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Show Transcript
Today, we'll be covering some incredible and compelling French UFO sightings coupled with encounters with extraterrestrials. Hello, and welcome to this episode of Mysteries with a History, where you'll be taken on a wild ride into the unknown, the strange, and the mysterious. Like you, I have questions, and like you, I want answers. And with each episode together, we will peel through the layers to look for the truth. I want to say thank you to everyone catching this live. As you've noticed over the last, like, week and a half or so. I haven't been posting as frequently. I have been a little bit under the weather. I'm doing better, but still not perfect. But I think you're really going to enjoy today's show. We have a lot to cover. I'm actually very excited for this. So let me bring in my co-host, Jimmy Church of Fade to Black Radio. Jimmy, oh my, looking snazzy over there, Church. I'm an ufologist. Is that right? That's what this means. Yeah, yeah. How you doing? What's cracking? I'm doing okay. You know, everybody's sick. Everybody that I know, you know, and yeah, yeah, it's pretty wild. There's, there's definitely a bug going around and, you know, I lost my voice. I've, I've got it back, but, uh, sort of, uh, I'm fine, but anyway, but people notice and I've been getting texts and emails and, uh, yeah, yeah, there's, there's a bug going around and it's a lingering thing. Yeah. It's a lingering thing. But we'll move on from that. I'm fine. Yesterday I canceled the show. Christina, thank you for reaching out and checking in on me. Yesterday's fire was too close. It was like, oh, oh, oh, okay. But everything's okay. But it was too close for comfort. Yeah. The evacuation warning zone was like right in front of my house. And so standing out in front and so standing out there and I could see this. It was just, oh, it was just a bad situation. bad day and a bad night, but, uh, got through it. Here we go. Um, a great day today. I'm here with you and, and, uh, let's make this thing happen now. Um, as I wear my hat, my beat, is this a beanie? What do they call these? Tis a beanie. Tis a beanie. Oh, it's a tis a beanie. I'm wearing my tis a beanie and because I'm to the curb, uh, I'm to the curb. I'm to the curb. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm way to the curb. I'm fresh. The French. What of all things to do, right? We're going to France this week. What's going on? Talk to me. I am cleaning up on my French. No, actually, I'm just kidding. My French is horrible. Actually, this is a true, true story. Someone wrote a comment on one of my YouTube videos and they're like, hey, I don't think you've heard of this case. You should cover it. And I was like, this person's right. Are they a psychic? I actually don't know about this case. Let's do a deep dive, but then let's kind of broaden it a little bit, cover this one specific case and then a few others in and around France. So I want to mention that I do read your comments. I always love hearing your recommendations on cases that you want covered, talking to those watching and listening to this right now. And so that's why we are doing this because one person said, Hey, Have you looked into the Valensole French case? And I was like, no. But today is our lucky day, Jimmy. The French. You know what's bizarre about the French? Yeah, the French. The French. So unique, right? So unique. They have thick skin. OK, they know they know how they act, which is fine. I love the French, but they know how the rest of the world constantly teases them for them being who they are. Right. It's gone on for centuries. There's nothing new. Right. And so I love it when you're out and you could be you could be in France and say these words. So what about the French? And then you see everybody's reactions, right? Well, when we're doing a show on French, it's the same thing. It's the same thing. But this is the deal. The French have had some of the most amazing ET UFO contact landing experiences in the entire world. And covering them today are special. Um, I'm glad that we're doing this. I want to start though. We're going to start with your case, but I want to start with a little bit of history. Very brief, fifteen seconds. All right. Are you ready for this, Christina? I'm, I'm almost ready. Actually, because we're live, you can't fix this, but your internet connection isn't fully there. You keep like kind of freezing in and out. Mine? Yeah, yours. People are even saying it in the chat. I thought it was just me, but apparently not. Take a look at that before we get into it. Oh, I'm looking over here. Okay, you know what's weird? Okay, so I have two screens. This is freezing on the stream. Us here is not. Well, here... what we're streaming on it is, and then people on YouTube are saying that it is. No, I can see it. It's frozen. Okay, so I'm going to leave and come back. I'm going to get started on the case. Okay, so while Jimmy's out and about, we're going to start off with the first case. And Nicholas, thank you so much for being a member for a month and Ulf for sixteen months, a YouTube member. You guys are so awesome. Thank you so much. So starting off with this first one, I'm going to share my screen here, talking about the case that was recommended to me in the comments. I love that. This one took place in... in Valençois, France on July in nineteen sixty