Episode 118 of Strangest News of the Week will look at the latest information regarding newly emerged images of the Jellyfish UFO / UAP, intriguing hints that big news is coming regarding James Webb Space telescope and radio telescope extraterrestrial life discoveries in space, the database known as Immaculate Constellation, UFO sightings over military bases, and much more.

Your source every week with Cristina Gomez for all the strange things in the news. From weird news stories, the mysterious, strange events, UFO news, UFO disclosure, paranormal activity, creepy news, fringe science, artificial intelligence, space news, alien news, UAP news, cryptids, and the unexplained.

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Show Transcript

here are all the strange news articles that you might have missed in the news today we will be covering everything pertaining to UFOs such as the new jellyfish video information strange sightings over military bases the hidden UFO program run by the government UFO disclosure and I'm saving my favorite for last let's get straight into it starting off with our first one being this jellyfish still and there's a lot of habub around this Jeremy Corbell originally released this jellyfish like picture back in January of 2024 and just (00:47) now in October we're supposedly getting more information but it's a little bit sketchy recent developments include alleged new HD footage from Afghanistan shared by an anonymous Source known as ghost revealing the objects purported shapeshifting capabilities from an orb to a tentacled like form this is crazy it's been nicknamed The afghanistani Reaper in the supposed ongoing investigation the craft exhibited unusual thermal properties and maneuverability including water submersion speculations about its (01:26) purpose range from it being a drop ship for Rapid deploy deployment of unknown beings to theories about it carrying bodies I mean look at these images right here are are we seeing paradia take place right in front of our eyes or is there really something to these images does it look like bodies to you does this look like a face to you it's kind of freaky now people are going to say oh my gosh do not believe everything that you read online which I completely agree but hear me out for this one simultaneously the best thing a leaker (02:04) can do is to publish it online and allow people to make up their own minds on what they think because at the end of the day we're talking about it right we're having this conversation right here right now we're thinking about all the possibilities and I think that is so important and so valuable as well but even so people are saying is it AI generated has the content been manipul ated is it legit and I think one of the biggest questions that we might have to ask ourselves is is this lending credibility to the original jellyfish (02:40) video that was released by Jeremy corbel or is this new information just writing on the bandwagon of Fame here that's something that I think really needs to be considered because it's interesting genuinely in the last week how much strange UFO related news we've received because you want to hear this next one for 17 consecutive days in December of 2023 a swarm of unidentified aircraft flew over Langley Air Force Base in Virginia baffling US security officials why am I bringing this up now this took (03:20) place in December of 2023 but we're just now getting this information and I need to really State this before we continue and that is that Langley irginia is the headquarters for the CIA just remember that just keep that in the back of your mind let's continue with this article US Air Force General Mark Kelly witnessed these nightly occurrences describing the quote drones and I'm putting that in air quotes here because the remaining information that I'm going to provide to you doesn't really sound like drones but (03:56) make up your own mind let's let's move forward describing the drones as moving constellations in the sky that is a very interesting description to place out there because in today's world we do not have to Define these sightings as constellations we did hundreds of years ago one of the biggest ones took place in Japan where the samurai generals were looking at these strange UFOs in the sky they brought it an expert at the the time and they said oh it's just it's just the Stars swaying With the Wind (04:35) we're kind of getting a similar analysis or description here in 2024 that's odd the the object flew at approximately 100 mph at an altitude of 3,000 to 4,000 ft with Witnesses comparing the sound to a parade of lawnmowers a lot of the times with UFO sightings the isn't sound but there are a handful of these strange sightings where it is emitting this odd noise let me State this on average on average your drones cannot go at 100 milph maybe anywhere from 30 to 60 but when we're dealing with military drones it's a (05:21) different ball game and you can't always find accurate information but that's something that I'm placing out there for you just to know the foundation of information when it comes to drones despite having Advanced tracking resources this this is crazy the US military failed to intercept these mysterious objects with the Jets that we have today you fail to intercept quote drones the incident was reported to President Joe Biden triggering two weeks of highlevel meetings involving officials from the Pentagon including (06:01) its UFO office arrow and the FBI where's the CIA in this it's in their headquarters right that's kind of was kind of weird the Drone incursions had significant impact on the Langley Air Force based operations nighttime training missions were cancelled and F22 fighter jets were relocated to another base us officials confirmed that similar unidentified drone swarms were spotted