This episode Cristina Gomez covers all the fascinating UFO encounters from Finland, including military incidents, alien abductions, and unexplained aerial phenomena from 1900 to the 1970s. From mysterious disappearances and radiation burns to documented Air Force encounters with metallic discs, we investigate compelling cases including the famous Pori UFO incident and the Imjarvi close encounter, among others. Discover why Finland's sparsely populated wilderness has become an unexpected hotspot for extraordinary UFO activity and alien encounters, with detailed witness accounts and military documentation.

00:00 - Intro
01:38 - Captured by UFO for Weeks
13:08 - Woman Taken by UFO
19:34 - Throws Hat at UFO Craft
24:08 - Air Force Investigates ONLY UFO Case
31:08 - Don’t Shoot at the UFO
40:22 - Poisoned by UFO
01:00:06 - Outro

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Show Transcript

Out of all the countries in Europe, I had no idea that Finland would have some of the most insane UFO sightings reported. Hello and welcome to this episode of Mysteries with a History, where you'll be taken on a wild ride into the unknown, the strange, and the mysterious. Like you, I have questions, and like you, I want answers. And with each episode together, we will peel away the layers to look for the truth. Let me bring in my co-host, Jimmy Church of Fade to Black Radio. Jimmy, it is another Thursday. Happy Thursday. Happy Thursday to you, Christina. And hello, everyone. Another great show today. Before I ask the obvious, is this a carryover from last week? Like you can't get enough of Northern Europe? That's exactly what is up. When we covered the Nordic-slash-Scandinavian UFO cases, it wasn't last week, I think it was two weeks ago, I said, Finland's crazy. Finland needs its own episode. And some of the cases that we'll be covering today, I was shocked doing the research. And I was very surprised that the United States isn't the only country that shoots first and asks questions later. We're going to save that one for... little bit later in this episode it will not be our first case because I'd like to go overall in chronological order starting off with one of the first reported cases which was in the year and this one came from the book and the book is very appropriately named it's called ufos humanoids and strange phenomena of ukraine and scandinavia so I'm going to share an image here Jimmy, there is, there is such a book. There is such a book. If you look, you will find right. Here's just an image as a visual aid to get into this one. And when we go further back in time, you realize that the cases are not as in much detail until we get, I would honestly say, into the fifties and sixties. Those cases were so heavily researched, investigated. There's a lot more data than when we go further back in time. So in the year nineteen hundred, There was this really strange incident in this small region of Finland called Kumus. And we're going to bear with you today on the pronunciations. I appreciate the corrections. If you're from Finland, I get you, but bear with me. So there were these four children. two between the ages of ten and twelve years old, and then two younger ones. And they were going into this kind of swampy, wooded area to gather some cloudberries. And cloudberries, they're these fairly tart, when eaten raw, with a bit of floral sweetness. And they're kind of a cross between raspberries and then their own kind of deal. And Wes Decker, thank you so much for that. So the older children... were responsible for watching the younger ones as it is always with siblings while adult while an adult was supervising in the nearby area but this adult suddenly realized that she could no longer find any of the children they weren't collecting those cloud berries anymore So she immediately goes to the village. She's telling the elders, guys, I've lost four children. We need to go find them. We need to do a manhunt and find these kids. These kids were lost for several weeks. They were just gone. Nowhere to be seen. And these kids were very familiar with the area. But Jimmy, it only gets more crazy. Because then, and we hear this so often actually, even in modern cases... One day they were minding their own business, the search team going into the forest, and all four kids were standing right under a pine tree that this research or this search crew had looked at and investigated a thousand times. But the four kids were right there in that one tree that everyone knows in the town, right? And so the elders walk up to them and they say, right? Where have you been? You've been gone for weeks. Actually, you don't smell bad. Your clothes don't look torn. You don't look skinny after not eating for several weeks. Where have you been? The kids tell the people in the village, yeah, so really what happened was there was this craft in the field. Some humanoid thing, devil demons came out. They're like, hey, do you want to go for a ride? I got puppies. And the kids went on this craft according to their testimony. They went on this craft. They saw Earth from space. And they had the time of their lives and then came back to their home planet to their own destination. And that's the end of that story from the year nineteen hundred. But they got to take showers. Right? They were sniffed. They were sniffed. That's a good thing to do. You can deduce a lot from that, right? Very, very interesting. And here's this. And just for transparency to the audience, Christina sends me a couple of cases and says, okay, we're going to cover this. Here you go. She saves the good stuff for herself. She does real research. She does a deep dive into this, like this case. And I know what she's thinking. Jimmy has never heard