, but with how society is just ran every day and the expectations of a human. (34:06) And it's getting better where, you know what I mean? More people are getting to a point where. whatever they have more time on their hands they could focus on different things which is interesting and it's changing the world and again we're advancing but are we is that advanced technology to me it's just new technology not necessarily advanced because that is it I mean how far are we going to go before we're not human and nothing matters if you know does that make sense like I don't know. (34:37) It's just interesting to me. I don't know how, you know what I mean? What are we giving up is basically the question. You're bringing up some very legitimate points. You really are. There's also, I don't know if you know this, but there's a whole job. Thank you. No, continue along that. I'm bringing up good points. (34:58) Go ahead, Christina. I just want to give you some space there. I'm just kidding. You're bringing up some great points, Patrick. But there's also, there's a whole job section, a whole job category of AI ethics, of how is it affecting humanity? What can it do? But looking at evolution and the advancements of humanity, what you had stated of, is it big buildings? Is it just bigger and better technology? Exactly. (35:24) And you know what? Maybe it's not. Maybe it's the evolution has to begin in the mind of being a better person. Right now, while we've evolved technologically in the last 100 years, 200 years. We haven't mentally. We're still just as brutal and cruel as ever, maybe even worse. I mean, the narcissism has gone through the roof in the last 10 years compared to any other point in time. (35:51) Does that make us more advanced because we have cell phones that are like these tiny computers in our pockets? Yeah, so when you place it like that, you got me rolling in my brain of like, yes, continue onward, Patrick. Because... It's something that we all need to consider. Is advancements the next iPhone? Is it the next, I don't know, Neuralink chip? No, I don't think so. (36:21) Exactly. Yeah. And there's no stopping the machine, right? No. You know, what do we do? Next will be like the Borg. Yeah. Yeah. It's going to be like, what was that movie? Snow Train or something or snow. You know what I'm talking about? Snow Hoarder or I don't know. That Korean movie with Chris Evans where they're on that train and all of humanity is on that train in the winter apocalypse. (36:51) And the classes, you know, the rich at the front and the poor at the back. Anyway, that's what it. There's no stopping it. You know, that's why it is important to take care of your circle and your journey and your, you know. the people are saying it's the movie that you're referring to is called snow piercer snow piercer I don't know what I said earlier snowboarder I don't what did I call it uh I always get things wrong um on the on the unbetted so uh yeah snow piercer that's it snow piercer shout out (37:22) to the chat shout out to everyone watching live thank you guys for joining christina's awesome is she this is my first time on here and I'm having a great time so thank you just want to say that throw that in there And if you're enjoying the show, please hit the like button right down below. And if you're enjoying Patrick, his links will be in the description box as well. (37:41) And head over and subscribe because I was on his show or I will be tomorrow. I'm not sure how that's going to work, but it's going to work. So you want to see that as well. But we got one more for you. And this one, legitimately, I cannot... This blew my mind. Because a university in Japan, the Kyoto University Hospital, is beginning the world's first clinical trial of a tooth regrowth medicine. (38:16) Where has this been all about? Forget veneers, guys. This medicine will hopefully be available by the year 2030, which in reality is in a very short time frame. That's in six years. But I'm lost for words. I'm just going to say that. That's all I can say. When you were reading this, Patrick, what was going through your mind? Can we get vampire teeth? That's what was going through my mind. (38:52) I want tiger teeth. I want, you know what I mean? Like, what kind of teeth can I get? Can I get, you know, anything I want? Like, what kind of teeth are we talking about? Yeah, honestly, of course, it's fascinating to regrow. And does it stop there? And really, how does that technology work, right? Does that make sense? Like, they're sort of like turning on a switch, right? that you have already like a mutant gene maybe there's more switches I'm just saying uh but yeah it's absolutely exciting and how (39:25) long does it take does it make sense like and if they can get that better where you can just like going to get your car wash you can go in and they hit you with the with the teeth thing whatever it is I don't know why what what motion I'm making but some