Cases covered:
Ciudad Real UFO Encounter in 1703
UFO Researcher Antonio Ribera
Schoolteacher Don Miguel Timermans Ceballos 1960
Talavera la Real Air Base UFO Encounter in 1976
Manises UFO Incident in 1979
and MORE
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Jimmy is out of town for this episode of mysteries with a history so today just going to be you and me Spain is not only a beautiful tourist attraction for people but also UFOs today we'll be covering several incredible UFO sightings and Encounters in the European country espia hello and welcome to this episode of mysteries with the history where you'll be taken on a wild ride into the unknown the strange and the Mysterious like you I have questions and like you I want answers and with each episode together we will peel away the (00:46) layers to look for the truth if you enjoy UFO news updates case studies and more this is the channel for you and you know what you guys are the ambassadors for UFO enthusiasts and for this channel as well so make make sure to share these videos across social media because as you can tell this channel even though we cover so much every single week it doesn't really get the same level of reach and I think it definitely should because this is the most important conversation that people are having right now talking about UFOs once we get (01:24) a better understanding of this topic at some point in time it's going to be mandatory in universi to take courses on euphology to be able to explore our space our galaxy and our universe and we got to start from the foundation up looking at the history globally when it comes to UFO news so subscribe if you haven't already and go ahead and like this video we're going to go overall in chronological order when it comes to UFO sightings in Spain starting off with some ancient times kind of stuff and I (01:56) got saving my best one for last let me just state that but in 1703 and this is already insane here's a visual aid for our case that we'll be covering but in 1703 in suad sudad excuse me a street vendor by the name of Alejandro reported witnessing a luminous sphere descending from the sky and this light this beam of light paralyzed him and then rapidly ascended did soon after now this a ccount even though it took place in the 1700s it was discovered in the town archive in the year 2000 so 25 years ago and was documented in the Holy (02:47) Inquisition interrogation records now under questioning in the year 1703 probably involving torture Alejandro recanted his story claiming that he fabricated it to please someone he's like guys no I'm just I'm just kidding I'm just joking please please stop pulling out my fingernails and my teeth I didn't actually see anything but given the er a's pretty religious climate again the year 1700 there was such accounts that risk that risk accusations of the devil worship so instead of like guys I saw an (03:28) angel it was the best experience of my life the Virgin Mary was there like it was incredible when in this case he was like there was this beam of light it was placed over me and I was paralyzed that's the demon at work oh my gosh you cannot share this and bring that Wicked witchcraft over to the smallest town in Spain keep it quiet don't be telling nobody and in that case he he recanted a story he was like I'm not I'm never going to tell this again until the town archives resurface in the year 2000 and that's how we get one of (04:07) these very first cases of a supposed UFO encounter in the year 1703 and Marty says the FAA approved drones in 1703 you know what I think they'd probably tell us that they'd be like guys guys they were approved we we let it happen but we didn't tell you for several hundred years because you k now it was a secret project I mean come on that's that's exactly what happened when we're getting into more modern times this guy right here is or was a very famous Spanish UFO researcher by the name of Antonio rera and in the year (04:50) 1930 he was 10 years old that's where he had his first UFO encounter and then from that moment on he invested his life into UFO research writing books um talking about these cases internationally setting a foundation both in the sense of like historical cases but also a research group as well in Spain he this man was Act was practically one of the pillars of UFO research in Spain so this case is pretty Monumental for him and it allowed the Spanish people during this time frame especially in the 50s 60s and 70s to (05:34) talk about this and to really have someone as an advocate now here's what I've noticed during this time frame 60s and 70s I feel like so many of these UFO researchers at that time they all look like Jay Allen heck maybe it's just me but jayen hinck was definitely an icon with with the beard and the glasses this man's following suit people are stating that the previous chief of Arrow or director of Arrow Dr Sean Kirkpatrick also looks like J Allen heck look I'm not making the rules here I'm just stating the obvious and I don't (06:14) think I'm the only one do you guys see it as well and if you're listening to this on a podcast platform that YouTube link is in the description box below um to towy thank you so much for the Su per Chat it says thank you for making time for us Ina always great to catch your live thank you thank all of you guys for being here watching this live watching the replay and getting your UFO fix and today I hope you brought your passports because we're just going to be traveling all across Spain you got good food nice (06:47) weather and just a beautiful location as well plus you get some pretty pretty insane UFO cases so in this case in the year 1930 Antonio encountered a mysterious entity in his room at his family's isolated little little like house and he witnessed a sudden green light appear followed by a well-proportioned short humanoid figure that stood motionless before him and he was initially scared he's tan he's like what are you doing in my room in the middle of the night why are you so small like what's going on here but then he (07:28) felt unusually calm mom as he observed this quote unclothed being which appeared against a black backdrop of pleasant nonblinding green l ight that filled his sleeping area of course I have some questions with this but we're not going to be expressing those verbally here now Antonio later became as I had mentioned a prominent ethologist and he during this time during this encounter when he was 10 he was awake during this whole experience though he noted gaps in his memory of the events duration was it 10 seconds was it a few (08:13) minutes was it an hour we don't have the details to that and then in the year 1966 he wrote his fir st UFO