of this case. I'm going to open with this case. I'm not going to give him a chance to say a thing. I just learned this is a fascinating case. Jimmy, I was not going to send you the whole book and then have you read it in an hour. There's no way. Right, right, right. There is also for everybody. I'm going to find that book, by the way. In Jacques Vallée's passage to Magonia, which is a must-have for every UFO enthusiast and researcher. It's a must-have book. He has compiled... a list of sightings all around the world. And it's dated. It is a tremendous database. And these cases that we are covering today are also in passage. And you can't, you research and research and research. It's those little nuggets that are off to the side out there when you do this stuff, where you find these very, very compelling cases like this one. but we don't have an ending to the case christina no it it was very abrupt in the book and I was surprised that even in the year nineteen hundred they were reporting on these and this is significant because during that time frame we can even go to like more modern times finland is sparsely populated and while that might be the case I'm going to get ahead of myself. There are UFO research groups in Finland. The first one created in nineteen sixty. They have been collecting since nineteen sixty onward about one hundred reports a year from people in Finland. That's a significant amount for a country with such a limited population. I'm going to mention something really quick to this point. I wouldn't, I wouldn't know. I was going to bring this up later, but when it comes to Finland and their cases and the way that they report them and the way that the researchers and, and, and, and the population, you just touched upon a very important fact, very sparsely. It's wilderness. Finland is wilderness. Okay. When you look at these cases, there's a lack of names. They will use the word witness, first witness, second witness, right? They will mention it like that. And also the locations of these towns are sometimes omitted from the research. Now, before you ask, well, Jimmy, then doesn't that make everything questionable? Sort of. The way that people live in these sparsely populated areas, they have their own belief systems. They are very familiar with their neighbors. In most cases, generationally have grown up next to each other. And they are private people. It's a private way of life that we don't necessarily relate to or understand out here in the West. And here's an example. There's a photographer. She's pretty famous. Her name is Maria Lacks. Now, Maria Lacks right now lives in Britain, but she is a mainstream photographer. She's very talented. And in the art world, she is very, very known. Okay. She published a book called Some Kind of Heavenly Fire. She published that in two thousand and twenty five years ago. He comes from a small town in northern Finland that is absolutely surrounded by vast wilderness. Obviously, animals and wildlife outnumber the people. Okay. This town that she comes from, that she writes about in this book, that is a published work of her photographs of the area, She says that the town is a hotspot for UFOs and that everyone, everyone in town has seen them since the nineteen sixties. The first known UFO sightings, modern UFO sightings in the area were made in as early as the nineteen twenties. Her grandfather, before he passed away, published a book on UFO sightings in the area. earlier in his life, and when she found the book, she had heard about these things, but she gets the book, she goes to, and he was already suffering from dementia, couldn't really understand or answer her questions, and he later died. She has the book, now she goes out, and she starts interviewing the townsfolk about their sightings. They wanted to talk about it, but they didn't want their name used and they didn't want the location of the town published. So she publishes this book, some kind of heavenly fire in and it's an extraordinary book. There's a lot of publicity and marketing behind this book. You can go and look at, uh, uh, images and read the interviews on the book. The town is not revealed. Okay. And this is Maria Lacks. And she is a known public figure with interviews with all kinds of media outlets and the photography and the book are amazing. She reveals nothing. You can't go and find this town. To build off of that, the MUFON journal, this one that was written in the year in nineteen eighty, this is one of the first times I even wrote about Finland, about Scandinavia. And you can see a screenshot from the article here called Scandinavian Workshop. And in this article, exactly. It talks about how from an American perspective, the Finnish people are very shy people. They don't really want to get the world involved in their personal dramas or UFO sightings. So just to literally build off of what you said, it's been reported on as well. And here's written evidence on that. And we'll touch on this a little bit later, but just felt very appropriate to to talk about that. I have one more ancient case for you before we get into a few other very interesting UFO sightings. But I'm going to share my screen here on this one on this newspaper clipping. I'm not even going to bother saying this name. I know some of you guys can read much better than I can. Lapsus. Lapsus. Lapsus. No, I'm talking about the not not this word, but actually it looks like, you know, when you see Latin and it like writes that page for you, it's all in Latin. Right. That's how this looks to me. But I'm talking about the newspaper name because this particular newspaper, we're going to go for it. It's good. I'm going to say it is the. No, I'm not going to do it. So in the year nineteen