The latest information regarding sightings of UFOs from around the world, including UFOs Over British Airbases and UAP UAV sightings continuing to increase globally, mystery drones sightings continue while a ban on drone flying is put into effect in certain areas, and much more. Your UFO news source with Cristina Gomez for all news related to the UFO / UAP mystery.

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We got some latest UFO news. Let's get straight into it. I want to say hello to everyone watching this live, people in the live chat. Cindy, Invisible, Moon, Les, you guys are awesome. Thank you guys so much for being here and so many others. Let's first talk about some updates. Yes, we're still talking about it because we have to. (00:39) And some more things about these objects being seen in New Jersey and how it's being addressed by the FAA, by the DOD and so on. Because as we know fr om earlier this week, the FAA implemented temporary flight restrictions in twenty nine New York areas and twenty three New Jersey cities up until January seventeenth of twenty twenty five. (01:08) and this isn't corresponding with the report that we received on december seventeenth of guys it's not a threat they're hobbyist drones they're law enforcement drones nothing to worry about out of the several thousand drone reports that we received only about a hundred with look a little bit deeper int o but no threat um so then why are you placing these flight restrictions right in twenty nine areas in new york and twenty three areas in new jersey like does that even make sense to you none of this from the beginning up until today (01:52) None of it's making sense. The Pentagon, DOD, FAA, FBI, they keep contradicting themselves. And you know what? It's sloppy. Wouldn't you think so? A little too sloppy, if you were to ask me. Now, Governor Kathy Hochul, hopefully I said that right, emphasized that these measures are purely precautionary with no specific threats. (02:22) Who believes that anymore, right? And the restrictions were enacted at the request of federal security partners amid numerous reported drone sightings across the Northeast. But... Do you see what I'm saying here? Like, none of this is making sense. And the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing. (02:43) We've heard time and time again at the New Jersey Sheriff Department. They're like, this is an absolut e threat. All the DOD saying, nope, nothing to worry about. And they're still kind of going with that narrative. Even though these objects, I don't even want to call them drones anymore. These objects are flying over military bases, of course, not only here in the U.S. (03:03) , but also in England, which is going to be our next article in just a moment. But we got to stay up to date on what's going on here. We can't let this story die like how we did for the... alleged alien, not alien, Chinese spy balloon that flew over the U.S. back in February of last year and then over Yukon, over Lake Huron, right? And we talked about it for a few weeks and then it died. (03:29) We can't let that happen again with these mysterious craft in the sky that are being seen by thousands. People are trying to shoot them down at this point. Allegedly, the manned drones that you can buy at the store go up to try to catch up with these unknown drones in the sky, and their batteries drain out. (03:50) It's w eird. And now we're seeing these strange UFO sightings in and around the Hudson Valley in New York. And that place is so famous because they had their UFO flap just a few decades ago. And we're kind of seeing it again. Now... new york governor kathy was really saying hey guys it's purely precautionary believe me right you know they're they're shutting all this stuff down and then you had president biden who had addressed this and said hey guys they're not nefarious why do we keep hearing that (0 4:26) word over and over again not nefarious out of all the words in the dictionary Got to pick that one consistently over and over. I don't know that kind of it sets alarms inside of me. And I think it sets alarms for a lot of people that are following this story, which is unfolding every single day. If you're a day behind, you're several days late, really. (04:49) But also. you have the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, the FAA, the Department of Defense. They looked at these, they sai d, they said that they looked at five thousand reported sightings and then they came up to the conclusion of not nefarious, nothing to worry about. But they shut down the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio for an hour. (05:15) And if you follow this topic, when looking at UFOs, the Wright Patterson air force base is notorious for holding strange unknown craft. Um, Black projects as well and all these different things. And so then for that one to be shut down, I don't know. It sounds pretty weird. Planet X, thank you so much for supporting the channel. (05:39) Says, keep up the good work. Thank you for being here. Thank you for everyone that's catching this live and