In this Episode of Classics Remastered, I talk with Whitley Strieber about his contact with what he interpreted as aliens aboard UFOs and his struggle to come to terms with life changing experiences encountering these non human entities, which was made into a movie that shocked the world.

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(00:07) Whitley thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to join me this evening I'm really looking forward to this well thanks for having me I really I'm looking forward to it too when your experiences with the visitors began in December of 1985 it was while you were at your remote cabin in the Hudson Valley area of New York state now at the time the Hudson Valley was in the middle of a UFO flap which many witnesses starting in 1983 reported seeing what became known as The Westchester Boomerang before your (00:42) experiences were you aware of the Hudson Valley area being a hot spot for UFO activity no I was not aware of it in in any way whatsoever uh I uh had been interested in the subject of UFOs when I was a child but I was not a child anymore so it really didn't have any significance for me and I was not aware of the what was going on in the Hudson Valley which was 30 miles actually east of where we were we were in olster County on the other side of the Hudson River but obviously if it's a UFO it can cross the (01:22) Hudson River fairly easily that never happened we didn't see a thing in fact I didn't see one until I woke up in one oh my goodness and you mentioned that you were interested in UFOs as a kid what sparked that interest well I'll tell you first of all I was a kid so long ago that it might be hard for some of you you guys to believe that time even existed that was in the 50s and there were a lot of UFO stories in the news in those days in those days the Air Force investigated them seriously and the that my one of my best (02:01) friends father was involved in something that has become known as the leveland Texas UFO incident where a UFO came low to the ground and was seen by a lot of people and caused their cars to stop and his was one of the cars that stopped and so we boys just we ate this stuff up we were really fascinated but you know you grow up you go to high school you go to col College you basically forget about all that stuff and so when I was 40 years old I hadn't thought about UFOs since I was a boy I since for at least well I hadn't thought about them (02:44) since I was about 13 or 14 and um then suddenly this happened and really I mean you talk about change of life changed my life well i' I've got to admit some of the scenes depicting your abductions in the movie really gave me frightening nightmares back when I was in high school and for me the biggest aspect of that wasn't the appearances of the visitors but rather the lack of control over your situation as things were occurring during the abductions can I ask if if you had to put your finger on the most unnerving aspect to to all of (03:23) it back then was it more of facing the visitors or the helplessness of not being in control or something else entirely yeah it it was the whole thing I wasn't U really aware of any of those specifics all I knew was I had wak up in a room full of what looked to me like gigantic insects unless I had become extremely small which I didn't think so and I couldn't make the nightmare stop it was a very very bizarre experience uh you know because you you have a nightmare like that and you you you want to wake up and be in your bed (04:11) only it didn't help and then to make matters much worse this voice started that started saying what can we do to help you stop screaming over and over again I hadn't been aware of the fact that I was screaming but I'm sure I was and the voice was very gentle and sort of vaguely feminine but totally mechanical at the same time and it made things much more real and uh that that was extremely distressing I never felt so helpless in my life for those that haven't read your books or seen the movie how would you (04:55) describe how these visitors looked well uh I remember remember them very vividly in fact let me just reach over here and get something uh This Is How They looked this is the original communion portrait from the cover of the book and the the big eyes I don't know if the rest of the face is right but those big black eyes were very startling indeed and uh I'm they were glaring right at me I mean they were couple of feet away from my face and then there were these others that were darker dark blue and we wore sort (05:44) of clothes that had a lot of flaps and things on them they looked like workers they were there too and it was it was beyond bizarre I mean to this day if you asked me if they were aliens I would tell you I don't know what they were because nobody's ever shown me a planet that they came from or anything like that I don't know what they were but boy I mean they were powerful they were they overcame me completely I couldn't do anything going back to the Hudson Valley area you know it it's still an active (06:18) and prominent zone for UFO sightings and the activity seems to go through spikes from time to time have you any thoughts on why this area specifically is such a focus for sightings well what I know about my specific area not the Hudson Valley but where I am it's a very unusual geologic formation uh there's a huge seam of iron under the ground there that goes right under actually under my house and starts about uh 20 miles south of the house and goes to about 30 mil north of the house and the Iron Mountain storage facility (07:02) where they store sensitive records is in drilled into that north of where I live it's not near my house but and then at the southern end of it there's a road called magnetic Mine Road where they often see lights balls of light floating along sort of