seventeen, this newspaper wrote a report on June nine, nineteen seventy eight. And the incident involved a woman by the name of Annie Latu, who vanished from her home for several days. And while neighbors initially assumed that she was just visiting her daughter, her explanation upon returning was way more interesting. It wasn't just, oh, I want to share you the drama of what's happening with my daughter and her love life. No, that's not what she shared with her nosy neighbors. Instead, according to Annie, a large craft. shaped like a wash bin, had landed beside her home and small beings emerged using a ladder. And although she could kind of partially understand their language, they forcibly took her aboard after she declined their initial invitation. And she described a journey that took her around the earth and even among the stars. This was later investigated. by a UFO researcher by the name of a Finnish UFO researcher by the name of Marit Hitimäki. I'm sorry. Who later interviewed one of Annie's former neighbors, who was only identified as Mrs. N.N. Because now with the background information, we know that during this time, even up until present day, the Finnish people, they're more to themselves, a bit more shy. Right. So they don't want to give out their names. So all we know about this neighbor is that she's Mrs. N.N., who was a young girl at the time of this encounter. And through this interview, this Finnish UFO investigator got more details about what happened. And Annie was born in eighteen seventy three. She passed away in nineteen thirty. Very contradictory to the original newspaper account where she wasn't actually a widow. But her husband ended up outliving Annie by eleven years, but they just probably were separated. But in this, what was what's one of the biggest takeaways is not only the sighting that Annie had and that was placed in the newspaper, but also during this time frame in the year nineteen seventeen, UFOs and aliens weren't a part of the vocabulary. So instead, Annie's experience was explained away as dealing with tiny little devils, little demons. And Annie held on to that narrative until her passing. We didn't actually get a lot of this information until this Finnish UFO researcher spoke to the neighbor of Annie to get more knowledge, more data on what happened. But the story, this case was so quickly brushed off because it was classified as a demonic encounter, more so than an alien encounter. You have to ask yourself how many times in history has this been the case? Too many times to count. Yeah, yeah. I'm being very, very, very serious about this. And you have to, how do you calm the nerves of the town? How do you calm the nerves of everyone? Well, you better put this on God or make it religious. Because if you make it anything else, Right. Disease, aliens, something that is out of their control or unexplainable. That's fear. You know, you're going to put panic into everybody. So the answer to every well, you know. It was demons. It was angels. It was God. God said. And that, oh, okay, all right. And this has been done time and time again throughout history. And it's a way of control, but also it's a rational way of thinking for so many because anything else will just make you go crazy. Right. And also, it's just maybe too much to explain as well. We definitely want to, in many cases, when we tell stories to confine it in our perspectives, in our paradigms and in our environment as well. And it can be kind of exhausting for some people to try and share an experience with someone that doesn't know anything about what happened before. to you or that you've been researching for some time. So you're going to make it as simple as possible. But also in order to control the narrative, you have to tame the narrative by giving it a label. And in this case for this one that took place in nineteen seventeen, even though it wasn't reported on until nineteen seventy eight, it was a demonic encounter when now that we have more of the details, it doesn't sound like it really was. Christina, it's such a great point. It's such a great point. How can you turn, you know, okay. So the universe and those are galaxies and there's planets and there's life out there and they have, and they're coming here from, and what, what are you talking? They don't know. It's it. That kind of science is hard for, but if you just say it's demons. Oh, oh, oh, oh. Okay. All right. You don't, do you understand what I'm saying? It's, it's a very complex issue. And the easiest road out is, To keep it under control is to go demons. Go angels. Go religion. People understand that. They do. Let's move on to our next case. This is one. This is one that I did send to Jimmy. It's the one that took place in nineteen sixty seven. I took care of the first two cases. Jimmy, walk us through this one. Farmer. R.V. June June Toonan. That was pretty good. That was pretty good. Why are we so proud when we pronounce things that we can't say? You know, it's like we want a pat on the back or an award, a gold star. Yeah, something. Give me a ribbon. Yeah, Jimmy, you got three gold stars today. He's a farmer. He heard a loud humming sound and saw a round, shiny gray object Fifty centimeters above the ground, about six meters away. And for those of us here in the United States, you know, a foot, half a foot above the ground, fifteen feet away. It had a domed top. Now, here's the thing with this case, and I'm sure you've got some images and you can pop them up at any time. He said that there was a fin on the back of it. And it measured about seventy five centimeters in diameter. Now, remember what I said earlier, everybody about witnesses and names. Now we have Arby's name. Okay, this is a translation from