Trey Hudson, a former Military Intelligence Analyst, who recently appeared in a Discovery+ production talking about The Meadow Project with him and his team's experience entering a portal goes deep into the event, and other strange occurences involving portals and non human intelligences.

In this updated 'Classics Remastered' special episode, you'll find out that sometimes the forests of the world can possess bizarre anomalies that seem to defy physics, space, and time. Trey entered college at the University of West Georgia and decided to major in psychology. UWG is home to a world renowned psychology department and one of the few universities offering degrees with a humanistic and transpersonal focus. While there, Trey was awarded an US Army scholarship while a ROTC cadet and was inducted into two honor societies, Pi Gamma Mu and Omicron Delta Kappa.

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quickly made it back to Camp much to on my amazement a lady standing there in the middle of the forest at night 10 p.m. in the winter time wearing Loopers slacks a blouse and a blazer totally inappropriately dressed for that environment and she quickly started asking me and my team to follow her down a deserted County Road and she said at the end of this road there was a Structure like a barn and this Barn was was was inhabited by creatures called monkey Bears I know what a gummy bear is but I don't know what a monkey bear is I would I would certainly go in a dark for Road for a pile of gummy bears but monkey Bears yeah not so much you we were wondering you know is this woman setting us up to be robbed is she going to kill us you know what is going on this is just so [Applause] strange welcome to Classics remastered today you'll be watching an interview Ed with paranormal muon encrypted investigator Trey Hudson this interview covers incredible theories and investigations on Portals an entity referred to as a monkey bear and Cryptids that you don't want to meet in the forest during the month of August of 20124 he was on Discovery plus where he shared his team's experience entering a portal this interview takes that story into more detail you got a degree in Psychology and a minor in anthropology M how has that knowledge helped you in your investigations that's a great question uh the university that I went to the University of West Georgia on faculty when I was there was the very well-known parap psychologist uh Dr William R A very very well known and the uh the the program there was one of the few uh Psychology programs in the US that focused on humanistic and transpersonal psychology so it was a uh not a behavioral based psychology but a more psychological perspective that's based on a whole person and their experience it looked at the world very much through an experiential lens so what that did is that kind of opened my mind up uh you know I've exposed a lot of different things a lot of different viewpoints uh back in the 80s parapsychology wasn't as big as it is now but a little bit of parapsychology so it really uh kind of primed the pump if you will it got me interested in this stuff even more so than I was as a child of the 7s and uh you got me focused on uh kind of what I wanted to do now unfortunately life gets in the way of living so I had to you know take a a boring day job but it it really helped me uh you know get ready to explore the the The Strange World Wide World of paranormal which is anything outside of the normal uh so it's uh you know it was just absolutely a great experience and you know I was a fraternity boy in the 80s so you can imagine how fun that was was so uh yeah it was uh it was a real good experience and got me set up for my uh my life and exploring the Strang G usual back in the 1970s there were a few TV shows and movies that were starting to come out that really started uh looking at the Paranormal from a kind of a serious aspect you know uh versus an entertainment aspect and there was a wonderful TV show on called uh insero hosted by the legendary leard nemoy and every week they would go and explore some sort of uh paranormal type subject you know be it missing persons UFOs the Loch nness Monster Bigfoot you know spontaneous human combustion whatever and so I'd watch this you know this TV show and I'm just like you know this weird little malap of sponge just you know sucking this stuff in and I'm like that is just so amazing there's so much going on in the world uh you know maybe I'll get to experience some of this you know when I have the means to do so and there also some really good pictures shows out of that time there was the wonderful show called K Shack the nightstalker which inspired Chris Carter later on to do the X Files and the lone good gunman and Millennium and all the other TV shows that he did and there was also a television show I believe on CBS called uh project UFO which was kind of a highly fictionalized regurgitation of Project Blue Book uh and there were some wonderful H Bigfoot films that came out and U right off the top of my head I can't remember any of them but you know Bigfoot was really starting to pop into the uh the national Consciousness and be interwoven into our culture at that time so it was just kind of a really cool time to be you know a young guy uh you know growing up you know when all of this was starting to take root you know and people were talking about UFOs and Bigfoot and ghosts and all this stuff and so then you mentioned uh you know being in the Boy Scout you we would go out in the woods and it was always a you know a big uh a big challenge to try to uh scare each other you know with ghost stories uh uh you know there was one uh one story we told around the campfire about rawhead Rex was a a Vengeance vengeful ghost you know who was scalp during uh you know the Indian times and you know we would try to Spook each other out and then we would you try to hoax each other you know run around in the woods with red lims with flashlight like two eyes and you know sneak up on the younger kids and you know go boo and you know try to scare them away so you know I just uh just always really enjoyed this kind of stuff and I had a realization that you know behind the folkl behind the stories behind you know the Fantastical Tales you know that we would tell each other is probably a nugget of Truth you know the the the stories the uh you know the the vengeful ghost you know the strange lights in the sky The Hairy Beast in the field were were based on a collective Consciousness you're probably going way