near Edwards Air Force Base in recent months and let me just mention here I have a lot of mentions with this article but they're all very important the (06:44) Edwards Air Force Base has had its fair share of UFO sightings and strange encounters Food For Thought on that one while investigations led to the arrest of a Chinese National for unrelated drone activities near Navy vessels the source of the LLY drone swarm remains take take a guess unidentified the incident has prompted calls from Congress for increased military authority to address such situations as current US law only permits shooting down drones over military bases if and only if they pose a direct threat there's a lot going on (07:30) in this article and I just feel like could they be drones in today's age possibly but when you're dealing with all of these big brains the FBI the Pentagon the UFO office talking about these drone swarms back in December of 2023 it's odd and it's odd that we're just getting this information now and yet it's not Public Announcement if you want to winf free merch my patreon members will be having a live get together event in November where we'll be playing UFO trivia games sharing your (08:10) experiences and being surrounded by like-minded people it went so well a few months ago that we're going to be doing it again and there's a bunch of perks to being a member such as getting extra content getting access to exclusive merch that I'm not selling but giving out to you live events and more that link is in the descript destion box below a leaked report shared with the newsletter public alleges the existence of a secret program called the immaculate constellation purported used by American Military and intelligence (08:44) officials to detect and quarantine UFO materials without congressional oversight this information has taken the media by storm Michael has been collecting this information for a decent period of time time speaking to what he classifies as credible whistleblowers and he's mentioned in his interviews that this is a very very big deal and it seems like other people are stating there is something to this but let's continue with this article the program described as an unacknowledged special Access program containing high (09:25) quality photographs videos firsthand accounts and El electronic sensor evidence of UFOs include mentions of alien reproduction Vehicles the report claims officials have a high level of confidence in the data gathered which includes an incident where these orb type UFOs allegedly swarmed an F22 fighter jet maintaining close proximity despite evasive maneuvers we've heard that too many times and funny enough we actually heard it in the last article didn't we if you've been listening you would have caught that little detail but we've (10:07) heard this so many times before the dod has denied the existence of the Immaculate constellation stating that there is quote no record present or historical of any type of special Access program now this denial comes into context of a congressionally mandated pentagon report published in March which found no evidence of the government possessing covering up or reverse engineering extraterrestrial technology and that is the report that was released by arrow that spoke about kona blue if you don't know about that you can find (10:48) that right here on this channel and a deeper analysis on that report as well because out of all the reports that we've gotten from Arrow from the UAP PF and the aoi MS that one was the most information Rich per se but in many respects still kind of another eye roller here it is so easy for the dod to say nope nothing to see here we don't know what you're talking about imagine if they said yes yes of course we have the immaculate constellation program do you want the you want the information on it that (11:25) would be the day that pigs legitimately fly in the air that would never happen because they would just dig a hole deeper for themselves and stating yeah we've been lying to you this entire time and keep believing us they're in a tough spot but who can we believe anymore seriously who has the goods who has the information and you know what we've heard for years in a month in a year in in 12 years we're going to get some Smoking Gun evidence of UFOs and aliens but we're still sitting here aren't we and we're hearing it (12:10) again but does this one hold Merit Simon Holland a filmmaker with experience in BBC and NASA funded documentaries claims that the Oxford backed breakthrough listen project has identified evidence of nonhuman intelligence within our own Galaxy the signal in question a 5our burst of radio waves detected on April 29th 2019 appeared to originate from the vicinity of Proxima centor a star 4. (12:46) 2 light years from Earth known as the BLC -1 has narrow Spectrum electromagnetic signal was initially thought to be an earth-based interference but Holland Source reportedly a senior EU radio telescope administrator suggests that the project is just now leaning towards confirming its extraterrestrial origin so they got this 5our radio burst back in 2019 here we are at the close to the end of 2024 and they're just now leaning toward this extraterrestrial possibility breakthrough listen a and for those that (13:30) don't know breakthrough listen is a $100 million nonprofit research project led by Dr Andrew Simon at Oxford University began in 2016 as part of the Yuri Milner's breakthrough initiatives the project used Australia's Parker's radio telescope to detect the bc-1 which exhibited characteristics consistent with hypothesized techno signatures and while the team initially concluded in 2021 that the signal was likely a false positive Holland claims that ongoing analysis may be changing this assessment I must say that the (14:16) timing is remarkable because in 