spending time with me and everybody else here. Let's talk about these things. Let's talk about the latest UFO news. What the heck is going on around our planet? And we're seeing so much news at the very end of the year. (05:58) We didn't really see a lot of it near the middle. We got some good stuff. Don't get me wrong, but nothing insane. Here we are at the very end and you can't, you can't, Let your Aunt Macy stop talking about it. Someone who showed no interest in this topic now can't stop. And I'm living for it. (06:21) I'm loving it so much. And now we have a place where we're like, I can give you more information. I know some stuff. And then everyone's ears are perked up and like, I'm listening. I'm listening to you. What do you have to say? And then you can finally shine in knowing about this topic, bei ng knowledgeable in it. (06:38) It's pretty cool. You know what? It's actually a flex, to be fair. It's a flex. Now, the political response on this has been pretty notable. A lot of lawmakers, congressmen and representatives are really showing an interest in this. You know, some of the more popular ones are Nancy Mays, Tim Burchett, Annapelina Luna. (07:00) And from what we know from earlier this year, Senator Chuck Schumer had tried to release his Schumer rounds amendment, trying to force. gove rnment to release more ufo information over a set time and then he's speaking out yet again talking about really advocating for giving local police more authority to handle drone situations because policemen and sheriffs in new jersey specifically have spoken to usually to news nation about how they're they don't know how not only they don't know how to handle this they (07:39) don't know the protocols they don't have the technology to to intercept these drones. One sheriff had mentioned that on ly the FAA and the military have tech that are able to intercept drones. Local law enforcement can't do it. And then if these things aren't nefarious, if these things aren't a big deal, why aren't we taking them down? And Apollina Luna had mentioned on Twitter, shoot them down at this point. (08:05) We have no answers and everyone's frustrated. We're frustrated. You and I, lawmakers are furious. They're like, We're being treated like children. We're putting so much money to get these answers, bu t we're getting, oh, I don't know what it is. Oh, it's not a threat. you joking I mean are you joking seriously and right now this is being mentioned a lot actually is that people aren't trusting answers from the pentagon anymore from pentagon spokesman from the dod the faa anything that's an part (08:42) of the alphabet agency no one's believing their answers anymore because they're not following through and the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing And on top of all of that, at l east in a public stance, they're not showing that they care about this, that people are showing not only curiosity, but a little bit of fear of like, what the heck are these things that people are now getting answers or looking for answers on social media platforms. (09:14) And these people that want to be in power are losing that hold, attempting to manipulate the people because no one's looking at the mainstream anymore. No one's looking at the military or the government anymore for answers. T hey're coming to social media and looking what they deem to be the truth. we're hitting really interesting times. (09:40) We really, really are across the board, not just with these things being seen in New Jersey, but the UFO sightings across the world. And then everything else that is just taking place simultaneously. From an outsider's perspective, it looks like the world's on fire. It's not. Depends on who you ask and your perspective. (10:03) It my perspective it's not actually on fire but it can kind of look like that and this is just adding fuel to it we're really in interesting times but something else that we got to talk about is moving on over to the uk I want to share my screen here on this one and I know this picture looks like a lamp post and someone just took a camp took their camera and took a picture of a lamppost but There is some news to this and I have some videos that I'll share with you as well. (10:34) But there have been recent UFO sightings that have increased i n Cornwall with multiple witnesses reporting unusual objects in the sky. Now, people say these sightings are only happening in New Jersey. Wrong. They're happening all over. England actually had them before New Jersey, before Thanksgiving weekend. (10:59) We've spoken about Germany as well. There have been public reports on that. And we're bringing this back on over to England in particular. In Porthtoen, a dog walker captured video footage near the Royal Air Force Base of a strange light hoveri ng for approximately ten minutes before moving south along the coast on December ninth at seven eighteen p.m. (11:24) And I have that video and it's oh, there it is. Yeah. And you can just watch this while I continue. Because he believes that it is connected to another sighting in Newquay. And that