sort of jab I don't know what they give you a pill I don't know how this works um but yeah it's fascinating for sure and again honestly really if I'm being real like where do we start eyes other limb does that make sense like that's where I (39:53) started thinking oh wow this is interesting and it affects so many people worldwide right this is being done right um I i think they're they talked about one one percent of their population I think it was their population it could have been our the the global population but being affected by having a loss of 10 or more teeth, I think it was, or less, 10 or less teeth. (40:18) But either way, right, needing this, it can really affect your life in a big way. So just on that, on a human level, Right. It's cool. Obviously, if they offer it in a, you know, affordable way, of course. Right. Like, where does it go? What what takes it over if it's that great? Because they did test it on animals and it worked great. (40:43) No side effects. That would obviously be your first question. All of a sudden you got like a molar coming out the side of your head. Doc, this is not where I want my jaw. right here um yeah you know what I mean I don't know that that would be scary if the teeth just start coming out could you see there's a horror movie written here somewhere there's a horror where this guy just has teeth just start popping out all over his body and different sizes and you know he just becomes this tooth monster like the you (41:14) know the scary tooth fairy I don't know I'm sorry I don't know that you know what he probably went through these scientists heads when they were creating this they're like we're going to avoid that at all costs did they we don't know christina no I'm kidding yeah they probably did you're right let's be real of course right let's make sure the teeth grow in the mouth where we need them to there must be a that's why I think it's some sort of I didn't really get into the (41:40) details of what's you know because I'm not a doctor but of what's happening is it a switch they're turning on that can regrow right at the bait right like it's already if that makes sense you know what I mean sort of get the soil re re rehydrate the soil, if you will. Um, or is it some implant they put in that then grows, um, a seed they've in place? I don't know. (42:04) What do you, do you know any details about that? No, I know what you know. And that's about it. Wow, then we're screwed, Christina. I know, I know. It's not great. But it would be interesting to see how fast it will grow. Will it grow like baby teeth that take time? Will it be painful? Will you be sedated? Will it just be a pill and it'll grow instantly? There's all these different things. (42:28) And there's a lot of cultures that really depend on having good teeth, mainly in the Western part of the world, where if you have a good smile, you're able to, you know, get people to like you a little bit more than when you don't. It's been tested. I know it sounds terrible, but I like you more. (42:45) It's true. You got a good smile. I like you more. I know. Isn't that funny? No, but it is. It's true. What you're saying is true. Now, back in the day, this is crazy. Okay. I want to say this was the 1600s and 1700s in China. If you had super black teeth, that was the way to go. Yes. Really? Because it showed how much tea you drank. (43:08) And the better the tea, the darker the teeth, the more rich you were. Got it. And I don't think that's the right time frame, 1600s and 1700s, but it was in the ancient past. I'm just going to say it like that. And so the evolution of beauty changes from country to country, and it changes throughout history, which... (43:30) like foot binding also in china that you had to have your foot binded if you were a woman of high class in order to get a good marriage now people think that you're insane to do something like that to have a baby foot on a grown woman and so beauty is constantly changing hopefully by the year 2030 people might still like to have a decent amount of teeth to where they're going to be using this medicine Not if we become AI, we're just going to put in smart teeth. (43:58) We're just going to have some sort of other things. I don't know. You won't need teeth. There'll be something else. I don't know. Yeah. I mean, for sure. Yeah. Yeah. Just graders. Maybe you can change them out. You know, that's what I'm saying. You could go. That's, you know, this week I want. (44:19) you know, Wolverine teeth and next week I want whatever. Something like a woodpecker. Do they have teeth? I don't know. Birds don't have teeth, right? Do some birds have teeth? Penguins. They have little fangs going all through their throat. Oh, really? It's terrifying. Yeah. I dare you to look up the inside of a penguin. (44:41) Let's do it right now. Oh, my God. Inside a penguin mouth teeth. That is crazy. Now, that's a portal I don't want to go down. Oh, I'm going to show it