There are many global cases, and evidence of UFO encounters when they mess with vehicles on the road. In this video Jimmy Church and I examine a handful of fascinating cases where UFOs / UAP have interacted with vehicles and their drivers in curious ways.

This show covers: 
  • Levelland, Texas Incident 1957
  • Betty and Barney Hill Incident 1961
  • Minnesota UFO Car Incident with Val Johnson 1979
  • Cash-Landrum Incident 1980
  • Knowles Family Incident 1988
  • Edie Meireles' Incident 2011

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00:00 - Intro 
09:02 - Cars Stalled on Texas Highway
16:24 - Car Stalked by UFO
23:29 - Officer Patrol Car vs UFO
37:10 - The Diamond Ship That Burned
44:10- Family Car Lifted Off Australian Road 
55:03 - Brazil's Glowing Orb Damaged Car 
01:07:27 - Outro and Credits 

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Show Transcript

your vehicle engine dies the lights go out and you're on a remote Road and something's in the sky and it's watching you I'm Cristina Gomez and today we're breaking down real cases about UFOs that don't just fly by they reach down and they touch our world from military records to police files we're Gathering hard evidence of vehicles shutting down electrical Systems Failing and both machines and drivers left with physical marks these aren't speculations these are documented cases backed by multiple (00:37) Witnesses and official investigation the pattern repeats across the globe leaving us with obviously many more questions than answers hello and welcome to this episode of mysteries with a history where you'll be taken on a wild ride into the unknown the strange and the Mysterious like you I have questions and like you I want answers and with each episode together we will PE peel away the layers to look for the truth Jimmy it's good to have you back how have you been you caught me by surprise I I could (01:21) have been doing anything what what what anyway it's so good to be back I am great how are you Cristina doing so good so good we um let's not break tradition okay all right I know I've been gone but my memory is still here okay what happened for you to cover such an important subject uh like we are today with uh cars automobiles engines Motors electron that are affected by UFOs and it makes me wonder did you have an in an encounter did something cruise over your car I wish Cristina got a duly (02:06) four-wheel drive uh Ford F-150 and she's got a step ladder that folds out and she jumps up it's the most ginormous pickup truck she needs that for the fifth wheel trailer that she's going to be Towing around the country but so did is that what happened did did your truck die no it was wasn't me but I came across a story that someone had told me very recently of actually pretty much of what you explained he was driving down the road in the middle of nowhere a remote Road and a UFO hovered Right (02:44) Above It the car stopped and then as soon as the UFO passed the car came back up started working again and I thought there are a handful of cases like this we haven't done a show like that before no we we got to cover it today in in honor of Jimmy being back on today's episode of mysteries with a history fair enough fair enough and um we've got a lot to cover uh this is going to be a packed show um I'm G to make uh two opening quick statements that I'm going to get out of the way on this subject (03:19) number one this tends to be uh around older historical UFO events but I don't believe that that is the case as Cristina just said but the community looks at it that way and the media looks at it that way which is fine but we have to remind everybody Stephen Spielberg had this as a central part of two of his biggest films one of course was Close Encounters of the Third Kind Richard drus Country Road his work truck his pickup truck dies and the craft is over overhead it's one of the most iconic historic greatest scenes in all (04:05) of of Hollywood Cinema we have that right and then if we move forward to Spielberg's The War of the Worlds what happens there right that is the central part that sets up act one in that film Tom Cruz and his kids get the only running car apparently in New York and they are able to escape uh town and start their Journey why and they're driving past cars that have stalled and have failed on the freeway and Roads and so forth they're the only survivors with a car driving out of town this is part of uh (04:51) UFO history and it is represented there and I think it's uh very very important uh to bring all of that up um last night I was reading uh Jay Allen heck's book uh the case for UFOs and in there there are so many and if you go into an older book um Stringfield and whatever kho case after case of cars that stalled so to kick things off the first reported instance of a UFO right causing any sort of em effect on a vehicle was in 1909 yeah a motorcyclist said that his headlight failed as a light passed overhead and after it passed him his (05:47) headlight came back on that was in 1909 Cristina now uh the first case in which an engine stalled was from California in the spring of 1944 uh according to the Appo bulletin from 1968 two School teachers saw a UFO saw a light car stalled that's 1944 the first case in which a car had to be started after a UFO disappeared from the car was in September of 1952 and that was part of the Flatwoods Monster Case by the way right they see the Monster it's a family of four in a car they see the monster car dies and then they had (06:32) to restart it and it only started after the craft left the area so historically this has always been here hasn't it it has it has and yet we're still asking the questions why does it happen so from from your understanding Jimmy You' spoken two hundreds of people you've covered cases so similar to this one what's your speculation on that here's the thing a lot of reference has been to the electrical systems and cars and that the older versions of cars where he had magnetos and he had a distributor cap and and an (07:15) alternator and a battery and a couple of wires that's how an engine ran it was uh susceptible to em and electromagnetic interference this is true but today cars still have to charge their batteries they still have that same basic principle applied to engine design but the cars are also more