five. And this my and I'm really surprised I haven't heard of this one because it might have to be one of the most compelling UFO cases in Europe. That is definitely in the more recent time frame because we're not only dealing with a craft being seen in the sky. It landed. Beings were seen by a farmer. There's physical evidence and a little bit more. I don't want to get too ahead of myself. Let's go ahead and get started on this case. Valensol is known for growing lavender. That's why we're seeing this image right here. And the farmer that I'm going to be mentioning by the name of Maurice Massey He was also a lavender farmer and he was on his field minding his own business, doing his thing. And then he sees something very strange land nearby. And that's him right here. They say the victim. I don't think he's a victim. And we're going to get into that because he shares his encounters with Jacques Vallée, who's one of the most famous UFO researchers. And Jacques wrote about this case on several different occasions. And if you read his book, Confrontation and Dimensions, while both these books cover this case, they provide very different information. And don't worry, we're going to jump into that part as well. And these two books were only written two years apart, one in nineteen eighty eight, the other one in nineteen ninety. However, in those two years. The way that Jacques Vallee talks about this case, the information that he receives from the farmer differs. Which I found, I'm like, I like this. He didn't just copy and paste from one book to another. He provided new and a little bit like, I wouldn't say controversial information, but where it contradicts itself a little bit. So the incident began at approximately six a.m. When Maurice, while starting his tractor during this time, noticed that he initially assumed was a helicopter or some kind of unauthorized vehicle on his field. He's like, I need to get close to this thing and figure out what's going on. This helicopter or this vehicle really shouldn't be here. But then upon approaching to investigate, he discovered an egg shaped craft was sliding doors. Now, last week in last week's show, we covered cases of craft that were egg shaped, really honing into what Jake Barber had mentioned on News Nation last week. really talking about how these egg shaped craft are nothing new. They've been seen for decades. And here we're seeing it in France. Now, upon approaching to investigate, the farmer discovered Not only this craft with these sliding doors, but what startled him even more was the presence of two small humanoids standing right next to this craft. They were approximately, according to him, three feet tall. And despite their pretty small size, they possessed pretty normal human features. And these entities were observed communicating in an unidentified language. Jacques Vallée gave an interview, I think it was in the late nineteen nineties, where he said when he spoke to this farmer, Maurice, Maurice. He said that from what he remembers, these two entities were kind of grunting at each other, like they had this kind of sound in their throat, almost like they were trying to cough up phlegm, maybe. But this encounter took a really dramatic turn when one of the beings pointed a metallic tube at the farmer. And then instantly, as soon as this object was pointed at him, he became paralyzed. And it wasn't just for a few moments. This man was paralyzed for twenty minutes. While these beings then go back into their craft and then they fly very quickly up into the sky and they're gone. Jacques had the privilege to interview this man, Mr. Macy. And he said that Macy couldn't really decipher if the craft was moving so fast that he wasn't able to keep an eye on it because it went so far. Or... If the craft had just gone up into the sky and disappeared, he wasn't able to decipher which one it was. But it was, this was ended up, it was caught by the news. And this is where it gets interesting because in the first book, Dimensions, Vallée states that Massey saw this egg shaped craft. It had six legs coming out of it. It indented the ground. And he saw these two children like entities. And then and then. In the book Confrontations that was written in nineteen ninety, that's where it changed just a little bit, where he said Massey said, you know what? It wasn't six legs. It was four. And these weren't childlike. These were extraterrestrial. Like these were apes. alien beings that were just short and child size. But that was it. They had big heads. They had small, slinty eyes. They had a slit for a mouth, but no lips. And he had stated in the second book, Valet had mentioned that when he spoke to Massey, that he did not want to get the media involved. He did not want to tell his story. He didn't want anyone to know. In fact, and this was a quote from the book, he states, when you see something so extraordinary, don't tell your wife, don't tell your kids. However, I wish this beautiful experience onto everybody. when we're dealing with alien encounters ufo sightings a lot of the times not all the time a lot of the times it's exciting you're like oh my gosh this is so cool but when we're dealing with alien abductions that's where it gets it's a whole different kettle of fish that's where it gets really scary people would never want to wish that onto somebody else in this case for the farmer He was like, it was a beautiful