to everyone. It's okay. Wow. Because we're doing this live. That is crazy. A penguin having a throat full of teeth or fangs. Hold on. Hold on. (45:02) Hold on. And I'm doing this on the spot. Like shark fangs. Oh, you're fine. Okay, here. Oh, my God. Yeah. Oh. Oh, that's a penguin? Holy shit. Oh, I'm sorry, Christina. Oh my God. That is terrifying. That is, I will have nightmares now. I, I, oh my God, I've seen penguins at the zoo, which I'm not saying I approve of that, but I've seen penguins and then they're cute little things. (45:40) And I didn't know they were vicious like that. Um, that is terrifying. Wow. And then another fun fact about birds, because a lot of them don't have teeth except for penguins and maybe like one or two others, but they have to eat rocks because they don't have teeth. So when they eat food, it gets all crumpled up. (45:58) It's not even a word, but it gets chewed on, gnawed on with the rocks that they consume in the stomach so it can all be digested properly. What the hell? They got to eat rocks? Penguins got to eat rocks? No, no. Birds. Like your average birds. Oh, just your average birds. They eat rocks? Oh, I didn't know that. (46:15) Yeah. I didn't know they eat rocks. Wow. Okay. This is... I'm learning something new. I did not know they eat rocks. Go to Faxophical for more fun facts. That link is in the description box below. Because who doesn't love fun facts like penguins and teeth? Oh. And... I've been feeding them bread. (46:33) I've been doing it all wrong. Oh, you can't. I've been doing it all wrong. Oh, you don't give them bread? No, you can't. Okay, okay. So while we're still on this, you can't feed birds or turtles bread because... it expands in their stomach. So even though they're super hungry and they need nutrition, the bread stops it and they die faster than when they eat like lettuce and you know, their vegetables and stuff. (46:56) Yeah. So it's, it's ideal to not feed animals just general bread. I mean, sure. Uh, but, um, yeah, I have made that mistake several times in a lot of different countries and now I feel horrible. No, no. Yeah. So it's okay. No, I hope I remember that. I could see this is like a Seinfeld moment right now. Like a month from now, I'm going to forget. (47:18) Remember they told you don't feed the birds with the bread. And I'm like, I don't remember. I was never told that. And then they cut to a clip of me being told that. And I'm like, oh. Oh, I was like lettuce and seeds and all. I mean, that's a good point. Usually, usually they do. You're right. (47:38) You there's something out. You're right. I mean, yes, you are correct. This is a while ago. I have done this in like public parks and stuff, you know, but you're right. Yeah. OK, well, PSA for birds. No feeding birds and turtles and turtles and all just and human beings. just I mean everybody bread's delicious but it's not nutritious I love bread I love and okay okay for those I don't know and I'm gonna I'm gonna spoiler alert patrick is a chef and I gotta ask I gotta ask you while you're here have you baked bread (48:22) Oh, of course. Yeah, yeah. All kinds of bread. I looked up. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Okay. Last week, I was obsessed with making bread. And I'm like, I'm going to learn everything and everything and anything that I can. I bought all the ingredients. Before watching the videos on how to make bread, it's so hard. (48:41) No, no. Why is it so difficult? It's really not. You know, the only thing that's really difficult is once you figure out how to get your yeast. built up right and then kneading it and resting it properly so that it rises. Just getting that right and the temperature in which you store it to rise. you'll figure that out pretty quick. (49:06) It's really simple. It's flour, right? The yeast that you're going to use a little salt. You don't need much. Like it's when you get, dude, you get into like a rhythm. It's like a hand. It's like scrambling eggs. Just, you're going to screw up. Just know that when you start making bread, you're going to screw up. (49:21) Oh, you know, but then it clicks. You just get one time you get it. And then you'd never look back. I promise you, you never look back. I've definitely made a lot of, Bad batches of bread or just dough in particular for whatever different thing that I've made. You know, it's going to happen. There's a saying in food that we've always copied from Anthony Bourdain, which is you got to go through the bad meals right to get to the good one. (49:48) So you got to go through the bad bread to get to the good one. And I promise you it will become easy. Take all the nonsense out of it. If there's all this other stuff, just keep it simple. Flour, yeast, salt, water. You don't need... Go easy. Get the yeast packets. It's like, oh, ready to go. Don't worry about that. (50:13) Don't even worry about what kind of flour. Oh, I need to use bread flour. Don't worry about