same evening at six thirty p.m., Newquay resident Monique Lyle, an experienced stargazer, filmed what she described as a bright color changing object that appeared unusually close to town and didn't r esemble typical aircraft or celestial phenomena. (12:01) And I have I think I have that in I have the video. Actually, it's not this one. This one's for the next one that took place in June of this year. But let's back it up just for a second. I'm going to pause this video so we can really go in chronological order. Days later, on December, at St. Khalil, photographer Chris Piper discovered an intriguing detail while reviewing his motion picture of the lunar halo, which is an optical illusion cr eating a bright ring around the moon, where a blue or white (12:35) object could be seen moving around the moon, which was only noticed when he showed the pictures to his friends. He's like, guys, I love this image. It's so beautiful of the moon. And then the friend's like, hold up. Do you see that strange object right next to the moon? He's like, what are you talking about? Zoom in, you know, at one hundred percent. (12:56) And there is this odd object right next to the moon. Now, this is all h appening back to back to back. In England, towns right next to each other or in the exact same town. But now we're looking at this video right here because my media got ahead of me before I could even finish what took place in December. But looking at this video, it was filmed by Charlotte and reported witnessing a strange series of lights hovering over the hills near Tor Point at ten thirty p.m. (13:36) on June eighteenth, which they discovered, which they described as completely silent objects that floated left and right before condensing into two balls of white light and traveling approximately six miles into the distance, noting that the lights were too bright to be drones. And this is before even the whole drone conversation, and moved in ways that they simply couldn't explain. (14:02) I like my favorite thing is talking about international UFO cases, because people just think, oh, you know, UFO researchers only focus on the US because it's a hotspot. No, sweetheart, they're happe ning everywhere. And england being such an old country with such a rich history they got a lot of ufo sightings and right now in present day over the last few days pushing it to the last few months they're getting some strange stuff and when we're looking at royal air force bases and these weird sightings that (14:42) have taken place in and around there it's alarming Why are objects hovering over military installations? It's illegal. That's restricted airspace. You've got to have a license. You 've got to have a purpose. And you've got to be owned by the government in order to do so without being shot down or looked at or investigated or going to prison for, right? Answers are not adding up that we're getting. (15:09) People are pretty skeptical. It's like maybe the nicest word I can use. And all we can see right now are the repetitive patterns. That's data in itself, right? Exactly. Andersen, thank you so much. Saying hi from Norway. Tusen takk. That's as far as my Norwegian goes. Yea h, actually, that's it. (15:38) But thank you so much. And Colin says, I'm always watching the skies, as we should. Not only are the clouds and the stars so beautiful, but if you can catch something with the naked eye that shouldn't be there in the sky, it's exciting. Now, I mentioned this yesterday with Jimmy, but I'd like to emphasize it here again because I think it's so important. (16:02) The terminology that's being used right now, mysterious drones, it's... It seems like it really is the n ew swamp gas. It's really the new weather balloon where it's conditioning people to think, hey, that weird thing that I saw in the sky must have been a drone. Or you tell it to your friends, hey, I just saw this weird thing. (16:25) Dude, what you saw was a drone. Like, are you thick? Are you dumb? right it's it's this level of conditioning to once again enhance that ridicule to enhance that stigma that we have been trying to brush away over the last several years this whole drone conversation t itling them as drones when for the longest time really up until today the government didn't know what they were they were like we don't know what these things are they might be drones right now they're saying they are they are drones but for a few weeks (17:03) they were like I don't I have no idea what's going on using this term over and over and over again has become already so prevalent in our vocabulary when talking about the ufo phenomenon that while it's exciting that it's being spoken abo ut it's disappointing that is the stance that's being taken by so many of dude what you saw bro homie what you saw was a drone but what if it wasn't do you still want to keep talking about it when people keep telling you otherwise do you see what I'm saying here (17:41) Don't be conditioned just because the media and people are telling you to do so. Keep calling them UFOs. Keep calling them UAP until you know for a diddly