In this episode, we ask, What is Happening in Our Skies? Egg Shaped UFOs Exposed. On Saturday, January 18th, 2025, Ross Coulthart of NewsNation will air an incredible interview. In it, shocking UAP / UFO recovery video footage will be shown, and Air Force veteran, Jake Barber who stated he was involved in the recovery of the UFO which he described as being white and egg shaped, will give his story.

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News Nation just announced that a new UFO whistleblower has come forward. Air Force veteran Jake Barber told journalist Ross Coldheart that he saw a white egg-shaped UFO in the sky. And this got me thinking, how common would it be? are egg and oval-shaped UFOs. Hello and welcome to this episode of Mysteries with a History, where you'll be taken on a wild ride into the unknown, the strange, and the mysterious. (00:38) Like you, I have questions, and like you, I want answers. And with each episode together, we will peel away the layers to look for the truth. Let me bring in my co-host, Jimmy Church of Faded Black Radio. Jimmy, another amazing Thursday. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's another Thursday. How you doing? I (01:04) t's a great... Now, okay, so I'm going to start and keep the tradition going. Hello, everybody. The subject of today, was it because of this media announcement? It was, yes. That's it? That's all you got? Yes. Okay. All right. All right. Okay. All right. All right. A ll right. All right. Fair enough. But I wanted to say that the cases that we are going to cover today, for those out there that are researching this. (01:44) Some are new to the subject. Some are veterans that have been doing a lot of research for many years. And these cases do need to be revisited. And we've covered them in the past. But the idea behind that type of shape. I'm saying that very loosely. Egg-shaped, white, light-colored. Yes, it has popped up recently with the Tic Tac and other t hings, but these cases go back many, many years and are in some cases, extremely well documented. (02:32) And we need to revisit these cases and we need to take a look at those and let everybody go and do their own research and check it out. But I think it's our job to keep this stuff fresh and out front all the time. It's too easy to just get lost in all of the other chatter that's going on out there without giving the respect to past cases and previous research. (03:00) And it also sets a foun dation for what is to come as well. And I have a few stats that I want to share with you. But before we do that, AJ Raffles, thank you so much. And Android, same here. Thank you as much as well for supporting the channel and sharing. You guys are so awesome. And I'm loving all the egg jokes in the chat. (03:17) All the egg puns are my favorite. Now we're going to get into some statistics before we dive into some of the very famous cases. Starting off with New Fork. has collected about thirteen h undred egg shaped UFO reports and sixty five hundred oval shaped UFO reports. And then which is already interesting in itself. (03:39) But what we're seeing right here was created by UFO researcher Cheryl Costa, and she had looked in through MUFON and NICAP, and I believe NUFORC as well, to get this graph that we're seeing on screen right here, looking at egg-shaped UFOs from two thousand and one to twenty seventeen, a total from her reports of about a little under thirteen hundred. (04:08) Now, in this time frame, she had stated that in the seventeen years they have been seen all across the United States, including So like all fifty states and D.C. and also had mentioned that annual sightings averaged at around seventy four along with that. these the egg-shaped sightings in particular have shot up exponentially from from actually if we look at we can actually look at the I went ahead of myself let me let me zoom in on this so we can really see what I'm talking about so if we look righ t here in it got a hundred and twenty (04:49) eight reports now if we're looking at previous years you're not getting those same those same rates that same kind of So what's interesting, and it's actually unfortunate that it only went to twenty seventeen. But what we're noticing here on this trend is that overall, almost every single year, people are reporting more and more sightings aside from twenty fifteen to twenty sixteen. (05:14) But aside from that, these are becoming a more prevalent sha pe that people are noticing when looking up in the skies or above the oceans as well. historically yes uh and it is an interesting trend and then historically you and I have covered so many ancient history type cases going back uh to you know one hundred a. (05:45) d right uh one thousand a.d twelve hundred eighty and those reports when you look at the historical record christina Uh, the white oval shaped egg shaped object in the sky has always been there. Hasn't it? It's just, it's, it's a cons tant. It is. It definitely is. And people are making comments in the chat of this next