Episode 119 of Strangest News of the Week will look at the latest information regarding Nevada State Senate candidates weighing in on UFO / UAP investigations, Senator for Kansas Jerry Moran to introduce legislation after reports of UFO drones over U.S. military bases, a new public resource for finding UFO sightings on a map where hoaxes and misidentifications are ruled out, a trucker's encounter with a Bigfoot, an alleged successful test of shared dreams, and much more.

Your source every week with Cristina Gomez for all the strange things in the news. From weird news stories, the mysterious, strange events, UFO news, UFO disclosure, paranormal activity, creepy news, fringe science, artificial intelligence, space news, alien news, UAP news, cryptids, and the unexplained.
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Show Transcript

Here are all the strange articles that you might have missed in the news today we'll be covering UFOs and politics Bigfoot and so much more let's get straight into it of course we're starting off with UFOs and the latest things that politicians are saying about it do their words hold any Merit when it comes to this topic and while our answers might vary them just talking about it publicly is making a very big difference in the conversations that we're able to have right here right now (00:40) so let's kind of talk about this article actually it's two articles in one segment because they do work hand in hand and all the articles that I cover those links will be in the description box below if you watched strange news last week it was heavily focused on the latest information coming out about UFOs and and I had stated that the timing has been very interesting that one by one by one we're getting all we're actually getting bombarded with UFO news which you and I love and yet it's a little bit (01:12) odd especially when the Senate debates to propose legislation about investigating UFOs properly in a recent Nevada Senate debate candidates engaged in a discussion about the possibility of a congressional investigation into alleged pent on run UFO programs and this is really kind of jumping on the bandwagon from what David Grusch had said last year about reverse engineering programs and then you also have the immaculate constellation that was released by the public which is Michael Shellenberger so all of this is really (01:47) hitting the public like a storm and politicians are now being questioned on these things very seriously I think more so than previous years Democrat incumbent Senator Jackie Rosen who serves on the Senate arm Services committee voiced her support for such oversight talking about UFOs highlighting Nevada's connection to Area 51 and determining that these programs need to have a form of legitimacy and she stated quote I do think it's important to see what we're doing here and if there's any Merit to this (02:22) underscoring the need for Congress to exercise its oversight role in government programs we've been hearing this a lot lately especially from Representatives like Tim Burchett and Paulina Luna and a few others where it seems as if these senators and representatives don't feel like they have the real power when it comes to their form of oversight especially on the topic of UFOs and these government alleged government funded UFO programs as well her Republican Challenger Sam Brown while expressing curious about the (03:01) subject did take a different stance and he suggested that controversial billionaire and SpaceX founder Elon Musk might be a more trustworthy investigator than Congress reflecting a skepticism about governmental bodies handling such sensitive investigations this is also something pretty important to mention because there are these two camps here those that want to see the government run these programs and make that information public or having these private corporations these private Industries to run their investigations and hopefully (03:38) make that information public but here is the difference between the two with the government you are able to file for your requests Freedom of Information Act requests when it comes to a private company they own all that information and they are not required to share that information with the public and that's where it stands different there but aside from that I can understand the optimism with these private companies such as SpaceX to run these investigations because I don't have the same hopefully don't have the same level (04:12) of of bias and protecting information as the government so I would like to ask you out of these two which one would you prefer a private company or the government to run these programs and to hopefully again make make that information public let me know in the comments below and this is all unfolding rather nicely cuz just to add to this layered cake that we're making US senator Jerry Moren has announced plans to introduce in response to alarming reports of unidentified aircraft hovering over military bases and this (04:48) has become prevalent information and conversation after the Wall Street Journal released a report last week talking about how the Langley Air Force Base in Virginia got this swarm of quote drones over the military base for 17 days it was so significant that the Pentagon had meetings with the FBI and President Joe Biden along with that the F-22 fighter jets were unable to intercept the drones and practice in the area the training was also cancelled so were they actually drones or is something more nefarious people are (05:22) really asking this question and for those that have been following this topic for some time when it comes to UFOs there is a rich history when it comes to these UFOs and them hovering over military installations but very specifically or at least more heavily on these military installations that have nuclear weapons as well so I find it prudent that Jerry morren is also talking about this and stating we need to get more information and we need to have more protocols when such things happen because right now it seems from (05:56) the public eye that we're we don't really know how to manage it um um a few months ago the department of energy did have a congressional hearing and anap Palina Luna was there and she had asked the secretary at the time asking what are your protocols when UAP hover over these nuclear facilities and she says I can answer that behind closed doors that is a statement in itself but the secretary was unable to answer that in a public setting so there are protocols you and and I just don't exactly know what they are and it seems (06:34) like senators and representatives many of them also are in the dark like us this proposed legislation by Moren aims to address a critical Gap in current protocols and while the FAA prohibits drones from flying over military bases and other DOD facilities the paradoxical reality is that shooting them down is also against the law So This legal conundrum leaves military leaders in this precarious position lacking the authority to engage potential threats until they pose an imminent danger to personnel and H it just seems like this (07:15) very odd Loop going on like yes