Strangest News of the Week - UFOs Trump and Jay Stratton

Episode 114 of Strangest News of the Week will look at the latest information regarding updates from SpaceX, Jay Stratton on a forthcoming UFO book, Donald Trump and release of UFO information, animals made transparent with food additives, and much more.

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Show Transcript

Here are all the strange news articles that you might have missed in the news today we'll be covering how US presidential candidates want to release more UFO footage another person from atip is going to release a UFO book SpaceX updates a crazy new invention by culinary experts in Japan and so much more I'm very excited for this episode and before we get started I do want to mention that starting today some strange news is going to be live and others are going to be pre-recorded starting off with us presidential candidates wanting (00:44) to release UFO footage at least so they say we've heard this consistently over the last few decades and one of the more popular times this took place was during the 2016 presidential elections where Bernie Sanders Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump said if I become president I will release UFO footage UFO information Roswell information so on and so forth but we actually haven't really been receiving any information from any of those people and presidents that have come before them like Ronald Reagan Carter Clinton as well they've (01:23) all shown an interest in UFOs but then they say oh I can't talk about it or I wasn't given any information at this point Donald Trump had mentioned in a podcast with Lex fredman that he wants to release UFO footage is he being serious or is it merely a talking point now because it seems as if so many people in the United States have this immense interest in UFOs wanting to receive more information wanting to get more footage and more photographs as well so I'd like to see if that does take place if we're actually going to get (02:06) more footage now with Camala Harris she doesn't have an interest in it uh publicly at least she has not mentioned anything about that if she is elected that she will release footage that she will release information so we don't know about that but at this point in time it just seems to be a talking point to gain interest in people to gain an extra vote is hey if you vote for me I will give you more UFO footage and information we've heard it too many times before we really really have and I think it's creating a level of (02:45) skepticism here of are they being serious are they just saying that what's really going on he's also mentioned publicly Donald Trump has mentioned that while he claims on to be a personal believer he doesn't rule out the existence of of aliens I think in that case it's not bad to have this level of skepticism of being either a Believer or a non-believer but in this case he seems to be on the fence he's like I've heard people tell me stories I've gotten information about let so-called Roswell (03:19) uh Donald Trump Jr did an interview with Donald Trump gosh I want to say like a year or two now and that was one of his son's first questions is do you know anything about Roswell and he kind of chuckled a little bit and he says H I can't really talk about that so I will keep you updated on how this is going to continue to unfold but right now it just seems like it's a talking point getting on to our next one but still staying in the topic of UFOs another person from atip is going to be releasing their UFO (03:51) book who am I talking about I'm talking about Jay Stratton because he is the former director of the US government uaf and he has secured a memoir deal with Harper Collins the timing could not be more perfect first of all we have the book eminent by Lando was just released a few weeks ago we're supposed to get yet another UFO whistleblower hearing or UFO Hearing in September or October according to representative Anna pelina Luna when she spoke to ask a poll so that's going to be interesting and then (04:29) in this whole HJ pod of this UFO Curry that we're making Jay Stratton says I'm going to release my book I'm going to release my Memoir this is very exciting in some ways and very confusing in others because when I was looking thinking about this looking this over I thought why now why release the book right after Lou or is it just the perfect timing in the sense of he finally finished his book and it just happened to be close to alzando release um was he nudged to do so is it going to discredit everything from the previous (05:09) book right from Al's book I don't know I actually we know nothing about this book except that Jay Stratton is writing one and it's going to be released at some point and he made a deal with Harper Collins that's all the information we have but he does State here that he wants to reveal as much information as legally possible about the US government's investigation into UAP and nonhuman intelligence we've heard that before haven't we several times so I'd like to see what new information he is (05:46) going to release if any J Stratton really seems to have gotten in the public eye kind of recently if you were to ask me and he really began to become known in when he was a guest in the secrets of Skinwalker Ranch episodes of what last season I believe or two seasons ago that's when people kind of saw him for the first time in this public light and what I noticed in those episodes is that he was always kind of standing in the background just standing and watching observing right monitoring maybe and so then ever since then he's (06:21) done a few interviews he's spoken out more publicly but he's not necessarily as famous as luel loando but that might change with this new Memoir that again is just promising that's the words that he uses promising to reveal as much information about UFOs as possible is it going to be information that you and I are not familiar with is it going to be information that's just regurgitated yet again is it going to be from his perspective when he spoke to certain people involved in the topic I'm excited (06:56) to see what's going to take place because I have no idea idea what to expect and I don't think a lot of people do and all I can say at this point is the timing is really really interesting but something else that is interesting is the latest launch from SpaceX because spacex's Polaris Dawn Mission which launched on Tuesday September 10th is set to make history as the first commercial space flight to attempt a space walk how long have we been talking about this how long have we been saying one is this going to happen and SpaceX (07:41) is is kind of exceeding everybody else so this mission that was funded by Jared isaacman founder of Shift 4 carries four civilian astronauts being Isaac man himself Scott potit Sarah Gillis and a men and the crew Dragon capsule will has already ascended to an initial orbit of 745 miles before reaching a peak altitude of 870 miles surpassing any crude spacecraft since the Apollo missions this is significant this is exciting and it's making history SpaceX has been setting up all these goals and then overcoming all of them and in this (08:31) case with this new mission is it late uh yes we're in 2024 and we're just now seeing this a bit disappointing but at the same time they are the first company private company to do so it's pretty cool it's pretty cool to watch this just all unravel right in front