any of that. Just sift it. Sifting it is... That's a valid idea when it comes to bread. I don't want to stick too long on bread, but I know that you're a chef. Sorry. I'm sorry. I could talk forever. (50:32) Oh, my God. I'm so sorry. I totally forgot we're even on a live stream here. Like for a second. All of a sudden, I'm just talking bread. My bad. So you got to make bread for you and your family, but not for the birds or turtles. See, I can't help it. I got to figure out something. I'm going to make them lettuce next time. (50:51) Yeah. You got to grow lettuce in a cage inside of your house. That's a Father Ted reference. Only some will get that. But you could grow lettuce in your house if you really wanted to. And farmer, thank you for that. I do appreciate it. But we have a few minutes left. We have a few minutes left, Patrick. And I'd like to know a little bit more about you. (51:13) I know. I just put the spotlight right on you like that. So let's start off with... And I'm going to ask the generic question here, but I think people want to know... myself included have you had your own ufo or paranormal experience that maybe has kind of got you started in your vetted podcast I've never had like a personal ufo or what I would deem like et experience but as far as like I don't know if I would call it paranormal but I've definitely had some experiences that I couldn't explain, (51:49) but they had nothing to do with like lights in the sky or anything like that, but definitely just some, you know, weird sounds and different things that, you know, maybe a whisper or something, um, Just something off. I remember going to when I lived in Pennsylvania, in Lancaster, just outside Philadelphia, we used to go to the pen. (52:13) It was a penitentiary that wasn't in running anymore. It's in downtown Philadelphia. You can still go to it and visit it. It's been used in many movies like 12 Monkeys. and um it was the first penitentiary in the united states so it's old it's got history right and there was all these stories about it so we would go and like take a camera and like we want to capture a ghost you know this is in my early 20s and um we you know there were some weird things we saw I'm not gonna lie there's definitely some (52:43) weird things and weird sounds and You just never knew where it was coming from or what it was, you know. So I don't know. That's as far as it goes for me, though. But I'm open. I want to. I really want to see a UFO, if I'm being honest. I really want to have that experience. And I've been in a lot of places that I could have. (53:05) I just haven't. I don't know. Just it just hasn't happened, you know, and I'm waiting for that day. Now, the some sort of E.T. close up experience I could do with that. I don't know how interested I am in that. Why not? Like, is it kind of because you're maybe scared of strangers or just because you don't know what their intentions are? Yeah, I am. (53:29) I mean, on another note, I am scared of strangers. No, I'm kidding. It happens. It happens. No, I'm not scared of strangers. I mean, I live in Texas. We say hi to everybody. But don't take candy from strangers. Definitely not. Definitely not. Unless it's Reese's. I'm kidding. Do not do that. (53:49) That is a joke. Yeah, no, I'm not scared of strangers, but I am scared of the unknown in that sense. Like we I don't really have any. you know, reference of being like, oh, this is what that experience will be like. So I'm going to do it. I don't know what's going to happen to me. Now, if it just happens, I'm going to deal with the moment, right? What am I supposed to do? Let's hope it doesn't come to that because I have a feeling I'd be fighting back. (54:17) I'd go all Travis Walton. You know, I would be grabbing something, swinging, literally. That's why his story fascinates me. the fire in the sky, Travis Walton, that store and hearing him tell it is, um, you know, I'm like, yep, that's, that's what I would be doing. I'd be grabbing something, whatever it is. (54:40) I care what this thing is. I'm grabbing it. I'm swinging at it and whatever. I don't know. You are, would you, would you just go for it? Well, you, you got to hit first and ask questions later. I think in, in, in, in, in Texas blood, you know, maybe, but, Oh, man. Come and take it. Come and take it. That's right. (55:03) The Alamo, right? Yes and no. I don't think we said that at the Alamo. We said, remember the Alamo. Come and take it. I'm not, you know what? I'm going to be honest. I don't know where that saying comes from. I know it's a Texas saying, but I don't know the origin. It's on the flag with the snake. (55:19) But I don't know if... you know what? They could have said it at the Alamo. Let's be real. Someone at the Alamo said it. We don't know if they got it on, on, you know, someone overheard it, but someone definitely said, go and take it somewhere along the line that happened in that battle for sure. Probably. (55:39) And