In the realm of parapsychology and ufology, few topics spark as much intrigue as the alleged use of remote viewing to gather information about extraterrestrial life and UFOs. This practice, which claims to allow individuals to perceive distant or unseen targets through extrasensory means, has a rich history intertwined with government research and controversial claims.
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The roots of modern remote viewing can be traced back to the CIA and the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in the 1970s and 1980s. Key figures in this pioneering research included physicist Hal Puthoff, physicist Russell Targ, artist Ingo Swann, and Pat Price. Their work laid the foundation for Project Stargate, a U.S. government-funded program exploring the potential intelligence applications of remote viewing.

One of the most notable remote viewers, Joe McMoneagle, reportedly conducted a session focused on Mars in 1984. During this session, McMoneagle described seeing ancient structures resembling pyramids and evidence of a past civilization, including tall, thin humanoid figures. This session, which involved looking thousands of years into Mars’ past, exemplifies the claimed ability of remote viewers to transcend not only space but time.

Ingo Swann, a renowned figure in the remote viewing community, claimed to have had extraordinary experiences viewing the far side of the moon. In his 1998 book “Penetration: The Question of Extraterrestrial and Human Telepathy,” Swann detailed these alleged observations. According to Swann, when given coordinates for the far side of the moon, he perceived a number of unexpected and bizarre features. He described seeing unusual structures that appeared artificial in nature, suggesting the presence of non-human activity. Swann reported observing what seemed to be domes, towers, and other geometric shapes that didn’t align with known natural lunar formations. Perhaps most intriguingly, he claimed to have witnessed extraterrestrial entities engaged in various activities on the lunar surface. Swann also mentioned perceiving a strange, green hazy substance or gas in certain areas, the nature and purpose of which he couldn’t determine. Swann’s descriptions of the lunar far side went far beyond what was officially known or acknowledged about the moon’s terrain and potential inhabitation, making his account one of the most provocative in the annals of remote viewing literature.

Perhaps one of the most startling claims came from Pat Price, who allegedly identified four extraterrestrial bases on Earth. These bases were reportedly located in Alaska, Australia, Zimbabwe, and the Pyrenees mountains between Spain and France. Interestingly, when other remote viewers attempted to gather more information about these locations, they encountered difficulties, reporting scrambled or blocked information.

These experiences raise intriguing questions about the nature of consciousness and the potential capabilities of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations. Some speculate that if remote viewing is indeed possible, extraterrestrial beings might have a far more advanced understanding of consciousness, allowing them to detect and block such attempts at psychic intrusion.
As we continue to advance our understanding of quantum physics and consciousness, new insights may emerge that shed light on the mechanisms behind remote viewing.

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