What's being seen, and reported in the United States regarding UFO UAP sightings, and Mystery Drone events is the tip of the iceberg. Incredible UFO Encounters and Mystery Drone Sightings in Argentina are occurring with increasing intensity and frequency, as well as Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom, and many other nations. In this special interview, I speak with Fernando Hildebrandt, who is a UFO journalist, researcher and investigator from Argentina. A member of the UFO research group ALAS (América Latina por Aeroespacios Seguros), created in 2024, made for pilots to document their UFO encounters, he has always had an interest in the UFO phenomenon, an interest that chose him. Since a young age, him and his family have had strange encounters with UFOs and even the Men in Black. Fernando travels across Argentina and South America looking for answers and trying finding the most compelling cases.

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Show Transcript

The militaries there were training and suddenly they see this object and the general says sh that thing down that artifact whatever whatever it was should back and hurs at least one of the soldiers spent a week at the hospital and and stops over the plane in flag Illuminating the the cabin and travels with the plane and then goes forward and and and back goes flying again and he said okay I need to tell this to someone what is going on he went to make the report and we do know they burne d that report they were working last night and (01:04) they started to see lights coming out from the water like drones he told me and flying over the over the boat and go into land it sounds very much like what's happening in New Jersey with us today is UFO researcher from Argentina Fernando hilderbrand thank you so much for being here how are you fine hi and Christina thank you so much for inviting me I'm a little bit nervous I I must say because it's my first interview in English and you know I speak a little bit like a caveman but I'm gonna try to (01:43) do my best here to communicate what is going on here and the way we see the phenomenon here in Argentina a lot of the times when people think of UFO researchers they think of people from the US or the UK but Argentina needs to be on that list list as well because not only does the country have a lot of strange cases but a lot of incredible researchers and investigators and so I'm so grateful that you're here today and even though you're a little bit nervous your English is very very good honestly (02:14) it is and I'm very excited to get to know more about your research get to know a little bit more about the country as well but before we even touch on Argentina for those that aren't familiar with you and your work how did you get into this topic okay it's a long story but I'm going to try to do it short I was just a little kid I think I I was like five years old and we lived in La Pampa which is a state in the center of the country H with my family my father had a ranch there and we were coming back from a (02:56) town near the ranch we were there for the grocery and where we were coming back it was winter so H it was just night at 6:00 p.m. and we suddenly see a red light in the woods and we all immediately thought okay that's Fire and Fire in in the fields in the country is a big problem and the ranch next to my father's Ranch was from my uncle so we went to the my uncle's Ranch and we told him okay you have fire on your Ranch and I remember seeing the mens getting ready to fight fire and and and calling the (03:42) some other people in the town to help and I remember they went to fight the fire and came back 15 minutes later and there they were amazed because that red light lift up and fly over their heads it it was not fire it was a UFO and that was my first encounter with the phenomenon but at the same time my family ER which is a very old family from here in Argentina and also Europe had a lot of encounters with the even I will say the the the high strangest of of the phenomena and I remember very clearly the the event my (04:36) my father lived uh right there at his Ranch in La Pampa One Night in 1972 he was about to go to sleep and he looks outside and see some lights um on a hill that was right in front of the main house and another and a worker from the ranch comes and knocks the door and says Mr Silva we have some gypsies up there because in those times we had NAD gypsies going f rom Ranch to Ranch and and they say okay let's go and speak with them and and try to make a deal so they can stay a few days and my father gets a rifle with Six (05:29) Bullets just in case and that's a good way to start a conversation right fair you you really don't know what what you're going to find in the in the fields in the middle of the night you know it's all dark and you're seeing these likes well they were a little bit worried but they never saw thought that this could ever be a UFO or something like that and and they jumped into a Jeep and start driving on a on a road in the woods and they were seeing this likes and comes to a point where they stopped the (06:06) engine the the engine of the je of the Jeep so the intention was not alert the the Jeeps is they they were coming so they stop the engine and the vehicle keeps going and and they also uh turn off the lights so the the vehicle keeps going in the dark and in that very same moment the the the worker my father's friend says Mr Silva there is a deer you see it it's a deer when you are in in in the fields at night and and you put your uh your your the lights of your car on a on an animal you see the light reflected on the (06:57) eyes what they were seeing was two little orange eyes looking at them but the thing is the legs of the Jeep were off so those eyes were emitting that orange like you know were self-illuminated my father says okay but that can't be a deer because our lights are off so well they stop the Jeep they they uh go out and start walking to this thing whatever it was with the rifle but the ball in the the ballets were in the in the pocket just in case uh for security the thing is that thing starts walking back to uh the field the the main field (07:52) they had there in the hill which was surrounded by by by Forest by woods and what they see is uh outstanding lights in the sky lights over the the grass and and and the pastures and seven round windows with yellow light inside and three m movement behind those little windows and sees the movement of the reflectors and everything working and but there was no sound and the two orange eyes still walking backwards to the what we now know it was the main ship the thing is they decided to make some shots in the air to call the attention of the gypsies again so my father had six ballets he (09:49) did five shots in the air and nothing happened everything was uh quiet but with a lot of things happening at the same time so he decided