sight. I got to see this craft on my field. I got to see these beings. I got to hear them speak their language. And I just felt in my core, according to him, that these weren't hostile. They were curious more than anything else. How many times have we heard that? When humans have seen a being come out of a craft and they're looking at nature, the soil, animals, things like this, most of the time, not all the time, most of the time, people will tell you, They weren't hostile. They didn't feel hostile. I got this kind of almost telepathic message that they weren't hostile. If anything, they were curious. And this was no exception. But it only gets more interesting because after about a minute, so he's paralyzed, twenty minutes. His heart isn't going, isn't rapid. His breathing isn't rapid. Those were still going at its normal pace, even though he was paralyzed. These beings went back into their craft, but the farmer had stated that they wore a gray-greenish one-piece suit with containers on their belts. They did not have any breathing apparatuses, and they had kind of somewhat human eyes that oversized heads, tiny lipless mouths, and about three to four feet tall. And when these beings noticed the farmer staring at them, he's like, whoa, what are you doing on my field? This is when the beings pointed this object at him, and he was immobile for twenty minutes. What's also remarkable about this is is that weeks afterward, he experienced extreme drowsiness. He struggled to stay awake for more than four hours at a time. There was a dramatic change for someone who was pretty accustomed to working from sunrise to sunset, only sleeping for maybe four five, six hours a night. In this case, he couldn't even stay up longer than four hours. His field was damaged by... of course, by crowds of tourists who heard this on the news in the newspaper on where this craft had landed. But more interesting than that is the physical evidence that was there because these legs that were coming out of the UFO indented the ground. And this was reported by Jacques Vallée as well. But also, this was a repeated occurrence. So Every time that this craft would come down to the ground, create indents into the ground, after the first time, Massey would rub out the indentations so that no one could see that this craft had landed, according to him. That was later reported by Jacques Vallée. Mark Tassaka, thank you so much for that five dollar super chat. I really appreciate it. We're still waiting on Jimmy to come back into the stream. But as we do that, we're going to continue on with this case. This craft was believed to be about two hundred feet from him. So while Massey is seeing this craft land, he's like, oh, my gosh, is that a helicopter? What's going on? It was about two hundred feet away from him. And then he approached to about like sixteen feet and saw these beings in their gray, blue, green suits. But the ground, the indentations that were created it was on moistened ground that immediately hardened like concrete. And it affected the plants that decayed relative to their distance from the landing site. And the soil showed elevated calcium levels compared to surrounding areas. On top of that, He did an investigation on his own. The farmer was like, this is too crazy. This is too weird and it's happened more than once. Let me do my own investigations to see if this has happened before. And the answer was, of course, a big old fat yes. A good friend of his by the name of Gilbert had a cousin named Jose. And Jose, just a few years before this farmer, Massey, had almost the exact same encounter. He witnessed a landing, leaving boat-shaped traces in the wheat field just a few miles away from his town. which again was in Valensoul. And it was someone that he was not directly associated with, but there was that glue in the middle. And that was Gilbert, the friend. That's weird. Is it not? Or is it merely a coincidence? That is for you to decide on that. But it's something that the farmer did an extensive investigation on because he's like, I can't be the only one. And then, bringing up Gilbert yet again, in Gilbert experienced a vehicle and radio interference, followed by a whirlwind phenomenon that affected the nearby trees. Now, in this case for Gilbert, the friend, he didn't say that he saw a craft in the sky or anything, but he was on his John Deere perfectly equipped tractor, Almost brand new, great engine. And then all of a sudden, there's this whirlwind that is right next to Gilbert. And the engine dies, completely dies. The batteries drain out. The radio stops working. Then the whirlwind moves along, continues going on its path. The radio starts working again. The engine starts working again. However, the batteries die. And they completely dried up. There was nothing he could do for that one. But these all took place a few years apart from each other in a similar area. And these three people are connected through association. And it looks like we have Jimmy back with a super cool beanie, but also a nice pair of glasses. Jimmy, you look better. All those glasses are gone now. Okay, don't ask questions. No questions were asked. I have done so much. Okay, so anyway, now I'm going to have to do the show like this. Okay. Where are we? We are on covering the story of the Valençal France incident in nineteen sixty five and also the connection between his friend Gilbert and Gilbert's cousin, Jose, who