complex there are so many computers and chips in a car today that you would think that an em interference would be easier to do and that we would have more of it why we don't see uh as much today I think it's the type of crafts we are encountering (07:58) so I think it's electric magnetic for sure but now today I think we have different kinds of craft I think that's an interesting Theory it's the same kind of deal of how throughout the decades more shapes have been prevalent than others you know saucers were really popular in the 40s into the 50s and then people started seeing more cigar shaped craft Delta shaped craft as as the decades progress and there's this idea there's this the that maybe they're evolving similar to how human technology evolves with how (08:36) our trucks have changed over the decades how our airplanes have changed in looks over the decades as well so I think what you had mentioned is interesting and you don't really think about it that often until it's spoken out well when we look at uh I'm going to I'm going to turn things over to you or I can I can take off with this but um I just set things up uh for uh the Loveland uh Texas incident and that case when we talk about UFOs affecting cars this is one of the most documented um uh unbelievable cases in (09:23) in history and every car in this case died everyone and when you look at it uh let me break this down for everybody so you understand I'm not going to talk about the incident itself uh we're talking about cars today but on the evening of November 2nd 1957 it started when two immigrant Farm Workers right uh they call uh Pedro saso uh and Joe Salis called the Levin Police Department to report a UF CL siding and they claim their truck engine died all right as soon as they saw the craft but it continues at 10:55 p.m. a married couple (10:15) driving Northeast of levelin reported that they saw the bright flash of light moving across the sky and their headlights and radio died for three seconds five minutes later Jose Alvarez claimed he met a strange object sitting on the road 11 miles north of levelin and his vehicle's engine died until the object aparted an hour later 12:05 a.m. (10:43) a Texas technological college now Texas Tech by the way um student named nle Wright uh was driving 10 miles east of levelin and his car engine began to sputter um uh the lights on the dash started to jump uh things started discharging and then went back to normal and then the motor started cutting out like it was out of gas the car rolled to a stop the headlights dimmed and for several seconds the lights went out at 12:15 10 minutes later officer Fowler received another call this time from a farmer named Frank Williams he said that he had encountered (11:27) the brightly glowing object sitting on the road and his as he approached it his car lights went out and the motor stopped after that half hour later Cristina Ronald Martin at 12:45 a. and James Long at 1:15 a.m they both reported seeing the lights moving across the road in front of them and both of their engines and headlights died until the object flew away this is documented police calls one after another in levelin so you have to ask yourself what is going on is it the UFO is it electromagnetic it was it done on (12:12) purpose is it just by coincidence and accident I don't know but these reports are all over the place in the 50s and 60s Jimmy today you came with the goods you you came with the timestamps today is awesome I had five weeks I had five weeks to prep five weeks yes you did something else to mention because we're going to be speeding through these because what we're really focusing on as Jimmy I mentioned is how the vehicles are affected some of these cases are well known some of them lesser so but we're focusing on one detail that isn't (12:48) covered as frequently as you would assume but in this case when we're looking at Pedro and Joe Pedro the guy that we're seeing on screen right here they also witness not only their car engine failing but this intense heat coming down on them and their vehicle rocked back and forth as well which we hear that from time to time but it's not as frequent however for today it will be could you imagine I mean I I would be genuinely scared if I'm driving down the road minding my own business just want (13:27) to get home eat dinner and go to bed and then not only your car stopping but then you feel it rocking vibrating shaking back and forth that's enough to beat any cup of coffee for the caffeine that will keep you up at night plus your car is your Sanctuary that's your safe space safe space yeah yeah absolutely uh in in uh in the 1950s one 1960s I'm sorry in oh Ohio again one of the more famous cases was uh the police chase that went into Pennsylvania it involved uh Ohio um uh law enforcement and Pennsylvania four (14:13) different police cruisers chasing this UFO that was shaped like uh an ice cream cone uh one of the police officer said it looked like a football that was cut in half and tipped on its side so it's like a cone shaped right well while in Ohio the police officers had pulled over there was a stalled car in the road there was no driver there but they pulled up to see if they needed some assistance or if somebody got lost in the woods it was just past midnight in Ohio and they just started their shift but this is what happens (14:49) Cristina they get out of the car the first officer is on the right front of the the patrol car the officer that's driving he approach approaches but he sees a light over his shoulder so he turns around and over the woods is this craft this cone-shaped craft it's lighting up everything both of the deputies see it right it stops over their car they freak out you know what they did I'm I'm making this up they jumped in the car rolled up the windows and locked the doors they said that was their safe (15:26) space and they stayed there and till uh the craft went away uh their engine started and then then they began to chase it yeah but that's what they that's what you do your car is your safe space isn't it you don't want that thing lifted up which we've got a couple of cases like that don't we oh yes oh yes it it's pretty scary and there have also been sto well if you look at Moth Man in that case people were hiding in their cars there as well they were rolling up the windows