book called The Great Enigma of flying saucers covering in international cases such as ones in the United States um of course like Roswell but also because he was multilingual he spoke Spanish French I believe Italian and English as well he was able to cover these other cases in those countries and write them the majority of them in English so for people like us to understand what took place in those countries when it comes (08:56) to UFO signings and again he wrote that in his book calle d the great Enigma of flying saucers I think I have the image here it is there you go you can find that online but on top of all of this he had several interests he had several jobs but he also had a background in underwater exploration which naturally led him into the interest of Usos unidentified submerged objects now during this time frame it wasn't really spoken about yes you had ethologists but you didn't have ethologists that wasn't a thing I don't (09:38) think it's it's not it's not a ti tle yet but it should be that'd be an awesome title us solists and with his understanding of diving of underwater exploration and the stories and the cases that have been given to him over the decades from people that have seen objects come in and out of the water he thought to himself I need to explore these areas so he'd go off to the coast of Spain and attempt to investigate and do research and speak to the locals to get better understanding of what was going on in those areas and (10:15) he was one of the first to do it so this man was Monumental he he really made a difference in the research in Spain however it's unfortunate that we don't talk about him enough but we're going to start whenever comes up we're going to bring it back to this moment and say hey remember we spoke about Antonio during the Spanish UFO episode yeah watch it again to get a little bit of a preface of who this man was then the year 1960 comes around and between 1960 into the late 1970s it was a crazy time pe ) he spotted a six to 7 foot tall figure completely red in color moving swiftly like a mechanical doll about 50 ft ahead of the road and after stopping his motorcycle he thinking to himself what am I looking at it kind of looks like the Michelin Man but it can't be this thing is ginormous it's so tall and it's in the middle of the road in the middle of the day there there's no stand of him selling tires people that accidentally pop their Tire on the road they're just they're literally just stand changed his look over the decades and if we look at 1960 where this incident took place it should (13:56) have looked something like this so the entity that he saw looked similar to this hamburger car tire looking guy it the face definitely gives me McDonald's vibes from that same time frame 70s 80s kind of deal and here's the scary image of 1910 of how the Michelin Man looked in his mascot outfit saying hey guys buy some tires we're so awesome it's a little fun fact to add to that but back to 't believe this but I just hold the Michelin Man and then and then he just disappeared he was just nowhere to be seen again that's why we didn't hear about (16:04) this story until 1980 at least here in the states when it was reported on the APR bulletin but this definitely added some validity because there have been other people around the world again like France England Spain and even United States that have seen these Michelin Man type entities these like kind of Chunk funy ring things walkin he month of March March in 1974 the month of March was the most most crazy for UFO reports okay write that down remember it there'll be a trivia question at some point in your life where someone's gonna ask you be like you know what Christina (18:13) taught me this and now I'm now it's my time to shine on this trivia on this information so here you go starting off with March 20th 1974 I'm going to keep saying it every time at 11 m a pocketbook salesman by the name of Adrien Sanchez witnessed a m actually buy you a drink because you're so crazy but then on this same evening March 20th 1974 Antonio Diaz Romas observed an egg shaped craft egg shaped has been pretty prominent not only here on the channel but also in the mainstream news and this egg-shaped craft landed approximately 12 feet from their home and the object emitted this (20:26) intense light and even a high pitched squeaking sound with two black entities visible inside and the incident occurred while she was just casually clea oval in this case the way that it was described hovered 25 ft above the ground for about 10 minutes and the object featured windows with rotating red lights that's going to be a consistent theme here today and blinking green and Amber lights on top approximately 60 feet in diameter now this got me thinking I thought of a police car of course the colors are totally different but could you imagine (22:36) where you have extraterrestrial policemen and they're in their own craft and they have all th it of both here but the pp portal police I bet you that one has to be a thing and if it is are they hiring that'd be a fun job now in late March of 1974 because we're still not done with the year 1974 a truck driver by the name of maximilo encountered two saucer shaped objects One landed on the road while the other hovered overhead with humanoid figures emerging from the grounded craft and then later that day he encountered (24:33) three similar objects blocking the road and took cover in a road efinitely see the frustration that in 2025 we still get BL Bobs of photos if we're even lucky to get a picture it's always just testimony now there are a handful of different reasons as to why that is starting off with a lot of people that have had a UFO sighting are just in awe they're in shock and the last thing that comes to mind is to pull out their phone to take a picture because they're so in the moment okay that that's one of them and that's completely valid been there done that but then t going to find one so I always say just just keep a crappy camera in your pocket (27:41) one of those disposable ones cuz maybe just maybe you might be at the right place at the right time and you might get that picture that million dollar shot ooh people would be jealous so for 2025 your New Year's resolution is to keep a disposable camera in your purse in your back pocket in your Satchel cuz you never know when you might need it back to this one so in June of 1974 we're still in that year a p t hear a lot of those kinds of cases where these UFOs have a transparent section yes there are a good amount but it's not a constant here for (29:57) these Spaniard n s they got the little the little fairy dust the the little lucky charm with them and they're seeing