The disturbing and enigmatic world of alien abductions is delved into, in today's episode being one of the most bewildering phenomena of modern times. With countless reports of mysterious encounters, abductions by extraterrestrial beings have captured the imagination and fear of people worldwide.

Alien abductions, often on the fringe of UFO sighting reports, and alleged extraterrestrial contact are topics that have perplexed scientists, and sparked debate among skeptics and believers alike. In this episode, we will not only explore some classic cases, but discuss the possibility that such cases continue today, maybe mostly unreported.


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Show Transcript

Alien abductions, it's a hard topic to cover. There was a big surge of alleged alien abductions between the 1970s and the 1980s. But what about today? Are they taking place at the same rate? And the question is, why is it happening to begin with? Today, we will talk about these difficult things, asking difficult questions that people are scared to ask or to know the answer to. (00:39) Hello and welcome to this episode of Mysteries with a History. We will be taken on a wild ride into the unknown, the strange, and the mysterious. Like you, I have questions, and like you, I want answers. And with each episode together, we will peel away the layers to look for the truth. Let me bring in my co-host, Jimmy Church of Fade to Black Radio. (00:59) Hey, Jimmy. Happy leap year. She catches me by surprise. She's watching me sip my coffee, do my hair right now. And I like to bring in, how you doing, Christina? Happy leap year. Is it really leap year? That's what I was told at the very least. And my coffee, I've got a leaking cup today. Yeah, it's like, it's okay. (01:32) It's okay. I'm good. My coffee cup has been abducted. Yeah. How about abducting that like button today? You like that too as well? You know, I ask you this every week. Today is probably the most important time I've ever asked. Because it's leap year. What? Abductions is leap? What? What? It's the most important question because today's leap year. (02:03) So that means everything's important today because it only happens once every four years. Okay. Is that what brought on this abduction? I'm so excited about this show. We've talked about specific abduction cases in the past, and we'll dabble on some of that today for sure. But the discussion about this is, has been surfacing in my circles as well. (02:31) Where have all the abductions gone? And, you know, if you look to the past and you look at where we are today, is it the same thing? But is the conversation happening in your world too? it is it is and and the reason to why I wanted to do today's show is because yesterday I covered the kelly cahill case from 1993 and I thought it would be really awesome to continue the conversation but going more into depth in just the broad spectrum of alien abductions but this show is a little bit different from a few others that we've (03:06) done because we have covered together a handful of alleged alien abductions but for this one it's more of and as I had mentioned at the very beginning It's about asking pretty difficult questions that are difficult to answer because everyone has their own opinion on it. Everyone just has different insights. (03:27) Those that have had experiences as well are going to give you a different answer to those that are doing the research or listening to it for the very first time. And Jimmy, you've been in this field for decades. decades. I've been doing this not as long as you but have gotten pretty intense into research. (03:45) And it seems that maybe from the last time we've spoken about this together up until now, my ideas and potential information that I've come across has changed compared to last time. So I'm pretty excited for today's show and and to hear what you have to say about certain things that we'll be talking about today. (04:05) Okay, I will answer all of that after I go and abduct a coffee cup. I'll be right back. It's bad. It's bad. I've got a leak. I'll be right back. Okay. While he is doing that, I'm going to share my screen here merely as a visual aid. Here it is. Look at that. Looking snazzy. But I wanted to kind of start off with a foundation of the alien abduction phenomenon because it involves individuals claiming to have been forcibly taken by extraterrestrials. (04:37) Okay. I want to take the word extraterrestrials out of here just for a moment and just instead use the word alien, because this way it's more of a universal term in the sense of we could actually be talking about interdimensionals maybe as a possibility and other factors. So it's not just something in our universe, but outside of our planet. (04:58) And so these abductee reports, they undergo medical procedures and examinations on spacecraft, including the insertion of implants and frequently experience paralysis during these encounters. So the modern focus on alien abductions really started in the 1950s. And yes, it goes way farther back, all the way up until the 1800s. (05:22) But it started getting more prevalent, more popular in the media. Back in the 1950s with George Adamski claimed that he was in contact with beings from Venus, which then began to spark this widespread interest in the abduction phenomenon more so than in previous years. But then it really began to grow in the 60s and 70s when we started to see researchers like J. (05:53) Allen Hynek and Dr. James Harder doing their research, doing their investigations, documenting medical examinations, and even telepathic interactions with aliens as well. Jimmy, when you were getting into this topic, and you've been into this since you were a child, when did you start looking at abduction specifically more so than just a sighting? Yeah, that's such a great and important question because I talked often about my experience. (06:24) It was in fourth grade with a friend, and we were watching TV shows. One of them was a show called UFO in Space 1999 and things that were going on. And I went to the library, got an encyclopedia, looked up UFO, and watched. In doing that, there was a photograph of Betty and Barney Hill. And it's one of the famous black and white photographs of the two of them sitting together. (06:53) And you go and you read about it. What? What? And right as I got into that, the idea of alien abductions and what could possibly be going on, I'm nine years old, right? I went feet first into this. And then immediately after that, and I'm talking about 1972, 73, 74, 75, things started happening. We had Betty and Barney Hill. (07:25) That was 1961. Travis Walton, 1975. Antonio Villas-Boas, who we have talked about many times on this show, very famous case. That's 1957. And the other list of cases that people should, as they watch this show today, I'm not going to spend a lot of time on this, but I'm going to give you some stuff to go and research because you have the case of Leo Sprinkle. (07:57) Leo Sprinkle was a University of Wyoming psychologist, and he worked for the university. He goes public with his abduction. He gets fired. in 1989. So go look up Leo Sprinkle. It's a very interesting case. You have 1896 in the November 27th edition of the Stockton, California Daily Grill, Daily Grill, Daily Mail, an article about Colonel H.G. (08:31) Shaw claimed he and a friend were harassed by slender humanoids, right? And this is 1896. And he was kidnapped by them. And that goes back to 1896. You have 1953 in the issue of Man to Man magazine, an article by Leroy Thorpe. And it was called, Are the Flying Saucers Kidnapping Humans? Go and read that article. (09:00) You can find it online. 1955 publication of Harold T. Wilkins' Flying Saucers Uncensored said that Carl Henrath and Wilbur Wilkinson were kidnapped and disappeared by aliens. And they said that they were abducted by flying saucers. You have Pascagoula, right? And that famous case. That was 1973. And that... Going back to my point, when I first started investigating this in 72 and 73, the Pascagoula case made major headlines all across the United States. (09:40) And I was very young, and that influenced me quite a bit. And, of course, I interviewed Calvin Parker on my show. Yeah, Whitley Streber, 1985 in New York. Alan Godfrey, we talked about his abduction case, which happened in 1980. He was a police officer, got abducted, reports his abduction, and then gets retired by the police department. (10:07) You can go and look up that case. One of the cases that doesn't you know, make the headlines like, like other cases is the case of Jan Wolski. That was May, 1978 in Poland. And at the site of his abduction, there is a memorial there that has been posted. And that's a pretty amazing case too, as well. And how he describes what actually had happened. (10:36) He was in a cart. It sounds like he had a horse. He's in Poland, and these little green aliens, and he describes them very strangely, by the way, jump into the cart and start talking to him in a language he doesn't understand. They take him to their flying saucer, which is sitting there parked, and he gets abducted. (11:01) We have the Pierre