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Hello and welcome to this episode of UFO updates we got some pretty cool stuff this week and one of the most maybe one of the most Monumental ones the recent press secretary talking about the Drone incursions along with UFOs that are being seen across the world if you enjoy UFO news updates interviews case studies and more this is the channel for you so make sure to subscribe if you haven't already and if you want to stay up to dat to International UFO news take a look at my website ufon news. (00:51) co that link is in the description box below let's get straight into it on Tuesday January 28th the press secretary Caroline Lev mentioned to to the world really stating quote after research and study the drones that were flying over New Jersey in large numbers were authorized to be flown by the FAA for research and various other reasons many of these drones were also hobbyist recreational and private individuals that enjoy flying drones and in time it got worse due to curiosity this was not the enemy wow bomb shells everywhere and of course (01:34) A lot of people are grabbing on to just a phrase that she mentioned in those 30 seconds being and various other reasons okay well what are those reasons don't be leaving us hanging Caroline tell us what is going on but with all of this it's an absolute Catch 22 and here's why we've been hearing about these drone incursions since Thanksgiving weekend people have been seeing them not only in New Jersey but across the entire East Coast one of them being in the Hudson Valley in New York which is a very (02:11) notorious place for UFO sightings but they're also being seen internationally so that's just already like one nail in the coffin and we're putting a lot of nails into this but something that is rather odd here is that people they think they know what's going on they're like oh my gosh it's definitely military or it's definitely extraterrestrial maybe a mix of both this other half that it's like I need disclosure from the Pentagon from Congress so they get this explanation and I feel like nine out of (02:42) 10 people are rolling their eyes saying that's not true why are they telling us this why are they treating us like children and this story has only been unraveling more and more in all types of directions and I've said this so many times but I cannot end emphasize it enough especially if you're new hearing this for the first time and that is we're getting another Roswell like they are following the Roswell blueprint of oh my gosh it's saucers to wait no it's a weather balloon to wait actually it's (03:14) project Mogul which one is it and all those conclusions some quotation marks are allowing people to get confused and disenfranchised with it with this incursion a lot of things happened one we had the previous administration the Biden Administration the Pentagon spokesman said it's not ours it's not for an adversary and there's that we don't know what it is then it just began to unravel more where they sat on that for weeks weeks until December 17th where the FAA the FBI and a few other organizations were like actually it is (03:55) ours actually they are hobbyist drones out of the several thousand reports that we received but even then it was odd because right when these drones were being seen drones the FBI immediately got involved doing an investigation if it was the FAA this whole time what would be the purpose of the FBI getting involved and doing an investigation right if it was the FAA why did we have a drone hearing December 10th with several very high ranking people one of them being Robert wheeler who is the associate director of (04:33) the critical incident Response Group part of the FBI then you have Brad wigman who was the deputy Assistant Attorney General for National Security part of the Department of Justice and then Keith Jones which is Deputy executive assistant of the air and Marine operations for the US Customs and Border Protection all of them said I don't know what's going on I don't I really have no idea now where they lying that's up for you to decide but it was a ginormous nothing Burger of like I don't know what's going on it's so weird it (05:08) was exactly like that and it was frustrating not only for the congressman asking questions but also everyone watching and listening they're like obviously you guys know more you just can't tell us so that's just another nail in that coffin but then it doesn't answer the sightings being seen internationally now if we look at the sightings in England that took place in really in the end of November and December those were over joint us English bases okay so if the FAA was doing testing I can get it it it was on (05:41) these joint bases sure what about the German bases what about what about the sightings in Denmark H that that was a little weird and consistently we're being told the narrative is that these are just mysterious drones and it seems like that is a form of conditioning it is the new Swamp gas it is the new Venus where people want to control the narrative to not have this conversation spoken about that's why they were saying what you saw was drones that's it nothing else don't ask any more questions but of course this area we're (06:18) looking at New Jersey specifically it is a little fishy because when we look at that State in particular it is public knowledge that locking mark there are several departments that focus on drone equipment one of those departments is in New Jersey another one is in Colorado and by the way in December of 2019 in January of 2020 but there was a mysterious drone incursion over Colorado as well for several days leaning up into a few weeks another one is in California when we look at the paper trail in particular Colorado and New Jersey there (06:57) have been The Narrative of drones being seen in that area and funny enough there are locki departments that specialize in drone equipment so that's just something to add to this entire thing but when we look at how Congressmen have been looking at this over months now when this first happened you had mayors of New Jersey you had Congressman of New Jersey saying there really is something strange going on here and we are not getting the answer that we deserve on top of that there have been reports that there were helicopters that couldn't (07:36) land in the designated area because of these mysterious drones also none of these almost none of these drones have been taged we don't know who are flying them and the ones that we do there was one in particular of a Chinese National nationalist flying drones over Navy vessels he was quickly determined who he was and there were consequences that followed up to his decisions to his actions right now out of these several thousand reports that the FBI and the FAA collected only one two people tops were collected by the law really where (08:20) consequences were put in for them out of the other several thousand we don't know what's going on now the FAA says H they were ours we were running testing then why did Congressman say it's mother ships from Iran that's a pretty wacky statement to say the least also you have the New Jersey Sheriff who said which he mentioned to news Nation my men saw these objects come out of the water in dozens now can our equipment today in 2025 do that I kind of hope so we're pretty behind in our technology (08:56) publicly right so if it was the FAA sure I'm going find fine whatever running testing but the people the the the sheriffs in New Jersey the policemen in New Jersey specifically are stating these objects are a threat this is not a funny issue and the Pentagon for weeks said they're not a threat they're