beings in craft that are flying in the sky or landing on the ground or even being chased by them if you were in their shoes 1974 go back to that time what would you do what would you do if you were being chased by a UFO 1974 the ment still can't replicate them if you're enjoying the show hit that like button right down below and subscribe if you haven't already if you enjoy UFO news updates case studies interviews and more and please share (31:56) these episodes on your plot forms of choice because you are the ambassadors for this channel I got some many more cases for you cuz Spain is crazy a lot happens in Spain with UFO sightings and some of these I'm learning them with you for the first time I'm like hold up how come I d aying it on the line what they do their first and last name and where many of these cases took place just little bit of an Applause okay that (33:54) deserves some real respect even these military officials pilus which we'll get to in just a moment they're telling you how it is telling us who they are so these two guys were just doing their surveillance near the basis Fuel stock Zone and their first indication that something was kind of strange came in the form of a very unusual sound initially pture their eardrums it was that that bad for these guys and then after another five minutes the sound just stopped only to be immediately replaced by a brilliant light Illuminating a large portion of the ground and this aerial phenomenon (36:16) lasted approximately 20 seconds before Vanishing what is going on here you have these loud noises you see this strange light in the sky but it only gets more intense CU remember this took place on a military installation now what is the first thing sold side and they say what is going on over there but when they released the guard dog to investigate first the poor thing the poor little puppy returned frightened and disoriented exhibiting unusual behavior that suggested imminent danger so these animals and we know this but I'll repeat it anyway animals are used because they (38:35) have this sense this like six sense that most people don't have they're able to feel out things better than people that's why they have them and so they're like okay Trejo attempted to fire its weapon at the entity and he found himself the soldier he was paralyzed by an unexplained weakness then collapsing on the ground and his fellow soldiers opened fire they're like whoa just you just hurt one of our men we're not going to let you live so they're shooting at this thing just charging between 40 to 50 rounds of bullets but this entity just vanished it (40:44) just faded away and the way that they described it was like an image on a television screen almost ical evidence included ground Impressions and electromagnetic anomalies in the area but for Trejo in particular he did suffer Health complications in the following weeks and he had to go to the hospital multiple times it wasn't a one-day deal or right go back home he had to keep revisiting the hospital and he was treated both by the local hospital and even the Air Force Hospital in madri with extensive medical explanations revealing nothing Beyond a nervous maladjustment like that was the only ( nown as the Canary Islands UFO sighting that took place (44:41) June 22nd 1976 and this sighting was first noted on La Palma at around 927 p.m. when a bright luminous object changing colors from yellow to White was seen moving slowly across the sky this image here is the official um investigation that was done by the Spanish military during that time see June 22nd 1976 and here is we actually have an image of what people were seeing on that day but there's a lot to this particular case so bear w est and debate over what was really being seen was it a UFO or was it the military years later years later this encounter was explained (47:13) away as a two missile launches from a submarine but I have I have some questions I I really do one of them is is why tell us years later okay but on but but why do an investigation of like I don't know what's going on let's check it out let's put Manpower and taxes and all these equipment and money and do an investigation that we already know the answer d from Austria they were coming through into Spain it was a beautiful clear day they were really there was nothing going on they were in contact with air traffic control everything was okay just another day for these Pilots to to bring 115 (49:50) people from one destination to another but at approximately 1100 p.m. the flight crew noticed two unusual red lights to the left of their aircraft while cruising at an altitude of about 23,000 ft here's an artist rendition of what these Pilots were see c and David Breer has mentioned this that the object was at their C Point that's pretty remarkable that's kind of scary but this one this one stands out alone as something truly unique Captain Francisco's testimony to the ground staff following the landing was also compelling because with years of flying experience he emphasized that (52:13) this encounter was unprecedented in his career expressing gratitude for managing a safe landing but when pressed for details about the objects appearance by t just ultimately disappeared from both visual contact and even radar tracking this story is crazy truly remarkable but there's more of course there's more to this the official I love a good official explanation from the government because it's always laughable almost always practically always (54:24) laughable because the government authorities attempted to rationalize the encounter through very conventional means they didn't say it was Venus okay they didn't say that because we're in a new age und that's you're treating them like their children and these are trained professionals and then saying you know what it was interference from an American warship that's why you got that strange um recordings from Air Traffic Control and from the pilot blame the Americans how weird is that just just the whole explanation was insane but you know what I still enjoy (56:42) hearing government authorities explanations because they're always they're always outlandish you think what you said doesn't a t things and it is one of the best ways to support this channel to allow this to keep going keep growing and create more content for you that is it for today I will see you soon be safe and remember keep your eyes on the skies if you enjoy the strange and the Mysterious UFOs the Paranormal encrypted this channel is for you so make sure to subscribe as I do three videos right here every single week and hit that (58:45) notification Bell so you do not miss any of the bonus co"
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