all had very similar experiences just a few years apart from each other. Perfect. OK, so keep going. I'll jump in. OK, so while this is all taking place, especially with the farmer's initial experience, he reports it to Japan, which is the equivalent of the French UFO Investigation Center. But this is where it gets kind of bizarre, because in Jacques Vallée's book, Confrontations, that was written in nineteen ninety. And as I had mentioned just a little bit earlier, dimensions in eighty eight and confrontations in ninety nine. They talk about the same case, but with different information. Now, in the second book, it was mentioned to Valet that the farmer didn't want to share his experience. He didn't want to tell his wife and kids. He also wished that this would happen to everyone because it's a beautiful experience. But also, here's where it gets a little dodgy, a little bit suspicious, because he had mentioned publicly that he received a letter from Jipan of scientists that signed it that said, thank you so much for sharing your experience and this extra information. Turns out he goes back on what he said, the farmer, and he says, like, actually, yet Japan never wrote me that that letter saying thank you. Actually, I didn't even share the encounter with them because I wanted to keep it as personal and private as possible. Now, why does this matter? It matters because when there's a little lie, it can cover up for a big lie. And these kinds of things are disappointing to hear because then it makes you question internally, OK, what do I believe and what do I not believe? Where should I be looking? And while this, again, might seem so insignificant, it then makes you question the entire case. Now, regardless, Jacques Vallée put it in his book, the one written in nineteen ninety. for I don't actually don't even know what reason why he put it in there but he did because the farmer was willing to share his experience in detail to jacques valet more so than the local french reporters in the area yeah that that's right actually and uh and and what I mean by that is jacques is french and one of the things I've done many shows with him over the years And he has brought forth these amazing cases from France, ones that we would normally never hear about, Christina. Because, you know, he's French and he speaks French, obviously. But the people that have these experiences there aren't necessarily reaching out to international media on this or going outside of the country. And, you know, I do these interviews with Jacques and I'm just like, I've never heard about this case. I've got another one jimmy check this out and and they're all french so yeah it does not surprise me that jacques is able to get more information out of this witness yeah for sure and this image right here is um someone reporting on and collecting data on the indentations that was created by the craft To give you context on this one. But that's the overall case for this first scenario. UFO encounter in France that we'll be covering today. Jimmy, I know that before you could even get into your case, the internet was down, but it looks so much better now. Do you want to share that before we get on to our next one? I have many cases, but I wasn't going to do a case. I was going to do a fact. And I'll go back to that. This image, you know, go back to that image. Go back to that image. that's an image the soil there hardened like concrete yeah and that was uh one of the uh important parts about this case not only for jacques but in general so that's what's happening there uh it was uh one of the most interesting aspects of this case so what I was excuse me what I was going to mention at the at the top of the show is this are you ready let's hear it did you know the first balloon flight was in I did when the are you ready the montgolfier golf right the montgolfier brothers launched a hot air balloon from versailles france Yeah. First time in the world. Now think about that. They flew for over eight minutes to a height of one thousand four hundred feet in France. Now, what I'm saying, you put all of this in context. We're talking about seventeen eighty three here. The United States is five years old. Right. The world was a different. And to have. artificial flight happen, right? And to witness that, well, the people of France are treated and accustomed to seeing strange things in the sky. So if you go back and think about, put all of this into context, hot air balloons, gas-filled balloons, flight across the English Channel, how important this was to the world, but how many tens of thousands of people are going out into the streets, Christina, and watching this stuff happen, right? So you turn around and you have UFOs and contact cases that come into play. France is used to this. They do. They look to the skies. Now, one of the earliest UFO sightings in history happened in France. Happened in France. And completely historical and documented. And this is year eight-fifteen, eight-fifteen A.D. In Lyons, right? Not Lyon, but Lyons, Lyons, France. The archbishop there, his name is Agobard of Lyons, Lyons. described in his diary, all right, of people who believe in a certain region called Magonia, from which ships come in from the clouds, in which the fruits that are lost through hail and storms are transported to the same region. The aeronauts, his words, are The aeronauts paying prizes to the weather witches