like the marites in Texas so there's something weird about the area something a little bit different a little off and uh maybe that has something to do with it as far as the geology of the Hudson Valley itself or all of those sightings occurred I don't (07:46) know much about it but I do know that these are the unusual things about my area your book communion was published in 1987 so at what point in the timeline of events did you decide to Chronicle what was happening to you and what was the ultimate trigger to make you want to reveal to the world what was going on well uh I had a I had a situation where I was very disturbed by what happened very disturbed by it and I didn't initially occur to me that it had anything whatsoever to do with aliens what I was concerned about was (08:31) that I had been somehow assaulted because to be perfectly blunt I was raped uh a needle was put into the side of my head and I was beat up I mean I definitely something had happened to me only I had a lot of trouble understanding it because the memories were so bizarre I went to the doctor and he confirmed that I had been injured the injuries were there were invis visible and then he asked me to describe what happened and I proceeded to describe the experiences I then remembered it and he said it sounds like (09:12) you're telling me you were taken aboard of flying saucer by little men I said God Tom that does what is what it sounds like and he said well let's do some work let's do an MRI scan on your brain let's do test for temporal Lo epilepsy let's do some psychological IC tests and see where we are here because neither one of us thought for a minute that was really what happened I mean who would think that so I did all the tests and came back normal in every respect and I was just uh appalled I thought then it had been (09:51) criminal activity that someone had assaulted me and maybe laced my somehow got an LSD or something into me because I was a fairly well-known writer and things happen to people you know there's a lot of weirdos in the world there were then as there are now and you know you could we were living alone in the country we had no alarm system or anything we didn't think we needed one maybe I had been assaulted by some crazy person or something uh but then I read the a book my brother had sent me for Christmas (10:30) called science and the UFOs which is I hadn't read it because I opened it and I thought oh no talk about a bad Christmas I just sort of ignored it but then I thought well you know I mean that's they look like aliens and this is Scientifics uh book maybe it's something rational in it and I was appalled to find uh some material that was just like what had happened to me um when was that book written science in the UFOs oh probably in the mid 80s I early 80s I don't know it was a it was an English (11:09) book uh from by a woman named Jenny randles and it mentioned a man called Bud Hopkins uh in in uh New York who lived in New York and he he helped people who had had this experience and so I thought well I'll call him and I did call him and my wife and I went to see him and it was all seemed rather absurd to us because we we thought uh you know here was a guy who implicitly believed this was contact with aliens and they were awful and they were raping us and doing all kinds of things which is all true I mean that's exactly what happened to me (11:52) but uh I didn't have much faith in him to be honest then he says well I want to hypnotize you I thought oh no that's not going to happen so he proceeds to get the best forensic hypnotist probably in the United States involved Dr Donald kleene who was the head of the New York State Department of Psychiatry he did the hypnosis work and uh that was appalling I mean he was he he at that point in his career had helped to solve over 70 cases of child abuse and hit and run and things so you knew he was an expert and it was (12:38) real and when I went under hypnosis instead of what Dr Klein and I both thought would happen is I would stop seeing these weird alien figures and start to see the people who had been doing this and maybe identify them instead it all just became crystal clear it was I and at that point after that I told an the whole story and she listened to the hypnosis the tape of the hypnosis and she said you know Whitley this is an absolutely fascinating experience you should write this down so I started writing and that turned into the book (13:18) communion I had no idea the book would do what it did uh you know what it was was the beginning of contact and I didn't know that at the time I had no idea I would have uh I don't know what I would have done if that if I'd known that the book was such a huge thing because it's a history changing thing now I mean it's obviously that's what it is and uh you know we'll just have to see where it goes but uh here it is over 30 years later and look where I am I'm still I've written many books about it (13:55) and I since and you know it's a it could be a fundamental change in history that's coming it's beginning to look more and more like that every day well you're officially in the history books um back back when these experiences began and from the book communion and the movie my impression was you were more of a victim than a participant and then in your second book Transformation released a year later in 1988 you underwent a fundamental paradigm shift in your perception of what was going on and there's an old (14:29) saying that goes change the way you look at things and the things you look at change is that what happened in your case that you adapted to the experiences by forcing yourself to look at what was going on an entirely different perspective well that's a really a very good way of of putting it that was quite well I'll tell you what happened when I realized that this was something unknown