Zanfretta case. that happened in Italy over a number of years. He said he was abducted 11 times from 1978 to 1981. And then we have also the Robert Taylor case, 1979 in Scotland, that you and I have covered too as well. Now, And just giving you this very brief list off of the top of my head of cases that I have researched, there have been polls, Christina, about possible abductees and the number that has come back is between 5% and 6% of the population think they've been abducted by aliens. (11:50) Now, that is a huge number. Now, I'm wondering, because the topic of today's show is, you know, what's going on, what would happen to those poll numbers if the same poll was conducted today? Have you ever thought about that? Would the numbers go up or down? I have thought about it. And I think with how things are going, you know what? It's actually a difficult thing to answer because there was this surge in the 70s and 80s. (12:21) And you listed a handful of cases that we've gotten into pretty good detail on different shows here. And if you're interested, you can just type in abduction. They'll pop up on this channel. But when we're looking at today, there are still people that allegedly have been abducted. I've received emails. (12:40) I've received DMs by people. Jimmy, I know you have as well. And so then we have to ask, well, are these legitimate or are they just, you know, having a little fun? Right. And and so back in the 70s and 80s, just to kind of give an example, those that have come forward have gone through intense scrutiny. A lot of them have gone through tests. (13:02) A handful of them have had incision marks on their body or things kind of protruding out of their skin that we can classify as potential probes. And there were more people in the sense of the 70s and 80s and even up until the 90s that were taking this very seriously. You had scientists and researchers looking into this and putting their reputation on the line in today's world. (13:29) Yes, you still have people coming forward, but I don't feel like they're getting the same recognition as before. And there's a handful of different answers for that. And I know that people that are listening can probably make up their own conclusions on why they might think that could be. But. Just because people aren't talking about it as much as they did in the 70s and 80s doesn't mean that it's subsided at all. (13:54) The thing is that all we have is their verbal testimony. And if people don't come forward and they die with that secret, we will never have the statistics for it. And speaking about stats, I just want to lay some information down for you. Because back in twenty twenty one in the United States alone, they saw about eighty six thousand cases of disappearances that remained unsolved. (14:18) Remember that number? That's a very big number now in total in the United States. Back in twenty twenty one, at the very least, there were a total or so of about five hundred and twenty one thousand reported missing cases in the United States during that same time period. And over 485,000 were resolved, but that's leaving about 98%, which was resolved, but leaving that 2% unresolved. (14:41) So you have about 1,734 individuals resolved. that have this that have disappeared and it's been linked more to the mysterious and the extraordinary and this is something that we can take that number look at those cases and say okay this is the stats that we want to look at and one person that's very good at this is dave politis from missing 411 so He looks at that 1-2% of the strange disappearing cases that just don't have any kind of plausible explanation. (15:26) When we are dealing with alleged alien abductions, yes, there have been those that live to tell the tale and to have to show whatever kind of incisions that they might have on the body. But there could also be a percentage of those that never return and those which I wish we could talk to them about that. But we can't for at the very least for the time being until we become amazing telepathic creatures. (15:50) I am ready for that moment, Jimmy. But for for now, when we're looking at that one thousand reports from twenty twenty one alone, we can kind of estimate that throughout the years up until today. They could have walked through portals. They could have been abducted. They could have been taken by Bigfoot maybe. (16:08) Maybe they fell through a crevasse by chance and no one knew what happened to them. But when we're looking at numbers, it makes it a little bit easier for people to attempt and begin to rationalize what is going on more so than just throwing stories across. Do you see what I mean by that, Jimmy? Yeah. I do. I do. (16:30) And I'll tell you what really skews that number, I think, into the stratosphere is we are dealing with known cases and we're also dealing with witnesses and testimonials from people that remember or recall or have recalled their cases. How many don't know? How many do not know? My specific situation, I did not know about until my hypnosis therapy. (17:09) I didn't know. I didn't have any idea. I didn't have a clue. And not only that, there's that part of it. If I hadn't had the therapy, I would have never known. And I used to joke about that. I don't want to know. I don't want to know. Let's leave everything. And then suddenly this thing pops up. (17:27) And there's another interesting thing that skews with that number, Christina. Everybody really needs to think about this. We have the standard, when I say standard, it seems like a very typical experience where somebody's been captured or abducted and floated through a wall, paralysis, voluntarily, not voluntarily, whatever, you have that. (17:58) Then you have an examination that happens. You have some type of conference that happens where specific individuals are telepathically communicated with, and there is something that is exchanged. You have a tour of the ship. We hear about this quite often. Went down the halls, and I was shown that. You have experienced loss of time, a very, very common thing that happens. (18:30) Then you have a return. You're back in your bed. You're back in your backyard. You're back in the car, and you don't know how you got there. You just appear there. There's always a message that seems to be very common. That, you know, kindness to others, take care of the planet, nuclear worries and things. (18:57) So we have all of that. And then you have what everybody has to deal with, which is the criticism, the teasing, the ridicule. um serious psychological trauma that comes from this all of the social effects you know your classmates your family your friends and the media and anything else that comes with that then they typically have to deal with that now I just gave you that typical list my encounter had none of that This is very strange to me. (19:32) I didn't get a tour of the ship. I didn't have a conversation with anybody. I wasn't examined. I didn't get put on the operating table. Nobody has teased me about the situation. I don't have a real loss of time. None that I know of. I've talked to the other people that were around me when this happened and nobody remembers any of it. (20:04) So it's like all of the typical things don't apply to me, which would say it not only does it feel that the experience was real. But I think that everybody would probably go through a slightly different encounter, Christina. It's not the same race of beings. It's not the same thing. It can't be. (20:27) The numbers are too great. All right. But the concern that E.T. seems to be having with the planet is consistent. They're interested in us. They're interested in our future. They don't want to get too much involved, but they would like for us to share a message to the rest of the planet. And I think all of that seems fair, right? It seems like it's in bounds. (20:54) It's playing by the rules, and it makes a lot of sense. I want to elaborate on that. But first, W. Decker, thank you so much for that. I really appreciate it. And Mysterious Mystery says, a big reason people don't report it is the stigma attached to it. Lies have been ruined. Yes, they have. And we've seen that time and time again. (21:13) Now, to address your comment, Jimmy. I've been stewing on this for a while, this concept between these entities being our space brothers and that they're these amazing holy beings and we should praise them. And then the other camp that looks at these as terrible, evil entities. These abductions, I'm going to assume here, at the very least, 99% of them are forced onto people. (21:41) People are in immense fear. No, they're not voluntary. They're not voluntary. It's an abduction. No, but not just that. Then you have two separate camps. You have those that are given a tour like you had mentioned and to give a message to the people. And then you have those that are in that are in this state of shock, fear. (22:00) They're scared of what people look like. They're scared of the procedures. And they weren't given a message. They weren't said, oh, everything's going to be fine. You have been a chosen one. We're going to place you back on Earth because you are chosen. you are the