back you know generation to Generation all the way back to the European settlers you know here in North America all the way back into Native Americans maybe even further back than that and then when the uh the settlers came over from Europe they brought their own culture their own world viw you know the the Fay the fairies uh goblins Willow of the Wisp uh Jack of the lantern things like that so you know here in the uh especially in the Southern United States these cultures combined collided and then came up with this witch tapestry of foco that we Eno today uh if you go back and look at the Native American legends uh you know in whatever you know part of the country country or the world that you are look at the Aboriginal Legends in folklore is you'll start to see see some Arch types you know you'll have the uh you know the witch or witch you know uh medicine man or witch doctor or whatever who's uh evil that become a benevolent you'll have the giant you know be a a giant hairy person a giant hairy beast uh you know some are very friendly like a friendly force people some are evil and will hurt you and then you have the trickster element you know Loki coyote and the Native American legends things like that so you start looking at these Legends and you separate them uh geographically you know you have your European Legends you have your Native American legends you have your middle eastern Legend the Jin and things like that and then you have your a legends from the African continent and so these AR types there must be some sort of truth to them so you bring that locally and you start off macro and then you start focusing micro and I was trained as an Army intelligence offer you know years and years ago and back in the olden days you know we didn't have PowerPoint and we didn't have uh digital map and things like that we had big paper maps and we had big pieces of plastic acetate that we would lay over the maps and we would Mark with our grease pencils on fruit concentrations and things like that and I took a similar type attitude towards uh tracking down folklore and legends and what I found is if you take a map and you mark all of the places in blue let's say that have had UAP or UFOs and so you mark all of those you're going and looking at databases historical records and things like that then you take a brown pen a brown marker and you start marking everywhere you've had our reports of crypted you know Bigfoot Sasquatch you know whatever and then you take a yellow marker and you mark where there's concentrations of ghost story you know lights in the forest uh mysterious you know women in white by the roadside uh you know vengeful Phantoms you know uh chasing people through the woods and you start to see concentrations of these little clusters and usually what I found is if you start focusing on those clusters you're going to start to see and start to experience hopefully a wide variety of paranormal phenomenon you mentioned that in your book that you published in 2021 called the meadow project EXP exploring into the South skin walker Ranch in the book you talk about multiple locations that are similar in the occurrences of phenoma like in Skinwalker Ranch in Utah can you tell us some of those locations and things you researched that you covered in the book sure of course we have the legendary Skinwalker Ranch of the enta Basin which everybody's familiar with but uh if anybody who read the uh the wonderful book The Hunt for the skinwalker uh early in the book they talk about a Colorado Ranch uh which has very similar type of activities and uh I don't know if you've had a chance I believe you had a chance to uh interview the wonderful Katie glowski she spent some time at this Ranch as a uh you know as a child and it has very similar uh events and uh happenings as we saw at Skinwalker Ranch uh and then you have the Bradford Ranch which has also very similar happenings you have uh St the Stardust Ranch and uh here we have a very strange place you know here in the America Southland that has uh you know very similar things but you start to see uh certain attributes you see uh cryptus strange creatur you see lights in the sky you see orbs you see uaps uh some places have reported portal or or riffs in uh reality uh another really weird one are cubes of boxes which uh is really strange they were reported as in Walker Ranch uh they were reported at the The Ranch in Utah uh back in Brazil uh several years ago they were flying boxes that actually would uh injure people that they call Chupa chupas which is also mentioned in the uh George naps book so H St orer and believe it or not we had strange cubes with flashing lights uh you know our our side you know at our area so uh you know there's certain attributes that seem to be Universal you know across these uh these sites and you know what that link is and why we have these commonalities you know we haven't really discovered yet but it's it's certainly is intriguing and worth further research it most definitely is and about two months ago I had Jessica Jones on Shifting the Paradigm and she mentioned that her and her team caught a video of a portal and that several of her team members actually entered that portal you are a part of that team that she mentioned can we hear your side of the story what happened on that day that you and your team encountered a portal a woman and a potential monkey bear that was a very strange evening uh is the anomalous studies and observation group The the group that I had uh we've been researching this particular site for about a year and uh not really knowing what to expect uh the previous year we had had a missing time uh uh individual you know while we were observing him through flear turn into like a ball of energy and move very quickly uh strange creatures watching our campsite and night things like that so that was the previous year so fast forward one year that particular evening we decided that we were going to set out uh three teams in in the meadow and imagine if you will in your mind a a beautiful mountain Meadow or field you know very cic uh very very peaceful very serene with a ridge uh to the north of it or to excuse me to the south of it and a creek to the north and what we decided we were going to do is set three teams in the middle of the meadow at night equipped with night vision and Fleer they were going to have a threers team run across the ridge to the top uh to the South rather across the top of the ridge drop into the west side of the meadow and work their way back East