the original newspaper article. There's the antenna on the back, and they're calling it a rudder. This is something lost in translation. But that would be the fin. And then you see the bottom of it. And they talk about a lot of wind here. So I'm going to get to that. So after the first witness, okay, so RV's standing back. He comes up on this, but there's other people there. The first person that was there tried to get close to the object. He sensed a weak electrical shock in his body after the object started to move. and three antennas arose from it. Remember, this is all translated. He wasn't able to get much closer as the device was moving, and his hat, he had a hat, he threw the hat towards the UFO. I thought that was pretty interesting. You want to get a reaction out of it. So you throw your hat to see what's going to happen because that's what I would have done. But the hat flies away from it about twenty feet away. And they said it was because of the strong whirlwind from the craft. Again, this is all translated from the article. He, and so RV goes up and he was going to grab it. All right. And so as he came up to it, it rose with a blast circled around him and then flew away. Here's the deal. Everybody in the town saw an object, a hundred people sparsely populated area. They saw another silver disc-shaped object about ten meters long, which is thirty feet, land in the area. Now, also, the antenna that you see at the back and the rudder in the front, when they first approached the object, it was just a half dome. But when they approached it, everything popped out of it and it came to life. This is a pretty fascinating case. It's one, as they say, it's one for the book's father. Sorry, that was Father Ted. Okay, I actually really apologize for that. But this one is a really interesting case. And it's nice that we have a drawing for it as well. And this is the one that took place in time frame where internationally there is this flurry of UFO sightings, and many of them are pretty well documented. There's another one, because we only have a limited amount of time, there's another one in Where am I in? Nineteen sixty nine. This one is one of the most famous Finnish UFO cases, and it is called the Pori UFO incident. If you're enjoying the show, hit that like button right down below and subscribe if you haven't already. As we do several shows right here every single week, everything pertaining to UFOs, news updates, interviews. and so much more looking at this case this is called the the per ufo incident but more specifically the seven balloons which is already a disappointment of fury in but this one was officially recognized and investigated by the finnish air force it's the only ufo incident acknowledged by the finnish air force very important So it was officially recognized and investigated and the only UFO incident that they investigated. That is correct. So it was April twelve, nineteen sixty nine when seven yellow disc shaped or cylindrical objects were observed hovering in formation over the Pori airport. And this is an image from the nineteen fifties of what the airport used to look like. And the incident began when Joko Korin of the Finnish Armed Forces, while preparing his aircraft, overheard an intriguing, pretty intriguing radio exchange between the airport commander and the pilot, Tarmo Tuveka, who were flying this plane, the Foga Magister aircraft. Magister, yep. Thank you. So the commander had directed Covecca to investigate what they initially described as these, quote, seven balloons that were just suspended in the air at an altitude of about fifteen hundred to three thousand meters, just right above the airport. And. we know present day and back then, that's an issue, right? Because then planes can't fly or land in that area when there is an object there. These people that I'm speaking about now have done interviews. We know what they look like. Here's actually an alleged an alleged image of the what the radar captured during this time. But I'm going to share with you an image. Here he is. This is Kubeka. And so. Kieran was like, what's going on? I'm really interested by by what I'm hearing on the intercom and on the intercom, but like on the radio, let me go investigate it. So he goes off practically by himself to go and chase these seven objects in the sky that were classified as balloons. But they were yellow saucer shaped cylindrical shaped objects. And upon gaining altitude, he pilot clearly observed the seven objects that were positioned right near Kuvaka's aircraft. So we're seeing, we're noticing that multiple pilots are seeing these things in the sky and they're taking place right next to these planes. Yeah. And he describes them as disc shaped. Right. You know, you have to you have to ask yourself the the Finnish Air Force wrote this off as reconnaissance aircraft or balloons because they were training. This is a trainer airplane, by the way. We have a pilot and a pilot in training. And so he, he peels off, like you said, and he describes them to the air traffic controller as disc shape and accelerating away from him at great speed. Remember he's in a jet trainer. And these objects were now identified and spotted. And they weren't very high, by the way, in altitude. But now they're metallic, they're disc-shaped, and they are moving. Originally, the flight controller had said that they were stationary. So he approaches and they fly away at great speed. The radar images, can you pull that back up? Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, there it is right there. Uh, the radar images were then by the air force, uh, determined to be undetermined right now. Isn't that interesting? And then another radar station about two hundred kilometers away in Vasa also track these. So we have it from the airport at Pori. And then we also have Vasa, a second pilot in training, the one that you had mentioned earlier, Juco. said that the radio communications between the flight controller and Tukeva, as well as himself, were all observing these at the same time. In the Finnish Air Armed Forces magazine, which is called Rutuvaki, The April twelfth edition reports there that everything was similar to other cases occurring over bodies of water during ongoing military exercises. Nobody knows what they are. Nobody has been able to figure out where where they came from. And the conclusion was that hopefully this is some type of transnational spy plane, possibly from the Soviet Union. It is their aircraft, and it's not extraterrestrial. It was like they were crossing their fingers and hoping for that. They didn't want it to be ET. They wanted it to be Russian. Because one, you can explain away, and the other one, you can't. That's probably one of the biggest reasons behind it. And what's remarkable about this case is that it's very similar to the Foo Fighters seen during World War II and what pilots are still seeing today, where they are either being pursued by strange craft in the sky, they are pursuing strange craft in the sky, they try shooting at these craft, and they never hit it. And if they end up trying to, you know, there are consequences behind that in some instances. Or they hit the craft and the bullet, the missile just bounces back and it causes no damage to it. And this is leading up to the next incident that I was really surprised about. This one took place in nineteen seventy four. I'm getting a little ahead of myself, but Jimmy, bear with me on this one. This one took place. And also bear with me with the pronunciation of this Air Force. It is Rovaniemi. Rovaniemi. Well, you beat me to it, Jimmy, and I appreciate it. I want my gold star. I want my gold star. You know what? With all this proper pronunciation, I shouldn't even be saying that because I can't tell if it's good or not. But with all the attempted pronunciation, five gold stars for you, sir. But this one took place on the base that Jimmy just stated in northern Finland. And a guard was stationed on a hilltop above a rather large storage facility. And he observed a metallic object with a blue glow landing nearby. nearby this Air Force base. And when the guard approached within about thirty meters, he fired with his machine gun at this unidentified object, causing it to glide away and From its persecutor. Now, it only gets more strange here. Because not only is this guard just casually shooting at an object, thinking it's going to come down or stop moving. Instead, there were dire consequences to this. As the guard later developed severe burn marks on the skin and significant electromagnetic disturbances were detected in the area during that entire encounter. Now, prior to that incident, a, a, um, A fighter experienced a rather unusual generator fire, which endangered the pilot until alarms, right, like miraculously were going off and somehow this pilot lands safely. But the radar reportedly detected an unidentified object following the damaged aircraft. And the investigation of these cases have been pretty complicated by the intelligence office of the Finnish Air Force's alleged destruction of relevant documents. But we've heard this before. Wait, wait, wait, wait. They did what? allegedly, got to put that in all caps, they destroyed reports. And we've heard this many times. When I had UFO researcher from Argentina, Fernando Hillebrand, he had told me that when him and others were creating ALAS, which is the Argentinian equivalent of like MUFON, for instance, The chief, who was also a pilot at the time, reported his UFO sighting to the Air Force of Argentina. And he has proof that the Argentinian Air Force burned his UFO reports. They didn't want it. They wanted nothing to do with it. This is similar. Shouldn't the public, the citizens of Finland, be outraged when... The follow-up on this is that the documents for this UFO case, well, we burned them, and now they have to wait for documents that weren't burned? That say what? The documents that say swamp gas? Right? Right? That's not right. No. You know, every alarm bell you can think of is going off right now. It's disappointing to hear that, but no country... is innocent of that. Time and time again, we have heard of such things. Now, here in the United States, we can guess that's happened. And if we were to receive FOIA reports, they're heavily redacted. where the entire page can be black with redactions. But what made this case to me so significant is so many times in the United States, we have the slogan of shoot first, ask questions later, especially when it comes to UFO sightings. And we spoke about this a few weeks ago when talking about egg-shaped craft, where there was one right next to Saqqara, New Mexico, during the same time as Lonnie Zamora, just a few days after, where a man in Edgewood had his . . . And luckily, he didn't get any side effects like burns or Havana syndrome. In this case, the one in Finland that took place in nineteen seventy four, this military official gets his machine gun, just starts going crazy at this. And even though he's so far from this, about thirty meters, he gets burns on his hands, on his body. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Everything was fine. The craft was sitting next to the walls of the base and the storage facility. He's above it on this small hill. He's looking down. His partner is inside the building. There were two guards on patrol. He was outside. One was inside when all of this went down. The craft, it was blue. It comes in. It's minding its own business. Everything was fine. And still until he started shooting his machine gun. This disturbed the craft. It takes off and flies away. And the next day, he's burned from head to toe. He was checked out by many, many different medical facilities, doctors that went in and commented on the case. And nobody knew. They all said the same thing. Where he was at that moment, there wasn't anything natural in the environment. There wasn't any weather conditions. activity or anything else naturally that could have caused these radiation burns all over his body. That was the conclusion. They don't know. And the only other thing that was out of the ordinary here was the blue craft. And there it is there. It's a, it's a great case and it's well-documented. And again, it's military. And one of the biggest takeaways from this is do not shoot at a UFO. You don't know what's going to happen to you. Moving on to our... You know, let's move on to this last case. But it is... I've said this a lot. So I'll say this again. And I say it kind of in jest, Christina. But we all have heard about Project Bluebeam. A fake UFO invasion. And Those in power would try something like that over the United States. And I have said, if you have some holographic projected images of a giant craft hovering over a city, what's the first thing the good and great people of this country are going to do? They're going to shoot at it. That's right. I am. But the point is, Once those bullets start passing through said holographic image, how quick will it be determined that this is a projection in the clouds? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's a bad day. So should you shoot? Well, you're not going to stop people from shooting, but once they find out that it's fake. that's probably a bigger problem than, than pulling off a fake alien invasion. That's, I think it's going to create many more problems than the intended blue bean fake alien invasion was supposed to bring. That's my take. Well, you don't want an angry mob. Okay. With, that's what I'm saying. You know, trying to catch you. You, you freaked out my family with a fake flying saucer. It's go time. Yeah. Think about that. Think about that. Okay. Our last case is our second to last case or last case. This one's a humdinger though. This, this one's awesome. And this is a, maybe might be one of our last cases. Mark Tosaka. Thank you so much. He finished work. Aha. Talking about Finland. Aha. Okay. Thank you so much. Let's get into this one. This one took place in Finland in nineteen seventy. And there it is. Do you want to cover it or do you want me to do it? M. Jarvey. I just want to get that in for the gold star. M. Jarvey. That's your sixth gold star right there. Yeah. M. Jarvey. M. Jarvey, the time was, now this case is long. It spans time. It covers years. So here is the general setup. It's pretty fascinating. The time was four forty five p.m. on Wednesday, January seventh, nineteen seventy in in Imjarvi, which is fifteen kilometers northwest of Heinola in southern Finland. Now, a woodsman, his name is Arno Heinonen. He's thirty six years old and a farmer named Esko Viljo. Now, remember, Viljo, he is center on all of this. Both active competition skiers, okay? They were out skiing. They come down a hill into an opening. They stop. They take a break. They take their breath. Looking at the sunset, it was an unclouded sunset. It was beautiful, and it was cold. It was minus-seventeen degrees Celsius with no wind. That's important. There's a reason for that. So they're standing there catching their breath from their competition practice of skiing, and they hear something, and then they look up, and they see a light, moving through the sky, Christina. And then, now, a bunch of things happened. I'll spare all of the details. We've got a lot to cover in this case. But the craft moves and comes closer to them. It's moving and it's approaching them. It arrives above them. This is a great picture right here. Keep that up. Keep that picture up. They said that the craft was round and hovered above them, completely motionless, and the buzzing sound continued. But they said it wasn't an irritating buzzing sound. It was just like a low, you know, just a low sound, but they heard it. They described the disc as being huge. It descended, and then around this object was a red, gray, that's how they describe it, red, gray fog, which became more thin and transparent as it descended closer to them. It stopped at a height of about four meters. So near, he says, I could have touched it if I had reached out with my stick. All right. Now I'm thinking ski pole, by the way, but this is all in translation. Okay. Now, here's a quote. Are you ready for this? Everybody just listen to this. Theater of the mind. He said, quote, I was standing completely still. Suddenly, I felt as if somebody had seized my waist from behind and pulled me backwards. I think I took a step backwards, and in the same second, I caught sight of the creature. It was standing in the middle of the light beam with a black box in its hands. Now there it is right there with the black box and note that the black box has got a little light or opening on the front of it. Okay. All right. He says he's got this black box in its hand and out of around opening in the box that you can see there, there came a yellow light that was pulsating. I got excited. Let me share another image here. Actually, I shared it a little bit earlier because it was out of sequence. But here's another image of how people think this might have looked. Zoom in on his face. Right there. Right there. This is important. Okay. He says the creature was about ninety centimeters tall. All right. Not very big with very thin