News Covered:
Anna Paulina New Task Force on the Declassification of Federal Secrets
Recent UFO Sightings in Zhangzhou, Fujian Province China
Steven Spilberg's Movie 'Disclosure'
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Hello and welcome to this episode of UFO news update. Today we'll be covering UFO sightings in China, Luna's new task force and talking about endorsing disclosure if you enjoy UFO news updates case studies interviews and more this is the channel for you so make sure to subscribe if you haven't already this week I have been a little bit snowed under but starting next week content will pick up yet again today was supposed to be Mysteries with a history but Jimmy is under the weathe r so he's (00:49) not able to make it therefore we are doing UFO news update a little bit early this week let's get straight into it first starting off with the UFO sighting in China there was a series of very unusual things being seen in the Jong jaao fuen province which has sparked public discussion following multiple sightings on the evening of February 10th now among these eyewitness accounts the event began when the appearance of luminous objects that arranged themselves in a linear formati on and the formation then underwent a dramatic (01:28) transformation when witnesses to described how the lights split into more than a dozen separate lights before reconfiguring into a circular pattern with the entire display lasting only a few seconds before disappearing immediately when I read this case for the first time I quickly thought of the Aguadilla incident where this craft about the size of a truck splits into two objects in this case what the Witnesses were seeing were several objec ts or lights that created a a line formation and then it turned into dozens (02:09) of objects as if these objects split this is a common occurrence with a lot of I wouldn't say a lot but a good amount of UFO sightings where craft shape shift the colors change and they split there are some ideas behind that but I think one that we can kind of maybe even address to this one is when Avy lobe and Dr Shan Kirkpatrick wrote a paper about how motherships might be able to drop probes or in this case da ndelion seeds as they had written it in their paper back in 20123 and if we were to see this from (02:49) the ground looking up into the sky maybe it's these objects splitting or it's a large craft dropping dandelion seeds or probe or their versions of drones could that have happened in China on February 10th China's had a lot of UFO sightings and if you want to watch the mysteries of China documenting a bunch of different cases over the centuries I will place that link in the description box be low for you as I have covered that in detail what many people really enjoy myself included is when there is a (03:26) reported UFO sighting and then the citizens receive an official response by usually the country's government how are they going to explain this one away in this case the official response really drew a lot of criticism from citizens that were really seeking answers including one notable comment on social media on weeo which is a Chinese app or um website that says whether unident ified flying objects appear in China authorities either claim ignorance or say an investigation is underway only for the matter to be quietly dropped and (04:08) the sentiment reflects this growing public frustration over the handling of such incidents because the people's Liberation Army had made a statement that they got no information like they have no idea what's going on and they didn't really provide an explanation either which is not surprising but of course it's a little bit disappointin g you're like okay give us an answer but then it's a double edge sword here where you get an answer but do you believe that so it's like you want one but you (04:42) don't trust their answer it's it's like we're juggling here I I I don't really know what to say about that but it is always enjoyable to see how government officials address these UFO sightings and in this case they said I they they pulled the ignorance card I don't know what going on you tell me figure it out on your own kind of de al when we bring that same mentality to the United States people are so frustrated and that's really across the world but one person that's really addressing this is (05:20) representative Anna Palina Luna who is now the new face of her new task force which is the task force of the declassification of federal Secrets which is already like a really interesting name over the week she had been posting a lot on X stating you really want to tune in for Tuesday at 300 p.m. (05:45) EST cuz I'm going to be dropping some crazy stuff this is going to be groundbreaking world changing world in the sense of the US right and I don't think she was entirely wrong first of all just mentioning that she wants to release Federal Secrets is enough to get anyone interested and excited but with her new task force she wants to not just solely rely on witness testimony but to get concrete evidence of UFOs of Usos of the Martin Luther King Jr assassination and the JFK assassination as well but here right now yo u and I are focusing on UFOs and Usos (06:33) cuz that's what we always talk about here we have seen a handful now of UFO Congressional hearings she was present at two out of three of them one of them was the aoi MSG and then we had 2023 with David grush and then the latest one with alzando galet um shellenberger and gold right she was Pres an out of the two latest ones and in this press conference that she gave she was like I don't want more Congressional hearings yes they're great yes they're a step forward but I want the concrete evidence (07:13) I want the data I want the paperwork in my hand this woman was speaking my language I'm like you go you're in the position of power to request these kinds of things I have respect in this case she also focused on David grush who was and is a UFO whistleblower he came out to news nation in June of 2023 and then he was a part of the Congressional hearing where he sensationalized the word nonhuman biologics that was really because of him and y et he's coming out with this information he's willing to share (07:56) information dates names and companies and corporations no one allowed him to have a skiff with Tim Brett and a Palina Luna and the UAP caucus and actually just just all of Congress he was unable to be a part in a in a skiff and so Anna Paulina Luna looked at this and she's like he's willing to tell us but he's not able to otherwise it would Place him in prison if he infringes any ndas right in this case she says we