to s d at the same time my uncle I told you he lived in the ranch next to my father's Ranch was coming back from uh the discotek uh in the town with like 20 other people and and they were all traveling on on trucks and and cars going to the to the ranch because they were going to have a barbecue the next day which was Sunday and when they were coming back to the ranch they saw the lift up from my father's Ranch um a flying saucer a perfect Flying Saucer shiny silver in the middle of the night (12:33) and pado is a psychologist and they are both both (14:08) of them are very good friends friends of mine and I spoke with them about this because I'm highly at some point I'm highly skeptical about my own experiences you know I always try to find the easy explanation you know the the oam racer I think there is a a connection between uh the the families the members of of the families and the phenomenon but what I really know what I do know is my mother had experiences my grandmother had experience ER because of some things happening in the sky and with pilots from Airlines here in Argentina h on a daily basis almost (16:40) Pablo decided to start with alas yeah one year ago and we started to work to provide Pilots uh a safe environment to speak about what is happening in the skies that's the idea of alas giving them the way to share what is going on build a database and start to work with institutions to try to understand what is what is going on in the sky to prevent things like an even go so they start the the flight to Buenos is coming back to Buenos ciris and they see that light again like 60 kilometers away from Bari flying on a circular pattern ER over Uranian plant we have there okay (19:18) which is very interesting because of the interest interesting uh thing about UFOs and nuclear activities but the other flight the first flight that we knew had some uh problems was I I guess it was flight 16 65 from ER aolin Argentinas which is Argentina airw Airways that flying to B ir Force which is uh something like your a but in a Kawai version can we say something like little pretty office with three or four monitors there and a guy trying to identify leaves birds and satellites that's all they do H the thing is and it's terrible because when our director Duco went to try to (21:59) communicate to the Air Force what happened with him he was flying from uh the Patagonia to buenosaires and he finds an object which comes from his right and and stops over the plane in flag see here so we we needed alas we we need Alas and we're always working to provide confidence and in a place for the pilots to share what they see in the skies I know Pablo is doing a very good job with pilots from other country countries like Peru Uruguay Mexico chile so no nothing we just have like 12 months of of uh work we are just starting but the we have very strong material and a lot of cases because the (24:27) pilots see some very intriguing things Christina is unbelievable I in in my la that's another thing we need need to check we need to go there and try to find the daning lights how would you compare the mentality of people from Argentina to those in the US when it comes to publicly talking about UFOs is there a stigma or is it a pretty easy conversation to have with people very good question because when I see the way the people in the United States of America communicate their experiences I see they try to explain what happened the best way they can but at the same time uh tina also and the reasons are exactly the same people here have the same fears you have there to speak about what (28:46) happens because of the stigma and the stigma has the same Roots exactly the same Roots so yes we are a little bit more open not so much to the media we are more open to speak about the phenomenon between each others and friends and family and we share it and yeah is is is mostly something that is like daily basis and accepted but at the same time the stigma is still very pres e third case this week I heard like that uh the other two I need to confirm the information I'm not sure about that but that case this morning uh I mean last night is is really interesting and combines with what happened there but the also in September (31:16) 2023 we had our own Invasion here we have a naval base uh is an aerial Naval Base because because you have planes and and and boats and submarines there in Baya Blanca and the thing is this space the thing goes like like this we receive I one of them stops very high in the sky and the other two starts flying around closer to the to the ground and obviously they thought they were being attacked so they started to try to shut this this I I even spoke to sorry a friend took spoke to a man who is a mechanic and my friend told me a mechanic inside the base and my friend told me that H the thing is the that (33:48) night uh the militaries there were training and suddenly they see this object hovering them and the general says shoot tha owners of the place hey did you let the Army come here to make to train and no they never were they were never here we have people 24 hours working here it's impossible that night we were working working here no no no shots no Army no nothing Well since they they they cannot uh stand with the story of the army changed the story again and they said that in instead that it was the Navy doing an exercise with an helicopter and another good friend of mine and part of my team Pablo Alvarez (36:24) w as no sense (37:59) so yeah things like that what you're seeing in New Jersey also happens here in Argentina and I have to say people is reporting all the time in places like Victorian tros La Pampa Rio negro uh Neen those are names of different states people is reporting on a daily basis uh yes I saw uh a flying saucer or black triangle or something that that looked like a drone but but then it went off on a impossible speed and no sonic boom and people losing time and seeing strange creatures ocean uh just a few miles away from from the show I don't know in which moment happened but suddenly a gate opens in in (40:34) one of the objects this is from a a report made by a intelligence officer retired who who told the story and he also said that all the pictures and videos were taken by some people and send it to the United States but the thing is a gate opened in one of the objects at some point a chair comes goes down to the water and a little Bing starts coming down from the with a b d of any of these cases before in 1962 also a very close to that navy base which by the way is called espora was warned of something falling from the sky or maybe shoot down a UFO in 196 1962 there is a treaty with the United (43:03) States of America that all the space material falling from the sky in Argentina should be shared with the United States of America that treaty was signed ER during the Cold War and I am assuming it was to find Soviet technology falling in other