linking up with the three teams as they made their way across the idea was if there was anything that was visible the team on the ridge would be able to see through the uh the trees because this was in February uh very sparse vegetation and if there was anything on the The Ridge below us we would force you know any crypted or anything down into the meadow and the team would be able to pick it up but when we reach the the west side of the uh Meadow as we're looking down from our Ridge uh our high point on the ridge we saw uh some entities and that's about the best way I can describe it if you are clear and imagine a uh a heat signature about 6' tall 24 in wide man size more or less and what makes this really odd is on our flear and we recorded this video the uh images are tall and short then tall then short then tall and then split into two separate entities and then disappear so obviously our interest was peaked you know it's like holy smokes this is you know really bizarre you know this is probably the apex of the evening and we were horribly wrong it was not the a of the evening things got even stranger from there we dropped down at the west side of the meadow started making our way out to the uh East and uh one of the teams came over the radio and they said hey we're picking up an anomalous figure through our Fleer through our thermal uh thermal thermal scopes and it was described as being a box a cube I about 30 ft 30 ft 30 ft with a cruci a cross storm next to it and this box was colder than its surroundings so it was cold cool so we made our way over to it and about that time our team member started recording this this Cube or this box now unfortunately you don't run your recording uh capabilities on your Fleer off of battery power because you can run the battery down on the unit rather quickly so they started recording as this uh this this figure this Cube this box started fading but they were talking about right at the bottom of the Box they started seeing flashes of light now this was very similar to flashes of light that we had seen before without a que so we uh we finally all the teams met up in the middle of the field and we had the the Fleer operator Vector teammates to where this cube of box was now as they're watching them uh go towards the cube of the box or the remnants of it their heat signal are are vivid you know are very bright on this this commercial grade thermal equipment and when they get to the edge of the cube of the Box they disappear their thermal signatures are completely gone and what makes that really odd is we have gone back and tried to recreate that actually in a time of the year that has more vegetation than it did during this February evening and we cannot come up with a situation where we can completely mask our team members thermal signature you know they're always is some sort of remnant of their heat source so uh you know as far as we were concerned they disappeared and during the interview after that uh particular event I asked the team members to describe what it was like when they went into this uh this you know this anomaly and they described it like this they said it was uh they went into it and they were unencumbered they didn't have any briers they didn't have any branches nothing they tugging at their clothing they just walked you know into it very easily and when they were there they noticed the temperature had dropped it was colder which makes sense because the image that we were seeing on our Fleer was in fact colder than the surrounded and they said it was like stepping into a black velvet bag you know like completely surrounded by a dark heavy curtain couldn't see the stars couldn't see the the environment it was just very very dark and very very dense now they only stepped into this anomaly for a few meters and then they started to back out of it because we did not know what we were dealing with and when they were backing out of it they started ENC encountering roots and and Rambles and branches and Briars and things tearing at their clothes were making it difficult to back out the odd thing is they backed out exactly the same way they went in these uh these encumbrances were not there when they went in but we present when they backed out so it was almost like that little section of the world had shifted just a little bit was a little bit different than everything else they had stepped into another environment I guess that's a good way to say it so uh that was their experience with the boxes so of course you know we're thinking you know this is fantastic uh we captured this on video and I I believe I sent you a a copy of that video to take a look things got even stranger from there we uh as we were kind of cons consolidating deciding how we wanted to proceed further my base camp operator came over the radio and said uh Trey there's someone here that needs to see you that wants to talk to you and I thought he was referring to himself and I said yeah grien I'll I'll be there in a few moments we're consolidating our operations here we'll be back goes no no there's somebody else here obviously I'm intrigued you know who else would be literally in the middle of the forest in the middle of nowhere on a cold February night at 10:30 pm. so you know I was curious to say the least so I we quickly made it back to Camp much still my amazement who was awaiting to meet me at camp with a business woman a lady standing there in the mi ddle of the forest at night 10 p.m. in the winter time wearing loers slacks a blouse and a blazer totally inappropriately dressed for that environment and she quickly started uh uh asking me and my team to follow her down a deserted County Road and she said the end of this road there was a Structure like a barn and this Barn was uh was inhabited by creatures called monkey Bears now I know what a gummy bear is but I don't know what a monkey bear is I would I would certainly go in a dark Forest Road for a pile of gummy bears but monkey Bears yeah not so much uh and we were wondering you know is this woman setting us up to be robbed is she you know going to kill us you know what is going on this is just so strange and several of my team members have a background in emergency medicine so they have worked with all kinds of uh severely impaired people you know on all kind of substances and they were saying hey something is wrong with this woman something was very strange with her she's not picking up on the queuing the social queuing that you know we don't want to go chasing monkey bears with her don't