In this video I review the latest information regarding the push for UFO transparency and the declassification of UFO files by members of Congress and the Government, and where President Trump stands on UAP Disclosure. Your UFO news source with Cristina Gomez for all news related to the UFO / UAP mystery.

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Hello and welcome to this episode of UFO news today we're really going to be focusing on how people in the government are talking about this with recent articles written WR about Chuck Schumer talking about UFOs and representative Tim brette let's get straight into it starting off with Senate M well then Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer he recently wrote on Twitter okay now do UFOs and that is talking to president Trump specifically because Trump had mentioned right before he went into office that hey I'm going to release UFO (00:57) files and UFO archives right after after I become president and there's a little bit more to that he also said he was going to release JFK files Martin Luther King Junior files and a few others but he followed through on those files JFK and MLK but not on UFOs as of yet so Schumer said all right get it together now do UFOs and you can read that short sentence in so many different ways for me I could read it with a little bit of frustration of like come on buddy you promised this let's do it now why is (01:38) Chuck Schumer relevant well in 2023 he created the Schumer rounds Amendment and he gave it to the Pentagon and they really really shaved it off when they released the ndaa Well in that Amendment what he and Mike rounds wanted to do was State okay we want these agents genes to release UFO files in a certain period of time and if they're classified explain as to why they are classified it didn't pass which is an absolute bummer and it it's obviously a little bit fishy as well of like if you have nothing to hide (02:22) Pentagon why did you not let this amendment pass of course it's going to be The Narrative of well it's a national security issue okay some of them can be sure but all of them the the probably mountains and mountains of files that you have there have been so many reports of people in the military in the government that have reported to the Pentagon with their UFO sightings and they're put in the back burner put into a file never to be seen Again David fraver one of the eyewitnesses to the Tic Tac had mentioned this very him (02:59) specifically and we've heard it time and time again over the decades so Schumer was like I'm going to fall for this let's let's get that news let's get those files well the amendment didn't pass so now he has to look at president Trump to say all right you're in power get it together something else that was recently written was Tim Brett was on the Matt Gates show and he stated that there are underwater bases probably extraterrestrial and this was like whoa what are you on about Tim that's crazy (03:41) now before we even get into further detail on that he definitely needs a background because since what 2023 let's say 2022 he has been the front runner Congressman pushing for UFO transparency more so than any any other Congressman in the United States in the public eye he has spoken about there is a cover up taking place within the Pentagon they do have UFO information they're not willing to share it he has helped with the UFO Congressional hearings the one with David grush and then the recent one right with lu loando he has been reading (04:23) all of the files released by Arrow by the uaf he was knowledgeable in the aoi MSG hearing with Scott Bray and Ronald mtry and he was so frustrated about that hearing that was one of our first UFO hearings in 50 plus years and that was run by Andre Carson and he was like they they know exactly what they're covering up it was an absolute mess and they're treating us like we're not very smart as the year have passed he has shown a constant interest even being a part of the UAP caucus working closely (05:07) with Anna Palina Luna and he has given a bunch of different interviews both on podcasts and on the mainstream talking about this talking about UFOs talking about what he wants to know that he's always been interested in the topic no matter what he wants the information and he he's mentioned before along with an Luna this isn't necessarily about little green men so they say it's about the funding where is the money going because when Arrow released their volume one report in March of last year they said (05:43) we've had all of these offices sign saucer Grudge kona blue AO MSG Arrow since 1947 all the way to present day and all of those offices and projects have said you know we've done the research we've done the investigations but there's nothing to see here nah nothing nothing extraordinary it's not extraterrestrial guys sit down and don't get too excited timers Shai called them out and he said well if that's the case then why are you still funding these offices and these projects if you (06:20) already have all the answers Nancy ma who was the chairwoman of the latest UFO Congressional hearing said the exact same thing she's like okay if there's nothing to see here release the files tell us where that funding is going you know some people are frustrated about that that they have to take that stance of money but once you can follow the paper trail and follow the money as we hear so many times that will lead us to the answers that we really do want in this case for Eric burlson who was at both Congressional hearings said where (06:55) are the bodies do we have bodies bodies right and many of us have those same burning questions but we also have to remember that in order to get the answers that you want you have to ask the right questions and sometimes you can ask a brilliant question but it's a little bit too head-on and the person sitting receiving that question have signed ndas they know secrets and they can't share it so you have to dance this beautiful Tango almost most of not only asking the right questions but asking it in a way almost in a mathematical (07:38) formula in order to receive the answer that you're looking for without allowing the person receiving that question breaking any ndas which of course is an eye roller you're like just just give us the information that we want we don't care right we have to we have to care about people's safety always and those hearings were no exception same when we're dealing when we're interviewing these people oneon-one in a podcast format or on a mainstream media media show you have to be strategic with the (08:15) questions that you ask now as for Tim Tim brette he's a bit different he's he's he's very he's really like a bull in a china shop he will tell you how it is at least from all of the interviews that I've seen him do and sometimes he's a little bit hesitant he's like but then he answers the question he still answers it because I think he's a great example of a civil worker like he is really someone working for the people when it's coming to UFO disclosure but when it comes to that (08:49) topic specifically which is what I look at and research and investigate that's what matters to me so for him to say recently on the Matt gate show who was also a congressman of like yeah we have we have bases underwater that would be the best place to hide is in our Earth's oceans 10 to 15% of our oceans have been scanned explored and understood that's leaving 85 to 90% of our oceans in the category of unknown and absolute Monster Soup you have no idea what's lurking in our oceans our submarines our technology (09:30) only go so deep our sonar equipment can only find and look at so much it would be wise to have a base underwater that just exceeds our technological innovations and inventions as well and some places on our planet that water is deep the pressure is insane but