and receiving the grain or other fruits. Now, he goes on to say that this crowd of people tried to kill four of these aeronauts. That's right. Deluded. Quote, this is directly from his journal. Quote, Deluded by this folly so profound, we saw many in a human assembly present with four people, three men and a woman as prisoners who were supposed to have fallen from these ships in the clouds. Wow, right? How amazing, just how amazing is that? It's very remarkable, especially when we look at other ancient cases like the one in Ireland, for instance, during the same time frame where they also explained that things in the sky were flying boats. Because when we look at any time frame, the language is going to surround the technology and inventions during that period. So they wouldn't be called craft. They wouldn't be called UFOs. In this case, we're looking at eight, fifteen A.D. They would be the only way they could describe them would be boats. And I think that's very cool to hear and to see. Yes. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. And and we say ships today, don't we? You know, so I, I, I think when you go back to eight, again, let's put it all in context, the year eight hundred. Right. To, to have an archbishop write in his journal that we've got ships coming out of the clouds landing here and, and we're trading goods with them. Yeah. and aeronauts, right? And that, uh, to have these pilots, the crew from these ships fall to the ground and then have an angry mob from town, you know, come in and, and, and capture them. Yeah. It's, it's just a bizarre, it's just a bizarre entry from an archbishop. Um, there's always something, uh, that, that rings true, you know, at, uh, Year eight hundred. The Franks were running Central Europe. That's exactly right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yep. Yep. OK, so let's move on. Everybody, thank you for dealing with me. I I rebooted. I rebooted my routers. I couldn't, you know, just just thank you. Turned out, you know what it was. Are you ready? Yeah, it was a USB hub. yeah man yeah yeah it was that that's that's what it was and so I unplugged it rerouted all the usbs everything came back yeah weird weird weird I wouldn't load stream yard and and the reason for that is the usb port is recognizing certain cameras and things and if it's not there It blocks it. Yeah. Okay. Uh, is that where we are? No, we're in... Oh, you want to do the... You want to go there? Let's go there. Let's fly on over. It's a one took place August twenty ninth, nineteen sixty seven where children saw and we got their testimony, saw a very strange, really strange sight. And we're seeing it on screen here. They saw this incredibly bright object or so bright that it almost blinded these two children's eyes and then several beings. And they had almost no features. They were just almost like complete shadows, if anything. And it was seen by Francis, who was thirteen, and his sister, Anne-Marie, who was about nine years old. And they were out on the field, tending the family cows, having a little bit of fun, also minding their own business, when... They observed what initially appeared to be these kind of unfamiliar looking children across a nearby hedge. And as this is taking place, the two kids, the two little French children, they see this brilliant silver sphere. approximately six to seven feet in diameter, accompanied by four really just strange looking beings. And the sphere's luminosity was so intense it caused physical discomfort to look at directly, almost like these kids were looking straight into the sun. That was the best way it could be described. And while both children agreed on the basic description of the craft and Marie alone reported seeing tradactable trajectory. Yeah, no, no, uh, retractable gosh dyslexia hits hits hard yes landing gear beneath the object consisting of three to four legs with round shoes that mysteriously just vanished during flight now the entities themselves they defied conventional explanation because standing between Three and four feet tall, like in the other case, they possessed a uniform, shiny black appearance that resembled silk, according to the kids. Though these children couldn't determine if this was their natural form or some kind of seamless suit. And the most striking features included these kind of pointed craniums, these pointed bearded chins, and an unusual long spindly limbs. And the fourth entity is... notably possessed webbed feet, according to Anne-Marie's account, and a pointed nose. Now, this was an observation that the brother did not observe, but it is something just worth mentioning in this case. But, Jimmy, the sighting is weird. These beings are strange, but their behavior... also is just really makes you want to pay attention. Because one entity appeared to examine the soil, another, the tallest in the group, held what kind of looked like a mirror, and then the encounter reached its climax when the entities began entering the sphere, this craft, this weird orb, one by one, diving headfirst... Mm-hmm. In what almost what we might say today, like almost like a portal where you just kind of get sucked in there. Now, before that, how was that again? How was that again? Yeah, pretty much. Now, let me let me say this really quick. I'm very familiar with this case. And there are, thank you for putting this up because there are many newspaper articles out there