want to go down the deserted County Road to a mysterious Barn uh you know we just just weren't interested so uh we we started you know not meaning to sound cool but we needed to do our after action review our debriefing of what we just experienced in the meadow so we started kind of giving her the cold shoulder you know exchanging minimal pleasantries with her hoping that she would get the message that you know we just needed her to go away and this this will be very important later on when I continue the story and so she just kept uh you know you trying to ingrain herself into our conversation on group and she came up to me and she said uh you know trying to you know make conversation she goes what university did you go to like well you know have a degree in Psychology from the University of West Georgia why she goes well that's strange I I went there too and she said you said you studied psychology there I said yes I said that's neat I have a degree in psychology from there too I thought ah okay you're you're paring what I tell you you know obviously you're you're trying to do it like something like a cold read on me act like you know more information than you actually do so I'm like I'm gonna be smart I'm gonna catch her you know in a lie I'm tangle her up you know make her make a mistake and I said okay uh so uh who were some of your favorite professors when you were studying psychology at the University of West Georgia and to my amazement she actually started naming people that I personally knew in studied under so start looking at this in totality you have a a businesswoman in the middle of the forest in February in the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere uh wearing business attire that went to the same University I did has the same degree I have and studied under the same people I GRE so what are the odds of that pretty astronomical you know from where I'm looking at it so I decided I really didn't want to have anything to do with this woman I just want her to go away you know we're starting to really wig people out uh I you know I've been all over the world uh you know served in Afghanistan things usually don't wig me out but this was starting to make me nervous so uh we started really giving her the cold shoulder trying to say okay good night you know take care we've got some stuff to do and to uh everybody's Shin she stops in the middle of this uh conversation with us moves about 20 30 yards away from us still within the light of our lanterns and she disres and urinates in front of us so now you add that to all the strange happenings with this this woman and then finally she gets in her vehicle and thankfully leaves so you know later on I started looking into this and you know what kind of uh similarities would this have to uh you know perhaps other strange events and so you know I went and I pulled out you know my my John books and you know you know my other stuff and I found that you have a group of people that a are inappropriately dress our situation B don't pick up on social queuing C do not understand uh niceties in in in in common manners like I you don't urinate in front of people and let you know them really really well which he didn't and uh pop up at the most inopportune times after someone has experienced High strangeness and the term for these people are men and black or in this case a woman in black so you know it fit all of the Hallmarks so the question in my mind was am I dealing with a human being you know is this a person or is this something totally different uh about a year later I was contacted by a individual uh who is a psychoanalyst and he also studied the University of West Georgia he was wanting to uh talk to me about some strange uh occurrences in the Carolton area and to possibly link me up with a professor who was gathering folklore and stuff like that and he said hey do do you have the name of that strange woman that you have talked about on your interviews and I said yes her name is redacted and he said I think I know her describe her and I described her and I said you know we did do some research and it does appear this is a real person the name she gave us does match up on Research a a person who does look like the person that was with us there in the forest he says do you mind me talking to her and I said no not at all I said if she's willing to talk I would I would love to speak to her myself because I'm just as intrigued by everybody else I said reassure her that you know we're not going to out her you know her profession requires a a license a state license so you know we're not going to you know tattle owner or anybody you know I'm just trying to get to the bottom of this very strange mystery and uh her recollection of the evening is she remembers seeing our campsite earlier in the day she came by that evening to talk to to talk tell her tell us about her monkey bears and all she recalls is trying to convince us to go monkey bear hunting with her and we didn't seem too interested and then she got in her car and left she doesn't remember acting very strange she doesn't remember urinating in front of it she remember none of that so uh after talking with even more people I found out that there is a theory that men in black uh could be human beings you know that are being influenced by some sort of external stimuli or some sort of external Force so you know who knows you know hopefully sometime in the future I'll get a chance to interview uh Miss X and uh you know maybe come down to the bottom of uh you find out what was at the bottom of this very strange mystery and when you have individuals that experience High Strang you know be UFOs uh you know uh very strange you know happening you know lights in the sky strange environments things like that there is almost like a folklore and ie witness accounts of people showing up right after these events and they appear to be very officious you know they're dressed in dark clothing uh almost like government agents that's where they get the monitor the Men in Black uh dressed in black suits black ties and this was back during the 60s when a lot of your federal employees and federal officials would wear dark suits dark ties dark hats and sunglasses and they would try to dissuade the experiencers from either recounting their experience or they would try to convolute their understanding of the experience you know that's not really what you experience and you really saw a weather balloon or you really you just saw somebody walking through the forest with a flashlight