one and only chosen by us and we are God. (22:15) You see what I'm saying here? And so we cannot, we can not place all of our eggs in one basket. And so when I hear these claims of, Oh, they're all so amazing and you should be ready with open arms, very much like independent state with, with, with, with the, with the signs on top of the building and they got just smashed by the craft, right? With the beam of light. (22:38) But I'm also not fully forward in the same aspect of those that say they're all malevolent. They're all terrible. We should never, ever trust them, which in some ways, yeah, we shouldn't trust anyone. And that's that. And just kind of feel it out for yourself. But. This is this is why I'm emphasizing this is that we cannot place all of our eggs in one basket. (22:58) And what if at the very least we are dealing with different species that have different agendas? And then we could even bring in the alleged Eisenhower treaty, where as the story goes, at the very least, is that Eisenhower. had a meeting with some extraterrestrials and he said you are able to take a handful of humans and cattle in return for advanced alien technology and so when people talk about the abduction phenomenon that is something that always comes up And to be fair with you, real or not, it's a fascinating story. (23:34) It's one that is very deeply embedded in UFO folklore. But it has to be considered at the very least as well, because we've heard, Jimmy, a thousand times by thousands of different people that fact is stranger than fiction. That Eisenhower Treaty, it sounds like fiction. It sounds out of place. It sounds wacky. (23:56) But if we can put it in the light just for a moment here, that what if it were true, it would change the mentality of those just getting into this field, which leads me to the question of what would be the societal implications if and only if there was irrefutable evidence of alien abductions and that they were being discovered? How do you think that would affect society? UFO transparency, government transparency topics. (24:30) Such an excellent question. And now this is where I would say we've got to get to the existential side of the answer for that. All right. Which is a frightening one. If Eisenhower did a treaty, right, and whether it was here at Edwards Air Force Base or at Holloman or whatever you want to, however you want to focus on it, he may have had more than one contact with E.T. (25:06) Is that any of this, abductions, a treaty, an agreement, disclosure, contact, any of it is not in our control. The aliens are in control of that agenda. They would be much more advanced than us. There is nothing. How are we going to negotiate a treaty with a situation like that? We're not. How are we going to stop abductions? You can't. (25:42) You're dealing with a species that is more advanced than us, and they're going to do what they want to do. Just like when we go into the Amazon jungle and discover new species of frogs. Right? We just go. We take the frogs and bag and tag them and bring them back for study. That's what we do. Why? Because we can. (26:06) The frog's not in control of that. We are. And now that existential, it's a deep, deep, deep philosophical, moral philosophical question. But it is beyond our control. It is. Now, why are we not hearing reports as often of alien abductions today? I would say we're hearing more, but they are different. (26:36) And the reason is this. Just going to lay it out there. Before 1940, we didn't have radar. Before 1960, well, Sputnik in 57 and 58 and Telstar in 59, but we didn't have satellites. We didn't have the technology to observe. We had telescopes. But ET was free to come and go as they pleased. So abductions, interference, observation, study, science of our planet was easy for them to do. (27:22) They could fly in and fly out. It's really that simple. Now there's technology where we can detect them. Civilians have... Night vision cameras, not just the military, right? Night vision binoculars. We have telescopes. We have deep space probes. We have the James Webb Space Telescope. We have all of the radar and radio telescopes all around the world that are looking for anything moving in space. (27:52) So it is harder to just come and go as you please. So you got to change your approach to that. And maybe the abductions are happening, but not in the traditional way of the past. And so, like with my experience, was I taken? Right? Was I physically removed? No, I wasn't. And a lot of contactees and experiencers today are describing a different methodology. (28:28) So I would say the numbers have probably gone through the roof But we're not talking about a physical abduction of a craft landing on the ground and somebody walking up a ramp and going into an exam room. The approach now is different, and it's different because our technology has improved. So I think that the abductions are still here, and they're still happening. (28:52) And maybe just like how our understanding and technology has improved, maybe theirs have as well in the sense of there might no longer be scars on the skin as there were in the 70s and 80s to the extent during that time frame where like, for instance, with cases like Such as Kelly Cahill, she had a scar right near her navel area, which based off of other abductions, we can place the connection that it was potentially to remove her eggs to create hyperidemia. (29:30) children of some kind mixing human and some type of alien DNA. And so maybe in today's world, people are still having these experiences, but they don't have the same proof as they did during that time frame 30, 40 years ago. But it doesn't And I want to just ask this question one more time and also for those listening to this live and or on replay, because this question, it's a big one. (29:58) And I really do want to hear your insights. And that is if we had evidence, if we had full blown proof and maybe if the government said, all right, guys, we've we've been we've been doing a trade and some humans have been abducted, but it's for the benefit of humanity. Right. And they lay it out there like that. (30:19) How would it affect this push that we're going for, for UAP transparency? If that were to come out, would we believe them or would we say, dude, you're off your rocker. I don't know what you're talking about. You're out of your mind. I don't believe you even more. And would we even consider it must be a disinformation campaign? So in your opinion, Jimmy, how would that information affect the movement now if those words either came out from a government official on record or not? If it was globally known and (31:00) accepted that there are abductions taking place when it comes back. The world would blow gaskets. I mean, it would just, that I think would freak everybody out. What? You're doing what? Right? It would be like that. And there would be comparisons to very horrific events in the past, right? For sure. But then, here's the argument to that. (31:32) Look at the movie Close Encounters with Steven Spielberg. It opens with the Fort Lauderdale Flight 19, right? The squadron. And we find it. And the pilots aren't there, but we have the planes. And it suggests something, right? And everybody was cool with that. How does the movie end? With the abductees from Project Serpo, right, stepping off of the spaceship and coming down and being reunited with planet Earth. (32:12) And we were happy about that. It was like, oh, okay, everybody's cool. Nobody asked the deeper question, who let them and was it cool? Right? That's what's really strange. The public at large was like, okay with abductions. It was strange, but if it was revealed today, I think the government's got a lot of issues when it comes to disclosure. (32:39) One of the biggest ones is that, Christina, that if contact is happening, the government is aware of it, and they do have contact or whatever, flying saucers are being reverse engineered, Then the other part comes into play where these abductees come forward and say, somebody is responsible for this. There is a legal issue here. (33:06) It's called kidnapping and abduction. And if you are aware of that and have been aware of that, what about us and the trauma that we went through? And it's something that has to be dealt with for sure. It does. And if that were to come out, it would just lead to so many more questions. And then people would continue to demand transparency and other aspects when it comes to government, which I'm fully for. (33:30) But this has already been difficult as is. And it's just going to open, in all honesty, a can of worms moving forward. But that shouldn't stop people or discourage people to say, hey, we demand the truth here. And thank you for answering that. And also those answering it in the live chat as well. I know Uncle Heavy said that social media does play a big role on the impact of the public consciousness of this topic. (33:59) And I think for a lot of it, that seems to be the case. When I was like when I go through social media, I have begin to realize I have begun to realize, excuse me, that there is a more open conversation about it. People make skits about