in fear when you hear (16:02) Bigfoot stories they immediately the people immediately run to their car and hope that they marks on the hood right yeah you know what I mean freaky stuff yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but good evidence well that's great evidence and we've got cases like that that we're gonna cover today we do we're gonna go in chronological order and next we're going to touch on Betty and Barney Hill as we St stated we're not covering the whole case cuz I know that you're familiar with it but just the details on (16:35) the cars and and here this took place between September 19th to September 20th of 1961 and this one I mean this is one of the first alien abduction stories that really took notice in the media it it's one that really set a foundation for what the abduction phenomenon is about and more so in this case what really took this story off during that time frame was the interracial couple but when it comes to the evidence that was on the car or or the car being involved in the story Jimmy what happened well I've interviewed Kathleen Martin uh the (17:21) niece of Betty and Barney Hill many times and she has told she was there when all of this went down and I'm talking about the car side of the incident so a after everything happens um they make it home in the morning Betty calls Kathleen's mom Betty's sister and they all drive over they're freaked out flying saucers and and all of this but they then Kathleen says they went out to the car and they saw that there were shiny circles concentric circles by the way which is very bizarre on the cars trunk and that these were new these were (18:13) fresh and Betty and Barney uh then with the rest of the family uh Kathleen's mom uh Betty's sister and Kathleen they were all there when somebody took out a compass and I think it was probably Barney you know who's got a compass probably the man of the house but they moved the compass around the car and the needle was freaking out on the car all right and when they moved it up to the spot then it really went nuts um that the Kathleen described the needle as spinning now this was a witness that morning uh the day after the morning (18:57) after their abduction exper erence Kathleen Martin was there um uh they she said that when they pulled the compass away it would stop and she said she was a witness to that that that is definitely magnetic like the car was magnetized and whatever caused uh the concentric circles that were on the hood of the car possibly something touched it made those designs on on the on the car uh through the paint and magnetically charged the vehicle now I again I can't explain it but Kathleen was a witness to this well not only that but when they (19:45) were driving through the White Mountains of New Hampshire they noticed that these lights in the sky were following their car that's right and like this object just drew closer and closer and they weren't able to make out what they described as kind of like this large spacecraft containing multiple humanoid figures that were visible through the windows in the craft and this craft was following their car now these memories weren't recalled D during an a like during and right after the encounter but it was under (20:26) regression hypnosis that they began to really start pulling out the details on what they witnessed that night well yes yes yes and I think it's important to note here that when they got home um and they woke up the next day what they did remember was everything happening up uh to uh the first encounter of the craft in the middle of uh the street but they remembered seeing it they remembered seeing seeing it in the sky you remember it it following them all right and they later uh had that missing time chunk all (21:08) right two hours yeah about two hours and they didn't realize all they knew is they arrived home much later than they should have um but leading up to that that's what Betty uh said to her aunt uh to her sister uh over the phone it's like we saw a a UFO last night and it was following his home and that's when the family came over and that's when they found the magnetic uh anomaly on the car with again concentric circles were imprinted on the hood uh the trunk of the car and there's also a bunch of other (21:52) evidence as well like uh tears and and kind of like dirt marks on the dress of Betty as well and I think weren't there dents on the car Jimmy um okay so yes there were um I I don't I don't think for the family at the time uh they looked over the whole car and and saw all kinds of things that were wrong with it versus the previous day okay all right so they they noticed all of these things but definitely what stood out to them were the concentric circle designs um on the hood of the car and the compass over (22:37) those concentric circles going nuts and spinning which which just doesn't happen to a compass uh that was uh something that was very very strange the their case um as they revealed more and more Barney remembers um a disturb on the back of the car while he was driving he remembers hearing stuff and hearing things that weren't normal so it seems to me I I think to most researchers that look into this case that yes that craft was behind them was following them and was messing with their car probably trying to get them to pull (23:23) over and ask them about their car insurance right for for a car extended warranty is what they really wanted this I had to this next one is probably the most famous case that people think about when they're talking about UFOs affecting cars and this one took place on in 1979 when Marshall Court Deputy Val Johnson encountered a UFO in Minnesota that caused substantial damage to his Ford patrol car here's an image here that's not it here it is it's in the museum now which is very cool yeah it's a famous car (24:04) today there it sits there it sits as uh as it was the day after the incident the day of the incident there it is that's right so you can see the window shattered AS Val Johnson had described this this spherical metallic ball of light smashing into it it it also ruined th those Radio Jimmy you know what they're called you know on the car you have like that and in see we don't have those anymore so it's just kind of that my vocabulary my jeep has one and I'm from like 1995 no it's brand new