of our eyes and as you can tell I'm I'm pretty excited about this so on the third day of the mission two crew members will perform a groundbreaking 2hour space walk at an altitude of approximately 430 miles and this space walk presents (09:07) rather unique challenges and risks as well because unlike the ISS the International Space Station the crew Dragon capsule lacks an airlock requires the entire spacecraft to be depressurized and all four crew members must wear space suits during the operation with the entire capsule exposed to the vacuum of space and the team will use new space suits that have never before been Ted in space that doesn't really sound very enticing and relying on a 12 foot umbilical cord for life support which we've seen with (09:50) previous astronauts before and let me just take a side note here I think like many of us as children we're like oh I really want to be an astronut be the coolest thing ever I got the brains I got the athletic abilities I can totally be an astronaut and then I had one person it just took one person to crush my dreams when I was I don't know six and this girl said you know if they just cut the rope off your space soup and and and the craft right you're dead it's game over and in many ways that scarred (10:23) me for life and I never attempted to fulfill that six-year-old dream of of being an astronaut so that um biblical cord for life support between you and me hard pass hard pass right there I just feel like there's just too many things to go wrong with that but the mission also involves navigating through the Van Allen radiation belt exposing the crew to high levels of space radiation which might have long-term Health implications but I would assume here okay I'm I'm just going to put it out there that with these space suits (11:02) they're probably calculated that in mind right and they're hopefully not putting these astronauts at risk but overall this is super exciting to see this space walk take place for it to happen and I look forward to hear when these astronauts come back to earth how their press conference is going to go what they're going to mention and if they saw anything out of the order Ary something that is out of the ordinary though are certain food additives tested on rats that makes their skin transparent and when you hear this (11:43) ingredient it's going to it's going to let some sparks fly in your mind because we see this in food and that is yellow number five I knew a girl once just once that was allergic to Yellow food coloring and this blew my mind I was so confused that I thought how can you be allergic to a color to be fair I was at least 12 all right I did know that there were actually ingredients Incorporated in these colors right and I'm like if you look at the color yellow will like I don't know will will you get sick or (12:19) something when you're 12 you're D and at that time I was as well but she would actually get very sick have like just fullblown nausea and vomiting and things like this when she would consume things like goldfish Cheez itss Doritos or anything that had a very specific yellow food coloring well in this case researchers have discovered a novel technique to make Living Mice temporarily transparent using the FD and C yellow number five now this FDA certified color additive often found in foods and cosmetics can be applied to the skin of (13:04) mice allowing scientists to visualiz internal organs and blood vessels without surgery so they're seeing this in a positive light they're like oh this is super cool it's revolutionary yeah they we haven't seen this take place in humans there's a lot of people that consume this food additive and to my understanding they're not having any trans transparent translucent skin of any kind but maybe if you ingest a little too many Doritos maybe you will start being a walking G so who needs a costume this (13:41) Halloween when you can just have all of your guts and organs and blood vessels show through your skin that actually that' actually be kind of cool there's this frog known as the glass frog that has transparent skin completely and you can see all of its organs there are scientists that put a light under them and it just it just highlights all of them and it's actually honestly it's very cool but I don't know how that helps them with their survival in the wilderness like I I don't know whose idea it was to say hey (14:17) let's let's have frogs have this certain kind of frog have transparent skin because it looks cool but like will it help them is is the real question now this process only takes a few minutes to render the skin transparent and can be reversed by rinsing with water it's not so bad and the excess dye is excreted in the rodents urine within 48 hours so it's not harmful so they say and while the treatment induced minimal short-term inflammation it did not appear to have long-term effects on the animals health (14:54) so this new approach offers a safe temporary and nonin evasive means of visualizing deep tissue and organs living in species I I I like the optimism here I think that's kind of cool but something that is making people feel a little queasy more so than stale Doritos is this new instant Ramen that was created by Boost Noodle and what we're looking at here is a whole blown pouch it's a suckable pouch that has Ramen in it and it includes yam noodles katsu pork fermented bamboo choots a mix of pork and seafood broth and I think a (15:43) few other vegetables as well and this was created with gamers in mind so that when they're playing their game they can use one hand to eat right and it requires minimal effort to make like honestly no prepping I think you can have it either at room temperature maybe you might be able to have it in the microwave for a few seconds but for all of those super intense Gamers that that just don't have time to use both hands to eat bam suck aable pouch just like a Capri on but with food instead of sugar this took two years to make and (16:20) test and there were a lot of challenges which included preventing soggy noodles the flavor obviously so the question is would you rather just pour hot water into a bowl of ramen or have this suckable pouch of yam noodles which I've never had so I can't really place any kind of opinion on that but would I try this yes yes I would I would try it in a heartbeat because why not the question is would you try it let me know in the comments right down below and before you even type that if you would do it or not I do write articles (17:02) for all of the shows that take place right here you can find it on my website at strange or on medium under Christina Gomez there is no h in Christina so if you like more bitesized short articles that is the place to find them now you can tell me would you try these noodles or would you not hit that like button right down below and if you would like bonus content free merch and so much more check out my patreon that link is in the description box below that is the best way to support this Channel and get so much extra (17:39) content that is it for today I will see you next time be safe and remember keep your eyes on the skies [Music] [Music] if you enjoy the strange and the Mysterious UFOs the Paranormal encrypted this channel is for you so make sure to subscribe as I do three videos right here every single week and hit that notification Bell so you do not miss any of the bonus content I post right here

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