A lot of fascinating speculation and rumors are circulating about our nearest neighboring star system of Proxima Centauri. The star system has several worlds but of most interest is Proxima Centauri B. From potential signals coming from the planet to the possibility that the James Webb Space Telescope has imaged artificial lights on the night side of the Super Earth, are we finally going to get 'Disclosure' via the discovery of intelligent life on that planet..? These things we will cover in today's show.

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Show Transcript

Hey there, everyone. We are live and we are covering the latest update on a very strange audio signal from Proxima B. We're not doing a fancy intro or anything like that. We're just going live like we are doing right now. I want to say hello and welcome to everyone catching this live on a Friday. We've been doing a show every single day this last week. Yeah, it's been interesting. So let's talk about Proxima B. What's going on there? What features does it have? Before we actually get into the signals, why am I mentioning this? Because even though this is being talked about a lot, Not a lot of us have a foundation on why this planet is significant in multiple ways. Do you see where I'm going with this? Along with a few other things we're going to be mentioning, like the alleged congressional briefing about the JWST, talking about the James Webb Space Telescope as well, and musing about how this information is going to impact the conversation when it comes to UFO disclosure and the entire UFO phenomenon as well. If you're enjoying this live right here, right now, hit that like button right down below and subscribe if you haven't already. I'm going to say some hellos to people. Hi, Nathan. Hi, Dickie. Hi, Mark and Mike as well. What is going on, people? This is so exciting. So let's talk about... Proxima b just for a few moments because this is an exoplanet that is orbiting Proxima Centauri and it's about four point two light years away, which in terms of space, that's a several minute walk to the grocery store. It is so incredibly close. It's actually unbelievable, again, in the terms of how space is and how far apart everything is. And this particular location has definitely captured the imagination of astronomers since it was first discovered. believe not that long ago, again, in terms of space understanding and how long we've had astronomers in our human history as well. But it's about thirty percent larger than Earth and it completes an orbit around its star in just eleven point two Earth days. For Earth, it takes us on average thirty days. They're doing it in eleven. That's insane. That's unbelievable. In terms of speed, you're aging there a lot faster. But on top of that, it's a tidally locked planet as well, which means that one side is always facing their sun, which in this case is a red dwarf, and the other side is in a consistent darkness. Then you have this horizon between the dark and the light, which is always this... How we understand it, this like perfectly temperate area where you can have that balance between dark and light, where you can probably grow vegetation much better than these one scorched side or one freezing cold side as well. And we've been pointing telescopes at this planet for a very long time. And it wasn't until twenty nineteen when the breakthrough initiatives captured this very strange signal from this planet. And they have been sitting on this information since twenty nineteen. So do the math. How many years that's been? Five. Five years. Five. And they're stating they mentioned that, according to Simon Holland, which we're going to get into in just a moment. He's told the world through his YouTube channel that originally Breakthrough Initiative thought it was just some kind of interference, because whenever we're dealing with telescopes. And understanding like radio waves or any of these other kinds of signals, we're always dealing with interference every single time. And it's learning how to filter that out. So originally in twenty nineteen, they're like, I think it's us. I think it's us noisy humans. But as the years have progressed and we've gotten a better understanding of this kind of of audio, they're kind of leaning towards another possibility that it might be not from planet Earth, but it might actually be from Proxima b. So I'm going to play this signal. It's a little under, it's twenty seconds long. Let's go ahead and play it. It's a very spooky and very cool sound. If you've heard anything that has ever come from NASA's audio recordings of space, it definitely has that eerie, almost horror type sound to them that we hear in movies from the seventies and eighties. And we're kind of hearing that yet again. And Simon does a really good explanation on what we're hearing and why we can rule out that it's not coming from Earth. And it's dealing with the Doppler effect, where you kind of hear this kind of vibe. That's what he was explaining in his show. And that link will be in the description box below for you to watch on your own time. But something else is that this was a five-hour burst. It wasn't a few minutes. five hours. That is significant, especially when we are also understanding how far Earth is from Proxima b. Again, that is four point two light years away. So I thought to myself, With