In this video episode of Mysteries with a History we look into incredible UFO sightings from the Nordic Regions and UAP UFO encounters occurring across Scandinavia's pristine skies, accounts from Nordic pilots, military personnel, and civilian witnesses who encountered bizarre craft displaying impossible maneuvers. From ancient Viking texts to modern day sightings, we examine the UFO phenomenon in countries which very rarely make the mainstream news.

Subjects covered in the episode include: 
Denmark UFO archive 2009
Vallentuna, Sweden 1974
The seven balloons of Pori, Finland 1969
UFOs in Soesterberg, Netherlands 1979 
 Hessdalen Lights, Norway
Ghost Rockets 

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Show Transcript

Today, we're covering UFO cases in several Nordic countries and then some because there have been a flurry of sightings in particular and particularly in Denmark, which I reported in yesterday's episode. That link will be in the description box below. And I thought, let's take this a step further and look at the surrounding countries as to what is going on. (00:35) Hello and welcome to this episode of Mysteries with a History, where you'll be taken on a wild ride into the unknown, the st range, and the mysterious. Like you, I have questions, and like you, I want answers. And with each episode together, we will peel away the layers to look for the truth. This is going to be a very heavy, content-rich episode. (00:55) So let me bring in my co-host, Jimmy Church of Fate of Black Radio. Help me get my mind off things for the next hour. Can we do that? Well, this is the show to do that, to get your mind off of things. And some of the cases that we're going to be covering definitely took me aback. I'm like, oh my gosh, these stories are crazy. How come I've never heard of some of these? Now, first... (04:03) You've got to give a little bit of background. First of all, here is a map, and all the countries that are colored are the ones that w e would like to cover today. So we've got Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands, and Finland. That's where those countries are. Wait, wait, wait. That's where those countries are? Who knew? Yeah, yeah. (04:26) Who knew? Who knew? Who knew? Okay, so we can start there. There's the Netherlands. Didn't know that. That's where Denmark is. Okay. Stop. You know this. There's Finland right next to Russia. Wow. Crazy stuff. Wow, Norway and Sweden. Okay, all right. No wonder all that good death metal musi c comes out of those countries. (04:49) Look how far north they are. Okay, all right. So that's what we're dealing with. Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland. Lots of crazy stuff that we're going to be talking about today. And also, I've got some other stuff to talk about, which are the Ghost Rockets. Which was a crazy part of history. (05:13) Okay, where are we starting today? Actually, I would like to start off with just quickly touching on ancient times. So in these Nordic countr ies, and the Netherlands, just add that in there, they've had some pretty strange sightings. So in the there were descriptions of flying dragons or flying lights over Norwegian fjords. (05:38) And while these could be interpreted as like natural phenomenon, like the Aurora Borealis, some descriptions mentioned metallic gleaming objects during the thirteenth century. And then in several sagas, there were references to skyships or sky boats that were said to appear in the air or, and then Also som etimes over water as well, which I could be kind of defined as parallax maybe. (06:07) But this is during the time where a lot of Vikings were traveling, conquering. And I just want to mention that this like UFOs and UFO sightings are rich in these Nordic folklore stories. and legends. But if we bring this on over to more modern times, let's touch on Denmark. Again, yesterday I covered the most recent UFO sightings being seen in Denmark. (06:36) But did you know, Jimmy, Here's my fun fact. That the Danish Air Force released three hundred and twenty nine pages of previously classified archives of UFO sightings, two hundred of which were unsolved cases back in the year two thousand and nine. They were ahead of the times. The Danish. Yeah. Well, okay, so let's talk about that for a second. (07:11) The headline from United Press International said, Denmark UFO archive released in two thousand nine Copenhagen, Denmark, January thirtieth, two thousand nine UPI. This is a major news release t hat went out on the wire. Now, I'm going to read you a quote from It's brief. A quote from this news release. (07:39) Quote. The Danish Air Force has released three hundred twenty nine pages of previously classified archives on UFO sightings, including details on more than two hundred unsolved cases. The Air Force said the archives contain details of unexplained events occurring between nineteen seventy eight and two thousand and two. (08:01) Before the job of chronicling UFO sightings went to a group called Are You Ready? the scandinavian ufo information end quote now isn't that interesting yes it is it definitely is and I actually have a screenshot of one of the pages that was released it's in danish so I I don't know but we live in a beautiful time where AI and Google Images can now translate this stuff for you. (08:35) So I will place the link in the description box below of the Danish UFO archives for people to look at on their own time. Again, there are three hundred and twenty n says our job is to maintain national security, not investigate UFOs. (09:23) So we decided to publish the archives because, frankly, there's nothing really secret in them. And you know what? I kind of like the path that they're taking versus the U.S. They're like, everything is mine and I'm greedy for news and information and I will share nothing with you or the public. (09:41) The Danish are like, no, no, here you go. I couldn't care less. It's not really our job. The Danish, you know, the Dani amstein U.S. (11:06) Air Base, which is one of the largest United States Air Force bases in the entire world. The sightings were reported late Friday