I'm to this day I wouldn't tell you that I think it's aliens I I do think they are something unknown and I don't think we have yet (15:07) enough knowledge of them at least not in the public space to be sure of anything but uh it I decided that my God they're real they are real that happened it wasn't a dream and it wasn't hallucination or anything it was an actual physical event and so I got really curious you talk about curiosity killed the cat it didn't kill this cat but it could have I think because what I started to do was I started to go out into the woods in the middle of the night to the same place where I thought that they had taken me up to send signal (15:58) to them that yeah I'd figured something out I knew they were real and they were there and I wanted to know more and there was a response a big response they entered my life and that's what that's the second book Transformation is about that transformation in me from being a victim to being a Searcher really curious search Searcher trying to understand what they were and how to relate to them and what they could offer if anything now something that I have mused about often is the other dimension aspect to your experiences and others (16:45) who have gone through abduction like episodes and I often wonder if the visitors either originate from another dimension or originate in this Dimension but have such high knowledge of exotic physics that they use another dimension for Interstellar travel through wormholes and or portals and hiding their presence out of the phase of our reality can you tell us your thoughts and perspectives on these possibilities they have extraordinary knowledge uh when we see things like the Tic Tac UFO and the gimbal UFO that the (17:20) government has now admitted are not ours and not anybody's in fact then you know that this is incredible and because it you can see by the way they function that they are not for example Airborne they're not excuse me they are not uh flying they are being held aoft by something else they have incredible capacities to accelerate and decelerate to split into two pieces to go underwater and come out again uh it just they're they're remarkable that means that it could be all of the above in other words if they have mastered (18:08) physics the way it appears that they have then their presence in the world isn't you're not going to locate it and say oh it's another planet it's a parallel universe it's this it's that their presence in the world is wherever they want it to be and they are whatever they wish to be th this reality is their toy talking about the gimbal the Tic Tac and the go fast were these things you were familiar with already as being technology of the visitors you have encountered or do you think they are (18:49) Technologies of another human species nonhuman species well you know you're you sort of had a slip of the tongue there that's very interesting to me because I'm not sure they're not human I don't I think that let me let me tell you what I mean if you look at many species on this planet like caterpillars and butterflies are perfect example how could a caterpillar or for that matter a butterfly ever believe that the other one was actually him in another form or tadpoles and frogs and it goes on there's quite a few (19:29) few different species like that what if we're such a species and we're we're one form and these other these so-called aliens are another form of human being that might be why they're here and it might be why also they are so concerned about our survival because they certainly are they are very concerned about nuclear weapons if you go you can find many substanti iated stories about their visiting uh nuclear weapons facilities around the world number one and number two uh they are very concerned about the (20:13) environment that is the central message of the whole close encounter community that the environment is in trouble and it's up to us to fix it why not them why isn't it up to them maybe because they are us in some very strange way that we do not even cannot ever understand anymore than a caterpillar can understand that he's going to turn into a butterfly so would you at this point given what you just said about them possibly being another variation of us to be able to confidently Express the opinion that the visitors have been (20:56) interacting with our species since vastly ancient times well if that's true if they are another version of us then they've been interacting with us for a very long time for sure but one of the things I think one of the problems we have is that there is a huge disconnect between our academic community and our scientific community and this all of this material because these communities do not want to study this and and because on an individual basis if you said out to study this you're going to be ostracized and the community or in or (21:44) you're not going to be able to get grant money for the studies so the community is kind of behind hand however if the academic Community were to reexamine our whole past all of our mythology especially the mythology we might find some in the context of the fact that of the idea that what people were reporting might have been in some way real in other words the ancient gods weren't just dreamed up there was there was something there uh the ETC and so forth if they were to do that it might the results might be quite surprising (22:29) and the same is true of for example genetic science we've never made a really serious effort to find out if there have been interventions in the human gene genetic code that could not be understood and the reason we haven't is because that would mean someone aliens or something like that and you get back to the community not wanting to to to study that we do need in view of the fact that the government has admitted that these UFOs are real and