you know really wasn't a craft landed in that uh you know in that farmers field it was something totally different and then sometimes it would become even more Sinister they would say you know don't ever talk about this never speak a word and become much more manol and uh authors like Nick R Redfern have actually written books on the men and women in black and it's a phenomena that has moved forward you know through the uh through the decades and uh as we found out you know to our amazement uh still happens even to this day when you were dealing with this woman and you were able to speak to her a year later I believe you said how come she wasn't able to recollect a lot of those odd details that you do and what made you think that she was a woman in black when she didn't really try to sway you or your team to state that what you encountered didn't really happen yeah that's a great question I did not actually get to speak to her I spoke through with her through an intermediary and uh she didn't threaten us but she did try to disuade us from getting together and having a group recollection and uh debriefing now we we do things very almost like you do in the military we have an operation we come back we do a Deb briefing uh we filmed this debriefing uh and she would not let us you know get on with our mission would not let us get on with our debriefing and our after action viiew and it was almost like she was trying to dissuade us from doing that like you know she didn't want us to recount a fresh uh recollection of what had transpired with this mysterious cube of fox so you know she was kind of acting as a uh you know as a confusing element you know in that mix uh she was entirely not dressed properly for the uh for the environment and she didn't pick up on social queuing and doing weird things like urinating in front of us so she she fit the typical you know uh parameters of a a man or woman in black now you know of course not every experience has all of the Hallmarks but uh you know this had enough of them that made that popped into my mind uh and you know like I said there are some theories now that some of these people might be under the control or under the influence of something else and I don't mean a chemical I'm talking about some other force or some other entity that will uh give them like a shield memory of exactly what their experience was but they don't remember the total interaction that's very interesting now let's go back a little bit talking uh once again about the portal that you captured on film and that two of your team members went inside of what are your thoughts on Portals and how do you think they are being created like the one that you caught on camera excellent question I've given that a lot of all uh what it looks like you know not only from you know our experiences but you know reading about other experiences that that they are a singularity or some way that dimension are shifted you know the reality is shifted just a little bit and you know there's three ways of looking at that you know I I'm going to use an analogy of the wind okay the wind occurs naturally we experience it when we go outside on a Blustery Day the wind the wind is natural man is not creating wind it's something that exists it's possible that these anomalies these portal these singularities are natural occurrences and there has been some speculation that uh uh certain uh solar radiation and uh gravity can cause little micro singularities in the upper atmosphere uh cosmic rays and gravity another thing is that it is a natural occurrence but has been harnessed by someone or something like when we built ships with sails we were harnessing a natural occurrence and using it for our own ends that these portals or these singularities exist these other intelligences somehow stabilize them and use them for their own means and the third option which I find really intriguing is that they're artificially created like we can create artificial Wind by the use of a fan that uh they artificially create these singularities for their own purposes you know they're not popping up naturally and being used whenever they occur it's actually being manufactured now that would require huge amounts of energy you know and huge amounts of effort and we should be able to pick that up some remnants of that energy either electromagnetic field or radiation what's very strange is when we've had some of our Strange occurrences out in the meadow we're starting to notice a little tiny micro spikes and radiation I turn the page uh it's now coming out that the uh legendary Skinwalker Ranch and the lent a basin they have also experienced little tiny uh spikes of radiation and I'm talking like a background radiation of 02 micr Subs per hour and a spike of 0.12 micr per hour to 6 micr per hour not dangerous but it's empirically it's enough of a variance for you to take notice and these seem to occur whenever you have instances of high Stranges but after the two gentlemen entered into the uh the portal or the anomaly uh within about a year uh one of them became very ill and died unexpectedly gentleman was in top physical shape former US Army Ranger uh weightlifter uh developed uh some very serious health issues very quickly and passed away second gentleman that went into the anomaly uh had been diagnosed with prostate cancer many many years before had been in remission was the absolute picture of help and his prostate cancer came back with the Vengeance and actually metastasized into his spine you know he thankfully is is is working with that now and you know still able to uh to go out and research with us but those are two uh two serious very serious health effects of people that actually experienced the portal on an ancillary side one of our researchers uh developed one evening after we had been out to the meadow a very very high uh heart rate and he had to be metac out of the meadow and taken to V's hospital now he had had a a medical condition that could be attributed to this but we could not come up with a reason why his heart rate would have been elevated so much we have several medical people in our team so we you know we' we've gone over this we've been talking about as recently as the past weekend so the bad news is uh this kind of research is not without a certain degree of uh danger is not without a certain degree of uh you know possible injury to yourself or to your health so you know one thing I always tell people if if you're interested in this and you want to start doing your own research be very