image. (06:13) Someone had to bring this to my attention because it wasn't in my generation, but Mork and Mindy's about this alien, which is Robin Williams, who came to Earth in an egg-shaped UFO. He did. And it seemed very appropriate for today, and so... Great show, by the way. You know, that Mork and Mindy, really briefly, just really briefly, I was not living in the United States when that show debuted. (0 6:47) but I was hearing about it a lot back then you know no cable television there wasn't a way to see stuff so I only heard about the sensation when I finally got back to the united states and I was able to watch the show and and catch the reruns it was just a great show but mork's spaceship was an egg yeah yeah and uh coincidence it's it's just yeah okay I I get all of that but uh you've just reminded me I think mork and mindy might have to go on my binge list uh for this weekend I've got to go back and and why (07:28) that it was just such a great show such a great show now um uh I wanted to uh the analysis that I have broken down which will be similar to yours of these different incidents that we're going to bring up today are so documented and so crazy, you have to just sit back and wonder in that time span, because we're going to go back in time here. (08:00) What is it that is in the skies? Because today, drones, right, different types of propulsion systems, aerial platforms th at may have a top secret propulsion system involved with it. Is there props or propellers or not? Jet engines or not? Noise or not? And running in silence. But that's today. And we can accept technology today and look into different areas. (08:35) But when you go back into history and you're in the nineteen forties and the nineteen fifties and nineteen sixties and these objects are flying around I I'm not so sure that they are terrestrial I'm starting to think that there's such a consistent uh s ighting and testimony from the past christina that when we turn around and take a look at something like the tic tac Is there a similarity there? And we're going to go over that today, but I would say the answer is yes. (09:11) This isn't, the Tic Tac isn't the first time a craft like this has been cited. That's right. And I think we should go in chronological order. The first one, this one, funny enough, has been shared on the internet, shared on the internet recently in the last few days, more ntally, they all share a similar shape. But Jimmy, tell us about this case. I really enjoy this one. Yeah, this is one of my favorite cases. It was Italy, by the way, not France. I was looking at Florence. I'm so sorry. Yes. No, no, no, no, no, no. I'm not correcting you. (10:27) I'm not correcting you. But you are, and I appreciate it. No, I need that correction. Thank you. The audience is taking notes. As they should. We've got to guide them correctly. So, yes. When I first heard about this ca ch, the field, and is looking to the sky. And everybody started screaming. One of the players, now this is a quote, one of the players on the pitch, his name is Ardico Magnini, said, and I quote, it was something that looked like an egg that was moving slowly, slowly, slowly. (12:34) Everyone was looking up, and there was also some glitter floating Okay, now we're going to get to this in a second. Coming down from the sky, silver glitter. We were astonished. We had never seen anything like it be . Why? It dissolved. It's gone. It's gone. He had it in. So he takes it out of the jar. He gets some of the analysis done and then it also disintegrates. It's one of the most amazing cases in all of UFO history. (14:35) It's definitely a fascinating one. And I think where you really get a bang for your buck, you're seeing a sports game and then you're seeing a UFO on top of that. I think for modern times to get something of that same level of relevance might be at a Super Bowl game with American Where have you been? Right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't have the touch I used to have with that. Something else worth mentioning about this before we move forward is somehow in some way the U.S. (16:25) got involved. They're like, oh, UFO sighting, you say? Ah, I must investigate. So a U.S. Air Force pilot turned astronomer, James McGaha, suggested that this entire incident referring to the, what we now would classify as angel hair, the strange substance coming out of these UFOs, was just, they we research on it and has written books about it. Well, he also investigated this case in Italy of a UFO, this oval shaped, cigar shaped, egg shaped UFO in the sky back in nineteen fifty four. (18:13) It's interesting, Jimmy, that we're seeing this kind of this loop. of people doing the investigations and also seeing similarities the this angel hair has been seen across a handful of different sightings and one researcher that has done good good investigations on this is preston dennett he has done kay we've got go ahead and pop that up oh we're gonna go to (20:07) leveling I thought that was I thought that was florence