that their origin is unknown and they're not ours it's time to look back across our whole (23:12) history on a number of different levels to try to reexamine this and find out an answer to your question because we don't have one right now and while we're on the topic of all of this you've mentioned that the book Skin Walkers at the Pentagon is one of the most important UFO books ever written now both the ideas of other dimensions and ancient civilizations have been speculated upon as being the main sources of the strange things going on at the Skinwalker Ranch in Utah can you share with us your thoughts on the (23:46) Paranormal and UFO related activity at the ranch from your experiences and interactions over the years have you any insights or theories that could answer the questions of what is going on there well first of all I've never been invited to the ranch and if I was invited to go to the ranch I'm not absolutely certain that I would go uh because you know it's fine to have this in my life which I do but I'm not necessarily going to stick a plunge a stick into the ant nest uh now I would think that there are places (24:27) on the planet that apparently where the veil between the worlds if you want to call it that is thinner for some reason and that must be one of them I've have known col kellerer who is and George naap who wrote that book for years both of them and they're very straight ahead guys I they're not liars and the Skinwalker Ranch has been studied so carefully and so extensively for so many years there's little uh room for doubt that extremely strange things do happen there the reason I said the book was so important (25:11) is that the book reveals the level of interest within places like the defense intelligence agency uh about this whole subject and an awareness and an acknowledgment that these ultra high strangeness events really do happen that on an official level and I think it's in its many ways it's it is going to lead into more disclosure of what the government has actually learned about this which is probably considerably more than they have told us and we we we I would think we need to be told I really really would think that I I don't think (25:58) they have a Final Solution but I do think that they have more information that needs to come out I completely agree with you but I I think the biggest thing is you know disclosure comes from the public instead of the government and it's been 37 years since your first encounter with the visitors your perception on them on the Paranormal and life after death has evolved considerably since that initial encounter knowing now as opposed to what you knew then can you touch on on some of those Paradigm shifts you went (26:33) through the major ones that turned your life right around yeah my wife an was a major major figure in all of this she was the one who said the book should be called communion not body Terror which is what I was going to call it and she said that because she said Whitley this is what it's about it's about a new way of living and it is about a way of finding our way with whatever they are that would be communion and um then about I guess it was in somewhere in late 1988 or early 1989 and we were getting thousands upon (27:19) thousands of letters very unexpectedly from around the world from people who had had similar experiences in fact those letters are now collected in an archive at Rice University known as the archive of the impossible which appears isn't impossible at all but anyway she came out of her office and she said Whitley this has something to do with what we call death and the reason she said that was that many many of these letters involved contact with the Dead with the dead and and as well as apparent aliens in other (28:03) words the two things would happen at the same time and it give you an example it actually would happen like that at our cabin in Upstate New York an was quite uncanny I mean she was a very sweet gal I mean she didn't have anything in her past that would suggest that she had a cult or paranormal abilities or anything but in fact but she could decide who to bring up to the cabin from the letters we got who would people who would have experiences there and they did have those experiences and we always knew that the (28:40) visitors would show up because people would start to see dead friends and relatives beforehand like example and secretary Lori Barnes who she had found in the letters uh uh like she found all of these people she uh was at the cabin and with a number of other people she was walking on the road in front of the cabin and suddenly her brother was there and she said to her brother my God where have you been uh come down and meet my friends and he said I'm just here to tell you I'm all right and he sort of drifted back into the woods and (29:23) disappeared he had disappeared 20 years before and the FBI had given up the search for him and no one to this day knows what's happened to him but as soon as Lori came sort of Staggering back from her walk and said to me very quietly the visitors will be here tonight and they were and we tried as we tried every time they came to get some kind of video in fact this house is full of video systems it's got two systems in it it's simply safe and Nest both side by side and I'll tell you when the visitors come (30:00) in here and I think they do come in here from time to time although I must admit I don't see them the cameras turned themselves off for some reason so uh and it's not in the software anywhere and it's both systems at the same time so you you there you have it it's it's a wild story and something that I want to pick at is you mentioned based off the letters you would decide who could enter the cabin and those that did when right before encountering the visitors they would see dead relatives yeah what do (30:37) you think