you can look at them yes you can state that they're there but you actually can't do anything about them unless it poses a threat to Personnel that's kind of a bummer really quick announcement I'm going to be hosting a live get together where we are able to share our own experiences play trivia games and win merch that will be for all of my patreon members on November 9th if you don't want to miss it that link will be in the description box below I think you want (07:47) to hear this next one consistently there are surveys being done on which parts of the world have the most UFO sightings when it comes to the United States it seems that California and a lot of the West Coast has a sufficient amount of UFO sightings and then also near the East Coast as well really anywhere that has that's close to water seems to have a lot of UFO sightings but when it comes to North America Canada seems to be left out so Casino Canada analyzed data across the US and Canada obviously to see where these hot spots are and what (08:27) they came across using the national UFO Reporting Center as their database looking between the years of 1974 and 2024 they realized that Ontario is the UFO capital of the country with one sighting per every 677 people and then Alberta ranked second among Canadian provinces and territories as well so if you are living in any of those pretty populated places in Canada maybe just maybe you might see a UFO which I think is very exciting and in the comments below let me know where you had your UFO sighting and what year (09:09) it took place I would absolutely love to know but you know what else is super cool super duper cool is being able to communicate with others while you're sleeping there was this study done gosh decades ago where people would bring twins into a laboratory and see if they could communicate through their dreams and I actually knew a set of twins I knew a handful but I knew one set of twins that I was friends with one of them and she had informed me that in I I want to say like middle school they had a conjoined dream where they were having (09:47) like some kind of tea party together or something and they both remembered that dream once they woke up there has always been this fascination with twins and while that isn't fully relevant to this article I think it was worth mentioning but the ramspace a California based startup claims to have achieved the first two-way communication between individuals during lucid dreaming so you don't have to be twins to do it anyone can do it an experiment reminiscent of the movie Inception the company reported (10:21) using specially designed equipment to exchange a message between two sleeping participants in separate homes entire irely and the technology involved a server an apparatus Wi-Fi and sensors to track brain waves and biological data when one participant entered a lucid dream state a random word was transmitted to them which they repeated in their dream and then the message was then stored and later transmitted to the second participant when they entered a lucid dream state this is so cool in so many ways especially because we easily (11:01) sleep anywhere from 7 to 10 hours every single night for some people that's classified as wasted time so what if you were able to maybe even have meetings in your sleep that would be so efficient or you could travel you know wherever you want to travel in in the dream state or create your own world as well whatever your heart desires but having the ability to have such technology to do this for those that are unable to naturally lucid dream or naturally Astro project I think it's very promising of course it obviously depends on Whose (11:39) hands it's in because it can be used very positively but there's also very dangerous implications to this because you are very vulnerable in your sleep which I understand that and so I think that at the end of the day it's really just going to depend on who's using this technology how is it being used and how can it benefit Humanity versus harm them when we think about harm there is this level of fear sometimes when people allegedly encounter Bigfoot they're like this creature is 789 feet tall they're (12:17) super hairy they're incredibly muscular they're super good at hiding all these different factors can definitely scare somebody and this person I'm going to mention to you was no different a Oria truck driver named Gary Rutherford Jr while transporting mail for the US poster service in rule Central Illinois reported a possible Bigfoot sighting back on October 5th and Rutherford claims to have seen a large brown furred creature standing on two legs along Route nine between glassford and Canton at around 6: a.m. and he estimated that (12:58) the creature was about 8 ft tall with glowing orange yellowish eyes that locked onto his while he was driving his 24t long truck whenever you look eyes with someone maybe even something it can be a little nerve-wracking and sometimes when they look at you their thoughts are just running like crazy imagine if Bigfoot locked eyes with you while you were driving down the road and they thought I want to go I want to learn how to drive a truck how does that even work why are you so small and this vehicle so big how is it moving why is it making (13:36) that weird sound and where can I go to get one of my own but in all honesty if that were to happen to me if I were to see a Bigfoot on the side of the road make locking their eyes with mine I would actually slow down just a little bit grab up my phone take a little click click snip snip right and then drive as fast as possible as soon after that that'd be kind of fun now as for Rutherford he was very troubled after the encounter and he did share his experience online which caught the attention of Bigfoot (14:13) investigators and the sighting has since gone viral featuring in a Tik Tok video with about 300,000 views and numerous comments from others claiming very similar experiences in the same area that's great Collective information that is a great way to collect data is when some people share their own experiences and then other people place a comment and state I've actually had something very similar happen to me not too long ago in that same area that's brilliant we live in such an amazing time to where (14:50) we can do things like that what's important to note here is that Rutherford didn't state that he saw a Bigfoot but he was kind of eluding to that as a possibility which I think in some ways is a great way to go about it out of all the articles that we covered today which one was your favorite let me know in the comments right down below hit that like button and subscribe if you haven't already as I do several shows a week right here that is it for today I will see you next time be safe and remember keep your eyes on the skies (15:23) [Music] [Music] if you enjoy the strange and the Mysterious UFOs the Paranormal encrypted this channel is for you so make sure to subscribe as I do three videos right here every single week and hit that notification Bell so you do not miss any of the bonus content I post right here"

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