but there it (24:51) there it is yeah yeah I have an antenna I love it I'm so proud of it I can't imag televisions using to have antennas need to like kind of move them around to get signal that that's beyond me I actually have two antennas that come out of my head but my headphones pull them back so you don't get to see them on the show dang I had never seen them so disappointed know I I hide them I I wear I wear a lot of hats I'm G to I'm not going to get into thatr St Cristina stump lack of words it does not happen too often yeah so (25:34) let's get back to Val Johnson uh there he is right there this is uh an incredible case it is it is and also he had mentioned that initially he mistook the lights that he was seeing in the sky as an aircraft's Landing lights and then the unidentified light rapidly approached his vehicle at an incredible speed resulting in the sound of breaking glass and an intense white light that overwhelmed Johnson before he lost Consciousness for about 40 minutes and then upon re and right and then upon regaining awareness he immediately radio (26:18) dispatch reporting something had attacked his car not really knowing what to stay what to say so he stated I don't know how to explain it just something strange attacked my car could okay let's let's imagine this just for a moment Jimmy you're on the other side of the dispatch you're the one receiving the calls and one of your men says I don't really know how to explain it but something strange just smashed into my car ruined my car what would be the next step after that statement I'd (26:54) call him out for being a liar and drinking on the job ooh no that's what you would do you would you know it's I to somebody listening to that uh in law enforcement is is listening to somebody's excuse for damaging their patrol car and they've got to come up with a story right I hit a deer you know some you know what I mean you just make something up and that's what you would think he reported um uh this was in uh step Minnesota everybody and it's 2: am. (27:31) in the morning anything happens you know early in the morning and law enforcement is is right there with it but he says uh he saw the beam of uh light in front of him on the road and that the beam came towards him the other thing that you brought up the landing lights when you see an aircraft approaching you and it's got its Landing lights on you don't see at first the red and green navigation lights you don't see those because the white light is so bright but if you look long enough or as it gets (28:12) closer to you your eyes adjust and you see those navigation lights all right he didn't see them and that's when he kind of freaked he's like wait a minute there this is a ball of light without navigation lights and so um it it comes up to him and lights up his car that's what he said lights up well it lights up his car it smashed his windshield it bent multiple antennas it it broke a red emergency light on the roof shattered one of the headlights and there's even a noticeable dent on the hood it goes It (28:50) Go it goes further and remember he said that this bright light was so bright he couldn't see anything he could only hear what was going on right he was listening to Glass breaking right and so uh he's unconscious now for 39 minutes and when he woke up this is the dun dun dun wristwatch isn't working and his vehicle's clock stopped for 14 minutes the windshield yep windshield shattered headlights broken Red emergency light is uh damaged and of course his radio antenna is bent so after this happened and the (29:43) media takes a whiff of it as we're seeing a newspaper clipping on screen right here A Center for UFO studies in Chicago went ahead and did an investigation on this and they discovered several unusual Clues that elevated this case above the typical reports first being The credibility of the encounter was so significant that Newsweek magazine ranked it among modern history's most compelling and credible UFO Encounters in a 2019 retrospective article and Johnston initially participated in media coverage including an appearance on ABC's Good (30:26) Morning America but eventually withdrew from public attention as the scrutiny began began causing strain on his family relationships and this is Sim in some way similar to the Lonnie Zamora incident where you have a policeman coming forward sharing the story the media grabs it but then he was labeled as the UFO policeman right and in this case for Val Johnson and there and there's so many very similar stories like his where he is just chewed up and spit out by the media by the overall general public some believing him many (31:15) not believing him but this case is so important and it's so remarkable because there is physical evidence on the car and we have the person to tell tell the story as to what happened and the as you had mentioned Jimmy and as zenza Bill had mentioned in the live chat the clock stopped working on a stopwatch and the cars clock stopped working as well so to get those accurately to click them at the same time to stop is possible but it's difficult why would a policeman put his credentials on the line to lie about this whole UFO (32:02) situation if anything it did him a lot more harm than good yeah you you brought up the center of uh for UFO studies and that's Jay Allen heck you know so they came in and they and I I brought that up earlier um I was reading his book last night I'm in the middle of it I've read it many times it's just a great book uh the case for UFOs and uh the other part about this and heik talks about this in his book what is key here is who are the witnesses do we have more than one witness Jay Allen heinik said look if I (32:45) had he had two sightings he had one of a craft of of an object and one of a light but he said both times he saw them by himself there's no sense in him reporting it and who who reports a UFO case and especially one step further who reports a UFO case when they are by themselves that's an important part about all of this and so and he brings up talks about police officers a lot law enforcement are people too they are people just your average citizen that reports a case you're subject to do everything that comes at you you are and (33:32) it's rough police law enforcement military we hold them to a whole another standard right air