careful and be very aware of what you're getting into because it's not without danger and it's not without risk as unfortunately we found out and most researchers don't speak about this they don't speak about the dangers or even the health effects that happen when you're looking into the strange and the Mysterious especially when you're dealing with portals because as for the most part people uh don't really encounter them if they do they don't talk about it so I am very grateful that you are telling the story and also telling the dangers of what can happen if you do enter a portal or if you are in the vicinity of one have you caught anything as weird as that since or has there been one investigation while doing boots on the ground research that has been forever imprinted in your mind uh yeah I mean we still go out there we we were out there as recently as March uh we do bring guest researchers in uh from time to time you know and they uh they sign a non-disclosure agreement because we don't want this particular site become public so we can continue to research it I'm molested by uh you know Thrill Seekers and curiosity Seekers uh things have changed uh these phenomena are evolving which I find very odd uh what we're starting to see now is phenomena happening away from the meadow or this this environment uh we've had uh some of our team members have their vehicles you know perfectly operational Vehicles you know in good mechanical condition suddenly die lose all electrical power uh miles miles hundreds of miles away from the meadow after on their way home from an expedition we've had people trying to exit that area and get home and their GPS's take them in circles right back to where they started and now Jessica actually experienced that herself we have automobiles locking and unlocking themselves and Jessica jokes about uh actually having to keep her keys in her pocket or hung up in her tent because the vehicle a lock itself uh and probably uh the Stranges and most significant change in uh these these situations and these phenomena is now people are being touched physically touched uh and back last year the end of last year when we were researching we had two separate individuals physically touched while uh investigating a another field probably about maybe a mile from the meadow so like a lot of things uh you know these are changing uh I personally have had things that I'll set on the table you know I he in my guest Cottage I'll turn around it'll be gone you know hunt you know tear the place up looking for it wake up the next morning come back out of here and it's right where I put it you know so so there's a trickster element to it too so uh you know the Adventure Continues and it continues to reveal itself in a amazing interesting and quite frankly uh ways we never expected let's talk about the trickster element or entities what do you think they are and why do you think that they're doing the things that they're doing to you and your team and so many others you know it could be uh they're just having fun with us you know and now I use an analogy you know you have uh some workmen that are repairing a sidewalk you know sidewalk was cracked they chiseled out the broken part they put new cement down they're smoothing it out and this little boy comes up and he's standing there right next to the wood uh the wman and he's a uh very talkative little fellow jabbering he's just you know talking a mile a minute now the workmen have a job to do you know they have to finish what they're doing and uh you know this kid while you isn't really an annoyance he's a little bit of a distraction so in order to humor the kid they might give him a Trel and have him go over here and smooth out a piece of Cony that's already DED or they might say Hey you know I need you to go you know go home and ask your dad you know for a left-handed smoke shifter which is of course a fictitious device in order just to trick the kid and to play with him and to to interact with him in a in a way that doesn't necessarily endanger their particular Mission or operation so you know it's possible that the trickster element is just doing that it's just having fun with us you know maybe sending us on Wild Goose chases you know having us get all excited about a flashlight disappearing in our home that reappears later when in fact that really has nothing to do with anything it's a distraction so you know that's a possibility the trickster element is uh is universal you know it transcends cultures transcends societies and they're always seem to be something about this uh this mischievous you know impish uh character that likes to play tricks on us where huming I don't think we're dealing with a a child like intelligence you know of capability I think we're dealing with something much more advanced uh you know we've done some St sessions uh in the meadow and the The Entity that we were able to converse with seemed you know interested in you know maybe conversing with us on a very limited basis until we started asking about certain phenomenologies you know that uh perhaps GL the portals or are or precursors to the portal it became very agitated so I think it uh you know it's interacting us with us on its own terms you know it to whatever this intelligence is we are probably nothing more than children and sometimes you like to play with children and you play little goofy games with them and sometimes you you just want them to go away and leave you alone so perhaps that's what do you think that all of these different types of phenomenon such as UFO sightings the paranormal crypted sightings these trickster elements why do you think they're all concentrated in certain areas across the globe what do you think is attracting all these different things that's a good question uh you there there are a lot of theories out there one is the geomagnetic theory that these areas have a a different geomagnetic signature than the surroundings and you can go and look at us geological surveys uh the uh the Bradford Ranch the uh the ranch in uh Colorado Skinwalker Ranch all have geomatic geomagnetic anomalies where the gravity is just a little bit different strangely enough our site doesn't uh on the other hand sometimes we have U mechanical compasses you know analog compasses act a little wonky they don't always Point North sometimes that point in some other direction and a point in another Direction you come back the next time so you know is it an environmental uh thing that is uh causing these areas to be a concentration of high