In a groundbreaking interview, paranormal expert Mike Ricksecker unveils a hidden world where shadow figures save lives, ancient Egyptian tombs hide interdimensional gateways, and your dreams might actually be glimpses into the future. Ricksecker’s revelations blur the line between science fiction and cutting-edge research. Today we dive into a realm where the impossible becomes possible, and the shadows in your peripheral vision might be more than just tricks of the light.

Watch Portals — UFOs — Non Human Intelligences with Mike Ricksecker here

One of the most intriguing topics Ricksecker discusses is the concept of shadow people and their presence in various cultures throughout history. He points out that in ancient Egyptian beliefs, the soul was thought to have multiple parts, including the shadow or “Shuyet.” This shadow was believed to remain on Earth after death, roaming the physical realm.

“The ancient Egyptians believed in multiple parts of the soul and one of those parts of the Soul was the Shadow or they called it the Shuyet. When a person passed away… the shadow the Shuyet… would stay here on Earth to roam around.”

Interestingly, Ricksecker notes that similar concepts of shadow entities exist across various cultures, spanning both time and geography. For instance, he points out that Native American traditions, like those of the Chaka tribe, echo the ancient Egyptian beliefs.

“Each tribe is a little bit different…but in my book ‘A Walk in the Shadows,’ I cover the Shaka tribe, which believed in two different parts of the soul. One part, upon death, would go off to the land of the ghost, while the shadow would stay here on Earth.”

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This universal recognition of shadow entities across diverse cultures suggests a shared human experience that transcends historical and geographical boundaries.

But just when you think you’ve got a handle on the nature of these shadow figures, Ricksecker flips the script, challenging our preconceptions about their inherent nature. Those menacing shadows that we’ve come to fear might not be as sinister as we’ve been led to believe. In fact, Ricksecker shares several accounts that paint these entities in a surprisingly positive light. One particularly moving story involves a mother and her ill child.

“Another woman shared an account with me… where her young son was very, very ill, and she kept seeing this shadow figure go into his room. She thought this was a harbinger of death.”

However, the story takes an unexpected turn. The shadow figure, far from being a herald of doom, appeared to be a protective presence. Ricksecker continues,

“They’d gone to the doctors many, many times, and they kept running the same tests over and over again. Well, this one particular time, they’re in the doctor’s office, they’re running the same tests again, and then all of a sudden, the doctor stopped, said ‘hold up a minute,’ turned his head as if somebody was whispering into his ear.”

This mysterious intervention led to new tests being performed, resulting in a correct diagnosis and treatment for the boy. The shadow figure never appeared again after the child recovered, leading the mother to believe it had been there to protect and help her son all along.

Another intriguing account Ricksecker shares involves a woman’s experience at an abandoned abbey in Ireland.

“A good friend of mine…was exploring the ruins, slipping, falling down the stairs, and it was this hooded shadow figure that reached out and grabbed her and saved her from falling down the stairs and breaking her leg.”

In this case, the shadow entity, possibly the spirit of a long-departed monk, acted as a guardian, preventing potential harm.

These stories serve as a powerful reminder that in the world of the paranormal, things are rarely black and white. Our perceptions of these shadow entities, often colored by fear and cultural conditioning, might be obscuring a more complex and nuanced reality. As Ricksecker points out,

“We hear stories all the time of people in the hospital, they’re essentially on their deathbed, sometimes people see light beings, sometimes people see shadows, and they immediately associate, because it’s kind of been ingrained into us culturally, that ‘oh, it’s a shadow, it’s dark in nature, they must be going to the bad place.’ Well, that’s not necessarily the case.”

These accounts challenge us to reconsider our assumptions about the nature of shadow people and the unseen world around us, opening up possibilities that are both fascinating and profoundly comforting.

As we hurtle towards an AI-dominated future, even the realm of the supernatural isn’t immune. Ricksecker sees potential in harnessing artificial intelligence for paranormal research.

“I think if we were to feed it some real data, then I think it could start creating a more predictive model for explaining what exactly is happening or even tell us when something may occur,”

Imagine a world where we could predict ghostly encounters with the same accuracy as weather forecasts. The future of paranormal research might be closer than we think.

In a world where the boundaries of science are constantly expanding, Ricksecker’s work reminds us that the greatest mysteries might be hiding in plain sight. The shadow in the corner of your room, the déjà vu you can’t shake, the dream that came true — could these be glimpses into a reality far more vast and intricate than we ever imagined? As we continue to push the boundaries of human knowledge, one thing becomes clear: the truth is not only out there, it might be closer than we think. The only question is, are we ready to see it?

But wait, there’s more.! Catch the rest of  Portals — UFOs — Non Human Intelligences with Mike Ricksecker in the newest episode.

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