airline pilots we hold them to another standard and the ridicule that comes to them career ending um it's a different type of of focus that that comes upon them and they are people so maybe they don't want to report these things and when it comes to Val Johnson and you you report something like this you're alone and your car gets damaged right it's not a good look no most people would say you're alone your (34:17) car gets damaged you got to make something up right why not blame it on UFOs you know blame it on Bigfoot and that's that's what happened to V like I said law enforcement are people too and you are how much can you take don't know but for Val he had enough he had to back out he did now as for today the the car is now in a museum it's in the County Historical Society Museum in Warren Minnesota where it has become simply known as as just the UFO card like that is the title and the museum has embraced their pretty unusual (35:05) piece of local history selling UFO car merchandise including t-shirts and stickers and things to put on the back of your car as well because if you can sell it why not right and in this case this is one of the main things that brings this small town or in Minnesota to its Fame I if if I were to be in inota I would go to this Museum just to see the car and at least take one selfie with it yeah over the years over the years I've seen so many videos and and stuff on this car and and where it sits in the museum and I've always thought (35:43) man I want to go I want to go and I want to go check that out because it's there it's like Betty Hills dress right Betty and Barney Hills car right I you know Bob lazar's Corvette I want to see that too as well but anyway oh yeah yeah yeah yeah but uh here it is uh did it happen is it a case of evidence uh does this represent that I don't know it's a it's a great case and and Val Johnson uh has always stuck to it and also before we move on this case had a little bit of everything didn't it right it had a (36:24) shiny orb uh spotted in the sky police on patrol uh lights up the car missing time um uh clocks have uh failed and then of course the damage to the car this this case had it all it did and that's why the media probably paid so much attention to it during that time frame because of all of the pieces of information all the details and the evidence as well and then his background of him being a policeman it's like how could you avoid the case how how could you avoid the story in the news of course you're going (37:03) to read it it's going to be it's going to be on the main page probably but this next one that we're going to be covering also gained a lot of traction in the media and that is the cash Landrum incident Jimmy tell us about this one um I I uh well okay no I'm going to hand this off to you um I didn't know that we were going to cover this uh today but just let me say this this case was uh not only uh about a UFO incident uh the the the craft whatever they were uh black helicopters we've got all of that but (37:46) we've got uh sickness uh the the stuff that happened the burns um on the family uh of course the UFO side of it and the car side of it and it affected this family forever again like the loveling case to me one of the most uh supported and strongest UFO incidents in history and this one took place December 29th 1980 in Dayton Texas and as Jimmy had mentioned it resulted in pretty severe physical consequences for the three Witnesses being Betty cash Vicky Landrum and her seven-year-old grandson Colby Landrum as they were just driving (38:32) home like any other day on um State Road 1485 and there they noticed a pretty unusual light above the tree line initially just like with Val Johnson they mistook it as an aircraft but then they soon realized that they were observing something way more extreme than just your average your average aircraft the witnesses encountered a very large diamond shaped craft I think uh here's one here's a drawing of it on screen created by a newspaper and it hovered directly above the road just ahead of them and then the (39:14) object emitted a very intense fiery exhaust with visible flames shooting downward while producing a distinctive beeping sound so then Betty cash sto the vehicle as they were confronted by this strange object and then the heat radiating from the craft was so extreme that the Craft's dashboard the car's dashboard began to visibly melt so they say providing this very interesting visual for the witnesses but then on top of that as Jimmy had mentioned black helicopters were seen everyone everyone of the Witnesses in the car got severely (40:03) sick one of them had what kind of looked like radiation Burns they attempted to talk to the military in Texas and they were received no information from them as to as asking questions of is this yours is this your craft like you hurt me I want to sue you kind of vibe no that no that's exactly what they said uh yeah they they were looking for who was responsible now I'm not going to make light of this Cristina I don't want to sound like I'm making a joke but that family was toasted there the burns and the physical (40:48) stuff that they went through as a as a mother and a grandmother you're going to want to hold somebody responsible for that they saw the helicopters they went to the Air Force and they got shut down they were they were they were roasted it was I I just can't imagine going through that well they also experienced severe nausea uncontrollable vomiting diarrhea weakness and Burning Sensations across their skin and some radiation poisoning as well but Betty cash this lady right here suffered the most severe effects (41:30) which required hospitalization as her conditions rapidly deteriorated medical records documented their uh her symptoms extensively showing physical injuries that couldn't be easily dismissed of like oh you just have a little bit of a fever or something like that so both cash and Landrum experienced persistent health problems for the remainder of their lives with Betty eventually passing away exactly 18 years later on December 29th 1998 and Vicky Landrum survived until 2007 but continued to suffer from Health (42:12) complications that she attributed to her encounter yeah and and here's if anybody out there and I have if you have ever experienced uh sun poisoning you've