stranger or is it something that we cannot even fathom uh a a ban tribe moving through the desert in the early 1900s would come across a set of oil Barracks where they're drilling for oil to the betterin that's just another piece of sand there's nothing special about it but to the oil uh excavators and researchers and oil companies that area is very important for a a very unique and unseen reason that oil is close to the surface now to the better ones they have no idea what that means it's just a piece of desert so maybe these areas are important or have some sort of attribute that we as of yet are not able to detect for not able to see what it's doing have you yourself ever encountered a doppelganger or do you know anyone that has well that's a weird one because in order to know that I was a doppelganger you would have to say Okay person a is a this but then I contacted person B at another location uh I haven't personally I've read about cases the Stardust franch in Arizona there's an interesting uh uh story that the owner of the ranch talks about uh he had taken his wife to go eat at a restaurant I believe in Tucson Tucson or penix I don't recall and uh he comes back home and uh without he goes his wife goes off to The Powder Room and never comes back so he rushes back home to see if she somehow got there and his wife said why did you leave me here in the house uh you know I wanted to go out and eat with you so he had actually taken a doppelganger out to eat you know some sort of something mimicking his wife and I believe I'm getting that story right now I'd have to go back and look in the book there something along those lines so that's a very interesting uh and you know contemporary tale of a doppelganger uh but as far as uh myself the closest thing would be this mysterious business this woman who does appear to be a real person but her perception of the events are significantly different than our perception of it and just to make sure that I my perception wasn't wrong is I went back and got affidavit from about eight of my team members you know what did you experience what you remember you describe this this woman her activities her behaviors her actions and all of them corresponded with one another her recollection of the event is the one that seems to be all so you know really makes you wonder what EXA going on in that particular it does and it also shows that there's so much mystery just on our Earth alone that we simply cannot understand and I feel like that adds a sense of spice to our existence just trying to comprehend what we don't just yet shifting gears a little bit do you think there is a connection between the Paranormal and the UFO phenomenon absolutely absolutely why I think that you're looking at different aspects of the same phenomena uh you know some of the uh our forefathers of this field uh you know one of them is uh Brad Steiger you know I've got his old book in front of me right here the gods of Aquarius he talked about perhaps we're actually manifesting what we want to see you know uh we go in a strange event is happening or strange experience is happening in front of us and we somehow shape that event or that experience into our understanding of what a strange event or experience would look like and I'll give you an example uh when we were uh in the meadow and we saw the upright thermal uh signatures of uh entities that did not correspond with any of our teammates that shrunk down and got large and split into two depending on your Optics if you're a crypted researcher and you're going out and you're looking for sasquat you're going to affect your normality bias and say well obviously those were heat signes from sasqua if you're a paranormal researcher and you're looking for ghosts and you go to a place that you have had ghost stor you're going to look at that same footage and say well those are ghosts that's dead uncle Fred obviously who could think anything otherwise and if you're a ethologist and the same area has had history of you both sightings like Ah that's an extraterrestrial that's what I'm looking at so I think we're looking at the same phenomena through different Optics a light in the forest to a ethologist would be obviously an alien or extraterrestrial craft to a ghost hunter it would be a ghost to a big flip researcher it might be ey shot but I think what we're looking is we're all looking at the same Diamond but we're peering into the interior of the diamond through perhaps different facets and uh you know that's one of the things that John Keel talks about in his book you know the haunted our haunted planet and some others that we're looking at a multi-dimensional h phenomena that encompasses all of these things you know UFOs uh you know Cryptids ghost and perhaps some other phenomena and things that we can't even think of yet so yes I definitely think they're connected I think we have to be very careful about recording the phenomena and trying not to label things because I think we can really isolate ourselves and uh limit and hobble our thinking do so when you put it like that that makes a lot of sense because when you're looking at things as you say through different Optics uh you bring your bias with you but you also bring your experiences as well and that's how you're able to decipher the world that's just kind of how it is so I do like the fact of of how you explained that I believe that to be very important when you are conducting interviews for those who have had an experience it's also important to know what they've already believed prior so you know what kind of questions to ask and how to ask them without showing your bias or without them trying to answer with their bias so I feel that is very important do you think we are moving at a fast pace with government public involvement with the search for UFOs or could this all just be smok and mirror uh well contrary to what a lot of people believe the government can keep a secret for a very very long time so you know they're metering what they're releasing but I think it's starting to take on a certain degree of inertia and the public just will not stand still and will not accept uh non-disclosure anymore so I think we're going to see more stuff come out I think we're going to see uh stuff starting to be released and perhaps they're going to take a more transparent attitude here in the future because you have some just amazing research going on uh I believe uh David Alman my friend you interviewed him you he's doing some fantastic work you know he and I discussed