I thought that was florence let's let's go to uh leveling texas and this this case Um, I'll let you, because I've got a breakdown of some other stuff here. Um, so I'll hand it off to you and then I'll pick up when you're done. But this case, again, I'll say it. (20:34) One of the most documented and fascinating cases, uh, in the history of, uh, ufology. And all the cases th oing investigations into this, writing the reports, telling their witness testimony. And one of them was Sheriff Clem and a deputy personally witnessed the phenomenon at around one thirty a.m. Followed shortly by Fire Marshal Ray Jones, who also experienced vehicle problems while observing the object. (22:20) And these lights were documented across police. from like the west, east, and north of Loveland, establishing a pattern of pretty similar encounters from rather credible witnesses, at least all lightning, which I'm sure it exists, it's never been photographed. Right? Have you seen a video of ball lightning, Christina? No. (24:01) Now, well, maybe you have. But ball lightning, although I think it exists, you can confuse orbs with that and other things. But putting ball lightning aside, you mentioned the police station and one officer Fowler. All right, now this is how it went down, people. I want you to listen to me very closely. It all started at eleven p.m. (24:32) It was the firs n, and this particular part of the evening at twelve ten a.m. And that witness was included in Project Blue Book. (26:05) Twelve forty five a.m. Caller says a craft has just soft, softly landed on the road. All right now. Um, at, uh, uh, at the same time, the caller said, and now I've, uh, omitted this in the other parts that the craft changed color before it landed. And it was, it changed from blue, green from white to blue, green, and then landed. (26:41) Now, other callers that night into Fow n't that interesting? This is one of the most documented cases out there. And I would encourage everyone to go look at the nineteen fifty seven Loveland, Texas case. It's it's incredible. It is. It's definitely a very, very exciting case and one that we could probably do an entire show on, but we have a lot to cover in a short period of time. (28:36) Brian, thank you so much. And Jennifer and Mel and Mike's as well. Thank you all so much for supporting the channel. You guys make these shows happ em. Now, in this case, this is a pretty remarkable incident. And again, I'm just going to speed through this one took place on, on April, where Lonnie Zamora heard this very strange sound in the distance, like something was exploding like fire and things like this. (29:57) So he runs over on this case, he drives over and And he sees this craft, this egg-shaped craft with this very odd symbol on it. Here's Lonnie Zamora in the corner, and here's the newspaper clipping on the left. And the news wa nt, which we have in great detail. And then just a few days later, just east of Albuquerque in Edgewood, someone sees a UFO and is like, you know what? The best thing to do is to shoot at it. (31:43) Let's see what it really is. That's humans. That's homo sapiens sapien. That's what we do, Christina. This case, we've covered it many, many, many, many times. It's April twenty fourth. It's it was J. Allen Hynek's most favorite case. And I think that it was instrumental in changing his worldview on shows up. I think the CIA shows up. (33:36) The local police show up. The state police show up. Christina? At the same time. Dun, dun, dun. Right, right, right. And they were all, now we're looking at the symbol here on the side of the craft. The symbol made it into its description, made it into the paper. That was misinformation. That was disinformation. (34:01) And they did that on purpose. They wanted to know if other people would report a similar symbol and if they reported it differently o that indicate? A couple of arms, right? A couple of legs, a head. But he said that they were wearing white overalls. But he said they were too small to be adults or large kids. Now, isn't that interesting? Yeah. It's one of the great cases. It truly is. Jacques Vallée, of course, Hynek. (36:06) Hynek was immediately on location. Jacques Vallée told me, I mean, said to me, he was with J. Allen Hynek when the phone call came in. Yeah, about Socorro. And the next day, Hynek flew out. He was on loc lers, we have their names, RM Kayser and EG Brink, provided detailed accounts of the incident describing the object as egg-shaped, no wings, no tail or fuselage, and a single white light at its base. (37:57) Remind you of Lonnie Zamora just a little bit? It certainly does. They said that the object hovered near the ground for about twenty seconds to a minute before climbing at an extremely rapid rate and disappearing. Again, this is our military. This is Kirtland Air Force Base. Yeah, yeah. You' 39:38) access this story, this case, this information. And we're looking at the Kirkland Air Force Base incident in nineteen fifty seven. It's not as out there as, let's say, Roswell or Lonnie