been out all day in the sun you get burnt and and then the next day you get the after effects of that because it's radiation your body goes through trauma but disorientation nausea your body is just reacting to that well it'll eventually pass but that's not what happened to the family okay it didn't pass so I think that it was very apparent to to the (42:58) government and to everybody else that was uh involved with this case that they got a heavy dose of radiation and this is lifelong lasting effects that's what happened the government steps in pays for the medical bills but said nothing happened we we didn't do it and they never they never they never uh took things a step further what what you want you want somebody to say they're sorry you want somebody to say okay it was us but no the government never did that but they did pick up the medical bills at least that part is nice but (43:44) when they witnessed these black helicopters surrounding this diamond shaped craft of course the the first initial idea is this all must be theirs and then when they didn't confess to it for for their entire lives for cash cash and Landrum obviously it's incredibly frustrating this next case that we're covering is here's how the craft looked this next case that we're covering might have to be one of the freakiest ones if I were to be honest with you it's and this one is not in the United States this one is in Australia (44:25) in the year 1988 very specifically this took place January 20th 1988 when the nolles family experienced in this case what would be become one of Australia's most widely discussed UFO encounters while they were just in this very remote area of of Australia and F noes who we're seeing here the eldest one in this image along with her three adult children Patrick sha and Wayne were driving their 1984 blue Ford across the desolate stretch um going through Australia from Southern to Western Australia border and then they (45:11) see this strange egg shaped objects not only follow them and then surpass them and go away but then come back to the car and hover right on top of it this this particular case sounds very much like like you're you're baiting the prey it's a cat and mouse because how the family described this encounter is that this craft was following their car in the middle of the night kind of creepy like a cat ready to pounce on a mouse and then the craft is like oh just kidding and then and then it flies away (45:54) and the family thought okay it's over were good what the heck was that I felt fear then all of a sudden the craft comes back from the tree lines and this time it's not only following the car again from behind it is right on top of the car and it was so close that the mother was able to actually touch the craft she puts her hand outside of the window touches almost the roof of the car but in this case the craft cuz it was it was literally right on top of it and she's like H that's weird she brings (46:35) her hand back in and it's covered in black dust black soot out of nowhere that shouldn't have happened and then right after that the entire car is covered filled with black soot that came at least they believe came from The Craft moondust Moon Moon dust yeah it moondust I don't know it's always Moon dust Cristina it's always Moon dust you've gota you gotta look anyway here's the let me tell you the oh go back to the picture of the family sure what most people don't know the guy on the right in the white (47:19) suit he's the singer from in acccess yeah okay so moving on um in acccess Cristina before your time uh the biggest band out of Australia besides Men at Work she has no idea what I'm talking about everybody okay so in the chat how great was nxs were were they the best ban out of Australia besides the bgs yeah everybody's gonna back me up on this Cristina here's the crazy thing about this case cars were passing car cars were following Witnesses were all over the place all saw the same thing they saw (48:05) the craft over the car they saw the car get lifted and they the uh the the part that for me as a parent if I was alone I could kind of deal with it I would freak out but when you've got your family in your car in your sanctuary and a UFO comes up and above the car picks the car up and drops it you know 10 feet in the air that's what the witnesses said Witnesses said the car was lifted 10 feet that that uh and and when the car hit the ground tires exploded that's right yeah Witnesses it wasn't just the family and the singer (48:54) from nxs by the way um yeah that's what for me going back to what Jay Allen hinck says in his book the Case for UFOs when I look at all of these cases first thing who are the witnesses how many of the Witnesses were there outside of the principal person reporting the case who supports this case that's why I want to at that point when I have that I want to jump in and apply the science that's what we have here we have multiple Witnesses all reporting the same thing and I'm gonna add some more to (49:38) that but first Jane's coffee thank you so much for the super sticker it says thank you Cristina with cute little emojis thank you so much for supporting the channel I really appreciate it something else to mention here is that when these tires popped and investigation was done by the local police to get a better understanding as to what happened and there was no plausible conclusion that the policeman could create or even generate stating we don't we don't really know how your tires popped all of them with (50:12) the evidence that we have so far with our understanding that we have so far aside from the story that you told us that your car was lifted off the ground and then dropped immediately that is the only plausible explanation for how all of these tires popped it didn't look like you just ran over a nail or some glass or something but it was like these gaping holes that were seen in the tires and so this this story took off it was unbelievable and dubstep thank you so much for the super sticker as well um it grabbed the media by storm (50:55) and as you can tell from the mother Fay here she was not really happy with the publicity she just wanted to go with her everyday life mind her own business but the media took the story and made it into an almost unbearable creature where they were doing all these different