night, January third, right? Last week. You know, this is recent activity. And before we say this stuff is dying down, it is not, Christina. No, it isn't. And also, I really, I really got to preface this. (11:34) We're looking at these Nordic countries. They are, I had to Google all the ways to pronounce the names. And I bet you I'm still going to and Norway. These areas are very sparsely populated. And we look at, you know, Sweden, or you think of Finland and Denmark, it's not what you think it is. (13:11) And these areas are very, very remote. The cities are populated, but the rest of the countries, no, they are not. And if you are going to do something, whether you're a government doing something top secret, you want to test something, or if, you know, your et from another world why not hide out there it makes a lot of sense um fortuna nd, accompanied by a smaller ball of light moving in a zigzag pattern. The phenomenon continued as they drove to her brother's house where the objects followed their cars and at one point hovering just ten meters above the ground and flooding their vehicle with intense light. (15:03) But it only gets more crazy. Not only are we just hearing a story of a sighting, but there was also investigations done. And it didn't happen just once. Between March twenty third and March twenty fourth, police col least so they say. Where Commander Chief Sting Synergren. You're doing good. You're doing good. You're doing good. I'm sweating over here. You're doing good. You're doing good. (16:53) He ordered the Home Defense to monitor that area, launching Operation S. And the National Defense Research Institute investigated the site, taking samples of burned grass and soil while wearing protective clothing. Interesting. And they found three wedge... shaped marks on the ground, kind of like Roswell. No, Re rst sightings. The first sightings were officially documented a full three weeks before in an area that was about five miles away from Valentuna. (18:42) And that put another spin on this entire thing. Now, we got to remember here. The police collected. Seventy-six reports. From thirty-one witnesses in total. And this is from the entire surrounding area. Each of them describing pretty much the same thing. An oval or egg-shaped object. With three lights on it. Now you just mentioned the commander ell, I don't know why I can't zoom in. I'll just make this bigger. Ah, is it zoomed in now? Jimmy, I have it on full screen, so I can't tell. (20:48) Do you want me to read it? No, I just wanted to know that it was in full, if it was zoomed in, that's all. Leave it right there. It says flying saucers over Sweden. Eight persons saw a flying saucer. Stockholm, this is from January, January, January, January, January, January, January, January, Recently, the object approached the observer slowly fr st witness of many, over a dozen. And I want you to note in this picture what we're looking at. (22:47) You see the tree, right? There's the tree in her illustration. There's the tree in the background. There's the forest, the woods in the background. And then the object that she saw. Now, that's what she reported seeing, and she did this illustration. And then we have the Air Force personnel from the Air Force Base. (23:09) describing something else on the same night so let's continue with this ously breaking across his path. (24:39) He then encountered a humanoid figure and witnessed a large, here it is again, oval-shaped craft approximately a hundred feet across and about ten feet high walking with windows and a greenish glow. Then the craft contained what appeared to be a human-like entity, roughly five feet tall, wearing metallic overalls with a tube connected from its neck to its waistband. (25:10) And after the entity performed a countdown gesture, the craft rose into the air and he speculation about possible military testing, though the true nature of the encounter remains unexplained. (26:37) There is a documentary called UFOs of Soisterberg, and it was just released very recently, actually. Yeah, March of, uh, twenty-twenty-four. Right. incredibly recent last year and it goes into great detail on this case and this is a an image I believe was shared in the documentary but here I feel like this is the Netherlands version of Roswell. (27:08) Yeah, for sure. That's how i ht? Yes. And the United States Air Force got involved, of course. What was it that everybody saw? The Dutch government was forced to come up with an answer. They did their investigation. This was all over the news. And guess what? What? No answers. Yeah, and it completely vanished from the media. (28:51) The story just disappeared. Now, UFOs Over Soisterberg. This is the name of the documentary. It was directed by Bram Rosa. And he's a pretty smart guy. And I have looked into Bram over the last . Here is an actual image that was documented in Project Blue Book from nineteen fifty two. And it says two images, but I could only find this one. Well, it's like the same image, to be more specific. So here is that with no description, actually, when you look at the Blue Book archive. (30:45) And then there was another one in nineteen fifty four. And this one does have a description. It says two objects observed moving at incredible speed at times remaining motionless for as long as thirty sec they don't know. Okay, that's fine. But just say you don't know instead of, you know, swamp gas. you know, the planet Venus, meteors, you know, something, airplanes, birds, you know, instead of explaining things away like that, case after case, read Blue Book. (32:55) It's a pretty interesting, it's a pretty interesting time for you to spend and read this. You can hear it from you. You can hear it from myself. Go and read it. It's incredible. It's just incredible. It is. It is. And you would thi the occurrence of the incident, (34:30) which remains unexplained. So on April twelfth, nineteen sixty nine, seven yellow disc shaped or spherical objects were observed in the skies above the Pori Airport, the airport. We hear so many UFO sightings over airports and military installations. You're doing good. Yeah, keep