darn fact, fact, that it is a drone. And some of these are the size of an SUV, six feet or longer. You can't casually find one of those at the store. (18:06) People have looked and you can't find them. So for now, these things will be objects. Strange things in the sky. But drones? Man, it breaks my heart just a little bit. Max, thank you so much. It says, of course, we're seeing quadcopters at UK air bases. Pretty soon, it'll be the only Air Force we can afford. (18:33) Oh, dang. Well, thank you so much for that, for the Super Chat and supporting the channel as well. all we can do. We can't make too many assumptions. We can only go where the data leads us, right? Mr. Dickey says, lessons learned. (19:23) Oh, yeah, most definitely. Crypto Kev, thank you. It says, we need a whistleblower to come out from the Department of Energy or from... one of the contractors like lockheed who have worked on reverse engineering disclosure from government isn't coming happy christmas let's talk about that because I know people have really been pushing this since the beginni that in a closed setting so if we were to get someone from the doe to come forward and talk about what they're seeing in and around nuclear facilities pertaining to ufos would be (20:38) super interesting but let's say they did how many people at this point would believe them so Because you have two camps. Those are going to say, oh, my gosh, we're so grateful for this whistleblower. Or, dude, they're a plant. They're the CIA trying to confuse us and give us misinformation. You can't win. (20:5 n have fun. That's why this topic is so hard to cover because you don't know people's agendas. You don't know if they're genuine or not. And at this point, people, everybody has trust issues. And I get it. I do because I'm on that same boat. (21:57) When someone writes me an email and they're like, hey, Christina, I'm a part of this department and now I'm retired and I have all this information to share with you because I get a lot of those emails. I'm like, OK, you can just write to me in an em t there as well those that want to hurt you from the sidelines We've seen that too many times, (22:56) haven't we? And I bet you can think of at least one person that it's happened to or those that are in fear of their lives after coming forward and sharing certain information. You can think of a few people, right? It's a scary topic, but it's... It's worth covering. In my opinion, it's a topic worth covering. (23:19) Now we're going to slide away from the dark into the light. That was a really x decades of technological developments to accomplish. And this journey, which began with the probe's launch back in twenty eighteen, required seven gravity assistance from Venus to gradually reduce the spacecraft speed and to bring it closer to the sun. (24:28) And what's really exciting about this is that it is one of the fastest manmade objects capable of traveling from Earth to the moon in just thirty minutes at a speed of one hundred and ninety one kilometers per second. And then on top of ant to know why. I want to learn about space. It's exciting. And it's going to be the closest it's ever been to the sun on December twenty-fourth. (25:39) perfect time for the holidays right I think it's what do you think about this I I gotta ask do you find this as interesting as I do I feel like it's only appropriate to call it that maybe a little burp right So are you excited about this as much as I am? I like to get more information on NASA when it comes to this. (26:04) Actually, just more hey, give all of your UFO news and all of your UFO information to NASA and let them take care of it. And we haven't gotten any information since, not even from their independent study group, which that media briefing that we got last year was so lackluster. (26:51) They didn't even try to pick themselves up from the grave that they dug for themselves. We've gotten no information from them. Brian, thank you so much for supporting the channel. And Crypto says, for the fart joke. Thank you. You gu hat. So you have UFO News and you have Space News. And actually, all of the articles that I covered today are coming straight from my website, And the best part is there are no ads. You're not being bombarded with the nonsense of ads like so many other websites. And it's totally free to access as well. (28:00) So I highly recommend that you bookmark the website,, to stay up to date on what's going on. Because that website in particular is an aggregate of all UFO news. So w ers, YouTube members, Patreon supporters, and of course, all of my amazing moderators. (28:49) You know I can't do this show without you. That is it for today. I will see you next time. Be safe. And remember, keep your eyes on the skies. if you enjoy the strange and the mysterious ufos the paranormal and cryptids this channel is for you so make sure to subscribe as I do three videos right here every single week and hit that notification bell so you do not miss any it. Be safe and remember, keep your eyes on the skies. 

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