need to we need to give him his clearances back we need to get him into a skiff as soon as possible so (08:39) we can get a better understanding of these reverse engineering programs of these crash retrieval programs of all of these UFO programs that are being funded by American tax dollars and that's the stance that Palina Luna and that Tim bad have really stood on since the beginning when showing their interest in UFOs Tim prette had mentioned it's not about Little Green Men it's about where is the mone y going and yes uh money I roll so lame that's one of the best ways to receive the answers is following that (09:15) paper trail if it's for just merely an interest of Little Green Men as Tim Brett had mentioned you're not going to get very far but if laws begin to become broken or information is n being categorized such as like funding who's involved and things like this that's when we're dealing with a definite different ball game and that's the stance that brette and Luna have been taking for these last several years it's about the money which maybe in that stance that is the only way that we will (09:52) receive the answers that we're looking for it's exciting to see that Luna is the head of this new task force she is very driven we've seen that time and time again she's really not in for the BS and and the and the Beautiful Stories and things like that she's like give me the data give me the information not just witness testimony and it shows all over her face when she gives inter views to the mainstream when she talks about these kinds of UFO topics her her eyes get half open she's like look I want the (10:33) real stuff I I don't want to be reading books or having someone tell me a story I want the good stuff and then when she's interested her eyes open up wide again and it shows her passion for this topic which is I mean it makes me so happy to see that take place publicly from a congressional standpoint something else to mention is that the new t task force is possibl y alluding to cooperating with other countries on this topic and here I'm referring to UFOs and Usos where she had mentioned that there's at least one friendly country (11:16) that has developed such a framework for disclosure programs suggesting potential collaborative efforts in the future and the Secretary of State support for these initiatives just add another layer of credibility to the task Force's Mission when we look at the history of UFOs look at Project Blue Book that was that was one of the first government projects that were doing investigations Blue Book received a handful of international cases the CIA has also placed in their archives and many of these are public of (11:54) them collecting UFO sightings in different countries France Spain just to name very few and if we look at Project Blue Book one of the countries that they collected their International reports from was from the Netherlands if we look at the AO office in their report of their volume one where they're t alking about all these different UFO projects offices and teams and paperwork in one of the first pages and I mentioned this so much but if you're new to this channel this might be new information to you in one of the first (12:34) few pages of that report they said we have spoken to other foreign UFO offices and they agree with arrow that there's nothing to see here so it's public knowledge that the United States is looking at other countries interacting with them getting UFO information from t hem and placing it in their archives there have been a lot of reports over the Decades of when a UFO sighting takes place in a different country the US is very quick to get themselves there and to start doing their own investigations so is (13:16) it is it a positive thing is it a negative thing in this case the more data you have that's great but it would be nice for it to be public and even the collaboration between countries also public that would be nice maybe anap pal Luna might be able to deliver that with any Creation with any task force there are going to be challenges and one of them lies in the pending examination of whistleblower Jake Barber's claims which Luna acknowledges that they have not been investigated yet Barber originally speaks to news Nation (14:03) he says yes there are crash retrieval programs yes I have seen an egg-shaped craft being retrieved I was a part of that team and now he's becoming more consistent with his tweets on axe talking about UFOs um especiall y when Pentagon spokesman Caroline levit had stated that they explained away the Drone incursions in New Jersey that they're just military and hobbyist and that they are not the enemy Jake Barber quickly addressed that on on X and he said I'm going to have to say otherwise they're not telling you (14:46) the truth so him coming forward putting his credentials on the line people are taking him very seriously people are taking his words as the gospel and in this case for Luna she just mentioned th at he hasn't been fully investigated there are a lot of Hoops that have to be jumped through but maybe with her new task force it might be easier to investigate and even interrogate these whistleblowers looking at Arrow they have been collecting people to conduct interviews to get an understanding of their UFO sightings and that people from (15:25) Congress have been recommending witnesses to to Arrow but if we look at Tim galette's response in the latest Congressional hearing he had stated that when he spoke to Arrow they brushed him away so quickly in the sense of what he experienced what his men experienced was something conventional and they didn't really want to listen to galet and his information they the arot team wanted him in and out as quickly as possible when Dr Shan Kirkpatrick was the chief of Arrow before he resigned December of 2023 he had stated that he (16:02) only handled a few Witnesses about a dozen or so and even David grush had made a public statement during the C ongressional Hearing in 2023 that he was never approached by Dr sha and Kirk Patrick to to conduct interviews he had reached out to him Kirk Patrick had gush's phone number and email but Kirk Patrick never approached grush to get him on record to share his information so it seems like arrow is just a Project Blue Book 2. (16:43) 0 they want just the funding but not really willing to do the work will Luna's new office her new task force fill in the gaps to where Arrow fall short something worth c onsidering and and you know what I'm optimistic and I'm also hopeful that that'll be possible last thing to mention before we get on to our next article there will be multiple attorneys working on