interviews sharing their experiences uh their experience it was only one and these details that that we're seeing here of the this object went right on top of the car there's a slight dent on the roof of the car it dropped the car the tires were burst the (51:33) car was filled with black soot from the craft also on her hand as well which Jimmy's saying is moondust but who knows if it really was and and also the psychological fear of being followed as I as I had mentioned a little bit earlier this craft followed the car and then disappeared and then came back but the second time it did the the things that we would classify as more physical evidence to prove that it was there yeah Jessica so cool thank you Jessica um here's the thing oh by the way everybody knows that's not Michael (52:15) Hutchins from nxs come on I was doing that for Cristina it was a test to see oh well then I failed I failed the test I was like I don't even know these bands ACDC like as far as it goes oh that's that's good can so you can't name an nxs song I never even heard of the band how about one of their albums like shaboo Shabah what about like Rasputin are they from Australia no I don't even know who sings that song but I like that song someone someone's gonna just like face palm right now they're like how do (52:55) you not know the singer of Putin I don't but I enjoy that song I don't I didn't know that there were is no I don't know but the one thing that song to this day when I hear that it takes me where I need to go uh in Access was just absolutely amazing but um again back to this case before we run out of time um I keep going back to Jay Allen heinik and as somebody that has been researching the subject for most of my uh life not my adult life I've been doing this for 50 years the one thing ah I just said the name of the in excess (53:37) song yeah that was pretty good yeah as as part of my statement here but here's the thing I need people to support the story if it's just one person telling the story then it's the fisherman that let the fish go that was this big right I almost caught it well yeah all right but that's just a story but you need the supporting stuff and Jay Allen heck uh the way that he points it out that's what I need I need those that that spider web to go out and and have The Supporting Cast there to come in and do (54:23) they report the same thing and that's what we have in this case as fantastic as it is as insane as it sounds there are witnesses that cooporate the family's experience and I think that's what's most important I'm with you on that one it's always better to have more than one witness and Paul Anderson thank you for the Super Chat thank you all of you guys I really appreciate it we have one more case to cover this one's a very modern case and one that I didn't know about until today Jamie did you know about (54:57) this case Eddie Morales yeah yeah is that what we're we're gonna do this okay okay all right no no no go back to that first photograph go back to okay uh Morales now this all um uh occurred back in 2011 and he took a bunch of pictures and showing this I'm going to say alleged I normally don't say that right here I'm going to say alleged budet uh craft above a hiking trail and in in Brazil but lots of things happen in this case and I I'll hand it back to Cristina but what I want to do is have everybody look at (55:43) these photographs go ahead let's look at this first one here's a zoom in on this one and then here is Eddie's face he's like what's going on it's the world's first UFO selfie in 2011 where selfie the the selfie word hadn't even come out that right came out think in like 2017 or 2018 he's got the right to claim something here he does that's pretty good that's pretty good okay uh do you have another one I have these two to show his face and then to show what okay because he's got a whole (56:24) series of photographs out there all showing the same thing you don't have the lit up one or two there's a couple of L yeah I can find it um what I find interesting about these photographs is this the apparent space between him and the object yeah very close right you just kind of back up and you go huh these look pretty real you know what the problem with this case is we're going to go further into it uh before we run out of time here in a a minute but he was alone yeah yeah buddy system at at this (57:05) point just never leave the house without another person if you want to see a UFO and you want to be credible to many people you can't see it alone so just find someone stitch them to yourself or velcro or something no tie a string to them yeah tie a string yeah tie a string to him that's what you do you tie a string to them okay uh um so so uh what happened in this case uh let me let me tell you I was trying to get the picture but that's okay so in this case took place February 10th 2011 where this Brazilian (57:42) ufologer  what do you do yeah what do you do I'm a ufologer I mean but hey hey hey hey Cristina Cristina merch merch we gotta merch we gotta Merch this I want a ufologer beanie oh oh ufologer follower no you oh that is gold that is gold I feel embarrassed but need to say no no no no no no that's beautiful that beautiful yeah for forget ethologist just you you are now a ufologer a UFO researcher thank you max if the story tou time you know you're going to hear a fairy tale if it starts with that's true that's funny I can't (58:33) concentrate I can't concentrate I can't either so in this case it's the ufologer in me I I can't I can't concentrate what were we talking about oh Eddie Morales Brazil 2011 take it away Cristina  you you followed your you you're so good as far as ufologer  go you're one of the best I think might be the only one in the field in this case so I could only be the best if I'm the only one oh man it's official it's gonna be in our vocabulary now it's gonna be in all of (59:09) our shows we got to say it at least once and you got to have like a bingo card right and all the times that someone says ufologer just it started here this is yeah this is this is now timestamped bookmark ufologer started at 3 28 p.m. on March 13th Pacific Time 2025 on Mysteries with the history with Cristina got it right yeah yeah well I'm a ufologer I don't mess things up let's let's speed through this because our I mean we're