our television signals, with our radio signals, how long has Proxima B been potentially getting those signals? Because I cannot emphasize enough how noisy of a planet we are, planet Earth. And we've had radio for a little under a hundred years, and that just emits right outside of our planet into space, and it's going at light speed. And there's no stopping point. So that means, let's say, if there was intelligent life on Proxima b, they've been getting it for decades, our noisiness. Which I think is pretty exciting and something that NASA has been pushing for since, what, the sixties and seventies with the golden record, right? They really have been pushing to have another planet that has intelligent life to get our messages and have it be, in this case for Proxima B, radio and television. Hopefully they have tuned into the good stuff. OK, it'd be so awesome if they could like tune into some cooking or some interesting news or like science facts of things that we found in space. That would be awesome. But not like the white noise of celebrity gossip. That will mean nothing to them. You see what I mean? Let me ask you this. Those catching this live and those in the comments as well. If you were an alien living in Proxima b, what station would you like to be tuned into? What would you like to learn from an alien planet? Let me know. I'd like to read those out loud as well, because I think that would be really fun. I already told you mine. I think it'd be cooking right now. I'm in this like cooking phase where anything that I find on Instagram, I'm thinking I can make that. And nine out of ten, they succeed. But that one time they absolutely fail. So let's hear what what you have to say about that. What would you like to tune into? Let's see. John says history. Nice. Classic. What kind of history? There's so much. Discovery Channel says GH. Okay. Seventy says they're ideas of religion. Ooh. Sean says music from the sixties. Classic stuff. Orchestral music says Brandon. Okay. Getting fancy, but I do like it. You got to be in the mood for it. Sing with jazz, but it's some good stuff. Food Network. Yeah, Sticky. Kevin Cartoons. Oh, yeah. SpongeBob, right? All the good stuff. This has become very interesting with this signal, which has been labeled as the BLC-I. It was detected back in But what's significant about this is not only it being detected by breakthrough initiatives, but also what Simon had mentioned, stating they're kind of holding off on this. They want SETI to break this. They want SETI to come forward because they are the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. Like that is their job. And yet they're sitting on the sidelines. I found that odd. I feel like they should be the number one people to be raising their hands and say, guys, guess what? World, you will not comprehend what we just found. This is the coolest thing in our planet and beyond. You better listen up. SETI hasn't done that. Actually, SETI hasn't given us anything significant since the wow signal. And that was decades ago. Since then, they've been sitting in the shadows. Doing what? Someone answer me. I'd love to know because they're getting all this funding, but we haven't gotten anything good until this, until this recording, this signal that I played just a moment ago. And this is corresponding really well in this timeline of the conversation of UFOs because in the second week of September, we heard of this rumor, it was kind of brushing through the internet, that the U.S. Congress had received an alleged briefing on the James Webb Space Telescope, the JWST. So then Ask a Poll speaks to Representative Andre Carson and says... Did you have a classified briefing on the JWST? And Carson says, no comment. You know when you use the term no comment, you've probably used it once in your life, at least once. You use it when you have the answer, but you're like, I probably shouldn't be saying this right now. But we can read between the lines. It's not hard. Put on your spectacles and take a little bit of a reading. No comment? That's kind of a giveaway of a yes. Unless I'm being too optimistic here. And you can say, Christina, you're out of your mind. Christina, you're crazy. That's not at all what it means. I think it does. But I have no problem being proved wrong. It doesn't bother me. If anything, I want to be proven wrong. But this is just landing so nicely with this recent signal coming from supposedly Proxima b. Then we have these alleged sightings of lights being seen on this planet. This is significant. And now I'm bringing up the JWST for a second time. Why is that? Do you remember when it launched back in December of twenty twenty one? We were so pumped. We were so excited. I remember watching that launch thinking, this is the best day of my life. But what was sketchy was that it was offline for the first six months it was launched. There was no need for that, from my understanding. Now, I'm not an astronomer. I don't work for NASA. I don't know their protocols. But it's suspicious to me that for six months straight, we got no information from the JWST. That would have been the prime time to be shooting the telescope right at Proxima b. And several months later, Avi Loeb, Harvard professor Avi Loeb, by the way, wrote an article on Medium February of twenty twenty two stating with our understanding of the JWST