Zamora and things like that, which makes me keep a closer eye on these cases of like, okay, what am I missing? What do I need to look for? Why is it not being as commonly spoken about as these other cases? And also... (40:11) Thank you so much for the coffee time. I think I said your name wrong. I didn't h ommunity. He had a lot of respect out there because of his background and his ability to do a very specific type of research, which was look at the atmosphere. (41:59) Is there something else that's in play? And so forth. But he was thorough. And when he got onto a case... He did proper research and didn't let it go. And this Kirtland case was one of those James McDonald deep dive research projects. So you can go and read about his research into this. And if one thing sticks out, if it gets on, escription. And it was so intense in this case that Richards had to look away. So he couldn't keep his eyes on this object because it was just too bright. And during the encounter, nearby trees moved very violently as if it caught this strong wind. (44:11) And despite actual wind conditions being only five knots. So the trees are rustling and bustling like it's in the middle of this ginormous heavy storm. But if you look on the radar during this time frame, The winds weren't crazy. They weren't nything. And then the house's electrical system was also affected with lights dimming twice. And then the phone line experiencing interference during attempts to contact authorities. But it just gets more strange because this UFO demonstrated pretty complex movements. (46:02) initially hovering close to the home before moving north towards a field around two hundred feet away. And at this greater distance, witnesses, that's plural, could observe its silver white center surrounded by blue and ora pecies, the same ET civilization doing a repeat visit here on planet Earth, which I think is a rare thing. There's a lot of life out there. So that is something that has always stood out for me. The second thing is this. (48:00) Here in this photograph, I want everybody to notice, that's J. Allen Hynek. All right. Now, this sighting happened on June twenty eighth, nineteen seventy three. We have the witnesses here, James Richards. He's forty one years old. Now, James Richards is an animal techni didn't report any of this. And you just mentioned the weather report, right? And what was reported on that day? The mobile home was fine. (49:54) Something else was making the noise and something else was going on. Something else caused them to lose power. Something else knocked out the phone lines. It wasn't the weather and the mobile home was fine. Again, J. Allen Hynek just found that this case happened had merit, and there was something to it. And so he rushed to the scene just a few days a ing courteous, shaking their hand, and really wanting, from this one image alone, really wanting to hear the story. Okay, what happened? Relay it to me. Which... is the way any journalist, any investigator should carry themselves as a listening ear and not necessarily as a, I'm going to tell you what you saw, which was the narrative for Blue Book. (51:59) But as the years progressed, And Blue Book ended in sixty nine. This took place in in in seventy what? Seventy three. So this is actually afte ure For those that have been really adamant of when they are talking about the UFO narrative of it being explained away, being debunkers to maybe having a change of heart like J. Allen Hynek of like maybe they can't all be explained away. I'd like to see that in the future. (53:42) But right now, Jimmy, right here, right now. We're living in such exciting times. This topic is filling so many people's minds, and we're so lucky to be able to cover this topic in detail the way that we do. Yeah, I f ictures that I posted of us. Right. We got the SWAT team there. Right. First thing. So, dude. Ever see a UFO? And, and he was okay with it. (55:41) And as a matter of fact, the SWAT, the SWAT captain, you know, he comes up and he's like, you know, what's going on. He wanted to jump in on this conversation. And that's where we are today, Christina. This is something that would have never happened ten years ago. Today, it's a safe space. It's okay. (56:04) And so I think that, like you're saying, o be talking about tonight. He's got a new book out. Christina, behave and be well. Enjoy the rest of your day and I'll talk to you tomorrow. (57:21) Thank you. Another great show. If you enjoyed this show, hit that like button right down below and subscribe if you haven't already as I do several shows right here every single week. I'm a little bit under the weather and I think it shows, so I apologize for that. But thank you everyone for sticking around and watching this show through. (57:40) A this channel is for you. (59:03) So make sure to subscribe as I do three videos right here every single week and hit that notification bell so you do not miss any of the bonus content I post right here."

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