countries in friendly countries whenever they talk about UFOs it's like they're always holding back we've seen this of course in the US we can say that for AR Ina we've seen it for Japan as well and a few other countries and it's disappointing that they are not willing to share that information with the public but even so that's what makes our (45:38) work and our research so interesting is to fill in those gaps but sometimes you got to be a little careful for you you might have had an encounter with the Men in Blac en once the the the the the house was ready to be occupi we we moved to the new house but the the surroundings of the of that house all of the other houses were empty you know it was a neighborhood that was not still operating as a neighborhood it it was a closed place we were there because my father was friend of the architect the the owner of the project and we moved a few weeks weeks before the inauguration of the neighborhood the thing is we had no (48:10) telephone there we had no number on ngly interested in the stories of my father a few years later my father died and maybe two years after that my mother in another place in another city here in buenosaires on on a he was making a uh a course of ah I'm sorry I've lost the word again but well she was studying marketing and er there was a convention and then suddenly in in the PE in the crowd he saw he he saw the same men coming to her dressed exactly the same with the same brief case the same clothes he was (51:08) exactly the same some others the thing is I asked Serpa if (52:59) there was a possibility because he he he wrote a book about the the Men in Black and he always said he knew the Men in Black and I asked him is it possible that the Men in Black that you talk about are the CIA agents I found on this documents and he tells me yeah 100% yes absolutely and all the operations to ridiculizar me again he was I I guess he was car for for the sound of his voice we were spoking on the phone I I I I have the recording I s these phone calls and I need I I must add when I spoke to the chief of security from the bares airport (56:07) Pablo Lea I mention I mentioned Pablo earlier when when when I spoke to him he was receiving messages constantly from the same person telling him no what you saw were was just satellite what the the the crew saw was just a satellite don't speak about that don't talk about that don't speak with Fernando or anyone else and he showed me the messages he took screenshots and he sent me the ven what with all that happened with my family and but I am not so sure the Men in Black are like devoted to by Cadillacs and black suits and strange Hots and and drive through the the the roads of Argent looking for (58:58) Witnesses no I think they are more a little bit more sinisters because they have power political power and they are in good positions in in the government and they they can they can they can easily make your your life a hell because you can lose your job you you can lose you na that's very similar to Skinwalker Ranch in Utah tell us about that location and where it might be and some of the things that have been experienced there look to be honest I guess I should be talking about like seven eight nine states of (1:01:02) Argentina which are just like a big skin walker Ranch but there is a a Zone and three states combined which are La Pampa noen and Rio negro and there you have h a lot of plains you have some hills you have mountains of the on the on the west and tha t some people still do it he has pinons and he told me that when he sends pons to the Pampa he knows they're always going to take some more time to arrive because the pinons are going around a Zone they will not enter and that zone is right in the middle of the hot spot of the area the whole area is a hot spot and the pinons won't get in there the Ping obviously (1:03:50) there there are birds inside that that place but the pinons who are traveling from one place to another well they they make t the the the road and then I felt a little bit dizzy and then I was in the corner of the of the church I said how do we get here which was like 15 20 minutes was made in four minutes and the watch of his mother was stucked on 4:00 which was the hour he they left the little Tong called angil and he showed me the the clock was stocked at 4:00 it was amazing and things like that all the time all the time there in the Pampa Rio negro noen uh also Victoria ENT Rios which is another state another (1:0 e from the from his store the the trees which are marking the place where the (1:08:30) the these strangers these aliens were expecting for him H in the other side of the of a Mist that morning surrounding everything on that field I mean he has the the typical side effects that experiences show like recognition coming be through dreams things that finally come true I was sitting in the middle of the night with him he was looking to the other side the last time I was at at his house and he was lo hing going on in the sky with that little like going back and forward and yeah he pointed that that place and well then Rob came and gave him a laser and asked him to H show where the light was and he pointed (1:11:14) exactly to the place where I saw the last movement of the light so one has this these kind of things he had some very interesting encounters he worked a lot what the thing I like the most of one's experiences is that he's working real close with a psychiatrist so we know Juan has knew very well he didn't know where where he was but suddenly he finds again the mist and behind the Mist which is the name of a book about him written by the psy psychiatrist Nestor baranda behind the Mist there is a ship a saer landed on the ground several white beings tall white beings and he obviously is a little bit (1:14:09) scared but he knows these beings are the same beings from his first experience experience but the most mind-blowing thing is that right in the middle of the white tol different levels but somehow interacting with the phenomenon and in the case of Juan Perez you can see clearly the interaction with the phenomenon it is not always good it is not always easy sometimes it's really hard for the experiencer but mostly because of the stigma and the people uh not believing them what happened and I really like that case because I think it is very human and at the same time is it is 100% hike Strang justness and I think (1:16:55) the the high strange justness is the re show them on video (1:18:15) and all of his links will be in the description box below Fair thank you again thank you Christina see you next time if you enjoy the strange and the Mysterious UFOs the Paranormal encrypted this channel is for you so make sure to subscribe as I do three videos right here every single week and hit that notification Bell so you do not miss any of the bonus content I post right here

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