is the connection between the two why is that happening that's an incredibly good question that's what an said she said it has something to do with what we call death but what that's another question isn't it we don't know what but it's just something to do with what we call death because the dead well I'll give you another example here's a situation a family is living in a their the wife and husband are sitting in front of the fire it's about 10 o'clock at night their old dog is sleep in front (31:12) of the fireplace he's had his walk and he's out for the night their little seven-year-old boy is upstairs in in bed the following things happen first the dog suddenly becomes extremely nervous very uncharacteristically and wants to go out so the wife takes the dog out as she opens the front door she sees a ball of light go racing past over the house and across the Horizon her husband is in the FAA and she calls back to him I just saw a plane going in on fire you're going to get a call in a minute because he would be (31:50) called to such an accident at that moment their little seven-year-old son runs down comes running downstairs saying mommy daddy mommy daddy Billy was in my room at with these little blue men and he said to tell you he was all right now Billy was his older brother who had died in a car accident the week before the little blue men were familiar to me because you I've seen them and uh this man had just moved Heaven and Earth to get a hold of me because in those days you don't you couldn't couldn't get easily contacted there was (32:30) no internet he had finally found me through my agency my literary agency and I called him because I figured someone trying that hard has to be desperate and he said to me I just want to know if I have any reason whatsoever to believe my little boy and I could tell him yes you do we have lots of letters that describe very similar things if you could go back in time to those early days of your initial encounters with the visitors what would you tell yourself I would tell myself don't be as scared as you are but (33:10) be careful that because I was so scared I was almost like that when I first started going out in the woods at night that was just about the hardest thing I can remember ever doing in my life it was so difficult to put one foot in front of the other and then they showed up actually physically showed up again and I'm I I botched it I was too scared to to go and be with them and then it happened another time and I was still too scared I couldn't do it and I wish I had done that I wish I had managed to do it I think this might be a very (33:54) different world if I had but you also said said to be careful be careful with what well I mean look what happened to me I was raped seen was taken from my body uh thousands of other people men and women had similar experiences back in those days it doesn't happen much now but it did at first and uh so yeah I mean I think you have to be aware of things like that you have to be very aware of it and very serious about it and you do have to be be careful well looking at the way the UFO mystery has been covered in recent years (34:35) and especially the several months at the beginning of this year with daily hype in the news interviews and debates on the government's public interest in handling on the uh of the military pilot sightings the preliminary UAP report Etc do you see a light at the end of the tunnel in regards to more transparency on the topic and if so where do you think things are heading well if the Christian gillibrand Amendment goes through uh that is an amendment that to the uh I believe the budget bill that there will be a an (35:16) organization set up within the government to be a central Clearing House for all of this stuff because right now each agency keeps its own secrets and some of those secrets are probably very provocative like uh it's fairly obvious that the Air Force had a shooting war with these things back in the 50s and a lot of planes were lost and then they went out of the business entirely uh in the 60s on the surface but didn't actually do that and they've been saying for all those years that it was nothing that there's it's all (35:53) nonsense and we have to get past that we have to get past all of that and the parts that are hard like what were the abductions about why was sexual material taken from people what did that mean what where is it were their children created or what was done with it we have to if we know if they know that or anything about that the public needs to be told we need to be included and I think that that's where this is moving by little tiny steps that are going to get bigger and bigger because at the same time you notice the planet's in (36:32) real trouble the planet is changing and your generation is going to face the consequences of what my generation won't do and because you know we're right now we've got this big climate thing that went on but it's not enough and the Chinese are probably not going to and the Indians are not going to be uh very helpful anyway and the Russians can't whether they want to not because our country is too disorganized so uh we're going to suffer the full effects of climate change and along with that I think this (37:10) disclosure process is going to continue and I hope that there will be some kind of connection between us and whatever this phenomenon is because like we were saying before they have a terrific knowledge of physics and even if they're part of us we need to we're sort of schizophrenic now if that's the case and we need to come together otherwise we lose our planet in your generation and I am just horrified about that I have grandkids I have kids in your age group and I love you kids very much and I don't want to (37:47) see this happen to you oh that's that's very scary and this is a very scary time