the project with the entire oversight staff at their disposal and the task force appears well equipped to handle these different types of Investigations (17:23) looking at JFK and MLK but also UFOs and Usos here's what I want to mention she's also looking at other things as well but is there a correlat ion between all of these things it's interesting that she is covering secrets that's some quotation marks that have been classified as conspiracy theories for decades but and and and there's so many to choose from but she handpicked just a handful she hand picked just a handful she did what if there is an underlying route between all of them I don't know I'm (18:09) just thinking about this because while they are parallel investigations where she is hiring all these different people to look into this wouldn't it be just a little bit easier if they all had a similar or same Foundation right that's Food For Thought So it seems like we have UFO sightings in China and really internationally we have this new task force being run by anap Palina Luna and we're just this year 2025 has been very interesting with UFO disclosure and transparency and just it's just the Talk (18:44) of the Town really and someone that's jumping on this bandwagon in some respects or some might even say that he start ed the movement of this bandwagon as step Spielberg he had stated last year that he was making a new UFO movie it was called the dish but recently in the last week the name has changed from the dish to disclosure why is this Rabin why am I even bringing this up because it's not just a movie title name ex that that's a boring thing to bring up but if we look at Spielberg's history his track record (19:31) and what's happening today in today's world it's something worth paying attention to he made two of the most significant movies for people in the UFO world or people having an interest in UFOs being ET and Close Encounters of the Third Kind these both profoundly impacted every every thing and I'm not even joking when I state that let's first look at his movie ET this one is important because it was screened in the white house for President Ronald Reagan to watch and you're like oh cool just (20:16) entertainment that's not what I'm holding on to actually it was the statements that Rona ld Reagan made after watching the movie and according to several sources including interviews was Spielberg himself after the screening and Reagan's statement was this I wanted to thank you for bringing ET to the White House we really enjoyed your movie and there are a number of people in this room who know that everything on that screen is absolutely true what do you do with that it's it's the 1980s what do (20:53) you do with that information coming from the president Spielberg noted in interv iews one of them being Ain't It Cool News that Reagan said it without smiling and and though the room laughed cuz it it was kind of a more public statement that Reagan had made had made some think that it might have been Reagan attempting to to be humorous to to make a little joke but from what we know about Reagan and his interest in UFOs and extraterrestrials and Spielberg's movie because Close Encounters came right before the movie (21:33) ET it doesn't really sit well in the sense of it was just Reagan making a funny joke come on guys be lighthearted then if we look at Close Encounters of the Third Kind that was one that impacted every single viewer I have heard so many stories of people telling me and making public comments that it was because of that movie that they showed an interest in the topic started investigating the topic or willing to share their experience or even they had an experience and they're finally they were finally able to rationalize it (22:14) after watching t hat movie interestingly enough Spielberg consulted with scientists and experts including those from NASA and the military for authenticity and we also know know that Jay Allen heck was also assisting in the movie and he was in the movie as well there have been rumors that Spielberg gets a little whisper in his ear to add certain things into his UFO movies little nuggets of Truth is that true I don't know but the way that for instance Ronald Reagan made his statement to Spielberg that people in t his room know (22:59) that your movie is absolutely true it it definitely adds interest and maybe even a little bit of validity for his new movie that'll be coming out in the summer of 2026 now called disclosure when I was sitting on that title I thought what if I don't know I could be wrong but what if dish was just an abbreviated word for disclosure but no one got it so he's like you know what actually disclosure would be a better title people would get it it's definitely more of a stigmatized word than the dish cuz when I first thought (23:42) of dish I thought of a giant satellite uh kind of like kind of like in the movie contact um where Joanie Foster right has this ginormous it's like a satellite dish right that's what I thought of originally and I'm like oh it's going to be about satellites you know kind of boring but if dish was just the abbreviation of disclosure I'm like oh no that that actually makes a little bit of sense maybe Spielberg will address that in the years to com e but that's just something that I thought of when I was (24:18) kind of looking at it into more detail I thought could it I don't know but 2025 out of all the years so far see seems like it might be the year for disclosure and we say that every single year I know but the way that Anna Paulina Luna is addressing this with our task force looking at UFOs and Usos movies created by Spielberg more reported International UFO sightings could this be the year could this be the year of UFO disclosure wi th the way everything is panning out so far and we're so early in 2025 it seems promising as the years (25:06) progress we are getting more names we are getting more faces people involved on the outside and on the inside I'd like to see who's going to be on Anna pelina Luna's team for the task force will L alzando be involved will Christopher melon be involved will there'll be other names and faces that we know of that might be incorporated into this task force I'm optimistic I I really would li n the description box below and if you like content like this and you want to support this channel you can do so on patreon where you get access to behind the scenes pictures videos updates merch and more that link will also be in the description box below that is it for today I will see you next time be safe and remember keep your eyes on the skies
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