not the enemy and we're hearing that same narrative today with the new Administration it's frustrating and people aren't buying it not even the newly public UFO whistleblower Jake Barber he says quote the activity there (09:32) was not FAA approved I know firsthand I was assigned there specifically to look at the debacle from an FAA violation standpoint in order to give a basis to the FBI someone is not presenting the whole story to our new president now you can take it or leave it if you believe him or not I'm not going to tell you one way or the other but I just find it very strange that that he even spoke about this even addressed this public after coming out to news Nation not too long ago talking about an egg shaped object (10:05) being retrieved part of the UFO retrieval program that he was once a part of now he's talking about this from a public standpoint it's very confusing you're like where do I look what am I looking at how do I do the research for this and if you started from the beginning as soon as this happened you're following the story it's easy to see the flaws but if you're jumping into this for the first time after the new press secretary talked about this I can definitely see how people are confused I get it it's complicated (10:40) because you're getting all these different answers none of them are adding up to one another what's the final conclusion we're probably never going to receive that answer from the government it will come from the people it might come from another Mass sighting it might even come from the science where they are collecting the data and their bias is in the storage room that would be nice right but it will not come from the government we will never receive a straight answer from them it's always (11:15) going to contradict the sightings and the evidence always and as I stated a little bit earlier they are just following Roswell blueprint from 1947 here we are in 2025 and we're getting the same HJ mix mix blah blah curry powder of confusion but something that I really enjoy talking about aside from how the US government is addressing this which is always fun it's sightings that are being seen internationally and over the last few months to be specific there have been very strange UFO sightings in and around airports istan (12:05) buul they have them they are seeing strange things in the sky right next to the airport because Pilots at the Istanbul's the Saia gcan Airport have reported mysterious unidentified flying objects on their radar over the past several days prompting extensive but rather fruitless searches across the air sea and the land multiple Pilots have received traffic collision avoidance system warnings with one reporting quote on Final Approach at 300 ft re received a traffic alert it could be a drone or an aircraft for your information we're (12:46) seeing it here doesn't matter what country you're in drones are becoming the new thing you cannot fly drones in and around airports or runways it is a hazard for Pilots is illegal and yet over the last few months I would say into the last year these reports of strange objects being seen over airports internationally they're being classified as drones breaking laws they are breaking the law they can't do that but they're doing it anyway rebellious I see the control tower acknowledged stating quote (13:29) sir we have been dealing with this for the past 2 and 1 half hours several flights before you also received this warning we have reported it to the coastal authorities we're never going to get an answer after that are we no we're not but these International reports just gives validity to the ones taking place everywhere right something isn't adding up and for the new the press secretary spokesman to say oh they're not the enemy okay then what are they now there have been ideas like let's back this up (14:06) let's say let's just say for a moment they are extraterrestrial okay let let's just go on that just just for now there have been so many conversations public testimony and narratives that they're friendly that these entities that are operating these UFOs are not a threat right they are either observing Humanity they're doing something or other but they're not harming our maybe our civilization um our natural growth right these kinds of things but there are others that are stating no the these are terrible these (14:47) are demonic type entities doing terrible things to humanity such as alien abductions n out of 10 you're not going to hear a positive experience erience overall there yes there are a few who like it was actually great and they healed me awesome overall they're very scary they feel threatened and not the best things happen to them right now it just depends on whatever boat you're on do you see them as malevolent or bevol maybe we're dealing with the mixture of things but for the ending of that speech given by the Press (15:31) Secretary of they are not the enemy that's interesting because from a from a human mentality anything that we do not understand they are the enemy and people are going to say Christina that's not true it is everything that we do not understand is a threat it creates fear within us that's the same way that when children are in their bedroom it's dark at night and they see a corner they just can't really see where the one wall meets the other fear is placed within them they are scared because they cannot see CU (16:10) they do not know what is going on the unknown scares others and when it comes to UFOs extraterrestrials because they are not understood they're scary now for her to say they're not the enemy s is a little reassuring I'm like okay let's go invite them for tea or something right have a little bit of a chat that'd be nice simultanously it could be a little scary of like what's their motive what are they doing here what's going on why are they flying these objects across the world for centuries that's been reported (16:50) UFOs have been seen for centuries before the creations of satellites and drones and things like this also looking at Istanbul which I found very interesting here's a little fun fact for the day is that Istanbul did have a UFO Museum it was only one of the four International UFO museums and the only one in the Middle East and in Europe it was created in 2001 but it shut down in 2011 right after that they wanted to be a mobile Museum where they put all their stuff in a truck and they stop in different parts of Istanbul but that (17:31) didn't last long either now this Museum before it closed down it was aimed to educate visitors on the UFO phenomena obviously with exhibits covering Global UFO Chronicles citing Maps archaeological evidence related to extraterrestrial connections and famous incidents like Roswell and Area 51 if I knew I would have gone that would have been so fun it would have been so cool and it's crazy that there are only several in the world UFO museums why are we gonna make one it' be so awesome wouldn't it and that's my little fun (18:10) fact to end Today's show if you enjoyed it hit that like button right down below and subscribe if you haven't already and if you know others that are interested in UFO news or you want to keep them up toate share this video and ufon that website link is in the description box below that is it for today I will see you next time be safe and remember keep your eyes on the SKU if you enjoy the strange and the Mysterious UFOs the Paranormal en Cryptids this channel is for you so make sure to subscribe as I do three videos (19:03) right here every single week and hit that notification Bell so you do not miss any of the bonus content I post right here"
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