some of some of the stuff going on so I think you have these private organizations that are highly trained with very capable individuals with some fascinating technology that are going to step into the void and start researching and disclosing this stuff if the government govern is not willing to so I think you know the government's hand is more or less BR Fork but I think we'll see more disclosure yes so in your research for the past couple of decades have you ever felt like you've hit a dead end or that you've covered everything or is it just an endless Rabbit Hole well it's an endless Rabbit Hole I uh primarily I'm a paranormal researcher that's you know that's what I started off as you know a ghost guy you know going into buildings and you know places with you know e uh EMF meters uh you know and ghost boxes and things like that I'm still interested in that stuff I still take some of those tools I learned as a paranormal research and bring them into the field with me but you know as I started peeling back the layers of experiences there's so much more to it you know my first research in the meadow is I was actually researching a haunted road you know the kind of place where the local say you don't go down there them hates will get you you know that kind of folklore and then I found out that we were experiencing something much much much much more involved much richer than that you know with a lot more texture to it and so you know what I tell people is I go wherever the data takes me I go wherever the experience takes me and if you ever decide to take a similar trip I'm warning you you better fasten your seat belt because it's one heck of a ride you're the director of the Oxford paranormal society and its anomalous studies and observation group can you tell us more about that uh basically the Oxford Paranormal Society is a standard ghost hunting group you know uh go into buildings and houses and stuff like that uh really big very active in the early 2000s uh and then up to about 2014 you know we would get a lot of cases and all and it's almost like the collective interest in that you know as as a society just kind of started fading so I had a had a choice to make either you know we could go silently into that good night or we could try to grum up some business you know maybe in a little different perspective so I decided to start taking you know researching the Paranormal out into the field out into the woods out into the Meadows out into the environment and the things that we experienced were so strange so bizarre that we had to totally back up and re-evaluate our protocols and our procedures for for doing so for investigating these kind of things so what we did is we formed the anomalous studies and observation group and staffed it with people with military law enforcement emergency medicine backgrounds uh intelligence things like that these were people that a were used to being in high stress very very uh crazy and chaotic conditions and were able to keep their wits about them and stay focused on the the mission and B these a lot of these people had uh Advanced degrees you know were educated people so we kind of set up this dream team the Special Forces if you will of our paranormal investigation and using uh you know these special types of individual with strict protocols strict operating procedures and Communications uh protocols and equipment and then bringing some of the technology to bear and some of these Mysteries we have been able to come up with just an absolutely amazing result and quite frankly capture some of the stuff which I don't think's ever been captured before Trey I have one final question for you if you are speaking to someone that doesn't know anything about the things that we've covered today how would you describe it or where would you start with your answer on what it is you investigate anything that's paranormal you know and that term me outside of normal so we all have our normality by us we think the world is as it is you know the world is sitting down in front of your TV you know watching uh you know Dancing with the Stars having your supper and going to sleep and every once in a while something happens that shatters that version of reality shatters that that calm of normality that is outside of the normal look at that with a very open mind uh do research uh I keep mentioning John Keel excellent excellent researcher he looked at this phenomena with a very uh open set of uh you know very open eyes with a very open mind and he looked at these experiences in a very totalitarian holistic kind of way uh be careful of what you find out there on the internet there's some really you know erroneous stuff out there there's some hoaxes out there that can take you down the long thing a long way find somebody that is respected in the community start reading what they have to say and start looking at their interview uh and you know if they have any published stuff uh you know start reading that even even better if they're speaking at an event go to that event actually sit down and talk to them you know these people also found are very approachable uh take your own journey and don't be LED on the journey by somebody else make up your own mind have your own experiences and have your own story what a fantastic way to end Today's Show Trey I do want to say thank you so much for being my guest today on Shifting the Paradigm where can people find you online to stay up to date with your research uh probably the best place is uh on Facebook uh it's Trey Hudson Das author uh if you're interested in our experiences in the meal project of course the meal project exploration of the South Skinwalker Ranch is on Amazon it's an ebook audio book hard cover soft cover you know we're actually uh publishing it in French hopefully in the next few months so it's out there uh and you know jump on Facebook that's ask me a question I'm I'm happy to uh answer anything that uh somebody thrs out there and as always I place all of the social media Links of my guests in the description box below so please make sure to follow or subscribe or get what you need from our guests right here Trey thank you once again thank you for having me it's been an honor [Music] if you enjoy the strange and the Mysterious UFOs the Paranormal encrypted this channel is for you so make sure to subscribe as I do three videos right here every single week and hit that notification Bell so you do not miss any of the bonus content I post right here

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