and the technology that's attached to it, they would be able to see lights on Proxima B. Easy. No problem. That's a big brain to make that kind of statement. That's a big deal. But have we gotten anything from the JWST and images of Proxima Centauri? We've gotten blobs, the poopiest images you can ever get from a telescope. We've gotten from the JWST, which was several billion dollars, by the way, and it gave us nothing. But it would take a picture of like the farthest nebula in the entire universe off. Stunning. Beautiful image. Or like the penguin in the egg image that we got from the JWST just a few months ago. Stunning. But an image of Proxima b, a pixely reddish yellowish blob nonsense. I don't buy it. I don't. Well, what I would say is everything is laying out like a layered cake here. Back to back to back. The JWST could not get out of the limelight right now. Proxima B is flooding our feed online, talking about supposed strange lights on the dark side of this tidally locked planet. These strange signals that were that was released by Simon Holland as well. All of these different things are going on at this moment, which I think we have to muse about this just for a few minutes. Will disclosure come from information like this of our neighboring exoplanet harbors intelligent life? Instead of, did you see that mass sighting across Phoenix, Arizona just yesterday? Maybe this is how disclosure is going to pan out. Or it might be a mass siding. Maybe it'll come from the government, but that one I highly, highly doubt. How do you think disclosure is going to be happening? Is it going to be through something like this or not? Let me know in the comments. Let me know in the live chat as well. Because it's a serious conversation and question that we need to ask ourselves and others as well. Seventy says, yes, disclosure will happen from the JWST. That would be very interesting to see. And then maybe at some point we might see images that it took during the first six months it was launched. Because I feel like that time period must have been the most significant data collection period for the James Webb Space Telescope. Taking pictures of all the potential locations that these astronomers believe where life might be. But they can't share it with the world because we don't want our adversaries to know about it. You know how boring that is? You know how boring hiding stuff is and being a disinformation agent is? It's lame. I'm tired. And I'm not even that old. And I'm tired of the lies and the disinfo and saying, oh, look over here, but not over here. I'm like, guys, just give it to me now. What difference at this point is it going to make? We're talking about this. We're having these conversations. We're so open-minded about these possibilities. How is it going to hurt us? Or is it just because those that hold the knowledge hold the power? Is that really what it's down to? Power? Boring. Boring. I'm just kind of upset about that, really. Also, when looking at Proxima Centauri, the sun, their version of their sun, right, is four point eight five billion years old, which is slightly older from our sun, which is four point six billion years old. If we're comparing these two suns together, ours and theirs, and how our planet has evolved with intelligent life being in the habitable zone, could we apply that same idea to this neighboring exoplanet where they're about the same age as us? When it comes to our sun, Proxima b is in the habitable zone. That planet is also around the same age as planet Earth. Wouldn't it maybe make sense for them to be having other entities having conversations of, hey, did you hear about Earth? There might be life on it. That'd actually be awesome. We could simultaneously be having the exact same conversation in this moment. And we don't even know each other's existence fully, right? Like we're not pen pals just yet. Do you remember having pen pals back in elementary school? Talking to someone in a different country, write them a letter because you were required to. But then some people actually kept that friendship. Imagine if we could do that at an intergalactic scale. Oh, that'd be so exciting. I want to do that right now. Right now. This show is meant to be short and sweet, talking about Proxima B, the signals, the lights, and all the other layering information. With that, if you enjoyed the show, hit that like button right down below. And before you head out, if you want to speak with like-minded people, sharing your thoughts, your insights, your experiences, or even talking about what we've mentioned right here on this channel and on this show, come to the Discord server with almost four thousand other like-minded people. That link is right here and I know one of my amazing mods will also place that link in the live chat for you as well but that is it for today ending this week strong with five shows and strange news will still be on monday don't have to worry about that but that is it for today I will see you soon be safe and remember keep your eyes on the skies if you enjoy the strange and the mysterious ufos the paranormal and cryptids this channel is for you so make sure to subscribe as I do three videos right here every single week and hit that notification bell so you do not miss any of the bonus content I post right here

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