altogether but the but yet it's also exciting because were seeing the ball moving when it comes to the UAP topic and it's interesting that you mentioned the shooting War uh with the UFOs in the 50s because I interviewed a South Korean UFO researcher from my last show and he covered several such instances of the same thing happening over Korea by both Korean and American jets uh during the 50s so I just there's something weird (38:22) about that I don't know what it is so do you have any insights from the visitors or other entities you have encountered in regards to just how many other intelligent species are interacting with humans and this planet it's not a question I can answer because that's a bridge too far for me that gets into the folklore what happens in the human mind is this when we see an unknown phenomenon excuse me we we look through our our inventory of known phenomena and we try to connect them and in the past we probably (39:04) connected the what we call I call the visitors now with the fairy folk of of the Middle Ages or with the sils and demons of earlier times and the gods but now we connect them more with a sort of Science Fiction version of it which is aliens I don't think we've ever known know what it is and I think that it may become more clear soon I don't think the government knows what it is either I think they have ideas but I'm pretty sure I it would be a different world if they if they were certain of what of the where they stood (39:52) the reason I say that is the National Security Act forbids for example the the Air Force from releasing information about anything that may be a threat but they can't decide whether or not it's a threat uh and um that's why that document that was released a few months ago was called a threat assessment and I think that what's going to happen is the government is going to say it's not a threat and when it says that officially all of the secret that now surrounds it legally ends it no longer can be kept kept hidden it will (40:34) be a lot of it anyway that's the way things go in this government in this country but uh it shouldn't be and a lot will be released over time I think well I I know you said that um it's a bridge too far to look at at the question of of how many other civilizations could be visiting us but this leads me to another question and that is the disruptive interactions of UFO with sensitive nuclear facilities around the world both military and power generating corporate installations do you have any insights (41:06) if the intelligences Behind these events at nuclear facilities are the same as the visitors that you are familiar with well once again I can't draw those kind of connections like I don't want to I don't want to assume that it's aliens from another planet a lot of people come on your show and tell you about the reptilians and the Grays and the fight they're having and all of this and we don't know if that's true or not we have no idea so uh we're just we're just connecting dots we shouldn't connect (41:38) however there have been numerous events documented events at nuclear facilities around the world and H it doesn't take any stretch of the imagination to realize that nuclear weapons and nuclear materials are ter terribly dangerous I mean look at chal and what happened to this world and now it looks like the Chinese have invented a weapon so lethal that it can it can generate a surprise attack a Hypersonic weapon that moves so fast and so low to the ground that it there's no way to even anticipate it you could have a surprise (42:22) attack where the whole place blows up without warning and you know that's incredibly destabilizing it could mean that we we're going to end up in a situation in the near future like what we were in in the when World War I started nobody understood in July of 1914 that the various Maneuvers that were taking place between the great Powers would end up in a general War but then a few few weeks Weeks Later the worst war that had ever been known was being fought we could end up in a situation where another war is (43:07) fought in instantaneously and it's so destabilizing of course they're concerned about it because it tells me something about them they are concerned about us no matter what anyone says they have to be and they've warned us about these nuclear facilities and I would expect that the Chinese are going to get uh warnings as well as unless they've given up on us I mean the visitors which is always a possibility that I very much fear that they decide well it's a hopeless case let's go home if this is not their (43:51) home I mean yes it's all really anodal when it comes to reptilians or or other alleged aliens types so focusing on the visitors you are familiar with some researchers have speculated that the first nuclear test detonations conducted in the mid1 1940s caught the attention of non-human entities While others have theorized that the test explosions negatively affected other dimensions and the entities occupying them and they have been coming here uh since and interfering with other systems have you ever been given the insights into this (44:27) the visitors and their interactions with nuclear facilities and if not what are your thoughts on all of it well first of all it's very difficult to communicate with them that it's not like they don't it's not like sitting across a table or being in a classroom or anything it's very difficult in the sense that it's all in the mind it's all telepathic and you know we get mixed up with our imagination very easily that's what all these stories about you know these anecdotal or un un un verifiable stories (45:04) that's where they all come from uh I think that if they are enough concerned about us and things get to the point something close to a point of no return there may be intervention of some kind it won't be intervention that we