about this case. It's a huge case. And I'll tell you why in just a second, uh, how, how things wrapped up in, uh, on this case. Um, lots of newspaper reports out there and with different information. One of the things that I have noted with this case over the years is that the metric system wasn't used here in the description of everything. It was inches and feet. And in some articles, the sizes were different. Okay. Now in one newspaper article, which I have in front of me here, and you've probably got three or four that we can post up that the beings were described as, uh, uh, And now this is directly from the kids. And all of this is in quotes, by the way, in the articles. Who appeared to rise in the air and enter the round spaceship, which was fifteen feet in diameter. There are other newspaper articles that say nine feet, that say ten feet. And in this case, it was fifteen feet. the event itself generally the same now I don't know if this is a metric system back to uh uh the imperial system I don't know uh but there is a a pretty big discrepancy here with the height of the aliens and the size of this craft being double in size right now um also um the hovering over the field The police came in and went to the site and said that they smelled, this is the police, and I'm quoting, the police smelled sulfur order and dried grass at the place where the sphere was alleged to have taken off. This was according to the police in the local papers. So I find that very interesting. But how did all of this wrap up? This case was taken so serious. that the story, the children's story and encounter was one of the reports of UFO sightings investigated by the French government that was made public in the mass release of documents back in March of two thousand and seven. And so that's very, very not only important for our community, but for those that are interested in cases like this. What was it that the government was interested in? Well, they did a full investigation. The police were involved with this. It made it all the way through the French military and then turned around and was part of the collection of documents that was released to the public. UFO documents back in March of two thousand and seven. Christina, this is a big case. It definitely was. So not only did policemen report smelling sulfur, seeing yellow grass where the craft had allegedly landed compared to all of the green grass everywhere else except for the area where the craft was supposed to be. But also... Anne-Marie, the nine-year-old, couldn't sleep for two days, and her brother, who was thirteen, developed temporary eye irritation, possibly due to the intense luminosity which affected his glasses. And again, Jimmy, as you had mentioned, these reports were finally released yesterday. in the early two thousands even though this case took place back in nineteen sixty seven but it was heavily investigated it was taken seriously and it's always interesting to hear the encounters of children especially when we're looking at the famous uh westall incident right where school children saw ufo right in their playing field there's a few other ones but I'm just pulling that one out of the air You you really want to believe children more because they don't have the same filters that adults do. They're going to tell you how it is, hopefully for the most part, versus adults saying, OK, was it a helicopter? You know what? It must have been a weather balloon. You know what? Actually, no, it must have been Venus. Kids, on the other hand, they're like, this is what I saw. And in this case, you had two witnesses, physical evidence in the case of eye irritation, sleepless nights, yellow grass, and the report of sulfur smell. Now, Jimmy, when we hear people reporting the smell of sulfur, it usually has a connection with demons. Supernatural. Right. I don't want to go there, but we have to go there. Have you come across any cases where people have reported a UFO sighting and smelled sulfur? Okay. Yes. But let me say this. You know what sulfur reminds me of? No. We tie it to the supernatural and to religion. I get that. I understand that. I totally do. You know what it reminds me of? Tell me. Chemistry class. Oh, okay. Yeah. Right. It's chemicals. It's chemicals, man. It's, it's things that are going on, uh, with, with chemicals and chemistry and probably, uh, an electrical process that is happening at that time. And these chemicals both being mixed and maybe ignited, reacting with each other, right? It causes these smells to permeate in the air. And yeah, we make that connection to sulfur. It is something that is pretty common, but it reminds me of chemistry class. So it suggests chemistry to me and not necessarily something supernatural, which takes me to the supernatural when it comes to this, right? People reporting that there's a chemical process that is happening at that time. And some people want to connect it to something else in supernatural. I think it's something science-y. something, something else. That's, that's my take. Um, and I'm going to stay, I'm going to go back for a second if I can, uh, because, um, in the Verinsault case, that was July of, there was another case in that was also huge. And it was in September, I'm going to go over this really briefly. Um, And this was in Martinique, right? Fort de France in late September, nineteen sixty five at the harbor. At Fort de France at nine, fifteen p.m., several