arms and legs. Its face was pale like wax. I didn't notice the eyes, but the nose was very strange. It was a hook. rather than a nose. Now, we've got this, but we also have the drawings that he did the day of the sighting, and the nose is a hook. It's not what you're thinking. It comes down, and it's very long. And I'll make this quick. Jacques Vallée has also written about the hook, nose, grays that there have been reports in the United States, one of the most famous ones being at the Holloman Air Force Base. Yes, that's right. And the description here and the illustrations that were done at the time remind you immediately of of what was seen at holloman air force base it's very much the same and we're talking about countries and years apart and and the holloman air force base case was top secret nobody knew about that case and nobody in finland in the remote you know parts of finland uh heard about holloman or what the creatures looked like now He said that the ears were very small and narrowed towards the head. The creature wore some kind of overall in a light green material. On its feet were boots of a darker green color, which stretched above the knees. This is all the quote from him. There were also white gauntlets. Okay, gloves, white gauntlets going up to the elbows, and the fingers were bent like claws around the black box. Now, Viljo, the second party here, this is his quote. He says, the creature stood in the middle of the bright light and was luminous like phosphorus, but its face was very pale. Its shoulders were very thin and slanting with thin arms like a child's. I did not think of the clothes, only noticing that they were greenish in color. On its head was a conical helmet shining like metal. the creature was less than one meter tall. And then he goes on to say, I saw the being for perhaps fifteen to twenty seconds. No longer. Suddenly, the beam melted, flew up like a flickering flame, and was sucked into the gap in the craft. And then he goes on, Christina, this is, and I know you've got a lot to add to this case, but he says that Both of them describe it the same way. There's so much detail in this. Sparks were flying. The vapor and the fog went from very thick to thin. Suddenly, they could see through it. Everything sucked up into the craft, and then they blink, and there's nothing there. There's nothing. It didn't fly away. It was just gone. And it only gets more weird because not only did they have a strange sighting, they had physical evidence to back it up. Now, it's not just because they collected the box or saw any footprints. Instead, they got severe, almost medical issues, where in this case for Arno, he could barely walk. His face was red and swollen. He was experiencing nausea and he vomited on the snow. And he even reported that his urine had turned black. I have never, ever in my life heard of someone report that. Oh, I'd be terrified, right? That would freak me out. So he goes to the University of Helsinki. And yeah, yeah. They have no idea what caused all of this. And not only that university, but radiologists and experts and surgeons, everybody got involved with this case. Now, this went on for years. You just brought up, before we run out of time, There are a couple, okay, all right, let me just say this. There were quite a few people that have talked about this type of encounter in that area over the years. As a matter of fact, about a year before their case, a nine-year-old boy reported nearly the exact same thing to his parents, and it never really went public, right? Again, everybody's private, right, in Finland. So these cases have been reported over and over again. Viljo continues over the years to make contact He's hanging out with a female. He describes her as a female alien. He says that all of his encounters with her, the conversations were never longer than five minutes. All right. But now we have something that went from a witness to a close encounter, close encounter of the third kind, but also of the fourth kind, nearly of the fifth kind, Christina. And so he was given some stuff. He says that, this is Viljo, he said that they gave him a green pen. Dun, dun, dun. Guess what happened to the green pen? No, you tell everybody. Tell everybody what happened. No, no, you tell me. A researcher asked him for it so he could have it analyzed in a laboratory. It disappeared. Shocking. Yeah, shocking. Then he was given a rock, a rock from their planet as evidence, right? And then he was told to throw it away. So the rock is gone. Right. Okay. So with, with all of the story went from and, and him and his partner, his skiing buddy, we're pretty lockstep with the original thing. And it also lined up with the other sightings that were going on in the area. Um, that part is pretty solid, the fantastical stuff. green pen that disappeared right uh the rock um oh oh oh oh oh oh oh you ready yeah so they let him take a picture yeah we don't have that picture no no we don't he took the picture and he said the camera poofed Yeah, so we have these three things that were all there for humanity to see and study, and all three pieces have disappeared with crazy explanations for each one. Now, Christina, I'm going to ask you, does this dismiss this case? A heavily researched case, by the way, with these three and the explanations that were tied to it, these three pieces of evidence, do we just throw it all away or do we keep the original encounter? Well, it would be silly to throw everything away, even though some of the information might not fit into our paradigm or sounds a little extraordinary, but that doesn't mean much. Now, when we look at people, especially disinformation agents, they say sprinkle in seventy percent truth with thirty percent