Mark, thank you so much for that. So to answer your question, I think, you know, it's very different to say something and then do something. You don't know how you're going to react until it happens. It's just human nature. And so, For myself, I like to think that I'm a passive, decent person, and maybe I won't punch them in the face before I try to talk to them, unless they look like a ginormous cockroach or maybe a praying mantis, then maybe I might freak out significantly. (56:09) But if they have, and this is going to sound terrible, but this is what I think a lot of people can probably understand. If they have a more humanoid-looking face, physique, facial structures, it's going to be easier to communicate with them and feel this connection versus seeing a ginormous praying mantis with fingers. (56:29) Who wouldn't panic? Serious. Valid question. And this brings in a phenomenon with UFOs and extraterrestrial encounters is that sometimes people have mentioned that they are using some kind of cloaking device to make them look more humanoid for there to be a more... civil interaction versus maybe showing their true form who knows what they look like and this is something that I think is a valid explanation and another good example of this is with whitley streber where he's had a handful of his own encounters but he's (57:10) mentioned that there's a connection between the ufo and fun on on and the paranormal where either before or after having a UFO experience, he would encounter a paranormal one with a loved one, with someone that he knew. And could that be or could those types of paranormal entities be generated by these UFOs in order to create that more, again, civil interaction to communicate with something that you're more comfortable with than with others? a stranger. (57:39) You're not going to have a deep conversation usually with someone that you just met or that you're seeing walking down the street and you're like, hey, let me tell you my whole life story and how I got this scar. You're not going to do that. You will do that with your friends, those that you trust. (57:55) This could be the same mentality with these kinds of entities. But in your opinion, how would you rationalize that? Oh, those are great points. Yeah, they could be taking a memory and building a program, if you will, off of it to then show you. It could really be your loved one, and you do become this entity after you pass. (58:22) I mean, right? Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. And to make a connection that's less threatening, right. Or non-threatening right to, to us. I mean, absolutely. No, those are great points. I agree. I don't know what I would add. I, I, I totally agree. It's totally possible and still scary though. I'm being honest. (58:45) I don't know if it ever stops being scary. Well, just because again, no matter what we're told or even what we see, till some time passes and there's a reference it's hard to trust it all the way so whatever this phenomenon is unknown is that what you're getting at 100 and we don't know what if it's one entity multiple what their intentions are what their morals are if they even have something like that everything right go down the list um squash us like a bug if we're not working out or move on from us. (59:22) Or maybe they protect us at all costs because we're somehow important in some way. There's also that side of it. It's just the unknown. We don't know. And again, even if they told us something, how can we trust what they're saying to us all the way without knowing? What reference do we have? Oh, yeah, they don't lie to us. (59:46) They tell us the truth about where they're from and what their intentions are. I just don't even know why they would worry about scaring us. But maybe they would. Right. It's it's I don't know. It's just all frightening to me either way. And I don't know if even manipulating our loved ones or if that's even what they're doing are the loved ones there on their own consent. (1:00:06) Right. To talk to you. So I don't know. Just interesting. I think you bring up some points that need to be addressed. And I messed up on the screens and I'm sorry about that. It looked really weird. I wanted to do this. There we go. That's what I wanted to do. And it didn't turn out great. Thank you. (1:00:25) I didn't miss a beat. Did you see that? I just kept going. I know what's up. You were at it. You know what? Respect. That's a professional right there. Yeah, absolutely. I knew you'd figure it out. I knew you'd figure it out. It's the faith. That's what I need. But when it comes to the unknown and fearing these entities, I think it seems as if people are scared of them because they only have the human mentality of how would a human react and act towards another human. (1:00:52) There is that level of fear. We don't know. what's going on in these entities' minds, how they're being extraterrestrial, interdimensional. If