hundred witnesses saw a ball or disc of light in the sky. It moved slowly from the west to the east and then looped around, leaving a glowing trail. The last part of its trajectory was observed through binoculars. It disappeared at nine, fifty p.m., reported by Michel Figue, first helmsman of of the French fleet of the Mediterranean. This case is very similar to the kids, isn't it? It sounds like it. Yeah, yeah. Same type of sighting, same type of time frame. It was two years before. And, you know, and, and nineteen sixty five was a was a crazy year. That period in France, this case is there. But again, it's dealing with not only hundreds of witnesses, but the French Navy directly. And if we back up a few years, I want to I want to go back to nineteen fifty four if I can. And this is another case I just want people to be aware of. Go and do the research. You can look up the dates. It's September tenth, nineteen fifty four. OK, it's quite quite noble. And that's the name of the city, the town of France, where a railway worker witnessed two small beings boarding a UFO and flying into the sky. No way. Yeah, yeah. This case is big. And his name was Marius DeWilde. You can look it up. D-E-W-I-L-D-E. That's his last name, DeWilde. He was a railway guardian, repairman, worked on the tracks. He lived in a house by the tracks close to the railway station. And according to DeWilde, on the night of September tenth, nineteen fifty four, his dog started barking at around ten thirty. The wild initially ignored the dog, but went outside with a flashlight after his dog continued to bark frantically. He walked towards the tracks, and he saw an object some six or seven meters away, about twenty feet from him, right in front of him. Behind him, he could hear footsteps. When he pointed the flashlight, DeWild saw two small humanoid figures about eighty centimeters to one meter tall. It's about three feet. Okay. When the light was pointed to their heads, it reflected as if they were wearing a mirrored helmet or something. This was according to him. And this is this great article right here, by the way. All right. So he's reporting a visor. They got a visor over their faces. You know, this is before astronauts and spacesuits and everything. It's a pretty incredible case. So suddenly, he goes on to say, a light beam came off of the object he saw on the tracks and left him paralyzed. He slowly looked back and saw the door opening at the object behind him. The beings boarded the object, and it took off towards the sky, changing colors as it flew away. That's interesting. That's a great case. That is a great case, and one I haven't heard of, so I really enjoyed it. Because those are my favorite cases that I'm like, what? That happened? What? You know, when you look at, you know, I talked about, you know, eight, fifteen A.D., the first balloon flights, you know, happening in Marseille and the action that was going on in France and Jacques Vallée. He is so great at this. You know, I. I found this case. Nineteen fifty two. I want to get this in before we wrap up. Nineteen fifty two, October seventeenth. All around St. Marie. Now I'm saying that the English version, North American version witnesses reported a cigar shaped UFO. This is nineteen fifty two. OK, so what happens in nineteen fifty two? A lot. You had the UFO flap across the United States. You had Washington, D.C. in nineteen fifty two. Of course, nineteen forty seven. We're right off the heels of World War Two. We've got Foo Fighter. Right. OK, so now let's go back to nineteen fifty two and think about what people were seeing in the skies. Right. We had the ghost rockets and all of the other reports and everything that happened after World War Two. Witnesses reported a cigar-shaped UFO accompanied by thirty disc-shaped objects. These smaller UFOs, now get ready, Christina, with the dun-dun-dun. The smaller UFOs dropped a white cotton strand which covered The neighborhood's tree branches and roofs. Dun, dun, dun. What do we call that angel hair, Jimmy? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That was a hot year. Fifty two into the sixties. That has to be some of the most reported sightings during that time frame. Some of the most detailed cases, some of the best investigations, some of those public cases as well really took place in that decade timeline. fifties into the sixties. And of course we have the seventies, which is also very remarkable, but fifties and sixties, that's just where it was at. And you know, what's, you know, what's bizarre for me is that back then airplanes, rockets, science, right? All of this, it, it involved propellers. We knew what planes sounded like. And when planes were flying overhead, you looked because it was amazing to see, Christina, and breaking speed records and trying to do all of this. The speed of sound, Chuck Yeager, that wasn't broken until one happened out here in the desert right behind my house. But back then, Large passenger planes, propellers, right? Helicopters were not a common thing. So small, slow-moving propellard craft, all right? And we were fascinated with that. When something else is in the sky, hauling, moving very fast without a propeller, people are going to make note of it. All right. They know what they were used to seeing. And suddenly there was something else up there. And of course, those reports are going to be made. And that's the fascinating part