if you have the right Tech where you're not going to be crushed like a Coke can you're pretty safe and it's it's a it's a smart thing to do so was it surprising that that information was made public no is it surprising that representative Tim brette said it yes (10:18) because he is a congressman someone held at high regard someone with credentials and credibility on top of that he has conducted interviews with whistleblowers with Pilots people have come forward to him to share their stories and I can guess here that with this latest statement someone told him about it it wasn't just that he was just reading through a book or watching a documentary on the History Channel and he's like oh yeah alien bases not that makes sense it's a higher possibility that someone told him about it and of (10:57) course we can think of for instance ones that are a little more commonly known like the Malibu base right there are ideas that there are bases off Catalina Island just because of the amount the sheer amount of UFO sightings that are in and around that area off the coast of California we can look off the Seas of Japan the Dragon Triangle we can look at the Bermuda Triangle the where there have been reported UFO sightings and a lot of the coastal areas uh in in most continents will have sightings as well it would make sense (11:36) that they are coming from our oceans and not only that it can Mak even more relevant to recent news where the sheriff of New Jersey said my men saw mysterious drones unknown objects come out of the water in dozens dozens of them came out of the water that makes them a trans medium object they're able to Traverse in air in water and who knows maybe even in space right it's remarkable I know I say this every single time to a point where I want it on a t-shirt but we are living in exciting times I'm so excited to look at (12:19) the news every single day when it comes to UFOs what people are seeing what people are reporting going on social media as well and looking at that this conversation has never been spoken about at this level ever before where we have our US Government talk about it our PE our everyday people talking about it people coming from out of the Shadows to talk about it now this obviously is not a new phenomenon other countries are very much ahead compared to the United States but and it might sound narciss istic to say but I'm going to say it the (13:03) US is so often in the Limelight people are always looking at the US okay how are they addressing this how are they talking about this is it narcissistic yes absolutely but it's also true the cases of where these weird objects were seen over German bases over English bases that news came and went real fast and they're they're they've been seen consistently by the way when we're looking at the ones taking place in New Jersey in New York in Philadelphia that is saturating the news internationally I know this because (13:47) people viewers listeners write me emails from different parts of the world and tell me I've been following those topic like nobody else it's it's all over my news in this country but it's not the other way around and so for our congressmen and representatives and those in these high status levels to talk about this Everyone's Watching and hopefully it sets a foundation for people to say okay maybe it's time to talk about this in Greater detail if we're looking at South America they've had their UFO offices uruguai (14:25) being one of the first ones for decades they're a lot more open about this topic the stigma is is is high but it's not as high as the US when I spoke to UFO researcher Ferdinando hillbrand from Argentina well I asked him that exact question H how is Argentina addressing this with their military and government and they say he he said amongst people it's it's no big deal it's easy to talk about it's not a problem within the government and Military there are reports being made but it's a bit more (14:58) hush hush now is it Hush Hush because they're following the same narrative as the United States or because they want to keep it Sil amongst themselves and I've mentioned this a lot but it's very important in that same volume one error report that was released in March in the first few pages there was this one sentence that just beamed at me and that was Arrow has spoken to foreign UFO offices and they have all came to the same consensus that I'm adding air quotes here there's nothing to see here things (15:37) are explainable we saw this with Project Blue Book when it was an operation from 52 into the 60s not only were they following stories cases in the US they were also getting International cases as well people in other countries government officials were like hey us hey Project Blue Book take a look at this put this in your archives one of those examples is cases from the Netherlands where they received a report in 1952 and 1954 as well that's just one of several countries that are within the Blue Book archives (16:20) arrow is looking like a Project Blue Book 2.0 we've seen it since 52 all the way to presid day the US is looking at all of the cases while focusing on its own country but we can guess here that other countries that have their own UFO offices are also sharing data as it was reported in that volume one Arrow report of we are speaking to other foreign UFO offices which is smart you should be collecting that data right it makes perfect sense but they've all agreed on the same narrative Japan after that report was (17:06) released the Japanese Parliament said you know after doing an investigation there's nothing to see here Australia followed suit when a foyer request was released uh was asked by Grant laak and he received a foer report where Australia said practically the exact same thing while we're living in exciting times and this topic can no longer be avoided The Narrative is still following suit we can also see that with the Drone incursions drone incursions parenthesis in New Jersey it's following the same narrative (17:49) as Roswell in 1947 they said oh my gosh it's a saucer wait no it's weather balloon to decades later saying actually it was Project mogul we are seeing that same blueprint with the things being seen in New Jersey of we don't know what it is it's not ours it's not fore an adversary but it's not a threat to the report released three weeks later on December 17th of actually it is ours and hobbyist drones out of the several thousand reports that we received this is referring to the FAA and the (18:23) FBI and then I can imagine a few years maybe even a few decades down the line they'll say add actually guys it was it was a secret project which one is the right answer right where should we be looking the fact that they are adding all of this confusion is the purpose for you to get bored and distracted and to not look at the overall story case incident sighting by adding this confusion it's devastating it's disappointing it's boring but it is what it is and we have to work learn to work around it and to see it (19:07) for what it is if you enjoyed this show hit that like button right down below and subscribe if you haven't already as I do several shows right here every single week and before you head out bookmark the website UFO dot co it keeps you up to date as to all of the UFO news that's taking place intern nationally and that's where I got the articles for today is from that website that link will also be in the description box below along with the Articles covered be safe and remember keep your eyes on the (19:42) skies [Music] [Music] if you enjoy the strange and the Mysterious UFOs the Paranormal encrypted this channel is for you so make sure to subscribe as I do three videos right here every single week and hit that notification Bell so you do not miss any of the bonus content I post right here"

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