it across their social media platforms. You know, some make jokes and laugh about it, but a good chunk of a lot of content regarding UFOs and sightings and encounters. (34:29) It's getting really good overall traction across platforms by those that know what they're doing when it comes to SEO. And I think that because of people such as, oh my gosh, I could name any name and you can fill in the fill in the blank there, whoever wants to. It's because of these content creators that they are influencing younger audiences to start asking bigger and better questions. (34:55) Now, this has been going on since the 70s, 80s, 90s. We've had a lot of alien movies and people are like, oh, this is this is so cool. This is kind of freaky. And then we can ask ourselves from the very beginning, is this soft disclosure? There are some really great alien themed movies that Okay, you brought up one, the close encounters. (35:15) It talks about abductions in a roundabout way. right? With Barry, bless that little boy's heart. He's just so cute in that movie. But going on from there up until present day, there are a lot of movies, TV shows, books, cartoons that talk about alien abductions. Is it preparing us for something? Could it really be like one of the best episodes of the Twilight Zone, How to Serve Man? Could it be something like that as well? And the thing is that looking at this we don't have the answers but just talking about this asking (35:52) these questions a lot of people don't want to tread in these waters because it's a hard topic and the biggest fear is that people don't have control and that's what we all crave is to control our everyday lives to control all the decisions that we make and when we are in a predicament that we cannot control It creates this intense level of fear. (36:15) And so this is why this might have to be one of those difficult topics when it comes to the UFO phenomenon. And Brian, thank you so much for that. But I have to ask you that question, Jimmy, and those listening to this. How can you respond to that? And or how would you address this to someone that's just getting into the topic but a little bit nervous to talk about alien abductions? Well, you're right, though. (36:44) It's the trauma associated with that. Now, going back to Barry in Close Encounters, That scene, when he goes out into the cornfield in Muncie, Indiana, and disappears, and his mom, Barry, right, yelling Barry through the... That rips at you. I mean, that tears your heart out. It does. And she goes on her journey to try to figure out what's going on. (37:15) In the end, Barry steps off the craft, and we're all relieved. We're like, phew. Oh, God. Good for Barry, right? But it's that trauma. That's the part. Maybe nothing happens, like, you know, something traumatic. Maybe nothing happens. But the fact that it's out of your control is what freaks you out. (37:36) My particular situation, I was okay with it. I was okay with it. If there's no trauma involved, would I do it again? Well, I didn't have control. I didn't even know that it happened, but I was okay with it. If there's no trauma involved, would most people, I pose the question to people all the time, I've asked you that question, which is, if you got the invitation, would you go? Now, there's a list of things, requirements, right, on the customs form for said trip. (38:13) But if all conditions are met, like you get to come back or whatever, the food, whatever it is, if all the conditions are met, do you go? I think all of us do. Most. I would do it. I would, as long as there's no trauma and it's voluntary. When it's involuntary, that's what causes the trauma, and then you have to deal with that aftermath and a lifelong thing where you're constantly dealing with it. (38:48) But, Jimmy, it's very easy to create the illusion of deciding on your own to do something voluntarily when it's not. Of course. If somebody's smarter than you— they will get around that. Won't they? It's called persuasion. Crazy thing. Well, it's like a Stockholm syndrome, right? Right. Right. (39:09) And if you, if you really think about it in those terms, just maybe somebody is going to act like your friend. Right. And now you, That's the way we are talking about it here on this program. You and I live in the United States. We're American citizens. We have a mindset that we frame all of this in. Is it the same with other countries around the world? and other cultures, how are they dealing with it? What do they consider an alien abduction, right? What about ET and contact? How are they considering this and discussing this? (39:51) What part of it is it in their culture going back historically? These are also the bigger, deeper questions that we have to address because with us on this show, you and I live here. Your audience is from around the world. They're going to have a different way to approach this. Yes, cultures, perceptions, past experiences all affect how we view the world. (40:16) But we have to ask ourselves another question. And I love saying that because I love asking questions like my favorite thing, my favorite thing to do every single day, by the way. But why is this conversation important today? Why are we talking about this? Why are we bringing this up? There are significant reasons and potential reasons as to why more people should know about it and take it. (40:40) more seriously, but at the same time with a grain of salt. But for instance, if we're looking at this topic and with all of the space exploration that we are doing and plan to do, get people onto Mars, get once again... get people on the moon, get people outside of our solar system. As humanity ventures further into space, the possibility of encountering extraterrestrial life becomes more tangible, making the abduction phenomenon more relevant to our understanding of the universe. (41:15) Now, of course, we're going to bring up the Fermi paradox, the Drake equation. Okay, let's hold on to that just for a moment. Let's say Because here on planet Earth, every single piece of land is accounted for. The moon's accounted for. Mars, we're starting to get there with laws and all that not-so-fun stuff. (41:34) But let's say you step foot on Europa. And you're going to know the quote that I'm going to get to. You can touch any planet, any moon, any satellite, but not Europa. So let's say... we get on Europa, right? And when you start mining, we get into the ocean, we come across alien dolphins, alien fishies, alien jellies, right? What if there's this alarm that goes off? Because maybe Europa was never ours to begin with. (42:03) It was monitored and you would be classified as trespassing on that land or that planet, that satellite, right? While we could involve the Fermi paradox, the Drake equation, what if they just never wanted to be seen because we are a hostile species? Look at humanity's history. We have never had a peaceful time in history ever, even up until today where we think we're super cool and super modern with all of our best technology. (42:32) There's still war going on. There's still horrendous crimes happening. What if they just don't want to touch us? What if we're in some kind of quarantine as an entire planet where let's say you're on a spaceship with your entire family? You say, oof, don't go into the ghetto like you can go to any other planet, any other solar system. (42:51) But yeah, don't touch Earth because you will get hurt. Could that be what's going on? And if we were to venture out just a little bit, but still in our solar system, we're treading on land that we haven't claimed in the sense of universally claimed it and said, oh, this is Earth. This is ours. We can do what we want here. (43:12) Yeah, that's exactly the point. I think that's exactly the point. And if... If we're being monitored, and we are, but let's stay with the if side, they would be looking for certain signals to literally signals for levels of our evolution. Where are we on the technical scale with technology? Where are we? And you can observe us at 10,000 years ago and see that we haven't even gotten the wheel yet. (43:48) We're barely getting a grip on fire, right? And then see the development then. Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait. They've got radios. Okay, they've got electricity. Okay, well, then this is next and this is next. But like I said, before that, they had free reign on coming and going here. And they didn't have to worry about that. (44:15) What would we do? Throw spears? Throw rocks? Right. But but today it's a different kind of party and they're looking at the technical scale of things. Wait a minute. They have the ability to shoot first. So now we have to approach how we get there, how we make ourselves visible and how we leave differently. (44:39) And we are seeing exactly that, Christina. And the other part with this, and I think it is a very important thing to consider, is I hate to, I hate to go with men in black, but the scene of men in black, right? Right. Right. And they zap. That's, that's actually pretty clever. And if we are dealing with a technically advanced civilization, and certainly we are, if they're getting here, we're not getting there, they're getting here, then they are more advanced than us. (45:13) And they would understand consciousness and entanglement and levels of physics that we certainly aren't anywhere close to today. But could they, like, take care of our memories? Well, possibly, but maybe it's deeper than that. What if they just changed the time scale, closed it up, and butted up the two events of your life where the abduction started and the abduction ended and just closed up the time gap, and they have control of that, right? So it's not that you don't remember. (45:54) It never happened, right? Right. Do you understand what I'm saying? And that's a different approach to all of this today. We are just now starting to understand these concepts and what Einstein and space time and relativity, which is always a very important conversation to consider. Another species could have not only control of time, but live and exist in a different time span. (46:27) Their time is different than us. And we're not able to see them or communicate with them because they live on a different time scale than we do. And that answers all of the questions. That's actually a really cool point to bring up. But we can even look at our memories as not seeing time as linear. And I want to address this because W. (46:54) Decker says, for some of us, the first encounter could be surprising that it might initially be traumatic. For instance, I really respect Travis Walton and how he has come around to understand his experience. But when we encounter something traumatic, we shut it out of our mind, we have that we have the point A and point C, but we have lost point B, where you can still classify that maybe and I could be wrong as a time edit, where because we only perceive things for the most part with our eyes and our senses as a whole that are then put into our (47:27) memory bank and categorized as a memory, we're able to wipe that hard drive. This is this is why you can't remember every single day of your life what you've had for dinner for the last X amount of years that you've been alive. There are some pieces of information that are more important than others that you classify as more important. (47:46) But there are also instances that are traumatic that you simply do not want to remember. And so while for you, when you're in your day to day life, you might classify as time as linear. But maybe it might not be. And then we always hear the statement of, oh, well, time is just a construct. And we created the concept of time. (48:10) And I've heard that more than once. And someone's going to say, Christina, you said that wrong. But you get what I mean. So we can look at that in the same category, in the same aspect, when we look at memories as well. Again, that's exactly the point. We are, today, we are surrounded with more questions than answers. (48:38) It's that simple, Christina. It's that simple. You would have thought, okay, look, so I go to Egypt. I'm supposed to come back with answers, right? I thought I was. I came out of Egypt with more questions. And the more that we find out about physics and the universe and where we are today versus 10 years, just 10 years ago, all we have is questions. (49:13) We haven't gotten any answers on anything. Tonight on the show, I have an astronomer on the show, not an astrologer, a PhD astronomer. This is their job. And they are out looking further and further and further into the observable universe, finding exoplanet after exoplanet after exoplanet. Today, the biggest questions are, what's going on? There's no answers. (49:44) There's no answers to dark matter, dark energy. We haven't figured out gravity. We don't know the basic fundamental things. What matter is antimatter. The universe is expanding at a faster rate. You know, all of this, it may be collapsing on itself. Maybe there was no big bang. Every time we seem to get close, right, right there to some answers, it blows up in front of us. (50:15) And we've got more questions. And it's the same thing with E.T. When we thought we had it figured out. Metal flying saucers, metal, metallic craft flying to Earth from deep space with men and women on it that are coming here to be our friends, right? We thought we had it all figured out. We don't. (50:41) The Tic Tac shows up, and if that didn't present the craziest questions ever, when we thought we had physics figured out, and we've got something going from 80,000 feet to sea level in fractions of a second, and not doing things like disturbing the atmosphere, causing tidal waves, sonic booms, turning, you know, all of this observed by professionals, not by a couple of guys fishing in Pascagoula, right? We're talking about our military and pilots and the military personnel of a carrier fleet, right? observing this. (51:27) Nothing came out. We didn't get any answers from that with that kind of observation and that kind of data collection. And that's where we are today. So yeah, going back to the compression of time, the erasing of time, putting two events together, butting them end to end, erasing memory, affecting with entanglement, all of these things like the men in black scene, I think that is part of our reality. (51:57) So how many people have had an experience, Christina, don't know that it happened, just like what I went through. I'm telling you, I was confused. I was so confused to have this stuff coming out of my mouth and going back and And looking at my situation and the events around me, and I'm thinking to myself, this sounds just like what I've heard other people talk about, right? And that they have no memory of this until, and that's exactly the same thing with me. (52:38) It's very, very, very strange. And I would have never known if I hadn't gone through therapy. While we can't fully understand what extraterrestrials, interdimensionals, ultradimensionals are truly thinking because they're, to our understanding, not human and don't have much of a human mentality because they should be thinking. (53:03) more advanced at the very least we can attempt to place them at our level and think to ourselves well why would humans uh want to abduct maybe aliens if they were able to travel to another planet what would be some potential reasons and so one of them could be for scientific research and understanding like understanding their anatomy which as the stories go here with craft that have crashed and there are alien bodies inside at least allegedly they immediately go into a lab and they are spliced and diced to better understand them now if we (53:42) have the technology to get ourselves to another intelligent planet in the sense of there are intelligent life forms The first thing we want to do is collect them, put them in a lab or in some kind of test tube and understand them better. We have been doing that since the beginning of time where people have been and humans have been inquisitive enough to say, I want to understand the nuts and bolts of this. (54:07) I want to really understand their anatomy. Let's go ahead and get something sharp and start cutting it open. Children do this. You are taught this in middle school and high school in your science class, dissecting a frog, a pig, a rat, whatever it is. I know it differs between the years and between schools, but we're taught at a pretty young age of if you want to understand something, you need to take it apart. (54:32) This is why children that are two, three, four years old, when they get a toy, the mom says, why, sweet pea, why did you break this? They didn't break it because they were rough with it. They broke it because they wanted to better understand how it worked and how to put it back together. So that mentality hasn't changed and will not change until you start pushing up Daisy. (54:55) So that's one possibility. But then you even have the aspect of wanting their technology, maybe reverse engineering that technology. And the best way to take it is to shoot that other entity and take it without asking. Humanity has been doing that since the beginning as well. But we can even look at the aspects of communication, where if we want to better understand their language, their culture, we will take them and say, all right, teach us everything you know. (55:26) This is almost like an interrogation that you see in so many movies and documentaries. You probably hear it in real life. We've seen actual clips where prisoners are being interrogated by certain detectives where they say, tell me everything you know, and then we'll decipher if you're lying or not. (55:43) Could we place that in the category that they were being abducted from their everyday environment into a prison? Well, depends on how you phrase that and your perspective on it. But it could be used as the word could be used, abduction, when it comes to that. And then, of course, you have defense and security as well, but also cultural exchange and education. (56:05) Now, these are just mere human aspects, human ideas as to why we humans would potentially object abduct an alien from another planet. But that doesn't mean that this is actually happening here on Earth, and that is their mentality. Jimmy, do you think I missed one, or