2019 it was a different world yes we were talking about UFOs yes we had just received the New York Times article and talking about atip but we weren't fully on the band wagon with UFOs with receiving UFO reports from the government and just having this true enthusiastic appeal to this topic but now it's on everyone's mind in in many respects so I feel like it's appropriate for them to talk about it now and yet it's disappointing that they've been sitting on this data for (14:59) such a long period of time but it wasn't really being consistent with the narrative at the time Holland suggests that breakthrough listen is a race against China's 500 meter aperture spherical telescope also known as fast programmed to publish these findings with both teams reportedly expecting to announce confirmed signals from an alien civilization soon however at the latest public statement back in October of 2021 breakthrough listen had not officially changed its position on the BLC d1's origin but it's kind of interesting why (15:41) there's always been this speculation that proximus centor has something strange attached to it are there aliens living there possibly it's so close to Earth it's only 4.2 light years away which in terms of our galaxy and space and how far Things Are that's like a 5 minute walk to the grocery store or something so are we going to be getting the goods soon or do we have to wait another 8 to 10 years when the Europa Clipper Mission finally gets to its destination oh and if you didn't know NASA's Europa Clipper (16:16) Mission spacecraft successfully launched today at 12:06 p.m. EST from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida aboard a SpaceX Falcon heavy rocket the largest spacecraft NASA has ever built for a planetary Mission measuring 100 ft or about 30.5 M tipto tip with its solar array extended began its 1.8 billion mile Journey or 2. (16:50) 9 billion kilomet to Jupiter's icy Moon Europa and the launch originally scheduled for October 10th but it was delayed due to to Hurricane Milton and this marks the beginning of a mission designed to search for potential ingredience of life I am so excited about this I really really am for a handful of different reasons see what I did there handful sorry but let's talk a little bit more about this Clipper Mission before I kind of tell you why this might have to be one of my favorite articles the Clipper Mission set to (17:28) arrive at at Jupiter in April of 2030 will conduct 49 science focused flybys of Europa coming as close as 16 M or 25 km to the moon's surface and these flybys will help scientists investigate europa's potential habitability focusing on three main objectives determining the thickness of the moon's icy shell and its interaction with the subsurface ocean investig ating its composition and characterizing its geology and while not a life detecting Mission so they say Europa Clipper aims to confirm whether (18:10) Europa Harbors the necessary conditions for life like water chemistry and energy like water chemistry and energy and the spacecraft carries nine science instruments and a gravity science investigation designed to study the moon's suspected Global subsurface ocean which may contain twice as much liquid as all of the Earth's oceans combined the mission represents a significant step in understanding the astrobiological potential for habitable worlds beyond Earth so this is super exciting for a handful of reasons but (18:51) I'm going to lay down to you the biggest one and that is for the longest time we've been saying there must be an ocean right below europa's IC surface right and we we reading that in that article here but they're stating um there might be life but if you ever went to school or just like I don't know walked near to a water plant everywhere it says water equals life and life always finds a way to live in practically anything there was a study shown that there's just this one type of fly that can actually lay eggs (19:33) in tar and that's how they flourish in tar that's insane but it's possible if we're able to get our equipment on Europa drill into those 10 to 15 miles of ice I genuinely think without a doubt they will find Space Dolphins space whales space jellies and all these different things and it's going to be so exciting it's going to be so remarkable and yet somehow in some way humans will find a way to make it into a tourist attraction which I would go to if I were to be honest here I would but it's very very exciting it (20:14) because it just displays to ourselves and to the world that there really is something beyond our planet Earth and once we get this information it's solidified we're able to collect all that data I don't think we'll be having these conversations anymore of what if did you hear about that sighting is it alleged is it real you see what I'm saying here I I think it's going to make a very big difference to the conversation as a whole when it comes to the UFO phenomenon if you enjoyed the show hit that like button right down (20:45) below and subscribe if you haven't already as I do several shows right here every single week and this week is going to be jam packed with some very interesting videos that you do not want to miss so hit that notific ification Bell so that you get notified when we go live also I do write articles for all the shows right here and you can find that link in the description box below that is it for today I will see you next time be safe and remember keep your eyes on the skies [Music] [Music] if you enjoy the strange and the (21:34) Mysterious UFOs the Paranormal encrypted this channel is for you so make sure to subscribe as I do three videos right here every single week and hit that notification Bell so you do not miss any of the bonus content I post right here"

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