The latest news of a National Security Threat from Space, which is an evolving story, has been pointing mainly at a new threat from Russia concerning space-based weapons. However, there is also a lot of chatter about the UFO / UAP threat from space. We will dig into these news reports and rumors, and try to look behind the headlines.
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The National Security Threat Mentioned by Rep. Mike Turner
According to ABC News — The top security advisor at the White House and key members of Congress tried to reassure everyone on Wednesday after the leader of the House Intelligence Committee alerted the public to a “national security threat.” This threat involved a worrying military move by a foreign country, described as so critical that President Joe Biden was urged to release “all information” about it by Rep. Mike Turner .

People familiar with the discussions in Congress mentioned that this concern involves Russia’s plans to place a nuclear weapon in space. However, the purpose wouldn’t be to attack Earth directly but could target satellites. Although not speaking about the issue directly, several Congress members acknowledged the severity of the situation while aiming to prevent public panic.
“We are going to work together to handle this issue, as we do with all important classified issues,” said House Speaker Mike Johnson.
Rep. Jim Himes, a Democrat from Connecticut and a senior member of the House Intelligence Committee, also tried to calm the public by stating the warning was “significant” but “not a cause for panic.”
He mentioned that discussing whether to release more information about this issue is necessary but should not happen in public. Throughout the afternoon on February 15th, lawmakers visited a secure room to review the intelligence that prompted Turner’s alarm. Although details were sparse, Rep. Bruce Westerman, R-Ark., confirmed the situation was indeed troubling. A letter from Turner and Himes to Congress members, which ABC News saw, describes the issue as related to “a destabilizing foreign military capability” that all policymakers should be aware of.

Despite the urgency conveyed by Turner, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan emphasized the administration’s openness to declassifying intelligence when it serves the national interest. He confirmed that President Biden is closely monitoring the situation and had specifically instructed him to engage with the Gang of Eight regarding the threat.
According to NBC News — in a statement, Turner said his rationale for raising the issue publicly was to pressure the administration to declassify the material to benefit American allies. He said he “worked in consultation with the Biden Administration to notify Congress” of the threat, adding that the language in the notification he put out on Wednesday had been cleared by the administration. The House Intelligence Committee voted 23–1 to make the information available to members, he said.

The White House’s Statement
According to the— The White House publicly confirmed on Thursday that Russia has obtained a “troubling” emerging anti-satellite weapon but said it cannot directly cause “physical destruction” on Earth.
“It is related to an anti-satellite capability that Russia is developing,” Coordinator for Strategic Communications at the National Security Council in the White House, John Kirby, said at the daily press briefing. “This is not an active capability that’s been deployed, and though Russia’s pursuit of this particular capability is troubling, there is no immediate threat to anyone’s safety.”

“We’re not talking about a weapon that can be used to attack human beings or cause physical destruction here on Earth,” Kirby said, later adding that the threat “would be space-based.”
Kirby said the U.S. has been aware of Russia’s pursuit of the capability for many months, if not years, “but only in recent weeks now has the intelligence community been able to assess with a higher sense of confidence exactly how Russia continues to pursue it.”
But just because the White House said that, is it fully true..?
The UFO Connection
On Wednesday February 14th, Mike Turner and others had a classified briefing. Following the briefing, Ask a Pol engaged Rep. Norman for further discussion. They talked about a recent session hosted by the Conservative Opportunity Society featuring insights from ex-chief of AATIP, Lue Elizondo, along with a scientist, and two pilots — one of which that has an extensive combat experience who captured photographs of UFOs. Norman described these individuals as highly credible, countering the typical media depiction of UFO identifiers.