would there be some other pieces that you would say, hmm, this one should be a part of that list? It's what we do. (56:35) It's that simple. It's what we do. It's what we do. You ever go fishing? Fishing. Let's go fishing. Get on the fishing boat. You got your cabin. You're going out and you're catching fish for what? For dinner. And you're pulling that fish out of the water, throwing it into a cooler, going back. (56:59) What are you doing? Gutting it, scaling it, filleting it, frying it, right? Did you think about the little baby fish? where mom and dad didn't come home that night? Have you considered what happens in their world in that lake? It's what we do. Now, right now, as crazy as a metaphor as that may be, right now, you know what the expectations are of this planet with going to Mars? Is that we scoop up something Take it and see if something is growing. (57:41) It's the exact same thing. What we're doing. We're going to asteroids and getting samples and looking for what? Alien life. And we're bringing it back to earth. It's what we do. Now, what is the crazy mentality that ET would never, ever, ever do that? It's just plain crazy talk. It's absolutely crazy talk. (58:13) And I'm going back to biology class. I did the worms. I bailed. I was sick on frog day. I remember I bailed on that class. I couldn't do it. I could not do it. I took the F. I did that. I was like, you know, I did the worm, and that was more than I could handle. You dissected a worm? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. (58:44) That's cool. I got to dissect a baby pig, which is like really sad, actually. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I don't want to hear that. I just don't want to hear that. But it's what we do. It's what we do. And this isn't some extreme crazy thing. You know, I was talking to my guest last night, Dane, about what we used to do as kids. (59:13) And one of the things we did as kids, and I think about it today, how tragic it must have been. But the fun thing to do, I don't know about now, but when we were kids, you had a bug jar. Everybody had a bug jar. And you would go out and catch bees, right? And you would go up and you'd have your little thing and it would Catch a bee, throw some flowers in there, and you are literally taking a bee from its hive, right? You're literally kidnapping, but that's okay. (59:53) Take it home, put it on your show. See how long he lives. Remember, you poke holes in the top so he can get air. It's just in our DNA. It's in our DNA. It's in our DNA. Okay, so when is an abduction good? Let me give you an example. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. When is an abduction good? Today, there was a press release. (1:00:18) 25 million years ago, our DNA was altered. And do you know what happened 25 million years ago? This is a scientific peer-reviewed paper. The press release came out today. 25 million years ago, our DNA was altered. Our tails went away. Now, we... primates, this specific gene in our DNA that deals with tails and all other vertebrates, everything else on planet earth has this gene except us. (1:01:04) Think about that for a second. Now I'm not saying it was aliens, but if there's a good abduction, That was a good one. Took our DNA, abducted somebody, did the snip-snip, and we got rid of our tails. They've never figured that out, why humans don't have tails. So I'm just throwing that out there. (1:01:27) That's a good abduction. I'm okay with that one. Cassidy says, I don't think aliens erase our memories. I think they move them from our conscious memory to subconscious memory. That's why recall seems like a dream. I'm okay with that. That's part of it. How do you build a memory? What do you mean? You already talked about this earlier in the show. (1:01:55) I know, but like, okay. Do you remember what you had for dinner last week? Certain memories take precedent over other memories and it just gets moved to a different part of the brain and it's stored. It's not stored in a temporary area. It's stored in the deep space area where you just don't need it. (1:02:17) Stuff that you need every single day, right, how to tie your shoes, that stuff stays up front, right? I remember crying about learning how to tie my shoes because my parents just kept yelling at me until I got it right. Yes. Trauma. Give me back my tail. Yeah. But, okay, so let's stay on this for a second. And thanks, Cassidy. (1:02:44) Yeah, that was a great point. If we, like I said, tonight on the show, I have an astronomer. When we take into consideration the knowledge that we have today about size, infinite is a big number. Okay? It's big. How big? It doesn't end. It's big. The biggest number you can think of, add a one to it. It gets bigger. (1:03:19) And so that is our universe. It's infinite. It's infinitely growing. It's infinitely expanding. We don't know how big it is. It's expanding so fast that the outer edges of the universe are expanding faster than the speed of light. which means everything's dropping off the edge of the cliff. (1:03:45) We will never, and I'm saying this with pretty solid confidence, we will never know. We will never know what was there. And if there's life on those planets, in which there is a lot of it, we will never encounter that. We'll never catch up to it. Unless we have a wormhole connecting to the multiverse and getting to another universe on the other side of that, where the two universes are coming together, possibly. (1:04:18) But that's not happening tomorrow. So with the vastness of everything in the consideration of infinite, how many different types of abductions, of contact experiences, of species, of memory wipes, of space travel, of anything that you consider is visiting this earth and is out there. That's the big, big, big, big question. (1:04:53) And my answer is, it's a lot. And that's why everything is different. Not everything is the same. These encounters, these contact experiences, the types of ships, I don't know why everybody expects every ET to be driving a Ford Pinto, but they all have to be exactly the same ship with the same type of propulsion system, with the same types of beings involved, wearing the same spacesuits, speaking the same languages, having the same approach. (1:05:32) That's an insane thought. That's not the way it is. My experience, okay, and then we'll move on to your point. My experience after all of the interviews that I have done, all of the people that I have talked to about their experiences, and that number is in the thousands. Out of everybody that I've talked to, the stuff that came out of my mouth about my experience was unlike anything that anybody has ever told me. (1:06:04) It was unlike anything that I've ever read or seen in a movie. It was completely singular, Christina. It made no sense. It just came out of nowhere. And that's why we need to consider with everybody. Don't look for consistencies. Look for the uniqueness of their situation because that's what we're encountering. (1:06:32) If you are enjoying the show, hit that like button right down below. We have 538 people watching this live. Let's get to 400 likes. So hit that like button. Something that I wanted to bring up because you said, well, what are the what are the positive aspects of alien abductions? And it does seem like the cons outweigh the pros. (1:06:53) But we got to see both lights to this, all right? We can't be biased here and say it's one or the other. But I was trying to write down some stuff on why it could possibly be beneficial to humanity, to people that have abductions, which was hard, by the way. But there were some ideas such as, and Jimmy had mentioned this about tails, which I would love to have kept my tail, would be genetic advancements. (1:07:25) Is Jimmy laughing at me? I don't know. But let's dig on to that. So we have genetic advancements. Maybe... When we look at what we understand about Neanderthals, for instance, they had a very heavy brow. They had more of a hunchback. They had bigger features, right? What if aliens came down and they said, you know what, I'm not really digging the features here. (1:07:50) Let's let's change up that bad boy, shall we? And then, bam, they put a little syringe in you and then you look a little bit more on how you do today. Right. For instance, and that's just a silly explanation, but you can go into more into depth on that. But then you also have this evolutionary leap. Well, there are a lot of people that believe in Darwinism. (1:08:11) there's another big majority of people that think it is absolutely bonkers, that there is no way at that speed that humans were able to evolve so quickly from being like your average primate up to a human walking upright, being less hairy, so on and so forth. So could there have been genetic advancements leading to an evolutionary leap much faster than what our basic environment could have done for us? So that's a possibility. (1:08:40) Then you have technological and knowledge exchange, possibly because some of those that have been allegedly abducted are able to see the craft, get an understanding of their culture, of their planet, maybe going into the future. We've heard