Veteran paranormal investigator Trey Hudson reveals shocking encounters with mysterious portals and strange entities that challenge our understanding of reality. From health-altering anomalies to the (wo)men in black, Hudson’s experiences offer a glimpse into a world where the impossible becomes tangible — and potentially dangerous.
Watch PORTALS and Non Human Entity Encounters in the Forest here
The Portal Encounter
One of Hudson’s most intriguing encounters occurred during an investigation in a remote forest meadow. Using advanced thermal imaging equipment, the team detected an anomalous cube-like structure, approximately 30 feet in each dimension, that appeared colder than its surroundings. Hudson describes,
“We saw some entities… if you’re clear and imagine a heat signature about 6' tall, 24 inches wide, man-sized more or less.”

These heat signatures behaved bizarrely, growing taller and shorter, splitting into two separate entities, and then vanishing entirely. Two brave team members ventured into this mysterious anomaly. “They described it like this,” Hudson recounts,
“they said it was… they went into it and they were unencumbered, they didn’t have any briers, they didn’t have any branches… nothing tugging at their clothing, they just walked into it very easily and when they were there, they noticed the temperature had dropped… it was like stepping into a black velvet bag.”
Strangely, when the team members retreated from the anomaly, they encountered physical obstacles that hadn’t been present when they entered. Perhaps most disturbing were the aftereffects: the team observed unexplained radiation spikes in the area, and both men who entered the portal experienced severe health issues in the following year. One passed away unexpectedly, while the other saw a dramatic resurgence of a previously controlled cancer.

“Within about a year, one of them became very ill and died unexpectedly… The second gentleman… had been diagnosed with prostate cancer many many years before, had been in remission, was the absolute picture of health, and his prostate cancer came back with a vengeance and actually metastasized into his spine.”
This chilling encounter not only challenged the team’s understanding of reality but also raised serious questions about the potential dangers of interacting with such anomalies.
The Woman in Black
In a twist that seems pulled straight from science fiction, Hudson and his team encountered a bizarrely out-of-place businesswoman in the forest immediately following their portal experience. On a cold February night around 10 PM, in the midst of a remote forest investigation, Hudson’s team was confronted by an anomalous figure. Hudson describes the surreal scene:
“To my amazement, a lady standing there in the middle of the forest at night, 10 p.m. in the wintertime, wearing loafers, slacks, a blouse, and a blazer, totally inappropriately dressed for that environment.”

This mysterious woman, bizarrely out of place in both attire and demeanor, began urging Hudson and his team to follow her down a deserted county road. She spoke of a barn inhabited by creatures she called “monkey bears,” a term that immediately raised red flags for the experienced investigators. The woman’s behavior became increasingly erratic — she failed to pick up on social cues, seemed oblivious to the inappropriateness of her presence, and shockingly, at one point urinated in front of the team.
Adding to the strangeness, she claimed to have attended the same university as Hudson and knew the same professors, details that seemed impossibly coincidental. When Hudson later attempted to verify her identity, he discovered that while she appeared to be a real person, her recollection of the night’s events differed drastically from the team’s experience, remembering only a normal, uneventful interaction. This discrepancy in memories, combined with her odd behavior and uncanny knowledge, left Hudson grappling with questions about the true nature of this strange Woman in Black. Why was she in the middle of the forest, at night in February? Why was she seen after Trey’s team encountered a portal? Was is all merely a coincidence, or something more sinister?
Evolving Research Methodologies
Recognizing the need for a more rigorous approach to paranormal investigation, Hudson became the director of the Oxford Paranormal Society and its Anomalous Studies and Observation Group.

He describes the team’s composition:
“We formed the Anomalous Studies and Observation Group and staffed it with people with military, law enforcement, emergency medicine backgrounds… These were people that were used to being in high stress, very very crazy and chaotic conditions and were able to keep their wits about them and stay focused on the mission.”
For those interested in delving into this field, Hudson offers advice:
“Take your own journey and don’t be led on the journey by somebody else. Make up your own mind, have your own experiences, and have your own story.”
While many questions remain unanswered, one thing is clear — the journey into the unknown is far from over, and the greatest discoveries may yet lie ahead.
Catch the rest of PORTALS and Non Human Entity Encounters in the Forest in the newest episode.

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