about that time period. Today, with everything that we've got going on with technology, And types of aircraft and drones and propulsion systems and everything. Anything could be in the sky. We've got satellites that are confusing people, right? You've got SpaceX launches that are confusing people that are flying through the sky with blue lights. contrary. Yes. All right. But back then that wasn't the case. So when somebody says back then, this thing was probably going a thousand miles an hour, there was nothing that could go a thousand miles an hour in the world. It didn't exist. It wasn't around Chuck Yeager. When he broke the sound barrier, that was seven hundred and sixty three miles per hour. We were seeing things in the sky, tracking stuff on radar going fifteen hundred, two thousand, twenty five hundred, three thousand miles per hour. There was nothing in the world at that time. period. That's it. So when these reports come out, you do need to take note and you have to think about the time period and what kind of technology was going on at that time. And that includes France. And if you go back to eight, fifteen A.D. and you've got reports like this, what else was in the sky? Nothing, you know. So, yeah, that's I love the historical part about this. And when you go When you understand aerospace, or at least have a fascination and an interest in it, and you follow the timeline of different types of aircraft and what was going on, and records were attempted to be broken by Great Britain and the United States and Russia and everybody building faster and faster stuff, but nothing was as fast as what was going on in the sky. That's that's that's the amazing part. So, yeah, I put a lot of credence into this early eyewitness testimony from nineteen forty five, nineteen fifty, fifty two, fifty five. It's a really big deal. It was a different world then, for sure. And that's why those cases during that time frame are so much more compelling than the ones that we hear today because they don't have the same conventional explanations. If anything, during that time when we had Project Blue Book, their explanations were Venus and swamp gas. And those are very... easy to roll your eyes about but now we're dealing with satellites and drones and in some cases you can be like are you joking and other cases that's enough to confuse the public you're like is that is that what I saw like maybe that's why you gotta download those apps there are satellite apps there are ways you're able to track satellites during the time that you saw your ufo sighting drones stuff is in the works I know there's a few things that are already out but a bit more difficult with those um but regardless we are living in exciting times people really are now more than ever really talking about their ufo sightings um even though we're being conditioned to call them drones right now, that's not the case. Not many people are falling for it anymore. So I'm really grateful about that. Jimmy, thank you so much for being on the show today. Who do you have on to fade to black tonight? Sarah Breskman Cosme. Nice. Yeah. Look at the excitement with Christina. Sarah Breskman Cosme. She is a hypnotherapist. She's the one that did my regression for my TV show. And she is just absolutely amazing. And so tonight she's on with us. She's got a new book out, everybody, called A Hypnotherapist's Journey to Avalon. And you know what she does, Christina, that's really amazing? She does all these sessions with different people from around the world. And so she's, and then suddenly she finds these similarities to what, Her patients are saying when there's no connection between them, their countries apart, their cities apart, their states, but they don't know each other. And so she goes back and she reviews this and compiles it. And so this time around, it's Avalon. What is Avalon? You know, what's going on here? Well, we're going to find out tonight. She's done stuff on the Sphinx. She's done stuff on Atlantis. And tonight it's Avalon. Very excited about that. I'll see everybody tonight. Christina, another great show. Thank you so much. We are Ufologists. I'll talk to you soon. Bye, everybody. Bye. If you enjoyed the show, hit that like button right down below. Share your thoughts on the cases that we covered today and subscribe if you haven't already. Tomorrow will be strangest news of the week. It was canceled last week because I was under the weather, but hopefully if everything goes well, we'll be doing the show tomorrow. Also, I want to say thank you to everyone watching this live, all the super chats, all the YouTube members, all of my Patreon supporters, and of course, all of my amazing moderators. You know I can't do this show without you. Before you head out, take a look at ufonews.co. It's a website where you can get all of your UFO news. It's international, and it's so easy to use. It's totally free. Free everything. bookmark it to stay up to date as to what's going on around the world pertaining to ufos that is it for today I will see you tomorrow be safe and remember keep your eyes on the skies if you enjoy the strange and the mysterious ufos the paranormal and cryptids this channel is for you so make sure to subscribe as I do three videos right here every single week and hit that notification bell so you do not miss any of the bonus content I post right here
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