Might Mike Turner actually be alluding to UFO concerns rather than the Russian satellite threat, as suggested by John Kirby’s commentary on behalf of the White House? Considering the administration’s long-standing awareness of Russia’s satellite developments, the recent emphasis on this issue invites speculation about its immediate significance.
The Timing is Everything
Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick’s UFO Statements
According to — published February 9, 2024 — Sean Kirkpatrick, the former leader of the US Department of Defense’s UFO task force, AARO, demanded the release of critical documents to illuminate the real situation. Hindered by the Pentagon, he shared his frustration over being silenced, stating, “There was a very strong concern to engage in the public discourse as often as I thought we needed to.” He criticized the Pentagon’s cautious approach to public discussions about UFOs, arguing that the lack of transparency only fueled speculation and misinformation. Kirkpatrick warned, “If there is a void in the information space, it will be filled with the imagination of the public,” highlighting the risks of not providing enough official information on UFOs.

Despite his claims of being restricted in what he could reveal, the Pentagon denied such allegations, asserting that Kirkpatrick had the freedom to communicate his findings during is tenure with AARO. In his push for transparency, Kirkpatrick noted the imminent release of declassified material intended to educate the public, including footage and documents on UFOs. He lamented the challenges of conveying the truth within the Pentagon’s constraints, emphasizing the need for greater openness in addressing the mysteries of UFO sightings. He resigned from AARO in December of 2023.
This only emphasizes the particular timing of the DOD’s statements regarding UFO transparency.
Inspector General Robert P. Storch’s UFO Statements
According to the Department of Defense Office of Inspector General website published January 25th, 2024 — Inspector General Robert P. Storch announced that the DoD OIG released an unclassified summary of the previously issued classified report, “Evaluation of the DoD’s Actions Regarding Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena.” The report reviewed the extent to which the DoD, Military Services, Defense agencies, and Military Department Counterintelligence Organizations took intelligence, counterintelligence, and force protection actions to detect, report, collect, analyze, and identify unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP).
A full version of the classified report was issued on August 15, 2023. IG Storch stated,
“Given the significant public interest in how the DoD is addressing UAPs, we are releasing this unclassified summary to be as transparent as possible with the American people about our oversight work on this important issue.”
As the unclassified summary explains, the DoD OIG found that the DoD does not have a comprehensive, coordinated approach to address UAP. For example, the DoD OIG determined that DoD Components developed varying processes to collect, analyze, and identify UAP incidents.

The DoD OIG also found that the DoD’s lack of a comprehensive, coordinated approach to address UAP may pose a threat to military forces and national security. For instance, the DoD OIG determined that the DoD has no overarching UAP policy and, as a result, it lacks assurance that national security and flight safety threats to the United States from UAP have been identified and mitigated.
To address the issues identified in this report, the DoD OIG made 11 recommendations to the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security, in coordination with the Director of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office; the Secretaries of the Army, Navy, and Air Force; and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. For example, the DoD OIG recommended that the DoD issue a policy to integrate roles, responsibilities, requirements, and coordination procedures regarding UAP into existing intelligence, counterintelligence, and force protection policies and procedures.
And so with that, according to, this legislation requires these agencies to prepare their UAP-related documents for public release and for submission to the National Archives by the end of the current fiscal year. Laurence Brewer, the U.S. Government’s chief records officer, and Chris Naylor, from the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), outlined these requirements in a recent memo to the records managers of federal agencies.
According to this new law, a comprehensive collection of UAP records will be established at NARA. However, the law was passed without a provision that would have created a presidential commission with the power to declassify UAP records, a measure that was notably supported by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.
Brewer and his team at NARA are responsible for guiding records officers on how to compile the UAP collection, including the development of a specific form for agencies to use when tagging their records for this archive.
The memo provided to agency records managers delves into detailed expectations regarding the metadata for these records. This includes specifying classification levels and what information can (or cannot) be disclosed to the public.
NARA is urging agencies to begin identifying pertinent records and is planning to issue further instructions on how to tag and send these records to the Archives. This initiative marks a significant step towards increasing transparency about UAPs and potentially shedding light on one of the most intriguing subjects in modern history.
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