( To see the video of this show, click here >> https://youtu.be/qhljADQFrkg )
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In this episode, Cristina is joined by Fade to Black Radio Host Jimmy Church for a look at a mystery that touches on all aspects of a possible afterlife, other realms and dimensions of existence, and a consciousness outside of the body.

What is Astral Projection..? Consciousness outside of the physical body, according to the classical, medieval, renaissance Hermeticism, Neoplatonism, and later Theosophist and Rosicrucian thought, the astral body is an intermediate body of light linking the rational soul to the physical body while the astral plane is an intermediate world of light between Heaven and Earth, composed of the spheres of the planets and stars.

These astral spheres were held to be populated by angels, demons, and spirits. The subtle bodies, and their associated planes of existence, form an essential part of the esoteric systems that deal with astral phenomena. In the neo-platonism of Plotinus, for example, the individual is a microcosm ("small world") of the universe (the macrocosm or "great world").

"The rational soul...is akin to the great Soul of the World" while "the material universe, like the body, is made as a faded image of the Intelligible". Each succeeding plane of manifestation is causal to the next, a world-view known as emanationism; "from the One proceeds Intellect, from Intellect Soul, and from Soul - in its lower phase, or that of Nature - the material universe".
( *From Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astral_projection )

What is the truth..?? Join Cristina Gomez and Jimmy Church as we look at this fascinating Mystery with a History.

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