that before, into the past as well. And then given the message of you must let people know that they need to be better to their planet, right? We hear that as well. (1:09:07) That could be a little positive, right? Then you have this aspect, and this one was kind of a cool way to say it, and that's cosmic citizenship, a.k.a. the hybridization program. And this one I was like, whoa. I mean, it's a give and take because… You have those that have been abducted, that have had their eggs and their sperm removed, and it's traumatic. (1:09:33) It is terrifying. But then they find out, oh, my gosh, I have a kid. I have this hybrid type of child. And then it makes it feel more worth it than previously. Those that have had children and or if you are having one right now, you will feel that, from what I've been told, is that there's this immense level of love that you have for the thing that is being created inside of you, referring to women here. (1:10:03) And then even as a father, you helped create that. that beautiful being that you will raise for the rest of your life. And so when you have these hybridization programs or when you assist in any way that you can to create a being, you get this parently instinct of this is mine, like I made this. And that for a lot of people, not for everyone, it makes it feel more worth it. (1:10:29) And that's why there is this hybridization program type movement on those that want you to connect to your hybrid children, to Be proud instead of scared of what had happened to you. And then you have the aspect of the expansion of consciousness as well. Those that have been abducted and can remember what happened to them, they are able to sometimes ask more complex questions or given insights on consciousness more so than your average person that has never left planet Earth. (1:11:04) What do you think about that, Jimmy? I agree with everything that you just said, but I would like to add to that a little bit. When we consider the work of Bud Hopkins and John Mack, and specifically, I want to point out John Mack's work, but with Bud and John, who were contemporaries and worked with each other, But there was a consistency. (1:11:39) Bud Hopkins was an artist. He was an artist in New York. An artist. That's what he did for a job. That was his gig. John Mack is a Harvard psychologist, Ph.D., And so you have two different viewpoints in a way to approach this subject. But both were therapists. And so with John Mack, with all of the clinical studies that he had done and the therapy sessions that he went through, he saw a common thread. (1:12:21) He took it with him. Whatever it was, he took it with him. I have a friend of mine that has... I can't get into specifics of this because of contracts and things, entertainment stuff, but had access to and listened to the tapes, the session tapes. And there was something that John Mack... connected and backed up and said, I don't know what's going on, but the phenomenon itself, abductions are real. (1:13:02) That's the part where for me, I just have to step back and go, okay, millions of people cannot be crazy. Cannot, cannot. If that's where people want to go as far as skeptics go, then I would say if that is your position, it's you that have the problems. You are the outsider here. You are a unique individual and probably had an abduction experience that they don't remember themselves. (1:13:42) So I always look at it that way where I keep pushing towards the science and where is this leading? Because for me, when I step back and I mentioned this earlier, let's review real quick. the commonalities, the consistencies of the types of creatures, the types of ships. Okay, that may be the wrong approach. (1:14:09) When you look at something like Travis Walton and you look at Betty and Barney Hill, look at Betty and Dreesen, you look at the Pascagoula incident, all of the creatures, all of the species, the types of craft and the encounters were all completely different. And when you look at the Pascagoula case, that robot slash creature was described as the Michelin Man. (1:14:44) Not an alien gray, not a little green man, not an octopus, you know, nothing like that. The Michelin Man. Think about that. In Betty and Barney Hill's case, we had two different descriptions. One, they were wearing black uniforms and looking out the window. And the other species that was aboard the Betty and Barney Hill craft was very similar to an alien gray. (1:15:21) And in the case of Travis Walton, those were humans, male and female, one of the types of creatures. Look at Whitley Strieber, little blue dudes, little blue guys. short, stumpy, little blue guys, the opposite of what we typically hear. And that is what I want to hear. In my case, all right, what I saw, I'm just going to tell everybody, in case you're wondering, what I saw were tall, taller than me, slender, black, Two arms, two legs, and a head and a mouth. (1:16:11) I saw them, heard them speaking English, by the way. There was no telepathy. And they were featureless. It's like an oval head. It's like a round head. thing, right? I didn't see ears or anything like that. I didn't. It was all dark. But the outline of what I saw, they obviously had hands because they were holding things, but they were fuzzy, fuzzy, like all on the edges. (1:16:47) And I keep repeating myself. It wasn't like fur, right? It was like fuzzy, like out of focus. It was very, very, very, very, very strange. I have talked to somebody. I've never had anybody describe to me a black ET. Just jet black. That's it. For all I know, they were naked. There were no uniforms. I didn't see anything like that. (1:17:24) They were just these black... Forms. And one other thing, and I keep saying this, you have to understand, I wasn't really computing what I was seeing. It was all very strange. And it sounds, saying it is as strange as what I saw. But two of the guys were standing with their, I'm saying guys, could have been girls, with their backs to me. (1:17:55) And one turns and looks at me. and kind of nods his head and then goes back and they were holding something like, like, you know, I don't know, pad of paper or some kind of thing. And they were talking about this, but that's, I don't have an operating table. I don't have fancy screens. I didn't have, I don't have any of those things to talk about because I didn't see that. (1:18:23) I simply didn't see that. And the other part about this was, it was a cool environment, temperature-wise. I mean, it was like, okay. Like rad. It was pretty, it was like I was just hanging out with the guys. It was like a weird... It was... I cannot... And for me to describe it, because everybody... else has got their own experience and their way of dealing with this. (1:18:58) Some, it was very magical and empathetic and, and the knowledge-based and a wonderful experience. Others, you know, are full of trauma and it was bad and it was, you know, and, and Travis Walton has flip-flopped. He went from being terrified that he should have, you know, he was like that at the beginning, but he's had many years to think about this and, and his experience has changed the way he looks at it. (1:19:24) Mine was like, okay. It was okay. There was nothing that freaked me out. I just felt like pretty normal. And mine was very quick. By the way, if anybody wants to ask if you haven't heard about this before, I'm guesstimating here that it was like five seconds because I was standing in the corner of, it might have been a corner, I was standing at the edge of this space, this room, and I just like, right? And I looked around the room. (1:20:00) And I kind of went back to center, absorbed what was going on, and then I'm back on Earth. I was back standing with my friends. So that's it. That's it. Would you consider that an abduction? Yeah, kind of. You went there involuntarily, right? Yeah. Man, the whole thing. for me and that, you know, I'm going to be straight with you, Christina. (1:20:29) When I ask people that have been through these experiences to talk about it, how uncomfortable it is to speak about this. And here I am talking about it. And I, it's just like, man, what, what did people think? I, you know, I, I don't care what they think, but what are they thinking? You know, I don't know. (1:20:58) I don't know. I don't know. But I know that others have the same issues that I do. It took me after I had the session. I did it with Sarah Brestman Cosme. After I did the session, I didn't tell anybody about it. I didn't. I didn't. Now, part of it, I didn't want to talk about it because it was the TV show. (1:21:24) And I just, you know, but I didn't go back and watch it. I didn't discuss it. I didn't talk to my production team about it. I didn't talk to Sarah about it. I was more traumatized about the experience of recalling this than I was of the experience itself. And I didn't want to talk about it. (1:21:52) I didn't want to think about it. And it was just like right here. It was like right here all of a sudden. And it wasn't there before. I didn't know. So it didn't bother me. I didn't care. Once I found out and suddenly it's there, this thing, this observation, it was too much for me. It was