already at overtime but here so he reported seeing this UFO in the sky and it had (59:53) significantly significantly my gosh damaged his vehicle while he was visiting a national park in Brazil and then the incident occurred dur near a hiking trail leading up to an area called the waterfall of purification within like the park boundaries and according to Eddie's account the encounter began when he noticed an unusual glowing bright object that was just inside he was inside his parked car it was just the the object was outside and as the light intensified his vehicle engine just shut down completely and this is a more recent (1:00:40) case that we've heard of publicly of someone experiencing this and yes there are pictures but when we see pictures this clear at this time in modern day it as Jimmy had mentioned it's a little sketchy but his background as being a ufologer um you you you really want to add you want to add uh credit to what he has to say well but and thank you Diego uh very cool thank you for that um when we look go back go back to the selfie of this brazzilian ufologer there he is um that I see def thank you Diego Cristina stop stop I (1:01:28) was G to tell you that eers don't make that kind of mistake you ufologer don't make that kind of mistake um I see I could be wrong here but I see depth of field in this shot and I don't know how large the craft is but it looks like it's behind that tree all of this could be a play on I could be imagining this as we do we don't have a real way to triangulate we don't have the size of this crack but it looks this looks that's kind of hard to debunk now you bring in somebody that's a professional (1:02:04) with imaging and they could probably figure things out but this when I first heard about this case and I saw this image I was like well man that looks pretty legit the other images that he's got okay all right it's this one feel bad for his face but uh uh the look on his face but this makes the case feel a little more legit to me well he also claimed upon looking up that he observed a hovering UFO positioned directly above his vehicle and then rather than remaining in the car he made a decision that most people (1:02:43) wouldn't and he got out of the car in order to document the encounter and to take these pictures that we are seeing here and he had captured several photographs of the object including What would later be described as what Jimmy had mentioned the first UFO selfie a selfportrait with the glowing dis well orb shaped object clearly visible in the background as we are seeing on screen and then the images showed a distinctly defined metallic looking craft with a dome like structure emitting a bright circular glow against the dark sky (1:03:23) landscape which I can go back to this image to get a better understanding of what we're talking about here and in this case the the ve his vehicle Eddie's vehicle like the electrical system just completely failed and according to his account every electrical component in the car had been completely burned out rendering the vehicle entirely nonfunctional he wasn't as lucky as Val Johnson or the nolles family or the Cashel Landrum incident where their car stopped and then started working again in this case his stuff was just (1:04:08) completely damaged there was no way to fix it from just taking out the key and putting it back in hoping for the best he had to get that actually checked out by a mechanic or getting a brand new car what a great show today Cristina perfect perfect show and it just feels uh great to be back in the chair with you and and uh and and doing this uh it's just great You're great and seriously and I'm not just saying this you are truly one of the best UFOloger that I know so thank you for that um I'll just (1:04:47) tell everybody uh really quick before I get out of here tonight on Fade to Black Paul Anthony Wallace is back with us and tonight we're going to be talking about the truth of ET contact all of that and much more tonight on fade to black Cristina till next time I'll see you right here next week thank you so much everybody be safe Go Back le tappy thank you Jimmy it's been quite a few weeks but now he's back and we are back on track with Mysteries with a history you know how he calls his audience fadernauts we've been doing (1:05:21) the show such a long time years now at four four years and you know what we never had a cool name like fadernauts  what if what if those listening and watching are called ufologer like that's a pretty cool name I want to hear it from you in the live chat in the comments as well Jimmy's kind of like in the idea backstage but I want to hear it from you would you would you like to be addressed as the eers you think that'd be very fun if you enjoyed the show hit that like button right down below and subscribe if you (1:05:54) haven't already as I do several shows right here every single week and if you want to stay up to dat with UFO news case studies interviews and so much more this is the channel for you before you head out you want to keep an eye on to get your International UFO news updates anytime UFOs are mentioned in the news my website is an aggregate website so you will be informed right when it happens I use it for all of my UFO news updates episodes I find it helpful I want it for I want it to be a research a resource (1:06:32) for your research every single day if you want to be a Ufologer you gotta also follow UFO I want to say thank you to everyone watching this live all the super chats today thank you and the super stickers all of my amazing YouTube members and patreon members April 12th is going to be our live online event if you want to play UFO trivia games Win exclusive merch and interact with a small group of like-minded people that will be on April 12th it will be online and the way to participate is to be a patreon member (1:07:13) that link is in the description box below that is it for today I will see you next time be safe and remember keep your eyes on the skies [Music] [Music] if you enjoy the strange and the Mysterious UFOs the Paranormal encrypted this channel is for you so make sure to subscribe as I do three videos right here every single week and hit that notification Bell so you do not miss any of the bonus content post right here

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