it'll be asymmetric by our standards undoubtedly but I think that could definitely happen uh as to what it may be God knows but I think that the balance of power right now as we speak is being very dangerously Changed by the what the Chinese have done and at some point it's possible (46:07) there could be some kind of an intervention uh if and now after World War II there there was an attempt to communicate with us after all that's what all those UFO things that happened in the 50s were about I'm sure but it didn't work very well did it because we went we went after him with guns um there's not not many instances of them shooting first and a lot of instances of them defending themselves um but the I don't think that I have any information that I could really give you that I could put my finger on about them (46:53) tearing a hole in nuclear weapons tearing a hole in uh in in reality or any of that stuff I don't know but I do know this there's been enough display if you will in the context of nuclear facilities of various kinds to indicate that the visitors are concerned about them and they've retargeted missiles and things like that shut them down and that would be that would indicate the level of concern but as far as the other stuff can is I just don't I I can't answer the question and that's totally okay but (47:41) regardless you've been in this field for quite a long time and you've been keeping an eye out on a lot of things in June of this year you wrote an article entitled what's the big deal the Pentagon admitted UFOs are not of this world 74 years ago in that article you mentioned the astronaut the late Gordon Cooper taking a photo of a UFO that landed at Edwards Air Force Base in 1957 Gordon described the UFO in detail to you personally can he share with us his description of the craft and if you know if it was piloted by the visitors (48:14) that you are familiar with Gordon didn't mention anything about Pilots I I'm if he's if he saw any any uh creatures he didn't mention that to me but he's talked about it elsewhere it was not it was wasn't private uh so he may have mentioned that some to someone else but what he told me was that what he had seen at the end of a Runway was a silver disc a round silver thing very bright silver with a tripod legs on it that was sitting on the runway on the end of the runway and he took photographs of it and sent them on to (48:57) Washington and never heard a thing about them again they you know knowing the Air Force they may have just been destroyed but they may still exist I don't know U but he was he was adamant about it he saw it and he was no liar and and no debler it happened Gordon saw that he did get the pictures just as he said and with all of this do you think that that our modern society is ready to handle the truth about the visitors and about our place in the cosmic scheme of things well it depends on what the truth about the visitors is and what our place (49:40) in the cosmic scheme of things is if uh if we are a simulation of some kind that that's going to be hard to handle if U we are fundamentally inferior in some way like we are chimpanzees to their humans that's going to be hard to handle too if we discover we can't understand as they do that will be very hard for us um if it turns out that they have their own reasons for being here and they are exploiting us in some way and there's nothing we can do about it that's going to be hard too I don't (50:26) think any of those things were are true because if they were true why wouldn't they just completely keep themselves hidden which they could do undoubtedly but they don't instead we have this theater unfolding in the skies and that's what it is all these UFO sightings are a theater in the sky and uh the the abductions and the contact experience and the experience many people like me are in where we've evolved from uh a abduction to a relationship that that's not something that that's something that goes (51:04) somewhere it has a Locomotion and The Locomotion ends with a viable relationship so that's what I think they're after and if we were not intelligent enough or capable enough to sustain our side of it why would they bother but they do bother therefore we are capable of doing it it's just a question of getting us to settle down which is not easy you know um but there was a little island in um the in the Andaman Islands that after the tsunami this island is kept isolated by the Indian government because the Islanders have had very (51:52) little contact with the outside world and their innocence is considered precious uh so they the government sent a helicopter to circle the island and see if these people were all right and what happened was one of the Warriors came rushing out onto the beach and started tossing Spears at the helicopter that's us we're tossing Spears at the helicopter on a massive scale and we need to calm down and say to ourselves they've been here all this time we're still here they haven't done anything to destroy us this is not an (52:38) invasion something else is happening I'm not saying it's not dangerous because there's elements of it that obviously are dangerous but it is something that we can work with undoubtedly and they can to and they want to something is on offer to Mankind and it's time for us to stop playing games by playing games I mean scientists and academics pretending it's all nonsense are people jumping taking leaps of of fantasy into ideas about what they are where they're from who they are blah blah blah and we have to I think re-embrace (53:28) something that my uh uh something that my wife lived by that's a very powerful idea she used to say the human species is too young to have beliefs what we need are good questions and that is the essential truth of our relationship with the visitors now let's stop playing games and start asking good questions