they're military from planet Earth, we can have an idea that they're not going to be the nicest just because we deal with humans every single day. (1:01:10) At least I think so for the majority of us, right? Right. And so we understand their basic mentalities. We understand that everyone has their own agenda and we'll do what it takes to give them the comforts, but to take them away from you. But if we're dealing with certain entities that maybe don't have that same kind of rationale, We wouldn't know until we get in that situation. (1:01:32) And even then, we would be very skeptical of, are they lying to us? But it would be awesome if we dealt with people or entities like the Vulcans, where they don't lie, they're very straightforward, no emotions, and that's what it is. They serve it to you on a silver plate without hesitation. I mean, I'll make this really short. (1:01:51) I had a professor and he was teaching communication and he had mentioned that his hero of all time as a child was Spock because he had no emotions. you know what I felt that I felt that I was like yeah that's really good get rid of emotions we'll be much better off um I don't know right um yeah that's interesting that is funny um yeah I i think a sea of people you know like all the all the different species all the different types it would just be knowing that that's what it is right like we know so (1:02:27) then we could prepare right it's like um taking me for a walk and not telling me it's going to rain. And, and I didn't bring an umbrella. Like I just, I don't know. That's a bad, horrible analogy. I can't have spitball in here, but my point is just that, you know, that unknown factor. (1:02:45) But once we're past that point, right I mean um yeah I think that's going to be exciting to meld with other species and what we can learn right that's what I would be most excited about what we can learn more than anything me personally I'm ready for Star Trek to become a reality. That kind of society, that kind of travel. (1:03:11) I want to live to see that day because I think it'll really open our eyes and help us be more open-minded to just not only having these conversations, but also dealing with species that we don't know anything about and showing that level of respect. Actually, I'm just going to leave that right there. (1:03:30) I'm just going to leave that there. Mic drop. yes mine's on a it's stuck on here I would drop it for you I know I know same same it's it's there's nothing I could do here um I just tap it that's what I do on my show I just tap no I'm just kidding I don't I just made that up I don't do that but you could that's to do mic drop when you can't actually drop it uh yeah that's a that's a valid idea bring it star trek world Patrick, I really appreciate you being on (1:04:01) the show today. Where can people find you online to stay up to date with all of your shows and your latest news? Yes. Thank you for having me. This was awesome, Christina. People can check me out. You can go to, S-H-O-W. That will basically take you everywhere. Our Patreon's there, merch, the YouTube. (1:04:22) We're on Twitter, the YouTube. Did I just call it that? Oh, my God. Um, we're on the YouTube folks on the old intranet. Um, and if you just go to YouTube and search, search vetted, we come up right away. I think everywhere you go and search vetted, but, um, yeah, again, every day, 12 PM central standard time. (1:04:42) I did not miss a day. Rock on. And those links will be in the description box below. Patrick, I'll put you backstage. Okay. Awesome. Thank you, Christina. Thank you. Thank you. Everyone watching. Thank you. It was such a blast to be able to speak with Patrick, have him on the show, talk about strange news, and to hear his points and ideas on the topics that we covered. (1:05:04) You know what? Sometimes it's so awesome to have someone on and to just talk about these things like we're talking over a cup of coffee or something. If you enjoyed the show, hit that like button right down below. Subscribe to the Vetted Podcast. And if you like fun facts, like the thousands of teeth that penguins have, check out my other channel called Fact Sophical. (1:05:26) That link is right down below where I share strange facts, and maybe some that could save your life. If you need help falling asleep, relaxing, or using your imagination to wander the universe, take a look at my Cosmic Portals music channel where I make space ambient music. I made it for me originally because I have insomnia and it helps. (1:05:46) Hopefully, it helps you as well. I want to say thank you to everyone catching this live, all the Super Chat, Super Stickers, YouTube members, Patreon supporters, and of course, all of my amazing moderators and Vito. You're awesome. Thank you so much for that. That is it for today. I will see you next time. (1:06:03) Be safe and remember, keep your eyes on the skies.

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