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Michelle Hamilton obtained her Masters Degree in History from San Diego State University, and is the Author of many books dealing with the Paranormal. In this Episode of Shifting the Paradigm, Cristina Gomez talks with Michelle about paranormal activity, ghosts, and unusual hauntings at The White House, Civil War ghosts, and some Presidents who had a hands-on interest in the paranormal.

Michelle has written, and edited several books including “I Would Still Be Drowned in Tears”: Spiritualism in Abraham Lincoln’s White House and Mary Ball Washington: The Mother of George Washington, and Virginia’s Ghosts and Legends: Vol. 1.

She has published articles in The Morbid Curious and The Feminine Macabre. Her latest books Civil War Ghosts, Haunted Land, and Virginia’s Haunted History are published by Haunted Road Media. A lifelong student of history, Hamilton has worked as a docent at several museums across the county. She is currently the manager of the Mary Washington House in Fredericksburg, VA.

Shifting the Paradigm is a weekly show with a format that is centered around streaming on KUNX Talk Radio, TalkstreamLive, and Paranormal Radio. In each episode, Cristina Gomez interviews specialists in their fields, be it authors, field investigators, researchers, or pioneers in the topics of unusual mysteries, strange places, mysterious events, and the big questions that challenge our understanding, and paradigm.

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