well would be a good question to ask what would be a good question to ask well the first question I think we should ask is how in the world do those devices work because if we understood that it would revolutionize this world (54:18) because beyond the understanding of the devices propulsion system is an understanding of gravity and an understanding of gravity leads to a fundamental understanding of what reality is where can people find you online or your books well they can find me on and it's a big website and it's specifically for people who are interested in this uh it is not full of a but bunch of a bunch of imagination it's very serious and my book are available on Amazon for the most part uh they're I (55:01) don't think they sell them in bookstores because Whit streber is too far out for most book sellers but you can get them on Amazon thank you so much Whitley thank you and we are here with my extra special guest Mr Whitley streer thank you so much for joining me here today once again and Switching gears a little bit from the first half of the show your perspective on the afterlife has continu evolved as well given the encounters with with loved ones along with encounters with the visitors and especially more so with the passing over (55:43) your beloved an can you share with us your insights on this uh just what can we expect to find when you leave this realm based off of your understanding and experiences well uh an became an expert on the afterlife first because of what was happening with the communion letters and her realization that they dead Were Somehow involved I mean I have to admit that when we started out I would have told you that there was no afterlife and there were no aliens here or anything like that now now I have a completely different vision of it and it started (56:23) with Anne's observations then an had in 2004 a massive cerebral hemorrhage and nearly died and had a near-death experience after that she was no longer afraid of dying then in 2013 she got brain cancer and it was terminal and um she in uh J January of 2015 she said Whitley I'm finished and no no excuse me in January of 2015 she said she began wanting me to memorize a certain poem called song of the wandering Angus by WB Yates because she was already planning what would happen in the future then in August of (57:16) that year in Late July of that year she said Whitley I'm leaving I'm finished because she was having one stroke after another and her brain was essentially collapsing and and and it was over and so she said I want to die a conscious death and I we got Hospice in and they were very helpful in making sure she had just enough morphine to remain comfortable but not so much that she would fall asleep until her body did so naturally and then after she passed away the first about an hour and a half later I got a call from a friend of ours I was (58:07) sitting in the living room in terrible grief and the friend said Whitley I just heard Ann's voice in my head say call Whitley and I was saying in my mind at the time Annie if you still exist please give me some kind of a sign and over the next two weeks this happened again and again and again with other friends and eventually I vaguely recalled a moment when we were discussing this as uh after the communion after it become obvious that the dead Were Somehow involved in the communion experience and we'd said that (58:41) if the first of us to die would if possible contact friends and tell them to call the other one or to tell the other one because neither one of us would ever believe it if we heard that ourselves in our own head we think it was our imagination we never told anybody about this in fact I pretty much forgot about it and then she started doing it and I thought oh my God there is an afterlife and that was the beginning of the book the afterlife Revolution because we became close confidants and we worked together across the bridge between the worlds to (59:22) the extent that I wear both Rings now to symbolize the fact that we've got one body left but there's still two of us doing this that's that's really adorable um just to change gears a little bit you mentioned during the main show that our planet is in trouble and that my generation may be facing cataclysms very soon and you wrote the book The Day After Tomorrow which focused on the shutting down of the Atlantic Gulf current what should I be doing what should we be doing as young people to do (59:56) do our part in changing this direction or do you think we need a global intervention from the visitors to really sway the power away from the corporations and government back to the people we need a global intervention all right but it's not necessarily from the visitors it's from you guys from the young people this is your world you need to take political action every single one of you when you find a climate change denier you need to go on the attack because they are saying let's die and that is not what your plan of (1:00:33) life is or you wouldn't even be here I'm there's a Death Wish out there somewhere and I don't know how else to explain it because any fool can see what's happening to the climate and yet there are as soon as like in this country we have a we went to a climate big climate Forum two years ago with another Administration we were denying that climate change existed at all and and tearing down every effort that had been made in previous years to save ourselves you have to fight for yourselves for your own lives and this (1:01:13) is a fight for the life of mankind and that means you if you enjoy the strange and the Mysterious UFOs the Paranormal encrypted this channel is for you so make sure to subscribe as I do three videos right here every single week and hit that notification Bell so you do not miss any of the bonus 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