lies. Right. Could that have happened here with the reporting? Depends on who you ask. In this situation, what we do know, what we do have evidence of is. are the medical issues and of the universities investigating these people, checking their blood, for instance, like their blood pressure. And there were no clinical abnormalities, even though these guys were suffering from balance problems, joint pain, headaches, stomach issues, diabetes. burning on the skin there were some ideas that it might have been radiation poisoning also they had light sensitivity facial swelling and even swollen eyelids as well so we do have that now the extra information of the pen the rock and the photograph yeah it definitely makes you crinkle your eyebrows significantly But I think that just adds a little charm to the entire case. It does. It does. The only issue, not for me, for everybody else, right, is that you're pushing everybody's belief system to its limits. Okay? You are. Just in the original encounter, right, the beam of light, the thing, and it's into the crack and it's gone. All of that. All right. OK. They had the physical stuff on there with their bodies that allowed everybody to take a look at this case. And that includes all of the doctors and the research teams at the University of Helsinki. Then you take it all of these steps further where you're testing everybody. And you want the acceptance and you want them to believe in your story and your encounter and what's going on. And you just push this further and further and further and further to the point where there's even evidence. But this disappeared. The camera vaporized. They told me to throw the rock away. So I did. I don't know where it is now. And everybody goes, you know. We, you're, you're pushing it too far. So the press kind of took an about face on this case. You know, originally they were cool with it. It just got too fantastical and, uh, with nothing to back it up. It did. And then it got even a little more extreme when Arno had mentioned that after that incident in nineteen seventy, he was visited twenty three more times and one of those times with a one hundred and eighty year old alien woman. from the Milky Way that Jimmy had mentioned just a little bit earlier. Yes, now you're definitely pushing the book off of the cliff here where you're like, some of this sounds okay, but now you're going a little too far. And we say that because one, there isn't evidence, right? But two, because there aren't other stories that follow that same structure or that same pattern. Now, if we were to begin to receive other cases similar to this one, then it might, for some people, add credibility to it. But this one stands alone with all of this rather fantastical information. Yeah, yeah. You know, so did you take pictures? I did. Fantastic. Can we see them? They disappeared. The camera just vaporized. Oh, okay. All right. But they did give me a pen. Oh, really? Yeah. They gave me a green pen. Can we see it? Oh, man. It disappeared. All right. All right. But they gave me a rock. They gave you a rock. Oh, fantastic. Can we see that? They asked me to throw it away. Where is it? I don't know. You know, and it's just, I'm just saying, it's like the boy that cried wolf, right? It's very much like that. I agree with you there. Christina, thank you so much. Everybody, you are the best. Mysteries with the history. My favorite part of every Thursday in my life. Thank you so much. Christina, behave and be well. Tonight on Fade to Black, AJA. A-M-A. Yeah, you get to ask me anything. Send in your question, Christina. I'll answer it tonight on the air. You got it. All right. Thank you so much, Jimmy. See you, everybody. Another great show. If you enjoyed the show, hit that like button right down below and subscribe if you haven't already, as now that I'm not feeling so sick. And thank you for everyone sending me messages and emails, checking up on me. I appreciate it. I'll be doing several shows a week again starting this week, which has already been taking place. If you like UFO news, updates, case studies, interviews, and more, this is the channel for you. So hit the notification bell so you do not miss anything. Sasha, thank you so much for the super chat. It says, why are aliens so notoriously bad at meaningful communication? You know what? I can see what you mean there, but it also depends on the case. There have been some instances where people say, guys, they're here to cure cancer. They're here to save the world. And they told me to tell you to save the planet. That sounds a little meaningful, but it doesn't really go that far other than just a little bit of nice rubbing of the elbows and a nice little fancy talk, right? But I get what you mean there. I want to say thank you to everyone catching this live, all the Super Chat, Super Stickers, YouTube members, Patreon members, and of course, all of my amazing moderators. You know I can't do this show without you. Tomorrow is going to be strange news of the week or UFO news updates. You don't want to miss it, okay? Because honestly, the last week, has been pretty crazy with international UFO sightings and how the new administration here in the United States finally addressed the, quote, drone incursions. Things aren't really adding up, but we'll talk about that more tomorrow. That is it for today. I will see you tomorrow. Be safe. And remember, keep your eyes on the skies. If you enjoy the strange and the mysterious UFOs, the paranormal and cryptids, this channel is for you. So make sure to subscribe as I do three videos right here every single week and hit that notification bell so you do not miss any of the bonus content I post right here.

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