too much. (1:22:12) It can be. Yeah, yeah, it's the whole thing. So, yeah, people have questions, and I get that. I wish I had a message to humanity. There's a little bit of that, but you can watch it in the TV show or go and check out Sarah and I's conversation about this because she did the session, and she remembers more than I do. (1:22:39) But I don't have a star map. I don't have a description of clothes. I don't know what the ship smelled like. I didn't see windows. I didn't feel it move. All the questions that I ask, right, that I ask of people, if somebody asks me, I don't know. I don't know. Nothing. No, not really. (1:23:01) No, no, no, no, no. It's bizarre. It's bizarre. It's just bizarre. It's so uncomfortable to talk about and think about. Well, thank you for doing that with us, Jimmy. Android says maybe you were remote viewing somewhere else. Do you think that could be a possibility? Yeah, see, I don't know. (1:23:26) I really, I don't know. I'm telling everybody just to repeat. Listen to me. I literally teleported into this room. I looked around the room. I heard some conversations going on. I made eye contact with this dude that looked at me. This other guy is talking to somebody, and his back is to me. I hear that. (1:23:59) I come around this side. I look at these guys. I kind of look back to the middle. And it was like this, like, later. It was kind of like this vibe like that. And that was it. And then I was gone. That's it. That's it. That's it. It was crazy. It was nuts. I feel like I'm in just some crazy TV show or something. (1:24:33) Like this is some scripted comedy. I'm talking about, you know, and it's like people of earth. I'm the dude sitting in the circle. Hi, my name's Jimmy. And I, you know, and, and then I go and I spit this story out and people are watching the comedy show at home in their living room going, well, I'm that guy. (1:24:56) Now I'm that guy. Yeah. It's, it's, it's, it's so uncomfortable. It's so strange. It's so strange. I remember this. Uh, I remember, uh, I was so deep in hypnosis. I mean, I was gone. I was gone. I was so... I was completely disconnected and unaware of everything that was going on. But I remember hearing my voice. (1:25:31) I remember hearing what was coming out of my mouth. And then, like, my subconscious going, what? What? I'm serious. It was like this multiple. It was like I had a bunch of me's inside my head talking about me going, dude, you're out of your mind. What are you saying? I remember that. Absolutely. It was that crazy. (1:26:00) It was that crazy. It was that deep, too, where that deep inside of my mind, Going back to your point, right, deep part of my hard drive, so deep that I didn't know it was there. It was pretty crazy. And it seems that there are a handful of people that have had similar experiences to that, and they have to go or in a way get – get stimulated in some way for memories to spontaneously arise once again, or go through regression hypnosis or casually have a conversation. (1:26:36) They're like, wait, hold on. This is sounding like it. I need to have this competition with you right now. And then bam, all these memories start spiking out of your brain. Like, like fungus or something, whatever you want to think that kind of sprouts out kind of creepy. It's like that. And so it's a touchy subject. (1:26:56) I mean, regression hypnosis is not for everyone. There are some people that have been allegedly abducted that will not go through regression hypnosis. There are others that really desire the answers and think that is the best way to receive those answers. And then you have those that consider regression hypnosis to not be the ideal way to go about it. (1:27:19) Jimmy, before I let you go, I want to end on this note asking you a question is, do you feel like it was worth it for you? Do you feel like you got the authentic memories versus being fed based off of keywords that were used? You know, there were no key words and there was no preloading and there was nothing there. (1:27:40) There was nothing to discuss. So I didn't go into it going, okay, there was this thing. I had missing time on the said date and I want to go back or I want to pass life regression to see if I was, you know, a Roman Caesar. You know, no, there was nothing like that. So that part of it, what I am very grateful for is the experience and the process of what happens with a good therapist like Sarah Breskman Cosme and the ability to not only go under, but to experience the process of it. (1:28:22) I'm very thankful for that. But Would I do it again? Probably not. And I'm saying nobody can predict the future. But as far as going back and analyzing this experience, no. I'm good with it. I'm good with everything that was done, collected, and said, and what I remembered. I don't want to go back and analyze it. (1:28:55) That is is is done that is not part of history it's locked down it's done it's preserved it's on tape it's on multiple cameras it's all there it's all there I'm comfortable with that but I understand the process now um now some therapists are better than others some people can be hypnotized uh easier than others I was very surprised that I went under as quick as I did and how deep. (1:29:29) Christina, when at the very beginning, I was listening to Sarah's voice. It seemed to me time and space are strange at that moment. But it seemed to me to be almost immediate. And it was the feeling of like rolling down a hill, like I was tumbling into sleep, right? Into whatever you want to call it. And I was... (1:30:04) I was, I was, I, I, I forgot what we were. I didn't know anything. I didn't know anything until she brought me out. I forgot when she brought me out of it. I was like, oh, that's right. Oh, there's cameras in here. Oh, wait, wait, what? What? I was like, it's like, man, what happened? What happened? How long was I under? It was like that. (1:30:30) So I'm very thankful that I was able to go through the process. I was questioning if I was able to be hypnotized, if I was able to have a session like that. So those are the questions that I had answered, and I'm very thankful for. There you go, everybody. I know you want more. I don't have much more to give. (1:30:53) You can ask all the questions that you want, and I will answer them, but it's probably going to be, that didn't really happen that way. So there you go. Christina. Always a great show with you. Thank you so much. Tonight, what am I doing? I've said it a few times. Dr. Paul Sutter is with us. He's a professional astronomer. (1:31:14) We're going to be talking about astronomy, exoplanets, our universe, astrophysics, physics, theoretical physics, and how that information is collected and then shared and understood with society. There you go. That's the show tonight. I'll see everybody behave. Thanks, Jimmy. Another great show, as it is every single week. (1:31:36) When it comes to the alien abduction phenomenon, it is a very difficult subject to cover for many different aspects, but one of them being is we don't have a lot of the answers and some questions people are scared to ask. And sometimes people are even scared to receive those answers if they ever come across them. (1:31:59) Out of everything that we covered today, what piece was your favorite? Let me know in the comments. Let me know in the live chat. I do try my absolute best to read out the comments because they're not only valuable to me, but also to everyone else that reads them as well. Before you head out, please hit that like button right down below. (1:32:17) We have 500 people watching. Let's get to 500 likes, if and only if, of course, if you're enjoying the show. Here is the QR code. to all of my social media links, but the best way to check out everything, all of my socials and all of the articles that I write for these shows, you can find them on my website at strange paradigms dot com. (1:32:40) It's that simple. Type it in and it will pop right up or you can scan this QR code and it will take you everywhere that you need to go. Tomorrow is going to be weekly strange news. You do not want to miss that. So please make sure to subscribe and hit that notification bell as we do three live shows right here on this channel every single week. (1:33:02) Before you head out, take a look at my music channel called Cosmic Portals. There I make space ambient music and I'm really excited. I'm really, really excited because I'm planning on making a lot more consistent content for my space ambient music. When I'm saying more consistent, I mean like a few a week popping those out. (1:33:23) So if you need help relaxing, meditating, or using your imagination to wander the universe, That is the channel you do want to check out. You can scan this QR code or you can just type in on YouTube Cosmic Portals. I want to say thank you to everyone catching this live, all the super chats, super stickers, YouTube members, Patreon supporters, of course, all of my amazing moderators and those that even caught this on replay. (1:33:48) That is it for today. I will see you tomorrow. Be safe and remember, keep your eyes on the skies.

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