going. You're good. We can hear you. (35:02) Do you hear the buzzing sound? No. Just me? Okay, that was just me then. So then you have Joko Kornan of the Finnish Armed Forces was hear it. Just ignore it. Okay. S (36:47) o both Kiernan and... So his private radar and ground control systems detected the objects, verifying the seven objects' presence. And then as... to keva approached he confirmed the objects were spherical or disc-like but was unable to estimate their exact distance due to the lack of reference points while in the sky and then suddenly the objects accelerated to an extraordinary speed heading northward and their movement was unaffected by the very strong h y nine, it has been the only case that the Finnish air armed forces has ever investigated. (38:50) It's pretty crazy. Yeah, it is. It is. And to really cement what we are saying here. Now, this is officially. You've got the pilot tracking this on radar. You have the ground control at PORI tracking it on radar. And at the exact moment that they are talking about this, it is then spotted on radar, one hundred and ten miles away. (39:21) from another airport and confirmed on radar instantly at the t involves all of the countries with a huge focus on Finland and Denmark. But we cannot have a show like this without talking about the Hessdalen Lights. (40:52) And you and I have done many shows about this. Now, just... Everybody can go do their own research and most are familiar with the Hessdalen lights, but they are unidentified to this day. They have been observed in a seven and a half mile stretch of the Hessdalen Valley in rural Norway since at least, Christina, the nineteen thirties. (4 me cases our cameras pointed right there and they're picking up stuff all all year long nobody knows it's fan it's fascinating That's right. There are research groups in Hessdalen that are doing rigorous investigations using the best technology that they can to get a better understanding as to what's happening with these Hessdalen lights. (43:08) I've had the pleasure to speak with that team. You can find that link right down below. I also know that Hyde's in Longgrass shared that link a little That's where it really started kicking up with the research of like, hey, there's something really going on here. Let's get serious and do some investigation. So in that year alone alone. there were fifty-three documented observations. And this place is now famously known as a UFO hotspot. And while there are these very interesting theories or hypotheses here, such as the ones that Jimmy had mentioned, or there is some ionization of the dust and air there, There are also some similar explanatio something mundane you know it would be easily explained away and it's case closed but no this has been going on now the sightings for at least a hundred years with, with no answers in sight. (46:47) So there you go. Yeah. It's pretty cool. It's one of those locations that we know that there's a high chance of seeing something. And Ms. Lawrence, thank you so much for the super stick. It's Moina. She's one of my good friends. She's amazing. Thank you so much. Moina, hanging out. Now, Moina, I'm j es and agents and everything else, everybody was a spy, right? Everybody was a spy, Casablanca. And and research and technology was taking off things like rockets and jet engines and radar. This is brand new technology. (48:56) And it was so fast. Right. People didn't understand what was going on. But to see something exceeding or going outside of even the known limits of what we had back then shouldn't have been in the skies. And this is what happened in Scandinavia, which covers that whole are hat it was the Soviets, that the Soviets took over Penemunda and they were test-launching V-II rockets. Okay? Now, on the surface, that makes a lot of sense, doesn't it? right? Rocket technology. (51:14) Yeah. Yeah. Rocket technology back then was very young. And the V two was something that scared everybody on this planet and Hitler and Von Braun and everybody that was involved with the V two rocket program. Yeah. Had their sights on outer space and the moon. You know, that's, that's what was t r really found anything. And then, and here we go, this is where we can let our imaginations run wild. Almost all of the crashes, I'm going to call them landings, occurred in water. (53:24) That's right, occurred in lakes. That's right, occurred in a sea, right? Now, when anything crashed into a lake, sometimes they were reported flying across the lake and skipping on the lake, right? And then entering the lake. The Swedish authorities and the military performed several dives in any of the lakes this is going on, these ghost rockets started flying in the sky. Some of them turning, some of them flying slow. A rocket goes up. These were flying horizontally and then landing in the water, right? The Soviets wanted to know about this too. (55:43) They did their own investigation. The United States, okay. Now, this is where the conspiracy part gets a little bit crazy for me. We all know about General Doolittle, and he was a pilot for the United States Air Force. He moves on into corporate li n't have any answers it's one of the one of the biggest mysteries of uh ufos and ufo sightings in the history of everything and again I want to reference everybody and refer them to um uh uh richard dolan's book uh ufos in the national security state volume one he covers this completely What a great way to end today's show. (58:02) Jimmy, thank you so much for doing this show with me. I really appreciate it. I think we covered a lot in a very short time. And it was actually a lot of fun. It alwa when it shows up. (59:14) Go ahead and bookmark that right now. That link,, is in the description box below. I want to say thank you to everyone watching this live, all the Super Chat, Super Stickers, YouTube members, Patreon members, and of course, all of my amazing moderators. You know I can't do this show without you. (59:31) That is it for today. I will see you next time. Be safe, and remember, keep your eyes on the skies. 

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