( To see the video of this show, click here: https://youtu.be/FeSe84eZOKU )
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In this livestream episode of Mysteries with a History, Cristina Gomez and Jimmy Church look into accounts, reports, and stories regarding sightings and encounters with huge unidentified objects, UFOs of enormous size, and what some term as alien motherships.

Seen sometimes from the ground, and other times by pilots in the air, over the decades, incredible unidentified craft have been witnessed that defy logic, massive UAP / UFOs that sometimes move silently in the night, or dominate the sky by day. Sightings by credible sources such as pilots and police, as well as mass sightings, we will attempt to cover them in this episode.

More and more with recent mainstream news coverage, and Political intrigue, citizens are waking up to the reality of the bizarre, and unusual topic of unidentified flying objects, now also termed unidentified aerial phenomena and in an effort to make sense of the vast trove of stories, legends, lore, reports, accounts, and narratives regarding UFOs as well as the Paranormal and Supernatural this show is here for those new to these topics seeking to make sense of it all.

It is in Mysteries with a History where we will be covering a wide variety of topics, from unexplained disappearances to UAP / UFO sightings, to encounters with bizarre creatures, aliens and so much more that can come under the umbrella of the extraordinary, the strange, the paranormal, the unidentified and the supernatural.

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